Home Mushrooms North-East Expressway: Plans and Objectives. Section of the northeast expressway opened

North-East Expressway: Plans and Objectives. Section of the northeast expressway opened

Good news for those who travel around Moscow by car. Traffic jams with today will become smaller. A new section of the North-Eastern Expressway will help to unload them - traffic was launched today along the section from Shchelkovskoye Highway to Otkrytoye.

More than five kilometers of roadbed along with new junctions and exits. And in a couple of years, this section will become part of a 35-kilometer highway that will connect the southeast of the capital with the northwest.

Crossroads of the Shchelkovskoye Highway and the North-Eastern Expressway. Motorists have already tried out the open new track in some places. The equipment was brought here in the fall of the 16th. The multi-level flyovers and the tunnel were built so as not to block the Shchelkovskoye highway. Nevertheless, the next section of the Expressway from Shchelkovskoye to Otkrytoye Highway was built in record time.

“According to the contract, three and a half years are allotted for this, we played for three years, and built the first stage in less than two years,” said Petr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department.

Of the nearly five kilometers of the new road, nearly three stand on supports due to the peculiarities of the landscape. The brigades work in two shifts, night and day. By the end of the year, 2/3 of the expressway will be completed.

“More than 40 large artificial structures have already been built - these are tunnels, flyovers, interchanges. The most difficult, very important and expected project for motorists. In total, the construction length of roads is more than one hundred kilometers; this year, 75 kilometers will be built and put into operation. Directly or indirectly, this will affect the traffic situation in almost half of the city, ”said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Along the way, the approaches to the track are being reconstructed. As a result, even in an unfinished state, the expressway improves the transport situation in the area with a population of 900 thousand people.

“I wanted to thank the builders. For the upcoming City Day great gift... Well done for coping with this difficult task, ”the mayor said.

The capital's road network has been reformed for seven years. During this time, more than 800 kilometers of roads have been built and reconstructed. Hundreds of tunnels, flyovers and crossings have been erected. Until 23, Moscow will build almost five hundred more new roads. The flagship project is, of course, chords.

When the work on all sections of the route is completed, the North-East Expressway will reduce the load on the Moscow Ring Road, the Third Transport Ring and the outbound routes of the north and east of Moscow by 40,000 vehicles per hour, and there will be four such expressways in the capital.

Some how Southeast Expressway, while they are just being designed, the rest are already under construction. Multi-lane roads will not only intersect to form the Fourth Ring Road. Chords will be connected to junctions with existing ring roads.

For over a year I was going to make a report about the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway in the area of ​​Shchelkovskoye Highway and Entuziastov Highway. Standing again in a traffic jam, I looked at the towering overpasses, and promised myself to agree on access to construction sites. In the end, I never got myself together, did not agree, and did not withdraw. But the other day I looked at the endless Moscow interchanges from above. It turned out even clearer.

1. Let's start with an eternal construction site in the Entuziastov highway area. The North-East Expressway (SVH) passes here, which will connect the most densely populated districts of Moscow - the southeast and the north. The route crosses Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Dmitrovskoe, Altufevskoe, Otkrytoye shosse and Entuziastov shosse.

2. Probably every Moscow motorist at least once stood in a big traffic jam on the Entuziastov highway.

In the morning to the center to Burakova street, in the evening to the region from the TTC itself.

3. During the entire construction period on this site, they managed to dismantle the old overpass of the ring railway, build 4 new overpasses for the MCC and 7 overpasses for temporary storage warehouses.

4. Some of them are already open - these are exits from the temporary storage warehouse to the Entuziastov highway to the center and the region, the exit from Perovskaya Street and the exits from the Entuziastov highway to the SVH. Who went, he knows.

5. Temporary storage warehouse, view to the north towards Izmailovo.

6. South facing.

8. Nearby, 200 meters away, two more flyovers were built, going to Budyonogo Avenue.

11. It can be seen that the flyovers are already ready, but not all structures on the path of the new road have been demolished.

12. A large interchange is being built near the Andronovka MCC station. To the left in the frame goes the road towards Izmailovo, downwards - to Budyonogo Avenue. Left up in bright sun- to Kosinskaya, Anosova streets, alleys of Pervaya Mayevka, Plyushchev and Masterova.

13. View from the street Annosova. On the right in the frame is a road with cars - the current exit to the temporary storage warehouse from Perovskaya Street.

14. On the section from the platform of the Plyushchevo station, the projected highway will rise to the flyover and pass over the tracks Gorky direction railroad, as well as over Anosova street. Anosova street itself will be expanded to 2 lanes in each direction, with the possibility of exits and ramps to the overpass of the main passage.

