Home Mushrooms What is a Guards Regiment. Forge of military glory: why the guards remain the elite of the Russian army. I am a Guards Infantry Division

What is a Guards Regiment. Forge of military glory: why the guards remain the elite of the Russian army. I am a Guards Infantry Division

Russian guard. The history of the formation and traditions of the Russian guard

The Russian Guard is the color and pride of the Russian Armed Forces, the personification of invincible military power, mass heroism and military prowess. Its fighting traditions serve as an example of fidelity to military duty and the Fatherland to soldiers.

History and traditions of the Imperial Guard

"Guard" in translation from Italian - protection, guards, selected privileged part of the troops. It arose with the birth of slave-owning states, when special guards (bodyguards) appeared under monarchs and military leaders. For example, in ancient Greece it was called the "sacred detachment", in ancient Persia it was a 10,000-strong corps of "immortals", in the army of Alexander the Great - a 6-thousand corps, which included heavy infantry (gyraspists) and heavy cavalry (hetaera). In ancient Rome Gaius Marius had a cohort of Praetorians.

In the Middle Ages, special detachments of selected warriors existed in many armies. They had the commanders of Byzantium, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan and others.

The term "guard" first appeared in the XII century in Lombardy (Italy). Initially, it denoted a selected military detachment guarding the state banner. With the creation of permanent armies, the guard was divided into palace (to protect the monarch) and military (elite units of the army). It existed in almost all the states of Europe - in France, Italy, Prussia, England and others.

The Russian Guard (Russian Imperial Life Guard) existed from 1721 to March 1917. It was created by Peter I in 1696-1700 on the basis of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky "amusing" regiments. The Russian guards received their baptism of fire in the Battle of Narva in 1700, where they saved the Russian army from complete annihilation. For this feat, the officers of the regiments were awarded a badge with the inscription "1700 November 19". Peter I ordered the guardsmen to wear red stockings instead of green as a sign that they fought knee-deep in blood.

In the XVIII century, the Russian Guard participated in all the wars of the Russian Empire. Guards regiments trained officers for the entire army and were staffed almost exclusively by noblemen, for whom military service was mandatory. From the mid-30s of the 18th century, the rank and file of the guard also began to be replenished with recruits from taxable estates, and after the release of the manifesto on liberties to the nobility in 1762, this method became the main one. The social composition of the guard provided it with great political influence. The support of the guard predetermined the success of all the palace coups of that time. Being an elite part of the Russian army, the guard enjoyed great privileges. For example, according to the Table of Ranks of 1722, guard officers had two ranks of seniority over army officers. With the formation of the Young Guard in 1813, its officers received a seniority of one rank. This order existed until the end of the 19th century, when Alexander III curtailed the privileges of the guard.

In the 19th century, the guard in full force participated in all the wars that Russia waged with Napoleon. She especially distinguished herself in Austerlitz (1805) and Borodino (1812) battles, in the battles of Kulm (1813) and Gorny Dubnyak (1877).

At the beginning of the 20th century, separate parts of the guard took part in the Chinese campaign (1900) and the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905). During the First World War (1914 - 1918), the guard troops successfully operated in the Battle of Galicia, Warsaw-Ivangorod, in Lodz some operations. In the summer of 1916, as part of the Special Army, the Guards participated in the Brusilov breakthrough.

During the First World War, significant changes took place in the organization of the guard. In connection with serious losses in the personnel, representatives of the peasantry and the working class began to be called in to replenish it. The masses of soldiers of the guard bore the hardships of the war on a par with the entire Russian army and ceased to be a stronghold of tsarism. This seriously influenced the political mood among the guards. As a result, after the victory of the February Revolution of 1917 and the abdication of the king from the throne, the guards did not even make an attempt to intervene in the course of events. The Provisional Government retained it by abolishing the prefix "Lab" and the name "Imperial". After the conclusion of the Brest peace in 1918 and the demobilization of the old tsarist army, the guard was disbanded.

During the revolution of 1917, the Red Guard appeared in many large cities of Russia. It was recruited from workers on a voluntary basis on a territorial basis (by factories) and was the main force of the Land of Soviets. At the beginning of 1918, on the basis of the Red Guard detachments, the first units and formations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army were formed, many of whose fighters and commanders later became; prominent Soviet military leaders. After the introduction of compulsory military service on July 10, 1918, the Red Guard as a form of organization of the armed forces was gradually abolished.

