Home Mushrooms Not vulgar wedding contests. Wedding contests for guests and witnesses. Give a million, or how to replenish the budget of a young family

Not vulgar wedding contests. Wedding contests for guests and witnesses. Give a million, or how to replenish the budget of a young family

How to choose fun games for guests and lead funny contests at the wedding? People start thinking about it long before the holiday. Of course, it’s easier if a professional toastmaster is the host at the wedding, but often modern newlyweds and their friends decide to take full responsibility for themselves, show their imagination and come up with entertainment programs and new entertainments themselves, abandoning traditional games that are already fed up.

The purpose of such entertainment is not to let any of those invited to the holiday get bored. Each of the guests must take part in entertainment, games, quizzes, contests, designed specifically for adults and children.

How to choose games and contests to entertain guests - tips

A wedding is the most joyful day in the life of a bride and groom, a holiday that began at the registry office with a solemn registration and continued at a banquet.

So that the celebration does not turn into a continuous feast, you need to think over a full-fledged entertainment program. Quizzes, games, wedding contests for guests are designed so that they:

  • could captivate all those present;
  • alternated with congratulations;
  • emphasized the theme chosen for the holiday;
  • did not overwhelm the participants.

Vulgar and rude jokes are excluded. Even dress-up contests must strictly comply with the established rules and not offend the dignity of the invitees and participants in the game. The presenter will not only have to announce congratulations or the next competitions - he must show his intellect, and not just congratulate the young people corny, but give each guest the opportunity to express their wishes, to give what is intended.

The toastmaster carefully observes the guests and everything that happens at the wedding.

When conducting games, the host tries not to involve in the fun those who did not calculate their strength and got drunk, taking into account the desire of each of the invitees to have fun from the bottom of their hearts.

If something did not go as planned, it is important to switch the guests' attention in time using original jokes, jokes, and unusual questions.

It is unlikely that unforeseen situations can be avoided on such a day, but you can reduce the risk of their occurrence by preparing a scenario for the celebration in advance. A noisy celebration dedicated to the family's birthday begins immediately after the wedding and a walk through memorable places.

What is happening will not just be remembered - all the most interesting and funny moments of the holiday will be recorded on video and stored in numerous photographs.

The script includes:

  1. Live scenes with the participation of men, ladies, newlyweds, children present at the celebration.
  2. Funny pranks.
  3. Lottery.
  4. Dancing.
  5. Team competitions, which include representatives of the youth and the older generation.
  6. Competitions of readers who will have to read unknown poems written in advance by the presenter in the best and most expressive way.

When working on the script, you need to make sure that all prepared contests, tasks, practical jokes and sketches alternate with congratulations and toasts. Guests should eat quietly, chat with each other, get to know those whom they see for the first time.

The newlyweds and witnesses take part in the preparation of some numbers, but the program will also include such jokes that the young should not know about. Creativity is the basis of success.

Funny, interesting games and contests without vulgarity - a detailed description

Among those invited to the wedding may be people who find themselves in this noisy company for the first time. Acquaintance is an important point that should be given special attention.

It is best to do this by accompanying communication with jokes, anecdotes, funny stories. This will be the first fun competition that will help create the right atmosphere for the holiday.

The guests line up in an impromptu queue and, approaching the bride and groom, introduce themselves. The winner and owner of the first prize is the one who manages to do it in the most original way. It is not enough just to give your name or indicate the degree of kinship, you need to do it in such a way that none of the invitees could repeat this. Not all guests can participate in this competition. Most often, these are the closest friends or relatives.

The organizer helps the guests to find the seats allocated for them, take them and prepare for the rest.

While the first toasts and congratulations are sounding, we are getting ready to hold competitions for young people:

  1. Battle. Boys and girls invited by the bride and groom participate in the competition, they are divided into two teams. The leader asks questions. The groom's friends and girlfriends try to give as accurate an answer as possible to questions regarding the bride's habits, and a team of her friends answers questions about the groom's character traits, his favorite dishes, things, books, music. Those who give more correct answers win. What to ask? Favorite movie, most expensive dress, part number in which he served, what was at the prom. The more complex and unexpected the question, the more interesting.
  2. The guests are divided into two teams, the members of one of which are "girls", and the second consists only of "boys". Girls and boys face each other. The fair sex is starting. They name the most famous women. In response, the young men should name the names of great men. These are politicians, and leaders, and queens, and actresses. The winner is chosen after the last name that pops up in memory is called. Prizes are awarded to all participants of the competition (small souvenirs that we prepare in advance, knowing the number of participants in the game).
  3. A funny contest, which is held at the very beginning of the feast, is “congratulations in alphabetical order”. The first participant says a wish for the letter “A”, the second - for “B”, and so on. If the next invitee does not find the right word, the one who is sitting next to him continues.
  4. Fun auction. The organizers are preparing various items that will be put up for auction. The essence of the competition is that guests need not only to buy the item on display, but also to correctly guess what exactly they are offered. Original calculator - abacus, washing machine - washboard, dishwasher - sponge and detergent. The winner is the one who pays more by correctly guessing what he is buying. You can complicate the competition by putting all the items in gift bags or boxes so that it is impossible to understand what is inside the package by size or shape.

