Home Grape Vasilisa the sorceress on VKontakte. Vasilisa of Yaroslavl, latest predictions. Predictions about Ukraine from the witch Olga, priest, Khayal Alekperov, Alexander Sheps, Yuri Marchuk

Vasilisa the sorceress on VKontakte. Vasilisa of Yaroslavl, latest predictions. Predictions about Ukraine from the witch Olga, priest, Khayal Alekperov, Alexander Sheps, Yuri Marchuk

The article contains only true and currently known prophecies about Ukraine.

Prophecy of Elder Paisius of Athonite about Ukraine

Paisiy of Athos warned that the time would come and in Ukraine they would go against the Russians, the Russian Church. He also spoke about the war, “brother will go against brother.”

The prophecy of Jonah of Odessa about the war in Ukraine, how and when the war in the east will end

Elder Ion prophesied that after his death a war would begin and there would be great upheavals. This will continue for two years. He said about Ukraine that the first Easter will be bloody, the second will be hungry, and the third will be victorious. There was no third Easter yet. Judging by these words, the war should end after the third Easter.

Prophecy about Ukraine Kenneth Copeland, Leonid Padun, Lester Sumrall

Senior Bishop Leonid Padun prophesied prosperity for Ukraine. He spoke about a wonderful new president who will develop the economy, raise social level life of the population.

Lester Sumrall in October 1993 calls for acceptance of his faith, the church. For those who do not do this, he predicts certain death.

Prophecy about Ukraine warning from Nelly Elaine, Messing, Vera Lyon

Nellie Elaine foretold the turn of events. She said that people would face the poverty that she saw in her visions.

Messing said that Ukraine would become a separate state, but after a while it would begin to fall apart. Today's difficult times have shown us with certainty that this is how it has become. Crimea was returned to Russia. Eastern Ukraine separated.

As Vera Lyon assures, the Ukrainian government will not stay long, there will be a coup, which will ultimately end well for the country. She also spoke about the separation of Eastern Ukraine.

Latest predictions of clairvoyants and Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya about Ukraine

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya gained fame for her videos posted on the Internet. Then no one could have thought that soon all the events would begin to come true. She warned that President Yanukovych would soon leave his post. About a change of government, bloody fights, an uprising against the authorities. For Tymoshenko and Klitschko, deterioration in health is predicted in 2016.

Prediction about the future of Carpathian molfars in Ukraine, molfar, Pavel Globa

Carpathian molfars see successful reforms that will lead Ukraine to a better future.

Molfarka Magdalena sees united Ukraine. He even claims that Crimea will return over time, and even ask for it back. This will happen no earlier than in 15 years, according to her.

Pavel Globa predicts complete collapse single state by 2018. The coming year will be very difficult for the country, new revolutions are expected. A change of government will not lead to improvement. And the fighting in the southeast will continue at least until the end of winter. Financial well-being people will remain at the same level.

Predictions about Ukraine from the witch Olga, priest, Khayal Alekperov, Alexander Sheps, Yuri Marchuk

The leading witch of Ukraine, Olga, talks about the collapse of the country, Eastern Ukraine will be able to secede, but it will not be able to join Russia. Political squabbles will unfold with new strength without thinking about the problems of the people. Fighting expected to end in mid-2017.

Priest John calls on everyone to let the Lord into their hearts. Until people start going to church and let God into their hearts and souls, the shedding of blood, poverty and hunger will not stop.

Khayal Alekperov: the year of the fire monkey will not bring fundamental changes. Basically everything will remain at the same level. It cannot be said that he will be successful or unsuccessful. Economic crisis He won’t give in completely, but life will become a little easier. Everyone will be convinced that the future is exclusively in their hands.

Alexander Sheps warns of continued conflicts. The people are tired of the war, but no one asks their opinion anymore. In this country, whoever has the money decides the course of events.

Yuri Marchuk famous explorer anomalous phenomena claimed that information came to him directly from space. So the cosmos told him about the coming revolutions, about the collapse of the country. Its future is not the most attractive; it will not soon be possible to return at least the economic status that it had before the coup.

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The territory to the east of Ukraine has recently stood apart from media representatives, statesmen, since the outbreak of armed conflict there. Based on this, ordinary people are more curious than ever to find out what awaits this territory in 2016, or as these lands are also called - Novorossiya.