15. Industrial zone and the intersection of the Gorky and Kazan directions of the railway. If you look closely, you can see two passenger platforms - Chukhlinka and Perovo. The construction site of the new overpass is visible in the foreground.

16. At this point, the Overpass will connect several districts cut by railway tracks at once. From Alley Pervaya Maevka to Annosova street can be reached in 30 seconds, instead of the usual 15 minutes bypass.

17. Part of the Kuskovsky forest park and a view towards the station Plyushchevo and Veshnyaki. At this point, the new overpass should go right along the border of the park, which causes a lot of controversy and criticism from the side of the local residents and environmentalists.

18. Now let's fast forward to the west and look at some more huge interchanges. This is how a large junction of Aminevskoye Highway and General Dorokhov Street, one of the sections of South Rokada, looks like.

19. New road will go to Mosfilmovskaya street. As part of the junction, a two-lane tunnel will be built for the exit from General Dorokhov Street to the Aminevskoe highway in the direction of Mozhaiki. If you look closely, you can see his portal in the photo.

20. View from the side of the Aminevskoe highway.

24. A new overpass at the intersection with Vereiskaya and Nezhinskaya streets, as well as a bridge across the Setun.

25. Future tunnel at the intersection with Artamonov Street.

27. I haven't been to Ryabinovaya Street for 5 years. I didn't recognize her at all. This is how a reversal overpass looks like from Vyazemskaya and Vitebskaya streets to Ryabinovaya street.

29. To the left - Projected passage 1901, turning into Vyazemskaya, Vitebskaya and Skolkovskoye highways, to the right - Ryabinovaya street.

31. Curiously shaped junction with Troekurovsky passage. She is vertical in the title photo)

33. Vyazemskaya street, Skolkovskoe highway and Vitebskaya street. Mozhaika is seen above.

34. Built, you know!

The idea of ​​building chord highways was born in the city more than forty years ago, but it came to fruition only now, when it became finally clear that there were not enough roads between the districts, and there was nothing to do in the center of transit traffic. Specialists from Mosinzhproekt, a full-cycle engineering company specializing in development projects, are working on a large-scale chord project. transport infrastructure and engineering communications.

For reference: JSC Mosinzhproekt is the single operator of the Moscow Metro development program, the general designer of the reconstruction of departing highways and interchanges, a participant in the development program of transport hubs (TPU) in Moscow, the general contractor for the reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium, and management company on the construction of the Zaryadye park.

P.S. It's a pity, I didn't have time to rent the temporary storage warehouse and the Shchelkovskoye highway. Next time now.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

The new North-East Expressway will run from the side of the Oktyabrskaya Railway (western) and will provide an entrance to the capital of the Moscow - St. Petersburg toll highway. The plan for the construction of new ones was approved in 2012. At the same time, the projects of both chords - both western and eastern - were agreed. At the same time, among other activities, it was planned to reconstruct the intersection of Leningradsky Prospekt and ul. Trade union with the Moscow Ring Road.

Highway location

Along the periphery, the Northeast Expressway should connect the northern and southeastern parts of the capital, that is, the most densely populated areas.

In the east, in one part, it will run along the Moscow Ring Road. This road will connect such large highways as Shchelkovskoe, Altufevskoe, Izmailovskoe and Otkrytoye. From Businovskaya interchange, motorists will drive in two directions - to the north-west and north-east. At the same time, the Moscow ring road in the south, it will have to be expanded if the authorities decide to extend both chords to it. It is also possible that these highways will be connected by the South Rocada. This was announced back in 2012 by the Deputy Mayor for Urban Development Marat Khusnullin.

The northeastern expressway, firstly, will connect the capital with the western bypass of Odintsovo, and secondly, it will go down in the east to the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy junction. After that, it is planned to build a highway along which it will be possible to drive to Noginsk.

Project of a section of the expressway from sh. Enthusiasts to the Moscow Ring Road

A feature of the North-East Expressway project is that it is being developed in parts.

In 2012, the projects of the sections were approved - from Businovskaya interchange to ul. Festivalnaya and an overpass at the intersection of st. Taldomskoy with Oktyabrskaya railway. In 2013, the following competitions were announced:

  1. On the section from sh. Enthusiasts to the ring road.
  2. On the section from sh. Izmailovsky to sh. Shchelkovsky.

In the first case, such events were planned as:

  1. Construction of an interchange at the intersection of the expressway with st. Kuskovskaya.
  2. Construction of an overpass at the intersection with st. Youth.
  3. Construction of a pedestrian crossing at the point where the North-East Expressway will approach the Moscow Ring Road.
  4. Reorganization railway tracks Kazan and Gorky directions.
  5. Connection of the expressway with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy interchange near the Entuziastov Shosse station at the 8th kilometer of the Moscow ring road.

