Home Mushrooms Alien technology in our lives. The aliens took the side of the Russians: alien technologies in the service of the Kremlin and China. Aliens abduct people

Alien technology in our lives. The aliens took the side of the Russians: alien technologies in the service of the Kremlin and China. Aliens abduct people

One of the properties of the human psyche is to believe in what is said by an authoritative person, especially in what is written repeatedly and everywhere, and at the same time - not to trust your eyes. Millions of earthlings are convinced that the American flotilla under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd participated in the hostilities against aliens in 1947. in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land in Antarctica. But the "sane" make fun of those who believe in green men, and claim that the truth is that in fact it is the Nazis who founded the base 211, or "New Swabia" on their flying saucer-shaped submarines defeated American warriors and destroyed two ships, as many aircraft carrier-based aviation and several hundred personnel. I so want to believe in fairy tales ... but the truth is that the Americans were defeated ... by the Soviet whaling flotilla "Slava". On our side, there were also losses: THREE ultra-modern, for those times, destroyers "Vysokiy", "Important" and "Impressive". Experts know this, but they are in no hurry to disappoint the supporters of conspiracy versions of the event. Exactly the same thing happens in the field of knowledge about the original methods and ways of erecting most of the known "prehistoric" objects. Such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica, and similar megalithic structures, as well as sculptures, bas-reliefs and household items..

About inspired "knowledge". For some reason, people are used to unconditionally believing in a word, not bothering to check the information, or trust their own eyes. A person unconditionally believes that there are vitamins in an apple, and at the same time does not believe the obvious. Take a bite of an apple. Where is there even one vitamin? And why does a person so confidently declare the existence of an ordered movement of electrons in a conductor? Who saw this move? This is just a theory, and nothing more. Maybe there are no electrons at all. However, learning the word "tricky" is already half the battle. It is enough for an advertiser to announce that ceramides are present in the new shampoo, as crowds of women rush to spend money to join the beautiful. And they are unaware that there is nothing significant, except for surfactants, in any synthetic detergent and is unlikely to be. . I ask: - Why Fomenkovism? Who told you that this is a synonym for ignorance? - Everyone says. - Have you read Fomenko and Nosovsky? - No, I believe smart people at their word. And really, why is this some kind of historian - a dropout declared himself a genius? - Fomenko is not a historian. He is a mathematician. - So, all the more, why is he with his snout and in the Kalash row! - Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko (March 13, 1945, Stalino) - Soviet and Russian mathematician, specialist in the field of multidimensional calculus of variations, differential geometry and topology, theory Lie groups and algebras, symplectic and computer geometry, the theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Active member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education. Also known as a graphic artist and one of the production designers of the cartoon "Pass". - Yeah?! Really? And what does he mean in history ...? - The new chronology is just one of hundreds of his works on applied mathematics. What is the obscurantism here!? And then the person begins to guess that he was wrong about something. I can give the same example with the famous writer - the "king of horrors" Stephen King. Who called him that? For what? No horror. Behind fantastic stories lies everyday life, which is worse than fiction. But this is only part of his work. There are such amazing books as "Corpse", "Kujo", "Portrait of Rita Hayworth" and others. But the publishers stubbornly print creepy monsters on the covers of his books, and a thinking reader a priori will not pick up such a book. What am I for now? And in order for you to try to perceive what is written below with a clear mind. it's so simple, so obvious, see for yourself.

About clay. Many of you, probably, in your childhood sculpted all sorts of animals from clay. When clay dries, it becomes hard. More often it is brittle and prickly (requires firing), but it also happens that without any hardening, clay turns into stone simply by losing moisture. In the Pskov region there are many reservoirs where there are outcrops of blue clay, it is used in folk medicine for the treatment of joints. So, when it dries up, it turns into a durable stone, and this does not surprise anyone. When a person sees a stone in front of him, which was molded a little earlier before his birth, for some reason it does not occur to him that the stone was not always a stone. I talked in detail about the nature of the emergence of [Megalithic rails here.] Let me remind you in a nutshell: it's time to stop puzzling over how many wagons had to pass through one place in order for such a miracle to occur:

Island of Malta.

It was also filmed in Malta, but there are hundreds of such places in the world.

Even here in Azerbaijan, on the Absheron Peninsula. (Out of habit, I wrote “with us.” Of course, not with us, but with them.)

How many words do you need to say for scientists to tell the truth. No wheels, everything is banal to disgust. On a clay bottom covered with algae, drags were dragged. Then the water receded and exposed the bottom to the scorching sun. Over the years, nothing remained of the silt, and the chalk clay, natural cement, naturally polymerized, turning into a rocky plateau with traces of drags, keels of boats, tree trunks thrown onto the berg by a storm, and here is a ready-made tourist attraction for you! Without investing a penny, cut coupons from tourists, write dissertations, get academic degrees and titles, there will definitely be enough for bread and butter. Is the mechanism clear? Now it is the turn to drink validol for fans of the mystery of the construction of dolmens.

Whoever understood the essence of the origin of the ruts on the stones will quickly figure out how these things were built. Holmes would say: - "Elementary, Watson! And the child can see traces of processing of clay layers, which later petrified to the current state." There is no doubt that a layer of clay, dried enough not to break, but still quite suitable for "molding", petrified already in its current position. It was processed easily, with a scraper made of sharp stone, even with a wooden tool. Five - six healthy men are quite able to lift a layer of drying clay vertically using temporary props. This will require no more than one light day. It remains only to "sand" the surface, give the necessary shape, cut a hole and the grave is ready. After a couple of hundred years, it completely completes the polymerization process, and crowds of loafers roam around with their mouths open, hoping to open the "third eye". And, as if by chance, a shepherd will be nearby, who will tell a couple of wonderful incidents related to this dolmen, hint that fifty rubles are not enough to vaccinate sheep against Nile fever. I wouldn't be talking if it didn't happen to me personally.

Cave city Eksi-Kermen in Crimea.