The military uniform of the guards has always been a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression "honor of uniform" was identical to the concept of "honor deserved on the battlefield." After all, they, the guardsmen, were the only ones in the Russian army who were granted not only red stockings, but also a white piping. It was considered to belong to the sailors and reminded the guards infantry of its valiant participation in the naval battles of Peter I. In memory of the Narva Victoria of 1704, officers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments wore special badges.

It should be noted that when new models of weapons were introduced into the army, they first of all entered the guards. So, in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. the guards regiments were already armed with the improved Berdan No. 2 rifle, while the army units were still armed with old rifles.

Holy guards guarded the honor of their regiment, its ancient traditions. The name of the regiment was emblazoned on the battle banner and was a source of special pride for all personnel. The assignment of a name to the regiment in memory of military merit was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of every guard was to protect the military banner of the regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian Guard were continued by the Soviet Guard.

History and traditions of the Soviet and Russian guards

The Soviet Guard was not born in a thunder of salutes and honors. The first Guards formations arose during the Battle of Smolensk in 1941 - at a time of mortal danger for the Fatherland, at the most difficult, most difficult stage of the Great Patriotic War, when our army, in unfavorable conditions for itself, stubbornly, at the cost of incredible efforts and great sacrifices, held back the sudden, perfidious, a subtly prepared enemy invasion. There, near Yelnya, as a result of a counterattack by the Western and Reserve fronts, a large enemy grouping was defeated for the first time, and the city was liberated.

On September 18, 1941, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued Order No. 308, which noted the special military prowess of the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st rifle divisions, which showed massive heroism in the battles for the Motherland, examples of courage, courage, discipline, organization, high military skill of the personnel. By this order, distinguished formations, commanded respectively by Major General I.N. Russiyanov, colonels A.Z. Akimenko, N.A. Hagen, P.F. Moskvitin, were renamed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Rifle Divisions. At the same time, by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, the formation of guards mortar units was begun.

One of the first in the Red Army on November 18, 1941, the legendary 316th Rifle Division under the command of Major General Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov received the title of 8th Guards, courageously fighting the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of Moscow in the Volokolamsk direction. 28 Panfilov heroes performed an unprecedented feat at the Dubosekovo junction, stopping the advance of 50 enemy tanks. And the words of political instructor V.G. Klochkova: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind!" have become synonymous with courage, heroism and resilience.

The Soviet Guard grew irresistibly stronger and matured in all branches of the Armed Forces and combat arms. The name "Guards" was given to units, ships, formations and associations that distinguished themselves in battles and battles of the Great Patriotic War, as well as newly formed in special states. During the four years of World War II, 11 combined-arms and 6 tank armies, dozens of rifle, cavalry, tank, mechanized, aviation corps, divisions and separate units, 18 warships were awarded the honorary title of "Guards".

The Guards of the Great Patriotic War is a galaxy of heroes whose names will never fade. Among them, Yuri Vasilyevich Smirnov, junior commander of the Red Army, who accomplished a heroic deed as part of the 77th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 26th Guards Rifle Division, was forever enrolled in his lists. On the night of June 24, 1944, while being part of a tank landing during a breakthrough of enemy defenses in the Orsha direction in the battle for the village of Shalashino, he was seriously wounded and captured by the enemy. During the interrogation, despite the cruel torture, the courageous warrior did not give out military secrets to the enemy. The embittered Nazis crucified him on the wall of the dugout, and pierced his body with bayonets. For his courage, loyalty to soldier's duty, military oath and heroism, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The guardsmen were full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, Heroes of the Soviet Union Guards Senior Lieutenant Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko and Guards Sergeant Pavel Khristoforovich Dubinda. I.G. Drachenko, a talented air attack fighter, named Air Admiral Nelson after losing one eye, fought as part of the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 8th Guards Assault Aviation Division. P.H. Dubinda fought after escaping from captivity, first as a squad leader, then as a platoon commander of the 293rd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 96th Guards Rifle Division on the 1st and 3rd Belorussian fronts.

All of them revived and increased the best fighting traditions of the Russian Guard. In the feats of arms of their ancestors, our guards set high examples of stamina and fearlessness, loyalty to their people. For successful actions, many guards units (ships), formations, associations were repeatedly noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, were awarded state awards, awarded honorary titles for capturing cities, forcing rivers.