The plan also provided for the construction of pedestrian crossings in the following areas:

  1. Between Vostrukhina and Krasny Kazanets streets.
  2. Between the first Kazan Prosek and the Alley of the First Mayevka.
  3. At the platform and exits (southern and northern) of the Vykhino metro station.
  4. Between Kuskovskaya Prosek and Maevok Street.
  5. Between Karacharovskoe highway and Kuskovskaya highway.

The length of this section was over 8.5 km.

Project Shchelkovskoe - Izmailovskoe highway

The project included such activities as the construction of congresses:

  1. On Shchelkovskoe highway towards the center.
  2. Through Tkatskaya Street to Okruzhnaya Passage.
  3. On Okruzhnaya proezd in the direction of sh. Enthusiasts.
  4. From Shchelkovskoye Highway towards the Open Highway along the Expressway.

And also arrivals:

  • towards the Open highway from the street. Soviet;
  • to Shchelkovskoe highway from st. Soviet towards the region;
  • from the 1st lane of the Izmailovsky menagerie.

This section of the North-Eastern Expressway is equipped with three flyovers. The construction of a tunnel for two lanes, two overground and eight

The triangle will replace the fourth transport ring

As already mentioned, it is possible that the two new highways North-East and North-West will be connected by the South Road. The latter will start at the exit to New Riga, and then to the Aminevskoe highway. However, other projects are in the works as well. In the event that the chords are extended to the Moscow Orbital, instead of the ChTK, a triangle will turn out. Solution in in this case will depend on which particular project is cheaper. The lack of transverse lines is that in recent times clearly manifests itself in such a large metropolis as Moscow. For this reason, the Northeast Expressway will stretch across the entire city.

Travel along two overpasses of the exit, as well as along the railway overpass through the sh. Enthusiasts opened back in 2012. Among other things, a section of the main road was built, with a length of almost 2 km. In total, the project covers about 25 km of carriageway. ChKT section between sh. Enthusiasts and Izmailovsky should be commissioned in 2015.

Approximate project cost

It is assumed that the construction of the North-East Expressway will cost the Moscow authorities 70 billion rubles. Khusnullin reported back in August last year that the costs could have amounted to no more than 30-35 billion rubles.

The authorities had to find an optimal balance between cost and capacity of the future highway. In the event that it will be built a large number of different kinds artificial objects, the track will become faster, but also more expensive.

Competition: section from Shchelkovskoye highway to Otkrytoye

At the beginning of this year, two overpasses were opened on the interval from the Entuziastov highway to Izmailovsky. The tender for the construction of the next section was announced in December 2013. Its results were summed up in early March this year. It is planned to build at least three-four-lane highway in only one direction. The road will run along the MK MZhD from Shchelkovskoe highway to st. Losinoostrovskaya. The length of the section will be 3.2 km. This is approximately 10% of the total. According to the project, the following activities will also be carried out on this site:

  • construction of a traffic intersection in the area of ​​intersection of the expressway with the Open Highway;
  • construction of two ramps to Otkrytoye shosse on the outer side of the highway;
  • device of passage under the Mytishchi overpass with the possibility of a U-turn.

In order for motorists to have the opportunity to exit from the Shchelkovskoye highway to the expressway towards the center, an overpass will be built. In the future, it is planned to build another one. A right-turn exit will also be organized on Losinoostrovskaya Street.

After the completion of construction, the Northeast Expressway, the diagram of which is presented just above, will connect many important areas of the city. In 2014 at road construction 90 billion rubles have been allocated in the capital. At the same time, it is planned to put into operation 76.6 km of newly built and reconstructed roads.

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to see what was happening in his native area. Today is a detailed story about the construction of the North-East Expressway (SVH) - a new highway that will connect three districts of the capital: north, east and southeast.

01. This is how this place looked in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoye highway, a large traffic jam for several kilometers was formed in the morning.

02. Construction for a while, metro tunnel forever. The work is finished, there is no more traffic jam in this place. Now everyone is standing at the crossroads with Khalturinskaya Street.

04. Exit from the temporary storage warehouse to Shchelkovskoe highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

05. Shchelkovskoe highway goes from top to bottom in the photo, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left - Partizanskaya metro station, to the right - Cherkizovskaya.