Grain pits are cavities in the rocks, which from the inside completely repeat the geometry of ceramic amphoras. Narrow opening, neck and expansion below the center of the vessel and narrowing at the bottom. Researchers cannot understand how it was possible to manufacture. To cut a monolith in this way is at least utter stupidity. And everyone is amazed by the fact that the distance between adjacent cavities is a few centimeters in places of maximum diameter. And a perfectly polished surface. And in this case we are faced with natural concrete. Only it was not clay, but an aqueous suspension of chalk deposits. the flood covered the village, in which there was a warehouse with many amphorae, filled everything to the top, absorbing a kind of "kefir" containing lime with a high content of metal oxides, and then the water evaporated, leaving a clay swamp. The swamp petrified to its current state, and the pottery seems to have also combined with the surrounding slurry and petrified.

If you understand the principle of the appearance of a monolithic natural stone from quite ordinary substances, in abundance in nature, then you can easily explain to dull scientists - doctors and candidates, that the cave cities were not formed at all by the efforts of wild people who for centuries hollowed out the rock with stone hammers, or bronze chisels.

Everything is very prosaic. The settlement was flooded with water with a high content of particles, which, when moisture is removed, first become clay, and then petrifies, turning into a monolithic rock of limestone or shell rock. You don't need to punch anything. It is only necessary that the surviving buildings crumble to dust from time to time and expose the internal cavities inside the rocks that appeared as a result of the flood. And most likely, people adapted these premises for household needs back in those days when the rocks were not rocks. They hardened, but were still easy to process. This is how steps and other traces of processing appeared, which are now taken as the result of the work of thousands of masons.

So. We have seen that most of the minerals are the product of the polymerization of plastic masses and liquids. This is not nonsense, this is the most common natural phenomenon. And it does not require millions of years, Portland cement, special additives, etc. Man, having created concrete, simply copied nature, as it always happens. But the path along which the alchemists walked in search of the philosopher's stone was not smooth and straightforward. Those who knew the secret of making high-quality artificial stone strictly guarded it from strangers. High technology is always the lot of the elite, because it is money and power. But successful examples of the use of artificial stone are scattered all over the world and literally lie under our feet. Wherever you look, everywhere you come across geopolymer concrete. You cut meat in the kitchen - the countertop is made of it. And indistinguishable from natural marble. You go to the cemetery again, he is dear. Only made not by a furniture company, but by masters of the 19th century.

Yaroslavl region. Cemetery, mid 19th century. The rough cut granite slab is covered with a layer of high quality geopolymer plaster.

Well, how? Do you believe with your own eyes that these are not Fomenko's inventions?

Now for the most stubborn ones. Our great-grandfathers were able not only to perfectly cover the surface of the stone with plaster that perfectly imitates natural stone, but also to cast entire structures that look indistinguishable from natural granite, which, however, are not. It is impossible to make a cut in three planes by machine. Not a single stone cutter in the world can do this, because neither a circular saw nor a band saw is suitable for making 3D structures from a monolith. This is only possible by casting into a finished form - formwork. Here we also see an element of decor that was on the formwork, or squeezed into a part that has not yet had time to completely petrify, by a cliché matrix.

But more recently, in Russia, such building techniques were used incredibly widely!

The whole of St. Petersburg is one big exhibition of the use of high-quality geopolymer concrete.

Or do you also believe that this was done with a chisel by bearded men in bast shoes from Novgorod and Pskov? Of course, its quality suggests that the most perfect knowledge of the composition of artificial stone is applied here.

On the formula of the philosopher's stone.

"Take sand from the spit of the river.
Burn a hundred trees, collect the ashes.
Take the clay and stir until the consistency of milk is obtained.
Liquid clay add slaked lime.
In the second tub, mix sand with ash 100 to 1.
Mix it all up and mix well."

Here is a recipe I came across on the Internet. Rough, but the essence is conveyed, in general, true.

Joseph Davidovits (fr. Joseph Davidovits, born in 1935) is a French chemist, materials scientist. Author of more than 130 scientific articles and conference reports, more than 50 patents. The inventor of a monolithic building material, which he called "geopolymer", formed by the interaction in an alkaline environment of components, mainly of geological origin, containing aluminates and silicates. Awarded the Order of Merit of France.
And here's the strange thing: - The whole world widely uses his discovery, but at the same time calls him a charlatan. Amazing, right? And where did it all start? And here is the most interesting thing. Joseph Davidovich (completely by chance, that was the name of Jesus' stepfather - the husband of the Virgin) actually did not invent anything. He stupidly did a chemical analysis of the "granite" from which the Egyptian pyramids at Giza were made. It was possible to establish 13 main components, among which were the flour of several natural minerals (quartz, spar, mica, etc.), oxides of several metals, sodium carbonate and wool fibers of goats and sheep. This irrefutably proved that we were not dealing with natural granite, but with an artificial stone cast from an aqueous solution of the most common components near the pyramids. Alumina is abundant in river clay from the bottom of the Nile, sodium carbonate is abundant in salt lakes nearby. granite as much as you like, well, you still need to shear the sheep. The only thing left to do was to find out the exact proportion of all the components, which was successfully done.
Of course, the theory of casting large megaliths from concrete explains a lot:
- there is no need for labor-intensive tool processing,
- explains the lack of finds of at least damaged tools,
- it becomes clear how it was possible to carve millions of tons of blocks without leaving construction waste,
- the question of where such a huge number of monolithic blocks of such a volume appeared in Egypt is removed (according to calculations, in order to cut down such a number of megaliths, half of the territory of Egypt should be occupied by quarries with very large granite monoliths, which is not actually the case. The existing rocks are mostly small size),
- it becomes clear why not a single lost or cracked block has been found between the Aswan quarry and the Giza plateau,
- an answer appears to the question of how it was possible to fit the blocks so precisely to each other that there was no gap between them,
- an explanation appears for the mysterious risks and dashes on the blocks of pyramids located above 50 meters. Sandstorms have turned the stones at the foot, and those at the top have preserved traces of formwork from reed mats imprinted since the time of casting.
Much is explained, but certainly not everything. However, what is presented is more than enough to make sure that the blocks from which the pyramids are built are the real works of art of unknown concrete workers who grind crushed granite on millstones to a state of flour, add clay from the bottom of the Nile, salt from local lakes, water to the solution , mixed and poured into the formwork of the boards, laid with a mat. After the block solidified, the formwork was removed, and three of the six faces of the future block were already ready for subsequent pouring. The surface was smeared with a solution of lime so that the faces of the pyramid did not become a single monolith, retained some mobility in order to avoid cracking and destruction from the action of tectonic forces.
As you can see, in fact, everything is much simpler than scientists make us think. In this regard, another fact becomes explainable, which baffled me quite recently, about ten years ago.

