Home Potato Why is morphological analysis necessary? Primary school: morphological analysis of words

Why is morphological analysis necessary? Primary school: morphological analysis of words

Morphology is a branch of grammar that studies a word as a part of speech. There are ten parts of speech in Russian, which are usually divided into independent, auxiliary and interjections.

Run Parse

Morphological analysis of words is carried out according to a certain scheme in a strict order. In order to parse a word into parts of speech, you need to determine:

  1. general grammatical meaning;
  2. morphological features(or grammatical meanings);
  3. syntactic role.

The analysis of a word as a part of speech is both capacious and complete description a separate word form, taking into account grammatical features its use. Each part of speech has constant and changeable signs. When parsing, you need to be able to determine which part of speech the word belongs to, find its initial form, and highlight morphological features.

Morphological analysis, an example of which is presented on our website, will help improve your analysis skills.

In order to properly perform morphological analysis words, you should remember the sequence and principle of analysis. So, first you need to select common signs parts of speech, and then find specific features of this word form.

General scheme for parsing parts of speech

The plan of morphological parsing of the word is as follows:

  1. Indicate the part of speech and its meaning, to which question the word answers.
  2. Put the word in the initial form: Im.p., singular. - for nouns, Im.p., singular, m.p. - for adjectives indefinite form- for verbs (what (s) to do?).
  3. Determine permanent signs: common or proper, animate or inanimate, gender and declension of nouns; aspect, reflexivity, transitivity and conjugation of the verb; rank by value, degree of comparison, complete or short form at adjectives.
  4. Characterize the form in which the word is used: for nouns, determine the number and case, for adjectives - the degree of comparison, short or full form, number, case and gender; for verbs - mood, tense, number, gender or person, if any.
  5. The role in the sentence is to show which member the word in the sentence is: secondary or main. Sometimes it is required to write out a phrase and show its syntactic role graphically.

Sample morphological parsing of a noun:

There was a jug of milk on the table.

  1. With milk - noun, with what?; subject
  2. The initial form is milk.
  3. Common noun, inanimate, neuter gender, 2nd declension
  4. In the singular, in the instrumental case
  5. Addition.

Our service uses the most modern technologies analysis of morphology and will be useful to those who want to learn how to do morphological analysis correctly.

Basic rules of morphological parsing

It is important to remember that the inconstant signs of an adjective are determined by the word to which it obeys. It should also be borne in mind that the gender of verbs can only be determined in the past tense. singular, and the person is in present and future tense.

For determining syntactic role you need to know the context related to the word. So, a noun can act as a subject, object or circumstance. An adjective adjoining a noun is a definition, and in a short form it can be a predicate. The verb is always the predicate. The letter ё can change the meaning of the word, and the morphological analysis will be different. For example, glasses (n., pl.) and glasses (v., pr.v.).

Verb Parsing Plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form (infinitive). Morphological features:
A Permanent morphological features:
1 view(perfect, imperfect);
2 recurrence(irrevocable, returnable);
3 transitivity(transitive, intransitive);
4 conjugation;
B Variable morphological features:
1 mood;
2 time(in the indicative mood);
3 number;
4 face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);
5 genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).
III Role in the proposal(which member of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Verb parsing patterns

Do you like to ride - love to carry sleds(proverb).

Do you love

  1. what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological features:
    1) not perfect view;
    2) irrevocable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.

    2) present time;
    3) singular;
    4) 2nd person.


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) imperfect view;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the infinitive form (invariant form).
  3. In a sentence, it is part of a compound verb predicate.


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what do you do?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) imperfect view;
    2) irrevocable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the form:
    1) imperative mood;
    2) singular;
    3) 2nd person.
  3. In a sentence, it is part of a compound verb predicate.

Plowing has begun(Prishvin).


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - start. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) perfect look;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the form:
    1) indicative mood;
    2) past tense;
    3) singular;
    4) female.
  3. In a sentence it is a predicate.

students high school must acquire not only deep theoretical knowledge, but also strong practical skills. To this end, an important role in educational process devoted to grammatical analysis, which helps to practically master the grammatical categories studied in the course of the modern Russian language, comprehend the rules of spelling and punctuation, systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained. This type of exercise serves as an effective method of organizing self-study in the Russian language, a method of self-control and testing knowledge. Parsing is widely used in the study of all sections of grammar.

The subject of this series of articles is grammatical analysis in Russian language lessons at school. Grammatical analysis is the analysis in a given text of certain grammatical phenomena (whole sentences or their parts, sentence members, individual morphemes, etc.), assigning them to one or another grammatical category and the grammatical characteristics of a broken sentence or a single word.