For the military personnel of the guards units in May 1942, the badge "Guard" was established. In the Navy until 1943, they were served by a rectangular plate (gilded for commanding officers and silvered for privates) with an orange moire ribbon, with black longitudinal stripes. The sailors and foremen of the guard ships wore a moire ribbon on their peakless caps. For all military personnel of the guards units, ships and formations, distinctive military ranks were established, which were formed by adding the word “guard” before the corresponding military rank, they were given an increased salary.

On June 11, 1943, a model of the Red Banner of the Guards was established, which became the military distinction of the unit. The Regulations on the Guards Red Banners said: "The Guards Red Banner obliges all personnel of the guards armies and corps to be a model for all other units and formations of the Red Army." The ceremony of presenting the Guards Banners included a new tradition - the oath of the personnel to the Guards Banner. Not knowing fear, the guards fought heroically under their banners.

The creation of the Soviet guard became one of the important events in the field of military development. It played a huge role in strengthening the combat capability of the army and navy. Guards regiments, ships, divisions, corps and armies inflicted crushing blows on the enemy, served as a model of selfless devotion to the Motherland, unshakable will to win, stamina and perseverance. The Soviet Guards were sent to the most difficult sectors of the front and everywhere they carried out combat missions with honor. No wonder they said during the war: “Where the guards advance, the enemy cannot resist. Where the guard is defending, the enemy cannot pass.

People of high duty - such were the front-line guardsmen. Such aspire to be those who are entrusted to serve in the guard in our days. With their military work, they continue the glorious traditions of previous generations of guardsmen and make a worthy contribution to strengthening the might of the Russian Armed Forces.

In peacetime, the transformation of military units and formations into guards is not carried out. In order to preserve combat traditions, the guard ranks of units, ships, formations and associations, when re-formed, are transferred to new military units with direct succession in terms of personnel.

So, in October 1986, he returned to his homeland, exemplarily fulfilling his international duty in Afghanistan, the Guards Motorized Rifle Order-bearing Regiment, in which the Hero of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant N.M. served as a company commander. Akramov. During the Great Patriotic War, the soldiers of the regiment as part of the famous 13th Guards Rifle Division, commanded by General A.I. Rodimtsev, stood to death in Stalingrad, participated in the Battle of Kursk, crossing the Dnieper, distinguished themselves during the liberation of the Polish city of Czestokhov and celebrated Victory Day in Prague.

The children and grandchildren of the front-line soldiers had a chance to provide international assistance to the Afghan people. The military work of the young guardsmen was not easy. During their stay in the Republic of Afghanistan, the soldiers of the regiment, guarding the columns carrying fuel and food to the cities and villages, removed and destroyed more than two thousand dushman mines and land mines. Many soldiers, sergeants and officers of the unit were awarded Soviet and Afghan orders and medals.

Soldiers-guards showed examples of courage and heroism in the performance of international duty in Afghanistan. At a critical moment, they deliberately sacrificed themselves in order to save the subordinates entrusted to them. So, saving the life of the soldiers of the company, Guards Senior Sergeant Alexander Grigorievich Mironenko and two of his subordinates entered into battle with the dushmans. The moment came when the cartridges ran out. Twice wounded, Alexander lay with a grenade in his hand behind a stone. He waited for the spooks to come closer. With the last grenade, he blew himself up and his enemies. For this feat, accomplished on February 29, 1980, the deputy platoon commander of the reconnaissance company of the guards airborne regiment A.G. Mironenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever enrolled in the lists of the guards military unit.

But will we ever forget about the feat of the contemporaries of the 6th company of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment near Ulus-Kert? It is inscribed like a golden line in the recent history of the Armed Forces of Russia, in the centuries-old annals of its guards.

In the battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland, guards fighting traditions have developed that have been helping commanders to educate courageous and skillful fighters for decades, and the guards of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the successor and continuer of the fighting traditions of their predecessors.

Guards units and ships are true laboratories of combat experience: creative daring, tireless search for new methods of warfare, effective use of weapons - this is what always distinguishes the guards. To serve under the banner of the Russian Guard is both a great honor and a great responsibility.

The traditions of the Russian Guard, its unfading glory are the legacy and property of every soldier, of all our units and ships. To serve in the Guards today means to have the highest combat qualifications, masterfully master equipment and weapons. The covenant of front-line guardsmen - to keep gunpowder dry, to be ready at any moment to join the battle and fight heroically for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - should be the main one for the current defenders of the Fatherland.

