Home Grape Russian Armenian University. The first shots of the Russian-Armenian war. Military and military-technical cooperation

Russian Armenian University. The first shots of the Russian-Armenian war. Military and military-technical cooperation

Russian-Armenian University, RAD(arm. Հայ-Ռուսական համալսարան ) is a higher educational institution in Yerevan, operating under an international agreement between Russia and Armenia. The university is accredited in both countries, upon graduation, students receive two state diplomas: Armenian and Russian. Teaching is conducted in two languages.

Russian-Armenian University
original name Հայ-Ռուսական համալսարան
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector Armen Darbinyan
students ~2500
Website rau.am


The Russian-Armenian University was established within the framework of the interstate agreement between Armenia and Russia in 1997. In 1999, Academician Levon Mkrtchyan, Doctor of Philology, became the first rector of the university. Currently, the rector of the RAU is the former Prime Minister of Armenia, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Armen Darbinyan, who took this position in 2001.

In 2004, the reconstruction of the main building was completed, and in 2009 RAU opened its own sports complex.

On October 15, 2004, the Thanksgiving Park was opened on the territory of the university as a symbol of Russian-Armenian friendship. This day has become an internal holiday - RAU Day.

On April 29, 2005, the RAU was accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and received the right to issue Russian state diplomas.

In 2002-2006 the university signed cooperation agreements with leading universities and organizations of the Russian Federation: Moscow State University, MGIMO, RUDN University, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MTUCI, St. Petersburg "Fund for Culture and Education", RANHIGS and others.

In July 2018, the artistic director of the RAU House of Culture Maya Bagdasarova was awarded

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Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University
Year of foundation



Armenia Armenia, Yerevan

Legal address

st. Hovsep Emin 123, Yerevan, 0051, Armenia

Coordinates : 40°12′37″ N sh. 44°30′11″ E d. /  40.2105111° N. sh. 44.5032889° E d./ 40.2105111; 44.5032889(G) (I) K: Educational institutions established in 1997

History of University

The Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University was established in accordance with the Agreement between the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia (signed on August 29, 1997 in Moscow, the educational process began in February 1999). The University is an interstate educational institution jointly administered by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.

The university was conceived and established as a center of Russian education, science and culture in Armenia and the region. Since 2000, the University has a Board of Trustees, which includes representatives of science, art, government agencies, business of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia. The co-chairs of the RAU Board of Trustees are: ex-deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, former governor of the Kaliningrad region G. V. Boos, ex-prime minister of the RA, rector of RAU A. R. Darbinyan.

The first rector of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University in 1998 was the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, the well-known literary critic L. M. Mkrtchyan. Since November 1, 2001, the RAU Rector has been Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A. R. Darbinyan.

Studying proccess

The Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University has a two-level system of education, and training is conducted according to the credit-rating system for organizing the educational process. The RAU has a library with 70,000 titles of fiction, scientific, educational literature, a laboratory, an auditorium with a multimedia system; computer park with Internet access; distance learning and additional education programs are being implemented; physical education classes are held in the newly built RAU Sports Complex.

Pre-university training

There is a system of pre-university training, the Center for Pre-University Education (CDO). To assist schoolchildren, subject Olympiads, Open Days, thematic consultations, and intensive free classes in the Russian language are held. In 2009, the RAU Usmunk School was opened with in-depth study of the Russian language.

University preparation

RAU prepares bachelors, masters and graduates. The university has a credit-rating system for organizing the educational process. Education at 11 faculties is conducted according to programs drawn up in accordance with Russian educational standards, with the inclusion of a national-regional component. There are 35 departments in the RAU structure today (3 of them are opened on the basis of research institutes).
The first issue of RAD took place in January 2004. Each of the RAU graduates receives two state diplomas: a diploma of the Republic of Armenia and a diploma of the Russian Federation.

Today, more than 2374 students and undergraduates study at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University.

Postgraduate training

The training of scientific and pedagogical personnel at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University is carried out in graduate school, training in which is carried out in 22 specialties licensed by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and 24 specialties licensed by the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science.

Additional education

Since 2008, the RAU Business School has been opened at the university, created to implement short-term, medium-term and long-term programs of additional professional education in order to improve the professional knowledge and qualifications of specialists.

Scientific activity

To date, 26 scientific schools have been formed at the RAU, determined from the nature of the directions (specialties) in the preparation of higher education at the university. Currently, research activities are organized on the basis of 20 scientific structures, including: the Institute of Russian Literature, the Scientific and Educational Center (REC) of the RAU "Nanotechnologies in Electronics", the Center for Critical Technologies, the Research Center for Armenian Literature, etc. 8 problem scientific groups are engaged in research activities at the university.

student life

Student life at RAU has a number of features. The University has a Student Union and a Student Scientific Society. The Alumni Union is a community of the best university graduates. The activities of the Union of Young Scientists of the RAU are gaining momentum. The University has a Student Theatre, KVN, Club "What? Where? When?" , Cinema Club, Photo Club, Literature Club, Political Club, Travelers Club, Student Choir, Folk Dance Studio. The competitions "The best faculty of the year", "Miss RAU" are held annually. RAU students take an active part in intercollegiate sports competitions. RAU has a Sports Club where students can participate in football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, chess, and boxing sections. RAU has a TV studio and RAU Student Radio, which constantly cover the cultural and scientific events of the university. RAU students conduct independently prepared programs on RAU Radio, shoot and edit reports for RAU Television.

RAU publishing house

The RAU publishing house has been operating in full since February 2002 and publishes scientific, educational and fiction literature. The RAU Publishing House has more than 140 publications in three languages, including textbooks (including those with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia), teaching aids, monographs, translations of fiction, dictionaries, reference books, materials of scientific conferences, the periodical scientific publication “Bulletin of RAU » (humanitarian and natural science areas). One of the priority activities of the RAU Publishing House is the implementation and publication of translations of Russian literature into Armenian and Armenian literature into Russian.

The international cooperation

One of the priority activities of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University is the development of international cooperation aimed at integrating the university into the global educational and scientific space. The University is increasing its activity in participating in educational and scientific projects with Russian and foreign universities and research structures, cooperating in the development and implementation of joint educational programs, the exchange of teachers and students, conducting joint scientific research, organizing and participating in international conferences and symposiums . More information about the international partners and projects of the RAU can be found on the website of the Department of International Cooperation of the RAU.

