Home Mushrooms The first 10 days after conception. The very first signs of pregnancy. Favorable period for conception

The first 10 days after conception. The very first signs of pregnancy. Favorable period for conception

Usually, the presence of pregnancy is detected only with a delay in menstruation. And then, some women with irregular menstrual cycles find out about their situation even later. Each pregnancy proceeds in its own way, however, most mothers who have taken place note a number of symptoms by which the presence of pregnancy can be determined already in the first days after conception. There are quite a lot of signs of pregnancy in the initial stages and it is not a fact that they will necessarily appear in full in all women in the position. But knowing them will not be superfluous. So, the most common signs of pregnancy before a delay.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - malaise, fatigue

In the first days after conception, the female body perceives the fetus as something foreign that needs to be fought. Against this background, as well as a sharp hormonal restructuring of the body, which occurs in the first days after conception, the immunity of a pregnant woman decreases. She may feel unwell, weak, drowsy, she may be thrown either into heat or into cold. The pressure drops, which can lead to dizziness and even fainting. Body temperature throughout the first trimester may be slightly elevated - this is within the normal range. Due to reduced immunity, expectant mothers often catch a cold.

Important: if there is a suspicion that fertilization has taken place, then even before pregnancy manifests itself, when treating a woman, it is necessary to minimize the use of medications. It is more appropriate to give preference to folk remedies allowed during pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - spotting

Sometimes the expectant mother can observe blood on the underwear in the first days of pregnancy. A small amount of yellowish, pinkish or yellow-brown discharge is normal after conception has occurred. On days, this can happen somewhere a week after fertilization. Allocations appear due to the fact that the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. However, the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall may not be accompanied by secretions, this is not a deviation.

Also spotting is a frequent companion of pregnant women with cervical erosion. Erosion is a defect in the lining of the cervix. Due to increased blood circulation in the latter, the slightest mechanical injury can cause bleeding. If spotting is observed after a delay, you should consult a doctor - this may be a symptom of a threatened abortion.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - heaviness in the uterus, tingling sensations

Sometimes ladies expecting babies mention specific sensations after conception in the pelvic organs, but doctors believe that it is impossible to feel the symptoms on the day of conception and it all comes down to self-hypnosis of women who want to get pregnant. But after the successful implantation of the fetal egg into the uterus, blood begins to flow intensively to the latter. Some pregnant women from the very moment of fixing the embryo feel tingling, heaviness, a feeling of fullness of the uterus.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - temperature fluctuations

Basal body temperature is measured in the rectum in the morning without getting out of bed. Characteristic temperature jumps are the most obvious symptoms of pregnancy in the early days. The basal temperature in the first days after conception first falls due to an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen, and then, on the contrary, grows. This is due to an increase in progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - toxicosis

Toxicosis of pregnant women is commonly understood as an aversion to certain foods, odors, as well as nausea and, sometimes, vomiting. It is caused by hormonal changes. With severe toxicosis, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since the lack of nutrients from food and the loss of electrolytes during vomiting deplete an already loaded body.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - changes in breast sensitivity

A change in breast sensitivity in a future mother is a common thing, this sign can manifest itself already in the first days after conception. Traditionally, the mammary glands swell, become heavier. Sometimes the sensitivity of the breast increases so much that it is uncomfortable for a woman to wear her usual clothes and underwear. But, sometimes, on the contrary, the normally sensitive breast during pregnancy becomes less susceptible to external stimuli.
Also, the symptoms after conception include darkening of the areola.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception - hemorrhoids

Oddly enough, but recurrent hemorrhoids can also be the first symptom of pregnancy. The disease can make itself felt due to the pressure of the uterus swelling from the rush of blood.

Frequent urination. Frequent urges to the restroom for "little need" can accompany the expectant mother from the very beginning of pregnancy. It is explained by the same rush of blood to the organs of the small pelvis of the expectant mother and an enlarged uterus, pressing on the bladder.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception: Increased appetite, change in gastronomic preferences

Jokes about pregnant women eating herring with jam have long been set on edge. But, nevertheless, sometimes ladies in an interesting position really have an addiction to strange food combinations. Increased appetite is a frequent companion of pregnancy without toxicosis. But at the first symptoms of pregnancy, trying to eat for two is still not worth it. In the first trimester, increasing portions is not required in principle. In the second and third trimesters with a singleton pregnancy with a normal body weight of the expectant mother, the daily calorie intake should be increased by 350 and 450 calories, respectively.


