Home Grape Sea lion predator or not. Sea lions... How are they different from other seals? What does a sea lion eat?

Sea lion predator or not. Sea lions... How are they different from other seals? What does a sea lion eat?

Who are they - these carnivorous mammals? And what does the ocean dweller have in common with the large cats found in the savannahs? The answer to this question is quite simple: in mature males, the hair on the collar is longer than on the rest of the body, which gives rise to a vague resemblance to the mane of an African predator.


It is believed that sea lions live only in the Southern Hemisphere. There are three species of them there - according to their habitat: Australian, New Zealand and southern, found off the coast of Africa and Latin America. But north of the equator, such animals are also common. This is the California lion and. And if the first species is not much different from its southern counterparts (since it lives in the subtropics and there is no need for it to accumulate reserves subcutaneous fat), then the sea lion has occupied a living niche in fairly high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. He lives in Russia on Kuril Islands, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. It can also be found on the Commander and Aleutian Islands, Alaska and the coast North America all the way to California.

Sea lions, unlike other seals, are amazingly graceful creatures. Even on land they are quite active and move deftly, and in the water they even show the wonders of circus acrobatics. Their skin is brown, with rather short fur. This unattractive coat and meager reserves of fat saved the sea lion species from extermination by humans. Hunting them is not as profitable as fur seals and other seals, although the endemic species of these animals was completely destroyed in Japan. A streamlined body, strong flippers, a flattened small head with small, slightly bulging beautiful eyes allow the lion to dive to a depth of 90 meters and chase schools of fish at high speed.

Appearance and behavior

The body of this representative of the pinniped order has a streamlined and elongated shape. His limbs are in the form of flippers. The head is small in size and is attached to a relatively long and very flexible neck. These animals are more mobile than the rest of their relatives. On the face you can see funny antennae called vibrissae. The animal's hair is very short and not too thick.

Male sea lions are much larger than females; females weigh, on average, 90 kilograms, while representatives of the opposite sex weigh 300 kilograms. The height of the animal is about 2 meters.

Sea lions quite often swim into open ocean. There they get their food and can spend several days in the water. Basically, the sea lion is a sedentary animal, although there are still some semblances of nomadism. Animals can move up to 25 kilometers from the coast. Communication between individuals is carried out through a variety of sounds, vaguely similar to a growl, but softer.


The basis of the diet of these mammals are animals such as crustaceans, mollusks and some types of small fish. The very dexterous and resourceful body of the sea lion makes it an excellent hunter - it very quickly and quickly pursues its prey, and then enjoys the process of eating it.


Once a year these animals experience mating season, during which one male gathers around himself a certain number of females (10 – 12). In the future, he becomes the father of future offspring from each “his” female. Sometimes males fight among themselves for leadership, but these fights are not too fierce.

The process of gestation lasts one year, after which babies are born - sea lion cubs, which the mother feeds with her milk for the first 5 to 7 months of life. Immediately after birth, females again begin mating with males in order to replenish the herd with new individuals a year later.

When new members of the herd finish their first molt. They form a separate group that lives alone until they reach puberty. The average lifespan of these mammals is 20 years.


The main natural enemies of these animals are killer whales and sharks. Sometimes sea lions become victims of large water transport - they die from a collision with it. Interestingly, lions use their natural intelligence to protect themselves from predators. There is a known case when a sea lion, having collided with a killer whale on the open sea, approached the yacht. An absolutely wild animal demonstrated to people with all its appearance that it needed help and asked for protection.

These animals have extremely developed mental activity. They are smart, inventive, highly tamed and amenable to training. This, as well as their innate dexterity and grace, make them regular actors in aquariums and dolphinariums. Therefore, most of us have known what a sea lion looks like since childhood. And in conditions of free life, flocks of these seals escape from their natural enemies- sharks and - because they stay close to people, they inhabit marinas, ports and even navigation buoys.

Types of sea lions

Males southern species They grow quite large - about 2.5 m in length with a weight of 300 kg. They are dark brown in color, turning yellowish on the ventral part. Females are almost as long, reaching 2 m, but are twice as slender and weigh up to 150 kg. The color of females is similar to that of males, but a little lighter and with the presence age spots over the entire surface of the body. Habitat – coastal zone Pacific Ocean in the territory South America, as well as the Atlantic - in the south of Brazil. Small groups are found in the Falkland Islands and Galapagos.

Northern view grows up to 3.5 m and is a heavyweight with a mass of up to 1 thousand kg. Females are half the length and three times the weight. Steller sea lions are the second name these sea lions have. Sakhalin, the Kuril, Commander, Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka, Alaska and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are their habitat areas.