After such a comic warm-up, it's time for toasts and congratulations, which can also be expressed in a special way.

The best way to congratulate the young in an original way is the poems invented here. The most talented author is the winner, who is sure to receive a prize. In order for the fun to succeed, the organizers will have to take care of preparing the necessary props.

Think over the sequence of numbers of the entertainment program, allocate time for congratulations, gifts and toasts. Another important detail is the prizes for the winners of the contests. These are not only trinkets that participants can keep as a keepsake of the wedding, but also cash rewards (you can use not real banknotes, joke bank tickets).

After listening to all the congratulations, you can dance!

Of course, all attention will be paid to the dance of the young, and after it you can go to the table, where fun competitions will continue:

  1. Some guests receive sheets of paper with a question written on them. Others have the answer written on the sheets. The toastmaster begins the competition with any of those sitting at the table, inviting him to read the question. The one who will answer is also chosen by the presenter at his discretion. The coincidence of the question and the answer will be a complete surprise, since, according to the idea of ​​the organizers, the situation should be truly comical. The question on the leaflet may be about the color of the eyes, and the answer on the leaflet of the person sitting opposite is 2 meters. Question - date of birth, answer - Kazan.
  2. What will help you express your sincere feelings? Of course, poetry! But even the exchange of poetic lines can be turned into a fun game. Teams of several people receive a piece of paper on which a short quatrain or a small excerpt from a well-known poem is written. Every poem is about love. Team members will have to work hard to put together a poem using words from the passages that the organizer offered them.
  3. The most interesting competitions are held with the participation of couples. Two people must become a close-knit team and achieve victory. A man invites a woman to dance, during which, according to the condition, there is a balloon between them. Couples begin to dance at the same time, holding the ball at chest level. At the sign of the leader, the tempo of the musical accompaniment changes and the couples dance, trying not to drop the balloon. Those who lose it first lose. The winner receives a prize in the form of a memorable gift or a bottle of champagne.
  4. In the next competition, everyone is dancing. This is a well-known game with chairs. Its essence is that the number of players is one more than the number of chairs placed in a circle. The music plays faster and suddenly stops, and each participant must have time to take their place on the chair. Whoever remains standing is out of the game. A funny contest is obtained if young people are sitting on chairs, and girls are dancing around them. As soon as the music subsides, the girls rush to the guys and sit on their hands. Left alone, the dancer leaves, taking with her any male participant.

To give guests a break, the host invites them to go to their tables.

Do not invite drunks to participate in outdoor games. This will avoid an awkward situation when, unwittingly, people utter obscene words, they can offend one of those present, ruining the holiday.

If a guest who has drunk a large amount of alcohol seeks to take part in the games, he is offered a verbal skirmish or a competition for ingenuity.

Decent competitions do not exclude dressing up or pair dances with balls.

  1. One person from the guests lists popular songs, several others listen carefully to him, and the host suddenly interrupts. The player he points to must sing at least one verse from the song named last. The winner is presented with a prize, which is presented with a musical toy or a collection of children's songs.
  2. The newlyweds themselves can become the main characters of the competition. The groom is blindfolded and asked to find his beloved, recognizing her, touching the hands of the girls with his hands. For a mistake, the young man is fined, forcing him to sing or dance, and if he wins, his reward is a kiss from his young wife.
  3. Cheerful competitions are arranged between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Both women can cook porridge, sew up a tear, sew on a button, cook borscht, peel potatoes and mash or chop cabbage, but who will do all this faster and better? The dish is chosen by the older woman. You can only find out by experience! Under the terms of the game, the groom and father-in-law can help their loved ones, the main thing is not to interfere!
  4. The bride and groom stand with their backs to each other. The host asks one of them questions, and the second must answer so loudly that his answer can be heard by everyone present. Tamada, having received an answer to his question, asks the bride, and she blinks in agreement. In this case, the guests shout “Congratulations!” If the groom made a mistake, he hears a friendly “Play!”. The more correct answers, the more valuable the prize.
  5. To play the groom and arrange a real carnival, the bride takes part in a dress-up contest. You need several people, and it can be both women and men. The bride is offered to throw a jacket over her shoulders, and the rest of the girls can change clothes the way they want. The blindfolded groom will have to look for his betrothed among the disguised girlfriends, feeling their clothes. It remains to wish that the young husband recognizes the shoulders of his wife by touching them through his jacket.
  6. Cocktail "Mystery". To find out the composition of such a secret will be a task for the participants in the competition. All ingredients used are written down on a piece of paper. A mixture of drinks is given to the players to try, seating the "jury" at a separate table. Those wishing to take part in the game come to the table and take turns tasting the magic drink. Having tasted, they call the components of the cocktail. The condition is this - take one sip and name the components. After drinking one serving, the participants try to list exactly all the drinks that were part of the cocktail. At the end, the one who guessed the most number of components wins.