Institutes and departments

Institute for the Humanities

  • Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication
  • Department of Russian and World Literature
  • Department of Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication
  • Department of Philosophy

Institute of Mathematics and High Technologies

  • Departments of Medical Biology and Bioengineering
  • Departments of General and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Department of Molecular Cell and Information Biology
  • Department of System Programming
  • Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
  • Department of Mathematical Cybernetics
  • Department of General and Theoretical Physics
  • Department of Technology of Materials and Structures of Electronic Engineering
  • Department of Telecommunications
  • Department of Quantum and Optical Electronics

Institute of Media, Advertising and Film

  • Department of Advertising and PR
  • Department of Theory and History of Journalism
  • Department of Practical Journalism
  • Department of Cultural Studies

Institute of Law and Politics

  • Department of World Politics and International Relations
  • Department of Political Theory
  • Department of Political Processes and Technologies
  • Department of Theory and History of State and Law
  • Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law
  • Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law
  • Department of International and European Law
  • Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law

Institute of Economics and Business

  • Department of Management
  • Department of Economics and Finance
  • Department of Economic Theory and Problems of the Economy in Transition
  • Department of Service Industry and Tourism

All-university departments

  • Department of Armenian Language and Literature
  • Department of microelectronic circuits and systems
  • Department of Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle

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An excerpt characterizing the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

- Comment, M. Pierre, vous trouvez que l "assassinat est grandeur d" ame, [How, Monsieur Pierre, you see the greatness of the soul in murder,] said the little princess, smiling and moving her work towards her.
- Ah! Oh! different voices said.
— Capital! [Excellent!] - Prince Ippolit said in English and began to beat his knee with his palm.
The Viscount just shrugged. Pierre solemnly looked over his glasses at the audience.
“The reason I say this,” he went on desperately, “is that the Bourbons fled from the revolution, leaving the people to anarchy; and only Napoleon knew how to understand the revolution, to defeat it, and therefore, for the common good, he could not stop before the life of one person.
Would you like to go to that table? Anna Pavlovna said.
But Pierre, without answering, continued his speech.
“No,” he said, becoming more and more animated, “Napoleon is great because he rose above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, retained all that was good—the equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and the press—and only because of that did he acquire power.
“Yes, if he, having taken power, without using it for murder, would have given it to the rightful king,” said the viscount, “then I would call him a great man.”
“He couldn't have done it. The people gave him power only so that he would deliver him from the Bourbons, and because the people saw him as a great man. The revolution was a great thing,” continued Monsieur Pierre, showing with this desperate and defiant introductory sentence his great youth and desire to express himself more and more fully.
- Revolution and regicide is a great thing? ... After that ... don’t you want to go to that table? repeated Anna Pavlovna.
- Contrat social, [Social contract,] - the viscount said with a meek smile.
“I'm not talking about regicide. I'm talking about ideas.
“Yes, the ideas of robbery, murder and regicide,” the ironic voice interrupted again.
- These were extremes, of course, but not in them all the meaning, but the meaning in human rights, in emancipation from prejudices, in the equality of citizens; and all these ideas Napoleon retained in all their force.
“Liberty and equality,” the viscount said contemptuously, as if he had finally decided to seriously prove to this young man the stupidity of his speeches, “all big words that have long been compromised. Who doesn't love freedom and equality? Even our Savior preached freedom and equality. Did people become happier after the revolution? Against. We wanted freedom, but Bonaparte destroyed it.
Prince Andrei looked with a smile first at Pierre, then at the viscount, then at the hostess. At the first minute of Pierre's antics, Anna Pavlovna was horrified, despite her habit of being in the world; but when she saw that, despite the blasphemous speeches uttered by Pierre, the viscount did not lose his temper, and when she was convinced that it was no longer possible to hush up these speeches, she gathered her strength and, joining the viscount, attacked the speaker.
- Mais, mon cher m r Pierre, [But, my dear Pierre,] - said Anna Pavlovna, - how do you explain the great man who could execute the duke, finally, just a man, without trial and without guilt?
“I would like to ask,” said the viscount, “how the monsieur explains the 18th brumaire.” Isn't this cheating? C "est un escamotage, qui ne ressemble nullement a la maniere d" agir d "un grand homme. [This is cheating, not at all like the manner of a great man.]
“And the prisoners in Africa he killed?” said the little princess. - It's horrible! And she shrugged.
- C "est un roturier, vous aurez beau dire, [This is a rogue, no matter what you say,] - said Prince Hippolyte.
Monsieur Pierre did not know to whom to answer, looked around at everyone and smiled. His smile was not the same as other people's, merging with an unsmile. On the contrary, when a smile came, his serious and even somewhat gloomy face suddenly disappeared and another appeared - childish, kind, even stupid, and as if asking for forgiveness.
It became clear to the viscount, who saw him for the first time, that this Jacobin was not at all as terrible as his words. Everyone fell silent.
- How do you want him to answer all of a sudden? - said Prince Andrew. - Moreover, in the actions of a statesman, it is necessary to distinguish between the actions of a private person, a commander or an emperor. It seems so to me.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Pierre picked up, delighted at the help that was coming to him.
“It’s impossible not to confess,” continued Prince Andrei, “Napoleon as a man is great on the Arkol bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives a hand to the plague, but ... but there are other actions that are difficult to justify.
Prince Andrei, apparently wanting to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, got up, getting ready to go and giving a sign to his wife.

Suddenly, Prince Hippolyte got up and, stopping everyone with signs of his hands and asking them to sit down, spoke:
- Ah! aujourd "hui on m" a raconte une anecdote moscovite, charmante: il faut que je vous en regale. Vous m "excusez, vicomte, il faut que je raconte en russe. Autrement on ne sentira pas le sel de l" histoire. [Today I was told a charming Moscow anecdote; you need to cheer them on. Excuse me, viscount, I'll tell you in Russian, otherwise the whole point of the joke will be lost.]
And Prince Hippolyte began to speak Russian with such a pronunciation as the French, who have spent a year in Russia, speak. Everyone paused: so animatedly, Prince Hippolyte urgently demanded attention to his history.
- In Moscou there is one lady, une dame. And she is very stingy. She had to have two valets de pied [footman] per carriage. And very large. It was her taste. And she had an une femme de chambre [maid] still tall. She said…
Here Prince Hippolyte fell into thought, apparently having difficulty thinking.
- She said ... yes, she said: "girl (a la femme de chambre), put on a livree [livery] and go with me, behind the carriage, faire des visites." [make visits.]
Here Prince Ippolit snorted and laughed much before his listeners, which made an unfavorable impression for the narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
- She went. Suddenly there was a strong wind. The girl lost her hat, and her long hair was combed ...
Here he could no longer hold on and began to laugh abruptly, and through this laughter he said:
And the whole world knows...
That's where the joke ends. Although it was not clear why he was telling it and why it had to be told without fail in Russian, Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the secular courtesy of Prince Hippolyte, who so pleasantly ended Monsieur Pierre's unpleasant and ungracious trick. The conversation after the anecdote crumbled into small, insignificant talk about the future and the past ball, the performance, about when and where someone will see each other.