Australian, or white-capped species, previously lived in an area spanning the south of the mainland and up to Tasmania. These sea lions are similar in size to their southern counterparts. However, they have fundamental differences in appearance depending on gender: for example, females have a silver-gray or light brown tint, more saturated on the back. Males have thicker colors. Brown shade immediately visually identifies them within the colony.

California sea lions They also have a name - black, or northern. This is explained by both color and habitat. In appearance, California sea lions resemble seals, but are much larger mammals. The colonies took possession of the northern Pacific waters. They are characterized by amazing intelligence and high communication skills, so they are often tamed and trained in a zoo, dolphinarium or circus.

New Zealand The species is named after the lands developed by sea lions (including Snarsky, Auckland and Campbell Islands). Males reach a length of about 2.5 m, and the mane growing on the collar area also gives them massiveness. Females grow up to 2 m and have a more grayish tint. These pinnipeds live in colonies, the numbers of which fluctuate in small numbers. On land they occur in relatively low densities. They communicate with each other through sounds similar to a lion's roar, but much softer.

Sea lion - representatives of the eared seal family received their name due to their close resemblance to land lions. Male sea lions make a roar similar to that of the African lion. On their heads you can see the same shaggy manes. A pinniped (in Latin, “with legs like fins”) is streamlined, bulky, but flexible and slender, capable of reaching more than two meters in length. Let's get to know the marine life better in the article.

Sea lion - description and characteristics

Many people are interested in how much an adult sea lion weighs? The weight of the flipper mammal reaches 300 kg. Although the sea lion is quite bulky and looks too big and clumsy, it feels great for its weight. Female sea lions are much smaller than males by several times - on average 90 kg. Animal's head small size, looks like the head of a dog: an elongated, flexible neck, huge bulging eyes. There are large, dense whiskers on the muzzle. On the top of the head of a lion there is a real hairstyle - a crest.

The fur of sea creatures has a brown-black tint. The coat is quite short and sparse, so it is not particularly valued, unlike the fur of fur seals. Thanks to the presence of thick limbs, the animals move deftly along the shore. Their relatives, seals, are not as nimble as lions. The body of animals is much more plastic than that of their relatives.

Sea lions easily overcome long distances in the water and show real acrobatic feats. With the help of flippers, they professionally maneuver in the expanses of water and easily redirect their bulky body in any direction. In this way, obtaining food is not difficult, and the marine life has won the title of successful getter. When going in search of food, a lion can swim several kilometers from the shore.

Typically, lions settle on sea and ocean coasts, regardless of cover. These can be rocky shores and sandy beaches. It can even be found in grass thickets.

Depending on the type of lion, animals can live in different areas:

  • The northern sea lion Steller lives on the Pacific coast and islands nearby. They prefer Canada, USA, Japan. On the banks, animals live in large herds.
  • New Zealand lions prefer to live in the subantarctic islands near New Zealand. Most of relaxing on the beaches of Auckland.
  • California sea lion settled in northern waters Pacific Ocean.
  • The southern species is a regular on the shores and ocean waters South American regions.
  • Australian lions establish rookeries in the south and west of Australia.

It is also worth mentioning that Marine life have long found their place in dolphinariums and circuses. A fur seal and a sea lion take part in show performances in aquariums and learn to perform various tricks. It is often believed that these cute animals are absolutely safe. Is a sea lion a predator? IN wildlife A 300 kg stuntman can be quite dangerous. The sea lion is a predator, quite aggressive. There are cases when they attacked fishermen and swimmers. There are even more known cases of lion attacks than shark attacks.

Like all relatives, predators live in herds, but their numbers are not as high as those of their comrades - seals. Some species can swim into open waters for a long time and not return to shore for several days. Therefore, when traveling long distances on a ship, you can see these animals in the middle of the ocean or sea.

Sea lions prefer to stay in the places they initially chose, without “wandering” from place to place. They live several tens of kilometers from land and communicate with each other using sound calls. Their voices are similar to the roar of land lions.

What does a sea lion eat?

What does the inhabitant of the “big” waters, the sea lion, eat? It feeds on seafood: fish, octopuses, crayfish and any edible little things that come across along the way. They find prey at the bottom of the sea and ocean, at a depth of up to 100 meters. When a lion runs into a hedgehog fish, it swells to such a size that the lion cannot bite through it with its limited mouth.

The fish are chased at high speed, maneuvering between shells, algae and sea caves. In the expanses of water, lions move as easily as birds fly across the sky, actively paddling with their forelimbs and hind flippers.

