Home Grape If the wife has a lover. Advice to wives from mistresses. The emergence of new expensive things

If the wife has a lover. Advice to wives from mistresses. The emergence of new expensive things

You stubbornly avoid answering. Translate everything into theory. Okay, I’ll ask you a more specific question, I hope after the 10th time you’ll answer without excuses. So the development of the embryo emphasizes that all of nature was created by one person? why is this in the embryo? For what? Why not make a human embryo immediately after cell division, since it itself did not originate from anyone? why does he look like a fish? an amphibian, a primate? and only then per person? Can someone see this without instruments? or is this some kind of perversion? Why are people often born very similar to animals? with tails, fangs, not upright, with thick hair? After all, all people descended only from people, do not intersect with animals, but can be born similar to them? How does your faith explain this? Just punishment and so on, no need. I'm finally waiting for a logical explanation and not fantasy. I repeat about jugs and bowls... make a clay jug without clay and water, well! does not work? those. The jug and the bowl have one beginning; the development began from the lower and diverged later. If you go deeper, then initially any jug was at the beginning clay, then a mass of water, then a simple shape, then round, then a jug, then a handle is attached to it, a pattern is applied and it appears in its final form. Don’t you notice that there is evolution here too! This evolution can be stopped at any place.. just make a jug.. put it aside, then attach a handle to it and it will have a handle, then put a design on it or not.. but there is a final jug, the most developed of all. Now about space. You have no facts that humanity has flown. And judging by its development, it could not fly in principle. There are also no tales about global floods and the rebirth of humanity. Now about cave drawings. A person always draws what he sees, right? Why are pyramids and other primitive objects still preserved, but no details of flying or spaceships No? Why do people who have aircraft, know how to do trepanation, have primitive sewerage and pipelines, did not know how to make glass and did not light their houses with electricity? Maybe it was all not human and not from here? that’s why all the ships flew away and there were no remains and nothing at all, except for really primitive mechanisms? How to combine high intelligence and, excuse me, eating from a pork trough? And lastly, you don’t know how to use sarcasm, don’t try to do something you don’t understand, it turns out... how to put it, it’s not very nice. I am waiting Once again not theoretical reasoning and attributions to your faith, but real answers. Once again.