It is extremely important for expectant mothers to know how the first days of pregnancy appear. The 2 most common signs of conception in the first days are fever and malaise, but other symptoms can appear as early as the first week after fertilization. However, you can finally confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy on the first day of the delay using an analysis or test for hCG.

Many women want to know about the onset of pregnancy almost immediately after conception. But the gestational age may be too short for an accurate test. Therefore, in order to better understand what happens in the first days of pregnancy, consider the main signs and symptoms that indicate the onset of pregnancy.

What happens in the body in the early days of pregnancy

From a medical point of view, the first days after conception are not yet pregnancy. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus, and after 7-10 days it will approach the place where it will attach and begin development from the embryo to the fetus. It is this moment of implantation of the egg to the wall of the uterus that can be considered the date of the onset of pregnancy. If this does not happen, menstruation begins, and the woman does not suspect that she was pregnant. There is a so-called spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and implants in its walls, the embryo is implanted. After that, the process of formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins. The first seven days after conception are the most important for maintaining a new life, since the mother's body treats the embryo as a foreign body, trying to get rid of it, not allowing it to firmly gain a foothold in the uterus.

When the embryo is successfully implanted, hormonal changes begin in the body. In the body of a woman, a specific hCG hormone is produced, which provides protection for the embryo in the initial period of pregnancy. Therefore, pregnancy can be determined in the first days after conception by taking a blood test for hCG or purchasing sensitive tests for 10 Mme / ml

In the first days of pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is higher than in the urine. The level of hCG in the urine is less than the level of hCG in the blood and is approximately 1 day behind. Therefore, a blood test for hCG will give a reliable result, and a day later, a pregnancy test will show a positive result.

How the embryo develops in the first days of pregnancy

Although officially pregnancy does not begin in the first days after conception, this time is of great importance for the development of a new life. In the body of the embryo, the laying of internal organs, the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems starts. Let us consider in detail step by step what happens in the first days of pregnancy with the fetus.

  • The development of the unborn baby begins after the formation of the zygote. With the help of the villi located inside the fallopian tubes, the fetal egg, starting from the first day of conception, goes to the uterus, which will provide it with nutrition and the opportunity to develop.
  • The movement of the egg continues, accompanied by intensive cell division of the zygote.
  • The number of cells by the third day grows to nine.
  • On the fourth day, the shape of the fetal egg resembles a blackberry. The egg is still moving towards the uterus. At this time, the physiological processes of the formation of all vital systems of the internal organs of the child are launched.
  • Cells continue to divide continuously. At the same time, the formation of new cells - blastomeres - begins. They produce special enzymes that soften the epithelium of the uterus so that the embryo can freely attach to its walls. By the fifth day, the zygote enters the uterus, is introduced into its mucous membrane by immersing its fibers into the endometrium. The tissues of the fetal egg penetrate into the capillaries and tissues of the uterus. HCG levels are rising.
  • By the sixth or seventh day, the level of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother increases, the body temperature rises. In the womb, continuous cell division continues, the embryo receives nutrition from the resources of the egg.
  • On the eighth or ninth day, the neural tube of the fetus is laid; placental tissues are formed, which will develop in the next three months.

On the fifth day, for forty hours, the embryo completely merges with the tissues of the uterus. A strong bond between mother and child occurs on the 12th day. At this time, the placental type of nutrition of the embryo is established.

When do pregnancy symptoms appear in the first days

Symptoms in the first days of pregnancy depend on the physiological characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. Early signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception can be determined on days 8-14. These terms are due to the sensitivity of the body to hormonal changes, so they can vary for each woman.

Some women note that already in the first days of pregnancy they have all the symptoms of a successful conception, approximately on the 5th day. This means that for this, women listen to their bodies and recognize even seemingly imperceptible changes in their condition. By the 12th day of the cycle, the symptoms of pregnancy are already more pronounced.