About "antiquity".

I gave many years to the Motherland in the service in the customs authorities. Having an unflagging interest in history, I was engaged in research on the emergence of customs in the Pskov region. Studying customs books, I was amazed by the assortment of exports from Pleskavia (the so-called medieval republic on the site of the current west of the Pskov and south-west of the Leningrad regions). Potash, useless by today's standards, was the main component of export. Probably up to 90% of everything that was exported from Pskov to Europe was precisely potassium carbonate (K2CO3). And this is a product obtained from wood ash. Why was this commodity (salt) so valuable for Europeans?
The puzzle came together when I read the Decree of Peter the Great on a complete ban on the export of potash from Russia, under pain of life imprisonment. Those. potassium carbonate was a strategic raw material. To produce what? Let's return to St. Petersburg and everything will become clear. If in Egypt potassium carbonate was used for the production of artificial granite, then in Russia there were countless deposits of sodium carbonate (from where - a separate topic, very interesting), which served as a binder for geopolymer concrete. And it was the date of the Decree that became the key to the question of when "antiquity" actually appeared. All antiquity was created precisely in the 18th century (and not BC), and its production required unimaginable volumes of the main substance, which plays the role of a binder, in a solution, which was then passed off as natural marble, granite, malachite, diorite, etc. In addition, it should be noted that potash was the main component for the production of glass and ... GUNPOWDER! Truly, nothing is new under the sun. Now they are pumping out gas, and earlier they took out potash. And Peter decided to turn off Europe's faucet for the production of keramomarazzi porcelain stoneware and gunpowder. Is this not the main reason for the wars with Sweden? I don't know - I don't know ... It's too early to draw conclusions, but I think the discovery is obvious. FACT - on the face, and hell on the snout, as my battalion commander, with whom I served urgently, said.


I don’t even understand why, but those who first encountered information that the use of geopolymer concrete was widely used throughout the world in “dense” antiquity have the same type of questions. For example: - "Did all the pyramids were built using this technology"? Well, of course not. even the Egyptian pyramids are a complex of various methods and methods. They are only partially built. Their main mass is a natural mountain height, which was given the shape that is visible today, with the help of a superstructure of blocks made using the technology of geopolymer casting. There, the natural folds of the terrain and natural monolithic rocks were used to the maximum. But there are many other sites, such as Machu Picchu, Pisaka, Saksauiman, Baalbek, and others, where geopolymer casting is not represented on such a global scale, but it is present almost everywhere. There is another version of this essentially the same question: - Is it possible that in the Urals, the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Altai, Primorye, Kolyma, we see the ruins of only geopolymer technology? The answer is the same: - Of course not! Everywhere we see an alloy of various methods of megalithic construction. Some of its elements are actually instrumental. So polygonal masonry is made using elementary hand saws. But there are still unsolved ways of changing the state of stone, such as in the Devil's Settlement, for example, in the Urals. The technologies are clearly similar, because it is obvious that the fossils at the time of construction were clearly in a state of plastic mass, like dough, or plasticine.Soft "pancakes" were stacked on top of each other, and then polymerized. Such a masonry received the appropriate name - plasticine. But we will not be distracted now by it. I propose to travel a little, so that having known information, make sure of its validity.

Egypt. Do I need to explain that this is a high-quality geopolymer plaster? Another question is automatically removed, why the hieroglyphs on the bas-reliefs are completely identical, and even have the same defects. Everything is simple. Until the plaster dried, certain signs were squeezed out on it using standard clichés, hence the identity of the same symbols in different parts of the bas-relief. This was not cut out, but squeezed out on wet plaster. Subsequently, it turned to stone and took the form of a natural stone, but the photo clearly shows how the layer peeled off from the natural stone, and exposed the core - roughly processed granite.

Also here.

The floor was made in exactly the same way, why bother if there is a reliable, tried and tested method?

This is Cambodia. Exactly the same technology! Only casting, and nothing else could leave what you see with your own eyes. Will you believe your eyes, or scientists?

Of course, this may be the product of the work of a stone cutter, only a professional will tell you that there is no such stone that would "forgive" the mistakes of the work of a stone cutter. The millimeter dimensions of individual volumetric details of the ornament indicate that the carving was made on a plastic material, and not on a solid monolith.

Do you think it's drilling? You are wrong. This hole was left by a wooden formwork element. Glazing is evidence of exposure to high temperatures. It is possible that the spacer was still metal, and hardening occurred unplanned quickly, from which special methods had to be used to extract the pipe from the hardened concrete. See how similar structures are cast today:

Here is the formwork. Its walls are fastened with transverse pipes. After pouring and hardening of concrete, the walls and formwork are removed, the pipes are removed, and ...

The holes left by the horizontal elements of temporary reinforcement are simply plastered.

alien technology

What is a UFO? I am well aware that without an answer to this question, any, even the most in-depth investigation, runs the risk of deceiving the reader's expectations, which, of course, is not included in my plans. It is worth admitting that, despite all our opportunities to access the secret archives, we were never shown the captured aliens, and we also did not have to hold the wreckage of the alien ship in our hands. And yet, something was found out. Here is the story the colonel told us Alexander Kopeikin, who, as I already mentioned, in the 80s, being a combat pilot, was responsible for collecting information about UFOs in the Moscow Military District. On August 9, 1986, an unidentified flying object was discovered south of Voronezh. Alexander Nikolaevich immediately took off in his fighter to intercept. The task is to try to fix the parameters of an unidentified flying object. According to the pilot, he quickly caught up with the object, and then something incredible began.

"I felt like a guinea pig,- told Alexander Nikolaevich. – I felt not fear, but something inexplicable. Rather, it was a feeling of depression, because I did everything like a robot: I looked at the UFO without blinking and piloted the plane. Moreover, if he crashed into the ground, I would certainly have entered there too. My will was completely paralyzed. I couldn't even report anything to the ground. I tried to press the transmitter button, while the sweat poured from me in streams, as if I was lifting a 100-kilogram barbell and dragging it uphill. All I had to do was touch a button.”

