Home Grape Dependence of diseases on emotions. The relationship between illness and human thoughts. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Dependence of diseases on emotions. The relationship between illness and human thoughts. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Wrong thoughts and negative feelings are the cause of disease.

We shape the events of life with our thoughts. All illnesses often come from them, because bad thoughts are the same fears, feelings and emotions (anger, hatred, pride, jealousy, guilt, despair and discontent), but only concentrated, and therefore very dangerous. Just the thought “They don't love me” can become the culprit of the most serious illnesses, because this fear blocks the sacrum - the chakra, where the source of vital energy is located.

If a person does not feel love, his immunity is very much weakened - there are sexual problems, conflicts with people. The fear of “they don’t love me” arises in childhood. So, for example, when a woman is pregnant, but doubts whether she wants to give birth to a child, this then affects the child born. According to some psychologists, if a woman even mentally rejected a baby in the first month of pregnancy, not even suspecting an interesting situation, the child born is a potential smoker. The desire to have an abortion in the second month brings into the world an alcoholic, in the third - a mentally ill person with developmental disabilities, in the fourth - a drug addict, in the sixth - a suicide. Criminals and maniacs are often born to mothers who wanted to have an abortion in the fifth month of pregnancy.

The mental or verbal sin of the mother can only be corrected by the child herself, and the mother can help him by asking the child for forgiveness for her fear, for not being able to let a little creature into the world with love.

Have you ever wondered why, during an epidemic, some instantly fall ill, while others are not affected by the virus? Or why, despite swallowing pills, diseases, especially chronic ones, return again and again, and sometimes new ones appear? Popular wisdom says that all diseases are from nerves. But karmic medicine believes that people get sick because of
own fears, because a frightened person concentrates his fears all his life, turning a small offense into a large destructive anger.

Malignant and other types of tumors arise from concentrated malice. Moreover, genital cancer occurs only in people who experience hatred, anger or contempt for the opposite sex. Uterine diseases in women happen because of the fear of being a bad mother or as a variant of the fear "they don't like me." Diseases of the stomach, stomach arise from excessive thirst for power and dissatisfaction with its absence. Appendicitis occurs when a person is sad, feels humiliated. And we grow fat because we strive for unrealizable goals, we feel defenseless.

The cause of female fullness is most often self-pity, the feeling that no one loves you and no one needs you, except for yourself. Sometimes the cause of obesity is suppressed anger at your parents. This feeling can be caused by improper metabolism. Stones in the kidneys, gallbladder and liver arise from enmity. Heart disease most often occurs because of guilt, repressed and inseparable love, hopelessness in life, fear that you are not worthy of love or that your love is not accepted. Heart attacks and strokes are diseases of life fighters, so most of those who die from this disease are men who go forward all their lives by any means. Most often, they did not allow themselves to cry or otherwise express their emotions in a moment of weakness and grief. Throat diseases, in particular bronchitis or asthma, arise from great resentment towards people or circumstances. Children often have a sore throat when parents in the family scream and quarrel, and the child cannot fix it in any way.

The conflict between reason and feelings gives rise to diseases of the brain, including mental illness. It is because of the lack of purpose that people seek something unearthly, get entangled in their own hallucinations and go crazy.

The legs hurt financially dissatisfied people, as well as those who cannot find their way in life, for example, they are dissatisfied with their current place of work. Swelling of the legs is a disease of the poor and miserly. These people usually do not believe in their own life force and turn out to be failures.

Diseases of the spine arise due to the lack of a vital platform or when it is erroneous. Curvature of the spine occurs in children whose family has a weak, weak-willed father.

The faithful change from a lack of sincere love or from an excessive feeling when a girl literally idolizes her chosen one. Such love can even kill, as it is a colossal energy. A man subconsciously feels danger and begins to walk on the side, and very often he is then tormented by guilt before his loving wife. Such womanizers do not leave the family, but, being a kind of “transmitter” of the wife’s love, they make another woman or many happy at least for a while.

Everything that hurts on the right is connected with female energy. If the right nostril is blocked, remove the insult to the woman. If something is whining on the left, this is due to the attitude towards men. Release negativity with the stronger sex and the pain will disappear.

The state of mind affects the course of the disease, our lives. Think positive, tune in to a more optimistic mood - and you will see how life changes for the better!


Between many thoughts and diseases, the connection is more complex and not so noticeable at first glance. From the text below, you can find out exactly how your thoughts can affect your health.