The name, by the way, did not come about that way. Based historical sources you can find out that today’s five regions of Ukraine, which belong to the south of the state, have not hitherto been within the borders of the Ukrainian state, but on the contrary existed as a semi-state entity with the name Novorossiya. Its general territory included: Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, and Kherson. The Russian army conquered this area in the fight against Crimean Khanate, in the 18th century. Odessa was secretly considered the “heart” of this region, since before, it was in Odessa that the Novorossiysk University conducted its active activities. Dnepropetrovsk was considered the official center.

As for the neighboring Ukrainian territories, they were called Little Russia. If we talk about the future of Ukraine, then all the predictions are quite optimistic. Military actions will not be constant and continuous, the Russian Federation will not lose much of its power, Ukraine will gain sufficient wisdom and draw certain conclusions. Here are predictions about Novorossiya for 2016 from leading psychics.

Vanga's prediction
If we talk about what awaits Novorossiya by 2016, then let’s consider Vanga’s predictions. The Bulgarian healer noted that armed conflicts will arise in some regions of Ukraine, and specifically in 2015. Based on this, we can say that the emergence and formation of the power of New Russia is still in question. So, judging by Vanga’s prediction, the territories will return under the wing of the Ukrainian state. About future fate There is no information about the leaders of the republics.

Forecast by Pavel Globa
If we talk about Pavel Globa’s forecast, then he, following his knowledge - reading the stars, also predicts the actual liquidation of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. Globa believes that these territories will once again be under the Ukrainian flag, but will gain a certain autonomy that they did not have before. However, this will all happen if the Russian Federation stops providing support to the population of Donetsk and Lugansk, and begins to resolve its personal problematic issues.

Juna's position
The Assyrian fortuneteller Juna expressed her own position on the situation in 2016 in Novorossiya. And she says that Donetsk, together with Lugansk, will become part of Ukraine, but on the condition of granting them a special status!

The attitude towards fortune tellers, astrologers and esotericists around the world is ambiguous. However, humanity often observes the accuracy of predictions in the events that have taken place, which have made some astrologers widely known not only in the regions, but throughout the country and the world. Among such astrologers and tarot readers, the leading position in their circles is currently occupied by Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya, a seer from Yaroslavl, who clearly predicted what awaits citizens in the near future. Her predictions come true with amazing accuracy; they are amazing, since predictions do not always have a positive outcome.

Predictions of Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya: about Russia, Novorossiya, Donetsk and Kharkov.

In this article:


Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya drew attention to herself after she accurately predicted the development of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine in 2014, which she spoke about by posting a video on the Internet. Based on forecasts that are coming true with amazing accuracy, I would like to find out what civilians in Ukraine can expect in 2016.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya is a seer from Yaroslavl.

The seer was born on April 10, 1974. IN at a young age I felt an interest in esotericism and astrology. Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya, whose biography is increasingly of interest to citizens monitoring the situation in Ukraine, says that the first astrological chart built it at the age of 14, after which she began to give forecasts for the near future to her friends and relatives. As a result, all this knowledge made her not the last specialist in this field. As the astrologer admits, she has found her calling, and in the future she plans to post predictive material online.

Many biographical facts are hidden from outsiders for a reason professional activity and statements about their esoteric abilities. Having declared their abilities and predicted some of the events that awaited Ukraine, people were distrustful of the material provided, until the events that Yaroslavskaya mentioned began to happen in reality.

Predictions for 2016

Every event that happened in Ukraine attracts the attention of citizens who are not indifferent to the current situation in connection with the bloody Civil War, waged in the southeast of the country by the military forces of the Ukrainian army, on the one hand, and the Donbass opposition on the other. Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya's predictions for 2016 are not entirely optimistic. A number of changes in the politics and economy of Ukraine will entail 2016. The existing one will be displayed in a negative key. for a long time threat of collapse. Political strategists provide their vision of the situation on television, but due to the media hype, trusting this kind of information is extremely unreliable.

Attention: Ukraine will be in difficult financial situation, which will be possible to correct only by joining the fight against corrupt officials. It will also be necessary to adopt a law to which the oligarchs will strictly obey.