Beautiful, original and funny contests are held using fruits.

So, an apple is lowered into a small cup filled with water and the guys are offered to try to eat it without touching the fruit with their hands. More often, the guys try to bite off pieces from an apple, catching it from the water. An orange is needed for a very funny contest in which several couples take part.

In this video - another contest for your wedding:

Its essence is that the woman has to, without touching the man with her hands, roll the orange hidden inside the trouser leg to the collar of the shirt, and do it so that the tasty, juicy orange handsome man does not end up on the floor at the feet of the player.

So that the memories of a fun wedding remain in memory for the rest of your life, a wide variety of entertainments for invited guests have been invented. The host carefully monitors that the guests do not get tired, find time to sit down at the table, try the treat, chat with each other, get to know each other better. When time passes, all the interesting moments captured in the photographs, the participants of the banquet will be happy to remember fun and exciting contests, funny anecdotes, dancing newlyweds and their friends.

A wedding without contests and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is entertaining moments that create a general atmosphere of fun and a real holiday. Well-chosen contests will not make you blush the next day, but on the contrary, they will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

For convenience, we have divided 13 ideas into groups.

Competitions for guests

1. Impromptu "Welcome guests"

The host asks what the guests wish the young from intangible values. Be sure to be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, mutual understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guessed correctly is given cards with an indication of the role and phrases. The text is being read. Participants must say a phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

Roles and Phrases:

Love:"I will warm your blood!"

Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

Health:"I will complete the genealogy!"

Success:"I'm the coolest of all of you!"

Luck:"I'm coming to join you!"

Understanding: "A moment of attention!"

Patience:"I'll give you a solution!"

Harmony (all guests in chorus): "Advice to you and love!"

So the day came when Harmony came to the world. He is dominated by the beautiful Love. Huge hovering over our young Happiness. Promises to be in perfect order vigorous Health. Swears he's around the corner, loud Success. On the wings of a blue bird, the inevitable comes to us Luck. Seriousness reigns at the table Understanding. And with him came the resilient Patience. This is what we have Harmony. Very loud promises unrestrained Love. Even louder - stubborn Health. The unbelted one tries to keep up with them Success. cheered up Harmony. Especially when, flirting, she said a word Luck, and joined her, winking meaningfully, Happiness. I couldn't resist the abundance of emotions. Harmony. She just burst into tears from the wild Happiness. But here came to the rescue with adventurous intonations Patience. He was instantly understood by the tipsy Understanding. Everyone came to the conclusion that the main thing among them is the Caucasian Health. And you just need to raise a glass to him. Mutual understanding and Patience, Success and Luck, Happiness and Love and, of course, Health wish our newlyweds to always have absolute Harmony in their family!

2. Wedding forecast

The facilitator proposes to make a gift-wish to the young people together, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, upon hearing which you need to show the specified gesture. Before starting, rehearse with each gesture.

Love- married ladies draw a heart in the air.

Happiness- unmarried girls send a kiss to young people.

Health- married men, bending their arms at the elbow, show biceps.

Wealth- unmarried guys show the “yes” gesture to young people, lowering their arm bent at the elbow down.

Passion- all together show the sign “in!” with both hands, stretching towards the young.

We will read the forecast to you
For the next hundred years.
How to live them is not a question,
We have an answer for everything!

A hurricane is waiting for you love,
torrential downpour of happiness,
AND wealth on a way,
AND health, sea passions.

Will become happiness Sweet home -
At love he will be a prisoner
AND wealth will be in it
AND health, undoubtedly!

Passion there will be a typhoon in it,
Happiness will be with children's laughter.
AND love among the lagoons
AND wealth, and joy!

Will always serve you
AND wealth, And health.
Passion, love you can't survive -
Happiness will be in the head!

3. Flash mob of love

During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in a dance. The host shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then under it. Young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


  • Went- Rhythmically shift from foot to foot.
  • saw- with palms clenched in a fist with index and middle fingers extended (gesture “V”), hold in front of the eyes.
  • fell in love- Draw a heart with your hands.
  • Head spinning with happiness - turns around the axis with arms extended upwards: first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • Started to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, only swing your arms like wings.
  • Made an offer - put your hands on your heart and spread to the side: to the heart - to the left side - to the heart - to the right side.
  • She agreed- bend your arms at the elbows, move up and down, while turning in one direction or the other.
  • Air kisses to young people.

Repeat movements 4-8 times. You can "tell" the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

4. Body designers

Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given tasks to depict a certain object as a team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: teapot, car, bouquet, window, many-armed Shiva, plane and so on.

5. Rainbow of desires

Competition for the unification of related teams.

