Home Flowers Compound adjectives: spelling. Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives. Spelling of adjectives

Compound adjectives: spelling. Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives. Spelling of adjectives

An example of a lesson where I integrate differentiated learning and play technology.


Spelling of compound adjectives.


  • Students will learn how to write correctly, explaining the spelling, complex adjectives;
  • Students will have the opportunity to systematize knowledge on the topic and determine the scope compound adjectives.


  • To organize students' motivation to study complex adjectives, based on social experience;
  • Create conditions for identifying the level of knowledge of students on the topic by means problematic issue and interactive discussion;
  • To organize students to study the material using the technology of differentiated learning;
  • To create conditions for introspection and self-assessment by means of the game "Connoisseurs".

Form of organization of cognitive activity:

work in groups, the inclusion of each student in cooperation

Lesson equipment:

  • multimedia projector
  • Slide presentation "Spelling compound adjectives"

For clarity and to save time, some stages of the lesson can be illustrated with slides with texts (at the discretion of the teacher).

  • Task cards

During the classes:

  1. Organization of a demonstration of possession by students in the old way.
  1. Knowledge update:

Listen to the text:

A near-sighted person sees poorly without glasses; but what, in fact, he sees, and what exactly objects appear to him - people with normal vision have a very vague idea about this. Meanwhile, there are quite a lot of short-sighted people, and it is useful to get acquainted with how they draw the world around them.

First of all, a short-sighted person (of course, without glasses) never sees sharp contours: for him, all objects have vague outlines. A person with normal vision, looking at a tree, distinguishes individual leaves and twigs, clearly looming against the sky. The near-sighted sees only a shapeless green mass of vague, fantastic outlines; small details disappear for him.

For nearsighted people human faces appear generally younger and more attractive than for a person with normal vision; wrinkles and other minor flaws of the face are not noticed by them.

“At the Lyceum,” recalls the poet Delvig, a contemporary and friend of Pushkin, “I was forbidden to wear glasses, but all the women seemed beautiful to me; how disappointed I was after graduation!”

Who are the people in the text?

Give lexical meaning words NEARSIGHTED.

(Poorly seeing at a long distance// transfer . imperceptible, short-sighted)

Name an antonym for the word NEARSIGHTED (farsighted)

Guess how the word NEAR-SIGHTED was formed?

modern word myopic derived from the ancient nearsighted, i.e. "near-sighted ". Then an interesting phonetic phenomenon occurred in the word: out of two identically sounding syllables (zo-zo), one fell out, and it turned out short-sighted . By mistakenly associating a new word with a word hand people started talking shortsighted .

  1. Organization of self-assessment by students with the degree of possession of relevant experience:

There are many words in Russian that different parties characterize the appearance, actions, character of a person. Form and name them:

  • Short nose - (snub-nosed)
  • Blue eyes - ( blue-eyed)
  • Broad shoulders - broad-shouldered)
  • Red cheeks - (red-cheeked)
  • Enjoy life - cheerful)
  • Loves himself - (proud)

What unites all these words? (way of education)

  1. Communication to students of the limits of knowledge, orientation to the goal of learning

At least in today's lesson, we will repeat the spelling of complex adjectives: cases of continuous and hyphenated spelling.

As a maximum, you will have the opportunity to decide: where, when and how to use complex adjectives in life.

  1. Organization of the study of educational material

Read the statements and express your opinion:

Hardworking people can be when they are free.

D. Diderot

Do you agree with the statement? Argument.

Reasoned statements of students.

I will give you freedom of choice homework, and you show your diligence and show knowledge.

What word in this sentence illustrates the topic of today's lesson? How was it formed?

I have one more statement to observe. Read and comment on it.

Student comments.

Is it possible to say that the individual-author's style is inherent in any professional?

Find compound adjectives in the sentences.

Problem question:what determines the choice of continuous or hyphenated spelling of adjectives? Remember what you know about the topic. Record in a table.

interactive discussionworking in groups. Everyone writes in a notebook.

Checking (group responses)

(The continuous or hyphenated spelling depends on how thecompound adjective)

Let's add knowledge. You have a task for which I give 15 minutes.

  1. Work in groups to study the material of the lesson

1 group

  1. Using the material of the textbook, mark in notebooks and name the conditions for continuous and separate writing complex adjectives.
  2. Form compound adjectives from the words in brackets:

Machine (which purifies cotton), Paper (which is sensitive to light), Factory (where ships are built), Culture ( Ancient Russia), dictionary (Russian and French), literature (according to agriculture), a factory (where cars are repaired), a fleet (car and locomotive), a plan (an average for the year), a tablecloth (white, snowy).

