Home Mushrooms History Olympiad 11th grade Who are we talking about? Determining the name of a historical source

History Olympiad 11th grade Who are we talking about? Determining the name of a historical source

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Olympiad assignments in history Grade 11 with answers

Olympiad assignments in history Grade 11

Assignments of Olympiads in History Grade 11 with answers

Task 1. Read the passage and determine what work of ancient Russian architecture is in question.

“The first significant monument of ancient Russian architecture was ... the cathedral in Kiev - the main Orthodox church of pre-Mongolian Russia. It was started by construction during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, and consecrated in 1032. The temple was built on the site of the battle of the Kievans with the Pechenegs, which ended in the complete defeat of the nomads. Initially ... it was wooden, and only a few years later Yaroslav the Wise began to build a monumental stone church in its place.

A) about the Archangel Cathedral;
b) about the Assumption Cathedral;
c) about the Dmitrovsky Cathedral;
d) Sophia Cathedral.

Task 2. Read the description of the activities of the ancient Russian prince and determine who it is.
“He ordered to destroy the idols: to burn the wooden ones, and break the stone ones and throw them into the river. Many pagans with cries and tears asked not to touch their gods. Dobrynya mockingly told them: “There is nothing for you to feel sorry for those who cannot defend themselves, what good can you expect from them?” He ordered everyone to go to be baptized. Some were persuaded, and they went of their own accord; while others were dragged by force. There was a saying about the Novgorodians: that "Putyata baptized them with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire."

a) about Vladimir Monomakh;
b) about St. Vladimir;
c) about Yaroslav the Wise;
d) about Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Task 3. The procedure for appointment to a position, depending on the nobility of the family and the merits of the ancestors, was called:

a) feeding;
b) polyudie;
c) a fortress
d) localism.

Task 4. As a result of the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav against the Khazars, the Khazar Khaganate

a) became dependent on Byzantium;
b) was annexed to Kiev;
c) was subjected to forced Christianization;
d) ceased to exist as an independent state.

Task 5. With urban uprisings of the XVII century. related dates:

a) 1617, 1618
b) 1606, 1607
c) 1670, 1671
d) 1648, 1662

a) a lend-lease agreement between the USA and the USSR;
b) Declaration of the United Nations;
c) an agreement with the United States and France on military supplies;
d) the Atlantic Charter.

Task 7. By what principle is the series built?

a) led. book. Nikolai Nikolaevich, N.N. Yudenich, N.I. Ivanov, Ya.G. Zhilinsky, A.A. Brusilov, N.V. Ruzsky.
b) A.N. Antropov, I.P. Argunov, F.S. Rokotov, D.G. Levitsky, V.L. Borovikovsky, S.F. Shchedrin.
c) I. Gizel, A.I. Lyzlov, M.V. Lomonosov, I.N. Boltin, G.F. Miller, I.I. Golikov.

Task 8. Eliminate one extra element from the given rows. Explain your choice.

a) V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, G.M. Malenkov, N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev, Yu.V. Andropov, K.U. Chernenko, M.S. Gorbachev.
b) Borodino, Plevna, Austerlitz, Mukden, Balaklava, Preussish-Eylau.
c) Adrian, Tikhon, Sergius, Alexy I, Pimen, Alexy II, Kirill.

Task 9. Arrange in chronological order

a) Conclusion of the Peace of Portsmouth;
b) Mutiny on the battleship "Potemkin";
c) Convocation of the First Duma;
d) The beginning of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps;
e) Declaring Russia a republic;
f) The signing of the Brest Peace.

Task 10. Match the historical figure and the type of his activity.

1. Macarius
2. Sylvester
3. Ivan Fedorov
4. Grigory Skuratov-Belsky
5 Giles Fletcher

A. Diplomat, author of the description of the Muscovite state
B. Russian Metropolitan, author of the "Chetiy Menaion"
V. Rector of the Church of the Annunciation, author of Domostroy and member of the Chosen Council
G. A prominent guardsman, the alleged murderer of Metropolitan Philip
D. Russian pioneer printer
E. The commander, a member of the Chosen Rada, who fled to Poland, from where he began a correspondence with Ivan the Terrible.

Task 11. Fill in the gaps in the text.