In preparation for the lesson, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the materials on this topic that were published on the pages of Orientir in previous years, and prepare a selection of literature. The lesson will be much more interesting if it is held in the museum or the room of military glory of the unit, if veteran guardsmen are invited to speak.

In the opening remarks, it is necessary to emphasize the important role of the Guards throughout the military history of Russia, the significance of its contribution to the country's defense capability.

When considering issues, it is necessary to dwell in detail on the main stages in the development and formation of the Russian Guard, its combat traditions from Peter the Great to the present day.

Saturation and completeness of the presentation of the material will give the display of the distinctive badges "Guard" for the military personnel of the Ground Forces and
Navy, photographs with samples of the military uniform of the guards units, showing fragments of feature films and documentaries telling about the courage and heroism of the soldiers-guards, who multiplied the combat traditions of the Russian guard.

1. Military encyclopedia. In 8 vols. T. 2. M., 1994. - S. 366 - 368.

2. Vasiliev N. Born in battles. M., 1966.

3. Kuzmichev A. Soviet Guard. M., 1969.

4. Sinkelev A., Samosvat D. The history of the formation of the Russian Guard // Landmark. - 2008 - No. 5.

Lieutenant colonel
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Lieutenant Colonel

In our turbulent times, so rich in "local conflicts", which are mostly full-fledged wars, references to the guards and guards units are increasingly being made in the media. But only a few know about that, guards. Let's try to correct this misunderstanding.

Let's start with the fact that the very word "guard" appeared at the time of the heyday of slave-owning Rome. Then the so-called elite, selected units of soldiers, who were placed in the most dangerous and difficult areas, where the likelihood of an enemy breakthrough was the greatest. However, this term was finally fixed only in the 12th century, and then the guard was called a special unit responsible for keeping the banner. In our country, the imperial guard (which became imperial a little later) appeared in 1690, when Peter I created the famous Preobrazhensky and

Guards units were formed from selected soldiers and officers who showed unparalleled courage in battle. Such principles for the formation of these units were subsequently adhered to abroad. Thus, Napoleon's guard, on which the illustrious commander placed his last hopes at Waterloo, was formed from young people who were exceptionally devoted to him personally, brave and courageous.

It was to such soldiers that the Russian Empire owed many of its victories in countless wars that fell to its lot in the future. After 1917, when the young had to re-create the Workers 'and Peasants' Guards units, it did not exist. This was largely due to the negative perception of everything "bourgeois". However, one should not discount the fact that at that time there were simply no units that, with their real military merits, could win the title of guards. And therefore, in those years, the question of what the guard is and what is its significance in battle was not before the leadership of the country.

However, in the sad year of 1941, everything changed. The troops, which were deeply demoralized by the vile and cruel blows of the enemy, needed not only reinforcements and weapons, but also some other support. Then it was decided to revive the high rank of the Guard. They were awarded to units that showed incredible courage and stamina in battle. In particular, in the first months of the war, this title was awarded to the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st rifle divisions, which courageously defended the country from the fascist invasion. Then the country's leadership decided that it was not worth remembering what the guard was in relation to the tsarist regime, returning to its original definition of an elite

However, one should not assume that the assignment of a unit or division of the guards rank carried only propaganda value. The soldiers and officers of such military units were entitled to increased allowances, they were given the best uniforms, and they were more often equipped with advanced equipment at that time. In particular, all the units armed with the famous Katyusha were exactly guards.

We hope that from our article you have learned about what a guard is.

The word "guard" comes from the Old Germanic or Scandinavian word Warda or Garda - to guard, protect.
Since ancient times, kings and generals had with them detachments of bodyguards, whose duties included exclusively the protection of the ruler.
Bodyguards gradually began to unite in special units, formations, and later - in selected troops.

On September 18, 1941, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command of the Red Army introduced the concept of "guards unit".
This decision was made a few days after the Soviet troops successfully liquidated the so-called Yelnin ledge during World War II.
The Yelninskaya operation is an army offensive operation of the Red Army, which was the first actual defeat of the Wehrmacht during the war. It began on August 30, 1941 with the offensive of two armies (24th and 43rd) of the Soviet Reserve Front (commander - General of the Army G.K. Zhukov), and ended on September 6 with the liberation of the city of Yelnya and the liquidation of the Yelny ledge. In accordance with Soviet historiography, it is part of the Smolensk battle.