With incredible efforts, the pilot still managed to get the plane out of the anomalous zone and return to the airfield. After his report to the command in Borisoglebsk, where the aviation regiment was based, the most sophisticated equipment was delivered in order to try to fix the strange object. We did not have to wait long, literally a few days later the UFO appeared again, and it was possible to fix it in detail. As tells Colonel Kopeikin, it was a bombshell effect. Because the UFO was a large plasma formation. But most importantly, an alien body was found inside it! There was no explanation for this fact, so a new version appeared. This body could also be an aircraft of unknown origin, and the plasma could be a shell of artificial origin. It is this shell that gives the aircraft a truly supernatural speed and maneuverability, being at the same time an ideal protection. Let us recall the tragic attempts of our pilots to get inside it.

However, this conclusion raises new questions. The problem is that all previous scientific research denied the possibility of the existence of plasma in the earth's atmosphere.

I asked for clarification Doctor of Technical Sciences Boris Aleksandrovich Sokolov. “Many scientists have tried to understand on the basis of what physical phenomena luminous objects of plasma formation can float in the atmosphere. Doesn't this contradict the known laws of physics?- told me Boris Alexandrovich.- IN Institute of Physics, Radio Engineering and Radioelectronics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR who then headed Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kotelnikov have taken this matter seriously. But in the end they came to a disappointing conclusion: modern science today is unable to explain how these plasma objects of such impressive size arise in our atmosphere.

To date, there are more than twenty different theories and hypotheses that explain this phenomenon.

They can be grouped into four main groups. The first is natural plasma formations. The second is artificial plasma, a man-made substance as a result of scientific and technical experiments. The third group is the result of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations, extraterrestrial intelligence, some higher principle. And the fourth is the existence of parallel worlds in the Universe.

It is known that under terrestrial conditions, plasma can exist only in laboratory conditions, in plasmatrons at ultrahigh pressure and temperature. Space is another matter, there are different rules of the game. After all, distant stars are plasma. It seems that the picture is clearing up, and the so-called UFOs are nothing but natural plasma formations that have broken through from space. So why is the military so persistently engaged in this problem?

Let's remember. A UFO in some cases is a solid body surrounded by plasma! It is the plasma shell that allows the body to move at a speed inaccessible on Earth. But if a fighter is constructed according to the same principle, its combat capabilities will be truly supernatural.

According to scientist Vladimir Dmitrievich Rusanov: « If the plasma shell surrounds not the entire aircraft, but at least some of its parts, the problem of supervelocities can be solved. Naturally, similar projects arise from time to time, but, as far as I know, so far none of them has been brought to at least a prototype. ”

So that's why the military is chasing UFOs with such stubbornness! The answer is simple: borrow technology. Suffice it to recall how unpredictable modern military equipment begins to behave under the influence of anomalous aerospace phenomena. Failure or complete failure of communication control systems, strange behavior of people experiencing paralysis of will, discomfort, even physical pain. But this is the most that neither is an ideal weapon.

Aerospace phenomena that can be interpreted as UFOs have a complex of certain properties, contain know-how, which, with sufficient study, can be used for military purposes. The search for new types of weapons based precisely on "space" technologies began at the beginning of the 20th century. eminent physicist, Serb who emigrated to the US Nikola Tesla. Until now, no one knows exactly how this man, whose life is surrounded by a halo of mystery, managed to discover and curb the laws of physics that are still incomprehensible today.

Documents confirm that he worked on the creation of a death ray. This superweapon was based on the principle of gaining control over plasma. This meant that a powerful column of hot substance could destroy any object, regardless of its strength and volume, at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. Your experimental setup Tesla built in Colorado Springs in the early twentieth century. As local newspapers reported in 1908, the thunder from her trials could be heard 15 miles away. Electric sparks even sprayed from taps, and horses received electric shocks through metal, horseshoes and leashes.

Tesla dreamed of creating a superweapon in order to curb the senseless militancy of mankind. But either disappointed in his own idealistic views, or realizing the real power of the new weapon, he left no clues to the descendants about the mysterious death rays that remained.

Sergey Donatovich Snegirev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Research Radiophysical Institute" (FGNU "NIRFI") of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, told us: " Tesla left no records. It is difficult to say whether he consciously did not want to leave anything to his descendants or kept all the calculations in his head. We can't even tell if his calculations regarding the amount of energy required to use this beam were correct.…»

At the beginning of the 20th century, an explosion of unprecedented force took place in Siberia. For a long time it was believed that a huge meteorite fell in this place. However, there is a version that the riddle Tunguska phenomenon associated with nothing more than testing the death ray Nikola Tesla. According to Vladimir Leontyevich Frolov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher, - and this has been proven by a number of experiments - the plasma is unstable. Under the influence of powerful radiation, it turbulizes. And after that, a powerful stream of radio waves can break up into threads that, in an uncontrolled way, even if they are not too powerful, can burn out some point on Earth.

In order to find traces of the use of a miracle weapon, expeditions were sent to the taiga one after another.

On one of these expeditions on assignment Sergei Pavlovich Korolev the future cosmonaut took part Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko.“The explosion was so powerful that the air wave of a kind of earthquake went around the entire Earth” as the astronaut said. He was shocked both by what he heard from eyewitnesses and by what he saw with his own eyes: Local residents said that for several days the sky shone so that it was possible to read a newspaper at night. 30 kilometers of forest fell down, and these were powerful trees, in the roots of which huge stones were stuck. It seemed that they were all turned out by someone and thrown. But they are not thrown in disarray. Within a radius of 15 kilometers from the epicenter, they lay with their roots towards the center. It would seem that, walking in the direction in which the trees lay, you come to the center, where there should be a giant funnel or a scorched area. We found trees that were growing here before the explosion and have continued to grow since. I even cut some of them."

This means that in this case we can only talk about a super-powerful explosion that occurred not on the surface of the Earth, but in the atmosphere. Consequently, the version of testing super-powerful weapons, despite all its exoticism, has a right to exist. However, in exactly the same way as the version of the landing of a huge interplanetary ship. Anyway, when Sergei Pavlovich Korolev accepted the report of the expedition, this question was also asked to them.