At the end of 1647, a Cossack centurion... (1)... fled from Ukraine to Zaporozhye, and from there to the Crimea. Returning with the Tatar army and elected hetman by the Cossack Rada, he raised the whole of Ukraine, defeated the Polish troops at Zhovti Vody, Korsun, Pilyava, besieged Zamostye and under ... (2) ... concluded a favorable peace; having failed at Berestechko, he agreed to a world much less profitable than the previous one at Belaya Tserkov. During all this time ... (3) ... took a wait-and-see policy. However, the tsarist troops took part in undermining the Cossack-Crimean alliance aimed at expelling the Poles from Ukraine: on the eve of the Battle of Pilyavtsy, the Don Cossacks attacked the Crimea on the orders of the tsar, and the horde was unable to come to the aid of the Cossack army.
The Belotserkovsky peace aroused popular displeasure; the hetman was forced to violate all the conditions and, in cramped circumstances, asked for help from the "king of the east." On ... (4) ..., convened on this occasion in Moscow, on October 1, 1653, it was decided to take the Cossacks into citizenship and war was declared on Poland.

Task 12. Working with the map. Look at the map and answer the questions.

a) Determine which battle map is shown here.
b) When did it happen?
c) During which war did it take place?
d) Who commanded the Russian squadrons?
e) What other naval battles of this war can you name?

Task 13. Document analysis

They also took me from the all-night vigil Boris Neledinsky with archers; they took sixty people with me: they were taken to prison, and they put me on a chain in the patriarch's court at night. When it was dawning on a weekly day, they put me on a cart, and stretched out my arms, and drove me from the patriarchal court to the Androniev Monastery, and then they threw me on a chain into a dark tent, went into the ground, and sat for three days, neither ate nor drank; sitting in the darkness, bowing on the chain, I don’t know - to the east, I don’t know - to the west. No one came to me, only mice, and cockroaches, and crickets screaming, and enough fleas. But on the third day I was greedy - that is to say, I wanted to eat - and after Vespers a hundred before me, I don’t know an angel, I don’t know a person, and to this day I don’t know, only in the dark he made a prayer and, taking me by the shoulder, He brought him to the shop with a chain and sat him down, and gave a spoon in his hands, and a little bread and a steak to sip, - they bite hard, they are good! - and said to me: “it is full, it is sufficient for strengthening!” Yes, and it did not. The doors did not open, but it was gone! Wonderful only - a man; what about an angel? otherwise there is nothing to be a divitsa - everywhere he is not blocked. In the morning the archimarite and his brother came and took me out; they reproach me that I did not submit to the patriarch, but I scold and bark from writing it. They took off the big chain and put on the small one. They handed him over to the black man, ordered him to be dragged to the church. At the church they pull by the hair, and push under the sides, and they trade for the chain, and spit in the eyes. God will forgive them in this age and in the next: it is not their business, but that of the evil one. I sat here for four weeks.

1) What is the name of the literary work, an excerpt from which is presented here?
2) What is the name of the event in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, in which the author was a direct participant? In what year did this event take place?
3) Who was the main opponent of the author of this work?
4) What was the main reason for the author's resistance to church authorities?

Task 14. Write an essay.

N. S. Khrushchev and his reforms. How relevant were they for the 50s and 60s of the 20th century and for today's Russia?

Answers to the Olympiad:

Task 1 - g
Task 2 - b
Task 3 - g
Task 4 - g
Task 5 - g
Task 6 - b

Task 7
a) commanders of the fronts during the First World War
b) Russian painters of the 18th century
c) Russian historiographers of the 17th-18th centuries

Task 8
a) G.M. Malenkov, since he was never the actual leader of the Communist Party.
b) Mukden, the battle with the participation of Russian troops there took place at the beginning of the 20th century, while all the others took place in the 19th century.
c) Adrian, since he lived in the 17th century and was the last patriarch of the pre-Synodal period, all the rest are patriarchs of the 20th century.

Task 9 - b, a, c, e, f, d
Task 10 - 1B, 2C, 3D, 4D, 5A.
Task 11. 1 - Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2 - Zborov, 3 - Alexei Mikhailovich, 4 - Zemsky Cathedral.

Task 12.
a) Chesme battle
b) July 5-7, 1770
c) Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.
d) Admiral Grigory Spiridov and Rear Admiral John Elphinstone, under the overall command of Count Alexei Orlov
e) Battle of Navarino in 1770, Battle of Napoli di Romagna in 1770, Battle of Chios in 1770, Battle of Patras in 1771.

Task 13.
1) The life of Archpriest Avvakum written by him
2) Split. 1653
3) Patriarch Nikon
4) Non-recognition of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the desire to adhere to the old rites and orders in the church

Task 14.
1) Knowledge of historical facts
2) Possession of theoretical material (concepts, terms, etc.)
3) Argumentation of judgments and conclusions
4) Knowledge of the historiography of the problem, the opinions of historians
5) Internal semantic unity, relevance to the topic
6) Originality of problem solving, argumentation.

Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

2009–2010 academic year

District stage

Grade 11

1. Replace the highlighted in italics a piece of text with a historical term:

a) “One of the results of the Mongol conquest in the first half of the 13th century. was the establishmentvassalage systems Russian principalities and lands from the Golden Horde …».

b) " The period of time during which it was forbidden for peasants to leave the landowners on St. George's Day (autumn) , began to be gradually introduced since 1581, and on a nationwide scale it was introduced by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich in the early 90s. XVI century.

c) “The most significant event carried out in Russia as part of the “Alexandrovskaya” modernization was the creation in the provinces and districtsall-class bodies of local self-government with economic competence since 1864".

d) “The decision to start the process of unification of individual peasant farms into large collective farms was adopted by the XV Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1927. In general, this process was completed in the USSR by 1933 on the basis of predominantly violent methods, including repressions against the wealthy part of the village, which also affected a significant part of the middle strata of the peasantry».

2. Read the text of the documents and answer the questions:

“Giving us these conditions. You, Mr. President, challenged us. Who asked you to do this? By what right did you do it? Our relations with the Republic of Cuba, as well as relations with other states, regardless of which state it is, concern only two countries between which these relations exist ... You, Mr. President, are not declaring quarantine, but putting forward an ultimatum and threatening that if we We will not obey your demands, then you will use force ... The Soviet government believes that the violation of the use of international waters and international airspace is an act of aggression, pushing humanity to the abyss of a world nuclear missile war.

1) What is the name of this event?

2) To whom was the message addressed?

3. Fill in the gaps in the fragments of the two documents below:

but) "On the night of December 9-10, 1917 full agreement was reached between the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the Party ... ... on the structure of the government. The Council of People's Commissars includes representatives of the party ... ... in the amount of seven people.

b) "July 7, 1918 4 p.m. The counter-revolutionary uprising ... ... in Moscow was liquidated. Detachments ... ..., one by one, turn to the most shameful flight. An order has been issued for the arrest and disarmament of all detachments ... ... and, above all, all members of the Central Committee of the Party ... ... . Those who offer armed resistance to arrest are to be shot on the spot.”

Pay attention to the dates given in the documents. Specify the main reasons for the emergence of contradictions between the Bolsheviks and their former political allies.

4. Arrange in chronological order:

a) "the case of doctors";

b) the creation of an atomic bomb;

c) carrying out a monetary reform;

d) cancellation of the card system;

e) "Leningrad case";

f) transformation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR into the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

g) XIX Congress of the CPSU (b);

h) the closure of the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad.

5. Which of the political figures in Russia owns the following statements:

a) “Force your people to stop the revolution, I will stop the pogroms and begin to cancel the restrictive measures against the Jews”;

b) “They need great upheavals, we need a great Russia”;

c) “To keep the revolution we need a small victorious war”;

d) "Russian history has not ground the flour from which the wheat pie of socialism will be baked in time."

6. Match the concepts and definitions:

1) the head of the system of prosecutorial charity;

2) a serf who is employed by a manufactory;

3) elective head of Ukraine until 1764;

4) an institution dealing with the financial and economic affairs of the province;

5) an institution in charge of schools and hospitals in the province;

6) a person exercising executive power in the county;

7) elected executive body of city self-government;

8) central government body

a) order of public supervision;

b) Prosecutor General;

c) Six-voice thought;

d) collegium;

e) hetman;

f) Treasury Chamber;

g) otkhodnik;

h) mayor

7. Fill in the gaps in the text and answer the question:

“Considering the “cause of ____________ assembly” temporarily lost, ______ and their political allies were forced to give up their positions in _________ and _________, but at the same time received the opportunity to transfer the center of gravity of the struggle against ___________ to the periphery, where their influence continued to remain significant.

According to the memoirs of _________, the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, “they had to look somewhere else on the territory of Russia for a place that would invite the ____________ meeting to itself and provide it with armed protection in the conditions of the beginning of __________________.”

What city is referred to in the above fragment of memories?

8. Match the name of the writer and the title of the work:

9. Match the names of Russian historians and their works:

10. What or who is extra in the row?

a) Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, Dmitry Bobrok, Alexander Peresvet, Oleg Ryazansky;

b) Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, Sergius of Radonezh, Baty, Andrey Rublev;

c) Ivan Kalita, Simeon Proud, Dmitry Terrible Eyes, Ivan Ivanovich Krasny.

11. By what principle is a series formed? Give an interpretation of events in accordance with the chronology of their development.