Early signs in the early days of pregnancy

The main signal in the first days of pregnancy for a healthy woman is the delay in menstruation. Those women who do not seek to become pregnant, and who do not control their condition, notice a delay at 2-3 third weeks of pregnancy. A sign that a fertilized egg has invaded the wall of the uterus is the following manifestations:

  1. Weak spotting. Slight bleeding may appear on the 7-12th day after conception due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. Implantation bleeding looks like a brownish or yellowish liquid if the discharge comes into contact with tissue or paper. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for the onset of menstruation if the pregnancy was not expected. If such discharge appeared when pregnancy was reliably determined, then this may be a signal of a high risk of miscarriage. Then be sure to see a doctor. Due to the specific reaction of the body, this symptom may not appear.
  2. Change in basal temperature. Often, women use the basal temperature method as a way to determine when they are ovulating in preparation for pregnancy. If fertilization was successful, then the basal temperature drops and then rises. The decrease in basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy depends on the onset of hormonal changes: when pregnancy occurs, a significant amount of estrogen enters the blood, under the influence of which the temperature decreases, and then there is an increased production of progesterone, which increases this indicator. If a woman whose pregnancy has been confirmed keeps a basal temperature chart, she may notice a dip in the place where the decrease in temperature is noted. But it lasts only one day, then the temperature rises again. The normal basal temperature is 37 ° C, it is maintained until the full work of the placenta begins (the first weeks). This decline can be missed, but the increase in temperature for two to three weeks is impossible not to notice.
  3. Feeling slightly unwell. In the first days of pregnancy after conception, a woman may experience malaise, accompanied by drowsiness, weakness. Some note the appearance of sore throat and runny nose. This is due to the fault of reduced immunity, struggling with the attached embryo. In the first three months, the body temperature is always slightly elevated, which causes general weakness. At this time, the most important thing is not to use medications that can unpredictably affect the fetus. When preparing for pregnancy, you should not use drugs at all unless absolutely necessary. Also often there is apathy, fatigue. The reason for this is not only hormonal changes in the body, but also the intensive production of progesterone. Sometimes these symptoms stop shortly, sometimes they continue until the 10th week, when estrogen begins to be produced.
  4. Unusual sensations in the chest. mammary glands in first days of pregnancy begin to swell, the sensitivity of the breast increases up to painful sensations. Even a slight touch can cause pain.
    Sometimes the opposite happens. If before a woman experienced pain, now her breasts do not bother at all. Usually after that, after a while, it will become known about the onset of pregnancy. Often in the early stages of pregnancy, colostrum may be released with pressure on the areola.
  5. Heaviness in the lower abdomen. A feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area may indicate the development of pregnancy. After implantation of the embryo, some women may feel the uterus in a special way. The severity of this sensation depends on the characteristics of the body.
  6. Tingling in uterus. Such individual sensations can indicate not only the successful fertilization and attachment of the egg, but also some diseases. A doctor's consultation is required.
  7. early toxicosis. Along with nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, it may indicate pregnancy. Symptoms of toxicosis include increased sensitivity to smells and tastes. Often women note a cardinal change in food preferences.

In the first days of pregnancy, something that previously caused disgust can become attractive. Unusual combinations of products can become interesting: herring with chocolate, dried fish with compote, sausage with pineapple. The expectant mother enjoys the taste, while others wrinkle their noses at the sight of such combinations.

These signs may not always signal a successful conception. They are easily confused with symptoms of chronic diseases of various systems and internal organs. Only the presence of other reliable signs of pregnancy can confirm or disprove the condition. A medical examination will also provide accurate information.

How to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception

It is very problematic to identify or feel the first days of pregnancy. This can be done only after seven days, before that you can only listen to the internal signals of your body. Here are a number of methods for diagnosing pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy test strips. The greatest reliability from this method can be achieved if you conduct a test on the 7-10th day after conception. This is due to the fact that it is then that hCG appears in the urine. Previously, it is almost impossible to get a positive result - the hormone content is too low for diagnosis.
  • Blood test for hCG. A blood test for the content of hCG allows you to get the most reliable results in the diagnosis of pregnancy. The level of hCG in the blood is much higher than in the urine and suggests the possibility of diagnosing 6-9 days after conception.
  • Gynecological examination. In preparation for implantation, the uterus increases in size and swells. The cervix changes color and texture, becomes bluish, loose and moist. With the help of a gynecological examination, pregnancy is determined at 4-5 weeks.

Why is it important to detect pregnancy early?

Every woman should know how the first days of pregnancy appear. This information is important for a number of reasons:

  1. The likelihood of termination of pregnancy for medical reasons;
  2. The possibility of detecting genetic and hereditary diseases in the early stages of fetal development;
  3. Prevention of the development of pathological ectopic pregnancy.