Thanking Anna Pavlovna for her charmante soiree, [a charming evening] the guests began to disperse.
Pierre was clumsy. Fat, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and even less knew how to get out of it, that is, before leaving, to say something especially pleasant. Besides, he was scattered. Rising, instead of his hat, he grabbed a triangular hat with a general's plume and held it, pulling the sultan, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon and speak in it were redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty. Anna Pavlovna turned to him and, with Christian meekness expressing forgiveness for his outburst, nodded to him and said:
“I hope to see you again, but I also hope that you will change your mind, my dear Monsieur Pierre,” she said.
When she told him this, he did not answer anything, only leaned over and showed everyone once more his smile, which said nothing, except this: "Opinions are opinions, and you see what a kind and nice fellow I am." And everyone, including Anna Pavlovna, involuntarily felt it.
Prince Andrey went out into the anteroom and, leaning his shoulders on the footman who was throwing a cloak over him, listened indifferently to the chatter of his wife with Prince Hippolyte, who also went out into the anteroom. Prince Hippolyte stood beside the pretty, pregnant princess and stubbornly looked straight at her through his lorgnette.
“Go, Annette, you will catch a cold,” said the little princess, saying goodbye to Anna Pavlovna. - C "est arrete, [Done,]" she added quietly.
Anna Pavlovna had already managed to talk to Lisa about the matchmaking she was planning between Anatole and the sister-in-law of the little princess.
“I hope for you, dear friend,” Anna Pavlovna said, also quietly, “you will write to her and tell me, comment le pere envisagera la chose.” Au revoir, [How the father will look at the matter. Goodbye,] - and she left the hall.
Prince Hippolyte went up to the little princess and, bending his face close to her, began to say something to her in a whisper.
Two footmen, one the princess, the other, waiting for them to finish talking, stood with a shawl and a redingote and listened to them, incomprehensible to them, French dialect with such faces as if they understood what was being said, but did not want to show it. The princess, as always, spoke with a smile and listened with a laugh.
“I am very glad that I didn’t go to the envoy,” Prince Hippolyte said: “boredom ... It’s a wonderful evening, isn’t it, wonderful?”
“They say that the ball will be very good,” answered the princess, twitching her sponge with her mustache. “All the beautiful women of society will be there.
- Not all, because you will not be there; not all,” said Prince Hippolyte, laughing joyfully, and, grabbing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him and began to put it on the princess.
From embarrassment or deliberately (no one could make it out), he did not lower his arms for a long time when the shawl was already put on, and seemed to be hugging a young woman.
She gracefully, but still smiling, pulled away, turned and looked at her husband. Prince Andrei's eyes were closed: he seemed so tired and sleepy.
- You are ready? he asked his wife, looking around her.
Prince Hippolyte hurriedly put on his coat, which, according to the new, was longer than his heels, and, tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was putting into the carriage.
- Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye,] - he shouted, tangling his tongue as well as his legs.
The princess, picking up her dress, sat down in the darkness of the carriage; her husband was adjusting his saber; Prince Ippolit, under the pretext of serving, interfered with everyone.
- Excuse me, sir, - Prince Andrei dryly unpleasantly turned in Russian to Prince Ippolit, who prevented him from passing.
"I'm waiting for you, Pierre," said the same voice of Prince Andrei affectionately and tenderly.
The postilion moved off, and the carriage rattled its wheels. Prince Hippolyte laughed abruptly, standing on the porch and waiting for the viscount, whom he promised to take home.

“Eh bien, mon cher, votre petite princesse est tres bien, tres bien,” said the viscount, getting into the carriage with Hippolyte. - Mais tres bien. He kissed the tips of his fingers. – Et tout a fait francaise. [Well, my dear, your little princess is very cute! Very nice and perfect French.]
Hippolyte laughed with a snort.
“Et savez vous que vous etes terrible avec votre petit air innocent,” continued the viscount. - Je plains le pauvre Mariei, ce petit officier, qui se donne des airs de prince regnant.. [Do you know, you are a terrible person, despite your innocent appearance. I feel sorry for the poor husband, this officer who poses as a possessive person.]
Hippolyte snorted again and said through laughter:
- Et vous disiez, que les dames russes ne valaient pas les dames francaises. Il faut savoir s "y prendre. [And you said that Russian ladies are worse than French ones. You have to be able to take it.]
Pierre, arriving ahead, like a domestic person, went into Prince Andrei's office and immediately, out of habit, lay down on the sofa, took the first book that came across from the shelf (these were Caesar's Notes) and began, leaning on his elbows, to read it from the middle.
– What did you do with m lle Scherer? She will be completely ill now,” said Prince Andrei, entering the office and rubbing his small, white hands.

Diplomatic relations between Russia and Armenia were established on April 3, 1992. The countries are connected by relations of allied partnership. More than 200 interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental contracts and agreements have been concluded. The fundamental documents are the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of August 29, 1997 and the Declaration on Allied Cooperation between Russia and Armenia, oriented to the 21st century, signed on September 26, 2000.

Russian-Armenian relations are characterized by a high level of bilateral contacts at the highest and high political levels.

On August 19-20, 2010 the first state visit of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to Armenia took place. During it, a number of treaty documents were signed. In the city of Gyumri, the recreated memorial complex "Hill of Honor" was solemnly opened in memory of the officers of the Russian army who died in the wars with Turkey in the 19th century.

The first state visit of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to the Russian Federation took place on October 23-25, 2011. A number of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents were signed. As part of the visit, Sargsyan met with the heads of both chambers of the Federal Assembly, the mayor of Moscow, presented the highest state award of the republic, the Order of Glory, to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and spoke at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

In 2013, Armenia confirmed the vector of its development, giving priority to the Eurasian direction. On September 3, following the talks between Vladimir Putin and Serzh Sargsyan, the intention of the Republic of Armenia to join the Customs Union and subsequently participate in the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union was announced.