1801, 1802, 1803, 1810, 1815

12. 1855 The last words that the dying emperor said to the heir to the throne: “Serve Russia. I have to take upon myself everything difficult, everything heavy, leave behind a kingdom of peace, order, and happiness. Now I'm going to pray for Russia and for you. After Russia, I loved you more than anything in the world.

Give the names of the emperor and the heir to the throne, explain whether this emperor managed to "leave behind a kingdom of peace, order, and happiness."

13. Write an essay on the topic "NEP - a period of contradictions."


Tasks 1–11(1 point for each correct answer)

1 - a) the Mongolian yoke; b) "Reserved years"; c) provincial and district zemstvos; d) Collectivization and dispossession.

2 - 1) "Caribbean Crisis"; 2) J. Kennedy.

3 - a) and b): Left Social Revolutionaries (Socialist-Revolutionaries); 1) Brest peace; 2) Food dictatorship (appropriation, committees).

4 – f, h, d, e, b, c, g, a.

5 - a) S.Yu. Witte;

b) P.A. Stolypin;

c) V.K. Pleve;

d) G.V. Plekhanov.

6 – 1b, 2g, 3d, 4f, 5a, 6h, 7c, 8d.

7 - Constituent, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Petrograd, Moscow, Bolsheviks, V.M. Chernov, Constituent, Civil War; Samara.

8 – 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a.

9 – 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c.

10 - a) Oleg Ryazansky; b) Batu; c) Dmitry the Terrible Eyes.

11 – The formation of the Unspoken Committee, the creation of Ministries, the decree “On free cultivators”, the creation of the State Council, the granting of the Constitution to Poland – Alexander’s domestic policy I.

Task 12(maximum - 3 points)

12 - Emperor - Nicholas I ; heir to the throne - Alexander II . Reign of Nicholas I created only the illusion of stability; in fact, the strengthening of the opposition movement in the country, low labor productivity, the slow introduction of technical discoveries into industry, and the serf system led to a crisis in the mid-1850s, a manifestation of which was Russia's defeat in the Crimean War.

Task 13(maximum - 5 points)

13 - free form

In contact with



Grade 11

(120 minutes) 1 option

1. Which of the Russian cities was founded in XVIII ?

A) Tobolsk

B) Belgorod

C) Rostov-on-Don

D) Tsaritsin

2. Local government reform led by CatherineIIin the second halfXVIIIc., was intended

a) eliminate feeding

b) create zemstvos

c) strengthen local government

d) liquidate provinces and counties

3. Arrange in accordance with the number (starting with the most numerous) the peoples who inhabited the Russian Empire at the end XIX- earlyXXin.:

a) Belarusians b) Jews c) Russians d) Ukrainians e) Poles

4. What activities relate to the economic and social policy of the Soviet government in November 1917-early 1918?

A) nationalization of banks

B) creation of concessions with the participation of foreign capital

C) holding the All-Russian Democratic Conference in Petrograd

D) the creation of the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh)

D) the introduction of labor service

E) Adoption of the Decree on Civil Marriage and Family

5. Arrange in chronological order:

A. Adoption of the GOELRO plan.

B. The decision to replace the surplus with a tax in kind.

B. Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.

D. Dissolution of the Committees of the Poor.

E. Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR


Answer: _____________________________

7. By what principle are the rows formed?

A) Summer Palace, Peter and Paul Cathedral, building of the Twelve Colleges, Winter Palace

B) I.I. Vatsetis, M.V. Frunze, A.I. Egorov, M.N. Tukhachevsky


C) “The crisis is ripe”, “Marxism and the uprising”, “The Bolsheviks must take power”, “Advice from an outsider”


8. Read the extract from the document and answer the questions:

"Article I

His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias and His Majesty the Emperor of the French, the King of Italy undertake to act jointly both on land and sea, or both on land and sea, in any war that France or Russia would need to undertake or wage against any European power.

All general military operations will be carried out, but neither contracting party may in any case enter into negotiations for peace without the participation or consent of the other party.