If the expectant mother suffers from any chronic diseases that do not allow her to safely bear the child, then the diagnosis and timely termination of pregnancy will save the life and health of the woman from danger. Early examinations help to avoid the birth of a child with genetic pathologies such as Down syndrome.

What should a woman do at the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If a woman finds signs of pregnancy in herself, she needs to visit a antenatal clinic. After diagnosis and confirmation of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be registered if she wants to keep the baby.

Carrying a baby is a serious responsibility that a woman takes on. In order for this process to proceed safely, and for the baby to be born healthy, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to give up all bad habits, pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

What can threaten mother and child in the first days of pregnancy?

The first days of pregnancy and the subsequent weeks of the first trimester are the most important period throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. To avoid unwanted risks, you need to approach it with all responsibility.

The main danger in the first days of pregnancy are:

  • Improper development of the embryo;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • The likelihood of a miscarriage;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

The following factors may increase the risk of these complications:

  1. Colds;
  2. SARS;
  3. stress;
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking;
  5. Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  6. Excessive physical activity, injury;
  7. Constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  8. Vaginal discharge associated with pain.

That is why in the first days of pregnancy it is very important to take care of your health and be very attentive and listen to your body.

To avoid risks, in the first days of pregnancy it is worth spending more time outdoors, try to avoid stress, temperature changes, follow the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.


After the onset of conception, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes due to hormonal changes. As a rule, the first signs and symptoms of conception occur after a delay. However, in some cases, early symptoms and signs may appear that indicate conception has occurred.

Ovulation and conception

Ovulation occurring in the middle of the menstrual cycle ensures the implementation of the female reproductive function. Ovulation is understood as the release of a mature egg from the follicle for the purpose of subsequent fertilization by a spermatozoon, which occurs in the fallopian tube.

During fetal development, about 2 million follicles are laid in girls, which contain immature eggs. By the beginning of puberty, their number is significantly reduced. The first period of puberty ends by the age of 12-14, when the first menstruation is observed.

In girls, during the first 1-2 years after the onset of menstruation, the cycle is biphasic, but ovulation is absent, which is associated with insufficient production of sex hormones. By the age of 16, the cycle is completely normal. It has relatively constant parameters, excluding periods of pregnancy, lactation and premenopause.

A normal cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days and does not differ in pathological symptoms and signs that significantly worsen a woman's well-being. A prerequisite is the presence of two phases and ovulation, without which reproduction is impossible. Menstrual bleeding varies from 3 to 7 days. An adequate amount of blood loss implies the use of at least 4 pads per day.

Menstrual cycle parameters genetically determined.

Changes that occur during the cycle provide reproductive function. The cycle depends on the functioning of the hypothalamus, which secretes FSH and LH. The activity of the pituitary gland is regulated by the hypothalamus through releasing hormones.

The beginning of the cycle coincides with the first day of menstruation. There is an active production of FSH by the pituitary gland, which leads to the development of several follicles in one of the ovaries, functioning alternately. Developing follicles are a temporary hormonal structure necessary for the production of estrogens. Estrogens, in particular, estradiol, ensure the development of the follicle, the growth of the endometrium of the uterus for the subsequent introduction of the fetal egg.

Only one follicle undergoes full development, which, as it grows, becomes dominant. A granulosa membrane forms around it. The cavity fills with fluid at the primordial follicle stage. When the follicle is fully mature, it is called the graafian vesicle, which contains a full-fledged egg.

As FSH and estradiol accumulate, the pituitary gland receives a signal to produce LH. There is a rupture of the follicle shell, from which a mature egg comes out. In place of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed that produces progesterone. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum resolves at the end of the cycle. The ovarian cycle ends.

The uterine cycle includes several phases.

  1. Desquamation. Rejection of the functional layer of the uterus and the onset of menstruation.
  2. Regeneration. Restoration of the superficial functional endometrium due to the basal layer.
  3. Proliferation. Growth of glandular tissue and stroma.
  4. Secretion. Modification of the mucosa, which implies its friability.

Under the influence of negative factors, there may be a temporary absence of ovulation. After 30 years, the absence of ovulation for several cycles a year is considered the norm. Persistent anovulation is observed with symptoms of endocrine pathologies that are subject to diagnosis and treatment.

Ovulation is an important condition for conception. That is why its definition for the purpose of subsequent sexual intercourse on favorable days increases the possibility of conception.