  • Alcoholism is a feeling of loneliness, uselessness, unwillingness to live, lack of attention and affection.
  • Allergy - disbelief in one's own strength, stress, a feeling of fear.
  • Apathy - resistance to feelings, fear, drowning out one's "I", the indifferent attitude of others.
  • Apoplexy, seizure-escape from the family, from oneself, from life.
  • Appendicitis is a fear of life.
  • Arthritis, gout - lack of love from others, increased self-criticism, resentment, resentment, anger.
  • Asthma - suffocating love, suppression of feelings, fear of life, evil eye.
  • Insomnia-fear, guilt, mistrust.
  • Rabies, rabies-anger, aggression.
  • Diseases of the eyes - anger, frustration.
  • Diseases of the stomach - fear.
  • Diseases of the teeth - protracted indecision, inability to make a clear decision.
  • Diseases of the legs - fear of the future, fear of being unrecognized, obsession with childhood injuries.
  • Diseases of the nose - resentment, crying, a feeling of insignificance, it seems to you that no one notices you and does not take you seriously, the need for someone's help.
  • Liver disease - anger, chronic resentment, self-justification, constant bad mood.
  • Kidney disease - boredom, self-anger, self-criticism, lack of emotion, disappointment, annoyance, failure, failure, mistake, failure, failure, reacting like a small child, self-criticism, losing.
  • Back pain - lack of emotional support, lack of love, guilt, fear generated by lack of money.
  • Painful knees - pride, selfishness, fear.
  • Sores, wounds, ulcers - hidden anger.
  • Warts - belief in one's own deformity, evil eye, envy.
  • Bronchitis-spores, swearing in the family, tense atmosphere in the house.
  • Varicose veins - loss of strength, processing, overload.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - mistreatment of other people, the belief that sex is a dirty business.
  • Overweight - fear, need for protection, self-denial.
  • Gray hair - stress, anxiety, overwork.
  • Gastritis is self-doubt.
  • Hemorrhoids-experience about the past.
  • Hepatitis - fear, anger, hatred.
  • Herpes is a feeling of guilt for one's thoughts about sex, shame, expectation of punishment from Above.
  • Gynecological diseases - unwillingness to be a woman, dislike for oneself, rude, inattentive attitude of men.
  • Deafness - unwillingness to listen to others, stubbornness.
  • Pus, inflammation - thoughts of revenge, gossip about the harm done, a feeling of remorse.
  • Headaches-fear, self-criticism, feeling of inferiority.
  • Depression-anger, feelings of hopelessness, envy.
  • Diabetes-jealousy, the desire to control the lives of others.
  • Diarrhea, diarrhea-fear.
  • Dysentery - fear, intense anger.
  • Bad breath - gossip, dirty thoughts.
  • Jaundice - envy, jealousy.
  • Gallstones - bitterness, heavy thoughts, pride.
  • Constipation - conservatism in thoughts.
  • Goiter, thyroid gland - a feeling of hatred for the fact that you have been hurt, suffering, excessive sacrifice, the feeling that your path in life is being blocked.
  • Itching-remorse, repentance, unfulfilled desires.
  • Heartburn - fear, intense fear.
  • Impotence - fear of failing in bed, excessive tension, guilt, anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother.
  • Infection - irritation, anger, annoyance.
  • Curvature of the spine - fear, obsession with old ideas, distrust of life, lack of courage to admit one's mistakes.
  • Cough - the desire to attract the attention of others.
  • Climax - fear of age, fear of loneliness, fear of not being more desirable, rejection of oneself, hysteria.
  • Skin diseases - anxiety, fear.
  • Colic, sharp pains - anger, irritation, annoyance.
  • Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon - too demanding parents, feeling of oppression, lack of love and affection, lack of a sense of security.
  • Lump in the throat - fear.
  • Conjunctivitis - anger, frustration, disappointment.
  • High blood pressure - worries about the past.
  • Low blood pressure - lack of love in childhood, defeatist moods, disbelief in one's own strengths.
  • Nail biting - nervousness, frustration of plans, anger at parents, self-criticism and devouring oneself.
  • Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx - fear of expressing one's opinion, indignation, resentment, indignation against someone else's authority.
  • Lungs - depression, grief, sadness, trouble, failure.
  • Leukemia is the inability to enjoy life.
  • Fever - anger, anger.
  • Shingles - fear and tension, too much sensitivity.
  • Mastitis is excessive concern for someone, overprotection.
  • Uterus, disease of the mucous membrane - fear, disappointment.
  • Meningitis - anger, fear, disagreements in the family.
  • Menstrual problems - rejection of one's feminine nature, guilt, fear, attitude towards the genitals as something dirty and shameful.
  • Migraine - dissatisfaction with one's life, sexual fears.
  • Myopia, myopia - fear of the future.
  • Thrush, candidiasis - love of disputes, excessive demands on people, distrust of everyone, suspicion, a feeling of disappointment, hopelessness, anger.
  • Seasickness is the fear of death.
  • Incorrect posture, landing of the head - fear of the future, fear.
  • Indigestion - fear, horror, anxiety.
  • Accidents - belief in violence, fear of speaking out loud about their problems.
  • Sagging facial features - a feeling of resentment and indignation towards one's own life.
  • Sagging buttocks - loss of strength, self-confidence.
  • Gluttony-fear, self-condemnation.
  • Baldness is fear, tension, the desire to control everyone and everything.
  • Fainting, loss of consciousness-fear.
  • Burns - anger, irritation, anger.
  • Tumors-remorse, remorse, obsessive thoughts, old grievances, inflame in yourself indignation, indignation.
  • Brain tumor - stubbornness, unwillingness to accept anything new in your life.
  • Osteoporosis is a feeling of lack of support in this life.
  • Otitis media - pain in the ears - anger, unwillingness to hear, scandals in the family.
  • Belching-fear.
  • Pancreatitis - anger and frustration, dissatisfaction with life.
  • Paralysis - fear, horror.
  • Facial paralysis - unwillingness to express their feelings, tight control over their anger.
  • Parkinson's disease is fear and the desire to control everything and everyone.
  • Food poisoning is a feeling of defenselessness, falling under someone else's control.
  • Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) - despair, weariness from life, emotional wounds that cannot be healed.
  • Gout - lack of patience, anger, need for dominance.
  • Pancreas - lack of joy in life.
  • Polio is extreme jealousy.
  • Cuts are a violation of one's own principles.
  • Loss of appetite-experiences, self-hatred, fear of life, evil eye.
  • Leprosy is the inability to manage one's life, confidence in one's worthlessness or lack of spiritual purity.
  • Prostate-guilt, sexual pressure from outside, male fears.
  • Cold-self-hypnosis "I get three colds every winter" confusion in thoughts, confusion in the head.
  • Pimples - dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Psoriasis-skin-fear of being offended, injured, killing one's feelings.
  • Cancer is a deep wound, a long feeling of indignation and resentment, grief, sadness and devouring oneself, hatred, damage, curses.
  • Wounds are anger and guilt on oneself.
  • Stretching - anger and resistance, unwillingness to move in life in a certain direction.
  • Rickets is a lack of love and security.
  • Vomiting is the fear of the new.
  • Rheumatism - feeling that you are being victimized, deceived, tortured, persecuted, lack of love, chronic bitterness, resentment, indignation, resentment.
  • Spleen-spleen, anger, irritation, obsessions.
  • Hay fever - accumulation of emotions, persecution mania, guilt.
  • Heart-emotional problems, worries, lack of joy, hardening of the heart, tension, overwork, stress.
  • Bruising, bruising, self-punishment.
  • Sclerosis - hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility, fear, anger.
  • Decreased thyroid function - concession, refusal. Feeling hopelessly overwhelmed.
  • Spasm of the jaw muscles - anger, the desire to control everything, the refusal to openly express their feelings.
  • Spasms - tension of thoughts due to fear.
  • Adhesions on the stomach - fear.
  • AIDS-denial of oneself, blaming oneself on sexual grounds, a strong belief in one's "badness".
  • Stomatitis - censure, reproaches, words that torment a person.
  • Convulsions, spasms-tension, fear, tightness.
  • Slouching is a feeling that you are carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders, defenselessness and helplessness.
  • Rash-desire to attract attention, irritation, small fears.
  • Tachycardia-heart-fear.
  • Tick-eye-fear, the feeling that someone is constantly watching you.
  • Colon - confused thoughts, layering of the past.
  • Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils - fear, repressed emotions, suffocated creativity.
  • Nausea-fear.
  • Injuries - anger at oneself, guilt.
  • Birth injuries are all from a past life.
  • Tuberculosis - selfishness, cruel, ruthless, painful thoughts, revenge.
  • Tuberculosis of the skin, lupus-anger, inability to stand up for oneself.
  • Thyroid enlargement is the ultimate frustration of not being able to do what you want. All the while realizing others, not yourself. Rage that was left overboard.
  • Acne - feeling that you are dirty and no one likes you, small outbursts of anger.
  • Blow, paralysis - refusal to give in, resistance, it is better to die than to change.
  • Suffocation, attacks-fear.
  • Animal bites - anger, the need for punishment.
  • Insect bites - guilt over little things.
  • Insanity - flight from the family, avoiding life's problems.
  • Urethra, inflammation-anger.
  • Fatigue-boredom, lack of love for one's work.
  • Ears, ringing-stubbornness, unwillingness to listen to anyone, unwillingness to hear the inner voice.
  • Phlebitis, inflammation of the veins - anger and frustration, blaming others for the limitations in life and the lack of joy in it.
  • Frigidity - fear, denial of pleasure, pleasure, belief that sex is bad, insensitive partners, fear of the father.
  • Boils - anger, constant boiling and seething inside.
  • Snoring is a stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
  • Cellulite - long-lasting anger and self-punishment, attachment to pain, obsession with the past, fear of choosing your own path in life.
  • Jaw, problems - anger, indignation, indignation, resentment, revenge.
  • Neck - stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility, refusal to look at the issue from different angles.
  • Thyroid-humiliation; "I can never do what I want. When will it be my turn?"
  • Eczema is an extremely strong contradiction to something, rejection of something extraneous.
  • Enuresis - fear of parents. Epilepsy - a feeling of persecution, a feeling of struggle, violence towards oneself.
  • Stomach ulcer - fear, belief in one's "badness".
  • Barley-anger.

The character of a person, his thoughts are reflected in his appearance and health.

There are even entire sciences, such as physiognomy and palmistry, with which you can determine the character and fate of a person by the shape of his face, figure, hand structure, finger thickness, the arrangement of lines on the palm, etc.