Article III

If England does not accept the mediation of Russia or, having accepted such, does not agree to make peace before the 1st of next November, recognizing that the flags of all powers should enjoy the same complete independence on the seas, and returning the gains made by her at the expense of France and her allies since 1805 of the year when Russia began to act together with her, but during the said month of November, a note will be transmitted to the St. James cabinet by the ambassador of His Majesty the Emperor of All Russia. This note will contain ... a clear announcement that in the event of England's refusal to make peace ... His Majesty the Emperor of All Russia will act in concert with France ... "

1. What is the name of the offensive and defensive alliance that includes these articles?


2. When was this alliance made?

3. What were the consequences for the Russian Empire of the conclusion of this alliance?



From the notes of I.S. Konev

“This was the third major counteroffensive during the Great Patriotic War. The transition of our troops to the counteroffensive was a complete surprise for Hitler, since the German command did not reveal our plan of deliberate defense. Moreover, the Germans, as already noted, had little success, only managing to wedge into our defenses in the Bryansk direction to a depth of 35 km. The offensive of the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts, which began on July 12, violated the entire defense of the enemy on the Oryol bridgehead. Already by the end of July 13, the 11th Guards Army had penetrated 25 km into the enemy’s defenses, and a week after the start of the offensive, it advanced to a depth of 70 km, creating a threat to the main communications of the enemy’s Oryol grouping from the northwest. The troops of the Bryansk Front also achieved significant successes.

1. Indicate the name and year of the battle of the Great Patriotic War referred to in the passage.

2. Using the text, indicate the features of this battle.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

in italics.


2. By Yaroslav but packs his sons together: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod and their men: Kosnyachko, Pereneg, Nikifor, and put off the murder by the head, but redeem them with kunami; but otherwise, just as Yaroslav judged, so did his sons leave.


The tragic day came on ____________________, when the German tanks that had broken through reached the Volga on the northern outskirts of Stalingrad. On September 13, the battle engulfed the territory of Stalingrad. The direct defense of the city was carried out by the 62nd (commanding general ________________________________ and 64th (commanding general ______________________) army.


1) their last names

2) the scope of their activities

1. 2.

Answer: Answer: Answer:

14. Who are we talking about?

a) Born in 1656, but only in 1702, by letter of Peter I, was granted the surname ... instead of the nickname Antufiev. The main supplier of weapons for the Russian army. Granted several thousand rubles for the construction of St. Petersburg. He built four plants in the Urals and one on the Oka. In 1720 he received the title of nobility. He died in the year of the death of Peter I.


15. Historical essay

Essay evaluation criteria:




Grade 11

(120 minutes) Option 2

1. To whom do these words belong?

“Maybe the most important thing I did is that they were able to remove me with a simple vote”

A) N.S. Khrushchev

B) G.M. Malenkov

C) M.S. Gorbachev

D) B.N. Yeltsin

2. Participated in the Battle of the Kalka River

A) Birger, Alexander Yaroslavich, Gavrilo Oleksich, Sbyslav Yakunovich

B) Mstislav Udaloy, Daniil Romanovich, Subedey, Kotyan

C) Dmitry Ivanovich Moskovsky, Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky,

Mamai, Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky

D) Vitovt, Jagiello, Temir-Kutlug, Edigey

3. Which of the following series is the date of the beginning of the wars waged by Russia?

    1556, 1648, 1812, 1884

    1558, 1632, 1700, 1768

    1499, 1590, 1812, 1893

4) 1558, 1812, 1876, 1890

4. The features of ancient Russian icon painting are:

A) reverse perspective

B) landscape background

C) faces of saints painted from real people

D) surreal background

E) planar, static image

5. Restore chronological order:

A) the foundation of Riga by the crusaders

B) the election of Noyon Temuchin as Genghis Khan

C) the capture of Kiev by Batu Khan

D) the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor in the Polovtsian steppe

E) uprising in Tver against the Baskaks

Answer: ____________________________

6. Match the temples and the historical person during whose life they were built:

Answer: ________________

7. By what principle are the rows formed? What is redundant and why?

A) L.B. Kamenev, Ya.M. Sverdlov, M.I. Kalinin, A.I. Rykov


B) Peace of Nishtad, Peace of Abo, Peace of Jassy, ​​Peace of Friedrichsham


C) Okolnichiy, stolnik, governor, solicitor


8. Read an extract from a historical document and answer the questions.

“About Christian refusal. A Christian refuses from the parish, went to the village, one term in the year, a week before St. George's autumn days and a week after St. George's autumn days. Elderly yards pay a ruble for a yard in the fields, and half a ruble in the forests. And to whom a Christian lives for a year and goes away, and he pays a quarter of the yard, and he lives for two years and goes away, and he pays half the yard; and he lives for three years and goes away, and he pays three-quarters of the yard, and he lives for four years and he pays the whole yard.

1. What is the name of the document from which the passage is taken? During the reign of which prince was the document created?

3. What social process is the document talking about?

4. What are the main reasons for this social process.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Fill in the gaps in the text. Write your answer in the form of a list of elements under the corresponding numbers (1 point for each correctly filled gap, the maximum score is 15).