"And when we reported to Korolyov , continues Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko,- how many kilometers have passed, how many samples have been collected, he listened politely, and then asked: “Did you find a piece of the ship?” Unfortunately, we did not find a piece of the ship.”

Secret Tunguska meteorite so far has not been unraveled. And the plasma weapon test version Nikola Tesla lives on a par with others. As for the "alien ship" about which the members of the expedition were asked Sergey Korolev, then the Secret Group of the General Staff for the Study of UFOs had information about dozens of cases when eyewitnesses claimed that they had definitely seen aircraft. Moreover, it is simply impossible to doubt the authenticity of their words. He told us an absolutely fantastic story Captain 1st Rank, Associate Professor Vaghinak Grigoryan. I give an exact transcript of his story, so as not to distort the essence even in small things.

For the naval officer claims: he saw a real alien ship.

“In July 1980, in the Mediterranean Sea south of Corsica, on board the Smolny training ship, I supervised the practical training of cadets on the upper deck,- tells Captain 1st Rank Vaghinak Grigoryan, – and had the opportunity to observe this object, even looked through a pinocular with a magnification of 20 times. The object was observed for about 20 minutes. I was able to see it well through the stereo tube: a classic cymbal with two legs. The upper part is like a parachute, the lower part is more like an angle. Naturally, from a great distance it is difficult to talk about specific dimensions. Color - yellow-red. From the object there was an even light, without overflows. All this was seen not only by the commander, watch officer and signalman, but also by about 50 cadets.

However, despite the large number of witnesses who observed this object, the radar screens were empty. And there are enough such cases. So the sailors saw some fantastic natural mirage. But there is another version. Objects could have some unique properties that made them invisible to devices. And “invisibility” is no longer a mirage, but a technology. It was this feature of UFOs that specialists paid attention to in the first place.

“We did not receive the reflected beam, told us intelligence veteran of the Soviet Navy Igor Maksimovich Barclay.“We have the impression that the field that surrounds an unidentified flying object absorbs electromagnetic rays and does not reflect the beam, and the plasma coating allows the object to move at unimaginable speed.”

Fiction? Not at all. After all, it is the principle of absorption of electromagnetic rays, "peeped" in the course of studying the UFO phenomenon, that will later form the basis of the top-secret technology "Stealth" and will allow the Americans to build stealth aircraft. And the super speed of unidentified flying objects in the plasma shell will force our designers to copy this principle. An example of this is the famous ultra-high-speed rocket "Shkval". True, the secret of the Shkval's super-speed is not in the plasma shell, which is not yet possible to create, but in its accessible analogue - the air cavity, which allows the rocket to move at a speed impossible for other missiles.

But that's not all ... If a UFO is a clot of plasma, then we can talk about a more terrible weapon.

“Aerospace phenomena that can be interpreted as UFOs have a set of some new properties- says the Colonel, - as know-how, which, with a certain use, can lead to their applied use, including for military purposes.

For decades, this has been a covert arms race. But the money spent on it turned out to be fantastic. Even in the richest country in the world, the United States had to resort to a gigantic red herring. Perhaps part of just such a maneuver was the once well-known American program of the Strategic Defense Initiative. True, in those years, hardly anyone suspected her true goals.

“In the 80s, the Americans made a powerful technical breakthrough,- Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber on International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy, told me, - thanks in large part to the now-forgotten Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars system Ronald Reagan. Then about 60 billion dollars were spent, a huge amount. The result of this was the absence of any strategic defense program system in the United States. Nevertheless, the undoubted achievements in many fields of science and technology were undeniable.

It was in the early 80s that a system was created in America that repeats the destructive effect of UFOs. They are building it in Alaska, because in the event of a nuclear war, most of the Soviet missiles would rush to the United States through the North Pole.

Officially declared as a scientific discovery, in 1997 this system is classified.

“The Americans have succeeded in creating an installation system likeHAARP , which is declared as a purely research program for the study of the Earth's ionosphere, - told us Colonel Alexander Alexandrovich Plaksin. -In fact, this is a high-frequency heating stand of enormous power, which allows you to create extended plasma formations by heating the ionosphere with powerful beams of radio waves. This allows, on the one hand, to change the propagation paths of radio waves, which are necessary both for space communications and for military communications, and also to destroy objects mechanically passing through them, for example, ballistic missiles during flight ... "

One of the few photos of this installation

According to unofficial data, one of the tests of this installation coincided in time with the death of the American spacecraft Columbia. There are even mathematical calculations confirming some connection between these events. Today installation type HAARP put into operation, but it seems that the creators themselves are afraid to turn it on at full capacity. The power of the UFO was not just destructive - it is uncontrollable.

The Russian heating stand "Sura" is our answer to the installation of the type HAARP. Its power is significantly inferior to its American counterpart. Our scientists were literally miraculously able to save him during the crisis of the 90s. Even now, they are extremely reluctant to talk about this stand. It is with the test HAARP connect a series of disasters in 2002, when powerful earthquakes occurred that were not recorded by seismic instruments.

The Italians, for example, to this day do not find an explanation of where the typhoon that tormented their country came from, which, according to weather forecasters, simply should not have happened. But even in this situation, the American HAARP, and Russian "Sura"– something more than just a weapon. After all, it is these installations that make it possible to understand the laws of that new physics that can open the way for us to new stellar worlds.

Perhaps the knowledge gained through these installations will become a guarantee of the survival of mankind on Earth. Although so far we find only combat use for them.

How can an uncontrolled trial end? HAARP? According to many scientists, such technologies are of great danger, since the consequences of their tests have not yet been studied by anyone.

“If you turn on at full powerHAARP , various geoanomalies may occur, up to the swaying of the Earth's geomagnetic field, inversion of the magnetic poles, continues Alexander Alexandrovich Plaksin.- This can lead to natural disasters - typhoons, tornadoes, which can no longer be controlled, like a chain reaction. They can sweep away the Americans themselves. Moreover, there will be a real possibility of a global catastrophe, up to the Earth leaving its orbit.”