All people according to their physique are divided into several types. People of each particular type have a corresponding character. So even by the appearance of a person, you can tell a lot about his lifestyle, about his thoughts and health.

When a person understands the cause of his illness, this is the first step towards solving the problem.

But still, how to change negative thoughts and actions, a character that has developed over the years, as well as genetic programs and experience inherited from ancestors? How to replace all this with eco-friendly and positive thoughts and life scenarios?

If there is a problem, then there are ways to solve it! I would recommend doing healing and healing of both the soul and the body at the same time, since this is all interconnected.

How are such problems solved?

  1. Thetahealing session (session) is a session that is aimed at identifying and replacing subconscious blocks, negative and limiting beliefs that prevent getting what you want and cause problems and illnesses in a person’s life.

Almost everything that we see around us is the result of our attitudes and beliefs, most often subconscious. The same applies to diseases. Our body is a self-healing system, and for a failure to start, there must be a reason.

Work during the session is in the theta state, thanks to which it becomes possible to communicate with the subconscious and identify the deepest causes of certain undesirable situations or health problems. Thanks to ThetaHealing sessions, you will be able to work through almost any area of ​​your life and achieve your goals.

  1. A Reiki session is a healing system based on the ability to connect with the higher vibrations of the universe and work with the energies of harmony and love.

This approach allows you to work with the subtle informational and biomagnetic fields of a person, restoring the balance of the body as an integral structure, and fills you with a qualitatively new energy, preventing diseases long before. Removes blocks and clamps in the body, including psychological ones.

When a person is sick, the biomagnetic frequencies of the diseased organ differ from the frequencies of the organ in a healthy state. Disease, before developing in the physical body, first originates in the aura, or biomagnetic field.

When a healer puts his hands next to a diseased organ and begins to heal it, the biomagnetic field emitted by his hands becomes much stronger than the field emitted by the diseased organ. At the same time, the frequency of the biomagnetic field of the healer's hands approaches the frequencies that the diseased organ needs.

Since the field of the healer is much stronger than the field of the diseased organ, it induces healthy frequencies in the field of that organ, causing it to adjust its frequencies so that they again correspond to the healthy range. This regulation, in turn, affects the characteristics of the electrical currents flowing in and around the cells and nervous system of the diseased organ, as well as the biological processes that result in healing.

According to the degree of impact, this is a multi-layered harmonizing process in which the restoration of human life systems occurs at all levels.

Psychosomatics - these are the manifestations in our body that arise as a result of bad thoughts, an unkind attitude towards the world, towards people. Psychosomatics first makes itself felt with a rapid heartbeat, heat, tingling in different parts of the body and other unpleasant sensations. But over time, all this translates into serious diseases.

The body is the mirror of our beliefs (as well as everything else in life). A long way of thinking directly affects the state of the body and the appearance of certain diseases. It has even been scientifically proven that negative words contribute to the destruction of cells, while positive ones, on the contrary, restore.

Man is a whole system in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, it is foolish to underestimate the importance of our thoughts, because often they are the cause of poor health. Everyone will agree that constant stress will certainly lead to illness, weaken the human body. But the fact that any thought and emotion affects the work of our body seems like fantasy, anti-scientific nonsense. Let's find out where diseases come from and how to avoid them.

Body Signals

Our body is not just an insensitive piece of meat, unable to analyze its state. In fact, by listening to yourself, you can understand whether you are sick or not. Each organ sends us many signals, but we have forgotten how to listen to them. Therefore, most of us notice the disease only when its presence becomes apparent. In this case, the struggle with her will be long and unpleasant, because she has already grown stronger and will not leave without a fight. It is much easier to deal with the disease at the initial stage, but it is almost impossible to notice it in time.

It is much easier to diagnose a disease in yourself by understanding the relationship between mind and body. Often certain ailments cause a negative emotional response. Therefore, if destructive thoughts, depression, fear or anger visit you for no reason, then you should think: what if these are manifestations of a disease that has just begun to emerge in your body? The reverse process is also possible. Constant exposure to stress, aggression or depression can lead to the appearance of pathology if you do not get rid of them in time.

Psychosomatics. Where diseases come from and how to avoid them

If you think about what leads to certain diseases, you can not help but notice that people who are prone to negative emotions get sick more often than their cheerful relatives. Of course, the opposite effect takes place here - a person who constantly suffers from illnesses can hardly enjoy life to the fullest. However, even ancient philosophers noticed the relationship between the body and thoughts. For example, if a person constantly complains about life, talks about how bad everything is for him, then the body will react to this by rewarding him with a disease.

It is also not uncommon for an ailment to come on time, saving its victim from a blockage at work or a stressful exam. It is the subconscious desire to get rid of problems that leads to the fact that the body fulfills the request of its owner and begins to hurt. A child who categorically does not want to go to school or suffers from a lack of attention will often be unwell in order to achieve his goal. Therefore, when asking where diseases come from and how they can be avoided, one must first of all pay attention to one's emotional state. If you are constantly gnawed by fear or envy, then the negative reaction of the body will not be long in coming.

A man with a sad face clearly has sad thoughts. In this regard, the faces of the elderly are interesting. They are a direct reflection of their way of thinking throughout their lives. What will you look like when you get older? In this book I give a complete list of the metaphysical diagnosis and mental causes of many illnesses. This is about 90-95% correct.

The head represents ourselves. This is what we show to the world. We are recognized by our heads. When something is wrong with the head, it means that something is wrong with us.

Hair represents strength. When we are very scared, we create a "steel belt" that usually starts in the shoulder muscles and then goes to the head, and sometimes to the eyes. Hair grows through the hair follicle. When we put a lot of stress on the skull, these sacs close automatically and the hair begins to die and fall out. If the tension is constantly continued and the skull is not relaxed, the hair stops growing. The result is baldness. Women have been going bald ever since they entered the "business" male world.

Of course, we do not always notice this, since many wigs look completely natural.

Ears are a symbol of the ability to listen and hear. When a person has problems with his ears, it means that something is happening in his life that he flatly refuses to hear. Ear pain is an example of the ultimate annoyance to what you hear. Children often have earaches. They, the poor, have to listen at home to everything they don't want to hear. It is forbidden for a child to express his anger, and since he is practically unable to change anything, this impossibility leads to pain in the ears.

Deafness is a long - possibly lifelong - unwillingness to listen to anyone. Please note that when we see one partner with a hearing aid, the other is talking non-stop.

The eyes speak of the ability to see. When we have problems with our eyes, it usually means that we refuse to see anything - either in ourselves or in our lives. When I see small children with glasses, I know that something is wrong at home, they literally refuse to look at something. If they are unable to change the domestic situation, they literally scatter their vision so that the eyes lose the ability to see clearly.

Headaches happen when we feel inadequate. The next time you get a headache, stop for a moment and ask yourself where you feel humiliated and why. Forgive yourself, let this feeling go away, and your headache will disappear by itself.

Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.

The neck and throat are very interesting. The neck is the ability to be flexible in thinking, the ability to see the other side of the issue and understand the point of view of another person. When we have neck problems, it means we become stubborn and refuse to be more flexible. The throat represents our ability to stand up for ourselves, to ask for what we want. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we "have no right" and from a sense of our own inferiority. A sore throat is always an annoyance. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to this, also confusion. Laryngitis usually means that we are so angry that we literally cannot speak. The throat, in addition, is a part of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated.