2 group

Write a table in your notebook, fill it with examples from exercise 206.


  1. from compound nouns:


  1. from word combinations:

railway ( Railway)
Old Russian (Old Russian)

  1. combined with adverb:

highly educated



  1. quality with additional shade:

sweet and sour

  1. color shades:

milky white
pale pink

  1. homogeneous adj. (= and, but, not only):

electronic computing

  1. the first part ends with - iko :

physical and mathematical

3 group

  1. Analyze the material in the table. Formulate and write down cases of continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives

Compound adjectives*** are written together: white stone from white stone; car repair from wagon repair;

Compound adjectives*** written with a hyphen:

velvety hairy from velvety and furry.

Compound adjectives denoting*** written with a hyphen.

Far Eastern
coffee maker
forest protection
low grade
law enforcement
seven year old
Central Asian
three meters

hopelessly sad
carelessly cheerful
paper and cardboard
helicopter landing
takeoff and landing
palace and park
cutesy capricious
magazine and newspaper
sweet and sour
physical therapy
song and dance
lush green
timidly trusting

pale lilac
bluish gray
smoky blue
golden yellow
golden brown
emerald green
coral red
blood red
matt white
sky blue
pale green
olive yellow
orange yellow
light beige
silver white
dark purple
bright yellow

  1. Make up your own characterization (describe your character, temperament, interests, etc.) using complex adjectives from the table as much as possible.

Let's check what you got in the course of work.

Group 1 - a coherent answer with examples. Group 2 - sample reasoning with examples. Group 3 - explains examples worked out independently, demonstrating the scope of complex adjectives.

  1. Organization of self-assessment, generalization of the studied

Practical application of educational material

You have three minutes to complete the following tasks. There are envelopes on the tables, and they contain the same tasks. You approach the table, take out one sheet with the task from the envelope and complete it. On a signal, move to the next table and also work as a team ( game "Connoisseurs").

Task number 1 group.For many complex adjectives, the first part is formed by words: high, deep, narrow, shallow, etc. Form complex adjectives by continuing the rows (you can use a dictionary).

High-: high vitamin;

Deep-: respected;

Fine-: fine-grained;

Narrowly-: highly specialized;

A lot of-: diversified;

Thick-: thick-legged;

Thick-: populous;

Large-: large-panel;

Steep-: steeply curved;

Acute: severely scarce;

Pure: pure wool;

Above-: above;

Below-: undersigned.

Task number 2 group. Test.

1. Determine the option in which a complex adjective is written with a hyphen:

A) (Highly) educated specialist

B) (24/7 operation)

C) (Old) Russian monument

D) (White) snow tablecloth

E) (Sci-fi) novel

2. Determine the option in which the complex adjective is written together:

A) (North) Eastern District

B) (Dark) green leaves

C) (Socio)political magazine

D) (Ever) green shrub

E) (Deeply) respected by students

3. Determine the option in which the complex adjective is written with a hyphen:

A) (clearly) eyed

B) (Ancient) Greek

C) (Summer) written

D) (Military) employee

E) (North) Eastern District

4. Determine the option in which a complex adjective is written with a hyphen:

A) (Easy) winged

B) (Frost) resistant

C) (Straight) linear

D) (Dark) blue

E) (Summer) writing

5. Determine the option in which a complex adjective is written with a hyphen:

A) Summer (written)

B) (clearly) eyed

C) (Light) green

D) (Red) speech

E) (Old) Russian

6. Determine the option in which the complex adjective is written with a hyphen:

A) (Easy) winged

B) (South)western

C) (24/7)

D) (Straight) linear

E) (clearly) eyed

7. Define a complex adjective that is written together:

A) (Straight) Linear Conversation

C) (Dark) maroon color

C) (Kazakh) Russian dictionary

D) (Military) airborne assault

E) (North) Eastern District

8. Define a complex adjective that is written together:

A) (Sweet) sweet taste

B) (Red) speech young man

C) (North) Eastern region

D) (Public)Political Forum

E) (Light) blue sky

9. Determine the variant with a complex adjective:

A) travel by boat

B) five millionth inhabitant

C) brave sailor

D) 24/7 duty

E) The four thousandth issue of the newspaper

10. Determine the variant with a complex adjective:

A) The 5,000th issue of the magazine

B) air travel

C) evergreen

D) Labor of a digger

E) Seven millionth inhabitant

Task number 3 group.The game "Corrector". Correct the mistakes made in the text.