if you don't want to listen, just say so. I’m just trying to explain it to you logically, but you don’t want to listen to anyone but yourself. You would take my statements and refute them with facts and not just shout that everything is wrong. Even you don’t have answers to all the questions posed - you don’t think that the embryo evolves in the mother’s stomach, adapting to the environment? The fact that there are genetic mutations and failures does not confirm or refute evolution - errors and failures are everywhere, and if we take into account that the failure occurs under the influence of external factors (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pollution environment etc.) then why isn’t God’s punishment? and the fact that the failure can be in any direction also shows that animals are sometimes born with human face, but this does not mean that animals originated from humans.
As for without water and clay - so water and clay are an analogy of a cell. A cell is what all living things are made of, including plants - this is what construction material what everything is made of. And when you describe the process of making a jug, you show precisely its creation and not evolution (evolution is the mutation and adaptation of an adult organism to the influence of changing external factors). In other words, if a mug, under the influence of hot tea, began to adapt to the jug so that hot drinks were not poured into it - this is evolution.
About space - to claim that humanity could not fly into space earlier based only on a separate part of history is pure ignorance. If you read the Vedas, then there is a mention of aircraft and even dividing them into cosmic and terrestrial ones. Once again about the Mayans and their drawing of a helicopter and an airplane - could it be that the drawing was made before the disaster? and where did they go anyway? And by the way, as a builder, I’m very surprised that you consider pyramids a primitive object. Even now, with our technologies and construction machines, we will not be able to repeat them - since the stone was polished after it was laid, and at the same time the stones were selected in such a way that when they lay on top of each other, it was difficult to insert a pin, and without any solution. And the purpose of the pyramids is still unknown - it was then that Tutankhamun restored the destroyed parts of the pyramid (as evidenced by the different masonry of the walls - the stones on one wall were perfectly fitted and on the other they were clumsily laid and made) and adapted them for his own tomb.
Well, again you are missing the possibility of a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Let's think about what will happen if tomorrow there is a disaster with a bunch of survivors. That man will continue to fly into space? will save the drawings of the airplane and spaceship? But will these drawings be preserved on paper even after a thousand years? But a drawing of children of survivors hollowed out in a cave is easy. Why in a cave? So think about it: can you build a modern house without all the factories and building materials? can you at least produce cement without being primitive? How much do you know about the installation of at least sewerage and water supply in your own home? How many ways do you know to supply water to your home in the absence of electricity? Or do you know how to make a generator in the absence of copper and iron factories? or can you make wire at home? I’m sure that even getting a fire without matches is already a problem for you, but I’m generally silent about making glass. So it turns out that with high intelligence, survivors will happily eat from a pork trough if there is food there.
And the survivors will also be preoccupied with survival (getting skins and food - since there are no factories and a refrigerator with food) and will not be able to pass on their little knowledge (within a small group of people) to their grandchildren, even writing and reading, and only because of the low value knowledge data in the process of obtaining food in wildlife and they will be lost only to be reinvented after millennia.
In general, take scientific works on all inexplicable facts and finds - there are a lot of interesting things there. Previously, there was even a series of brochures called Knowledge with scientific approach to every inexplicable find including the Mayans and the pyramids and a hammer made from pure iron (pure iron has still not been able to be obtained) and rivets from titanium (processing began at the end of the last century) and geographic Maps all over the world, made before Columbus’s voyage, including Antarctica without ice cover (the accuracy of which was only recently verified using an echo sounder).