Diseases associated with the tonsils and the thyroid gland, therefore, indicate that in a creative sense you have not been able to do what you would like. It is in the throat area that our changes first occur. When we resist change, we most often develop throat problems. Pay attention to how we sometimes start coughing out of nowhere. Or someone else starts coughing. What exactly is being said at this moment? What are we reacting to? Is it stubbornness, resistance, or evidence that we are in the process of change?

The back is a support system. Back problems indicate that you are feeling inadequate support. Too often we think we are supported by family and friends. In reality, this is the support of the Universe and Life itself.

Problems with the upper back are a signal of insufficient emotional support: "My husband (lover, friend) does not understand and does not support me." The middle part of the back is directly related to guilt. Are you afraid of what is behind you, or are you hiding something there? Do you feel like someone stabbed you in the back?

Do you worry about your money all the time? What is your financial situation like? It can be a source of lower back problems.

The lungs are the ability to take and give life. Lung problems usually arise from our unwillingness or fear to live life to the fullest, or from the fact that we believe that we do not have the right to live life to the fullest. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide behind a mask a feeling of inferiority.

The breast is the personification of motherhood. When problems arise with the mammary glands, this means that we literally suffocate another person, thing or situation with our attention. If there is breast cancer, this is additionally accumulated resentment or anger. Free yourself from fear and know that the intelligence of the Universe is active and active in each of us.

The heart, of course, symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we do not have love and joy in our lives, the heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly, and we gradually go to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks (heart attack). We sometimes get so entangled in the life dramas that we create for ourselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us at all. Golden heart, cold heart, black heart, loving heart - what kind of heart do you have?

The stomach processes, digests all new ideas and situations. And what and who can you "digest"? When we have stomach problems, it usually means we don't know how to assimilate a new life situation. We're scared. Many of us remember the time when passenger planes just started flying. This was new to us, the idea of ​​flying into the sky, and it was extremely difficult for us to assimilate it into our brains. There were bags on each seat that helped us out if we got sick. And we almost always use them. Now, many years later, although the packages are still provided, no one uses them. We have finally assimilated the idea of ​​flight.

A stomach ulcer is more than just fear, a feeling that we are not good enough or complete enough. We are afraid that we are not good enough for our parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally cannot stomach what we are. We always try to please others. No matter what position you hold at work, you may have a complete lack of self-esteem. The answer to this problem is love. People who love and respect themselves do not have ulcers. Be gentle and attentive to the child within you and always support and respect him.

Gallstones symbolize the accumulated bitter thoughts, as well as the pride that prevents you from getting rid of them. Try this exercise: Tell yourself constantly, “I am happy to let go of my past. Life is beautiful and so am I."

Problems with the bladder, anus, genitals are due to perverted ideas about our bodies and the functions they perform. Every organ of our body is a magnificent reflection of life itself! We do not think that life is dirty and sinful. Why do we think so about the genitals? The anus is as beautiful as the ears. Without an anus, we were not able to get rid of toxins and would have died very quickly. Every part of our body and every function it performs is perfectly normal, natural and beautiful. Our sexual organs were created for pleasure. To deny this fact is to create pain and punishment.

Sex is beautiful, and it is perfectly normal for us to have sex, just like eating and drinking. Imagine for a moment the infinity of the universe. It's hard for us to even imagine. And there are many galaxies inside the universe. Many planets revolve around the Sun, among which is the Earth. And you know, it is incredibly difficult for me to imagine that the Force that created the entire Universe is just an old man who sits on his clouds and ... watches our genitals! And yet, this is what many of us were taught when we were children. It is very important for us to get rid of these nonsense.

However, don't get me wrong. In no way am I advocating free sex with just anyone. It's just that many of our rules are outdated, so many break them and become hypocrites. When we remove the guilt of sexuality from our consciousness and teach people to love and respect themselves and, consequently, others, only then will they automatically begin to live in the name of the highest - Goodness and Joy. We all have so many problems with our sexuality because of our self-loathing and self-loathing. Therefore, we treat ourselves and others badly. It is not enough to give sex education in schools. We need, on a deeper level, to allow children to understand that their bodies, sexual organs, and sexuality are made for joy.

The ovaries represent creative energy. Problems with them are unexpressed creative possibilities.

Feet carry us through life. Leg problems indicate a fear of moving forward or an unwillingness to move in a certain direction. Our legs carry us, drag us, drag us, and on them sit big, fat, full of children's resentment hips. The reluctance to act often manifests itself in serious foot problems. Varicose veins are either a home or a job that you hate.

Accidents are not "accidents" at all.

Like everything else in our lives, we create them. You don’t have to say to yourself: “I want an accident to happen to me.” We are simply creating a mental belief system that can attract accident. For some of us, something constantly happens, while others go through life without a single scratch.

Accidents are an expression of irritation and resentment. They are an expression of hopelessness and complete lack of freedom of a person to express their feelings.

Accidents are also a rebellion against a representative of authority. We get so angry that we want to hit someone, but instead we hit ourselves. When we get angry at ourselves, feel guilty, when we literally look for punishment for ourselves, it comes in the form of an accident. At first glance, we are just innocent victims of an accident. An accident allows us to turn to others for help and sympathy. They wash our wounds and care for us. Often we are forced to lie in bed, sometimes for a long time. And we groan in pain. With the help of pain, our body tells us what we need to work on in life. The size of the pain indicates how severely we wanted to punish ourselves.

Rheumatism is a disease acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. People with rheumatism usually attract people who constantly criticize them. This is due to their own belief that they should criticize others. They are under a curse - this is their desire to constantly be "perfection", with any people, in any situation. Their burden is truly unbearable.

Asthma. A person with asthma seems to have no right to breathe on his own. Asthmatic children are, as a rule, children with a highly developed conscience. They take the blame for everything. Sometimes a change of residence helps them, especially if the whole family is not traveling with them. Asthmatic children usually get better. This is facilitated by the school, new life situations, when the attack is repeated, as if someone had pressed the button.

Cancer is a disease caused by deep, accumulated resentment that literally begins to eat into the body. In childhood, something happens that undermines our faith in life. This incident is never forgotten, and the person lives with a feeling of great self-pity. It is sometimes difficult for him to have a long, serious relationship. Life for such a person consists of endless disappointments. A sense of hopelessness and hopelessness prevails in his mind, it is easy for him to blame others for his problems. People with cancer are very self-critical. As I have seen from my own experience, the acquired ability to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, cures cancer.

Being overweight is nothing more than a need for protection. We are looking for protection from pain, criticism, sexuality, insults, etc. Extensive choice, isn't it? I have never been fat, but from my own experience I was convinced that when I feel insecure and generally unimportant, I automatically put on a few kilograms. When the threat disappears, the excess weight disappears too. Fighting the world is a waste of energy and time. As soon as you stop resisting, your weight will immediately return to normal. Trust in yourself, in the very process of life, refraining from negative thoughts - these are the ways to lose weight.

Pain of any origin, in my opinion, is evidence of guilt. And guilt always seeks punishment, and punishment, in turn, creates pain. Chronic pain comes from chronic guilt, so deeply buried in us that we often do not even know about it. Guilt is a useless feeling. This feeling never helps anyone, it is not able to change the situation. So get yourself out of jail.

Operation (any). The intervention of a surgeon is necessary, for example, in case of injuries to the arms, legs, so that a person can concentrate on recovery and on ensuring that this does not happen again. In medicine today there are many excellent doctors who are fully dedicated to helping people. More and more doctors are starting to treat using holistic methods. And yet most of our physicians do not want to deal with the causes of diseases, but treat only the symptoms and consequences.

