Home Grape Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs in the Russian language. List of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling. Spelling prepositions and conjunctions

Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs in the Russian language. List of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling. Spelling prepositions and conjunctions

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§ 40. SEPARATE WRITING OF ADVERBS AND ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS Exercise 175. Rewrite, opening the brackets; If in doubt, refer to the list of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling attached at the end of the exercise.I. 1. (Look at) laughter, Chatsky will make you laugh (Gr.).2. She ordered everything (without) the knowledge of the commandant (P.).3. A hundred times blessed is he who, in his charming youth, catches this quick moment (on) the fly (P.). 4. Petro slept for two days and two nights (without) waking up (G.). 5. (As) running, Kazbich pulled out a gun from its case and shot (L.). 6. The wonderfully well-coordinated cart is calm, secure and light (Ya.). 7. Dubkov lied (without), fell silent (L.T.). 8. Gavrila Markelych needed money (before) he was cut short (Meln.-Pech.). 9. Every penny was (on) the account (Gar.). 10. I have always wasted money and (without) holding it like crazy (Ch.). 11. Today I’m treating you to something and I want to feast (to) glory (Bun.)12. The lower raven (c) in flight knocks down the upper one and rises higher (Prishv.). 13. Nikita (c) threw the violin with a flourish (Fed.). 14. Michaud worked (tirelessly) (Erenb.). 15. They are looking for us, but they are looking (by) touch, blindly (Shol.). 16. The Hungarian cavalry (c) ran into our column (Shol.). 17. Davydov laughed (until) he fell, dropping his head on the table (Naughty). 18. Nesterenko stopped immediately and turned to face Davydov (Shol.).19. Cheryomushkin and Mychko are desperate lads who always acted decisively and (with) a raid (Vershig.).20. Grabbing the lieutenant, he lifted him (by) weight, with straightened arms (Leon.). II. 1. The girls pour emerald into the storerooms and (under) a bushel (Ya.). 2. We are afraid to disturb you and don’t know (at) the right time for our visit (P.). 3. (In) my heads, plant scarlet flowers, and (in) my feet, run clean spring water (77.). 4. We don’t have the same thing as in Europe - we tell (in) a curiosity (Ya.). 5. I’m completely (s) out of my mind (T.). 6. Take your time: it’s not (to) rush (Pom.). 7. True talents always sit (in) the dark, in the crowd, away from the exhibition (Ch.). 8. Klim suddenly fell out of the cart and (on) all fours ran more often (Ch.). 9. The day began with her owner, carpenter Luka Alexandrych, putting on his hat, taking (under) his arm some kind of wooden thing wrapped in a red scarf, and shouting: “Kashtanka, let’s go!” (Ch.). 10. Having taken off his hat, this man pressed it (under) his arm, probably in order not to wave his left hand (M. G.). 11. In ancient times, only people lived on earth (M.G.). 12. We’ll hold out for another three days until the Pskovites come to the rescue (A.N.T.). 13. The student uniform he was wearing was (to) moderately worn (Fed.). 14. The priest and the sexton were (matched) to each other (Fed. ). 15. A native Muscovite, he loved Russia with all his soul and had never been (abroad) abroad. When he was invited (abroad), he always refused (Gilyar.). 16. Ivan Pavlovich looked around and (in) his heart muttered some evil words (Sayan.). 17. They (one by one) hugged and kissed, trying not to meet their eyes (Fad.). 18. He squatted down with his face towards the fire (Fad.). 19. The buglers sounded carelessly, and the horses lined up (in) a row (Bagr.). 20. So, then, the commander sent you to us (for) training? (Cat.).21. Tricky questions never put grandfather Shchuk-rya (in) a dead end (Shol.). 22. The second hundred (at trots to the enemy’s flank (Shol.). 23. For a week the mother did not talk to her son, and his mother’s silence was only helpful (Shol.). 24. At this station he left the car after more than thirty years (Pan.). 25. But Yasha turned out to be (an extremely) sticky guy (Gran.). 26. - If you want your tractor to work properly, repair it (probably) (Gran. ). Glumov grabbed him (in) an armful and did not carry him out onto the stairs (S.-Shch.). 3. She (in) revenge will now write to him that he writes the same thing every year (Ch. 4. Came (in). ) exactly this evacuation order, and everything went topsy-turvy (Fad.). 5. I, as you yourself understand, (c) have little time: I have to fly back in a few hours (Sayan.). 6. Marina (c) narrowed her eyes. Andrey has an elongated, slightly slanted black eye (Shol.). 7. Fedot walked (in) an embrace with Zakhar (Karav. 8. The Germans ran in groups and (in) alone across the steppe (Trans.). For l i s. right. The following are written separately having an adverbial meaning: 1) combinations of nouns with prepositions without (without holding back, without tired), before (to the fullest, until I fall), on (at a gallop, at a miracle, by touch), with (on a grand scale, on the move)", 2) combinations of nouns with various prepositions, if the noun in a certain meaning has retained at least some case forms (squatting, squatting; hidden, under the radar) or if the noun is used in a figurative meaning (it plays into his hands, shout in his heart, the question has puzzled the student); 3) combinations of the preposition in with a noun starting with a vowel (slim, tight , point blank). LIST OF ADVERBS AND ADVERB EXPRESSIONS WITH SEPARATE WRITING Without knowledge, without asking, without beating around the bush, without looking back, without refusal, without enlightenment, without waking up, without analysis, without asking, to no avail, without holding back, without stopping, without getting tired, side by side. In the form, in the heads, in a curiosity, in addition, in conclusion, in the end, in the root, in gloss, in moderation, in mockery, in the legs, in the leg, in exchange, in an embrace, in a cut-off, in a tight fit, in grasp, in general, fully armed, completely heard, alone, to avoid, a hundred times, in the open, in retaliation, in an armful, in the dust, in counterweight, in installments, at retail, in a row, in hearts, in warehouse, after that, on time, in the old days, to the side, sideways, in silence, to death, to a dead end, point blank. To the point of demand, to the extreme, to the extreme, to the point of unrecognizability, to the point of exhaustion, to refusal, goodbye, until now, until death, until I drop. For the eyes (in absentia, in absence), abroad, abroad, for midnight, for the repose, for what about what. From abroad, from under mice, from under the arm, from under the bushel. Just a little small less. At random, on the run, on the side, forever and ever, forever and ever, by weight, by weight, by sight, by sight, by taste, for a while, by choice, by eye, in front of our eyes, by eye, heated up, miraculously, the other day, at home, at home, on the rack, in spite of ourselves, on the heels, on the heels, on the wear and tear, on the wear and tear, on wear and tear, at the end of the day, on all fours, on all fours, on squat, on squat, on the way, on the fly, on the fly, for a moment. on the world, on no, on departure, excellent, by touch, by memory, afloat, on the back, on the back, on bail, on bail, on sight, on rare bone, on hand, at a trot, at a gallop , for glory, for laughter, for demolitions, for conscience, for guard, for slaughter, for hurray, for good, for good, on tiptoe, on tiptoe, on watch (on guard), on all fours, on all fours, at a walk, out of spirit , not to the credit, not to the extent not to the example, not for nothing (not free), not for anything, not for good, not in a hurry, not worth it, not to one’s taste, beyond one’s strength, beyond one’s teeth, not one’s gut, not one’s shoulder , not averse, not at a glance, for nothing, not a penny, not an iota, foot in foot. One on one, from young to old From time to time, at hand, in the evening, downhill, cheaply, at the end, at the end, at spoon, epigastric, under the armpits, under the armpits, under the armpit, under the armpit, under the bushel, under the bushel, to match, in twos, quietly, under the bridle, under an inclination, along at least, internally, one at a time, in turn, predominantly, conscience, the old fashioned way, in threes, silently. From side to side, from side to side, with the knowledge, in appearance, evil eye to eye, from the inside, word for word, word for word, - at a swoop, at a swoop, at a swoop, from start to finish, at all, at a loss, at a run, with acceleration, at once, on the move, from hour to hour. Hour by hour. Exercise 176 (repeated ). Rewrite, opening the parentheses; explain the spellings.I. 1. Between the windows stood a hussar with a ruddy face and protruding eyes (T.). 2. I went straight to the stars (for) daring (T.). 3. (There is) no way for the horse to gain strength (S.-Shch.). 4. Uncle Mizgir was lying (in) stretching and dozing (Grig.). 5. We (somehow) adjusted these devices, our pipe was closed (from) outside, and each time for this we had to climb onto the flat roof of the yurt (Cor.). 6. (Apparently) the shepherd attached little importance to his words (Ch.). 7. The other bank of the river, low and level, stretched somewhere (in) the distance to the green walls of the forest (M. G.). 8. I could only hold the gun (on) ready and look at the compass needle (M.G.). 9. Grandfather, unfortunately, got entangled in long floors his fur coat (M.G.).10. The stands were completely (from) the bottom (to) the top black with a dense crowd of people (Kupr.). 11. I look and cannot get enough of these smooth movements of a white branch, showered with flowers (Kupr.). 12. We must walk through the forest, looking at the trees from the very bottom and (to) the top (Prishv.). 13. There was a snowstorm at night, it seemed impossible to think about a wolf raid tomorrow (Prishv. 14. From overwork, I couldn’t sleep for a long time and kept tossing and turning (from) side (to) side (Are. 15). . After me, who (in) the ford, who all started swimming (A.N.T.) 16. After the parade, Pi-car (on) had breakfast in a hurry, an hour later, in a civilian dress, he went to the city (Erenb.) 17. But most of all (for) eternity I remembered how tenderly they, your hands, stroked my hair, and neck, and chest, when I lay half-conscious in bed (Fad. 18. Climbs from under). the plowshare black layer of earth falls, turns (on) its side (Shol. 19. They will get lost, scatter in all directions (one by one), become exhausted, lie down and - the end (N. Chuk.).20. (to) meet the light and warmth (Isak.). II. 1. The young girl looked at me, tilting her head a little (to) the side (T.). 2. Even though Asya pretended that she didn’t care about anything, she valued everyone’s opinion (T.). 3. The petitioners stood still for a while, looked at each other and trudged off, without looking back, back (T.). 4. Almost every tree was entwined (from) top (to) bottom with wild grapes, (at) bottom dark thorns grew thickly (L. T.). 5. (5) In the darkness I did not see Agafya’s face (Ch.). 6. In profile, Prozorov resembled a nail, curved (along) the middle (M.G.). 7. Samghin (from) the scythe looked at his wife (M.G.). 8. The place (before) cannot be boring (M.G.).9. Frost shook the bees (to) above, and (from) below the marten began to eat up the honey (Prishv.). 10. The dog, seeing the rod, ran up to the old man and lay down (on) its side at the very feet (Prishv.). 11. Before sunset it pulled back, but the ripples (still) ran here for a long time (Prishv.). 12. I (in) secretly hoped that this time Dersu would go with me to Khabarovsk (Ar.). 13. The cloud quickly rushed across the sky, growing (in) depth and (in) width (Are.). 14. I became convinced that (during) my run I didn’t think about the road at all and got lost (Kupr.). 15. At night they lit a huge fire (on) the top of the mountain, and everyone walked along the shore with fire (Kupr.). 