On September 18, 1941, by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR of September 18, 1941 No. 308, four rifle divisions of the USSR - the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st - "for military exploits, for organization, discipline and exemplary order" were given the honorary titles "guards", and they were renamed and transformed into the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th guards, respectively.

On June 19, 1942, the Guards Naval Flag was established, and on July 31, 1942, the Regulations on the Guards of the USSR Fleet were put into effect.
Later, in the course of the war, many battle-hardened units and formations of the Red Army were transformed into guards. There were guards regiments, divisions, corps and armies.

The military ranks of servicemen serving in the guards units and formations have the prefix "guards" - for example, "guards cadet", "guards major-engineer", "guards colonel-general". During the war years in the Navy, the words “guards” (for aviation and coastal defense) were added to the military ranks of military personnel serving in guards units - for example, “guards captain”, as well as “guards crew” (for sailors) - for example, “ guards crew captain of the first rank.

By the end of the war, the Soviet guard included 11 armies and 6 tank armies; 40 rifle, 7 cavalry, 12 tank, 9 mechanized and 14 aviation corps; 215 divisions; 18 warships and a large number of units of various types of the Armed Forces and branches of service.

In peacetime, formations, formations, units and ships were not converted into guards ones. However, in order to preserve combat traditions, the names of the guards belonging to units, ships, formations and associations, when they were disbanded, could be transferred to other associations, formations, units and ships.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, guard units, formations and associations were preserved in such post-Soviet countries as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Alexey Zakvasin, Svyatoslav Petrov

On September 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the Guard. This is a holiday for all soldiers and officers who serve in more than 100 guard formations of the Russian Armed Forces. Guards status, as a rule, was given to elite military formations that distinguished themselves on the battlefield. The guards of imperial Russia were the forge of the command staff of the Russian army. Guards units were abolished in 1918, following the disbandment of the Russian Imperial Army. During the Great Patriotic War, the guard units were revived. In modern Russia, the honorary guards title symbolizes historical continuity and the connection of generations.

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Guards Day was established by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2000. Since then, September 2 is a professional holiday celebrated by servicemen of the guards units of the Russian army. The presidential decree on the celebration of the Day of the Guards was signed in order to increase the prestige of military service.

Especially approximate

Guard is a word of Italian origin, which translates as "protection" or "protection". Historians believe that the guards were warriors close to the royal person. In ancient times, the duties of the guards included the protection of the first persons of the state and the performance of special combat missions.

For example, in ancient Persia, the guards were "immortals", whose number was about 10 thousand people. In ancient Rome, the guards were considered to be cohorts of praetorians - the bodyguards of the emperor. In the early Middle Ages, the functions of the guards were performed by combatants - the army and personal guards of the prince.

With the advent of the regular army, the guards turned into elite formations, which were recruited at the expense of the privileged strata of society. As a rule, it was cavalry - a mobile strike group, which was used to make unexpected attacks and breakthroughs behind enemy lines.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Life Guards - the military group closest to the monarch. The Life Guards guarded the ruler and participated in ceremonies, parades, ceremonial exits and processions. In modern Russia, part of the functions of the Life Guards is assigned to the Presidential Regiment.

military caste

The Russian guard originates from the amusing troops of Peter I - the Semyonovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments, united in 1693 into the 3rd Moscow elective regiment. On September 2, 1700, both regiments became known as the Life Guards - this date became the day the Russian Guard appeared.

Sergei Leontievich Bukhvostov is considered the first Russian guardsman, who, faster than the rest of the soldiers, enlisted in the ranks of amusing regiments in 1683.

The baptism of fire of the Russian Guard took place in the battle against the Swedes near Narva in November 1700, literally two months after its foundation. Despite the fact that the battle was lost by the Russian army, two guards regiments showed extraordinary courage in holding back the onslaught of the enemy, covering the retreat of the rest of the army.

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For this feat, Peter I granted the chief officers of both regiments who fought “knee-deep in blood” a badge with the inscription “1700, November 19” and palm branches, and the color of the stockings worn by the guards was changed from green to red. At the same time, Peter I established an increased salary for the guardsmen.

According to the Table of Ranks, established in 1722, the officers of the guards regiments received seniority of two ranks against the army.

The guards were recruited mainly by nobles. Only after heavy losses in battles was the recruitment of ordinary recruits or transfers from other parts of the armed forces allowed.