It was a lovely July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time. From the very early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush.

Around noon, there are usually many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges.

The color of the sky, light, pale lilac, does not change all day and is the same all around; nowhere does it get dark, the thunderstorm does not thicken; except in some places bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then a barely noticeable rain is sown.

In dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before night you don't feel damp. The farmer wants such weather for harvesting grain ...

Guys need to fix:beautiful July, early, morning, golden gray, light, lavender, farmer.

Summing up the work.

Meanwhile, students complete the table with the conditions for writing complex adjectives, about which learned in class.

Announcement of results.

  1. Homework

Learn the material of today's lesson.

Optionally :

Compose vocabulary dictation(20 words).

Prepare a presentation on the topic of the lesson.

Write a testimonial (for yourself or any literary hero), using compound adjectives.

Compound adjectives are parts of speech created by combining two words. They can be converted back into a phrase, the components of which will either have grammatical relationships, or simply adjoin each other. In the latter case, words can be related to each other only in meaning.

Methods of education

In Russian, there are compound adjectives consisting of two elements, which in their original form are words related to each other by grammatical agreement. For example:

  • Russian-speaking population (Russian language);
  • general historical method (general history);
  • general education school (general education);
  • seriously ill patient (severe patient);
  • one-way traffic (one side).

Adjectives can be formed from nouns related to each other in this way grammatical meaning like management. For example:

  • metalworking machine (metal processing);
  • forest protection sign (forest protection);
  • house-building company (building a house);
  • car rental company (car rental);
  • petty-bourgeois thinking (petty bourgeoisie).

Compound adjectives can come from words that do not have any grammatical relationship and names of geographical features. For example:

  • easily injured person (easy to hurt);
  • sharpened knife (sharpen sharply);
  • Nizhny Tagil plant (Nizhny Tagil);
  • North Ossetian branch (North Ossetia);
  • Bolshie Vyazemsky Museum (Bolshiye Vyazemy).

Consolidated spelling of terms

The spelling of compound adjectives can vary. It depends on the method of formation and the area of ​​vocabulary to which these words belong. In the scientific, technical and medical literature, there are often terms that come from two words. For example: oxygen-containing, Old Slavic, spinal, thermal insulation, chromic acid, privately owned, alkaline earth. Among these words there are also those that cannot be converted into a phrase. For example: equestrian; herbivorous. The continuous spelling of complex adjectives of this category cannot be in doubt, since they consist of elements, one of which (and in individual cases and both) cannot be used separately. It should also be remembered that adjectives are always written together, starting with such elements as common-, late-, upper-, ancient-, lower-. Separately, it is also impossible to write words of terminological subjects that begin with high, wide, low, deep, small, narrow, many, little, strong, sharp, steep, thick, and so on. For example:

  • potent hypnotic;
  • highly developed country;
  • large-scale actions;
  • highly specialized production;
  • densely populated area.

Separate spelling of terms

The spelling of complex adjectives is influenced by the presence of explanatory words in the sentence. More precisely, if they are present, only spelling separately can be correct. standing words. For example:

  • densely populated area (densely populated by foreigners area);
  • little-studied problems (a problem little studied by science).

In spelling, you also need to pay attention to word order. Compound adjectives almost always precede the noun they refer to. And the free phrase, examples of which were discussed above, usually follows it. For example:

  • quick-drying paint (paint that dries quickly in the open air);
  • pungent (a solution that smells pungent when high temperature air);
  • easily achievable goal (a goal that is easily achievable for a person who has special knowledge);
  • perishable milk (milk that spoils quickly without prior pasteurization).

It should also be remembered that compound words, like all others, have only one stress. There are two of them in phrases.

Compound adjectives are also words, the first component of which is a quarter-. For example: quarter-final, quarter-blood.

Hyphen in adjectives and nouns

Hyphen and continuous spelling complex adjectives - a section of spelling, ignorance of which often leads to spelling errors. In order to avoid them, you just need to remember a few simple rules.

You need to know that adjectives are always hyphenated if they are formed from hyphenated nouns. For example:

  • social democratic party (social democracy);
  • southeastern district (southeast);
  • Karachay-Circassian population (Karachay-Cherkessia);
  • New York park (New York);
  • prime ministerial corps (prime minister).

But if such complex adjectives have a prefix, they are written together. For example:

  • anti-social democratic views;
  • near the Syrdarya city.