The forecast says that patience is needed in order to overcome the trials that befall Ukrainian people. The astrologer believes that with a leading position politician the situation will change in positive side. The fortuneteller emphasizes that given year promises the emergence of a new leader who will bring the country together and lead the state out of the crisis situation.

There is no clear answer yet as to who it will be, because new leader will come to power during new elections to the Verkhovna Rada. But his arrival will also provoke new thread crisis in Ukraine, which will lead to a deterioration in the situation of civilians. People do not understand who is right and who is wrong, and which position is correct. Due to complete discrimination, the war will have an intermittent nature: it will flare up and then die out, which will lead to casualties. On the economic side, the dollar exchange rate in Ukraine will be unstable. According to forecasts, the economic balance will level out in late summer 2016.

Predictions about Ukraine

According to the fortuneteller, special changes will occur at the end of April 2016.

Forecasting the situation for 2016 does not carry an optimistic mood for the Ukrainian people; the peaceful people will have to endure many trials. Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya latest predictions about Ukraine in April 2016 gave the following turn of events:

“Good news will come from the leading party. The lover of power will prevail over the brave, but the truth will remain invincible in any case. A new agreement to stabilize the peaceful situation will be signed by parliament.”

According to the fortuneteller, special changes will occur at the end of April 2016 in the sphere of state government. Many high-ranking officials will be forced to resign, and young specialists will be appointed in their place.

Military actions will be inconsistent, the Russian Federation will not lose its strength, Ukraine will become wiser and draw appropriate conclusions. Closer to the fall of 2016, some territories of Donbass will again be under the flag of Ukraine, but will acquire a certain autonomy that they did not have before.

This will happen if Russia stops providing assistance to the population from Donetsk and Lugansk, and will focus on solving personal problems. Cities affected by conflict between states will require financial support that modern governments are unable to provide. This will force the authorities to seek support from Western authorities.

It is not yet possible to predict the development of events as a result of cooperation, but citizens must be prepared for any development of events, since it is the people who will have to pay.

The economic forecast, which will affect all cities of Ukraine, does not sound very encouraging. The forecast shows that the hryvnia is expected to fall, and even loans will not save the situation. Cities destroyed as a result of military conflict will require financial support to restore infrastructure. The state will not be able to cope with the crisis situation on its own. The help of Western states is real, but only under the pretext of abandoning aggressive nationalist movements and radical events.

Attention: Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya argues that a strong leader who will come to power with a new appointment of parliament can put an end to hostilities.

His program will consist of the idea of ​​unification and a pro-Russian vision. Only such an organizer will be able to come to a peace agreement and a way to return stability to the country. But according to the astrologer, she does not see in the near future natal chart such a serious political figure, we can only hope that future forecasts will be more optimistic.

Looking ahead, the fortuneteller states that the situation in the Southeast will change towards the end of 2016, and the conflict will be resolved by 2018. The fate of Ukraine will have bright horizons, built by an integral state. The entire society is transformed by a new strategy based on the moral values ​​of justice and respect for the people.

Predictions about Novorossiya

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya about New Russia for 2016.

Military actions on the territory of Donbass affected residents not only of Ukraine and Russian Federation, but also European states who did not believe in the seriousness of the events until recently. Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya about New Russia for 2016:

In 2016, the Russian government will be forced to fight for survival.

For the Russian president, there is a possibility of playing the role of a victim of a Kremlin coup, provoked by his subordinates, who are increasingly agreeing with the leader’s instructions. According to the astrologer, self-removal of power from all sorts of problems and resignation are coming. In these kinds of conditions centrifugal forces are increasing in the state, and the regions are expressing their dissatisfaction.

The unstable economic situation will force government officials to resign. This moment will be one of the riskiest for the state, since the president himself may lose his position. All this is carried out under increased fluctuations in individual regions, and the outcome is that Russia may find itself on the path of a struggle for power of individual group societies, which will lead to the division of regional territories.

Attention: Once in critical situation, Russia will not be able to control the situation with Donbass and will leave the territory. Towards the end of 2016, the Russian tax system will undergo radical reform.

According to the fortuneteller, the LPR and DPR expect even more severe forms of disobedience to the prevailing absurd situation in the country. Repeating the path of Crimea, formed new line-up“Novorossiya” will not be able to join the Russian Federation and form regions of democracy.