Participate in 7 people from the bride and groom. Participants randomly pull out of the bags one ribbon of a certain color of the rainbow 1 m long. Next, the teams line up opposite each other. The facilitator suggests castling and teaming up in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

  1. Educated couples must tie their ribbon on the more attractive, in their opinion, part of the partner's body.
  2. All couples become a semicircle - Facing young people. There are excerpts from songs (20-30 seconds) in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color of ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
  3. by applause a winner is selected for each pair.
  4. Everyone is dancing together to a common song about the rainbow.

Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

Recommended songs: "Orange Sun" (Paints), "Blue Frost" (Prime Minister), "Yellow Autumn Leaf" (Hummingbird), "Blue Eyes" (Mr Credo), "Red Dress" (Shtar), "Don't Hide Your Green Eyes" (I. Sarukhanov), "Violet Powder" (Propaganda), "Rainbow of Desires" (E. Lashuk).

6. Spy at the wedding

Participants are called who, after the question “who considers themselves sober?” raised their hands. In turn, they blow into the "tubes". After each time, the comment of the “alcotester” is voiced.

Comments must be recorded in advance, changing the voice to a more funny one using the program:

  • This man is completely sober! Urgently check for spyware!
  • Not enough scale to define not enough, not... Asta la vista, baby!
  • There is no more strength to hold on. Put the client on the couch!
  • The blood alcohol level is below the legal limit. The client violated the main rule of the feast! Urgently pour a penalty!
  • Ouch! Something even made me feel bad. Have you tried snacking?
  • I don't understand anything! Have you been sniffing alcohol all evening? Three penalties!
  • The client is half drunk. And the better half. Keep it up!

Props: retractable tongue whistles for each participant.

7. Quiz "Guess the melody"

Collages of photos are shown on the screen, according to which you need to guess what song is encrypted in the image. After the answer, a fragment from the song sounds. Compositions need to be taken known and popular. For example, a collage of 4 photos: a blue car - an accordion - a crocodile - a pipe. It's very easy to guess.

The quiz can be done in PowerPoint (version 13 or higher).

Contests for newlyweds

8. Beautiful life

At the beginning of the competition, the host asks the audience what they can wish the young from material values. Someone will definitely name: a house, a car, a yacht, a summer house, money. Those who guessed one of these words should raise their hand.

At the end of the survey, the guessers and the newlyweds are invited to the center of the hall. Each of the participants must show what he wished. The host asks first to demonstrate how they will show it, and to direct the process. For each participant - a short excerpt from the song. During the action, young people are photographed with the contestants.

  • House. The participant must stand behind the young and make a roof over their heads with the help of their hands. Muses. track: “Under the roof of your house” by Y. Antonov.
  • A car. The participant sits on a chair and pretends to be a driver. Driver's gloves and helmet can be used as props. Muses. Track: "Crazy Frog"
  • Yacht. The participant portrays the captain of the ship, standing at the helm. You can use a smoking pipe and a captain's cap. Muses. track: “Yacht, sail” by V. Strykalo.
  • Country house. You need to portray something country - digging a garden, for example. Props - children's shovel or rakes, gloves, sunglasses and a hat. Muses. track: "What a wonderful day, I'm not too lazy to work ..." from m / f.
  • Money. The participant is given a pack of "money". He can scatter it over the heads of the young, arranging a "money rain". Muses. track: "Money, money, money" gr. ABBA.

At the end of the competition, you need to take a general staged photo for the track "We wish you happiness."

9. School of etiquette

The facilitator explains that there are different situations in life. Conflicts arise in which it is important to find a compromise. The main thing is not to stoop to insulting words thrown in the heat of the moment, which you can later regret.

Newlyweds are invited to take an accelerated school of etiquette. And, if a bad word is spinning on the tongue, replace it with the name of the flower. To do this, young people, with the help of prompts from guests, write 5 names of flowers on a piece of drawing paper. The groom - with female names, the wife - with male ones.

For the bride

For the groom

Contests for parents

10. Anecdote from life

Ask parents to take turns telling two of the funniest stories in their children's lives. The winner is determined by applause, but in the end, of course, friendship will win. At the end of the competition, each couple can be given a notebook and a pen to record the future "exploits" of their common grandchildren.

11. Guess

Parents are called from both sides. On the screen for the projector or on a large plasma screen, group photos of the bride and groom are shown in turn: kindergarten, school, graduation, group at the institute. The bride's parents find the groom, the groom's parents find the bride.

Props - stopwatch. But more for looks. One big family must win.

Contests for witnesses

12. Telepaths

The facilitator asks the young people how well they know their witnesses: how long they have been friends with each other, whether they know the innermost secrets, whether they know how to understand without words. Then he announces to the audience that the witnesses, it turns out, are telepaths. And offers to check it out.

The competition is held on the principle of the game "Crocodile". Each of the witnesses is given a sheet with 7 actions that every man (for a witness) or woman (for a witness) should be able to do.