16. A cap worn (on) a side skirt and a black military overcoat (in) a cape attracted everyone’s attention on the street (Kupr). 17. (In) the morning part of the regiment set out from the farm (Shol). 18. The work has started (in) full swing. 19. The brave guy (Tvard) fights (to) death. 20. This is what grandma said (eat) twice. Exercise 177. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters (“and or I”).1. I was very windy...oh, maybe I acted (Gr.).2. At that time, a huge fireball of majesty began to be cut out of the ground (T.). 3. At this time in the steppe it was quiet, cloudy, it felt somehow special, “desert and soft” (L.T.). 4. The sailors surrounded the singers in a tight circle and listened with concentration and seriousness (Stanyuk). 5. The accused tried to explain something confusingly (Ch.). 6. Grief took the turner by surprise, unexpectedly...oh, bad luck...oh, and now he just can’t wake up, come to his senses and think (..). 7. Autumn clouds restlessly sowed fine rain (M. G.). 8. Having rushed to the ground with a flourish, Dimka noticed how the boy moved away in fright (Hyde.). For information. In adverbs formed from adjectives (including former passive participles), written one or two and in accordance with the spelling of generating stems. Exercise 178. Form simple form comparative degree from the adverbs given below, taking into account the rules of alternation of consonants. Viscous, thick, hard, terrible, meek, disgusting, flat, simple, sharp, slippery, often, pure, sensitive, biting. Exercise 179 (repetitive) . Rewrite, opening the brackets, in accordance with the rules for writing adverbs.I. 1. The mistress of the eyes (all over) is needed (T.). 2. Andrei Gavrilovich’s health was getting worse (P.) hour by hour. 3. The heat was unbearable (still) as before (T.). 4. Nastasya Filippovna seemed to know all this and was preparing something (in) secret (Adv.). 5. Vasily Andreich jumped off the horse, and while jumping off, he pulled the harness (L.T.) to the side. 6. Along the embankment stood side by side ships from all over the world (L. T.). 7. The old people locked themselves in their room and talked for a long time (beyond) midnight (M.-Sib.).8. How (to) evil, not a single cab driver (Ch.). 9. Do you know what kerosene is now? (Ch.). 10. He was a skeptic and considered himself (in) the right to treat (with) kondachka everything (M. G.). 11. What- then the beetle (with) hit me painfully in the face and fell to the ground (Are. 12. Unlike his two reserved colleagues, Hume turned out to be a cheerful, broken little guy and put himself (with) once (for) familiar with the young representatives of the others). countries, and he treated me (for) simply (Jen. 13. There, far (at) the top, it was as if some kind of big, hasty life was going on, and someone else’s). incomprehensible to the earth(Veres.). 14. Morozka rolled up the rickety smokehouse. Carefully looked (in) inside (Fad.). 15. Yakov Lukich (from) below (to) above looked at the top of the oak tree (Shol.). 16. The conversations in the line suddenly fell silent, and the Red Army soldiers took their rifles (at) ready (Shol.). 17. It’s good, having cut down your quota of coal, go out (to) the mountain and wash yourself with steaming water in a hot bath (Hump.). 18. Trofimov stepped forward and froze again (at) attention (Ketl.). 19. (Nor) (by) than labor and torment, the bitterness of disasters and losses (TheorL). 20. I really wanted to answer in the affirmative, but I was afraid to get into a mess (Bend over.).P. 1. The work started late, and many of us were (not) able to complete it on time. 2. There were no precise instruments (at) hand, and it was necessary to determine the distance (“a”) of the eyes. 3. The builders worked (with) dedication, (conscientiously). 4. To repair the tractor, spare parts were needed. 5. Due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances, all my plans went down the drain. 6. No longer obeying the rider, the horse then rushed (to) the side, then reared (on) its hind legs. 7. The sentries were (in) an instant disarmed, they did not try to resist (Field.). 8. A blizzard broke out, the road was skidded, (by) captivity we had to stay for a whole day. 9. The introduction of new work methods made it possible to greatly increase labor productivity.10. The day was (extraordinarily) good: it was quiet, light and (in) moderately cold (Are.), 11. Sophia sat at the piano (half) a turn towards it and sometimes quietly touched the keys with her thin fingers right hand (M.G.). 12. Basov was surprised to recognize people whose names were (by) hearsay even in distant Irkutsk (Sayan). 13. Usually nothing good comes out if someone speaks (under) the hand. 14. (In) the old days and acted (in) the old way. 15. In the next tent, ar-buz (on) the cutout are being sold. 16. (In) the darkness (with) difficulty we moved forward (by) touch. 17. Economic competition with (abroad) is going well for us. 18. In the watersheds, (in) grinding against the walls of the sheds, there were tires of the medical battalion (Shol.). 19. I’ll already sew you a new overcoat (for) glory (G.). 20. The rains fell (at) the time, during the ripening period of vegetables. Exercise 180 (repetitive). Rewrite the text, opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. (In) the beginning, (in) the continuation... several months after their return, Sergei and Timosha, who were dubbed so-called brothers for their friendship, did not .... They hung out from morning until evening, (in) comradeship they shared grief and joy and (in) everything they acted (for) one thing. (From) time to time they remembered how they used to run around almost naked as children, expecting that not (today) tomorrow they would be sent to school. (One by one) they revealed their adventures during the time of separation, (n...) which they did not keep secret from each other. Finally, they quite (like) childishly decided, as a sign of friendship, to dress in the future exactly the same as they were dressed in Kazan... when they became (really) close as young men. But then between them, (apparently) something happened: they began to go to work not together, but (separately), and (still) warmly, (like) friends, they now spoke only... (of) rarely..., and even then (not ) for a long time. From time to time it happened that they (for) ... several days did not meet at all, and as if neither of them experienced a feeling of annoyance. (In) general, the friendship clearly went wrong, fortunately not (on ) for a long time. And everything happened because of trifles. (At) the beginning of January, severe weather set in. Sergei once (at) the end froze in his leaky room-carcass at the dacha, sitting in a light coat (in) a cape, and, in order to better preserve the heat, he did not (at) the right time to close the stove. As a result... of this, he lost... and (way) almost died. To everyone's surprise, this (to...) did not upset Timosha at all, and he (and...) did not respond to the misfortune friend. It turns out that he repeatedly invited Sergei to leave the dacha and move into his comfortable city room, but Sergei refused under the pretext that he did not want to embarrass his friend. This mortally offended Timosha, who declared that he did not believe in Sergey’s sincerity and that if he refused the offer made to him, then it was not for nothing. Thus began a quarrel between friends. The situation was saved by their mutual friend Leonty, who attacked both with all his fervor, proving that both were fundamentally wrong, that minor mutual insults and reproaches did not count, that they were not ( c) right (to) there is no true friendship. Although Leontiy’s speeches, half consisting of interjections, usually went to waste, this time he achieved success: both friends made peace. Exercise 181 (repetitive). Write the text from dictation, then check what you wrote with what was printed. While the road ran near swamps, in sight of a pine forest, constantly deviating to the side, we often scared entire broods of ducks nestling here. My companion followed each bird with his eyes and secretly thought about the plan of our future hunt. Noticing flocks of ducks somewhere, he asked the driver to stop, and we spent a long time admiring the excessively carefree ducks swimming in the middle of the reeds. It was nice to see such an abundance of game, and we did not pay any attention to the midges and mosquitoes , which flew around mixed up and stuck around us, as soon as we stopped. My companion admitted that he had never seen so much game anywhere, and added that these places, which he had known until now only by hearsay, were truly magnificent for hunting and can rightfully count on wide fame. The movement interspersed with stops entertained us, despite the enormous loss of time. Finally, having passed the swamps, we crossed a small but deep river, which cannot be forded without risk, and drove towards . Little by little the road began to rise, and we entered a forest that we had to cross across. We wanted to get out of the forest as quickly as possible. There was silence all around. At first the forest was not uniform, but mixed, then there was just one pine tree, so high that it fit a ship’s mast. With their tops tightly closed, the giant pines stretched along the road, which was crossed by roots crawling out. The side, apparently, was desolate: forest was visible everywhere, but there were still no fields. But the pine trees began to thin out little by little, and here and there a plain could be seen through the trunks in the distance. It smelled damp like autumn. Something flashed in the distance, but it was so unclear that it was impossible to see what it was. In vain we peered into the distance: fog was rising towards us. Immediately after one sharp turn we saw a mill dam, from which bunches of brushwood stuck out at random. The mill itself was completely covered with old branches strewn with crow's nests, looking like growths from a distance. As we approached, dozens of crows scattered with a sharp cry, dogs suddenly barked, and for the first time all day we stopped at human habitation. Exercise 182 (repeated). Write the text from dictation, then check what you wrote with what was printed. Levinson’s detachment had been on vacation for the fifth week and was overgrown with household goods: factory horses, carts, kitchen boilers, tinned inside, around which ragged, tractable deserters from other detachments huddled. The people became lazy, people slept more than they should, even on guard duty. Alarming news did not allow Levinson to move this entire cumbersome colossus: he was afraid to take a rash step, and new facts either confirmed or dispelled his fears... No one, however, except Stashinsky, knew about these hesitations of Levinson. No one in the detachment, apparently, even suspected that Levinson could hesitate at all: he did not share his thoughts and feelings with anyone, thought about everything slowly, presented ready-made decisions; Therefore, he seemed to everyone to be a special person, of the right breed. Every partisan, especially young Baklanov, who tried to be like the commander in everything, even adopted him external manners, secretly thought to myself like this: “Of course, I am a sinful person, I have many weaknesses, I don’t understand a lot, there’s a lot I can’t do, there’s a lot I can’t overcome in myself. But Levinson is completely different: he understands everything, everything suits him, nothing is in a hurry for him, he does everything we need!” From the time Levinson was chosen as commander, no one could imagine him in another place; it seemed to everyone that his most distinctive feature, one hundred times more valuable than all the others, was precisely the fact that he commanded their detachment, and, in addition, each of them. If Levinson talked about how as a child he helped his father trade old furniture or second-hand clothes and even second-hand books, how his father wanted to get rich all his life, but, like a spoiled child, he was afraid of mice and played the violin badly - everyone would consider this an hardly appropriate joke. (According to A. A. Fadeev)