Under Peter I, the selection to the guards was made personally by the sovereign, guided by the criteria of education and military professionalism among those wishing to enter the guards service. The nobles who entered the service had to begin their careers with the rank of private.

Guardsmen were de facto a caste in Russian society. For example, marriages of guardsmen were strictly controlled: marriage to the daughters of merchants, bankers or stockbrokers was not allowed. Otherwise, the nobleman was forced to leave the service.

The successors of Peter I changed the approach to the service of the guards: the political interests of the monarch, the personal devotion of the officers and the generosity of the candidates came to the fore. The children of the nobility began to be enrolled in the guards regiments from infancy, so that they would not serve as ordinary and junior officers.

As a result, teenagers received officer ranks. In the guards of the middle of the 18th century there was a huge number of 20-22-year-old colonels, while the officers, who even started from the rank and file, did not receive a promotion. By the 19th century, guards regiments could have up to 75% of the officers listed on paper.

School of Commanders

Another feature of the recruitment to the guard was a kind of "exterior" tradition. So, they tried to recruit tall young men of strong physique into the guard.

  • Ordinary regiments of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky and Moscow, 1862
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Fair-haired people were recorded in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, blonds in the Semenovsky Regiment, brunettes in the Izmailovsky and Grenadiers, redheads in the Moscow Regiment, redheads and snub-nosed ones in the Pavlovsky Regiment. In the Jaeger divisions of the Life Guards, young people of thin build with any hair color served.

Proximity to the throne, privileged position and aristocratic composition led to the fact that in the history of the palace coups of the XVIII century, the Russian Imperial Guard played one of the key roles. The nobles-guards turned into the subject of political relations.

With the direct participation of guards officers, Catherine I, Anna Ioannovna, Anna Leopoldovna, Elizaveta Petrovna and Catherine II came to power. Almost all the Decembrists were in the service of the Life Guards. In fact, the guard became the political school of the nobility, being the largest aristocratic association.

Despite the increased salary, it was impossible to serve in the guard without additional income. The guardsman had to have several sets of very expensive uniforms, a carriage, horses, participate in feasts and, in general, lead a rather active social life. The guards even had a saying: "His Majesty's cuirassiers are not afraid of wines of quantity."

However, the guardsmen were strong not only in matters of drinking and wooing ladies. Despite the recruitment problems, the guard performed its military duty during periods of war. In addition, the guard formations were a forge for the leading cadres of the Russian army. The detachment (transfer) of trained soldiers and officers from the guard continued until the First World War.

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Under Alexander I, the Russian Imperial Guard participated in all military campaigns and campaigns of their sovereign, especially distinguished themselves in the war of 1812. The regiments of the Petrovsky brigade (Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky) were awarded the St. George banners for courage and steadfastness in the battle of Kulm (August 1813).

For heroism in the same battle, the Izmailovsky and Jaeger Guards regiments were awarded St. George's trumpets. The same award for the Battle of Leipzig (October 1813) was received by the Life Guards Lithuanian Regiment. For the rescue of Emperor Alexander I from captivity during the Battle of Leipzig, silver pipes were awarded to the Life Guards Cossack Regiment and His Majesty's Own convoy.

Guards units took part in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and the First World War of 1914-1018.

The Russian Imperial Guard formally ceased to exist in 1918. On February 23, 1918, the Bolsheviks created the Red Army, which opposed the White movement. The command of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Republic denied the military traditions of the tsarist regime and abandoned the practice of conferring guards ranks.

Reborn in battle

The Guard received its second birth during the Great Patriotic War. The rank of guards was received by the formations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), which distinguished themselves in battles with the Nazi invaders. The return of imperial traditions was intended to inspire the retreating Soviet troops.

On September 18, 1941, by order No. 308 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Joseph Stalin, four rifle divisions were transformed into guards for courage and heroism in the battles near Yelnya. This was the beginning of the Soviet guard.

The Soviet Guard made a significant contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. In the spring of 1945, the Red Army included 11 combined arms and six tank armies, 40 rifle, seven cavalry, 12 tank corps, nine mechanized and 14 aviation corps, about 200 divisions and brigades.

In addition, one fortified area, 18 combat surface ships, 16 submarines, a number of other units and subunits of various branches of the armed forces became guards.

After the Great Patriotic War, the banner of the guards and the badge were approved, which were evidence of the courage and valor of the unit that was awarded the honorary title of guards. The presentation of the banner and badge was usually carried out in a solemn atmosphere. All this contributed to the growth of the authority of the Soviet guard.