Marine inhabitants do not accumulate large layers of fat and do not eat in reserve. They eat fresh seafood every day and have no problems finding food.

If marine mammals are on a hill, they can safely jump from it into the water from a height of up to 20 meters. The favorite delicacy, one of the varieties of lions - sea lions, are: herring, pollock, capelin, halibut, gobies, flounder. The long-eared family can eat seaweed, octopuses. Since a lion is a predator, it can even attack a shark. Adult males, if they are very hungry, can attack the penguin.

Some fishermen testify that sea lions have attacked their catch.

Sea lion breeding

The mating season occurs once a year right on the shores where sea lions live. They behave much calmer than, for example, fur seals. Males occupy the beach territory and protect it from strangers. Sometimes sea lions fight with competitors, trying to win their rights to females. Females gather in whole herds and wait to see who will become the strongest inseminating male.

Sometimes battles reach large-scale proportions. However, there is no death or bloodshed. Although, as elsewhere, there are exceptions. When young males want to penetrate a herd of older females, large males protect their harem. Violent skirmishes then occur where some lions may emerge from the fight with injuries.

Each male gathers around a dozen females. The owner is vigilant to ensure that his “ladies” do not look at other males and especially do not have relationships with them. Those individuals that do not reproduce move away from the rest of the rookery. When the female comes into heat, she lies down next to the chosen male and presses tightly against his body. Without taking their eyes off the lion, they begin to mate. This happens in water or on land within an hour.

Pregnancy of lionesses lasts 12 months. They give birth to small sea lion cubs, and at the same time they begin to mate with males again. The female is ready for the next pregnancy within 2 weeks after giving birth.

Lion cubs are born with golden-colored fur and weigh 20 kilograms. At first, the female mother does not separate from the newborn. When she becomes pregnant again, she moves away from the baby and begins to swim out into the sea waters, losing interest in her newborn lion cub. Those females that continue to feed their babies with 30% fat milk remain with the babies for 6-7 months.

After giving birth, the female carefully licks the baby, passing on her scent to him, so as not to confuse him with other newborns. In the first half hour, she exchanges sound passwords with the lion cub, which help to find the cub.

Lifespan of sea lions

How long does a sea lion live? After the animal begins to molt, the young individuals gather in a separate herd. They live separately until they reach sexual maturity. Females reach maturity at 2.5-3 years. Males undergo serious competition, so they can acquire a harem only after 5 years. The life expectancy of a mammal is 20 years.

Difference between sea lions and seals

The difference between a sea lion and a seal is obvious. The two types of relatives differ from each other in their way of life. The differences are as follows:

  • sea ​​lions maneuver more deftly in the water; these animals are quite dexterous and flexible “acrobats”;
  • Their skins are also different. Lions have scanty fur coats and small fat reserves, which cannot be said about fur seals. Therefore, seals are hunted much more often, and in Japan one of the species of these animals was even completely destroyed;
  • there are 5 species of lions and 8 species of seals;
  • Lions have large, long flippers and a massive body. Smaller fur seals.

It is worth noting that there are also a lot of similarities. Taking into account the generic community, as well as external similarities. The Southern sea lion has similarities with seals: males have a crest on their heads, the same as that of seals.

Enemies of sea lions

The lives of lions are significantly shortened by sharks and killer whales. Predators can reach speeds of up to 55 km/h. Killer whales are the most aggressive look toothed whales and are considered the most dangerous enemies for sea lions.

Animals may die earlier from collisions with ships. Sea lions are very smart and quick-witted; they, suspecting danger from sharks, seek help from people! There were cases when the animal swam up to the yachts and asked to save her, showing it with all his appearance.

Lions are lucky in that their fur is not valued by fishermen. And they are not economically profitable for manufacturing enterprises.

Types of sea lions

There are five species of marine life:

  • Northern;
  • Southern;
  • Californian;
  • Australian;
  • New Zealand.


The northern sea lion also has another name - sea lion. This species lives on the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, and Alaska. Of all the subspecies of sea lions, the sea lion is the largest subspecies with pronounced sexual characteristics.

This view is truly enormous. Adult males reach a length of 3-3.5 meters and a weight of up to 500-1000 kg. Females are much smaller, but relative to other subspecies they are very large. Weight is 250-350 kg. Representatives have a light red skin color. Females are very graceful, flexible, and have a small head.

The difference between this species and the others is determined by socialization. They live only on the northern shores and coastal areas. Sometimes they are found on ice floes. They are localized and do not migrate to other territories.