§ 41. PREPOSITIONS Exercise 183. Rewrite by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters.1.1. A lame old man came out (from) behind a hut in the corner of the city and shouted at Gerasim (T.). 2. Dark eyes looked (from) under the eyebrows sternly (M.G.). 3. I, of course, stepped aside, hid behind the tavern and stood (Kupr.). 4. (By) over the river through the acrid smoke they pass at dawn (Marmot.). II. 1. (In) consequence... of injury, Ibrahim wore a headband (P.) instead of a wig. 2. I was about twenty-five years old when I began to write something (like) memoirs (Hertz.). 3. (In) continuation... of the road we crossed the river twice (Aks.). 4. I admit, no matter how hard I tried to discern in the distance something like a boat, but to no avail (L.). 5. (In) the course of... twenty years in a row I have traveled across Russia in all directions (T.). 6. I took it out of my suitcase and showed it a gold medallion (in) the shape of a heart (Kae.), 7. The boat went on a special mission, and (due to) the stormy weather they were worried about it (Sim.). 8. Voronin wanted to ask (about) breakfast, but remained silent (Kazak.). 9. (Due to the evacuation, work at the plant was suspended (Azh.). For reference.1. Complex prepositions due to, from under, on-for, on-over are written with a hyphen.2. The prepositions in view of, like, as a result of, like, about are written together.3. Prepositions in the form of, in connection with (with), in continuation, during are written in two words. The prepositions during and in conclusion (also as a result) have an e at the end (but subsequently). Exercise 184. Rewrite by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters.1. (Po) among his extensive works did not cease to inquire about his favorite (P.). 2. (B) next (behind) that, a barrel organ (G.) appeared to the guests. 3. (B\ concluded... the old people asked that Mironych not be touched (Ax.). 4. (B) consequences... I learned that not only the flood was the reason for our delay (Ax.). 5. (B) as a consequence... of Yakov’s subordinate position in the boarding house, his comrades treated him carelessly (T.) 6. Many Russian rivers, (like) the Volga, have one bank that is mountainous and the other a meadow (T.). A cuckoo was heard from across the river (L. T.). 8. The sailors on watch mostly sat or lay on the deck, silent and serious, occasionally exchanging words (on) the “anathemic” weather (Stanyuk). .). given (in) the form of small sticks (Ch.) 11. Ordinary mortals, if they work for common benefit, then they mean (in) their neighbor: me, you - in a word, a person (Ch.). 12. Sometimes at the bazaar, some lady would give Vanyushka her basket and pay him a nickel in exchange for (for) an hour dragging her basket around the bazaar (M. G.). 13. Americans have no artistic pride, and they fight with only one monetary prize in mind (Kupr.). 41. (Due to the shortage of food, shortening the journey was now especially important (Are.). 15. Having arrived on the highway, the engineer turned right and (along) over the seashore at a trot galloped towards the cape (Hyde.). 16. In the steep slope of the beam, the spring waters washed something (like) a niche (Kozh.). 17. Yellow, nimble lights burst out (from) the bluish smoke (Field). 18. (By) behind the ridges the horsemen of the white military reconnaissance (Trans.) blackened. 19. (In) the course of... the disease there was a sharp deterioration. 20. The swimmer quickly moved forward, falling (into) the currents... of the river. 21. (In) investigation... representatives of public organizations intervened in the case of the arrested person. 22. (In) the investigation... in a criminal case, data from a medical examination were used. 23. (The) doctors’ conclusions indicate the method of further treatment. 24. (At) the conclusion... of the meeting a resolution was adopted. 25. O future fate The author is going to tell the heroes (in) the continuation of the story.

Exercise 85. Please indicate the rules the following words written together, separately, with a hyphen.

Indiscriminately, to no avail, unrestrained, without restraint, incessantly, at will, in eight, in the heads (lies), in the heat of the moment, in vain, in the distance, twice, in the ninth, in a curiosity, in addition, on the run, in pieces, in oblivion, in in an armful, in a girth, at all costs, in a hunt, in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry, waddle, bend over, race, back and forth, swim, close, sideways, half-eyed, half-heartedly, half-heartedly, later, in the dark, in the dark, to smithereens, to pieces, scattered, waddle, to discharge, hand-to-hand, manually, just, after all, after all, in the hearts, in strength, in strength, in strength, gallop, team up, dark , quietly, in a hurry, in the dark, white-hot, to death, quite, red-hot, utterly, until now, to failure, late, until midnight, half to death, blue, to death, satiated, married, married, in the bosom, at noon, darkly, from the outside, from a long time ago, from afar, from afar, occasionally, from time immemorial, sideways, gradually, from under the brows, somehow, as if nothing had happened, firmly, firmly, (three hours) in a row, in a hurry, little by little, little by little slightly, at random, on the run, sideways, straight, on the side, forever, forever, backwards, sobbing, forever, (go) towards, (eyes) bulging, (shoot) straight through, (wear a shirt) untucked, (learn ) by heart, (carry) inside out, (work) for wear, diagonally, the day before, on all fours, finally, firmly, in the middle of nowhere, to the left, lightly, on the fly, on the contrary, backhand, hastily, down the drain, (stand) to death, (lift ) to laugh, for good, hastily, wide open, so much, (speak) in a chant, on the alert, sharply, dryly, three times, at random, with a bang, on tiptoe, alert, roughly, on all fours, completely, (speak) frankly, in reality, ( 18 years old) from birth, from birth (haven’t seen this), nearby, (everything is) to the side, in an everyday way, on top of (clothes), in spring, apparently, in a city style, on top of (heads), in twos, under the arm, for a long time, at home, sometimes, completely, winter-style, truly (great), cat-style, Latin-style, summer-style, human-style, (view) from the side, from side to side, from top to bottom , now, on the left, at once, from a young age, on the fly, out of habit, from acceleration, on a grand scale, from time to time, in a row, teeming with, a little, a long time ago, apparently-invisibly, willy-nilly, rank after rank.