On December 2, 2013, the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Armenia took place. During the talks with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, the sides discussed the directions for further development of bilateral cooperation, issues of trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation, the prospects for Armenia's accession to the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space. During the visit, 12 bilateral documents were signed. Vladimir Putin also visited the 102nd Russian military base in the city of Gyumri, together with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan watched the commissioning of the fifth power unit of the Hrazdan TPP via videoconference, and took part in a meeting of the Third Russian-Armenian Interregional Forum.

According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in 2015 the foreign trade turnover between Russia and Armenia amounted to $1,244.8 million, while Russian exports amounted to $1,048.2 million and imports to $196.6 million.

According to customs statistics, in January-May 2016, the foreign trade turnover between Russia and Armenia amounted to $478.8 million, including Russian exports - $321.5 million and imports - $157.3 million.

The basis of Russian exports to Armenia is the supply of mineral products, food products and agricultural raw materials; machines, equipment and vehicles; metals and products from them; products of the chemical industry, rubber; precious stones, precious metals and products from them.

The structure of imports from Armenia is dominated by food products and agricultural raw materials, machinery, equipment and vehicles; precious stones, precious metals and products from them; textiles, textile products and footwear.

Russia confidently occupies the position of the main foreign investor in the Armenian economy. The volume of Russian investments in the Armenian economy accumulated since 1991 has exceeded $4 billion.

In April 2009, the Russian Center for Science and Culture was opened in Yerevan. http://arm.rs.gov.ru/o-centre-0 Various programs are being implemented to support the Russian language in the republic.

On September 12, 2013, the solemn opening and consecration of the temple complex of the Russian and New Nakhichevan diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) took place in Moscow.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Add information about the organization

Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
Foundation date: 1997
Supervisor: Armen Darbinyan
Rector: Darbinyan Armen Razmikovich
The address: Armenia, Yerevan, st. Hovsep Emin 123
Phone fax: tel. (+374 10) 27-70-52, (+374 10) 26-11-93, fax. (374 10) 22-14-63, (374 10) 26-97-01


The Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University was established on the basis of the “Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the conditions for the establishment and operation of the Russian-Armenian University in the city of Yerevan”, which was signed on August 29, 1997 in Moscow. On November 28, 1997, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 543 was adopted on the establishment of the Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan. Then the Joint Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia was issued on the opening of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. On April 23, 2003, an Agreement was signed in Moscow between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments and additions to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the conditions for the establishment and activities of the Russian-Armenian University in the city of Yerevan dated August 29, 1997 .

Article 2 of the “Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the conditions for the establishment and operation of the Russian-Armenian University in the city of Yerevan” states:

“The main tasks of the University are:

  • meeting the educational needs of the individual, training, retraining and advanced training of specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical personnel of humanitarian, natural science, economic and legal profiles;
  • assistance in the development of the scientific and human potential of both states by attracting scientific and pedagogical personnel from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia to work at the University;
  • application of advanced educational and methodological technologies and the use of achievements and experience gained in the field of education and science in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Armenia;
  • assistance in the preservation, development and mutual enrichment of cultures, languages, historical and national traditions of the peoples of both states”.

The University is an educational institution of higher professional education jointly administered by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia and enjoys the status of state higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia. The university is licensed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia. The university was accredited on April 29, 2005 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (certificate of state accreditation B No. 000434). The university received a new license on January 19, 2010. and state accreditation March 25, 2010. In May 2011, the RAU received a perpetual license for the right to conduct educational activities.

The University is an independent entity with the rights of a legal entity, with its own name, has seals depicting the State Emblems of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Armenia, a stamp, an independent balance sheet, the rights of operational management of state property assigned to it by the founders, as well as land plots assigned to it by laws and normative acts of the Republic of Armenia for perpetual free use.

The powers of the founders of the University are exercised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia. The University was conceived and should take place as a center of Russian education, science and culture in the Republic of Armenia and in the Transcaucasian region as a whole.

About 25% of RAU's annual enrollment is made up of students from the CIS countries (primarily from Russia, where the largest Armenian diaspora is located, as well as from Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) and far abroad.

RAU students who have passed the final certification, by the decision of the State Attestation Commission, are awarded qualifications in accordance with the specialty received, and state diplomas of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia are issued on graduation from the university, an appendix to diplomas indicating grades and volume in all disciplines studied by the student at RAU.

Education at RAU is conducted according to programs drawn up in accordance with Russian educational standards, with the obligatory inclusion of a national component.

The best teaching forces of Armenia are involved in the work at RAU. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.A. Ambartsumyan, academicians of NAS RA R.M. Martirosyan, E.M. Kazaryan, V.B. Barkhudaryan, A.P. Grigoryan, A.A. Talalyan, Corresponding Member of NAS RA I.D. Zaslavsky, etc., most of them are members of the RAU Academic Council.

Since 2003, a program has been implemented to invite leading specialists of the Russian Federation, professors from Russian universities to RAU to give lecture courses.

The first enrollment of students to the Russian-Armenian University on specialties

  • "Jurisprudence",
  • "State and municipal administration",
  • "Journalism"

was implemented in February 1999. In the summer of 1999, the list of RAU specialties was supplemented with four more licensed specialties: * "Political Science",

  • "World economy",
  • "Socio-cultural service and tourism",
  • "Applied Mathematics and Informatics",

and since September 2002 - specialty "International Relations". Since September 2003, RAU has been training in the specialty "Electronics and Microelectronics", and since September 2004 - training in the specialty "Medical Biochemistry". In 2005, a set of specialties was made

  • "Psychology",
  • "Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures",
  • "Philology",
  • "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics".

The university has:

  • Board of Trustees
  • Career Center
  • Center for Pre-University Education
  • School "Usmunk"
  • Scientific institutions, centers and problem groups
  • Master's degree
  • PhD
  • Doctorate

The university is equipped with fourteen computer classes and two language laboratories.

In 2004, the reconstruction of the university building was completed. On October 15, the grand opening of the RAU Thanksgiving Park took place. Thanksgiving Park should symbolize the past, present and future of Russian-Armenian friendship, the community of cultural, historical and other values ​​that have crystallized over the centuries. The opening date is not accidental: the day of October 15, by the decision of the RAU Academic Council, was approved as the “Day of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University”.

At the beginning of 2005, the House of Culture of the RAU was put into operation, and in 2009 the grand opening of the Open Sports Complex of the RAU took place.

The Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University established a commemorative gold medal "Olive Branch with Diamonds". According to the regulations on the medal, it is awarded once, in exceptional cases - twice a year. Among those awarded may be figures of literature and art, politicians, businessmen - people devoted to Russia and Armenia, the difficult and high fate of our two countries, our two peoples.

The first medal in April 2001 was awarded to Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov for his contribution to Russian culture and many years of sponsorship of earthquake-ravaged Armenia and its young musical talents.

The second medal was presented to Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina in April 2002 during her visit to the Russian-Armenian University. In addition, by a resolution of the Academic Council of the RAU, it was decided to award a commemorative gold medal to poetess Silva Kaputikyan and artistic director-director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Abisalovich Gergiev.


  • Department of Armenian Language and Literature
  • Department of World History
  • Department of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
  • Department of Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle
  • Department of Philosophy

Department of Armenian Language and Literature

The head of the department is Doctor of Philology Azat Komunar Yeghiazaryan. The Department of Armenian Studies of the RAU was founded in 2000, in 2008. renamed the Department of Armenian Language and Literature. From the very beginning, it worked as a university-wide department for teaching the Armenian language and literature. In the 2004-2005 academic year, the subject "History of Armenian Culture" was added to the subjects taught at the senior courses of the humanities faculties. In the near future, it is planned to supplement the list of these subjects with other disciplines of Armenian Studies.

In 2003, assuming the duties of the head of the department, Jemma Barnasyan made the methodology of teaching modern Armenian a subject of serious discussion, which in this case has its own specifics. In a short time, the program of teaching the Armenian language and literature was revised. The discussion was attended by heads of departments and a number of prominent specialists from leading universities.

Taking into account the specifics of the RAU, which also enrolls students who do not speak Armenian, in the 2004-2005 academic year, at the suggestion of the department, with the active assistance of the RAU leadership, a new experimental computer method was introduced.

Of the available courses, preference was given to the Gold Armenian program, intended for Russian-speaking users. A rather extensive, carefully designed self-instruction manual, according to its plan - teaching grammar by a step-by-step method - is consonant with the program adopted at the Department of Armenian Studies of the RAU. In the long-term plan of the department - the creation of a textbook based on this course. In addition to educational and methodological programs, the Department of Armenian Studies also has a program for the implementation of scientific work. March 2004 on the initiative of the department, a two-day conference dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Grigor Narekatsi's poem "The Book of Sorrow" was held.

In 2004 the 90th anniversary of the outstanding Armenian poet of the 20th century Hamo Sagyan was solemnly celebrated - and the presentation of the poet's book published by RAU - and the 85th anniversary of the talented Armenian poetess Silva Kaputikyan were held.

One of the most important tasks of the department is to organize an Armenological conference dedicated to the preservation of the purity of the Armenian language. It is supposed to ensure the most active participation of students in the conference, to give the issue a public sound.

Department of World History

Head of the Department - Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Margaryan Yervand Grantovich

The relevance of history and historical knowledge was dictated by the decision of the RAU Academic Council to establish a university-wide department of world history. The leadership and staff of the department see their main task in acquainting students with political history and mastering the method of historical analysis, with various civilizational theories, concepts and models of the culture of everyday life and the forms of its concrete embodiment in various countries for almost 6 thousand years.

Conceptual significance is attached to the study of the History of Armenia and the History of Russia not in isolation, but in the context of world history, against a broad background of civilizational processes. For the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, a new lecture course was developed on the topic “Armenia in the context of world history”. Much attention is paid to the creation of author's programs at the department.

The main employees of the department are: Margaryan Yervand Grantovich (Associate Professor, Ph.D.), Muradyan Mikayel Azatovich (Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences), Zakharyan Lilit Alexandrovna (Associate Professor, Ph.D.), Mailyan Beniamin Viktorovich (Ph. in History), Krbekyan Vahagn Gevorkovich (Ph.D.), Marukyan Armen Tsolakovich (Associate Professor, Ph.D. in History).

The following disciplines are taught at the department:

  • History of Armenia
  • Political history of Armenia
  • History of Armenian culture
  • Russian history
  • Political history of Russia
  • The World History
  • History of Foreign Countries (East/West)
  • History of the country(s) of the region of specialization
  • Cultural-religious traditions of foreign countries (East/West)
  • Theory and History of Civilizations
  • Comparative strategic cultures
  • Formation of European civilization and its value foundations
  • Russia and Europe in the Mirror of Mutual Perception
  • Country Studies (UK)

Department of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems

Head of the Department - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.G. Harutyunyan

Synopsys Armenia CJSC, Synopsys For Armenia Charitable Foundation and RAU signed a cooperation agreement (COOPERATION AGREEMENT) on September 24, 2007. In accordance with the agreement, Synopsys Armenia CJSC and Synopsys For Armenia Charitable Foundation will support the education of University students for bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs, aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology.

This support is provided through the university-wide Synopsys Department of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, which cooperates mainly with the Faculty of Physics and Technology and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, as well as, if necessary, with other faculties of the University. Synopsys donated its software programs to the University free of charge tools and licenses to them in the amount of 50 licenses to them, which will support raising the level of both the educational process and scientific research at the University.

By decision of the Academic Council of the RAU dated September 25, 2007, the all-university department "Microelectronic Circuits and Systems" was established. The head of the department was appointed A.G. Harutyuunyan There are 2 computer classes on the territory of RAU. From November 2007 optional classes were organized for students of the bachelor's program in the following disciplines:

  • Introduction to IC Design
  • Introduction to IC Design
  • Semiconductor devices and technologies
  • Microcircuitry

Department of Philosophy

Head of the Department – ​​Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Oganesyan Suren Gaykovich

The Department of Philosophy was formed by order of the rector on September 1, 2006 and is a university-wide one. The department employs 2 Doctors of Science Professors, 1 Doctor of Science Associate Professor, 5 Candidates of Science Associate Professors and 2 teachers. In addition, 2 professors and 2 associate professors give lectures through the department.

1 is read along the line of the department. In the bachelor's degree:

  • philosophy,
  • concept of modern natural science,
  • logics,
  • sociology,
  • rhetoric,
  • history of religion;

2. in the magistracy

  • methodology of scientific knowledge,
  • philosophical questions of physics,
  • philosophy of law,
  • political rhetoric;

3. in graduate school

  • history
  • philosophy of science.

There is a theoretical and methodological seminar at the department, where, in addition to the members of the department, the participation of teachers from the Faculty of Philosophy of Yerevan State University, the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law and other universities of Yerevan is also expected.