It is difficult to say how justified such fears are. But the fact that, while dealing with the problem of UFOs, many scientists today have come close to the line beyond which a secret arms race can pose a threat to the life of the planet is an indisputable fact. After all, a setting of the type HAARP- this is not the latest development of the US military. Almost nothing is known about similar domestic systems. It would be naive to believe that we were shown all the documents and told about all the programs.

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Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our daily lives.

But is the person ready? let go of self-confidence and chosenness, as a reasonable creation of God, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

Do aliens exist?

Military admitted openly the facts of discovery flying saucer, but the locals were forbidden on pain of death to talk about what they witnessed.

The daughter of the sheriff and the son of Braziel, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the wreckage of a UFO, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was allegedly still alive.

The military later retracted their press release about the UFO find and told reporters weather balloon misinformation.

The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. The eyewitnesses of those events, the military, spoke up.

So, Philippe Korsa, a former US military man, published the book "The Day After Roswell", which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When one of them was opened, it was discovered alien corpse.

Aliens abduct people?

The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

Quite a few people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were especially massively made in the 80s of the last century.

Some abduction victims reported being subjected to research during abductions; some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, implanted.

Other victims are nothing after returning they do not remember, they simply do not have long periods in their memory.

By the way, there is a video posted on YouTube that shows instructions on how to behave when abducted by aliens. A guide to action is set out by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the Anomalous Zone series.

Do aliens really abduct people?

alien implants

In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, since 1994, from the bodies of abducted people by aliens have been removed:

  • very strong threads
  • thin needles with balls at the end and thread-fibers sticking out in different directions. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and depressions under the eyes.
  • implants that arbitrarily change the physical state or change into a jelly-like state from a solid
  • implants create an electromagnetic field, being only in the human body. Field disappeared after extraction
  • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and with a metal core inside
  • other objects containing chemical elements unknown on Earth.

Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been abducted. in the area of ​​the brain and, accordingly, the modern medicine of our planet cannot examine them, much less remove them.

Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

Implants that aliens implant in humans

The appearance of a UFO

Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.

The first facts of UFO evidence were recorded on 06/24/1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon discovered nine unknown flying objects, randomly moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains.

Soon other eyewitnesses began to report about the UFO. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were shaped like crescents, and their movement was like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term "flying saucer" has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

UFOs have been repeatedly seen on Earth

alien corpse

The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 alien visits to Earth is the film Autopsy.

In 1995 was presented to the public a black-and-white film of poor quality, in which showing an autopsy an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

The film became an instant sensation as it showed classified information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis of the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

Later there was a statement that this film is a falsification.

Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, they will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

The researchers suggested that it is a container with fuel from a spacecraft that once visited our Earth.

Scientists have argued that inside the container is antimatter. In the event of the destruction of the shell of the ball, the annihilation of antimatter is inevitable, accompanied by an explosion of colossal force. Unfortunately, the scientists were not able to fully fulfill the planned research plan, since the ball was taken away from them, and it disappeared without a trace in the multi-million dollar Moscow.

The military-industrial complex asked the leadership of the KGB to establish who had the ball and immediately remove it. The ball should have been neutralized no later than February 20, that is, before the start of the XXVI Party Congress.

According to the representative of the military-industrial complex, it became clear that the mysterious ball should have been sought from people who are fond of the problem of UFOs or parapsychology.

Indeed, there was talk among parapsychologists about some mysterious object with a strong biofield. The most vigilant of them said that if the ball fell into "unreliable hands", its biofield could be used to the detriment of the country's leadership during the upcoming party congress.

About a week passed, and from the military-industrial complex the KGB received a document of 50 typewritten pages, which was replete with drawings and tables under a modest title:

"Information on the results of preliminary studies of the Shar paleo-find as a suspected alien object". The authors of this work were two researchers - F. and M. [obviously, V.N. Fomenko and D.A. Menkov].

They wrote: "The ball is of artificial origin... The calculation of the density of the ball's core gave a paradoxical result: it has antigravity. 12 versions of the natural and artificial, terrestrial and alien origin of the ball have been put forward and analyzed. The most probable version is that the ball is a storage of energy in the form of antimatter, left on Earth, apparently, after the accident of an alien spacecraft, which occurred about 10 million years ago.

The ball was found in 1975 in Western Ukraine during the extraction of clay at a depth of 8 meters. It was discovered by an excavator, who brought the ball home and gave it to his schoolboy son, who took it to the local museum of the village by a retired school teacher.

The ball stayed in the museum for about three years, until it was taken by the teacher’s son, who came from Moscow to visit his father, an employee of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the USSR Academy of Sciences N. After some time, the ball came to Moscow parapsychologists, who discovered the possibility of obtaining bioenergy from the ball, which, according to them, , collects and accumulates from the field created by extraterrestrial highly developed civilizations in the World space. They extracted this energy by rubbing the ball with their hands.

For the first time, the authors of the report saw the ball in 1989 during a trip to the UFO landing site near the village of Popovka, where the ball was brought by an employee of the laboratory of parapsychology D. in order to "energize from the field left at the UFO landing site."

On February 20, at the end of the working day, S., an employee of the regional KGB department, called me and said that I could come and pick up the balloon. It turned out that it was found at the famous parapsychologist-enthusiast D., who, referring to the specific qualities of the paleo-find, refused to show it. D. built the ball into a device, with the help of which, according to him, it is possible to carry out targeted irradiation of living objects with a biofield and have both beneficial and negative effects on them. We took the ball.

I took the device out of the case. It weighed no more than two kilograms. “Just don’t turn it over!” shouted S. “According to D., a self-destruct device is built into the device, which is triggered when it is turned over sharply or when this button is pressed.” At the bottom of the generator was a huge red button the size of a metal Soviet ruble.

D. warned that the button should be used as a last resort, as there would be a giant explosion. Its estimated capacity is such that if it happens in Moscow, the city within the boundaries of the Garden Ring will be swept away from the face of the earth. The fact that a self-destruct device was built into the generator, which would constantly endanger the life of the creator of the device and his family, did not fit in with the love of life of D. We regarded the "self-destruct device" as an obvious desire of the inventor to give significance to his brainchild and protect his favorite toy from unwanted hands

Nevertheless, when I packed the device back into its case, an officer of the Moscow KGB department with undisguised satisfaction escorted me to the door of his office and wished me every success: he knew for sure that the dismantling of the generator would not be carried out until the next morning and assumed by that moment to be far beyond the Garden Ring, at the dacha...