The annual cycle of animals is divided into periods: migration to the sea and stay on land. Male sea lions become capable of breeding at about 5 years of age, but are allowed to approach females only at 7-8 years of age. Mating begins from late May to early June.

Reproduction is based on the fertilization of many females by one male. This type of sea lion does not actively protect its harem. They are “selfish” and in a harem they solve only their own needs. After the birth of the baby, the females mate again 10 days later.

The diet consists of shellfish and fish. Sometimes they attack fur seals. In Russia, this species is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. Scientists attributed this situation to poor ecology.


The California sea lion lives in the North Pacific Ocean, it is also called the northern sea lion. There are 190 thousand of them. Every year their number increases by 5%.

Lions differ from other species in their unique intelligence and adaptability to any situation. Even if disasters occur in nature, animals quickly rebuild and survive. They can often be found in aquariums, circuses, and zoos. He is easy to train and is friendly with humans, despite his predatory roots. This is the only species that can survive in a limited area.

Sea lions, trained in a special way, participated in military naval operations. Demolition mechanisms were installed on animals.

The California sea lion is the king of marine life. Outside the mating season, males and young lions move north, while females remain with their cubs in rookeries or go south. Therefore, females and males stay apart and meet only once a year.

Animals spend their time free from food production on the shore. They are real sleepyheads and love to have a good night's sleep, lounging around each other. During the daytime, they massage themselves on stones or scratch their neighbors with their claws.

The California lion's diet consists of marine life: squid, salmon and herring. The lion swallows small fish directly in the depths of the sea, and eats large prey on land. If a large school of fish is found, the lions go hunting together.

In the 16th century, meat and animal skins were much more in demand than they are now. At this time, animals began to be exterminated en masse and the population decreased noticeably.

The mating season is from May to September. At this time, lions become especially active and settle down on the beach with their harem. They give birth to a cub weighing up to 6 kg and 70 cm long. One female has one lion cub.

  • the animal swims 30 km/h and can move along the shore at an even higher speed;
  • can hold his breath in the depths of the sea for 10 minutes and dive under water to a depth of 250 m.


The southern subspecies of sea lion is representative of the South American regions. The male reaches almost 3 meters in length, weighing up to 300 kg. Females are much smaller, up to 100 kg. The skin is dark brown, lighter underneath. The head, neck, and shoulders are covered with a large tuft of lush hair.

Southern lions live on the Falkland Islands, on the shores of South America, and parts of Brazil. IN sea ​​waters They catch squid, octopus, and fish. They often attack penguins. According to scientists, only the southern subspecies will attack penguins.

During breeding, a lion's harem can include up to 15-18 females. Males closely monitor their females and make sure that they do not move into a neighboring harem. Males from other areas constantly want to steal their neighbor's female into their harem.

Sea lions give birth to one pup weighing 15 kg. After 3-4 days, the females leave to get food, and the babies are left alone. If they get hungry, other females feed them.

Animals die because of sharks, killer whales, at the hands of fishermen and because of chemicals that enter the ocean.


Individuals of the Australian subspecies are smaller than their counterparts. The male is 2.5 meters long and weighs about 300 kg, and the female is 1.5 meters long and weighs up to 100 kg. Females and males differ from each other even in color: dark brown in sea lions and silver in lionesses.

Animals are located along the coast of Australia and the nearest islands. They do not migrate and stick to the places where they originally settled, even outside the breeding season. The longest migration distance reached no more than three hundred kilometers.

In terms of their behavior during the mating season, the lion subspecies does not differ from its direct relatives. When males come to a herd of females, they win the right to the harem they like. Clashes constantly occur in herds over young males who want to get someone else's lioness. Males of the Australian lion are highly aggressive; they, like “jealous men,” guard their females so that they do not leave their range. They drive away other males with particular enthusiasm, sometimes leading to slaughter.

An individual of this species is considered very rare. There are only twelve thousand sea lions.

New Zealand

A predatory mammal from the eared seal family. The skin is painted black with a brownish tint. Thanks to the mane on the shoulders, they look quite large up to 2.5 m, females up to 1.8 m. Distributed on the subtropical islands near New Zealand. The name of the subspecies indicates their territorial location. Most often found in Auckland.

The behavior is no different from other subspecies of sea lions. They also organize fights during the mating season and protect their grief from the “hungry” young. The most dexterous and tenacious individuals win, the rest are forced into unpromising places.