Exercise 86. Open the brackets and write down the following adverbs and adverbial combinations together, separately, or with a hyphen.

(Without) waking up, (without) asking, (without) getting tired, shooting (with) flight, (with) overhead, (with) overlap, (with) ridicule, (with) stretch, (with) draw, (with) hug , (in) sawn-off shotgun, (in) tight, (in) forever and ever, (in) outside, (in) fully armed, (in) all, (in) second, (in) alone, (in) first, (in) the truth, (willy-nilly), (c) revenge, (c) half-heat, (c) half-turn, (c) the truth, (c) the right, (c) a closer look, (c) a sit-down, (c) grinding in, (c) hunger, (c) use, (c) counterweight, (c) other things, (c) empty, (c) five, (c) fifths, (c) discord, (c) installments, (c) loose, (c) sevenths, (c) seven, (c) seven, (all) without fail, (c) sweetness, (c) blind, (c) crumpled, (c) dry, (c) thirds, (c) three, (c) three of us, (in) three-way, (in) emphasis, (in) single, (until) dry, (until) dark, (until) ashes, (until) thick, (until) I fall, (until) clean, (for) new, (for) one, (for) midnight, (for) often, from (under) Tishka, (from) old, (on) the cross, cross (on) the cross, stand (at) attention, (at) interruption, (on) the eye, (on) deafly, break (on) the head, (on) the mountain, (on) ready, (on) two, (on) miracle, (on) long, (on) alone, (on) riding , (on) the back, (on) the ground, act (on) evil, go (to) the rescue, stand (at) attention, (on) gully, measure (on) the eye, (on) deafly, (on) the cut, (for) interruption, (for) cutting, with a gun (for) advantage, (for) counting, (for) running errands, (for) falling down, doing (for) showing, doing (for) half, (for) in half, ( on) the breach, (on) the lost, (on) away, (on) equal, (on) backtracking, (on) bail, (on) the right, (on) rental, day (on) passage, go (to) the breach , (on) missing, (on) along with successes, (on) got rid of strength, (on) galloping, (on) through, (on) extremely boring, (by) little, (by) bearish, (by) a lot, (in) vain, (in) rumor, (in) hearsay, (in) the present, (in) the beginning, (in) ours, (in) captivity, (in) a little, smoke spreads (in) the bottom, (in) present, (by) alone, (by) autumn, (by) alternately, (by) noon, (by) formerly, (by) empty, (by) empty, (by) childish, (by) own, ( in) the middle, (according to) the ancient, (according to) the old, (according to) so much, (according to) humanly, (from) the bottom (to) the top, (c) new, (with) blind, (c) in front, (with ) early, (from) right, (from) run-up, strictly (on) strictly, (from) on the move, (quietly) at attention, (that) hour, exactly (at) exactly, tightly (on) tightly, (honor) honor , honor (by) honor, side (about) side, (with) side (on) side, (long) ago.

Exercise 87. Open the brackets and write the following words together, separately, with a hyphen.

(In) rise to a height - (in) soar into the heavens, (in) a century of not forgetting a friend - (in) a century of scientific and technological progress, (in) the end of being offended - run away (in) the end of an alley, wear a coat (in) a cape - dress (in) a silk cape, pronounce (in) the stretch - give the shoes (in) the stretch, (in) the time to enter - (in) the time of war, a suit for me (in) the time - (in) the time of distant youth, (in) envy the secret - (in) the secret lies the answer, resound (in) the width - (in) the width of the steppe fields, raise your head (to) the top - attach (to) the top of the door, lower your head (to) the bottom - substitute (to) the bottom of the cabinet , climb (to) the top - climb (to) the top of the slope, (to) tomorrow there will be a holiday - put things off (to) tomorrow, (to) the face there was a mistake - (to) the face a shadow fell, (to) as far as one can judge - ( on) how much is this amount less than necessary, shoot (for) luck - hope (for) luck, go (to) a meeting - go (to) a meeting with your son, (on) the morning it snowed - make plans (for) the morning, do not show up (during) time - this issue must be resolved not (during) class time, draw (along) the top - walk (along) the top of the fence.

Exercise 88. Make it full morphological analysis words with the number 3 above them.

1. The car (c) jumped.. 3 rushed along the edge of a deep beam (Leonov). 2. At six o'clock in the morning, the clean hall of the tavern was completely... full of fancy people (Gilyarovsky). 3. The bullet hit him, and he staggered and fell on his back.. (L. Tolstoy). 4. Lizaveta Ivanovna married her husband.. to a very kind.. young man (Pushkin). 5. The master is becoming... unbearable... (Chekhov). 6. Before (on) the stitch.. open door The owner himself (Turgenev) stood in the stables. 7. The blow was strong, not a woman’s, (on) a backhand.. (Fedin). 8. Nadya was happy, she wanted to take him to her room and talk (until) she had enough.. 3 (Pomyalovsky). 9. It was a long time ago, but I remember everything (until) clean.. (Sholokhov). 10. The Frenchman was (quickly) warmed up, fed and dressed (Turgenev). 11. Pakhomov (is) braid... looked at Nevskaya (Paustovsky). 12. The hut was (for) new.. covered with reeds.. m (L. Tolstoy). 13. In the fall, the owner ordered to score (in) a remote dacha (Fedin). 14. And the young guardsman groaned (with) lightly, swayed, fell (for) dead.. (Lermontov). 15. And as things go..get..sya (with) ..news..starts..sya with the whole household, it won’t be (to) laugh (Pushkin). 16. Tears (from) rarely .. 3 dripped onto her work (Pushkin). 17. (In) left.. from the path the outlines of towers.. river valleys are blurred.. (Gaidar). 18. He laughed as he had not laughed for a (long) long time (Sholokhov). 19. (Here) 3 were supposed to bring the wounded (Fadeev). 20. (Some) from the windows village huts women's heads in headscarves appeared (Mamin-Sibiryak). 21. Little by little the trees began to grow, and Vladimir left the forest (Pushkin). 22. Where should we (in) English go broke! If only we (in) Russia were at least full (Pushkin). 23. F..tilek..warmed up (barely) barely (Antokolsky). 24. The manager...put the leaves cross (on) the cross, he brought the sealing wax...to the fire (Fedin). 25. Romashov (very) hastily, quite (like) a boy..like 3, dashed into the living room.. (Kuprin). 26. He headed to the outskirts of Krasnodon, to his friend (by) former 3rd partisanship (Fadeev). 27. Elizaveta Alekseevna sat silently opposite Volodya, who (as before) 3 did not sleep (Fadeev). 28. Let’s decide that everyone is (in) their own way right. Everyone sings (in) their own voice (Mayakovsky). 29. The priest (according to) the custom of that time blessed me (Paustovsky). 30. The old people kissed right there on the streets.. and then everything went from there (honor) to honor.. (Mom-Sibiryak). 31. I, father, have now spoken to you (in a) homely way, in a completely (in) friendly way (Dostoevsky). 32. The fish was rare, (amber) amber (Melnikov-Pechersky). 33. I crawl (a little) a little (to) my butt 3 (Nagibin). 34. Meanwhile, Andrei Gavrilovich’s health was getting worse by the hour 3 (Pushkin). 35. Gold on Vetluga, I tell you, apparently (not) apparently (Melnikov-Pechersky). 36. Without wasting time (in) vain, (in) a friendly way and (in) a simple way, let’s talk to you (Fatyanov). 37. We came to bring Troyekurov into possession of Kirill Petrovich and ask others to leave (in) good (in) health (Pushkin). 38. Once (from) once his attempts became weaker (B. Polevoy). 39. I will learn these words for the first time (Sholokhov). 40. Maslyanikov strictly (on) strictly forbade his wife and brother to correspond..va..xia (Melnikov-Pechersky). 41. If the game... was not wounded and Pegaz was sent (on) empty, he returned (that) hour (Turgenev). 42. There is only one university student in our district, you (Chekhov). 43. I didn’t write to you, (firstly) because I had no time for you, (secondly) for lack of the right opportunity (Pushkin). 44. It’s good, having cut down your quota of coal, go out (to) the mountain and wash yourself with steamy water in a hot bath (Gorbatov). 45. (At) the end, our teacher wanted to learn Vukol (in) Latin..., but there was no Latin book (Pomyalovsky). 46. ​​They count, write down and find (in the end) that the expenses are outrageously high (Chekhov). 47. My father was getting worse 3, (so) the family tried to talk sh..sweat and walked (on) ts..kidneys (Konovalov).

Exercise 89. Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary.