The personality of the emperor (1, name of the emperor), who ruled in (2, years of reign) was ambiguously assessed by contemporaries. He considered his activity on the throne not as a right, but as a duty given to him by birthright. He saw the goal of his policy in strengthening the internal and external position of Russia, in preventing a revolutionary "contagion" from entering it. Under him, the role of (3, the name of the institution) as a legislative body was significantly reduced. The system of ministries created in (4, year) was replaced by an expanded one (5, name of the institution). It was divided into several departments that interfered in the political, social and spiritual life of the country. Among them, a special place was occupied by (6, the name of the institution) and attached to it (7, the name of the unit), which carried out political investigation in Russia and abroad. The emperor firmly believed that the strict adherence of all subjects to the letter of the law would ensure order in the country. Therefore, in his reign, the codification of Russian legislation was carried out. This work was entrusted to the returned from exile (8, surname). Under his leadership, laws adopted after (9, name of the code of laws) (10, year) were summarized. They were published in (11, name of the publication). The peasant question was rather acute in domestic politics. In (12, year) a decree was issued on (13, the name of a social category), which had an even more limited effect than the decree (14, year) on (15, the name of a social category).

10. Analyze the given passage and answer the questions.

From the memoirs of Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

“Thousands of multi-colored spotlights shot up into the air. At this signal, 140 searchlights flashed, located every 200 meters. More than 100 billion candles illuminated the battlefield, blinding the enemy and snatching out their darkness objects of attack for our tanks and infantry. It was a picture of great impressive power…”

1. What battle does the marshal remember?

2. In what year did it happen?


11. Before you is a fragment of an ancient Russian source, which is proposed to be included in a book on the history of Russia for foreigners who speak Russian and study the history of Russia. It is necessary, however, to clarify the essence and meaning of this fragment, the historical circumstances of its appearance. For this:

10.1. Translate this fragment into modern Russian.

10.2. Specify the name of this historical source.

10.3. Comment on the words underlined in italics.

10.4. Name the chronological period in the history of Russia in which the described event took place.

10.5. Describe the purpose of the action taken.

1. If you kill the husband of the husband, then take revenge on the brother of the brother, like the father, or the son, or the brother of the son; if there is no one to take revenge on him, then put it behind his head 80 hryvnia.

2. By Yaroslav but packs his sons together: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod and their men: Kosnyachko, Pereneg, Nikifor, and put off the murder by the head, but redeem them with kunami; but otherwise everything, as Yaroslav judged, also left his sons.


12. Fill in the gaps in the text.

At the very beginning of ______________, elected representatives from all over the Russian land began to gather in Moscow. It was the first indisputably all-class zemstvo council with the participation of townspeople and even rural inhabitants.

The most likely candidates for election were: the princes Galitsky, Mstislavsky, Vorotynsky, Trubetskoy and ___________ The candidacy of Mikhail, whose father is ________________, was also ambiguous during the discussion. was a protege of both impostors, received the rank of metropolitan from the first and was proclaimed patriarch in the second camp near Moscow.

13. Which historical figures are depicted below? Specify

1) their last names

2) the scope of their activities

3) approximate time of their activity.

(up to 3 points for each answer, the maximum score is 9).

1. 2.

Answer: Answer: Answer:

14. Determination of the name of the historical source

Determine the source from which this fragment is taken: “And if only the wife does not listen to the instruction, and does not heed and is not afraid, and does not do as her husband teaches, then whip with a whip, looking at the fault, and beat not in front of people, but in private : to teach and say and welcome and not be angry with either the wife at her husband, or the husband at his wife ”:

    Sudebnik 1497

    "Great Cheti - Menaion"


    "An honest mirror of youth"

15. Historical essay

1. “Svyatoslav is not an example of a great sovereign, for he respected the glory of victories more than the public good, and by his character captivating the poet, deserves the reproach of the historian” (N.M. Karamzin "

2. "The reign of Dmitry Donskoy belongs to the most unfortunate and sad eras of the long-suffering Russian people" (N.I. Kostomarov).

3. "...Ivan III is one of the very few sovereigns elected by providence to decide the fate of peoples for a short time: he is a hero not only of Russia, but also of world history" (N.M. Karamzin).

4. In his political assessments, Ivan the Terrible followed simple rules. Only those undertakings were considered good, which strengthened the sovereign power. (R.G. Skrynnikov).

5. “The Troubles ended with the victory of the middle social strata over the social top and bottom. They created and supported a new state power, the defender of their interests and the representative of national independence.” (A.E. Presnyakov).