In the Russian language lessons, any kind of analysis presupposes a motivation for the answer: the student is required to provide a detailed, logically justified, coherent answer, which describes the linguistic phenomenon and substantiates its assignment to one or another grammatical category.

Thus, grammatical analysis helps to improve the general language culture of children, develops their speech, and helps to comprehend the logical connection of language phenomena.

The relevance of the articles lies in understanding the importance of distinguishing between concepts and types of grammatical analysis. This series of articles examines samples of phonetic, various types of morphological and syntactic, as well as spelling and punctuation parsing.

The novelty of the work lies in the breadth of the material involved for the analysis of various types of grammatical analysis.

The first article discusses the order and patterns phonetic parsing, morphemic, derivational and etymological analysis. Phonetics is an important and difficult part of the Russian language course at school. The proposed schemes will help students to organize an independent study of this topic and systematize the knowledge gained.

The second article discusses the order and examples of morphological parsing.

Spelling and punctuation parsing is given an important place in the school curriculum, therefore, students should be proficient in these types of parsing. Since spelling and punctuation are closely related to grammar, this article includes spelling and punctuation parsing schemes.

The third article gives a detailed analysis of spelling analysis, syntactic analysis of a phrase, a simple sentence: all its types (nominative, definite-personal, indefinitely-personal, generalized-personal and non-union sentence), the order of their analysis and samples of analysis of one-component sentences are given.

In the fourth article, the analysis of complicated sentences is considered, the order and sample of parsing by the members of the sentence, the analysis of the compound and complex sentences and sentences of complex subordinate complicated type are given.

And, finally, the fifth article deals with issues related to the non-union complex sentence (polynomial non-union complex sentences with different types allied and non-union ties)

The purpose of this series of articles is to help students prepare for the USE and Russian language lessons.

One of the tasks of preparing students for exams is to teach them to put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained during the study of the school course of the Russian language.

Brief guidelines contained in each section of the article will help determine the range of questions on each topic and the main direction in the work of Russian language teachers and students. Recommendations are given for the most difficult topics.

It is advisable to start a full grammatical analysis after studying all the material of a given topic or section.

During exercises in grammar analysis according to the proposed schemes, the teacher needs to achieve exhaustive answers to questions. This will allow you to consciously assimilate and consolidate almost all the theoretical material of the course.

Performing the proposed exercises, the student must comprehend and remember the order of analysis and its volume and learn how to present his observations in literary language in the form of a coherent reasoning.

The methodological basis of the work was the methods and methods of grammatical analysis at the university and at school. The article includes an analysis of numerous sentences with different types of communication (allied - coordinating and subordinating; allied and non-union), as well as an analysis of non-union sentences.

The works of Acad. V.V. Vinogradov, D.E. Rosenthal, N.S. Valgina, T.F. Ivanova, N.M. Shansky and others.

Morphological analysis

There are ten parts of speech in modern Russian:

1. Noun;
2. Adjective;
3. The name is numeral;
4. Pronoun;
5. verb;
6. Adverb;
7. Preposition;
8. Union;
9. Particles;
10. Interjections.

In the scientific literature, following Academician V.V. Vinogradov are distinguished as special categories of the category of state and modal words. This leads to some inconsistencies in the analysis of these parts of speech.

It is very important to understand the order of parsing parts of speech. The sequence of listing the grammatical features of a word should not be random. Among the many features of each part of speech, first of all, permanent features are distinguished that are characteristic of the word as a whole, each of its forms. For example, for a noun, these are signs that determine its belonging to one or another lexical and grammatical category: to proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate. In any of its forms, a common noun remains a common noun, and a proper noun remains a proper noun, etc.

A constant feature of a noun is its gender, since nouns do not change by gender. The noun also does not change its belonging to a certain type of declension. All these features are characteristic of the word as a whole, constitute its general characteristic.

Another group of word features is made up of inflection features, i.e., such grammatical features by which the words of a given part of speech change, forming a system of word forms. So, the noun changes in numbers and cases, forming forms of various cases in the singular and plural. The verb can change according to moods, tenses, persons, numbers, sometimes according to gender, forming the corresponding forms, i.e. the paradigm of the given word ( Paradigm(from Greek. paradeigma- example, sample), a system of forms of one word, reflecting the modifications of the word according to its inherent grammatical categories, for example, by gender, number and case for nouns, person, tense, aspect, etc. for verbs; scheme of word change by grammatical categories; pattern of declension or conjugation type). In Russian, for example, the full paradigm of adjectives includes three singular paradigms, one plural paradigm, one short form paradigm, and degrees of comparison.)