There are about fifteen thousand New Zealand lions. In the 19th century, the animals were caught by fishermen and massacred. In almost a few decades, the number has decreased fivefold. These individuals were first mentioned in 1806. Today they are protected.

Interesting facts about sea lions

Interesting facts about the sea lion:

  • in animals it is hoarse and quite sharp, rough voice;
  • in Japan there is a male who has a very thin and gentle voice, which is unusual for sea lions. Visitors to the aquarium come to listen to his songs;
  • mammals are real intellectuals and actors;
  • communicate with each other using a certain set of sounds. They use the same sounds to warn each other about danger;
  • Most often, California lions are prone to lungworm disease. Even 50 years ago it led to the death of animals;
  • According to the laws, it is allowed to catch animals for zoos and circus performances. Sea creatures also participate in medical experiments due to their ability to hold their breath for a long time under water;
  • The animal's dental jaw has the same canonical shape and is adapted to grasp slippery food.

Sea lions are worthy of attention. The most interesting pinnipeds can be seen in aquariums and circuses. There they are trained and safe for people. However, in the wild it is better not to try to stroke their fur. It is fraught with sad consequences.

When we think of animals that can take our lives in an instant, most likely in order to then eat us, we usually think of lions, sharks or tigers. However, there are animals in the world that are capable of killing a person, which we would never suspect of this, since they are generally considered harmless. Below is a list of such animals, including the man-eating seal, that pose a natural threat to human life.

10. Man-eating seal

The seal is not the first animal that comes to mind when it comes to man-eating animals. However, Antarctica is home to a terrifying marine mammal known as the leopard seal. Body length adult reaches 3.7 meters, and weighs more than 450 kilograms. These snake-like leopard seals prowl the coastal waters of Antarctic ice shelves. Leopard seals are distinguished by their ferocious temper, huge fangs and the ability to chase prey at enormous speeds.

During Ernest Shackleton's historic expedition to Antarctica, one of the crew members was attacked on the shore by a huge leopard seal. The man miraculously escaped death, and only because the leopard seal was shot by his comrades. In 2003, a leopard seal grabbed and dragged researcher Kirsty Brown, causing injuries that led to her death - this was the first case fatal, after three reported predatory attacks.

9. Spitting Cobra

African spitting cobras grow up to 3 meters in length and have specifically adapted mouthparts that allow them to spit venom over distances exceeding 2.5 meters. Snakes aim for the eyes of victims and release venom, which can effectively dissolve the eyes if the person does not receive immediate treatment. health care.

Scientists have determined that spitting cobras react even when they are shown fake faces. They hit the fake face's "eyes" eight out of ten times, releasing a very precise stream of poison with the force of a water pistol. Moreover, the worst thing is that a spitting cobra releases poison so quickly that a person does not have time to react. That is why, if you are planning a trip to the habitats of spitting cobras, do not forget to wear Sunglasses.

8. Transiting killer whales

Killer whales are the most ferocious creatures of all marine mammals. They became famous for killing sharks, devouring giant baleen whales and swimming into tidal pools to catch seals. Although scientists and marine enthusiasts often claim that “orcas are safe for humans,” there is a danger that the potential threat that these deadly predators pose to humans is actually underestimated. Transiting killer whales or rogue killer whales prefer to hunt animals and can easily find a replacement for seals, their usual prey.

In 1972, a California surfer needed 100 stitches after being dragged away by a killer whale. More than thirty years later, a 7.6-meter killer whale attacked and mauled a boy from Canada. Another scary incident involved a whole group of killer whales trying to use their movements to own bodies, create huge wave, which would “wash” scientists out of their boat. They use this tactic to catch seals sitting on ice floes. Despite the fact that killer whales have attacked very few people, it is possible that such a small number of incidents can only be explained by the fact that they did not have a suitable opportunity...

7. Wolverine

Wolverines are exactly what nightmares are made of, and their ferocity deserves deep respect. They weigh only fifteen kilograms, look like some kind of small bears, and are not much different in size from a medium-sized dog, however, this lone hunter can take down a moose on his own and even kill a person.

The wolverine is actually a member of the mustelid family, however, it has special adaptations that allow it to rush forward at high speed and mutilate large prey by piercing its jugular vein, hamstrings, or spine at the base of the skull. The teeth, which are disproportionately large and capable of crushing bone, can cause serious and usually fatal injuries to the victim. Wolverines have almost never attacked people, but they most likely do not do this due to the remoteness of their northern habitats from humans. However, there have been several recorded deaths from wolverine bites throughout history, and the injuries they inflict on humans are usually very serious.

