Home Grape Kantor Vadim Evgenievich Buryatia biography. New Minister of Natural Resources Vadim Kantor: I am grateful to fate that it brought me to Lake Baikal. After all, the plans already included the construction of landfills

Kantor Vadim Evgenievich Buryatia biography. New Minister of Natural Resources Vadim Kantor: I am grateful to fate that it brought me to Lake Baikal. After all, the plans already included the construction of landfills

Vadim Kantor. Screenshot from YouTube / channel "TeleRadioCompany Tivikom"

The Ministry of Natural Resources was headed by Vadim Kantor from the Regional Development Fund

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Buryatia has a new head - from now on, the department is headed by Vadim Kantor, who previously worked in the regional development fund of the republic and held the post of deputy general director there. The decree on his appointment was signed on Wednesday, September 5, by the head of the region Alexei Tsydenov.

To appoint Kantor Vadim Evgenievich as the Minister of Natural Resources and a member of the government of Buryatia, the document says.

The decree has already entered into force. By the way, the new minister's track record also includes work at Bashneft. Recall that Kantor's predecessor, Yuri Safyanov, wrote a statement in April "on his own." As it turned out, the former head of the department had been negotiating with Novatek for several months and received an offer, which, by his own admission, "could not refuse."

May 3 is my last working day, then I leave for Moscow, ”he told Vostok-Teleinform news agency.

The former head of the Ministry of Natural Resources became the general director of Novatek-Kamchatka LLC, which was created last spring, the Kamchatka-Inform website wrote. Earlier, Moskovsky Komsomolets in Buryatia reported that, according to rumors, the dismissal of Yuri Safyanov may be related to a corruption scandal surrounding criminal cases initiated against another of his ex-deputies, Alexander Lbov, as well as the failure of plans to determine a regional operator for organizing the collection and disposal of waste.

Safyanov was appointed to the post of Minister of Natural Resources of Buryatia on June 19, 2014 - after Bair Angaev left the post. He won an open competition, ahead of six competitors, including the aforementioned Lbov and the former head of the republican forestry agency, Alexei Shchepin. Previously, the ex-minister headed the Vertex company and Khuzhir Enterprise LLC in the Okinsky district of Buryatia.

Friday, December 20

24th lunar day with the element Wind. A lucky day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. It is favorable to perform rituals to improve life and for wealth, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, pacify the enemy, prevent theft, for good deeds. Avoid dangerous situations. An unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger and the Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching. Going on the road is a big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones.

Hair cutting - to health problems.

Saturday, December 21

25th lunar day with the element Fire. Bad day. It is not recommended to move, change jobs, accept and give away a daughter-in-law, hold a funeral, make new acquaintances, make friends, hire a nurse, workers, increase physical activity. An unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Mouse and the Pig. It is favorable to make important decisions, start treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, buy and sell things. A lucky day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Going on the road - to increase well-being.

Haircut - to deterioration of vision, to fatigue.

Sunday, December 22

26th lunar day with the element Earth. A lucky day for people born in the Year of the Dragon. It is favorable to complete the work begun, to comprehend science, to study astrology, to begin to treat diseases, to carry out an operation, to invite friends to visit, to bring a daughter-in-law, to give a daughter as a bride, as well as for developmental affairs. Going on the road - to success, all your plans will come true. It is not recommended to give or sell livestock, horses, sheep.

In September, a new Minister of Natural Resources was appointed in Buryatia. It was Vadim Evgenievich Kantor, who previously worked at the Regional Development Fund of the Republic. He spoke in an interview about what connects these two positions, how Vadim Kantor got to Buryatia and whether personnel changes are planned in the Ministry of Natural Resources .

Vadim Evgenievich, you headed the Ministry of Natural Resources of Buryatia after working at the Regional Development Fund. What links these two positions?

Yes, I worked as Deputy General Director of the Regional Development Fund of the Republic of Buryatia, my field of activity included issues related to investments. The Government of Buryatia has identified priority areas for the development of the economy, and one of the areas is the development of the mineral resource complex. So, by the nature of my activity in the Fund, I had to deal with these issues, so I am already familiar with some of the problems of the ministry. Plus, we at the Foundation were conducting a project to introduce the institution of a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the Republic of Buryatia, so I know this part of my current duties as well. There is, of course, a large layer of administrative work that will have to be mastered, I try and the staff of the ministry helps me in this.

- How was the decision on your appointment made, were you in some kind of personnel reserve?

The decision on my appointment was made by the head of Buryatia, Alexei Sambuevich Tsydenov, apparently based on assessments of the quality of my work as deputy director of the Fund. The curator of the Regional Development Fund, as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources of Buryatia, is the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development, so I suppose there were recommendations from him, as well as from my immediate supervisor.

- Has your functionality changed a lot now?

Yes, I repeat, a large amount of administrative work has been added, because the Regional Development Fund is a structure that is maximally unloaded from administrative functions in order to direct all efforts towards attracting investment. The ministry, by virtue of its specificity, performs a large amount of paperwork.