It is very important to teach students to distinguish between the properties of a word as a whole and the properties of its individual forms. Correctly constructed grammatical analysis will help to develop and consolidate this skill.

In grammatical analysis, the initial form of the word is first indicated and its general characteristics are given, i.e. list its permanent features. Then it is determined in what form this word is used, i.e., the features of this form are analyzed. And if this word is given in context, consider it syntactic links and functions: what word it is associated with, what part of the sentence it is. This is the general order of parsing all significant parts speech. Parsing official words, of course, goes according to a different plan.

The distinction between the features of a word and the features of a form must find its expression in the very formulations of grammatical analysis. For example, a common noun, animated, feminine, third declension; used in the singular, instrumental, etc.

Order of morphological parsing


1. Part of speech.

3. Permanent signs:
a) own or common noun;
b) animate or inanimate;
c) gender (masculine, feminine, neuter, common)
d) declination.
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) case;
b) number; the presence of only the singular or only the plural.
5. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech.

3. Permanent signs:
a) category by value (qualitative, relative, possessive)
b) for qualitative ones: degree of comparison, simple or complex form (for comparative and superlative degrees);
c) for quality: full or short form
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) case;
b) number;
c) gender (singular)
d) which word it depends on.
5. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech.
2. Initial form (nominative case)
3. Permanent signs:
a) simple, compound, complex;
b) quantitative or ordinal;
c) rank by value (for quantitative)
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) case;
b) gender (if any)
c) number (if any)
5. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech.
2. Initial form (nominative singular)
3. Permanent signs:
a) rank by value; What part of speech does it correspond to?
b) gender (in personal pronouns of the 3rd person)
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) case;
b) gender (if any)
c) number (if any) a) case;
5. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech.
2. Initial form (indefinite form; infinitive)
3. Permanent signs:
a) view;
b) return;
c) transitivity;
d) conjugation.
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) mood (indicative, conditional, imperative)
b) number;
c) time (if any)
d) person (if any)
e) gender (if any)
5. Function in a sentence.


2. Initial form (nominative singular masculine)
3. Permanent signs:
a) view;
b) return;
c) transitivity;
d) real or passive;
e) time (present, past)
4. Non-permanent signs:
a) full or short form (for passive participles)
b) number;
c) gender
d) case (for participles in full form)
d) what word does it depend on
5. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech (special form of the verb)
2. Signs:
a) view;
b) return;
c) transitivity;
3. Function in a sentence.


1. Part of speech
2. Group and rank by value.
3. Degree of comparison.
4. Functions in a sentence.


1. Part of speech.
2. Non-derivative or derivative.
3. With what case is used.


1. Part of speech
2. Simple or compound.
3. Composing or subordinating.
4. Type by use (single, repeated, double)
5. Members of a sentence or parts of a complex sentence are connected.


1. Part of speech
2. Discharge.

Samples of morphological parsing

Clouds of mosquitoes hung low above the ground, and lapwings wept plaintively in the wastelands. Everything predicted rain, but there was not a single cloud. Pyotr Mikhailovich crossed his boundary and galloped across a flat, smooth field.(A.P. Chekhov "Neighbours")

Now he walked like an animal, cautiously. Alarmed hearing caught every rustle, eyes roamed around. (B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

Sitting behind a player, he studied his cards, understanding nothing about them, because he did not know a single game.. (Honoré de Balzac "Lost Illusions")

Low- adverb, invariable part of speech. Answers the question how?, defining group, quality. relative to the adjective, formed from its stem with the help of a suffix -about , in the sentence adjoins the verb-predicate stood, is a circumstance of the mode of action.

Above- a preposition, simple, non-derivative, serves to express the space of nannies relations. It is used with the instrumental case of a noun (above the earth), it is not used with other cases.

Earth - noun, the initial form is earth. Common noun, inanimate, feminine, 1st declension. Used in the instrumental case with a preposition (above the earth). Singular, not used in plural. In a sentence, it is an adverb of place.

stood- verb, initial formstand, imperfective, irrevocable, intransitive, 2nd conjugation, used in the indicative mood, in the plural, in the past tense, in the sentence is a predicate.

pitifully– adverb, attributive group, qualitative. Relative to an adjective, formed from its stem with a suffix -about . In a sentence, it adjoins the verb-predicate and serves as a circumstance of the mode of action.

But- union, simple, writing, adversative, single. Connect parts of a complex sentence.

Not - the particle, negative, refers to the verb (was not).