I listen to you every time and ask you the same questions for the 10th time. You either theoretically invent something, then avoid answers, or ignore it. If you don’t have answers to my questions, first of all, don’t forward them to me. I repeat once again, your faith is no proof of anything! Didn't I provide you with the facts? Those. embryo development, archaeological excavations, are not facts for you? Let me ask the question: How does the development of an embryo confirm the existence of God? God the geneticist? Those. he monitors every birth, but doesn’t have time to punish adults? if there are deviations, is it God's punishment? What kind of ignorance? It is ignorant to believe in something without the existence of some facts. As always, you have only assumptions. If humanity flew into space, at least some artifacts must remain. You can't fly into space on boulders of stone, it's not like trepanning skulls. Here! The evolution of animals is an adaptation to the environment, but this evolution has a limit, strength and other things, so animals began to develop a brain! It is not just the fittest who survive, but the smarter ones!!! Who knows that it is easier to do the smart thing, find a cave, make a fire, than just sleep in the snow and rely on your own warmth. About the drawings, I said, you apparently are not attentive, I will repeat to you. If there were such devices, where is anything from them, except for the drawings? those. various antiquities have been preserved, but parts and mechanisms are missing? evaporated? Where is the evidence that the pyramids were not helped to build people by someone with great intelligence and technical means? not earthlings, but aliens? Then it’s clear why everything in humans is overwhelmingly underdeveloped and primitive, and why there are no machines and mechanisms, they were taken by aliens. What an electoral disaster you have, it took away all your equipment! thinking worldwide then? intellectual meteorite? highly developed tsunami? Now about personalities. I know very well about the sewage system in my house, I did it myself. I am also well versed in mechanisms and engines. internal combustion and e\engines. For me it is not at all a problem to light a fire in such conditions where you will die of hunger and cold. I repeat the question for completion. Where did at least some parts and parts of machines, aircraft, spaceships go? Regarding time and decay, iron products of a much older age than the pyramids have survived to our time, and often in almost excellent condition. where are the factories for the production of these machines, metal casting, etc.? also evaporated in a mysterious and mystical way? again a smart disaster? Why did you destroy the products selectively? I will repeat it several times. Maybe you’ll see, I don’t need to expose your faith to anyone in general with fairy tales about many worldwide catastrophes from your book. I'm finally waiting for an answer to at least one question. Regarding scientific literature and the unknown. Who said that all this was done by man or humanity? Blind faith again? If a person did this and went into a cave, became stupid to the point of animals and the cave, how could he return, without evolution, to the knowledge that he had lost? And again the question is, where are the remains of mechanisms, apparatus, factories for the construction of these things, for the production of metals, minerals, etc., etc.? Where? disappeared? so selectively and consistently, or did people create mechanisms out of thin air, like believing and materializing, and then, after death, everything dematerialized? I look forward to answers to such simple questions.
Do you even read what I write or just skim it? I don’t tell facts, I tell a theory just like you - you also don’t have facts, but embryo development proves absolutely nothing. But many archaeological excavations lead to exactly my thoughts - it feels like you are not at all interested in these very excavations and are trying to build your evidence on those excavations that you were told at school - look beyond your nose.
Also, you don’t even know the essence of evolution and are trying to argue. So, with evolution, it is the survival of the strongest, not the smartest. It makes no sense that you will be smart if stupid and strong neighbors take away your food and you die of hunger. That is why in nature animals are strong and hardy, but not smart.
As for why the factories were not preserved - we don’t know, maybe the development of man was so great that factories were not needed and everything was produced by some kind of energy (back again, why were the pyramids needed?) and what man now knows is 1% of those knowledge. By the way, there was such a scientist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century, so what he did with electrical energy still remains a mystery, how did he do it? (read at your leisure - the Tunguska meteorite is also associated with his name).
Before arguing, did you even read anything other than a school textbook? otherwise I got the impression that I was arguing with school curriculum. And in general, read at least something other than the embryo.
Good luck. If you cannot refute at least one of my assumptions other than “all this is not true,” then I have nothing to talk to you about.
P.S. If you understand the internal combustion engine, assemble it with my own hands in your garage, but not from engine spare parts, but from scrap metal, and just let the engine itself lie nearby as a sample (and at the same time, you should also make devices for metal processing yourself in your garage, because where will you get this after a disaster), and if it starts and when he goes, I will be the first to admit that I was wrong and in any disaster nothing should be lost.