They do it in two ways: either they poison with drugs, or they cut. Surgeons cut, and if you go to a surgeon, of course, he will recommend the operation. If you have no choice, please prepare for it so that you recover quickly and without complications. A friend of mine had to undergo emergency surgery. Before the operation, she spoke with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. She asked them to turn on pleasant light music during the operation and to address each other and her only in soft tones. The nurse did the same after the operation. The operation went well and my friend recovered in record time. After the operation, listen to the music you like all the time and say to yourself constantly: “I am recovering quickly. Every day I feel better and better.”

Tumors are false growths. The oyster takes a tiny grain of sand and builds a hard and shiny shell around it in order to protect itself. We call a grain of sand a pearl and admire its beauty. We, like an oyster, take a stream of resentment and rush about with it until it turns into a tumor. I call it "rolling old tape". I am convinced that tumors in women in the uterus, ovaries, etc., are due to the fact that they take the emotional pain that occurred as a result of a blow to their femininity and carry with it all their lives until the tumor appears. I call it simply: "He hurt me badly." If your relationship with someone ends, it does not mean at all that you are not all right, and it does not at all prove what we really stand for. It's not about what happens to us in this life, but how we react to it. We, without exception, are 100 percent responsible for everything that happens to us.

Laughter and good thoughts

No wonder they say that laughter is the best medicine. A person who laughs a lot and is generally philosophical about life will get sick much less often than an irritable depressive person who loses his temper at every occasion. If you do not let the sad thoughts that often accompany an illness take over your mind, then the illness itself will soon pass. Naturally, this does not apply to serious advanced cases. But for milder ailments, doctors began to widely use the treatment of good thoughts, which turned out to be very effective.

stress in our life

If you know where diseases come from in children and adults, you can understand why there are so many sick people around. In modern society, stress is a constant companion of a person. From an early age, his new member is under constant pressure. Everywhere they demand something from him: first a kindergarten, then school, university and work. All these institutions not only educate a person and teach him to live in society, but also constantly evaluate his knowledge and skills. But every exam is stressful.

And after people finally get a job, stress begins to pour out on them in a flood. Here is the boss, who demands everything at once, tight deadlines, inconvenient schedules and other negative factors. In general, the society itself is arranged in such a way that its ordinary members could not even stop for a minute and look around. Traffic jams, packed minibuses at rush hour, in which dozens of poor fellows rush to their unloved work, afraid of being late. We can safely say that today the vast majority of us are under the influence of stress. This has led to the fact that almost everyone suffers from one or another chronic disease. It is pointless to remove the symptoms without eradicating the psychological causes of diseases. We know where they come from, but not everyone is able to resist them.

Beneficial disease

It is not uncommon for a disease to come to a person precisely at the moment when it is most beneficial to him. For example, hard times are coming at work, an important order is due, or a responsible event is expected. And then the workers begin to fall ill, as if on command, and they really suffer, and do not pretend to be ill. How did it happen? To understand this issue, you need to understand well where diseases come from and how to avoid them.

In difficult times, the subconscious mind can give the body a command to start the disease, if it is beneficial to the person. If the child does not want to go to school, then he will be constantly ill in order to avoid the stress associated with studying. When a pile of things falls on a person for which he is not ready, he can also get sick. One of the spouses may start to get sick in order to keep his partner. Moreover, such ailments cannot be cured by traditional methods if they benefit their owner. In this case, not a single course “Where diseases come from and how to avoid them” will help.

Signs of an impending disease

Often the body warns us that we are getting sick. But usually we do not pay attention to these signals.

  1. Brittle nails - indicates that there are disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland or there is a lack of mineral salts in the body. If grooves appear on the nails, then inflammation of the small intestine, pancreas, or joints can be suspected. Sometimes they are the consequences of stress. Heart weakness can cause flat nails.
  2. If after eating there are headaches , but all tests say that you are healthy, then you should look for an allergen.
  3. When tongue looks like scalded , then this may indicate an infectious disease. Vitamin deficiencies, anemia, and bad blood can cause the tongue to burn.
  4. leg cramp at night, accompanied by pain, will tell you about an acute lack of magnesium or circulatory disorders, vein disease.
  5. Weight loss with good nutrition - the beginning of the development of thyroid disease, in which its functions increase. Weight loss can also be a harbinger of a possible myocardial infarction.

Of course, these are just a few data taken as an example, and most importantly - be attentive to your health!

Be happy!

As you already understood, the physical body is closely connected with thought processes. Therefore, the best thing you can do for your health is to be happy. A good mood and a positive outlook on life can get rid of the vast majority of minor diseases.

Before experiencing a negative emotion, consider whether a fleeting upset is worth your health. Perhaps it is better to once again smile in the face of trouble than to shake the air with angry speeches. Now that you have learned where diseases come from and how to avoid them, you have a chance to build iron health that no disease can shake.


Have you noticed for yourself: when something unpleasant happened at work, upon returning home, you had a headache, a nervous tic appeared, or your joints ached in your hands? Or maybe after another forced march at work, say, after an audit check, you got a sore throat? Not always the causes of these diseases are bad weather or someone "sneeze" on you. Sometimes it's our body that signals that we're overtired and it's time to take a little breather.

Initially, scientists considered bodily (soma) and psychological diseases separately from each other. In 1818, the German psychiatrist I. Heinroth first suggested that disorders in the body could be caused by problems in the spiritual realm, and proposed the introduction of a new scientific discipline that would deal with such diseases. This opinion met with fierce criticism. However, modern doctors have long understood that the formula "all diseases are from the nerves" works in practice.

Thus, at the intersection of medicine and psychology, a direction was formed that studies the influence of the psychological and emotional spheres of a person on his bodily health. This direction is called psychosomatics. It has been established that the psychological causes of diseases lead to the so-called. somatoform disorders, which are included in the international classification of diseases (ICD 10).

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that the diseases of the body cannot be separated from the diseases of the soul.

So, what are human diseases talking about. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Classification of psychosomatic disorders

Scientists divide the manifestation of psychosomatic disorders into the following categories:

  • Psychosomatic reactions. They do not need any correction, they have a short-term, situational nature of the course (redness from shame, loss of appetite in a bad mood, sweating of the palms during stress, a feeling of "chill" on the back and trembling with fear).
  • Psychosomatic disorders. A violation of one or another function of the body develops. They are divided into the following types:
  • conversion symptoms . There is a transformation of an emotional experience into a bodily symptom:
    • hysterical lump in the throat;
    • psychogenic blindness/deafness;
    • limb numbness.
  • Functional Syndromes . It is characterized by the appearance of pain without physiological reasons:
    • cystalgia;
    • cervicalgia;
    • lumbalgia;
    • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD).
  • Psychosomatosis . Violations of the work of internal organs. These disorders include the famous Chicago Seven, described by the American psychoanalyst, the father of psychosomatics, Franz Alexander in 1950:
    • hypertonic disease;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • rheumatoid arthritis.

In the light of modern research, the Chicago Seven has been officially supplemented by the following diseases that occur against the background of neurotic disorders:

  • oncological diseases;
  • panic disorder;
  • sleep disorder;
  • heart attack;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sexual disorders;
  • obesity;
  • anorexia nervosa/bulimia.