The department has a plan for the main directions of scientific activity, involving the study of the nature and structure of philosophical knowledge, the place and role of man in the world, as well as issues related to the relationship of philosophy and other sciences, in particular philosophy and sociology, and the solution of philosophical problems of consciousness. A special place will be given to the study of the problems of responsibility, conscience, spirituality and the meaning of life.

Given the fact that in the post-Soviet period throughout the CIS, including Armenia, there is no single idea of ​​the methodology of teaching philosophy in universities, the department intends to pay special attention to the development of a modern methodology for teaching this subject. The department intends to establish creative cooperation with a number of RAU departments, including cultural studies, psychology and political theory.


  • journalism
  • foreign languages
  • biomedical
  • political science
  • applied mathematics and informatics
  • psychology
  • socio-cultural service and tourism
  • physical and technical
  • philology
  • economic
  • legal

International connections

RAU attaches great importance to joint work with leading foreign universities and other organizations. In 2002-2006 The university has signed cooperation agreements with leading universities and organizations of the Russian Federation:

  • MGIMO,
  • the International University of Vienna,
  • RUDN,
  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
  • MSTU im. Bauman,
  • MTUCI,
  • State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin,
  • St. Petersburg "Fund for Culture and Education",
  • Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation,
  • Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) and many others.

Internships for students and graduate students, joint programs and conferences are constantly carried out, specialists are invited to give lecture courses. Among other things, the RAD signed an agreement with the Electronic International Business School of Ireland on the organization of certified distance courses based on the RAD. The RAU Department of Economics and Finance, together with the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the State University-Higher School of Economics and the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, plans to develop and implement short-term and long-term joint educational programs based on RAU, including using distance learning.

Students are being exchanged with MGIMO. There is active cooperation between the law faculties of Moscow State University and RAU. An agreement was reached with the HSE on periodic internships for postgraduate students of the Faculty of Economics. Together with the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, educational programs “Finance and Banking”, “Real Estate Appraisal” and “Strategic Management” are being introduced from the new academic year. An agreement was reached with the Financial Academy on the introduction of joint master's programs "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" and "Financial Management" at RAU. RAU also has agreements on joint activities in distance education with the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Distance Education at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.


The RAU library began serving students, teachers and university staff in September 1999, having a book fund of one and a half thousand volumes. Within 22 semesters, the constantly replenished library fund (including journal periodicals) reached 70,000 items (approximately 29,000 titles) - through acquisitions from non-budgetary funds of the RAU and through donations from individuals and official departments.

The main educational literature (the latest university textbooks recommended by educational programs) makes up one fourth of the RAU library's total book fund - 15,500 volumes of 4,600 titles in all profile and general university disciplines.

Since 2005, the library has been equipped with five service computers, a database with an electronic catalog and a search system for its own library funds has been developed and maintained. The general catalog already contains 58,500 books of 25,000 titles. The office computers are connected to the local network and to the Internet through the server of the Information and Technical Support Department of the RAU. Since January 2004, the library has been included in the Electronic Libraries Consortium of Armenia (eLCA) and has received full access to scientific information resources on the web. By order of users, the RAD Library provides copies of articles from expensive world-class scientific journals free of charge.

Since 2007, 15 user computers with free access to Internet information resources have been installed in the reading room. The Consolidated Catalog of Libraries of Armenia already contains 6,000 newest textbooks of 1,200 titles from the collections of the RAU Library.

The library has two reading rooms with 90 seats. The auxiliary funds of the reading rooms contain samples of all the latest program textbooks, classic monographs and dictionaries, and scientific periodicals available in the RAU library. The total number of books in the reading rooms is 7000 units (capacity is 8000 units). In total, the two reading rooms register an average of 40 book loans per day. Readers are provided with computers with a network connection. Each computer has an electronic reference catalog with a search engine for the collections of the RAU Library (25,000 entries) and an electronic collection of relevant scientific and educational texts (4 GB). Thematic collections on CDs are also provided for reading.

Until the completion of the re-equipment of the vestibule into a book exchange area, a subscription service area is temporarily operating in one of the book depositories (an average of 80 book loans daily). This room is equipped with shelving for 25,000 volumes. The second book depository, equipped with shelving in October 2003, is designed for 34,000 volumes.

For eleven years, 5900 registered users have used the library subscription, of which 5300 are students and graduate students of RAU, 500 are teachers and employees of RAU and the Center for Pre-University Education, 100 are external users and donors. The current number of readers in the 2010-2011 academic year is 2000 people. Students of other universities and residents of nearby neighborhoods use the services of reading rooms without restrictions.

Since November 2011, the library staff has been twelve people, including the head. The staff responsibilities of all employees are divided into existing sectors:

  • acquisition (Natalia Chalyan);
  • storage and systematization of funds (Karine Dilanyan and Marianna Aslanyan);
  • Scientific and Information Service (Gayane Pashayan);
  • bibliography and cataloging (Irina Hovsepyan and Alina Soghomonyan);
  • subscription service (Peter Lukashev);
  • reading rooms (Shushanik Sargsyan);
  • automation of library processes (Karina Gasparyan);
  • computer network services (Diana Sargsyan);
  • electronic library (Inna Sargsyan).

publishing house

The RAU Publishing House is one of the main structural divisions of the university, which carries out the publishing functions of the university on a professional level on the basis of a license for publishing activity (LR No. 0112 of 06/09/1999).

The RAU publishing house has been operating in full since February 1, 2002. The main task of the publishing house is the organization and implementation of the editorial and publishing activities of the university, the publication and distribution of educational, educational and methodological literature that meets the requirements of the state standard, as well as the publication of scientific, scientific and methodological, fiction, journalistic, reference and other types of literature in the interests of providing educational process and research work.

The publishing house carries out its activities on the basis of annual and long-term thematic plans, contracts with third-party organizations and institutions, labor agreements.

During the years of existence of the RAU publishing house, many publishing, commercial and other projects have been carried out, which have earned him fame both in the Republic of Armenia and abroad. The publishing house took part in many international exhibitions, publishing projects and competitions.

The staff structure of the publishing house includes the following:

  • The head of the RAU publishing house is Minasyan Paruyr Minasovich.
  • Editor-in-Chief of the RAU Publishing House - Ph.D. Avakyan Maria Eduardovna.
  • The editor of the RAU publishing house is Mamikonyan Elina Yurievna.
  • Proofreader of the RAU publishing house - Mkrtchyan Varditer Hamletovna.