Game principle: without words and pointing to objects, show the action so that the team guesses correctly. Opponents are silent at this time. The witness team is the bride and all the women. The witness team is the groom and all the men.

Tasks for the Witness:

  • hammer a nail;
  • to plant a tree;
  • drink beer;
  • to play football;
  • build a house;
  • control yourself;
  • Earn Money.

Witness tasks:

  • bake pancakes;
  • make eyes (flirt);
  • walk in heels;
  • make a scandal
  • bear a child;
  • do makeup;
  • wash floors.

13. Sprinters

To a cheerful tune, each of the witnesses must choose one person. Those, in turn, should bring one more. And so on, until there are 7 people in the team. The number may vary, depending on the activity and the number of guests.

Each team must come up with a name. Commanders are witnesses. They are given a list of tasks. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


  1. Bring a man whose first or last name begins with the letter "A".
  2. Find and bring an item the color of which is the same as the comb of the symbol of this year.
  3. Find something round.
  4. Bring something with the letter "Sh".
  5. Bring an unmarried girl.
  6. Bring the married guy.
  7. Bring a glass colorless liquid.

At the end, you can ask both teams to make an artistic composition from the collected material and give it a name. From an unmarried girl, you can make a model for the composition.

Props - 2 trays for teams.

All presented competitions are selected so that they can be held without a host. A little imagination, a creative approach to playing situations, witty comments - and the wedding was a success! Bright and wonderful celebration to you!

Preparing for the wedding, the newlyweds carefully think through all the details of the celebration: from the choice of a banquet hall and the purchase of wedding dresses to the decor and, of course, the entertainment program. An integral part of the latter are competitions, which not only allow you to entertain guests, but also introduce them to each other.

Among the variety of fun wedding contests presented on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting options: from intellectual and creative to sports and vulgar. The latter will be appropriate at a youth wedding in the middle of the celebration, when many of the guests have already met each other and feel quite relaxed. What competitions for an adult company can be included in the wedding celebration program, the Svadbka.ws portal will tell you.

Paired vulgar contests

The most popular version of vulgar wedding contests are paired, where the participants are divided into pairs of "m + f" and perform different tasks. They can be held both between already established couples, and between unfamiliar guys and girls. Perhaps you will form a new alliance at your wedding!

turn it off

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: plastic bottle with cork.

The guy squeezes a plastic bottle with a cap between his legs, the girl's task is to unscrew the cap in the bottle at speed. You need to do this with your mouth, not with your hands!


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: clothespins, blindfolds.

Girls blindfold the guys and attach 5-7 clothespins to each other in various places. The music turns on, the task of the guys is to quickly find all the clothespins.


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: boxes with matches.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each of them is given a box of matches, the music turns on, the girl’s task is to push the boxes through her partner’s trousers from the bottom of the leg to the waist as quickly as possible.

Have a drink

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: glass bottle 0.5 l with a drink.

The guy squeezes a glass bottle with a drink between his legs, the girl's task is to drink the contents of the bottle as quickly as possible. Usually soft drinks are used, but such a vulgar contest for a drunken company can be held using alcohol, such as beer.

Eat an apple

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: apples.

Each couple is given an apple, the guy clamps it in his teeth, the girl's task is to eat the whole apple faster. For such a funny competition for adults, not only apples, but any other fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, bananas, etc., are suitable.


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: tennis balls.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple holds a tennis ball with their stomachs, their task is to roll it to the chin as quickly as possible without hands.

Eat me

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: chairs, oranges or bananas.

Oranges or bananas are cut into circles. The guys are told to take off all their clothes up to the waist and lie on the chairs with their backs down. Slices of an orange or circles of a banana are laid out on their torsos, the task of the girls is to eat all the fruits from their partner's chest as quickly as possible.

Singles competitions for adults

Funny competitions for adults can be held at a wedding not only between couples, but also between individual participants. In addition, some of these naughty contests are suitable for a fun bachelorette party where you can have fun without hesitation!


  • Members: girls.
  • Props: No.

Several girls are called to participate in the competition. They are asked to name a number from 1 to 5. When the girls name the numbers, they are explained that they mean the number of wardrobe items that they must remove from themselves to the music. They turn on the music and turn off the lights, the girls complete the task.

Game of strip

  • Members: boys and girls in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  • Props: No.

Participants are divided into teams with a composition: two guys and one girl. The task of the guys is to put on the girl as much of his clothes as possible.


  • Members: girls.
  • Props: Chupa Chups.

For this competition, the girls are given lollipops, with which they must show the bride how to treat manhood. The winner is the one that eats the lollipop the fastest (biting is prohibited!).

Pass the ring

  • Members: guests.
  • Props: matches, ring.

Such a funny table competition can be held in the form of a competition between the relatives of the bride and groom. All adult guests at the table are given matches, with which they must pass the ring to each other, holding the matches in their mouths. The victory remains with the team that will quickly pass the ring from the end of the table to its beginning.