6. Killer Coyote

Agile coyotes, with a body length of one and a half meters and a weight of 30 kilograms, can run at a speed of 64 kilometers per hour and jump over a distance of four meters. Over the past few decades, a huge number of coyote attacks on people, and especially children, have been recorded.

In a recent attack, a child was killed by a suburban coyote, and in another case, Canadian pop singer Taylor Mitchell was killed and partially eaten by coyotes in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Recent injuries sustained in non-death coyote attacks include back injuries, severed ears, scalps, chewed bones, and eye injuries.

5. Great Eagle Owl

The Great Eagle Owl is magnificent, and sometimes ferocious predator, endemic to both Americas. Weighing more than 1.8 kilograms and with a wingspan of one and a half meters, the Great Eagle Owl, also known as the “Flying Tiger,” hunts prey three times its size.

The great eagle owl uses its huge claws to hunt skunks and cats, and they have earned this 60cm predator the title of the only bird of prey, which caused fatal injuries to a person during the attack. The attack occurred when the scientist took some eggs from the nest for research, which caused the enraged predator to rush at the man and inflict fatal wounds on him, piercing his skull with its claws. Great eagle owls live from Alaska to Brazil and often occupy crow nests. Climbing into the nests of unfamiliar birds can have deadly consequences...

4. Giant anteater

The giant anteater is a strange mammal that lives primarily in grasslands and grasslands, endemic to South America. It can grow up to 1.8 meters in length and reach a weight of approximately 70 kilograms. Despite the fact that anteaters look completely ridiculous, and even cute in their own way, you should not hug or approach them.

Anteaters are physically adapted to tearing anthills to shreds, allowing their elephant trunk-like snout to pull out hundreds of ants. If an anteater is afraid of a person or any other animal, it is quite capable of quickly tearing apart an uninvited guest with its powerful paws and knife-sharp claws. In one incident, a sanctuary worker working to help these endangered animals was attacked and subsequently died from his injuries.

3. Irukandji Jellyfish

In some cases, it is not the size, strength or ferocity that makes an animal dangerous to humans, but its ability to hide, which allows it to sneak past us freely, and when we notice it, it is too late. While box jellyfish warnings are a mandatory part of beach placards, it's worth noting that there is another "tiny killer" to watch out for - the Irukandji jellyfish. This transparent and almost invisible creature, whose size is only one cubic centimeter, swims aimlessly through the waves, dragging behind it 60 centimeter tentacles, which contain venom that is a hundred times stronger than the venom of a cobra.

Swimmers who barely touch this invisible creature require emergency hospitalization, and two deaths were reported in Australia in 2002. The Irukandji jellyfish even swims into UK coastal waters - meaning danger can be present almost anywhere...

2. California sea lion

Those trained fur seals we often see in circuses or aquarium shows are actually California sea lions, large marine mammals that live in western shores North America. Clever pinnipeds quickly learn to perform various tricks, but in the wild these 320-kilogram tricksters, whose body length reaches 1.8 meters, can be quite dangerous. Male sea lions are very aggressive and territorial, and there have been cases of them attacking swimmers in the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. In this region, there are far more cases of sea lion attacks on humans than cases of shark attacks. In 2004, a sea lion jumped into a fisherman's boat, pulled him off the boat and pulled him into the water - the man miraculously survived. The name “sea lion” was clearly given to him for a reason...

1. Asian carp

Asian carp are wild and fairly large relatives of the goldfish, reaching a weight of 45 kilograms and a length of more than 1.2 meters. These fish are endemic to Asian rivers and the fact that they were brought to North America turned out to be a big mistake: they flooded waterways and lakes in huge quantities.

Since the areas in which this fish settles usually coincide with the areas reserved for human recreation on the water, the habit of fish to jump high out of the water is a death threat. There have been many cases where motorboat drivers received serious injuries heads and bodies due to huge carp jumping out of the water and hitting them. Injuries included broken bones, back injuries and black eyes. Government departments in the US and Canada have called for action to reduce the population of these killer carp before it becomes fatal...

The California sea lion (lat. Zalophus californianus) lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, in three widely separated habitats: in the waters washing Galapagos Islands, near southern shores Japan and mainly near the southwest coast of North America.

This animal is distinguished by its extraordinary intelligence and excellent memory, is easy to train and has a clear sympathy for humans, considering it its brother in mind. The California sea lion not only eagerly performs in the circus, demonstrating miracles of dexterity and a penchant for peculiar humor, but also serves quite responsibly in the ranks of the American Navy and even takes part in hostilities as much as possible.