Structure and management of the publishing house

1. The work of the publishing house is organized by its head, who is appointed and dismissed from his post by the Rector of the University in accordance with the established procedure.

2. The head of the publishing house is a member of the RIS of the University.

3. Head of publishing house:

  • planning the work of the publishing house,
  • ensures the fulfillment of the main tasks and functions of the publishing house;
makes proposals to the University management on the structure of the publishing house, the staffing of the publishing house in accordance with the actual volume and nature of the work performed, hiring, transferring, dismissing and encouraging employees, imposing penalties, placing the department, working conditions and working hours;
  • approves the job descriptions of the publishing house employees.

4. The structure of the publishing house includes the editorial office, the head of which is the editor-in-chief, who is also the deputy head.

5. The publishing house interacts with the faculties, departments, library, educational department, accounting and other departments of the University, third-party organizations and institutions.

Publications of the RAU

  • Optics & its Applications: Symposium Information & Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium (Armenia, 5-9 September, 2011). -Yerevan, 2011- 150 p.
  • Oganesyan L.R. Penitentiary law: educational and methodological complex. Er.: RAU Publishing House, 2011.109 p.
  • Engoyan A.P. Ideological foundations of socio-political transformations in post-Soviet Armenia / Ed. ed.: KA. Mirumyan. Er.: RAU Publishing House. 358 p.
  • Kazdanyan S.Sh. Political psychology: Educational-methodical complex. Er.: RAU Publishing House, 2011. 144p.
  • Babayan K.B. History of management. Teaching aid / Responsible. ed. A.M. Suvaryan. Er.: RAU Publishing House, 2011. 52 p.
  • Vagharshakyan Ashot Agasievich. Mathematical analysis. Er.: RAU Publishing House, 2011.303 p.
  • International conference (April 25-26, 2011): Armenian-Turkish relations, their influence on the geopolitical development of the region and their representation in the press: Collection of scientific articles. Er.: RAU Publishing House, 2011. 141 p.
  • Avetisyan S.S. Problems of distinguishing between criminal and non-criminal behavior (theory and practice of criminal law ensuring human security). - Yer.: RAU Publishing House, 2011. 814 p.
  • Bulletin of RAU. Physical-mathematical and natural sciences. N1 2011 - Yer.: RAU Publishing House, 2011.
  • Bulletin of RAU. Humanities and social sciences. N1/ 2011 - Yer.: RAU Publishing House, 2011.

RAU Career Center

The RAU Career Center, founded in March 2002 at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, is a key structure for the interaction of employers with students and graduates of RAU. It is focused on the comprehensive support of young professionals - both students and graduates - in today's competitive labor market. In August 2007, the Career Center website www.rau.am/career was launched with financial support from CAPS/USAID.

Services of the RAU Career Center for students/graduates:

  • Vacancies and internships for entry-level positions (assuming career growth), as well as for middle and top positions (with work experience) in leading companies.
  • Information about multi-scale educational (grant) programs;
  • Participation in exhibitions on career and education.
  • Company presentations, business games, case-studies, etc.;
  • Information and educational events about the ways of successful career building;
  • Advice on professional and personal growth.
  • Free specialized literature on career building and employment;
  • Useful information about the modern personnel market;
  • Participation in summer schools, internships, fellowships of various profiles;
  • Organization of production and undergraduate practice.

Services of the RAU Career Center for employers:

  • Opportunity to place your vacancies in entry, middle and top positions for students and graduates, as well as information about internships and recruitment programs for young professionals;
  • Automatic addition to the RAU Career Center database after on-line registration;
  • Search for candidates for vacancies using the database of the RAU Career Center;
  • The possibility of presenting your company to students;
  • Participation in exhibitions on career and employment;
  • Opportunity to deliver educational lectures/seminars on career building issues;
  • Information support of events within the walls of RAU.


  • Levon Mkrtchyan (1998–2001)


The events around the "Russian-Armenian friendship" are developing towards a natural finale - an armed confrontation, or, more simply, to a war.

While it seems incredible. But who could have imagined until recently that Russia would be at war with fraternal Georgia of the same faith, and, most importantly, with Ukraine. Regarding which scientists are still arguing: are Russians and Ukrainians fraternal kindred peoples or two parts of the same people?

However, after the pro-American Maidan won in Armenia, and, moreover, initially much more pro-Western than the previous "color revolutions" in the post-Soviet space, it became obvious that Armenia is de facto already an enemy of Russia.

In power in Armenia, without exception, all Russophobes and Western henchmen. The few sane and not yet zombified by "Maidan" propaganda representatives of the Armenian people, who, for friendship with Russia, are deprived not only of access to power, but also of the opportunity to speak out in the media. And even if they speak out, they will be declared "traitors", just like those even smaller sensible Armenians who offer to make peace with Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The only thing that keeps "revolutionary" Armenia from direct hostile anti-Russian actions is the instruction of the new "owners" not to rush into them.

In order to completely subjugate the Armenian "fifth column" inside Russia to Western interests, in connection with which the effect of Armenia's hostility towards Russia will be much more destructive for the Russian state.

But when the course of enmity is taken, sooner or later they will start shooting. Often due to tension ahead of time. Then potential enemies say to "their": "do not succumb to provocations" ahead of time. We remember this on the eve of the German attack on the USSR in 1941.

On July 18, at about 11:30, servicemen of the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri conducted military exercises in the administrative territory of the village of Panik. Previously, the local population was usually warned about such exercises in advance.

Moreover, they were warned by the Armenian authorities, who, in turn, were informed by the Russian military.

However, this time, for some reason, the local authorities did not warn the population. And it is hard to believe that the Russian military is to blame for this - in the current difficult situation in Armenia, it is hard to believe that they did not warn the Armenian side during the training. It is even more difficult to believe that the village authorities "accidentally forgot to warn" their fellow villagers. Such things, especially in small villages, are never "accidentally" forgotten. Probably, the instruction to "forget to warn" the population came from the very "top".

One way or another, the exercises with shots that began terrified the inhabitants of both the village of Panik, Shirak Marz, and the inhabitants of adjacent villages. at first they thought it was a war.

“Up to three dozen soldiers blocked the road of the village, stopped their convoy, and such sounds, shots! It’s good that the cartridges were non-combat. All the people immediately ran out of their houses after these sounds, even there are children who lost consciousness.