- Can you tell us briefly about yourself, where are you from, where do you live, how did you end up in Buryatia?

I was born in the city of Ufa in 1969, where I graduated from high school and university. Due to the nature of his work, he had to move around Russia quite a lot. At various times he lived and worked in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, a new challenge for me was work in Ulan-Ude, and at the beginning of last summer I came to Buryatia. There were, I will not hide, reflections, but short-lived.

- What were your first impressions of the region?

I come from Bashkiria, this republic is similar in terms of climate and national color, so I can’t say that I was very surprised by something in Buryatia. But, of course, Baikal causes deep impressions, this is a completely unique lake, the largest of which is not on the whole planet. Nowhere else in the world can you see something like this. In general, I visited Baikal on the second or third day after my arrival in Buryatia, I went by car into the night.

- Have you ever planned to come to Lake Baikal, say, for a holiday?

To be honest, once upon a time, I flew in an airplane over Baikal, when I was still a child, and then I had such an idea that someday I would get here. And so it happened, the stars converged and I am grateful to fate that it led me to Baikal.

- How did your family react to your appointment, where is it now, who is it?

I already have an adult, adult daughter, there is a 12-year-old son. My family is still in Ufa, but plans to move here. There are many issues to be resolved regarding the school, circles and sections, my son goes in for sports. I think the situation will be determined within the next year. While I try, if possible, to visit my homeland, to see them. We communicate almost daily by phone and skype.

Have you managed to get acquainted with the subordinated economy, are there any plans for the future? What are you planning to focus on in your work? What do you see as the main goals?

The subordinated economy is quite large, so far I am trying to get acquainted with the whole team. My first goal is to assess the personnel potential of the ministry, it is known that personnel decide everything, this industry is no exception. We need a cohesive, close-knit team to solve the problems set by the government of the Russian Federation and Buryatia.

Are you planning any personnel changes?

While I'm rubbing myself, I look at the team, the team looks at me. I think that within two or three weeks, a maximum of a month, we will decide on the future structure of the ministry.

- But this is not the first team under your supervision, what impressions did you get from it?

Today, the impression is that the team is quite close-knit, certainly competent, people with extensive experience work, our staff turnover is not high, it should be noted.

- But theoretically, some permutations can be?

And not only theoretically.

What would you call now the main problem that needs to be solved? For example, garbage is called one of the main problems of Baikal. Moreover, tourism is being developed in Buryatia, and on our coast it is not clear what is with the garbage ...

I would move away from the definition, “it is not clear what” - just with this, obvious progress has been observed recently. The areas of responsibility on Baikal have been defined, everyone knows who is responsible for what territory, this year significantly more money was allocated for garbage collection on the coast. I repeatedly asked people, went out myself, evaluated - after all, it becomes much cleaner. There is still the problem of large landfills, and it is clear that Buryatia will not be able to eliminate the accumulated damage only on its own, this should be a joint work of the federation and the republic. The issue of liquidation of landfills is included in the FTP plan for the protection of Lake Baikal, I hope we will receive funding and try to save Baikal and its inhabitants from these landfills.

- Will the regional waste management operator do this?

Including. We are introducing a completely new waste management system, it is being implemented with great difficulty, but we are trying to approach the problem with maximum attention. And the question is moving, I must say. Recently, a presentation of the first mobile waste sorting station was held in Ulan-Ude. Unfortunately, stationary sorting facilities in the city have not yet been launched, and there are simply none in the republic. A mobile station is such a compromise solution, and in the future, federal supervisory authorities recommend that we immediately make landfills for waste disposal combined with sorting. And there is an order of the Government of the Russian Federation, which states that it will be prohibited to bury certain types of waste in the near future. So, most likely, we will follow the path of building landfills with the function of sorting garbage.

- In the plans, after all, there were already construction of landfills?

Yes, there are plans to build two dozen such facilities throughout Buryatia according to the territorial waste management scheme. To date, design and estimate documentation has been prepared for two landfills, the necessary positive examinations have been received, and we are waiting for completion of work on two more in the near future. In total, we will have 4 objects for construction, for which we will try to receive federal funding as early as 2019.

- Where will they be built?

The design estimate for Turuntaevo is ready, at the environmental review of the design estimate for the landfill in the Barguzinsky district. Separately, the situation in Ulan-Ude is developing, unfortunately, the situation here today is difficult. In the capital of Buryatia, there is a private landfill, which is subject to litigation, there is a city landfill, the capacity of which is not infinite. And this is also a priority task - to try this year to get funds for the design and estimate documentation for the construction of a new landfill in Ulan-Ude. Its construction may begin in 2020, a land plot has been allocated for it, it is located next to the existing one. But this will not be an expansion of an existing facility, but the construction of a new one. We have no other choice, the situation today is difficult, but we will make every effort to resolve it as soon as possible.

Tell me, Vadim Evgenievich, during the time that you live in Buryatia, did you think about leaving, returning to Ufa, St. Petersburg, Moscow?

No, it didn't. I'm interested here, I'm interested in this kind of work with a full load and full return.

Marina Denisova, Vostok-Teleinform.

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