06.2016. Narrowing due to the construction of flyovers and a tunnel.

07.2018 year. From Shchelkovskoye highway, exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

08. View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Lokomotiv MCC station.

10. Further, the chord is folded into a compact version. Most likely this is due to the difficulty of freeing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the Losiny Ostrov park. If you look closely at the photo, you can clearly see the temporary organization of the movement, which is transferred to one side.

11. The same place from the other side.

12. The compact version of the route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along an overpass, which is not yet open, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the track will take almost half the area.

13. While the traffic is open to the Mytishchi overpass (to the Open highway). Next comes the construction site. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one below the other.

14. Open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Eh, Metro town, my homeland)

15. Construction of a chord towards the Yaroslavl highway. So far, everything is in full swing. On the right is the Rokossovsky Boulevard MCC station.

16. Future offshoots. On the left - the industrial zones of Metrogorodok.

18. Closer to Losinoostrovskaya street. Here the communications are still being laid. As far as I know, the design and approval of the chord project is underway along the section up to the Yaroslavskoe highway.

19. Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards Partizanskaya. Everything has been open here for a long time, the only thing missing is an intercepting parking lot at the MCC station.

20. Crossing the Expressway with Enthusiasts Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for the direct passage to the south along the expressway and the exit from the Entuziastov highway.

21. Set up!

22. View from the Enthusiasts highway to the south. The junction with Budyonny Avenue is visible on the right.

23. At this point on all circuits a "knot" is tied on the chord. The main passage will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the expressway itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

24. At first glance, one cannot figure it out without a hundred grams. But everything is simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino. If you move straight along it, you will find yourself on Budyonny Avenue (goes to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will find yourself on the continuation of the chord that goes north (at the bottom of the frame). Above is the Andronovka MCC station, and the groundwork for the future construction of the highway is at the top of the frame.

27. A unique time, while the road is not yet open. You can walk freely along the track.

29. View of the same interchange from the side of Perovo.

30. Big freight station "Perovo".

33. View towards the park "Kuskovo". At this point, the chord is almost complete.

35. View towards Vykhino. The first overpass is the streets of Papernik and Yunosti, the second, in the distance - the Moscow Ring Road.

36. It turns out that in the near future we are waiting for the opening of the expressway from the Moscow Ring Road to the Otkrytoye Highway. For me personally, a person living in Izmailovo, this will be a long-awaited event.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

The section of the North-Eastern Expressway - from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway - will be completed by 2018. Its length is almost 11 kilometers, there will be many flyovers, overpasses and tunnels. Work on the new site is now in full swing. On Monday, Sergei Sobyanin visited a large-scale construction site.

Almost five kilometers of high-speed highway along the Oktyabrskaya railway. On the working scheme for the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway, this section has number 7. It will connect the existing exit to the Moscow - St. Petersburg highway with Dmitrovskoe highway. The volume of work is colossal. Indeed, in addition to the construction of the roadway itself, it is necessary to shift kilometers of communications, reports.

They were preparing thoroughly for the start of construction. The road will pass through the territory of a vast industrial zone. Dozens of buildings have to be demolished to make space. Car repair shops, warehouses, garage complexes - all of this is being removed to accommodate overpasses and overpasses. Even pumping station, which serves the entire microdistrict, will be transferred to the other side of the railway line. At the same time, consumers will not be disconnected for a minute. Such preparatory work take not only a lot of time, but also constitute a significant part of the budget.

"60 percent of our efforts and time will be spent on the liberation of the territory, the transfer of communications - these are heating mains, water supply, power lines, other underground, for example, cable collectors pass through us, after that we will begin a large-scale construction of the structures themselves," said the head of the construction department Moscow Andrey Bochkarev.

In total, more than 10 kilometers of roads will be built on this section. Most of will pass along overpasses and overpasses. 170-meter bridge across the Likhoborka river will be one of the most difficult engineering structures... Its width will make it possible to fit 11 traffic lanes with access to a large road junction in the direction of the Yaroslavskoe highway.

“We have started the most difficult section of the Moscow street-road network. This is the connection of the toll road to St. Petersburg and Dmitrovka. We hope that we will finish it in 2018, "Sobyanin said.

However, the builders promise to hand over some sections earlier. When ready. When the entire section from Festivalnaya to Dmitrovka is completed, it will become part of the 35-kilometer North-East Expressway. This will be a "first category" city highway. A multi-lane, traffic-free highway that will provide a diagonal connection between opposite districts of Moscow, while skirting the busy streets of the center.

Andrey Sidorenko, Vladimir Chernykh, Ilya Ushakov, TV Center.

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