To determine ovulation in order to increase the possibility of conception, you can use various methods. In particular, keeping a calendar that marks the first day of your period and records your cycle length can help you calculate the approximate day of ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and divides it in half. After the onset of ovulation, menstrual bleeding is normal after 12-14 days. If the cycle is irregular, the calculation can be based on its average duration.

Basal temperature measurement is an alternative to ovulation tests. The method is based on temperature measurement in the rectum, vagina or oral cavity. It is advisable to use a mercury thermometer for measurements. Measurements are taken after a 6-hour night's sleep at 5-6 o'clock in the morning. Do not move before taking the temperature. Otherwise, the results will be erroneous. You should lie still during the study for 5 minutes.

In the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of FSH, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. With the release of LH before ovulation, it decreases by 0.3-0.4 degrees, and then increases to 37 degrees and above. Before menstruation, in the absence of conception, the temperature drops. On critical days, the temperature is in the range of 37 degrees.

On the measurement results affects short intermittent sleep, movement, alcohol, SARS, sexual intercourse. Under these conditions, the results will be biased.

Measurement results, as well as dates in the menstruation calendar, can be noted both in paper and electronic form. For simplicity and convenience, you can use special programs in which you can make various notes.

Many gynecologists consider the measurement of basal temperature to be an outdated method, the results of which are influenced by numerous factors. It is possible to determine ovulation with the help of pharmacy tests that react to the level of LH in the urine.

Ovulation tests are recommended to be performed between 10 am and 8 pm. Do not use the first morning urine. Usually each package contains 5 test strips in order to track the dynamics of LH growth and identify the brightest strip. A bright red test strip indicates the approaching favorable day for conception. This means that ovulation should occur within 12-48 hours. An analogue of express tests is a special reusable device that determines the days favorable for conception by saliva.

The onset of ovulation is accompanied by numerous changes that occur in the body. You can determine the most suitable days for conception by the characteristic signs and symptoms.

  1. Allocations. The cervical canal contains glands in the submucosal layer that produce a protective mucus. This secret fills the canal like a cork and protects the reproductive organs from infection. By the end of the first phase, the discharge becomes more liquid, which favors the advancement of spermatozoa. The discharge is similar in appearance to the white of an egg. In addition, spotting may be observed, indicating a rupture of the follicle shell.
  2. Changing the position of the cervix. During and after menstruation, the cervix is ​​low. On days favorable for conception, it rises high and opens slightly.
  3. Soreness in the lower abdomen. Pain can be aching and cramping. Aching pains are caused by a sign of tissue irritation with a slight hemorrhage when the egg is released. With contractions of the fallopian tube, there may be cramping pain from the ovulated ovary. In some women, the symptoms of soreness persist for two days.

During ovulation, symptoms such as headaches, increased breast sensitivity, increased appetite, and increased sense of smell can also be noted. As a rule, libido rises during this period. This sign is due to nature itself.

Symptoms of approaching ovulation have an individual character. Sometimes there is a lack of subjective signs. In this case, you can use ovulation tests, calendar method, measurement of basal temperature.

The egg is ready for fertilization within 16-32 hours. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. Nevertheless, spermatozoa differ in survivability for five days after intercourse. A small part of the spermatozoa can "wait for the egg" in the female genital tract.

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube at the fusion of sperm and egg. However, before the sperm is in the immediate vicinity of the ampullary tube, it must cover a distance of 17-20 cm.

The vagina is a destructive environment for male germ cells. A significant part of them die much earlier than potential fertilization. That is why the possibility of conception increases with a significant number of healthy active spermatozoa.

Theoretically, for fertilization, even one full-fledged sperm cell is enough, which can penetrate the egg cell membrane. The sperm head contains a substance that dissolves the membrane. It has been proven that many male germ cells are involved in this process, which help a single sperm to penetrate into the egg. It is also believed that the egg is selective in its selection of "candidates", allowing only a particular sex cell to complete fertilization.

The fertilized egg moves through the tube into the uterine cavity, continuously dividing. A few days later, the fetal egg is in the uterine cavity, where it can migrate up to two days. After implantation, conception can be considered accomplished. The hCG hormone begins to be actively produced, which can be fixed in the urine according to express tests starting from the first day of the delay.

The first signs of pregnancy

The most reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. Starting from the first day of delay, you can perform a short pregnancy test.