The conflict situation in Donbass will become unresolved. The active offensive will go into a state of freezing, which will reduce the number of casualties on both sides. But it will not be possible to reach an agreement on ending hostilities right away, and even negotiations between the leaders will not bring the desired result.

According to the astrologer, peace will come when one of the parties makes significant concessions. But so far no one is ready for this step, so there is no need to talk about the end of the war in the near future. The conflict between the parties will last for a long time, and there will be inconsistency in its resolution. After an agreement on a truce, a new cycle of active offensives is possible.

Summarizing the above by Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya for 2016, Novorossiya expects a number of changes: economic instability, natural disasters and oppression by Western states. The astrologer also claims: it is possible that another revolutionary movement will flare up this year, as a result of which people loyal to Russia and seeking to unite will come to power. As we see, the astrologer’s forecasts are discouraging, and whether they are destined to come true remains to be seen in the near future.

Predictions about Kharkov

About events that will affect Kharkov.

About the events that will affect Kharkov, the first capital of Ukraine, we can briefly say this: the year 2016 will bring many changes and reforms. Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya's predictions about Kharkov: at the end of April, the astrologer predicts a significant change in the economy, which will last for several years, and only in the second half of the year the situation will become more stable.

Having overcome the economic crisis in the spring, by the end of summer Kharkov will see a rise in the field of IT technologies, which will take leading positions in this area. According to the prediction of astrologer Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya, by the end of 2016 Kharkov will be overtaken by a real investment boom, which will flow to Ukraine from European countries and the USA. In general, 2016 will provide a number of opportunities for Kharkov, but all decisions taken In the name of change, the authorities should take it thoughtfully, since there is a possibility of risk from thoughtlessness and spontaneity.

Everyone is free to choose what information to trust, which astrologer or predictor to give preference to. But if the predictions begin to come true, it means that this person has a unique gift for predicting future events of historical proportions.

Yaroslavskaya’s video forecast about the future of Ukraine

The glorious city of Yaroslavl has long been famous for its outstanding people. Therefore it is far from last place takes famous person in narrow circles - astrologer and tarot reader Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya, whose latest predictions about Ukraine came true with amazing accuracy. Her prophecies make you feel confused, the plot of which is not always favorable. However, having your own videos on YouTube channel, it is impossible to doubt her professionalism.

Exclusive - predictions of Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

Fame came to the outstanding astrologer and tarot reader Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya at the time of her accurate predictions about the events in the south-east of Ukraine in 2014. Few people know that fame came to her thanks to videos on the Internet in which she outlined the events of the future of the Ukrainian people.

No one could imagine the unrest that the Kyiv authorities have caused today. Atrocities and robberies, violence and brutal murders of civilians, a change of government regime and a bloody massacre in Ukraine - everything was presented for everyone to see by Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya. However, people did not believe her until that hour of real reality arrived.

While reading Tarot cards, the fortuneteller also spoke about the previous president, Viktor Yanukovych, who will forever leave his post and sink into oblivion. The southeast will resist the western part of Ukraine and rise up against political power in the country.
According to Vasilisa, the LPR and DPR will face even bloodier consequences of disobedience to the reigning regime of absurdity in the country. Following the path of Crimea, these republics of “Novorossiya” will not be able to join the Russian Federation and become democratic regions.

Yaroslavskaya’s forecast also came true that in 2015 by the authorities will come Dmitry Yarosh is an ardent nationalist and a true patriot of fascism. Thanks to him, the residents of Donbass experienced all the power and strength of a bloody war against a peaceful people, aimed at their complete destruction.

The fortuneteller predicted the death of Tyagnibok, which came true in the same year of the prophecy. The astrologer predicts unfavorable events for Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko, which will greatly affect their health in 2016.

For 2016, Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya predicts a message for Ukraine with the following content:
“The good news will come from a strong partner. The power-hungry will prevail over the brave. However, the truth will still prevail. A new document on stabilizing the world will be signed by Ukraine in 2016.”

Each of us chooses who to believe and who not. But if the forecasts begin to come true, it means that this person is endowed with the unique gift of foreseeing the future course of events of historical proportions.

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