The www.site portal has offered you several options for vulgar contests in which young boys and girls present at the wedding will gladly participate! Yes, and competitions for newlyweds can be with a touch of eroticism, it all depends on the desire and emancipation of the bride and groom!

    When young people gather at a wedding, drink alcohol, they want to fool around a little, and with the help of vulgar contests, you can do it, so to speak, at the official level. Portal Svadbagolik.ru will tell you about the funniest games for a fun company.

    Of course, not everyone decides to participate in such wedding contests for guests. But those who still dare will get a lot of pleasure, positive and energy boost.

    Dancing on the newspaper

    • Members: all interested couples.
    • Props: newspapers.

    The list of competitions for adults has not left this fun for a very long time, because wedding guests love to dance, and in this competition you can also win a prize. The rules are very simple: the couple spreads a newspaper on the floor and starts dancing on it. When the music stops, the host gives the command to fold the newspaper in half and continue the dance. This is repeated until the most savvy and plastic pair of winners remains on the dance floor.


    • Members: 2-3 guys and a few girls.
    • Props: a centimeter for measuring the figure, blindfolds.

    Guys are blindfolded. The girls take turns approaching, and the guys must determine the parameters of the girls by touch. Whoever guesses the maximum number of parameters the closest wins.

    50 each

    • Members: all interested couples.
    • Props: chairs, glasses, drinks.

    Dirty wedding contests simply cannot do without alcohol, and this makes the game even more fun. The girl must fill the glass with alcohol (but this is not necessary) with a drink and hold it between her knees. A man should drink this glass on his knees and without using his hands. The easiest way to do this is if the girl holds the glass between her legs at an angle and slowly gets up, helping the man drink. But it is not necessary to explain this to the participants right away, let them be smart.

    close acquaintance

    • Members: all interested couples.
    • Props: lollipop.

    Competitions at a wedding using lollipops are not uncommon. They are suitable for both already established couples to strengthen their union, and for the development of nascent relationships. Guys have to hold the lollipop in their teeth by the stick. The task of the girls is to free the candy from the wrapper as soon as possible. You can't help with your hands. If the lollipop falls to the floor, the couple is out.

    On brotherhood

    • Members: all interested couples.
    • Props: glasses filled with alcoholic cocktails (can be non-alcoholic), cocktail tubes.

    Funny contests for adults are often associated with the need to drink. Each couple is given a glass of cocktail and two intertwined tubes are inserted into it. You cannot separate them. The task of the couple is to empty the glass together through the straws as soon as possible.

    blind kiss

    • Members: boy, several girls.
    • Props: blindfold.

    This is a great competition for witnesses, but it is also suitable for other guests. The guy must choose one of several girls. He is then blindfolded and the girls take turns kissing him. The guy must guess at what moment the lady he has chosen kisses him. If witnesses are involved, then the man must recognize his partner. Such competitions for an adult company can significantly bring young people together, dissolving the constraint between them.

    Adult Contests: The Fun Continues

    Our life is a series of boring weekdays with rare weekend breaks and even rarer holidays. At the wedding, thanks to the relaxed atmosphere and alcohol, guests can have fun from the heart, and some even find their soul mate. Fun competitions for adults allow them to do more than they can afford in real life.

    • Members: guests at the table.
    • Props: paper, pen.

    For the laziest adult guests, you can hold a passive funny table competition. On a piece of paper folded into a tube, you need to write questions on each fold: Who? Who else? With whom? Where? When? What weather? Under what circumstances? What they were doing? Who was watching this? What happened? What ended? etc. Guests must take turns answering all questions in writing. Then the host spins the tube and reads out the whole story. The more original the guests' answers, the funnier the story. If you add a little more immodest and vulgar questions, you get a great competition for a bachelorette party.

    Vulgar contests for a drunken company should be included in the script with caution. After all, if there are many aged relatives at the wedding, they may not understand such games and be offended. So, the holiday can be spoiled. But if almost all the guests of the holiday are young, positive and drinking people, then such entertainment will be very useful. Also do not forget to organize dance competitions at the wedding, and you can read about them on the website.

    When my younger sister was getting married, she asked me to come up with or find some interesting wedding contests for guests. In principle, we periodically arranged various table games with her, especially when we celebrated holidays at home - and these, as you understand, are the birthdays of all family members, various home holidays, anniversaries and memorable dates.

    Fun with cards

    The funniest wedding contests are usually the simplest - don't bother, it's better to spend a little time preparing and making funny cards. What can be on the cards?
    1. funny wishes
    2. Answers on questions
    The easiest option is the last one. No difficulties - the facilitator only needs to prepare cards with answers to the question. Answers should be funny. The host turns to each of the guests in turn, the guest says loudly “I came to this holiday ...” and then reads what is written on the card drawn out blindly. The best answers usually break a flurry of applause, and a good mood for the guests at the table is guaranteed.

    Cards can be left as a keepsake for guests - especially if they are printed with a wedding hashtag or celebration symbols. By the way, you can use similar or any other holiday.