Individual affiliation

Words created from proper names are always written with a hyphen. Whereas it is necessary to know that in such cases a hyphen must necessarily stand between the main elements of the adjective. For example:

  • Ilfo-Peter characters;
  • mine-read novel;
  • Robin Hood exploits;
  • Potap-Potapychev portfolio;
  • Ivan Groznov time.

Adjectives that include two equal concepts

The spelling of complex adjectives depends on the semantic load that each of the components carries. And if one word contains elements that have equal concepts, they are written with a hyphen. For example:

  • cultural and entertainment center;
  • reporting and examination concert;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • promotional event;
  • English-German dictionary;
  • worker-peasant movement;
  • Russian-Turkish war;
  • artistic and journalistic genre;
  • Distillery;
  • electronic-automatic method.

Adjectives formed from parts with heterogeneous features

The hyphenation of complex adjectives is applicable when the word consists of elements that can be converted into nouns or other parts of speech that are not homogeneous members speech. As the first part in such adjectives, such bases as mass-, folk-, military-, scientific-, educational- often act. For example:

  • Research Institute;
  • folk arts and crafts;
  • Navy;
  • Training and Consulting Center.

Adjectives denoting quality

If the adjective means any property, and to give it a certain shade, additional element, hyphens are used. The same rule applies in writing complex adjectives denoting colors and shades. For example:

  • sweet and sour sauce;
  • courageous and severe look;
  • anxious obsessive thoughts;
  • good-natured and friendly smile;
  • pale pink lips;
  • bright red dress.

Writing terms with a hyphen

Many terminological adjectives are written with a hyphen. For example:

  • cereal and legume herbs;
  • gastro-hepatic collection;
  • soft magnetic materials;
  • stone-concrete foundation;
  • filling and drain valve.

Compound adjectives are not written together if the first part of them is borrowed from foreign language with the suffix "-iko". When writing words of this type, a hyphen is used. For example:

  • historical and ethnographic;
  • critical and journalistic;
  • health-improving;
  • political and legal;
  • chemical-technological.

Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives occurs in the same definitions. The spelling in such cases depends on the context. For example:

  • courageously severe appearance (severe and courageous);
  • courageously severe appearance (courageous severity).

Adjectives often consist of elements that are individually synonymous. And their synonymy is a sure basis for hyphenation. For example:

  • naive-childish reasoning;
  • solemnly sublime vocabulary;
  • condescending attitude.
  • compound adjectives formed from compound nouns, written together, for example: chronicle (chronicle), local history (local history);
  • compound adjectives formed from such combinations of words in which one word is subordinate in meaning to another (connected in a way of agreement, control or adjunction), for example: widescreen (wide screen), iron foundry (iron casting), precocious (which will sing soon).


  1. Compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, should be distinguished from ordinary phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle), written SEPARATELY, for example: diametrically opposite, purely Russian, poorly hidden, distinctly expressed. In the sentence, the first part of the combinations acts as a separate member of the sentence (answers questions as? in what degree? how?).

    As the first part of such phrases are adverbs absolutely ( absolutely calm), impeccably ( impeccably honest), vital ( vital necessary), originally ( primordially Russian), true ( true revolutionary), authentic ( truly scientific), straight ( directly opposite), sharply ( sharp negative), fatal ( deadly poisonous, deadly pale), strictly ( strictly logical) and others

    SEPARATELY phrases are written that include adverbs in -ski , for example: historically important.

  2. A number of compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, is written ONE. Such adjectives are bookish in nature and are often terms, denoting a single, integral concept, for example: highly ideological(performance), highly qualified(specialist), the above(example), easily soluble(material), insignificant(fact), promising(experiment), following(review), visually impaired(human), hard to reach(climb). If dependent words are used with such adjectives, then the adverb and adjective are usually written separately (that is, they become a phrase). Compare: promising student(= very talented, promising) — student, very promising but not fulfilling its obligations; hard to reach (= almost inaccessible) vertexhard to reach even for experienced climbers.

Write with a hyphen:

  • compound adjectives formed from names, for example: northeastern (northeast), Orekhovo-Zuevsky (Orekhovo-Zuyevo);
  • compound adjectives formed from combinations of words that are equal in meaning, independent of each other (related by the way of composition), for example: interest-free deposits(interest-free, but winning), scientific and technical progress(scientific and technical), spinning and weaving factory(spinning and weaving), blue-white-red flag(blue, white and red) (in these cases, a union can be inserted between the words from which the compound adjective is formed and or but );
  • compound adjectives denoting shades of colors, for example: bright blue, silver grey, lemon yellow, dark brown, yellow red;
  • compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from foreign words and ends in -iko , for example: chemical-technological, physical-mathematical, mechanical-mathematical(but: great Russian, high society).