We are all owners, this is male nature. We are ready to stand up for ours and fight to the last. A man is a breadwinner, a protector, a leader, on whose vigilance and fortitude the well-being of the entire flock and his personal status. Therefore, we are prone to jealousy, often in vain. The very thought of infidelity causes anger, rage, and can throw you off balance. But how can we determine whether there was betrayal or whether it is our conjectures and fears?

You should not re-read forums in search of confirmation of your own fears. Remember the proverb: “The eyes are big in fear”? Don't beat yourself up. Giving in to emotions, random impulses and throwing up scandals and hysterics when the slightest difficulty arises is the domain of women. Take a deep breath, exhale slowly. Let's think logically.

Typical story. She is beautiful, cheerful, sociable, we live normally. I love, I care, I do the housework, I help around the house, I provide for the family, I give compliments, what is she missing? I feel like I’m moving away, I’m constantly in my own thoughts, I’ve grown cold, I’ve been repeatedly delayed either at work or with my friends... Understandable suspicions and mistrust arise. How to find out what is causing behavior changes?

According to statistics, only 25% of girls cheat on their regular partners, while 75% of guys have this sin. This means that suspicions in most cases are completely unfounded.

  1. Often conducts incomprehensible correspondence. Especially if he then erases messages, browsing history in the browser, sets passwords, tries to avoid handing over the phone into your hands, gets very tense, worries if this happens. He doesn’t leave gadgets unattended and carries them with him everywhere, including the shower. Leaves the room during a conversation, hangs up the call, whispers, covers the phone with his hand, answers in short phrases like “Yes, I understand,” “No, we’ll figure it out.” Doesn't tell you the truth about the other person. Subscriber is subscribed female name, but from the style of conversation you can understand that the conversation was with a guy. Perhaps he’s just preparing a surprise for you or doesn’t want to burden you with work problems, but it’s worth checking. Try to talk frankly, calmly discuss the situation, explain yourself. If she has something to hide, you will notice it.
  2. Constant delays and tardiness. It’s especially suspicious if something like this has never been noticed before. In addition, she returns with the smell of alcohol and disheveled hair, although she spent the whole morning styling it. When explaining a delay, he speaks quickly, confusedly, gesticulates strongly, or, conversely, slowly, using complete sentences as if it had been prepared in advance. A shifting gaze, excitement, an attempt to avoid a direct answer, or change the topic of conversation are suspicious symptoms.
  3. She gets noticed in society unknown men while walking, having a cup of coffee in a cafe. Perhaps this is true of her former classmate, whom she has not seen for ten years, but she needs to check whether her wife has an affair on the side.
  4. She hides where she is going and why, although she is usually talkative and overly sociable. Tries to get off with standard phrases and avoid a direct answer.
  5. Sudden cooling. Doesn't talk about love, doesn't show feelings, sex becomes rare. I stopped being interested in your affairs. It is suspicious if, for no apparent reason, a lady suddenly begins to fuss around, looking devotedly into the eyes, perhaps she is consumed by a feeling of guilt. Unusual sexual impulses, experiments. It may well be that the lady is trying to diversify her life, to escape the ordinary, and spent the entire evening looking on the Internet for interesting “hot things to surprise her husband.” It can also be assumed that the wife has an “inspiration”.
  6. Started talking about divorce. Often this topic comes up during quarrels. Clear symptom crisis of your union. Offer to visit a family psychologist together.
  7. Pays excessive attention to his own appearance. Suddenly I became interested in sports, changed my clothing style, hairstyle, hair color, makeup, and went on a diet. You notice expensive things, bought beyond your means, although family budget did not change.
  8. We found her profile on a dating site. This is a signal that a woman is trying to compensate for the lack of attention and communication with her husband by resorting to virtual flirting with strangers or looking for a more suitable match. Regardless of the circumstances, such a situation requires discussion and clarification of the motives for the action. Sometimes such problems are solved by revising our views on family life. Ask her out on a date, even if you've been together for over ten years. Romance, flirting, a new environment will add spice to everyday life, help you get closer, and discover new facets of your other half.

How to check the fidelity of your other half?

Option 1. Unscheduled business trip. Wait a couple of days in a hotel, watching your spouse, or seek help from a private detective. It is better to choose weekends to give her freedom of action. If your wife has a lover, she will definitely take advantage of your absence.

Option 2: Set up surveillance using hidden camera. Get away for a while, for example, go night fishing.

Option 3: Spend everything with your wife free time, communicate, accompany you on shopping, take walks, romantic evenings, turn on your imagination, be unpredictable, interesting. If suspicions are unfounded, spending time together will only benefit the marriage. Bad sign- attempts to escape under any pretext, to avoid your company, excitement, nervousness. This means there is something to hide. Perhaps love is on the horizon card game a spare jack appeared.

Psychologists say that the reasons for even the infidelity of young ladies are radically different from those of men.

Why is she unfaithful?

  1. Passion. Sudden, merciless. A woman forgets about everything, is ready to give up her family, her usual way of life for the sake of a dubious spark. The feeling of dissatisfaction, irritability, the desire to cut off previous ties or, conversely, a deep feeling of guilt become aggravated.
  2. Retribution. Repay rudeness, disrespect or betrayal in the same coin. As they say, to spite my enemies I will sell the goat so that the children do not drink milk. Let the scoundrel know how painful it is. It is characteristic of inexperienced young individuals, as well as individuals with low self-esteem.
  3. Backup option. Especially unpleasant. Every man strives to be the first, the main thing for a lady. The prospect of constant competition may amuse the fair sex, but will not arouse much enthusiasm in the spouse.
  4. Compensation. Making up for a deficiency and a subconscious attempt to cause jealousy and attract attention.
  5. Sex. Banal lust, the search for new sensations, which for some reasons cannot be realized in a marital relationship.
  6. Boredom. Thirst for experiments, variety, changes in life, plus an excess of free time.
  7. Increased importance in your own eyes. Often, in the heat of a quarrel, we make reproaches like “Who needs you, besides me?” Sound familiar? Low self-esteem, the desire to assert oneself, plays a bad joke, pushing a woman to test the truth of this statement in practice.

Factors that contribute to cheating

Let us list the factors for the appearance of communication on the side:

  1. Prolonged absence of a spouse. A classic topic for jokes: “My husband is returning from a business trip...”
  2. Alcohol intoxication
  3. A holiday romance
  4. Frequent conflicts in the family, dissatisfaction with marriage. Illusion easy way satisfy one's own needs, get what is missing in the marriage, an attempt to get away from problems.

Do not forget, strong union is built on trust, mutual understanding, willingness to help, support in Hard time. Excessive, unreasonable jealousy will only offend your loved one. Be sincere with each other.