The next day, our working group was in full assembly. We decided to open the device and start studying it. After the fixing screws on the front side were removed and the device was removed from the case, a friendly laughter rang out: an ominous red button fixed in the bottom of the biofield generator with a rusty nut ... did not connect to anything and performed purely sham functions. Four batteries, packed in a can of Georgian tea, with a dozen capacitors and resistors, and something carefully insulated, to which four wires stretched, were removed from the device. This was the ball wrapped in several layers of insulating tape and fiberglass and thickly smeared with some kind of glue.

In front of us on the table lay an almost regular-shaped ball. Then began a scrupulous study of the find. We found an error in determining the position of the center of gravity of the ball. It was this error that led F. and M. to the conclusion that there is a negative density of the substance of the "core of the ball", which gave rise to the hypothesis of antimatter contained there. The "ball" was made of glass.

When working with him, there were some oddities. The first of these occurred on February 23. The search for the ball was entrusted to several operational units at once. When the discovery was delivered to the Lubyanka and the employees of the Moscow Department breathed a sigh of relief, the command to stop the search for the ball was delayed somewhere and did not reach the search officers in time. On February 23, on the opening day of the XXVI Party Congress, L.I. Brezhnev made a report, who became ill during the speech. In this regard, it was decided to interrupt the live broadcast from the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. But no explanation followed. One can imagine the reaction some of the operatives had to this message. Some of the detectives concluded that the insidious parapsychologists with the help of the ball began to influence the supreme body of the country ...

The second curiosity occurred during the study of the ball itself: in the course of measuring its heat capacity, water got into the ball through microcracks! In other words, the inner cavity of the ball was not hermetic, which rejected the hypothesis of the presence of some kind of "antimatter" inside.

So, the main "nail" on which the fantastic hypothesis about the "container with antimatter" hung was eliminated. But the hypothesis about the find, forgotten by aliens in ancient times, continued to exist.

Moreover, the study of the ball gave rise to new questions.

Specialists from the Geological Institute, using the carbon method, found that although the ball is not 10 million years old, it is an "ancient old man" with a centuries-old past and, most likely, is of artificial origin. Criminologists found that the material of the ball is close in composition to bottle glass, with the exception of sodium and a tenfold increase in the content of strontium, which is unbelievable for glasses of this class that currently exist!

KGB experts have determined that the ball is not a source of any unknown types of energy with "parapsychological properties." According to the KGB officers, their mission was completed, and the dangerous paleo-find turned into a mysterious, but harmless object of unknown origin.

So where did the ball come from? It was necessary to go to Western Ukraine, where it was found and where for several centuries glassblowing was engaged in rural Guts. The first point of the business trip was Lvov. But neither the Historical Museum nor the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life helped me. At my request, the Lviv Chekists called the historical museums of Drohobych, Stryi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod and a number of other Carpathian cities. Everything was to no avail. Finally, one officer remembered that a woman works in the Museum of Ethnography and Artistic Crafts of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, who "knows everything about glass." It was F.S. Petryakova. Glancing at the fragments of the ball and turning one of them in her hands, Faina Sergeevna said: "This is gallo."

"Information about Ukrainian gallos. Gallo, as a household item of Ukrainian peasants (mainly in the 17th - 19th centuries), was used for ironing fabrics. Gallo is a rather primitive product of glass production. They were made in gutas - glass workshops, common in the past in the wooded regions of Ukraine. Examination of the presented fragments - their shape, color, surface texture, traces of leaching - brown spots - allows us to assert that they are fragments of a certain halo.

Faina Sergeevna explained the unusual chemical composition of the ball: the gallo was made from waste glass left in the furnace, which was no longer good for anything. And since the glass furnace in the gut worked for several days, sodium, as a light element and an integral component of any glass, left with good products, and, gradually burning out in the furnace, its concentration in the alloy decreased. In a similar way, the percentage composition of the heavy element, strontium, was increased, which accumulated in the slag formations of the melt. It also turned out that our halo, which turned out to be an "alien object" by the will of fantasy, had lain in the earth for a hundred and fifty years. The very same halo, heated in boiling water to a high temperature, was used as an ideal iron for smoothing puffy sleeves in Ukrainian shirts.

But the story of the ball itself did not end there! Soft attempts to explain to D. that his device does not generate any biofield did not succeed. He insisted that the "biofield generator" be returned to him.

I had to urgently make a ball of the same size and mount it in the circuit. D. had no doubts about his ability to work.

Several years have passed. In the mid-1980s, all the high authorities began to receive messages with proposals for the use of generators for the treatment of diseases, the transformation of metals into gold and as weapons of destruction. The creator of these "miracle generators" turned out to be D. Some people were interested in D.'s statements. So the KGB specialists for the second time encountered the device of the "inventor", this time being under study in one of the Moscow institutes. From the reference of the KGB specialists:

"D. created technical devices capable, in his words, of accumulating" latent vacuum energy "and emitting D-waves." The main element of each device is the so-called "active body", endowed with the necessary properties by D.

By the way, I had to attend D.'s lectures. He allegedly perceives "D-waves" from the Cosmos. With the help of his devices, D. managed to "remove" the flood in Leningrad, as well as reduce mortality from myocardial infarction in this city by directing the energy of "D-waves" from his biogenerator through the antenna of the Leningrad television center. Similar experiments were carried out by him in Baku, Tbilisi, Petrozavodsk and other cities.

In 1981, we investigated the device created by D. - "D-wave emitter". The “active body” of this emitter was a “paleo-object-ball”, capable, according to D., of accumulating and generating D-radiation. As you remember, this object was seized by us for research and replaced with a dummy. On the basis of the dummy we made, D. created a new, "more powerful emitter."

It would seem that everything is very clear. But there were more and more "enthusiastic" - either in the army, or in a prestigious university, or in a large shipping company ... Apparently, the case with one of the secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia, whom D. convinced of that on the outskirts of Tallinn, on one of the household plots, there is a crashed flying saucer in the ground. The equipment sent by high order, digging out a huge pit, did not find anything ...