  1. with a hyphen complex adjectives denoting quality are written with an additional connotation, for example: bitter-salty(salty and bitter) respectfully polite(polite and respectful).
  2. with a hyphen a number of complex adjectives are written, parts of which denote heterogeneous features, for example: military revolutionary Committee(military revolutionary), mass-political Work(mass political), popular science magazine(scientific popular). It should be borne in mind that among complex adjectives there are many traditional spellings, for example: world-historical(but: world famous), national liberation(but: economic). Therefore, if in doubt about spelling, you should refer to the spelling dictionary.

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slide 1

Spelling compound adjectives
Teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 3, Akhtubinsky District" Drozdova Vera Aleksandrovna

slide 2

Lesson Objectives:
Repeat what is "ADJECTIVE NAME"; Repeat the main ways of forming complex adjectives; Learn how to write compound adjectives.

slide 3

Part of speech
denotes an attribute of an object
answers the questions: what? which? which? whose? whose? whose?
varies by gender, number and case
according to the meaning and form, the categories of adjectives are distinguished: qualitative, relative and possessive
Qualitative adjectives are in short and full form, have comparative and superlative degrees

slide 4

Ways to form compound adjectives
1. Addition of the basics:
2. Suffix way:
3. Merging words of a phrase into one word
words that make up the phrase: Old Russian (Ancient Russia)
independent words: historical-archival (historical and archival)
words that form colors and shades): blue-green pale blue
from a compound noun: forest-steppe (forest-steppe +n) southwestern (southwest +n)
little-studied problems (cf. problems little-studied by science)

slide 5

Ways to write compound adjectives

slide 6

1. Adjectives in which one of the parts is not used separately: fleeting omnivore

Slide 7

2. Adjectives that are formed from compound nouns spelled together: water carrier (water carrier) reinforced concrete (reinforced concrete)

Slide 8

3. Adjectives in which the first part is a numeral: five-foot three-kilogram

Slide 9

4. Adjectives whose first part is an adverb for O or E: precocious below

Slide 10

5. Adjectives that are formed from combinations of words with a subordinate relationship: red-faced (red face - agreement) machine-tool (build machines - management) nearby (standing close - adjoining)

slide 11

Through a hyphen:
1. Adjectives formed from coordinating phrases: Russian-German (Russian and German) African-American (African and American)

slide 12

Through a hyphen:
2. Adjectives denoting combinations of colors or shades of color, quality, attribute: bright red gray-blue

slide 13

Through a hyphen:
3. Adjectives beginning with the words south-, north-, south-, north-, west-, east-: southwestern East Siberian

Slide 14

Through a hyphen:
4. Adjectives that are formed from nouns written with a hyphen: half-liter (half-liter) non-commissioned officer (non-commissioned officer)

slide 15

Through a hyphen:
5. Adjectives formed from combinations of first and middle names, first and last names, two surnames: Conan Doyle Jules Vernovsky

slide 16

Through a hyphen:
6. Adjectives in which the stem of the first part ends in -IKO: physical and mathematical historical and local lore EXCEPTIONS: great secular, great Russian

Slide 17

Through a hyphen:
7. Adjectives, parts of which indicate heterogeneous features: popular science military-political

Slide 18


Slide 19

Task 1. "Corrector". Task: find errors in reasoning. 1) Northeastern is written together, because formed from the northeast. Compound adjectives formed from compound nouns written together are also written together. 2) Forest park from the forest park (and not from the forest and park). Compound adjectives formed from compound nouns written together are written together. 3) Multi-colored from different and colored. A compound adjective formed from two adjectives independent of each other is written with a hyphen. 4) Musical and entertaining from musical and entertaining. A compound adjective formed from two adjectives independent of each other is written with a hyphen. 5) Near East from near and east. . A compound adjective formed from two adjectives independent of each other is written with a hyphen.

Slide 20

Task 2. Form compound adjectives from these combinations: 8 hours - ... 200 liters - ... 365 days - ... 42 kilometers - ... 72 billion - ...
The language of Ancient Russia - ... Shipbuilding techniques - ... Rites of old Russia - ...

slide 21

Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, literary editing content.schools.by›zhazhelka http://www.tepka.ru/russkij_yazyk_6/62.html

A significant part of Russian orthography is occupied by the rules of hyphenated, separate and continuous spelling of word forms. Compound adjectives, spelling examples of which will be given in the article, illustrate the spelling rules of the Russian language.