A person, because of his destructive behavior, peculiarities of thinking and ways of emotional response, is held hostage by the disease. Most often, psychologists talk about stress and negative feelings as the causes of certain diseases. Traditionally, there are several basic emotions that act as a catalyst for certain ailments:

  • joy and sadness;
  • anger;
  • love and resentment;
  • attraction and aversion;
  • shame and guilt;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • fear and anger;
  • greed, jealousy and envy.

Psychosomatic experts believe that feelings and emotions are inherently energy. Having not received an outlet or directed into a destructive channel, it becomes a psychosomatic source of illness for our body. Studies have shown that the more a person expresses the experiences of his inner world, the less he gets sick. Otherwise, he risks facing a psychosomatic disorder - a bodily illness provoked or aggravated as a result of exposure to adverse psychological factors.

Sources of psychosomatic diseases

However, not only destructive feelings or emotions can provoke problems. Psychologists note that other factors also affect our health. These include unresolved intrapersonal conflicts, problems with motivation, unworked or sad experiences from the past, empathic transfer of illness, and self-hypnosis. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Internal conflict. Most often, this is a conflict between “should” and “want”, between social attitudes and our desires.
  2. suggestion effect. The suggestive patterns that many parents demonstrate in front of their children are imprinted in the child's psyche for a long time and can get out in the form of a disease.
  3. The element of "organic speech".“My heart hurts for him”, “my head is spinning”, “it makes me sick”. We often use these phrases, but we do not suspect that by doing so we are prone to frustration.
  4. Identification. There is an adoption of a psychosomatic illness from an authoritative person. Acting on the example of a charismatic person whom a person respects, he runs the risk of transferring to himself not only her positive qualities, but also negative ones, including diseases.
  5. self-punishment. Psychologists often encounter the phenomenon of abrogation of responsibility through withdrawal into illness. After all, concessions are made for sick people. A person subconsciously understands this and does not intentionally get sick.
  6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If there are difficulties with the processing of a painful situation, then it is embodied in the form of a psychosomatic disorder.

Freud's theory

The conversion psychoanalytic theory of Z. Freud helped to advance in understanding the causes of psychosomatic disorders. A clue for modern specialists was his discovery of mechanisms for the displacement of conscious processes into the unconscious, suppression or censorship of internal attitudes that conflict with society. These mechanisms, as well as any unfulfilled desires, according to the scientist, are directly related to the emergence of neuroses - mental disorders.

Neuroses, in addition to mental, also have physical symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • and etc.

hello from the past

Many modern psychologists see the root of disease in the patient's past. Unresolved problems of the formation of an individual, personality, interaction with parents in the early stages of development can leave a deep mark on the child's psyche and affect his health in the future. So, for example, the constant suppression of a child's hyperactivity can lead to the formation of a psychosomatic disorder in adulthood.

Parents, demonstrating adequate behavior in relation to the needs of the child, achieve a reduction in the risks of psychosomatic disorders. If they (mainly the mother) show “unsafe behavior” in the presence of the child, then the child is being programmed for the disease. "Unsafe" includes the following behaviors:

  • anxious-ambivalent (inconsistency in response, behavior, attitude towards the child);
  • avoiding d (removal from the child);
  • disorganized (chaotic reactions with the use of violence).

Such styles of behavior indicate the so-called. psychosomatogenic family, upbringing in which often becomes the reason for the development of a disorder in a grown child.

Philosophical approach

Other experts go further and argue that psychosomatic illness is a kind of signal that a person is not leading a lifestyle that is not just right, but not suitable for him. They refer to such a disorder as a riddle thrown by life itself, the answer to which will be the key to healing.

Still others try to approach the question of what diseases are talking about from a philosophical point of view and argue that a psychosomatic disorder is a teacher. Therefore, it should not be denied, but listened to, drawing valuable lessons that are presented to the patient in the form of a disease.

In general, all experts agree that a psychosomatic disorder is symbolic. The psyche uses our body as a canvas on which it draws a pattern of this or that problem in the form of a disease in order to show a person about his psychosocial conflicts that he cannot solve or that he does not pay attention to.


When considering the prerequisites for the development of psychosomatic diseases, the psychologist M. Palchik divides the human being into certain levels. On each of them, a person can find one or another predisposition to psychosomatic disorders.

1.Physical body

Our body is always with us. But often we plunge into the world of our thoughts, forgetting about its existence. Perhaps disease is the body's only way to remind us of its existence.

2. Emotional states

Not each of us will be able to clearly answer the question “what do you feel right now?” In this case, psychologists are faced with alexithymia - the inability to verbally communicate their experiences. Sometimes, in order for this or that disease to pass, it is quite enough to determine and express what the patient feels.


What is important for a person right now? A change in values ​​is an indicator of a person's growth. Lack of values ​​can lead to psychosomatic disorder.


This level presupposes the answer to the question “what do I live for?” Often those who cannot answer it for themselves become depressed and fall ill.

A predisposition to a psychosomatic disorder can be projected at each of these levels.


Modern theories about the mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases have also put forward a physiological model of predisposition to this kind of disorder. Doctors and psychologists divide people into three types: asthenics, athletics and picnics. It is believed that people with an asthenic constitution are more susceptible to psychosomatic disorders.


There is a huge variety of personality types that psychology presents us with. Experts believe that the stock of character can also act as a risk factor. Most often, representatives of the epileptoid and hysteroid classification are subject to psychosomatic diseases.

Body Signals

Symptoms of psychosomatic disorders can also be expressed through painful sensations in the body. We all know the notorious headache that does not allow you to relax, or a sore throat that is not always clear to doctors. Every part of our body takes on certain psychosocial blows and reacts to them with pain. Here is a table of the correlation of problems and bodily signals.

Table 1. Psychological causes of pain in body

Part of the body

Causes of pain

Stress, overstrain, frequent worries
Resentment, inability to express oneself, containment of emotions
Lack of support, excessive imposition of one's will on others
Emotional overload, overwhelmed by the environment
Financial difficulties

Upper back

Lack of support, feeling of uselessness

Lower back

Feelings about money
Lack of flexibility, rigidity
Emotional fixation, lack of friends
Dissatisfaction with one's job
isolation and loneliness
Fear of change, fear of leaving the "comfort zone"
Injured ego, excessive selfishness, self-obsession
Jealousy, an overabundance of passions
Inability to relax, actions to the detriment of oneself
Indifference, apathy, fear of the future

Table of causes of psychological illness

The first disease of the internal organs that psychoanalysts began to study is bronchial asthma (1913). Since then, a large number of psychoanalytic concepts regarding other diseases have been born.

Every organ of our body works in resonance with our psychological attitudes and responds to emotional manifestations. Certain negative experiences or unresolved problems have a destructive effect on the work of certain organs (for example, problems in communication cause a sore throat, a thyroid gland suffers).

Consider, for example, the physiological mechanism of the course of diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Local circulatory disorders are associated with a catalyzing emotion - fear. In the face of danger, a person must quickly make one of the decisions: run away, freeze or attack. To speed up this decision, the blood in the body is instantly redistributed and sent to the brain. There is a release of adrenaline, which has a sharp vasoconstrictor effect. Thus, the frequent experience of fear leads to certain violations. Pathological fear can take on completely different forms: from panic attacks to the fear of losing a loved one. This implies a psychosomatic risk factor for the occurrence of a heart attack, hypertension, and vascular diseases.

A huge number of precedents in psychotherapy allowed specialists to draw up a definite picture of what exactly is behind psychosomatic disorders in the lives of certain people. Consider what human diseases are talking about in the context of psychosomatics.

Table 2.