After fertilization, numerous changes occur in the body, which can manifest themselves in the form of specific symptoms and signs. As a rule, the earliest symptoms appear after a missed period and a positive pregnancy test result. However, in some women, signs and symptoms of conception may be noticed earlier.

Many of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are hormonally related. It is known that sex hormones regulate not only the activity of the reproductive system, but the whole organism.

Gynecologists call the following first signs of symptoms that can be observed after conception.

  1. Allocations. Implantation can be judged by slight brown discharge of a smearing nature that appears before the delay. The appearance of a small amount of blood is associated with damage to the vessels of the functional layer of the uterus during the introduction of the fetal egg. During pregnancy, immunity decreases against the background of hormonal fluctuations, which causes the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora. That is why a frequent companion of pregnancy, including after conception, is thrush or candidiasis.
  2. Bloating. A woman may notice increased gas formation, bloating, especially in the evening. Many representatives notice this sign in clothes that can become tight.
  3. Change in taste preferences. This symptom may appear simultaneously with the exacerbation of the sense of smell. A woman notes intolerance to certain foods and odors. Some people have an increased appetite.
  4. Cramps in the lower abdomen. Often the first symptom of pregnancy are cramps, tingling and pain of a pulling nature. This sign may also indicate a threat. That is why when the pain increases, you should consult a doctor. The ovary in which the corpus luteum of pregnancy intensively develops can also hurt.
  5. Breast engorgement. During pregnancy, the glands actively prepare for lactation. The first signs of an increase, engorgement of the mammary glands can be noted even before the delay in menstruation. A little later, you can see the appearance of colostrum.
  6. Basal temperature indicators. It is known that before the next menstruation, the indicators of basal temperature decrease. After conception, the basal temperature is at around 37.1-37.4 degrees. An increase in temperature is associated with the production of progesterone, which is also called the pregnancy hormone. If the basal temperature drops, this may indicate a risk of miscarriage.
  7. Nausea. This is one of the early signs that is often associated with pregnancy. With the severity of nausea, we can talk about the appearance of toxicosis. The causes of toxicosis are not known for certain by a specialist. However, it is believed that this sign indicates a favorable course of pregnancy.
  8. General condition and psycho-emotional background. Symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are drowsiness, weakness, fatigue. A sign is also considered mood variability, tearfulness, which are associated with changes in hormonal levels.
  9. Colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. During pregnancy, immunity decreases, which is a defense mechanism. Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body cannot reject the growing body, perceived as a foreign body. The onset of cold symptoms before the delay is noted. Perhaps the appearance of signs of thrush associated with the structural restructuring of the vaginal mucosa, hormonal fluctuations and the activation of the fungal flora. Running thrush can lead to the development of symptoms of cystitis and urethritis.

The development of pregnancy by day

Fertilization and subsequent conception occurs during the viability of the egg.

First-third day

Promotion of sperm to the egg takes at least two hours. After the penetration of the male germ cell into the egg, fertilization occurs, which does not always end with conception. For the first three days, the fertilized egg moves through the tube, continuously dividing. During this period, there are no signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Signs may appear during implantation in the tube and the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

From the first days of conception, there may be signs of a physiological decrease in immunity and mood lability. There may be changes in taste preferences, mild nausea and engorgement of the breast glands.

Fourth day

The contraction of the fallopian tubes helps the fertilized egg to descend into the uterus. A woman may feel slight cramping pain. Before implantation, migration of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity is possible for two days.

Fifth to seventh day

Signs and symptoms of implantation are noted. In particular, a small amount of smearing brown discharge may appear before the delay. Intense pain on one side of the abdomen, the appearance of copious discharge indicate implantation in the tube. However, these symptoms usually appear somewhat later as the fetal egg grows.

Eighth to tenth day

The implantation of the ovum is completed. This period is called the critical period. Unfavorable factors can adversely affect pregnancy. Drowsiness, nausea, increased appetite, thirst may appear. Pregnancy can be determined by a blood test, which indicates an increase in hCG levels.

Eleventh to fourteenth day

A woman may notice the appearance of signs that usually do not appear before the next menstruation. In some cases, there is a lack of characteristic symptoms of approaching menstruation. There is a noticeable engorgement of the mammary glands, their soreness. Nausea and increased salivation, taste perversion may be present.

On the 14-15th day, a pregnancy test shows a positive result in case of conception.