It is insulting that no one was warned that we would be conducting exercises on the territory of your community. If someone from Armenia in the Russian Federation does this, in a community with at least one house, they would inflate the tragedy! Well, we understood that the military base, thanks, is being protected, but they shouldn’t come and arrange military operations on the territory of the village!” Vardan Makeyan, the head of the village administration, said.

It is clear that the head of the village administration should have received instructions from higher authorities (it is unlikely that the leadership of the Russian military passed information to the village level), i.e. It was decided not to warn the population deliberately at the level of the marz or in Yerevan.

At the same time, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan deliberately hinted that the "extreme" for the incident in Panik is the Russian side. On July 19, at the beginning of the government meeting, referring to the incident in the village of Panik, Shirak Marz, where the military of the Russian base opened a training fire in the village, Pashinyan called it an unacceptable act.

"I consider this a provocation against the friendly Armenian-Russian relations, against the sovereignty of Armenia. The perpetrators must be held accountable. It has not yet been decided in accordance with what procedure the incident should be investigated, since there are bilateral agreements. I know that the police are preparing documents, and I hope that the investigation will be productive," Pashinyan said.

From the words of Pashinyan, it immediately becomes clear that the "revolutionary" Armenians by no means can be against "friendly Armenian-Russian relations". Then who is guilty?

Of course - insidious Russians! Which not only spoil the Armenian roads (Armenianreport already wrote about this in the material Why Armenia needs Russian parasites in uniform?), but also frighten the representatives of the "victim of the" genocide "(through Russian fault"!) people with their loud teachings!

That's why after shootings in the village of Panik, the anti-Russian campaign in Armenia will flare up with renewed vigor. The course towards enmity with Russia, taken by the "revolutionary" pro-Western regime in Yerevan, is irreversible. Therefore, the shots in the village of Panik may well become the first shots of the Russian-Armenian war.

In the meantime, Armenia is becoming a completely NATO-controlled country before our very eyes, and thus turning into a "Trojan horse" of the US and NATO for Russia in the strategically important Caucasian region.

It seems that with the "Maidan" in Armenia, the United States and the West managed to pull off the most successful special operation, which until recently they could not even dream of. They do not spend a single cent on maintaining the Pashinyan regime. Russia continues to feed and even protect its actual enemy.

For Russia, the worst thing that could be imagined happened. If, after the Maidan, Armenia, like Ukraine in 2014, became openly hostile to Russia, that would be half the trouble. It would be possible to break off relations, evacuate the base, reduce economic ties to a minimum.

But now Armenia, which is really hostile to the Russian Federation, formally remains a military ally of Russia, which, by virtue of this, has access to strategic military planning, whose armed forces are "integrated" with the Russian ones within the framework of the CSTO, and are completely controlled by people controlled by the United States - Russia's main geopolitical rival. There are simply no analogues of such a defeat, which happened to Russia "on the Armenian front", in history.

At the same time, formal membership of Armenia in NATO is not even necessary. During the recent NATO summit in Brussels, the new Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made it clear that NATO is a "priority" for him, but Russia is a geopolitical adversary that can be very conveniently robbed and "exploited" using the inertia of "allied" relations.

Furthermore people who have real power in Russia work for Armenia.

The same Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov-Kalantarov may, at a critical moment, listen not to his "immediate boss" Vladimir Putin, but to his fellow tribesmen working for the United States and the West - Pashinyan and those from the Western Armenian diaspora who are behind him.

With Pashinyan, who first came to the West as the first person of Armenia, the heads of various structures of the European Union, the heads of states and governments of the North Atlantic Alliance held meetings. So Nikol Pashinyan met in Brussels with the German Chancellor, the Presidents of France, Lithuania, Canada, Ukraine, Slovakia and Afghanistan with the Prime Ministers of Greece, Belgium, Macedonia, Spain and Italy, as well as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Furthermore Pashinyan was entrusted with joining one of the key NATO events - Afghanistan. The hall was full when Pashinyan entered, and those present pretended to listen to him attentively. This is a striking difference from the speech at the same NATO summit in Brussels by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Recall that the potential of Ukraine is incomparable with the potential of Armenia. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe after Russia. Ukraine aspires to become a full member of NATO. Ukraine with weapons confronts the main geopolitical enemy of NATO - Russia, and is actually at war with Russia in the Donbass. And during the speech of the President of this country, the hall was actually empty. Poroshenko, in fact, "speaked in front of empty chairs." And everyone who could gather to listen to the prime minister of Armenia, insignificant in comparison with Ukraine. This is very telling and shows that among the leaders of NATO countries, Pashinyan immediately became "his own".

Simultaneously Pashinyan, in fact, began to blackmail Moscow with the help of NATO, however, while refraining from open anti-Russian rhetoric. But against the backdrop of Pashinyan's visit to Brussels, a campaign has already been launched in the Armenian media against the presence of the Russian base in Gyumri and Russian border guards on the borders of Armenia with Turkey and Iran. The benefits for NATO of cooperation with Armenia are also being discussed with might and main. After all, strategically Armenia is located favorably for basing US and NATO aircraft on its airfields: the Near and Middle East is nearby.

Armenia can, in fact, become a full-fledged ally of NATO, launch NATO military into its country, without formally leaving the CSTO.

Those. the Russian military in this case will simply turn out to be "hostages behind enemy lines" or potential "prisoners of war" in the event of a conflict. They simply will not be able to break out of their base in Gyumri in the event of hostilities. And with such a prospect, apparently, Pashinyan is openly blackmailing Russia.

The fact that the NATO summit adopted a resolution in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Azerbaijan does not seem to bother Pashinyan much. Moreover, relying on this NATO resolution and with the help of the United States, Pashinyan can blackmail Russia with the "Karabakh issue." After all, if Russia insists on a peaceful settlement in Karabakh with the de-occupation of territories, Pashinyan will "put pressure" on the fact that the same NATO countries are in favor of restoring the territorial integrity of other countries - Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

Those. at Armenians may be Russia's answer: "first give Crimea to Ukraine, and then demand something from us on Karabakh."

But the fact of the matter is that the decision to give Crimea to the current anti-Russian Ukraine for the authority of the current leadership of the Russian Federation will turn into a disaster. After all, his rating among the population against the background of social problems in the country rests solely on the fact that "Crimea is ours."

Thus, the snake, warmed by Russia, will inevitably start biting. A p Russia, alas, does not have antidotes from this reptile. The "Fifth Armenian Column" inside the Russian Federation has access to the Russian government system and influence on decision-making.

Yes, and the media under the Armenian-American control.

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