Jared Rand is one of the biggest recent SSP whistleblowers. He appeared quite recently. Rand talks about highly advanced extraterrestrial technology such as tachyon healing chambers, portal technology, resurrection beds, replicators, and rejuvenation pills. He is not the first person to discuss such topics.

Those who have been studying such matters for some time will immediately think of William Tompkins, who has already reported on anti-aging drugs created by the military-industrial complex in partnership with extraterrestrial beings.
Kobra, another insider of what is known as the Resistance Movement, also talks about tachyon chambers.
Finally, Corey Goode, an insider and SSP whistleblower who claims to have worked for over 60 years in the SSP, also reports similar technology. In his case, these are replicators capable of creating food and other useful objects. These are just a few examples I know of that support Rand's evidence.

As with other insiders, the information is questionable, mainly because we can't back up aspects of what's been said with actual documentary evidence. We can't see the replicator, we don't have videos or pictures of the portal technology, nor do we have first hand evidence of anti-aging pills that work as claimed.
Along with problems with confirmation, the proposed data are essentially refuted (debunked), which allows them to be classified as unconfirmed. Hence, ideas can be used as a spark to ignite the mind, and the most sincere truth-seekers will, of course, remain open to the fact that the information may well turn out to be false, or at least partially plausible.

While outsiders are trying to figure out whether this information is reliable, we advise you to treat the data with an open mind, although there will be vigilant inconsistency seekers who will later be able to present a method of refuting the presented. We are united on this, so collaborating with others in the area of ​​data comparison can be extremely helpful.
The data below is an overview of the provisions collected from November 2017 to January 2018 by a reader of this website. For the source, see http://www.iqdcalls.com/rand.html for audio recordings of Rand's messages.

— Justin
Extraterrestrial technology described by Jared Rand

Source: Interviews with Jared Rand in November 2017 and January 2018:


For several decades now, aliens have been sharing certain technologies with select groups of people on Earth. As a member of the research team, Jared Rand claims to have tested and validated all of the technologies listed below. As soon as the economic and political situation is reoriented for the benefit of the entire population of the Earth, instead of the "elite", these inventions will be distributed throughout the world (through a slow transition, for the purpose of adaptation). It is planned that each country will deal with them on its own, independently of any centralized administration.

Medical beds

These are devices in which people lie down for a few minutes, fall into a deep sleep and go through a painless process of splitting the body into atoms in order to heal, restore a lost body part and / or completely rejuvenate (even for several decades). Operated by trained healthcare professionals, the device identifies DNA and scans the body for defects, and then, with the help of AI/computer, uses plasma and tachyon technology to heal the defects according to the person's desire. The body is restored, but the mind remains unchanged (memory, knowledge, wisdom, qualities, etc.).

After the session, comprehensive information will be offered to maintain health, such as naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy and so on.
Such technology will not be offered in allopathic hospitals, but only in specialist clinics. The creation of such devices for public use must be protected from political interference and the influence of other greedy forces. At first, it is planned to provide access and treatment to people affected by the most serious problems, but over time to provide such a device to every home. The device will not replace the entire healthcare system as, for example, some cases will require different approaches to healing.

Anti-aging pills

Two specific pills will rejuvenate any person within 24 hours.

resuscitation chambers

The chambers will be available to bring back to life and heal any person hours (not days) after death. It is claimed that this is a very ancient extraterrestrial invention, which is widely used by aliens. It is featured in the movie Stargate 3B-1.


The size of a small stove, replicators run on plasma, converting it into any material: food, clothing and various objects (each replicator specializes in one kind of object). A huge computer databank will allow the user to select an item, and then if the item needs to be fitted to the body, the device will scan the user to determine the size, and then, in a few seconds, reproduce the desired item. Any recipe can be made into food and is said to look and taste just like real food, but does not require breeding or killing animals. In addition, there is no waste left, as the replicator is provided with a container, and the waste can be processed in the device itself, since it is able to transform any matter into any other.

Early versions of replicators are modern 3D printers. More advanced versions have already been created. For example, in China, a replicator has already built several houses (19 sqm each) in 24 hours.
The consequences of food production are far-reaching: against the background of depleting the world's reserves, there will no longer be a need for intensive land use for agriculture and farming. Consequently, dependence on weather and climate, and, no less important, food shortages will disappear.
Gardening and small scale farming will be available to people who enjoy such activities and to those who prefer traditional food.

Teleportation - Vehicles

As a means of transportation from place to place, futuristic-looking two-seat “scooters” have already been created. They are made from a new material called plexi, which is similar to plexiglass. They are able to teleport 2 people to any place on the planet in a maximum of 15 minutes. Traveling to distant extraterrestrial worlds will require a few extra minutes. This means that from North America you can go to Europe for dinner and return the same evening.

In fact, such a movement is described as an “anti-gravity jump through time”, and “it is not the device itself that moves, but the space around it”. The holographic map display allows the user to program the destination. Such movement does not create pollution and is completely protected from crash.
Such vehicles, as well as buses, have already been built since 2010 and are now concentrated in a facility in the southeast. They are ready to go to market. For people who want to use traditional cars, the latter will also remain available.

This will provide a significant reduction in pollution.
There are also plans to colonize other planets, including mass immigration to other planets. This will put an end to overpopulation on Earth.

Cleaning up the environment

There is an “amazing” approach that will quickly clear any waterways, including oceans, as well as soil, plants, etc. Microbes that are 600 million years old, properly fermented, have the ability to clean up any oil spill. After cleaning, they are depleted and leave behind only nitrogen and oxygen.

Compact power plants

Free-energy energy devices, the size of a small humidifier, can power an entire home forever without needing to be replaced. For several years now, there has been a warehouse with a size of 28 sq. km, full of such devices waiting to enter the market. But all this after the oppositional economic forces are removed.

Learning Centers

Mentors are already being prepared to teach the population the true history of the world and humanity, including information about all the atrocities so that they never happen again. This purpose will be served by the centers of learning that are being established throughout the United States. Each center is equipped with a large database.

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