Unenlightened people believe that pregnancy can only be determined through a medical examination or at the moment when a woman's belly is greatly enlarged and toxicosis begins. This is not so, the first symptoms of conception are felt in the near future after a "successful" sexual intercourse. Moreover, a girl who has already undergone pregnancy and childbirth will be able to determine the moment of fertilization herself. For her, these signs are natural and joyful, because soon she will become a mother!

Before the birth of a new life, a bunch of sperm rushes through the fallopian tubes. However, as a handful - several million. Moving towards them. She is mature and fully ready for fertilization.

Nature provided for natural selection already at this stage of existence. Only the strongest, fastest and most enduring penetrates the egg, the rest die.

A zygote is produced when a spermatozoon comes into contact with an egg. This is the basis from which the future man will develop. At this very moment, pregnancy begins.

The zygote begins to split almost immediately after the appearance. The fact is that initially it is only one cell, and for the full formation of the zygote, it should increase in size, become multicellular.

First sensations

Five days after fertilization, the zygote develops into a blastocyst. At this time, the embryo is still in the fallopian tubes, it is looking for a place to attach and fully develop.

Upon completion of this process, the stage of division begins, and at the same time the first signs of conception.

In the very first two or three days after fertilization, pregnancy cannot be detected either by the future mother's own feelings or by medical tests.

But there are still some "folk" symptoms. These include:

  • Stomach ache. Sometimes strong, sometimes not at all.
  • Discomfort in the mammary glands. It is associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Change in basal temperature. You can't tell by feel, you have to measure it.

Below we will take a closer look at all these signs of pregnancy, and some others.

Interesting! Some women intuitively feel the moment of conception immediately after intercourse. The official science is notrecognizesbut the factremainsIn fact, sometimes the expectant mother predicts pregnancy quite correctly, without feeling any symptoms.

The main signs of conception after ovulation

Each woman is individual, each organism reacts differently to a sharp restructuring. If one lady does not feel any symptoms of fertilization for a long time, then another may begin to suffer from severe pain almost immediately.

Discomfort in the chest

About 90% of expectant mothers experience this symptom. This is expressed in painful sensations and a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands.

At the same time, before the first expected menstruation (which will not come), the breast increases in size, becomes more rounded. Nipples dilate and darken.

This process is associated with preparation for future lactation. Please note that pain does not always occur, but modification of the mammary glands is inevitable.

Discharge during pregnancy

Until the 13th week of pregnancy, the reproductive system of the female body is “managed” by the hormone progesterone. It determines the nature of vaginal discharge. As a rule, they do not have a characteristic smell, rather thick. The consistency is somewhat reminiscent of egg white.

If everything is in order with the health of the expectant mother, then these secretions do not cause burning and itching. After the 13th week, the hormone estrogen begins to work more actively, it somewhat changes the nature of the discharge. Please note that a whitish color of mucus is allowed, but there should not be clots - this is a sign of pathology.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

This symptom must be monitored very carefully. If the pain is severe, and does not stop for more than 2-3 weeks, then we can talk about an ectopic pregnancy. In such a situation, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

In the normal course of pregnancy, pains are concentrated in the lower abdomen, sometimes they have a pulling character. It feels like the characteristic pain during menstruation.

Some women associate the symptom with a sharp growth of the uterus, but this is a mistake - the gestational age is still too short. This is just preparing the body for carrying and giving birth to a baby.

Gastrointestinal system dysfunction

The gastrointestinal tract gets upset after attaching to the uterus. This is expressed differently for everyone, but on average, the symptoms look like the ones described below.

  • Belching. Sour, occurs at any time of the day, but most often in the morning.
  • Heartburn. Severe, sometimes drugs cannot cope with it. If the symptom does not go away for a long time, then you should consult a doctor.
  • Loss of appetite. Not to say that this is very closely related to the gastrointestinal tract, but the rejection of certain foods and even odors often leads to vomiting. And this is not toxicosis.
  • Vomit. It rarely happens without reasons, most often it is caused by the circumstances from the previous paragraph.

These symptoms do not always indicate pregnancy, often a woman has been poisoned by something. But if the signs came about 6-10 days after the "suspicious" sexual contact, then they can be safely considered as a "sign" of the birth of a new life!

Change in basal temperature

The measurement must be taken by every woman who is planning a pregnancy. Her sharp increase indicates what has happened, that is, the chance of conception at this moment is very high.

A drop in basal temperature indicates the end of the "fertile" period, but if it does not subside for several days in a row (itself 24-36 hours), then conception has taken place.