6. “It remains for us to answer the question that worried both contemporaries and descendants: why did the intentions of the leaders to limit the autocracy fail, why did the torn conditions culminate in the victory of the autocracy? (N.I. Pavlenko).

7. "The art of classicism formed a new type of hero - a citizen, a patriot, a person who endures all the trials of fate" (Yu.S. Ryabtsev).

8. “We surrendered not to the external forces of the Western Union, but to our internal impotence” (Yu.F. Samarin about the Crimean War)

9. “Were they, the allies [of the Entente], at war with Soviet Russia? Of course not. But ... (W. Churchill).

10. “There was not a single figure in the post-Stalinist leadership who would dare to make a report on the cult of personality. Khrushchev, and only Khrushchev, in my opinion, could do this. (F. Burlatsky).

Essay evaluation criteria:

    Justification for the choice of topic (explain why you chose this topic).

    Literacy and accuracy in the use of historical facts and concepts.

    Accuracy and reasoning of conclusions.

    The logical presentation of the material.

History Olympiad. Answers grade 11 15-16 years.


1 option

Option 2


A) The architectural monuments of St. Petersburg of the XVIII century are listed.

B) The commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War are listed.

C) Articles by V.I. Lenin devoted to the preparation and conduct of an armed uprising.

A) A.I. Rykov - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (head of government). The rest are the chairmen of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (heads of state).

B) Jassy peace - signed with Turkey. The rest are with Sweden.

C) Viceroy - an official who headed the local government.

The rest are courtiers.

1. Russian-French treaty on an offensive and defensive alliance.

3. Registration of the Russian-French alliance and the division of spheres of influence: France - Western and Central Europe, Russia - Northern and Southern Europe; Russia's accession to the continental blockade of England; Russia's consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw; limiting Russia's presence in the Mediterranean and handing over to France the Ionian Islands occupied by the Russian fleet.

1) Sudebnik of 1497. Ivan III.

2) enslavement of peasants

3) 1. Low productivity of peasant farms; 2. Constantly increasing spending on maintaining the country's defense capability; and as a consequence: the need to strengthen the service nobility; 3. The need to provide the ruling strata of the population with free labor, by attaching peasants to the land and feudal lords, etc.

1 Nicholas I

3 Council of State

6 Third branch

7 Corps of Gendarmes

8 M.M. Speransky

9 Cathedral Code

13 Obliged Peasants

15 Free cultivators

1 Nicholas I

3 Council of State

5 His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery

6 Third branch

7 Corps of Gendarmes

8 M.M. Speransky

9 Cathedral Code

11 Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire

13 Obliged Peasants

15 Free cultivators

1) Battle of Kursk, 1943;

2) Soviet troops went on the offensive, having previously exhausted the enemy in defensive battles

1) Battle for Berlin

4. Second half of the 11th century.

1. If the husband kills the husband, then the brother avenges the brother, or the son takes revenge on the father, or the nephew; if no one will take revenge, then 80 hryvnia for the murdered. 2. After the death of Yaroslav, his sons Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod and their husbands Kosnyachko, Pereneg, Nikifor gathered again and replaced the blood feud with a fine; and all the rest his sons established, as Jaroslav judged.

2. Russian Truth (Answers are accepted - the Long Truth, the Truth of the Yaroslavichs.)

3. Yaroslav - Grand Duke of Kiev (1019 - 1054). The hryvnia is a monetary unit in Ancient Russia.

4. Second half of the 11th century.

5. The final elimination of the custom of blood feud. It testifies to the disintegration of tribal relations in the process of development of the Old Russian state.

Total max. 10b.

The tragic day came on August 23, 1942, when the German tanks that had broken through reached the Volga on the northern outskirts of Stalingrad. On September 13, the battle engulfed the territory of Stalingrad. The direct defense of the city was carried out by the 62nd (commander General VASILY IVANOVICH CHUIKOV) and the 64th (commander General SHUMILOV MIKHAIL STEPANOVICH) army.

At the very beginning of 1613, elected representatives from all over the Russian land began to gather in Moscow. It was the first indisputably all-class zemstvo council with the participation of townspeople and even rural inhabitants.

The most likely candidates for election were: the princes Galitsky, Mstislavsky, Vorotynsky, Trubetskoy and POZHARSKY. During the discussion, the candidacy of Mikhail was also ambiguous, whose father FYODOR ROMANOV (FILARET), was a protege of both impostors, received the rank of metropolitan from the first and was proclaimed patriarch in the second camp near Moscow.