    In general, you can make pretty cool wedding contests with cards. The guests at my little sister's wedding liked the contest called "My Motto".

    The essence is simple - the host has prepared two sets of cards, each guest draws one from each set (you can put cards in hats, we used small decorative baskets). One set of cards contains the first part of the phrase - your motto in a certain area of ​​life. It can be love, work or some simple situations. You can use the blanks I have given, or you can make more interesting options - relating to the real life of guests or newlyweds. In the second set of cards with the mottos themselves.

    proof of love

    You can also play a little with different objects and show your most creative side. Both newlyweds and guests can show them. For example, there is a fun competition for newlyweds, which will require a fairly simple props - any matter. It can be a towel, but a scarf, ribbon, or even a simple clothesline will also work.

    First, the groom needs to give the item and ask him to tie it very tightly and intricately - the way he loves his young wife. When the groom has had enough practice in making knots, you need to ask him to untie all the knots with the same ease with which he will solve any family difficulties or problems.


    When we chose competitions for the second day of the wedding, I wanted to do something so that my sister and her husband would have souvenirs, and we decided to make a competition with portraits. Technically, this, of course, is not a competition, but a simple table fun on the 2nd day of the wedding (when many guests were a little tired the day before - that's it!).

    So, you will need: a large number of pencils, crayons and markers, as well as two drawing paper. You can use any props that are at hand - for example, give the bride a bouquet of flowers, and give the groom a glass of champagne. The guests are divided into two teams - from the groom's side and from the bride's side. Each team must write a portrait - respectively, of the bride and groom. There are no winners - the guests have fun in the process of drawing, and the bride and groom receive portraits painted by the dearest people.

    Candy and sweet life

    If you want to hold table contests, then by all means organize a candy table contest at the wedding. From the props you only need a box of chocolates and a beautiful tray.

    The host announces that the young family is given a box of sweets, the bride - an empty box, and all the sweets - the groom on a tray or plate. The bottom line is that the bride needs to remember as many confectionery products as possible, thereby promising the groom a sweet family life. The bride says that it will be his Chocolate, Marmalade, Cake and so on ... For each epithet, the groom gives her a candy. You need to collect the whole box of chocolates in this way.


    Many people really like intellectual table wedding contests, and we were no exception - we wanted not only to dance and fool around, but also to think a little, especially since our guests were quite smart. One of the competitions that we decided to hold was aimed at compliments for the newlyweds. Each guest in turn speaks a certain text, inserting his own epithets.

    For example, "Let there be a husband - a pot, and a wife - a cap", "a husband - a head, and a wife - a warm hat that will always warm." The epithets need to match. The most interesting epithets always cause great excitement, so such original wedding contests are always a success.


    If you like modern wedding contests, then you can also play a fun game for young people called "Get a star from the sky."

    The groom needs to pick a beautiful star from the ceiling (the host fixes the star on the ceiling in advance). The groom's friends can help him in everything - for example, build a living pyramid so that he can reach the cherished star and give it to his beloved.

    Glass for newlyweds

    The next competition can also be used for the ransom of the bride.

    Witnesses (or any active guests) are invited, the girl clamps an empty glass with her knees, and the guy - a bottle with any drink. The task is for the guy to reach the girl without spilling the liquid, and fill the glass, and then drink it. Naturally, everything is done without the participation of hands. The couple that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Needle with thread

    It is best to hold such contests on the wedding anniversary or on the second day of the celebration. The newlyweds need to give out a thread with a needle, and explain that they will now demonstrate to the guests exactly how they know how to help each other and generally work as a team.

    Wishes piggy bank

    You can hold competitions for a wedding without a toastmaster - more or less active guests are enough. The simplest of them can be carried out by any witness. For example, fun wedding contests are associated with wishes - you can play a game with wishes.

    Guests should pass the piggy bank around in a circle, and say “I’m friends with the newlyweds, I’ll put them in the piggy bank (for example, the letter L) ...” - after which they name five wishes for this letter. You can't repeat. For example, with the letter L, you can wish Love, Lollipops, Lyalechka, Laski, and so on. With each epithet, a symbolic coin is dropped into the piggy bank (empty piggy banks should not be given). At the end of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

    Many people don't like money wedding contests, but newlyweds should like this contest, as this wedding contest is always appropriate - it's not money, but rather touching.

    music and dancing

    Musical competitions for a wedding are usually remembered for all the unrestrained fun.
    For example, short wedding contests for the groom and mother-in-law - the essence of the contest is that the groom and mother-in-law are blindfolded, they must call each other. Well, for example, the mother-in-law calls the son-in-law "Son-in-law!" and hears in response "Teshenka!". Blindfolded, they are bred in different directions, they must call each other and eventually meet, and the guests must interfere with them, shouting the same thing with their voices, or imitating them in order to confuse.