Sea lions were deployed during the 1991 Gulf War.

Unlike numerous action films and horror films, in fact, they were never used to blow up enemy ships and other sabotage work, but because of their psychology, they performed exclusively security functions.

They have two main military specializations - some lions detect mines, while others catch them using special device vile underwater spies. A sea lion suddenly swims up to them and attaches a special clamp with a rope attached to the side of the ship to their leg. Before the caught villain has time to come to his senses, brave combat sea swimmers are already rushing towards him with various piercing and cutting objects...


The entire life of sea lions is connected with the sea, although they spend quite a lot of time on land. Outside the mating season, young animals and adult males migrate north, and females with cubs migrate south or simply remain at their native rookeries. Moreover, the latter form more numerous groups. On land, sea lions sleep for a long time, huddled in tight rookeries. Having woken up, the animals devote their free time to caring for their fur. They take obvious pleasure in grooming themselves with the claws of their hind limbs or simply rubbing themselves against stones or the side of a nearby comrade.

Sea lions move quite briskly on land, leaning on their hands and back of their feet, vigorously waving their necks and heads in different sides. This method of transportation allows you to move at speeds of up to 30 km/h over short distances. In water they easily reach speeds of up to 40 km/h.

In case of danger, one animal rushes into the water and the entire rookery follows its example.

Sea lions use their front flippers to row like oars, and their hind limbs serve as rudder. They often swim bending their whole body, sometimes disappearing under the water, sometimes emerging to the surface. They prefer to hunt in splendid isolation, although if necessary they also organize group hunts. Group hunting begins when a large school of fish or squid appears.

The diet is based on fish (salmon and herring), squid and octopus. The sea lion pulls large prey to the surface and eats it piece by piece, while small prey is simply swallowed under water. It usually stays under water for about 3 minutes, but can remain up to 15 minutes, diving to a depth of 270 m.

At one time the animal can eat up to 30 kg of food. During the year, the male eats about 4000 kg of food, the female eats 2 times less.


The mating season for California sea lions lasts from May to September. During this period, males become aggressive and, having reached the rookery, try to occupy an area up to 15 m in length for their future harem. They scream loudly, scaring away uninvited guests and sometimes starting serious fights with them. This preparatory period lasts up to 30 days.

In June, females arrive at the rookeries in groups of up to 20 individuals, and the fighting gradually stops. Pregnancy lasts 11-13 months. Sea lions usually give birth to one cub; twins are extremely rare. The weight of a newborn baby is about 6 kg, and its body length is almost 75 cm.

After giving birth, the mother carefully licks the baby, thus transmitting her scent to it, so that in the future it will not be confused with other people’s children and will not be found in the terrible cramped rookery. Also, during the first 15 minutes, she exchanges unique sound “passwords” with her baby, which in the future will help them easily find each other. For the first 4 days they are together, and then the mother begins to leave for feeding, returning daily to feed her offspring.

While waiting for their mothers, the cubs are left unattended on their own. As very smart children, they do not play around, but simply sleep for a long time.

At the age of 2-3 weeks, the babies gather in small flocks and begin to frolic in coastal waters. At 6 weeks, the young sea lion tries to hunt on its own, but continues to feed on its mother’s milk, often until another birth occurs. Puberty occurs at the age of 4 years.


An adult male weighs 200-300 kg, a female about 50-100 kg. The body length of males is 2-2.5 m, and that of females is 1-1.5 m. The color of the fur is uniform, dark chocolate. The elongated body has a streamlined shape. The feet end in five toes same length, three middle fingers are armed with claws.

The well-formed forelimbs are modified into flippers. There are no claws on the forelimbs. The head, small in comparison with the massive body, is set on a strong neck. A rather large bump is visible on the forehead of males. The small nostrils close tightly under water. The ears are very small. Vibrissae are long and very mobile.

IN early XIX century, mass hunting of California sea lions began, mainly for the sake of obtaining fat. The dead animal was chopped into pieces and the fat was rendered. From three killed they received a barrel of fat, and the skin was used to make glue. The species was on the verge of extinction, but with the cessation of barbaric hunting it was able to recover. The California sea lion population is currently estimated at approximately 200,000 individuals.

California sea lion- one of the most famous sea animals. Possessing extraordinary intelligence and excellent memory, he willingly makes friends with people and is easy to train.


The California sea lion lives in the North Pacific Ocean, in three widely separated habitats: off the southwest coast of North America, in the Galapagos Islands, and off the southern coast of Japan. The entire life of the animal is closely connected with the sea, although it spends quite a lot of time on land. Outside the mating season, adult males and young migrate north, while females with cubs remain near their native rookeries or migrate slightly to the south.