1) Anna Ioannovna (Romanova),

2) empress

3) the first half of the XVIII century.

1) G.K. Zhukov

2) military leader, marshal of the USSR

3) the first half of the XX century.

1) V.O. Klyuchevsky

2) historian

1) Anna Ioannovna (Romanova),

2) empress

3) the first half of the XVIII century.

1) G.K. Zhukov

2) military leader, marshal of the USSR

3) the first half of the XX century.

1) V.O. Klyuchevsky

2) historian

3) the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century.

Nikita Demidov


Essay evaluation criteria:

1. The validity of the choice of topic (explain why you chose this topic).

2. Literacy and accuracy in the use of historical facts and concepts.

3. Accuracy and argumentation of conclusions.

4. Logical presentation of the material.

Total 14b.

Maximum score - 69

For 11th grade students, the Russian History Olympiad is a great opportunity to once again be tested and evaluate their knowledge before passing the unified state exam. Olympiad tasks help to structure and summarize the material studied in the lessons. On this page we have collected tasks that can be used to prepare for the Olympiad.

The set contains both test and open-ended questions. Their level corresponds to the level of real Olympiad tasks in the history of Russia for the 11th grade. The correct answers to all questions are listed below. We recommend using them to quickly check and evaluate student performance.

Olympiad in the history of Russia Grade 11

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Test tasks

1. According to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, Russia
A) acquired Crimea
B) lost South Sakhalin
B) lost Finland
D) acquired the port of Dalniy

2. For the first time, Russians received freedom of speech, press, meetings, street processions
A) February 19, 1861
B) January 9, 1905
C) October 17, 1905
D) February 1917

3. The formula "first appeasement, and then reforms" belonged to
A) Nicholas I
B) S. Yu. Witte
C) P. A. Stolypin
D) V. I. Lenin

4. The troops of the Red Army, which liberated the Crimea from Wrangel's army, commanded
A) Trotsky
B) Budyonny
B) Kamenev
D) Frunze

5. The economic policy of the Soviet state during the years of the civil war is called
A) the policy of collectivization
B) a policy of accelerating socio-economic development
B) new economic policy
D) the policy of war communism

6. Indicate the name of the commander of the Red Army
A) Denikin
B) Tukhachevsky
B) Kolchak
D) Kaledin

7. By what principle are the dates 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977 combined
A) five-year plans for the development of the national economy
B) change of heads of state
C) the adoption of a new constitution
D) education reform

8. When the USSR invented nuclear weapons
A) 1945
B) 1946
C) 1947
D) 1949

9. Indicate the event that occurred on June 1, 1962
A) the introduction of cards for bread
B) the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in Novocherkassk
C) the beginning of the development of virgin lands
D) test of a hydrogen bomb

Open questions

Question 1
What unites these geographical names:
A) Ryazan, Kozelsk, r. Sit.
B) Nut, Narva, Lesnaya.

Question 2
Cities are sometimes renamed based on historical or political reasons and circumstances. For example, Tver - Kalinin - Tver. What are the current names of the cities that had the following names in Soviet times?
1. Leningrad
2. Kuibyshev
3. Gorky
4. Sverdlovsk
5. Ordzhonikidze
6. Ulyanovsk

Question 3
Make up definitions from the sets of words written below. Specify the concepts to which these definitions refer.
A) to him, with, prince, subject, tribute, territories, collection;
B) working, according to, semi-dependent, feudal lord, peasant, row (contract), on.

Question 4
Identify Oppositions
A) conservatism - liberalism; B) Westerners - ...; C) monarchists - ...; D) reform - ...; D) Entente - ...; E) Nikon - ...

Question 5
Name the rulers.
A) Yuri - Dolgoruky; B) Dmitry - ...; C) Ivan IV - ...; D) Alexei Mikhailovich - ...; E) Peter I - ...; E) Catherine II - ...;

Answers to tests

Test № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5
Answer B IN IN G G
Test № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10
Answer B B G B BUT

Answers to open questions

Answer to question 1:
a) Mongol-Tatar invasion of North-Eastern Russia
b) Northern war.
Answer to question 2:
1. St. Petersburg
2. Samara
3. Nizhny Novgorod
4. Yekaterinburg
5. Vladikavkaz
6. Ulyanovsk
Answer to question 3:
A) tribute
B) Ryadovich
Answer to question 4:
B) Slavophiles, C) Republicans, D) revolution, E) Triple Alliance, F) Habakkuk.
Answer to question 5:
B) Donskoy, C) Terrible, D) Quieter, E) Great, E) Great.

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