1. It was already too late to back down (Yasensky). 2. Trouble remained with her alone (Astafiev). 3. The car was racing (in) blind (Proskurin). 4. There is fog all night, and (in) the morning the cheerful air seems to be growing faint (Bunin). 5. He read first (in) black.., (quickly..) speaking, and (after) the same verse read (in) white.., (loud..) loudly, with extraordinary.. triumph.. nost..yu (Turgenev). 6. And (for) four he separates the deer (Krylov). 7. Rifle, pouch, against... gas and a pound of bread (for) two (Tikhonov). 8. (At) absolutely (for) why should I sell it? (Ivanov). 9. The alarm sounded (at) morning (Proskurin). 10. They walk (by) two, (by) three, finely shuffling their bare feet (Bunin). 11. Still.. (still) now breathes bliss in empty chambers and gardens (Pushkin). 12. The train started, and everything went (to) the backside, (to) forever, irrevocably (Kuprin). 13. (To) fight tomorrow! There are thousands of them..five..ten, and we are only barely fifteen..thousand.. (Pushkin). 14. He, tea, has long been out of the gate; saved love (for) tomorrow (Griboyedov). 15. They will be gnawed by melancholy if tomorrow is not similar (to) today, and (after) tomorrow - (to) tomorrow (Goncharov). 16. The word “to fade away” means...to disappear, to be destroyed...to disappear, so to speak, (to) no (Dostoevsky). 17. He (for) does carpentry and carpentry work for free (Nagibin). 18. What will be will be, try (at) maybe (Gogol). 19. Today the patient (is) much better than yesterday (Nagibin). 20. At Easter I left (for) many years in the province (Gilyarovsky). 21. I did not expect help (from) outside and did not hope for a happy accident (M. Gorky). 22. Meanwhile, there is wine in the tents and goes (to) the circular (Pomyalovsky). 23. Kretov approached (in) close to Shumilov (Nagibin). 24. Most often the contractions ended (in) a draw (Nagibin). 25. I wish I could get to my overnight stay, but quickly (to) the side road (Melnikov-Pechersky). 26. He could not enter (into) a dark room without an escort (Leskov). 27. “As far as I know,” Lermontov said calmly, “you only play (in) the dark game.” Well, let's play (into) the dark (Paustovsky). 28. The expedition got lost. I had to and..ti according to the computer..su (on) the remote one (Mamin-Sibiryak). 29. Happened good people who advised to go to war (Gogol). 30. Shouting and slapping their whips, they with difficulty divided the herd (into) two (Fadeevs). 31. Before lunch we need (Sholokhov) one at a time. 32. Having formed into platoons, (of) two, the detachment went out onto the road and here formed columns (of) four (Fadeev). 33. (B) the three of them with Andrey talked about their newspaper (M. Gorky). 34. We walk on a knife’s edge, and if you’re careful.. then be careful.. (c) three (Fedin). 35. As long as we have police officers (for) one with the thieves, until then he will not be caught (Pushkin). 36. Petka, like a true athlete, improved (in) alone (Andreev). 37. The soldiers began to run across (in) twos and (in) singles to the next ditch (A.N. Tolstoy). 38. Our disagreements have nothing to do with it (Granin).

Exercise 90. Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary.

1. The policeman knelt down, raised his rifle and with the third shot put Dymka (to) death (Sholokhov). 2. The struggle was still not for life, but (to) death (Fedin). 3. He himself (in) secrets... realized that he was making a mistake (Paustovsky). 4. They loved each other, they suffered in silence, (in) secrets.. (Dostoevsky). 5. All of them looked at him (Fadeev) with open curiosity. 6. There were forty (per) musicians (Turgenev). 7. Alexey crawled (along) what was once a village street (B. Polevoy). 8. But I did no harm to people, and (therefore) my deeds are not of much use to you to know (Lermontov). 9. The sun was already shining (from) the side (Chernyshevsky). 10. The wound on his side was mortal, and he felt that he was dying (L. Tolstoy). 11. Romashov looked (to) the side, and it seemed to him that no force in the world could force him to move his eyes (Kuprin). 12. On both sides of the road, shining rooks walk, sedately waddling (from) side (to) side (Kuprin). 13. A sharp pain shot through the ankle, and the grandfather fell (on) his side (Sholokhov). 14. A cauldron walked nearby, tilting its white head in an American cap to the side.. (Fadeev). 15. Side by side with Kurchatov he slowly...but rolled along the tr..bun (Nagibin). 16. Don’t lie to girls about nonsense, all your feelings are (on) the side (Kuprin). 17. On this day, Uncle Yuzya was very nervous, he (Paustovsky) smoked (endlessly). 18. The lecturer finished his instructions by showing (finally) how to use...against...gas (Ilf and Petrov). 19. (B) the end of both.. forcefully, I threw away the shovel (Nagibin). 20. Bykov passed..l avenue..spect (from) the end (to) the end (Sayanov). 21. (In) (finally) I quit working on the book (Paustovsky). 22. Andrey Ilyich! (At) the end (then) you came to us (Kuprin). 23. On Tverskaya, the snow (by) half melted, and the runners of the sleigh kept skidding along the stones of the pavement (Gilyarovsky). 24. He sat down (at) half his height (Pomyalovsky). 25. I am always like snow (on) my head (Fedin). 26. The military expedition under the command of Colonel Molchanov was completely defeated by the P..rtisans (Fadeev). 27. Zakhar opened (halfway) the door, but did not dare to enter (Goncharov). 28. Philip.. Fedorovich walked along a long.. long, (in) half the length of the workshop, a table against the wall (Fadeev). 29. He entered (in) the time of youth (Fadeev). 30. The birth is painfully thick.. It’s such a time to reap! (Nagibin). 31. (From) my family I have never seen such a sad cemetery (Pushkin). 32. Rostislav, sixteen years old, left the military school and military school. .l to war (Fedin). 33. The drake quacked, anxiously looked (at) the top (Ivanov). 34. The cloud (from) top (to) bottom was illuminated with silver.. light (A.N. Tolstoy). 35. Tomorrow I had to drive (into) the depths of the steppe one hundred and two ... twenty-five kilometers (Semyonov). 36. All the windows in the room were dark, except for the last one (on) the top, which was covered with a curtain (A.N. Tolstoy). 37. The smoke of the factory (Bunin) stretched evenly (to) high. 38. And this name is destined (for) forever to be attached to the lost being (Sholokhov).

Exercise 91. Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary.

1. I read and read, but it was all (to no) sense (Pushkin). 2. The cook’s son (Chekhov) also sat down right there (to) stat.. (behind) one. 3. We drove briskly, (with) on the move we jumped over the forward posts (B. Polevoy). 4. He spoke (without) silence (Fedin). 5. The bride (Pushkin) was a match for him. 6. But the fishing village burned down (to) the ground (Sholokhov). 7. Alexander put her (under) her armpits and put her on her feet (Proskurin). 8. Now he wandered (at) guess (Proskurin). 9. We went into battle (with) the move (Drabkin). 10. He kicked out some tankman who stood in front of him (at) attention (B. Polevoy). 11. And the attendants (while) running grabbed bunches of succulent stems (Bunin). 12. The training was carried out (by) hearing and (by) memory (Sholokhov). 13. And at that moment the stump turned into a man (Mironov) sitting (on) his haunches. 14. “We stopped by the devil’s (on) Easter cake,” muttered brother (Mironov). 15. And what a day it turned out to be today! - (in) hearts in..screamed Yakov Lukich (Sholokhov). 16. If he knew what would happen, he would never, even (as a) joke, say this (B. Polevoy). 17. Both he and Pavlusha looked no more than twelve years old (Turgenev). 18. Prokhor was in such a hurry that he (by) force hit the stirrup with the toe of his boot (Sholokhov). 19. The priest and the d..yach..k were (matched) to each other (Fedin). 20. (By) quietly from my mother, I began to save money (Sholokhov). 21. How do you want to answer this? I became (at) a dead end (Lermontov). 22. They had everything (in) will: land, forests, and water (Garshin). 23. Grigory (in) focus on Aksin... in the eyes (Sholokhov). 24. Troubles and wars of the 17th century (c) shook the root National economy(Melnikov-Pechersky). 25. - Start it up! - (in) the voice shouted Sobolkov (Leonov). 26. - Don’t shoot without a command! - Sobolkov (Leonov) ordered almost (in) hearing. 27. You never know what a person will say (in) hot weather (Sholokhov). 28. I (have) no time (Sholokhov). 29. The awakened rooks (in) flew alone over the earth (Chekhov). 30. Stolz is only half German, on his father’s side: his mother was Russian (Goncharov).