So many anecdotes have already been written on the topic of lovers and mistresses, so many stories and expressions. There have been and will always be lovers, as long as marriage lasts. But what to do if this situation also affects your family?

Often a woman is not stopped loving husband, nor children, and the news about a lover simply puts the spouse into a stupor. It seemed like what was she missing? But every betrayal never happens out of nowhere; accordingly, the woman is missing something. The best decision is to talk to your wife, because the signs of betrayal are probably just your guesses. And if the spouse came home from work late or stayed over at a friend’s house more than once, this does not mean that she has a lover. Having talked and dotted the i's, you will refute or confirm your guesses.

Of course, it’s good if your wife’s lover was just your guess, but what if it’s the other way around? If the wife really has it, what should she do then? Put an end to a relationship that took so long to build or reconcile?

In such a situation, it is important to understand what connects these people. After all, a spouse can love another person, or she can simply use him in some way for her own purposes. There are several options for further events. The first thing, no matter how sad it may sound, is to wait. Break off the relationship on the side in this case maybe one of the lovers. You can only contribute to this, because the wife lacks something, and having solved this reason, she will not need a lover. The second action that is possible is to find your lover and talk to him. It is not necessary to talk with fists and blood, because in serious conversation your lover may realize the power of your relationship and retreat carefully. It's worth doing if you truly value your relationship. A conversation with your wife is also possible, but in this case remember that any tense situation will cause resistance and your relationship may completely deteriorate. You should not get excited, although this is not easy, be attentive to your wife and try to understand this situation. Later, we can try to solve it together. It is together with love and trust that your family idyll will be restored.

The most extreme and final option is to separate. Of course, it’s good if there are no children in your family nest yet, for whom your breakup will result in stress and depression. And for both spouses this would not be the best ending to the relationship if they really love each other. Every marriage needs to be fought for, because it is built on love and trust in each other. Just love each other and no lovers will be scary to you.

Articles on the topic.

All men are suspicious and jealous by nature. This is normal and understandable: only vigilance once allowed the leader to maintain his position in the pack, as well as the status of the sole ruler of all the fair sex in it. According to the habit inherent in the genes, men today act on the principle “it’s better to be overly safe than underdressed.”

We hasten to reassure representatives of the stronger half of humanity: suspicions regarding the betrayal of a beloved woman are unfounded in at least half of the cases, or even in two thirds. And yet, how do you know that a wife is cheating on her husband? Let's figure out in which cases your fears are most likely based on real grounds.

A woman gets more pleasure from cheating than a man: for him it’s not God knows what event, but for her cheating always means revenge, or passion, or sin.
Etienne Rey

How to tell if your wife is cheating

Of course, there is no way to make a mistake in this matter. Before making any accusations against your missus, you need to make sure that betrayal really took place.

Signs of possible betrayal:

Constant delays at work

If previously the wife was always at home, for example, at 18.30, and at Lately she arrives half an hour or an hour, or even two or three later, and at the same time constantly refers to various reasons such as a sudden inspection, an unscheduled report, a broken tram and an unexpected visit from a friend, then it’s worth pricking up your ears.

It is best to find out about the real situation at work from one of your wife’s co-workers or even from her immediate supervisor.

Frequent absences from home

Your wife was an avid homebody, who you couldn’t even take to the store, and then suddenly she went to her mother, then to a neighbor, then to the market, then to a sale... In a word, she was never at home at all, but all under plausible pretexts.

It would be nice to check where she actually goes all the time.

Personal care

If previously a wife shaved her legs only before going to the seaside, but now she suddenly got an epilator and brings beauty almost every day, this is suspicious.

No less suspicious is the suddenly heightened attention to one’s own intimate hygiene, appearance intimate haircuts, trips to beauty salons, solariums, massage rooms, constant “beauty masks” at night, copious use of perfume.

Changes in appearance

A radical change of image is possible in only two cases - either when a woman understands that the time has come to change and does it for her own sake, or when she thus wants to attract or retain the attention of a partner.

If the image changes for the sake of the husband, then he will be the first to know about it - the wife will demand constant confirmation with words and glances of her irresistible beauty in the new image.