    If during the time allotted for the competition, the son-in-law and mother-in-law did not manage to find each other, then they will have to dance in order to become better related. Musical wedding competitions help to relax and move a little after the feast, which is very important for a wedding without a toastmaster.

    Boy or girl

    Finding out who will be born to a couple is always a sensation! As you already understood, this game offers to prophesy the sex of the child to the newlyweds in a comic form. There are various wedding games and contests - for example, rompers, where the toastmaster collects money for future children in new rompers of two shades (pink and blue) - so to speak, guests vote with a ruble for the gender of the baby.

    In the option I have chosen, the newlyweds receive an answer to this question with the help of a poster - a drawing paper with a drawn baby in a diaper or diapers appears in front of the guests. It is supposed to play as follows: each guest is blindfolded and offered to first choose a circle of pink or blue color, and then attach it to the drawing paper with a glue stick. According to the results of the competition, the number of circles is counted and they decide whether it is a boy or a girl - if there are more pink ones, then the first child will be a girl, and blue circles portend a boy.


    I also recommend organizing a Baby at the wedding contest.

    You will need a plain screen on which the baby is depicted - a jumpsuit and a bib are sewn on, holes are left for the head, arms and legs. You will also need props: nipples and bottles, caps and balls, a pot, rattles. Before starting, you need to prepare a team - 4 people are required, two actors and two assistants who will hold the screen. One of the actors (more often the groom) puts his face in the place of the “head” of the baby, puts his hands in his “legs”, and the second actor (the bride) is responsible for the hands. It turns out an impromptu "Baby".

    Then everything is simple, the host tells a story about this baby, and the bride and groom, who play the roles of actors behind the screen, perform various actions, which invariably causes outbursts of laughter - for example, when the host says that the baby has learned to put on a bonnet on his own, the bride is "hands" the baby needs to blindly put a headdress on the groom's head.

    The scenario can be anything, it will be fun for absolutely everyone, but the best response is received by a real story from the life of the groom, during which all the objects used for the scene are played out. The biggest fun always lies in trying to interact between the “handles” (for which the bride is responsible) and the baby himself (performed by the groom). Such competitions for newlyweds (or competitions for witnesses, if they will participate) always cause a storm of emotions!

    Ideas for contests

    Want to come up with a dance competition at your wedding? Make a cut of unusual music(an incendiary melody, after it - slow and romantic, then sports rock and roll) and invite the newlyweds to dance. Such contests for newlyweds amuse everyone!

    A very fun competition for parents at a wedding and for relatives: large paper hearts are cut into elements, and guests need to assemble the heart at speed.

    Looking for bride and groom contests? Invite them to play a role-playing game and draw up an official document that lists all household chores.


    The bride and groom take turns choosing pieces of paper, reading out the duties that have fallen to their lot. Or you can arrange it in the form of a chamomile and tear off the petals, reading aloud.

    To the bride and groom, before reading the text of the card, it is advisable to say the following:

    My only one! For your smile, I'm ready...
    My dear! I love you so much that I...

    Phrases for cards:
    - Earn money - I can do that.
    - Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I don't mind doing this.
    - Do sports in the morning - It suits me, brothers.
    - My business is to rest, Lying on the couch to read.
    - In the casino to play until night - I love this job very much.
    - Go shopping ..... I will, so be it.
    - I will wash, and wash, And clean the apartment.
    - Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - Here, friends, is my work.
    - I will bake pies ... Only on holidays.
    - There is no finer work - Making compotes for the winter.
    - I will take the children ... to the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
    - I say in front of everyone, friends, I will mess with the children.
    - I will dig a garden in the country, but how else?
    - Serve coffee in the morning ... I'll be in bed with you.
    - Poured in the bath then - That's a wonderful job.
    - Eat the harvest in the garden ... I'll be there, everything is in order.
    - In the morning, make the bed ... I'm not too lazy even every day!
    - Garbage thrown out of the house - This is a familiar matter to me.
    - Give gifts and flowers... You will be in our house!
    - Repair the bell or the door, I can, you believe me.
    - Nail the shelf to the wall, I can do it completely.
    - Go to rest on the sea I'll be there, no need to argue.
    - Dress only in fashion - It's within my power, sort of.
    - Repair the car in the garage - I will, of course.
    - Travel the world - I'll be, how sweet it is.
    - Renovate the apartment - I will be different marvelously.

    The host at the end says:
    Family responsibilities are divided, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.

    soap bubbles

    Want to find wedding contests fun and easy? Try an excellent game for mother-in-law and mother-in-law called "Soap Bubbles".

    Both mothers are given a bottle of soap bubbles, the toastmaster asks questions in turn to one and the other, which imply a number answer (for example, how many times will you kiss your grandchildren), and mothers blow bubbles as an answer (guests must count loudly).

    A kind and funny wedding contest that does not require much effort.

    By the way, you can come up with your own new unusual wedding contests - in general, any games and wedding contests are best used only as ideas, so you can not only play enthusiastically at the holiday, but also bring guests and newlyweds together.

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