Without knowledge, without request, without beating around the bush, without looking back -
ki, without refusal, without enlightenment, without waking up, indiscriminately,
without asking, without help, without stopping, without stopping, without stopping -
waist, side by side.
In the form, in the heads, as a curiosity, in addition, in order
in the end, in the root, in the gloss, in moderation, in
mockery, at the feet, in the leg, in exchange, in an embrace, in an embrace
cut, tight, in girth, in general, fully armed, in
loudly, alone, to avoid, a hundredfold,
in the open, in retaliation, in an armful, in the dust, in opposition
weight, in installments, retail, in a row, in hearts, in warehouse
rank, after that, on time, in the old days, aside, in
string, in silence, in three deaths, at a dead end, point blank.
On demand, to the extreme, to the extreme, to the point of non-
recognition, to capacity, to failure, goodbye, goodbye
until now, until I die, until I drop.
Behind the scenes (in absentia, in absence), abroad, abroad
prostrate, after midnight, for the repose, for what about what.
From abroad, from under the arms, from under the arm, from-
under cover.
Small small less.
At random, on the run, on the side, forever and ever, on
eternal eyelids, by weight, by weight, by sight, by sight, by taste,
for a while, by choice, by eye, before the eyes, by eye, by
sin, amazingly, the other day, at home, at home, on the hind legs, on
envy, on the heels, on the heels, on the decline, on the decline,
for wear and tear, for wear and tear, for wear and tear, for wear and tear, for wear and tear, for wear and tear
ki, squatting, squatting, on the way, on the fly, on the ma-
ner, for a moment. to the world, to no, on departure, to excellent
but, by touch, by memory, afloat, backtracking, on
back, on bail, on bail, on sight, on red-
bone, on hand, at a trot, at a gallop, for glory, for laughter,
on demolitions, on conscience, on guard, on slaughter, with a bang, on
on the move, on the clock, on tiptoe, on tiptoe, on the clock (in
guard), on all fours, on all fours, at a walk, not
in spirit, not to credit, not in moderation, not according to example, not for nothing (not
free), no way, no good, no hurry, no good
something that is not to your taste, beyond your strength, beyond your capabilities, beyond
gut, not up to the shoulder, not averse, not out of hand, for nothing, not
for a penny, not an iota, neck and neck.
One on one, from young to old
From time to time, near by, in the evening, downhill, by
cheap, at the end, at the end, under the stomach, under
spoon, under the arms, under the arms, under the arm, under
force, under cover, under cover, matched, in twos, under
quietly, by the reins, downhill, at least according to
gut, one by one, in turn, predominantly, by
conscience, in the old fashioned way, in threes, to oneself.
From side to side, from side to side, with knowledge, in sight, with
eye to eye, face to face, word for word, word for word
in, - with a bang, with a raid, with a swoop, from beginning to end, with
to all those things, to go astray, to run away, to accelerate, to
on a grand scale, on the move, from hour to hour.
From hour to hour.
Exercise 176 (repetitive). Rewrite, opening"
brackets; explain the spellings.
I. 1. Between the windows stood a hussar with a ruddy face and
eyes (on) rolling out (T.). 2. I followed the stars
(to) delete (T.). 3. (Not) where does the horse get strength from?
(S.-Sch.). 4. Uncle Mizgir was lying (in) stretching and dozing
(Grieg.). 5. We (somehow) adjusted these devices,
our pipe was closed (from) outside, and every time for
this meant climbing onto the flat roof of the yurt
(Cor.). 6. (According to) apparently, the shepherd attached
not a little significance (Ch.). 7. The other bank of the river, low and
smooth, stretched somewhere (in) the distance to the green walls
forests (M.G.). 8. I could only keep the gun (on) ready yes
look at the compass needle (M.G.). 9. Grandfather, how (on)
evil, got entangled in the long tails of his fur coat (M.G.).
10. The stands are completely (from) the bottom (to) the top of thick black
human crowd (Kupr.). 11. I look and I can’t (before)
I'm tired of looking at these smooth white movements,
branch showered with flowers (Kupr.). 12. We must walk through the forest,
looking at the trees from the very bottom and (to) the top (Prishv.).
13. There was a snowstorm at night, it seemed there was no way for tomorrow
it was impossible to think about a wolf raid (Prishv.). 14. From
due to overwork, I couldn’t sleep for a long time and kept talking
stood (from) side (on) side (Are.). 15. There is someone behind me (in) the ford,
who all started swimming (A.N.T.). 16. After the parade Pi-
Kar (in) haste had breakfast, an hour later in civilian clothes
then he went to the city (Ehrenb.). 17. But most of all (on)
forever and ever I remember how tenderly they stroked their hands
yours, my hair, and neck, and chest, when half-conscious
I was lying in bed (Fad.). 18. Climbs from under the ploughshare
black layer of earth, falls, turns (on) side
(Shol.). 19. They will get lost, scatter in all directions (by)
alone, they will be exhausted, they will lie down and that’s the end (N. Chuk.).
20. The greenery of the field made its way (to) meet the light and warmth
II. 1. The young girl looked at me, bowing her head
dexterity a little (on) side (T.). 2. Even though Asya was pretending,
that she (nor) (neither) cares, - she valued everyone’s opinion
(T.). 3. The petitioners stood still for a while, looking
looked at each other and trudged off, without looking back,
in-laws (T.). 4. Almost every tree was entwined (with) the top
(before) below there were wild grapes, (at) below there were thickly growing dark
blackthorn (L. T.). 5. (5) in the darkness I did not see the face
Agafya (Ch.). 6. In profile, Prozorov resembled a nail,
curved (along) the middle (M.G.). 7. Samghin (from) braid look
zeroed in on his wife (M.G.). 8. The place (before) cannot be boring (M.G.).
9. Frost shook the bees (to) above, and (from) below honey became
eat up the marten (Prishv.). 10. The dog, seeing the rod, ran up
pressed towards the old man, lay down (on) his side at his very feet (Prishv.).
11. Before sunset it pulled back, but the ripples (on) continued
I ran here for a long time (Prishv.). 12. I (in) secretly hope-
I was sure that this time Dersu would go with me to Khabarovsk
(Are.). 13. The cloud quickly rushed across the sky, growing (in)
depth and (in) breadth (Are.). 14. I made sure that (in) time
during my run I didn’t think about the road at all and got lost
(Cupr.). 15. At night they lit a huge fire (on) the top
mountains, and everyone walked along the shore with fire (Kupr.). 16. Kepi,
worn (on) a side skirt, and a black military overcoat (in)
the cape attracted everyone's attention on the street (Kupr).
17. (In) the morning part of the regiment set out from the farm (Shol).
18. The work unfolded (at) full speed (as much as it did). 19. Beats (on)
death is a brave guy (Tward). 20. This is still grandma (on)
two said (ate).
Exercise 177. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters
(“and or I”).
1. I was very windy...oh, maybe I acted (Gr.).
2. A huge fireball of majesty ... became at this time
to be cut out of the ground (T.). 3. At this time in the steppe
it was quiet, cloudy, it was somehow special. “oh deserted
and softly (L.T.). 4. The sailors surrounded the singers closely
circle and listened intently and seriously (Sta-
nuke). 5. The accused tried to explain something confusingly
(Ch.). 6. Grief took the turner by surprise, unexpectedly...oh, bad luck...oh,
and now he just can’t wake up, come to his senses and
think (..). 7. Autumn clouds restlessly...sowed chalk-
cue rain (M.G.). 8. Throwing himself onto the ground,
Dimka noticed how the boy moved away in fright...
Reference. In adverbs formed from adjectives -
nyh (including former passive participles), one is written
or two and in accordance with the writing of the producing stems.
Exercise 178. Form a simple comparative form
degrees from the adverbs given below, taking into account the rules of alternation
of consonants.
Viscous, thick, hard, creepy, meek, disgusting, flat
to, simply, sharply, slippery, often, purely, sensitively, bread-
Exercise 179 (repetitive). Rewrite, revealing
brackets, in accordance with the rules for writing adverbs.
I. 1. The mistress of the eyes (in) is needed everywhere (T.). 2. Health
Andrei Gavrilovich got worse hour by hour
(P.). 3. The heat was unbearable (still) as before (T.). 4. Everything
it was Nastasya Filippovna who seemed to know something (c)
cooked in secret (Adv.). 5. Vasily Andreich jumped off
horse, when jumping off he pulled the harness to the side
(L.T.). 6. The ships stood side by side along the embankment
from all over the world (L.T.). 7. The old people locked themselves in their
room and talked for a long time (beyond) midnight (M.-Sib.).
8. How (to) evil, not a single cab driver (Ch.). 9. Yes, you know
those (by) what is kerosene now? (Ch.). 10. He was a skeptic
and considered himself (in) the right to treat (with) kondachka everything
(M.G.). 11. Some kind of beetle (with) a wide swing hit me painfully
in the face and fell to the ground (Are.). 12. Unlike his two
reserved colleagues, Hume turned out to be cheerful, frustrated
small and put himself (with) once (for) a familiar brother with a young
smoke with representatives of other countries, and talk to me too
grew up (for) simply (Yen.). 13. There, far (at) the top,