If there is a change in appearance ( new hairstyle, change in hair color, change of wardrobe, etc.) occurs without your participation in this and does not require any action from you, then this is a very suspicious symptom.

The emergence of new expensive things

This could be jewelry, dresses, watches, a phone, a handbag, cosmetics that your wife clearly cannot afford. Where did all this come from? With a high degree of probability we can assume that they were given by a lover.

Calls and SMS from unknown numbers

Moreover, they act in evening time, and the wife reads these messages with a suspiciously touching expression on her face or, covering the receiver with her hand, immediately runs out of the room. Short calls, to which she gives monosyllabic answers, are also suspicious.

Try to get her phone number and not only look at the history of calls and SMS (by the way, if the history is deleted, sound the alarm immediately), but also call the number from which all this excessive activity is coming.

Refusal of sex

Let's assume you have before sex life was not up to par. But if the wife began to refuse sex for various reasons and intimate life up to one night a month, something is wrong here.

If against this background you have not noticed a decline in her mood, the appearance of illnesses or a deterioration in her health, if the wife “blooms and smells”, then she still has a sex life. But not with you.

Changes in behavior

A woman's attitude towards her husband, whom she is cheating on, will certainly change. If she loves him and feels guilty before him, then she will become overly attentive, caring, helpful, and affectionate. If she didn’t love her husband before, then now she will become even ruder, harsher with him, perhaps she will even develop a disgust for him with further complete rejection. Even a not very attentive man will certainly notice this.

As can be seen from most of the examples above, the main thing that you should immediately pay attention to is sudden changes in behavior, work schedule and free time, attitude towards yourself and your appearance. It was always like this, but then one day it changed dramatically.
As Winnie the Pooh said in the famous cartoon, “this is for a reason”...

How to find out if your wife has a lover - proven methods

There are other ways to find out if your wife is cheating with certainty:
  1. To start, look at her clothes. The smell of men's cologne, which clearly does not belong to either her or you, a lock of someone else's hair, condoms stored in a pocket in reserve - these are no longer possible, but obvious signs treason.
  2. But if there is nothing like that, then it’s worth “fishing with live bait.” For this go on a fictional business trip(ask to stay with a friend for a couple of days) and put your wife under surveillance. It is best that your “business trip” occurs on the weekend. A woman in love who has such a wonderful opportunity will either bring her lover home or will certainly meet him outside the house.

    Of course, a wealthy husband can afford to hire a detective. We advise you to do so if you have such an opportunity.

  3. Another option to take your wife to clean waterinstall a hidden camera at home with sound and leave the house more often. While you are away, she will probably call her lover at least once, and maybe even bring him home.
  4. Follow the reverse method - start spending all your free time with your wife. Shopping - together, in a cafe - together, visiting friends - together again, and even visiting your mother-in-law, too.

    If the wife planned to spend her time in a completely different way, she will begin to get nervous and try to sneak away in any convenient way. If your suspicions were far-fetched, then such a pastime can benefit your marriage.

  5. Talk to your wife. This banal method often turns out to be the most effective. Of course, it is unlikely that a wife of sound mind and sober memory will admit to cheating on you. Although anything can happen. But by her behavior and reaction to the question, you can guess whether you are on the right track.

    Excessive emotionality when reacting to such a conversation and a reluctance to look you in the eyes can quite accurately indicate that adultery took place.

Loyalty comes much more difficult than innocence.
Marcel Achard

Video: How to find out if a girl/wife is cheating


So, we figured out how to find out that a wife has cheated on her husband. One thing left to touch important nuance. A single betrayal and having a permanent lover are two different things.

In the first case, you are unlikely to ever find out the truth if your woman does not want it, or if, by coincidence, the truth does not come out.

If everything in your relationship is now even better than it was before, maybe you should forget about your suspicions and enjoy family life.

But what to do with constant lover- you decide. Typically men either:

  • they also have a mistress,
  • divorce his wife
  • leave everything as it is,
  • they bring their wife out into the open, but after that they save the marriage.
Only you can decide which path to choose.

And now, in my opinion, the most interesting thing. Respectable wives, guardians
family hearth and loving mothers, why do they take such a risk as a connection with

constant lover? Yes, this happens quite often.