Disease Psychological reason Treatment

Bronchial asthma

Various unworked internal processes lead to muscle spasms and suffocation during asthma. One of them is the ban on crying in childhood. Other unfavorable factors are considered to be our misconceptions: unhealthy perfectionism, excessive cleanliness, the constant search for approval, resentment over unrealistic expectations, fear of failure. A person suffering from this disease always wants to get something from others, draws attention to his personality and his problems. The asthmatic suppresses aggression, resentment and keeps them in himself. In dealing with people, he acts exclusively as a consumer.Work out the problem of aggressiveness and adequate ways out of it. Analyze your relationships with people in the plane of "give-take".

Oncological diseases

The development of cancer is provoked by three factors.

Firstly, stubbornness and conservative thinking. Manifestation of self-righteousness. Inability to change, stereotypical way of life.

Secondly, extreme pride, selfishness, inability to ask.

Thirdly, an old resentment against one of the close people, which grew into anger.

1. Stop fighting windmills, stop proving something to someone.
2. Reconsider your positions, stop considering yourself the ultimate truth.
3. Gestalt with the person you are angry with.
4. Openly ask him for forgiveness for holding a grudge against him.


Headaches are the way out of unresolved conflicts. Characteristic for people who are intellectually oriented in the presence of an underdeveloped emotional sphere. There is a replacement of feelings by constant mental activity.

In men forehead often hurts. This area symbolizes intelligence and future orientation. Accumulated questions that have not been resolved lead to this symptom.

Female variant of headaches - temporal migraine. For them, this is a bodily projection of those unpleasant things that they can actually hear from others or invent them for themselves (the ears are located next to the temples). This also includes the fear of what other people think of you.

1. Learn to make quick decisions. If possible, delegate some of your tasks to other people.
2. Unload your head, symbolically imprinting unsolved problems on paper.
3. Women verbally work out their imaginary fears about other people's opinions (asking people questions, not guessing).

Hypertonic disease

Hyper control over others. Suppression of anger or tension. The ban on the expression of emotions.To be able to let go of the situation, let off steam.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Strong stressful experiences (“could not digest the situation”) lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which accumulate over time.

Protracted uncertainty, a sense of doom, irritation, constant nervousness also act as catalysts.

An important role in the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is played by stereotypical ideas about the value of food put on a plate, about the need to eat everything that is put, and also about the fact that sometimes it is a pity to throw away a spoiled product. These imposed thoughts are often embodied in the form of poisoning, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes the disruption of the stomach is due to the fact that a person literally cannot digest this or that idea that they are trying to instill in him. Then defense mechanisms are activated in the form of inflammation of the mucosa and nausea. On the other hand, poisonings are quite often caused by the inertia and conservative thinking of the patient himself.

The classic symptom of irritable bowel has its origins in the fear of embarrassment.

On an intellectual and emotional level, be able to differentiate between "one's own" and "someone else's". Become discerning about people and surrounding information.

Learn to deal with stress, relax more, be able to relax. Avoid irritants, change your attitude to the situation.

Skin diseases

The skin is responsible for contact with other people and society. This is a kind of border between us and the outside world. Skin diseases take their roots from childhood, when a child, striving for bodily contact with a parent, is denied touch or hugs. This also includes the inability to express emotions, fear of being rejected, tightness.Develop body-oriented practices. Create an attitude of being open to the outside world. Learn to relax.


Pay attention to the phraseological unit "they carry water to the offended." A fat cell is 90% water-fat gel. Modern medicine has come close to the fact that water is an ideal carrier of information. Surveys of many obese people have shown that they are prone to frequent offenses. Moreover, they tend to deny the fact that they were offended, pushing this feeling to the level of the unconscious. The process of accumulating resentment at the physiological level is presented in the form of a process of accumulation of water by a fat cell, with negative information recorded on it. Destructive feelings are converted into bodily fullness, transferring the load from the psyche to the body.Apologize for your insincerity to the offender, indicate the fact of your hypocrisy when you accepted his words, although you internally did not agree with them. Change the strategy of accepting resentment, do not keep it in yourself, boldly express your feelings to the offender.

Eye diseases

Women have an inner self-doubt as a woman, which they carefully try to hide from others. It symbolizes fear in the future in terms of female characteristics (fear of losing beauty, doubts about one's femininity, fear of not giving birth or not getting married). Fear of not meeting the ideal of beauty that is propagated by society or parents.

Men have uncertainty about the future. Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Infantilism.

Women - accept yourself for who you are. Drop stereotypes. Learn to love yourself.

For men, to gain masculinity. Learn to take responsibility for your words and actions.

Women's diseases

The psychological causes of women's diseases lie in stress and overwork. The lack of desire to realize one's natural female function and self-flagellation on this occasion lead to disturbances in the work of the female genital organs. Inability to switch from work to personal life. Ignoring their needs for "women's happiness." The inability to say no, to forgive. Excessive resentment. Shame towards one's sexual organs, masculinity.Learn to accept your femininity, say no. Work off your guilt for the unwillingness to continue the race and perform the functions laid down by nature.

Dental problems

Sick teeth signal an inability to adequately show aggression (front teeth), make decisions (lateral teeth), and a delay in spiritual growth (wisdom teeth). The appearance of tartar is a symptom of some minor, but annoying internal problem.Learn to interact with others on an emotional level. Do not burden yourself with postponing important decisions.

Irritant cough

A nervous cough is characteristic of people who suppress the desire to express reasonable criticism of others. For fear of hurting someone, they would rather remain silent than point out to a person his mistakes. With the help of a cough, a person is freed from stuck emotions or attracts attention. Oppressive understatement, avoidance of conflicts also plays its destructive role. The inability to accept the situation as it is.Education of openness, objectivity, the ability to bring business and conversations to the end.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Frequent runny noses can symbolize the crying of our inner child. Diseases of this kind (sinusitis) occur against the background of self-pity.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or work out the gestalt: live the situation once through violent self-pity.

Thyroid dysfunction

Loss of flexibility in decision making. An unconscious prohibition to objectively look at the situation, to accept experience. The body signals us about the need to more adequately respond to society. Taboo aggression.Stop limiting yourself, learn new reactions, express yourself in new ways.

sleep disorder

Insomnia can be caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. And also is the result of activities that are disgusting to us. People who cannot sleep experience fear of death or fear of losing control. A constant desire to sleep is an unconscious desire to escape from life into a world of dreams, the presence of difficult tasks.Avoid stress, learn not to put off solving problems, learn to let go of the situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Hyperresponsibility (a disease of domineering old people). Overactivity, inability to say no

(“the disease put a straitjacket on a person”), stereotypedness, repressed aggression, unwillingness to change. Patients with this psychosomatic illness have a rigid system of values ​​from which they cannot move away. It is important for them to comply with social norms, to be correct and decent. This leads to the suppression of the emotional sphere of a person.

Stop being afraid to deviate from the value system, allow yourself small weaknesses. Listen to your desires. Learn to sacrifice a sense of duty for the sake of your feelings and desires.

Sexual disorders

Feeling of powerlessness, inability to influence the world around. pathological narcissism. Feelings of guilt for not conforming to social norms regarding gender norms. The tension from the imposed social responsibility makes the body run away into impotence or anorgasmia (a symbolic message - there is nothing more to take from me).Learn to protect yourself from unnecessary worries, relieve stress.

Bulimia and anorexia

Anorexia symbolizes difficulties with self-identification. Refusal to eat is a protest against the dominant mother in childhood. Rejection of their own femininity in women.