as if some big, urgent life was going on, and
giving and incomprehensible to the earth (Veres.). 14. Morozka turned to
to the rickety smoker. Carefully looked inside
(Fad.). 15. Yakov Lukich (from) below (to) above looked at
top of an oak tree (Shol.). 16. The conversations in the line suddenly fell silent.
thieves and Red Army soldiers took rifles (at) ready
(Shol.). 17. Okay, having cut down your quota of coal, go out
(on) the mountain and wash with steaming water in a hot bath (Hump.).
18. Trofimov stepped forward and froze again (at)
heavy (Ketl.). 19. (No) (more) than labor and torment, bitterness
disasters and losses (TheorL). 20. I really wanted an answer
say yes, but I was afraid of getting into trouble
(Bend over.).
P. 1. We started work late, and completed
her thread (at) time turned out to be (not) (under) the power of many of
us. 2. There were no precise instruments (at hand), and
I had to determine the distance (a) of the eyes. 3. Builders
worked (to) the shock, (to) conscientiously. 4. For repair
The tractor (by) was in need of spare parts. 5. Because
for an unfortunate coincidence all my plans
let's go (“a) smark. 6. No longer obeying the horseman,
the horse then rushed (to) the side, then stood (on)
rearing. 7. The sentries were (in) an instant disarmed, they didn’t
tried to resist (Polev.). 8. A blizzard broke out,
the road skidded, (in) captivity I had to stay for
the whole day. 9. The introduction of new working methods made it possible to
it was possible to greatly increase labor productivity.
10. The day was (extremely) good: it was quiet, light
lo and (in) moderately cold (Are.), 11. Sophia was sitting at the piano
(c) (half) a turn towards him and sometimes quietly touched the keys
thin fingers of the right hand (M.G.). 12. Basov with surprise
I lazyly recognized people whose names were (by) hearsay
known even in distant Irkutsk (Sayan). 13. Usually
nothing good comes of it if someone says
rit (under) the hand. 14. (In) the old days and acted (according to) the old
market 15. Art is being sold in the next tent
buzov (on) cutout. 16. (In) darkness (with) difficulty moving forward
moved forward (by) touch. 17. Economic competition
Business with (abroad) is going well for us. 18. Vo
yards, (in) grinding against the walls of the sheds, there were automatic
medical battalion tires (Shol.). 19. I already give you a new overcoat
I will sew (for) glory (G.). 20. The rains fell (at) the time, in the middle
Vegetable ripening period.
Exercise 180 (repetitive). Rewrite the text,
closing the brackets and inserting the missing letters.
(At) the beginning, (at) lasting... several months
after returning, Sergei and Timosha, who for their
friendship was dubbed so-called brothers, not rata-
feasted from morning until evening, (comradely) sharing grief
and joy and (in) everything acted (for) one thing. (By) time
they remembered how they used to run as kids
almost naked...m, expecting that not (today) tomorrow their
will be sent to school. (One by one) they showed their
adventures during separation, (n...) which without saving
from each other (in) secret. Finally, they are quite (like) children
skis decided to dress as a sign of friendship in the future
exactly (in) exactly the same way as they were dressed in Kazan... when
the young men (really) became close.
But then between them, (apparently) there was something about
happened: they began to go to work not together, but (by)
alone, and (still) warm, (like) friendly
Now they talked only... (of) rarely..., and even then (not)
for a long time. From time to time it happened that they (in) current
We haven’t met at all for... several days, and it’s as if
not one of them felt any annoyance at this.
(In)general, the friendship clearly went wrong, fortunately, not
(for) a long time. And everything happened because of trifles.
(At) the beginning of January, severe weather set in. Ser-
gay once (in) the end froze in his leaky room -
carcass in the country, sitting in a light coat (in) a cape, and,
to better retain heat, closed it at the wrong time
bake. As a result... of this, he got lost and (way) almost died.
To everyone’s surprise, this (to...) did not upset Timo much.
shu, and he (and...) did not respond to his friend’s misfortune. Oka-
called, he repeatedly suggested that Sergei quit
dacha and move to his comfortable city
room, but Sergei refused on the pretext that he didn’t
wants to embarrass a friend. This mortally offended T.
moshu, who stated that he did not believe in the sincerity of Ser-
gay and what if he refuses the offer made to him
provisions, then this is (not) easy. Thus began a quarrel between friends.
The situation was saved by their mutual friend Leonty, who
ry attacked both with all his fervor, proving
that both are (in) fundamentally wrong, that small mutual
Grievances and reproaches do not (in) the account that they are not (in) the right
reduce (to) no true friendship. Although Leon's speeches
tia, (half) consisting of interjections, usually
but wasted (in) empty, this time he achieved success
ha: both friends made up.
Exercise 181 (repetitive). Write the text under the dik-
While the road went near the swamps, in sight of the pine
forests, constantly deviating to the side, we are often frightened
whole broods of ducks took refuge here.
My companion followed each bird with his eyes and
secretly pondering the plan for our future hunt. Noticing
there were flocks of ducks somewhere, he asked the driver to stop -
xia, and we admired for a long time and to our hearts’ content,
little ducks swimming in the middle of the reeds.
It was nice to see such an abundance of game, and we
everyone did not pay attention to the midges and mosquitoes that
They flew around mixed up and stuck around us, only
only we stopped.
My companion admitted that nowhere and never
saw so much game, and added that these months
those whom he still knew only by hearsay, searched for
tina are excellent for hunting and can rightfully count
become widely known.
The movement interspersed with stops entertained us,
despite the enormous loss of time.
Finally, having passed the swamps, we crossed a small
a small, but deep river, which without risk and not
wade across and go to the side. Little by little until
the horns began to rise, and we entered the forest, which
had to be crossed. We wanted it faster
get out of the forest.
There was silence all around. At first the forest was not one
native, but mixed, then it was all one co-
sleep, and so high that it fits the ship’s mast.
Closely closing their tops, the pine trees
gants stretched along the road that you crossed
roots climbing out. The side appears to have been
deaf: forests were visible everywhere, but there were still no fields
But the pine tree began to thin out little by little, and through the trunk
Here and there a plain could be seen in the distance. In autumn
he smelled damp. Something flashed in the distance, but
so much is unclear that it was impossible to see,
what it is. In vain we peered into the distance:
The fog was rising towards us.
Immediately after one sharp turn we saw
mill dam, from which sticking out at random
or bunches of brushwood. The mill itself was completely closed
old branches strewn with crow's nests,
from a distance they look like growths.
As we approach, dozens of crows with sharp
screamed and scattered, suddenly barked
dogs, and for the first time all day we stopped with a human
eternal housing.
Exercise 182 (repetitive). Write the text under the dik-
text, then check what is written with what is printed.
Levinson's squad has been on vacation for the fifth week
and acquired a farm: factory horses, carts,
kitchen boilers, tinned inside, around the boiler
ragged, compliant deserters from other
hy units. The people got lazy, people slept more than
follows, even on guard duty. Alarming news did not allow
Levinson to move this whole cumbersome colossus:
he was afraid to take a rash step, and new facts
confirmed, then dispelled his fears..
No one, however, except Stashinsky, knew about these
Levinson oscillations. Apparently no one in the squad
and did not suspect that Levinson could even hesitate -
Xia: he did not share his thoughts and feelings with anyone -
mi, thought about everything slowly, presented it already prepared
new solutions; therefore he seemed to be a special person to all
fight, the right breed. Every partisan, especially
young Baklanov, who tried in everything to be like his
mandira, who even adopted his outward manners,
secretly thought to himself: “Of course, I’m a sinful person.”
century, I have many weaknesses, I don’t understand much,
There’s a lot I can’t do, there’s a lot I can’t do in myself
overcome. But Levinson is completely different: he is everything
understands that everything suits him, everything is in no hurry for him, everything
does what we need!”
Since Levinson was chosen as commander,
no one could imagine him in any other place; each
it seemed to the house that its most distinctive feature, in
a hundred times more valuable than all the others is the name
but the fact that he commands their detachment, and in addition each
smoke coming out of them. If Levinson had talked about how in
as a child he helped his father sell old furniture or
second-hand clothes and even used books, like
his father wanted to get rich all his life, but, like a spoiled
bathed child, was afraid of mice and played the violin badly
ke, - everyone would consider this an hardly appropriate joke.
(According to A. A. Fadeev)