Despite the fact that in peacetime the transformation of units into guards did not occur, in order to continue the military traditions, when the unit was reorganized or a new one was created, the rank of guards was preserved. For example, many formations of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) became Guards, having received this title from artillery units that distinguished themselves during the war years.

Keeping traditions

The modern guard, like the Soviet one after 1945, exists in peacetime. The guards rank symbolizes loyalty to the traditions of military glory.

In 2009, the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Carpathian-Berlin Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Division and the 5th Separate Guards Tank Tatsinsky Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Brigade were formed.

In 2013, the 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Tamanskaya Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Division appeared in the Russian Armed Forces. In November 2014, the 1st Guards Tank Red Banner Army was recreated on the western borders of Russia.

In our time, guards are four tank and seven motorized rifle divisions, all formations of the Airborne Forces, one division of missile boats, a number of units of the Ground Forces, units of the Air Force, ships and units of the Navy, as well as missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces.

  • Servicemen at the solemn ceremony of taking the military oath of the Guards airborne assault brigade of the Airborne Forces in Ussuriysk
  • RIA News

But historical continuity does not mean that the guards have ceased to perform feats. The most striking example of heroism was demonstrated by the Pskov paratroopers during the Second Chechen campaign (1999-2000).

On February 29, 2000, the 6th company of the 76th Guards Airborne Division under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin was surrounded by militants. The Pskov paratroopers held the defense against the many times superior enemy forces.

After the death of Yevtyukhin, Captain Viktor Romanov took command of the unit. Seeing the inevitable breakthrough of militants from the Argun Gorge, the officer decided to call fire on himself. Of the 99 fighters, 84 were killed. 22 paratroopers of the 6th company were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

In an interview with RT, Oleg Rzheshevsky, a member of the Scientific and Historical Council of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), noted that the guards rank of modern parts of the Russian army reminds posterity of the grandiose feats on the fields of the Great Patriotic War.

“I believe that in our time it makes sense to continue the good military tradition by awarding guard ranks to units and ships. This inspires the younger generation of military personnel to serve for the glory of their heroic predecessors. However, I do not exclude that the formations of the army will become guards for feats in the battles that are still going on today, ”said Rzheshevsky.

Rulers at all times surrounded themselves with guards, and states always had special elite troops. "Guard" is translated from Italian and Scandinavian as "protection". These are the most privileged trained and technically equipped troops. She is the backbone of the army, but at the present time it is also an honorary title that must be earned. A holiday is dedicated to this part of the troops in Russia.

The content of the article

When they celebrate

On December 22, 2000, President of the Russian Federation V. Putin ratified Decree No. 2032 "On the Establishment of the Day of the Russian Guard", deciding to celebrate it on September 2. The document was issued in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of this privileged part of the troops. In 2020, it will be celebrated for the 20th time.

Who is celebrating

The Day of the Russian Guards is celebrated by servicemen of divisions, brigades, units, ships and formations who have been awarded this honorary title.

history of the holiday

The first guard was created during the reign of Peter I. These were the military from 2 regiments: Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky. The emperor used them for his own protection and for conducting investigations in the field of legal proceedings and military contracts.

In 1918, the army was reformed, and the guards were disbanded. They were created again in 1941. September 1941 was marked by the introduction of the concept of "Guards unit". It was during the war years that heroes who especially distinguished themselves in battle were awarded badges and guards ranks, and their formations were awarded the guards banner. According to the results of the Second World War, more than 400 formations had them.

The collapse of the USSR led to the termination of this glorious tradition, but in 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2032, it was restored. Later, on May 31, 2006, the current document was confirmed by a new Decree No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." This day was marked as designed to develop traditions, increase the prestige of the army and as a token of gratitude for solving defense problems and ensuring the security of the state.

The harbinger of the guard during the reign of Peter I was amusing troops. S. L. Bukhvostov is considered to be the first guardsman, who in 1683 enrolled in these military units.

The appearance of the soldier served as a "passing ticket" to the guards. Brunettes were taken to the Izmailovsky regiment, fair-haired and tall to Preobrazhensky, blonds to Semenovsky, redheads on red horses to His Majesty's Cuirassier, blondes on karak horses to Her Majesty's Cuirassier, red and snub-nosed to Pavlovsky, etc.

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