Compound word - what is it?

In the lexical arsenal of the Russian language there are simple words, consisting of one root, one base ( blue, young, red, autumn j). If a word consists of several bases or parts of bases, then it is considered complex. Compound adjectives, examples of which are given in the tables below, consist of two roots.

Compound word: ways of education

They are formed in three main ways: addition, fusion, abbreviation.

Compound words: ways of education
WayDescriptionCompound nouns and compound adjectives: examples
AdditionMorphological, in which a compound word is formed by merging stems with a vowel (the connecting vowel O follows hard consonants, the vowel E follows soft ones).wool weaving, carnivorous, bloody, long-jet
UnionLexico-syntactic method: a whole combination of words without connecting vowels merges into a complex one.two-story (of two floors), forty-day (of forty days), crazy (crazy)
AbbreviationConditional phonetic method: a compound word (noun) is formed from combinations of words, but, unlike fusion, only parts of the bases are connected: syllables, letters.department store, salary, KAMAZ, NATO, USE

Compound adjectives: continuous spelling

The spelling of complex adjectives is subject to a number of spelling rules, illustrated by complex examples which are given in the tables below.

At the same time, complex adjectives can be written with a hyphen and together or be part of a phrase, where the adjective is not part compound word.

Spelling compound adjectives
ruleCompound adjectives: examples
1 In the formation of a complex from a complex which is written together.oil pipeline - oil pipeline, steamship - steamboat
2 When forming a complex adjective from a subordinating combination of words, including from the phrases "noun + adjective", naming geographical objects.ski - skiing, natural science - natural Sciences, average daily - average per day; Lysogorsky - Yagodnopoliansky - Yagodnaya Polyana
3 If the adjective means scientific term or is a special word.squamoptera, viviparous, mammals, milk cannery, bakery, exploration
4 If the first part of the compound word is: high, above, deep, thick, cool, large, light, little, small, many, low, below, sharp, flat, strong, weak, thick , thin, difficult, heavy, narrow, wide. If there are explanatory words for such elements, then the spelling is separate.little studied (but: little studied by students), difficult to remove (but: difficult to remove from the body), widely known (widely known abroad)
5 general, upper, middle, lower, ancient, early, late. common, Central Russian, Lower Volga, Old English, Early Ripe, Late Scythian

Compound adjectives: hyphenated

Many are written semi-continuously. The rules for hyphenation and compound adjectives (examples) are given in the table below.

ruleComplex adjectives with a hyphen: examples
Through a hyphen
1 At education compound name adjective from a compound noun, which is written with a hyphen.northwestern - northwest, social democratic - social democracy, Issyk-Kul - Issyk-Kul (but: Zaissyk-Kul, as there is a prefix)
2 If the adjective is formed from two proper names, for example, from two surnames or a given name and a surname. The exception is eastern surnames.Pushkin-Gogol, Leo-Tolstoy, Jules-Vernovsky (but: Dzhekichanskaya, Ho Chi Minh)
3 If the adjective is formed by merging several equal words (you can put a union between them and or but). convex-concave, apple-plum, Russian-Chinese, expressive-emotional
4 If the adjective is formed by merging several equal, but heterogeneous words.official business, electronic computing, comparative historical
5 If the first part of the compound word is military, national, mass, educational, scientific. military legal, people's liberation, mass sports, educational and methodological, scientific and technical
6 If the adjective reflects a shade of color.grey-green, yellow-blue, deep black
7 Compound adjectives-toponyms.West Korean, North Ossetian, South Ural

The phrase "adverb + adjective"

Compound words - adjectives, examples of which are given above, can be difficult to distinguish from similar phrases.

So, moral and ethical is an adjective and morally insleepy- a phrase where you can ask a question to an adverb: " In what respect?"

Spelling compound adjectives: examples from the literature

In works fiction Compound adjectives are widely used.

They allow you to accurately describe the object, highlight it from the environment; they bring uniqueness to the text. For example, in the stories of I. A. Bunin, there are many individual epithets - complex adjectives: smoky-purple distance, cloudy-milky fog, matte-pale foliage, gray-winged eagles, impudently beautiful woman, light golden maples, thin broad-shouldered doctor, metallic-voiced screams and others.

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