An adverb is an independent part of speech that does not change its form. Specifies a sign of an object, another sign or action.

Spelling is a difficult topic to master, and not everyone finds it easy. In this article we will learn the rules interpreting continuous, hyphen and separate writing adverb. Let's understand the theory, get acquainted with examples and perform exercises that will help consolidate the material.

Continuous, separate and hyphenated writing of adverbs: rule

A small number of adverbs does not cause difficulties when writing. Many of them are formed by means of substantivized adverbs and retain their form during transition. However, most are controversial among scholars over their correct spelling.

If simple adverbs, for example, scary or Mainly cloudy do not raise questions about how to write them correctly, then the words in our opinion, towards may cause difficulties.

Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs is regulated by the rules of the modern Russian language and depends on the method of their formation. In order not to make mistakes, we will consider the theory and work it out with the help of exercises. Let's start with the paragraphs that talk about fused and hyphenated spelling adverb.

What adverbs are written in one word?

Rules continuous writing adverbs are not so difficult to master due to the fact that there are few such cases. Let's look at each of them:

1. An adverb is written into one word if it is formed by attaching a preposition to the base (that is, in a prefix way). For example: for nothing - for nothing,” hardly - hardly, through and through.

The writing of such adverbs should not be confused with the composition of a preposition and an unchangeable part of speech: with a bang, with a bang, at random.

2. Words that originate by adding prepositions are written without division in, on Let's look at examples: three, five, four, two.

3. Adverbs formed by combining a preposition and an adjective in a short or full form are also written together. Let's look at some examples: completely, dryly, in vain, manually, in vain. This category also includes adverbs that we create using a preposition and a pronoun: draw, with might and main, therefore, why.

It must be remembered that in cases where a preposition is followed by a vowel, the spelling will be separate, as here: openly.

Adverbs formed from a noun with a preposition

The rules for writing adverbs formed by combining a noun and a preposition are quite extensive. In order to better understand them, we display them in a separate paragraph.

Adverbs formed by combining a noun and a preposition are written together. For example, let's take the words: involuntarily, forward, upright, squatting.

All words that fit this rule can be divided into several groups:

  1. Adverbs based on nouns that are not included in active stock modern Russian language. This group includes: from within, backhand, in the afternoon, in defiance, sleepily, at random, on the sly, from hand to mouth, familiar.
  2. Words that have adverbial meaning, if it is impossible to insert between the preposition and the stem question word or insert a qualifying adjective, pronoun, adverb. Let's look at examples: right through, ostentatiously, too much, too tight, by heart, halfway, wide open, right up, sideways.
  3. Words that specify a place or time. The rule works if the adverb includes nouns: top, bottom, back, beginning, century, distance, height. Let's look at some examples: up, above, from afar, forever, down.

Difficulties in writing adverbs derived from nouns with a preposition

The rules for writing adverbs derived from the duet of a noun and a preposition include a number difficult moments. Not every pair of preposition and noun that has adverbial meaning is written together.

Writing two words works in the following cases:

  1. Between the combination of a preposition and a noun, you can add an independent word with a defining meaning: on the move (at full speed).
  2. In cases where we see a consonant at the end of a preposition, and a vowel at the beginning of the stem, the spelling is separate. Let's look at examples: downhill, in retaliation, point-blank, in an armful.
  3. If a noun with an adverbial meaning in combination with a specific preposition retains the case form, the spelling will be separate. Examples: on all fours, on his heels, with a mockery, under a bushel.
  4. A number of nouns with a preposition that have a meaning similar to adverbs are written separately. This point includes writing words with prepositions without, before, on, with. Let's look at some examples: to death, apparently, on the run, to no avail, by eye, with scope.
  5. Combination of the prepositional form of a noun and negatives no, neither written separately: not possible, not to taste, not for a penny.
  6. Nouns with prepositions guilt, standing in prepositional case, are also written separately. For example: the other day, in hearts, at trots.

The basic principle of continuous writing

All cases of spelling adverbs into one word can be reduced to one rule. We write together if two conditions are met:

  • An adverb arose from the basis of an independent part of speech by attaching a preposition, that is, in a prefixal way.
  • It is impossible to insert a qualifying word between the preposition and the base to which it is added.

When is a hyphen needed?

We will consider writing adverbs semi-continuously in this paragraph.

  • In a word form derived from a noun or pronoun, at the end of which we see: -mu, -him, -ki, -i, and in place of the prefix - By-, put a hyphen. Let's look at examples: in French, royal, black, cat-like, in my opinion. The hyphen in such cases always comes after the prefix.
  • Adverbs derived from ordinal numerals with the participation of prefixes -in, -in are written semi-continuously. Let's look at a few examples: secondly, fifthly. If the adverb is formed from then all parts are connected to each other by means of a hyphen (thirty-seventh, ninety-nine).
  • If integral part adverbs are particles -something, -something, -yet, we write with a hyphen. Let's remember the examples: somehow, somehow, somehow, somewhere.
  • If an adverb is formed by repeating one word or stem several times. The repetition of synonymous adverbs also falls into this category. For example: sad-sad, unexpected-unexpected, stuffy-stuffy, visible-invisible.

Under what conditions are adverbs written separately?

Separate writing of adverbs can be reduced to several rules:

  1. If an adverbial expression is formed by repeating two nouns, but there is a preposition between them, we write it in three words. For example: word by word, side by side.
  2. An adverbial phrase formed by repeating the same word, but in the form of different cases (nominative and genitive), is written separately. Similar expressions are used for greater expressiveness. Example: reality is reality, honor is honor, business is business.
  3. Adverbial expressions consisting of a noun and prepositions are written in two words without, in, to, on, from, by, under, with. Let's look at some examples: on the move, to the fullest, with a running start, without holding back, to death.
  4. Separate writing of adverbs is found in combinations consisting of a preposition and an unchangeable part of speech. For example: no, no, no, no, no.
  5. Adverbial combinations, including a noun and a preposition, are written separately, provided that the characteristics of one of the case forms are preserved. Example: in good conscience - in good conscience, in mockery - with mockery.
  6. An adverbial expression including a preposition is written separately V and a noun or adjective whose stem begins with a vowel. Let's look at examples: in the girth, point-blank, in exchange.
  7. Some adverbial expressions consisting of an adjective and a preposition on the, written in two words: for haste, for retreat, for peace.

Exercises for consolidation

Exercises on continuous, hyphenated and separate writing of adverbs will help you practice the material that we discussed in the previous paragraphs, consolidate it and avoid making mistakes in the future.

We will start with simple tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones in order to systematize our knowledge.

1. Divide the words and expressions below into three groups with the names “fused”, “hyphenated” and “separate” spelling of adverbs. Explain why they are written a certain way. Try to remember them.

Words and phrases that need to be distributed: indiscriminately, in the end, like a dog, in an armful, in pursuit, in your opinion, alive, from the outside, on the spot, sevenfold, directly, half asleep, to the point of exhaustion, criss-cross, dark-dark, scattered.

2. Select the option where there is 1 continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of adverbs: a) with_relatives, in_exchange, someone; b) not_easy, too_downhill; c) after all, in some places, on the right.

  • The correct answer is located under the letter “a”: akin, in exchange, someone.

We looked at examples of tasks where there are continuous, separate and hyphenated spellings of adverbs. The exercises helped us remember the spelling of some words.

We write adverbs together

The best way to remember the spelling of adverbs is through exercises in which you need to indicate the correct spelling of words. Let's look at a few examples to practice the theoretical material.

1. Rewrite the phrases, open the brackets. Tell us what rules you relied on when completing the task.

Misunderstanding often arises from the fact that people do not want to listen to each other. The store was (around) that bend. (Why) are you so unhappy, friend? (In) the distance a blue motor ship was visible. A snowflake fell (on) my face. He looked at me from under his brows. The boy was wasting his time playing computer games.

Words with brackets are written as follows: that's why (adverb), behind that turn (preposition + pronoun), why (adverb), in the distance (adverb), on the face (preposition + noun), from under the brows (adverb), in vain (adverb).

2. Open the brackets in the phrases. Explain the spelling.

Flew away (for) a long time, looked (a) much older, split (into) two, got together (for) soon.

The correct spelling of words looks like this: for a long time, much, in two, quickly.

Hyphenated adverbs: practice exercises

1.Open the brackets and explain your choice of correct spelling.

(Once upon a time) in small kingdom a terrible event occurred. They walked (for a long time) through forests and swamps. She (still) waited for her brother to return from his journey. (First of all, she had a terribly grumpy character.

Correct spelling of words: a long time ago, a long time ago, still, first of all.

2. Rewrite the sentences below, opening the brackets.

It was (like) winter cold. She looked at me childishly, smiling widely. Have you seen such an amazing building anywhere? She waited for him for a whole hour, and he still came. Little by little, what happened on that fateful evening was forgotten.

Correct answers: in the winter, in a childish way, somewhere, after all, little by little.

Writing adverbs separately: tasks

1. Determine in which sentences the words should be written separately, explain why.

(Masha always had exceptionally good grades in this subject. It was cloudy and rainy outside, which is why she was sad. (From) that house to the store it was half an hour’s journey. (Why) should I do this thankless job? Behind (what) was the kitten hiding?

Correct spelling: That's why(preposition and pronoun), that's why(adverb), from that(preposition and pronoun), For what(adverb), For what(preposition and pronoun).

2. Rewrite the exercise, opening the brackets.

Hearing any funny joke, he began to laugh (until) he fell. People often buy equipment (in) installments. All the newspapers wrote that the boy went for a walk in the park and went missing. The builders did a great job. His sudden question put me (in) a dead end.

Answer: until I drop, in installments, without a trace, for glory, at a dead end.


You have become acquainted with the rules that explain the continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs. Examples of exercises and words helped to practice and consolidate the material. Now, when you see a difficult-to-write adverb in the text, you can easily and accurately deal with it.

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