Outside of the mating season, male and female California sea lions keep to themselves, with females and cubs forming larger groups. Family ties between individual animals cannot be called close. Sea lions spend a lot of time on land, where they sleep for a long time, huddled in close rookeries. The animals devote the hours free from sleep to caring for their fur - they scratch with pleasure on stones or their neighbors, or comb their hair with the claws of their hind limbs. Sea lions move very quickly on land, resting on their hands and back of their feet and vigorously swinging their head and neck from side to side. The first animal to notice the danger immediately rushes into the water, and at this alarm signal the entire rookery rushes into the sea. Sea lions are excellent swimmers: they row with their front flippers like oars, and their hind limbs serve as rudders. They know how to swim and bend their whole body, now emerging to the surface, now disappearing under water. Each animal hunts alone, although sometimes group hunts are organized. The sea lion's diet consists of octopus, squid and fish - in particular herring and salmon. It swallows small animals underwater, and pulls large ones to the surface and eats them piece by piece. When a large school of fish or a school of squid appears, sea lions hunt together. Having had plenty of frolic in the water after a successful hunt, the animals return to the shore, confidently gliding on the surf waves and using their energy.


From time immemorial, indigenous peoples of America have hunted sea lions for their meat, skins and fat. Since the 16th century, mass hunting of these animals began, which resulted in a sharp reduction or almost complete extermination of many populations. Only after the introduction of restrictions on fishing, the number of sea lions began to gradually recover. Currently, limited capture of sea lions (mostly males) for circuses and scientific centers, studying the physiology of long-term stay under water.


The mating season for California sea lions is May-September. During this period, the males become aggressive and, upon reaching the rookery, immediately occupy sections of the beach about 15 m long for their harems. In June, pregnant females swim to the rookery, who are not at all interested in the cavaliers and want only one thing - to safely bring a calf. Usually one baby is born, 75 cm long and weighing about 6 kg, twins -very rare. Immediately after giving birth, the mother diligently licks her child, passing on her scent to him, so as not to confuse him with other people's offspring. In the first 15 minutes, mother and baby exchange sound “passwords”, which also help them find each other in the cramped rookery. For 3-4 days, mother and calf are inseparable, but later the female swims off to hunt, leaving the baby on the shore unattended, although she returns to land every day to feed him. While waiting for their mothers, the cubs sleep for a long time on the shore, but already at two or three weeks of age they gather in groups, swim together and frolic in the water. At six weeks of age, the young sea lion begins to hunt, but is still nourished by its mother's milk. Sometimes mothers feed their babies until the next birth. The female comes into estrus two weeks after giving birth. Having opted for worthy partner, she lies down next to him, pressing tightly against his body and not taking her gentle gaze off the “groom”. Mating occurs in water or on land and lasts about an hour, after which the female drives away the partner and returns to the calf. After 11-13 months, the time comes for the next birth. The California sea lion becomes sexually mature at the age of 4-5 years.


  • The female sea lion has four nipples covered under the skin, which become visible only when the calf begins to suckle.
  • The sea lion's premolar and molar teeth have the same conical shape and are adapted for grasping slippery prey.
  • The California sea lion swims at a speed of 30 km/hour and is capable of moving on land at the same speed.
  • Sea lions communicate using vocal signals. Males bark to announce their status and occupy a harem site, while females express dissatisfaction and call their cubs.
  • The California sea lion can stay underwater for about 15 minutes (about three minutes on average) and dive to depths of up to 270 m.
  • The natural enemies of sea lions are large sharks(great white, tiger) and killer whales.


The eared seal family includes about two dozen species, including northern and southern fur seals, sea lions and sea lions. Living in Pacific Ocean sea ​​lions are larger than seals and have a rather rare hairline and a shortened muzzle. The beautiful fur of seals consists of two layers: a rough, hard spine and a thick, soft underfur. The most numerous population of southern fur seals. The southern sea lion is close in size to fur seals. Adult males have a sort of mane of long hair growing on their head and neck. Southern sea lions live in the coastal waters of South America and the Falkland Islands.

Northern fur seal - breeds in the basin of the Okhotsk and Bering seas. In search of food, it makes long migrations, reaching the coast of Japan. It feeds on fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. Leads a gregarious lifestyle in harems consisting of one male and several dozen females.

Southern sea lion- leads a sedentary lifestyle, hunting fish and fish in coastal waters cephalopods. Lives in herds consisting of females and males or young animals.

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