1. The rich "daddy", having kicked his "old" wife in the ass,
who has passed the “standard” age and has lost her “marketable” appearance, marries
a young “model” or a girl of model appearance.
Since the daddy already has his own children, whom he took away from ex-wife and put
a governess to them or sent them to study in a prestigious closed institution (often for
border), the daddy does not particularly insist that the young wife give birth to a child urgently.

Dad works a lot and is rarely at home. New wife At first I'm happy with everything. But
now daddy pays less attention to her, because now she’s not going anywhere,
sits within four walls, provided with everything she wants. To her every day
life becomes more boring. After all, she doesn’t work, doesn’t study. She only meets with
girlfriends, selflessly goes shopping, visits spa salons. She is bored.

And there are so many charming, beautiful, young people around! Not like an old man
a daddy with flabby muscles and a developing beer belly. So many temptations!
She can’t resist. She starts dating a young womanizer, paying all the bills,
rented apartments and hotel rooms from my husband's pocket.

Husband for a long time doesn't notice anything. But if he still suspects or is informed by caring “well-wishers”, then further events quite predictable. Most likely the young wife, just like the previous one, will be sent with a kick in the ass without severance pay to her mother in

I am always surprised by high-status and rich men who believe in the “bright and pure” love of young slackers. After all, how “strange” it turns out, they don’t fall in love with the aged locksmith Uncle Vasya, or also with the aged office clerk, who for 20-25 years has not advanced in his career and has not grown as a specialist.
One famous media person who, having
very unattractive appearance (fat, flabby, sloppy, far from young
etc.), on some program he foamed at the mouth and argued that young girls were sincerely
fall in love with people like him. How can you be so self-confident and naive?

In middle-level families, everything is banal and standard.

2. The most common option, the wife is tired of her hopeless life: work, family, children, husband. Weekends are the same life, there are always enough chores to do at home. My husband prefers to spend his weekends at home, because he also gets tired from work. Doesn’t want to go out with his wife, prefers vacations too
spend at the dacha. There are friends there - fishermen, mushroom pickers and drinking buddies.

But this is not the most important thing. He no longer sees his wife as a woman. HE only sees in her
useful function V household. He doesn't remember the date of her birthday, or indeed
doesn’t remember any important dates for her. He doesn’t notice she’s wearing a new blouse or a new
haircut. Can hardly remember what class the child is in.

And suddenly, on the horizon of a wasted woman, a man appears who shows affection towards her.
increased attention, knows what perfume she likes, what flowers she likes, what wine
prefers and which cafe serves it favorite dishes. How can you not melt in the contrast?
After all, life regains its colors and taste. There is a feeling of lightness and youth.
Such connections are very strong and last for years. The lover can be married or unmarried.
And what is most curious is that it is precisely when both are not free that such a connection is very stable.

3. There are women who are born nymphets. There are not many of them and they are unique. I think that this
innate quality. They love men, different, different and all at once. They have some
then magical attractiveness, even regardless of age. They are very virtuoso in
conspiracy and even if they come across suspicions of treason, they know how to get out of it very cleverly
without blinking an eye. They always have several lovers. And the lovers are generous and sincere
loving and passionate.

It remains a mystery to me how they explain the origin to my husband.
expensive gifts. And they always behave this way, regardless of the circumstances. This is their nature.
But there are only a few of them. This is talent.

4. Well, the most primitive option. This is more typical for the simplest social strata.
Both are unpretentious and live barely making ends meet. There's always not enough money, my husband hasn't yet
an alcoholic, but he likes to drink with or without reason. Quarrels often arise on this basis.
And then one day, during a quarrel, he puts her out the door in what she was wearing (in a dressing gown
and slippers, in underwear and barefoot, etc.) She finds herself in a very difficult

And then a neighbor, a registered bachelor, is just returning from work. Well, of course, she will take pity on her neighbor and invite her to warm up and drink some tea. The next time she no longer waits for an invitation, but rings the neighbor’s doorbell. This is how a long-term, stable relationship is established. And the neighbor feels like a savior knight and does not forget to tell her kind word, make a compliment and give some trinket. Attention though. Who does not love him?

In the situation “the wife has taken a lover,” the reasons are very different. But almost always
the husband (his attention) always contributes to the situation.

Elina Morozova.

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