Lack of progesterone can reduce the effect of this symptom to zero. In other words, the conception took place, but the basal temperature did not increase. The situation is dangerous, as there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Determining the level of hCG

Not to say that this is a symptom of the conception itself, it is usually measured after the fact of pregnancy has been established, but in some cases the analysis is also prescribed when trying to determine whether fertilization has occurred.

This hormone begins to be actively produced after the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. Accordingly, its level is constantly growing, the farther from conception - the stronger. It makes sense to measure it 6-10 days after conception, while the maximum level of hCG reaches 11-12 weeks, and by the middle of pregnancy it decreases and stabilizes.

What day do they show up?

All of the above features are highly individual. The speed of their manifestation largely depends on the hormonal background and the general health of the woman.

On average, symptoms become apparent 6-10 days after successful intercourse. An upset gastrointestinal tract begins, almost immediately uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen and mammary glands are connected to it.

In some cases, the process is delayed up to 13-14 days. If by this time there are no symptoms of pregnancy, but the confidence in the successful conception is one hundred percent, you need to go to the hospital.

The first symptom is an increase in basal. It occurs almost immediately, it can be detected on the second day after conception. But it is not as obvious as, for example, abdominal pain. It can only be detected on purpose, so if a woman did not plan pregnancy, then symptoms for her will occur only a week after intercourse, or even more.

Pregnancy test

The legendary "two strips" can be used even immediately after intercourse, but they will not show the exact result. A pregnancy test becomes relevant after the first delay in menstruation. But even in this case, the accuracy is not always 100%.

For maximum confidence in a reliable result, it is recommended to use several tests at once, moreover, from different price categories and from different manufacturers. If most of them show a positive result, then fertilization has taken place.

But the tests have a serious side effect. Sometimes they give a positive result in any disease of the ovaries and uterus, most often oncological. We will not talk about a cancerous tumor now, we will only say that if the tests show dubious results, there were no signs of ovulation, and the conception took place due to the “state of health”, then you need to undergo an ultrasound scan. To date, this is the most accurate way to determine pregnancy.

Important! Ultrasound allows you to see the futurebaby"from within". Therefore, if the tests indicate the absence of fertilization, and by all indicationschildNo, you still need to believe the ultrasound.


Additional symptoms do not bring much benefit, since they do not speak directly about pregnancy, and they take a lot of strength from a woman. First of all, this is a change in the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. Not only is hormonal changes taking place in the body, but a lot of fears and fears are also piled up.

  • How will the husband react? This also includes mom, girlfriends, close and distant relatives.
  • Will we pull the child financially? In modern conditions, a well-founded fear.
  • Will I be able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby? Any normal mother worries about the state of her offspring.

So it turns out that the expectant mother becomes irritable, she is constantly nervous, she is overcome by doubts and contradictions.

Other indirect signs are somewhat reminiscent of the onset of a cold. The woman suffers from insomnia, which, by the way, increases her emotional stress. Body temperature can hold out at 37.5 for some time.

There is nothing wrong with this, the beginning of hormonal changes in the body affects. This is also associated with constant nasal congestion. If you suspect pregnancy, then when these signs appear, you need to go to the doctor.

Nothing dangerous, but if suddenly it really turns out to be a cold, then the unborn child risks suffering.

Exceptions to the rules

We have already considered the general signs of early pregnancy, they are found in the vast majority of expectant mothers. But there are peculiar symptoms, let's say, exceptions to the rules. Such symptoms are quite rare, and are not always perceived by a woman as a signal of a conception that has occurred.

  • Libido changes. Hormonal changes affect the level of sexual desire. It can both rise and fall, and women rarely associate this with fertilization.
  • Atypical menstruation. Menstruation does not always disappear immediately with the onset of pregnancy, sometimes they just change somewhat before completely disappearing. Allocations change the degree of abundance, an unusual smell is mixed with them.
  • early toxicosis. It usually occurs at 6-7 weeks of gestation, but in rare cases it begins at 10-20 days. Most often it is not very plentiful, but there are exceptions.
  • Frequent trips to the toilet. The growing uterus and its pressure on the bladder have nothing to do with it, the period is too short. The reason lies in hormonal surges.

These symptoms can confirm the main signs of pregnancy.

As soon as a woman becomes confident in her new status, she needs to start intensively monitoring her health, because the well-being of the unborn baby is in her hands!

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