One- numeral, initial form - one. Simple in structure, quantitative.

Declined as a pronoun self. Used with a noun in a sentence not a single cloud), agrees with it in units. h., Wed. r., r. p., is the definition.

My- pronoun, initial form - own, possessive, inflected as a possessive adjective like foxes. Used in the accusative case, feminine, singular; could be combined with the noun between and is a definition.

galloped– verb, initial form – jump. Perfective verb, irrevocable, intransitive, 1st conjugation. Used in the indicative mood, past tense, singular, masculine. This form is derived from the infinitive gallop- with a formative suffix -l- . In a sentence, it is a simple verbal predicate.

uptight- a special form of the verb - participle. Initial form - alarm. Perfective verb, irrevocable, transitive, 2nd conjugation. The verb is used in the form of the passive participle, past tense. The participle is formed from the stem of the infinitive alarm(s) - with a formative suffix -enn- . It has a full form, declines as an adjective, is in the nominative case, singular, masculine. Depends on the word hearing, is the definition.

Realizing - a special form of the verb is a gerund, the initial form is understand. Imperfect verb, irrevocable, transitive, 1st conjugation. The verb is used in the form of a gerund; it is formed from the basis of the present tense understand - with the help of the suffix -a (graphically -I ), performs the function of circumstance.

Rivne- an adjective, the initial form is even. Qualitative, full form, used with a preposition in the form of the dative case of the singular neuter, refers to the word field. In a sentence is a definition.

Nowadays, the Russian language is undergoing significant losses - it is becoming poorer verbally. And although the language is replenished with new slang clichés, this does not affect the level of knowledge of the language. Not that various borrowings from foreign languages have a bad effect on our speech, it rather adds to the list weaknesses Russian speakers. To eradicate such "places" is published great amount dictionaries, encyclopedias, they also do this in schools and universities. The World Wide Web does not lag behind in these matters. The Internet is full of various dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, translators. And for those who are especially interested, there are phonetic, spelling, and morphemic, as well as morphological dictionaries. Consider the latter:

Of course, you can find anything on the Internet, but there are no guarantees that the information is reliable. But the presence, for example, of a dictionary that carries out not only the morphological analysis of the noun word, but also provides various examples inspires more confidence.

Morphological analysis of a word online for free, in our case, a noun, is a great opportunity to test your knowledge or fill in the gaps. This dictionary provides a complete morphological analysis of the noun, indicating:

Animation and inanimateness;

initial form;

Part of speech.

The online dictionary has a convenient search engine in alphabetical order, and each letter is represented by combinations of the first four letters, which significantly reduces the search time the right word. The content is represented not only by words of Russian origin, but also by various borrowings, as well as combinations of prepositions and case forms (in our case) of nouns. The presence of such combinations helps not only to produce a competent analysis, but also to check the correct spelling: continuous or separate. The greatest difficulty in the morphological analysis of the word is the definition of the part of speech, due to the fact that, for example, adjectives, participles can turn into nouns, and significant parts of speech into auxiliary ones. A huge advantage of such a dictionary is the ability to compare or verify data with other dictionaries, the list of links to which is provided. Performing a morphological analysis of a noun, the sample is presented as follows:

Ablative - noun

Initial form - Ablative, accusative, singular, masculine, inanimate.

If you encounter difficulties doing morphological analysis of a noun examples from online dictionary, will help solve your problems quickly and easily.

Verb Parsing Plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form (infinitive). Morphological features:
A Permanent morphological features:
1 view(perfect, imperfect);
2 recurrence(irrevocable, returnable);
3 transitivity(transitive, intransitive);
4 conjugation;
B Variable morphological features:
1 mood;
2 time(in the indicative mood);
3 number;
4 face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);
5 genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).
III Role in the proposal(which member of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Verb parsing patterns

Do you like to ride - love to carry sleds(proverb).

Do you love

  1. what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological features:
    1) imperfect view;
    2) irrevocable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.

    2) present time;
    3) singular;
    4) 2nd person.


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) imperfect view;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the infinitive form (invariant form).
  3. In a sentence, it is part of a compound verb predicate.


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what do you do?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) imperfect view;
    2) irrevocable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the form:
    1) imperative mood;
    2) singular;
    3) 2nd person.
  3. In a sentence, it is part of a compound verb predicate.

Plowing has begun(Prishvin).


  1. Verb; denotes an action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - start. Morphological features:
    A) Permanent morphological features:
    1) perfect look;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characters. Used in the form:
    1) indicative mood;
    2) past tense;
    3) singular;
    4) feminine.
  3. In a sentence it is a predicate.

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