Bulimia speaks of self-doubt, low self-esteem. Inconsistency in images between who I am and who I want to be.

Learn to say no to your parents. Get autonomy. Stabilize your relationship with your mother.

Working with a defensive reaction.


Sweet in food is an analogue of love. Patients with diabetes at the psychological level do not accept love from others, or do not see its manifestation. They try to control everything, the loss of autonomy for them is a serious test that can develop into diabetes.Learn to accept love and care from others.

The roots of all diseases can be found in our head. Dig in a little, think, change the way you think, and you will feel better. And if you don't feel better, at least you'll be distracted.

An excellent video from a leading psychologist who will tell you in detail what the diseases of the body say, the causes of our diseases. Anyone who is interested in this topic is a must-see.

Illness is an external manifestation at the physical level of certain thoughts and emotions. In general, everything in this world is the result of our thoughts. We create our own world with our behavior. Our thoughts materialize. Thus, we can create pleasant and unpleasant things in our world. Illness is a manifestation of disharmony and attitude towards things that are unpleasant, so a person wants to get rid of it. Each person has his own reason for his illness. But there is still some regularity in the occurrence of diseases. This is due to the fact that a certain organ or system of the body not only performs specific physiological functions, but also bears an emotional burden. That is, some part of our body at the information-energy level reflects our thoughts and emotions. There is a relationship between specific diseases, human behavior, thoughts and the positive intentions that they carry out.

What causes headaches.

The head is responsible for the thought process. Problems with the head reflect the discrepancy between feelings and reason. A headache is primarily a signal from our subconscious mind that we are doing something wrong. For example, you have a lot of work, fatigue has accumulated, but you want to complete the work. Your subconscious mind decides you need rest and gives you a headache. Hypocrisy is another important reason. For example, when communicating with a person who is unpleasant to you, you have to smile at him. The result is a headache. Self-underestimation and self-criticism also cause headaches. Fear can also cause headaches. It creates undue stress and anxiety. Love for yourself and trust in the world around you dissolve any fear, and thus a headache. Migraine is a neurological headache that is localized in one place and tends to appear with a certain frequency. Migraines are frequent in those people who want to be perfect. They strive for perfection, constantly scolding and criticizing themselves, blaming and punishing themselves. They are full of all sorts of inferiority complexes and guilt. Getting rid of these complexes is getting rid of pain.

Why does memory deteriorate?

Getting rid of fear is one of the main causes of memory weakness. And not just fear, but an escape from life. You try to forget everything. What advice is most often given by acquaintances in unpleasant situations? "Forget about it!" And if you follow this advice, then do not be surprised at the deterioration of memory .. sometimes the subconscious, with the help of amnesia, performs a protective function for a person. Events associated with physical pain or mental suffering fall out of memory.

What causes back problems.

The loin symbolizes support and support. Therefore, any overload (physical and spiritual) will affect her condition. Fear and worry about money, your financial situation, and your future can contribute to lower back pain. Often this disease affects people whose professional activities are associated with large sums of money. In those moments when a person is experiencing financial difficulties or feels that money is running out, he literally “rips off” his back in order to save his financial situation. If you have lower back problems, you have taken on an unbearable burden.

The consequence of which are strokes, paralysis and paresis.

The most common cause of stroke, paralysis and paresis is “paralyzing” jealousy and hatred. Resistance to the life process and rejection of one's life and destiny can also lead to paralysis. A person feels unable to change anything in his life, he literally “paralyzed” himself and doomed him to inaction. You need to find those thoughts that “paralyze” you, prevent you from living. We build our lives ourselves, and therefore there is always a way out. People prone to paralysis furiously defend their outdated views on life. Their slogan is: "I'd rather die than betray my principles!" They forget that this is just their opinion and that others have their own opinion. And when a person feels unable to change anything, it can lead to paralysis.

What does dizziness tell us?

Dizziness can speak of fleeting, incoherent, scattered thoughts. Such people lack concentration, concentration. They cannot deal with their problems. Throwing in life from one to another also creates dizziness. As a rule, such people do not have a specific goal in life. Think about why you live in this world, what is your goal in life, decide. There must be discipline in your life. This will give you self-confidence and allow you to stand firmly on your feet.

Ear problems.

Ear problems are the unwillingness to hear anything or the inability to listen and listen to the opinions of other people. Often, ear problems in children are due to the fact that they cannot or do not know how to express their feelings. The cause of ear inflammation can be constant quarrels between parents or relatives. A child with his illness sends a signal to his parents: “Pay attention to me! Silence, peace, tranquility and harmony in the family are important to me.” Deafness and noise means a strong rejection of someone or something. Unwillingness to listen and understand, to accept other points of view. This is hindered by stubbornness and . If a person does not want to hear something and does not want to understand, he thereby dooms himself to sound isolation from the outside world, and the subconscious has no choice but to cause deafness. You need to listen to your inner voice and learn to listen to yourself, to reconcile the conflicting parts in your subconscious.

Eye diseases.

Eye diseases are the unwillingness to see. Such a person does not like what he sees or does not want to see in his life. Aggressive emotions such as hatred, anger, anger accumulate in his soul, which create problems with his eyes. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. How often can one hear such expressions: “I hate you”, “My eyes would not see you”, “It hurts to look at all this”, “I can’t see you”. Such people are prevented from seeing the good by their pride and stubbornness. They do not understand that they see the bad only because they look at the world through the prism of their aggressive emotions. Conjunctivitis, keratitis, dry eyes are associated with strong negative emotions such as: anger, hatred and resentment. The appearance of barley means that you look at life with evil eyes, you have anger at someone. With glaucoma, intraocular pressure increases and severe pain in the eyeball. Glaucoma speaks of long-standing resentment against people, against fate, about some kind of mental pain. By stubbornly not wanting to forgive, you only hurt yourself. Glaucoma signals to a person that he is subjecting himself to strong internal pressure, blocking his feelings. You need to learn to relax. In such cases, deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, , . Cataracts usually occur in older people. Why? Because they do not see anything joyful in their future. It is "foggy". What awaits us there, in our future? Old age, sickness and death. This is how we program ourselves in advance to suffer at this age.

About heart disease.

The heart symbolizes the life center of a person, his ability to enjoy life, to live in harmony with himself and with the world around him. We live as long as our heart beats. Blood is joy and vitality, and vessels bring joy and strength to every cell of our body. Pains in the heart arise from unsatisfied love: for oneself, loved ones, the world around, for the very process of life. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. Such people are so busy with their own and other people's problems that there is no place and time for love and joy. The heart often hurts in people who are filled with pity and compassion. They seek to help people by taking on their pain and suffering. They have a very strong desire to help loved ones, people around them. And at the same time they completely forget about themselves, ignore themselves. Therefore, the heart gradually closes for love and joy, the vessels narrow. Pity and compassion are not love. Be merciful, not compassionate. Combine love for people and love for yourself. Violation of the heart rhythm is a direct indication that a person has lost his own rhythm of life. Listen to your heart. It will surely tell you that you are imposing an alien rhythm on yourself, hurrying somewhere, hurrying, fussing. Anxiety and fear begin to control you, your feelings.

Vascular diseases.

Elevated blood cholesterol is a clogging of the channels through which joy enters. Learn to rejoice - and your vessels will be cleansed. Metabolism depends on the emotional mood of a person. Resistance and tension in life affect the vessels and also lead to atherosclerosis. People with vascular sclerosis are very stubborn. They stubbornly refuse to see the good in life. They believe that this world is bad, and life is hard and unbearable.

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