Home Mushrooms Health benefits of honey mushrooms. Honey mushrooms: benefits and harm - recipes

Health benefits of honey mushrooms. Honey mushrooms: benefits and harm - recipes

Honey mushrooms are favorite mushrooms in many cuisines around the world; they are used in cooking dietary dishes, delicacies, they can be processed into winter preparations at home and even more pleasant to look for in the forest. Honey mushrooms: benefits and harm - recipes.

The product is highly valued in medicine; it is used as a natural antibiotic and is endowed with antiviral properties. Mushrooms help with formation malignant tumors, as anticancer agent Honey mushrooms are recognized as official medicine in most countries. Honey mushrooms can fight staphylococcus, they are useful for intestinal diseases. The presence of zinc and copper in the product helps with low blood clotting. Thiamine affects reproductive function, nervous system. Mushrooms compete with seafood in terms of phosphorus, iodine, and potassium content. The product contains vitamins B, E and C, amino acids, and fiber.

The harmful property of honey mushrooms is that they have a laxative effect. Those with chronic constipation will benefit from this property, but people with weak stomachs run the risk of developing diarrhea. The product is poorly digestible and can have a bad effect on the digestive system as a whole.

When collecting mushrooms, it is important not to make a mistake and not to collect “false” honey mushrooms; there should be a “skirt” on the stem of “real” honey mushrooms, and small dots on the cap. In the process of preparing honey mushrooms, you need to cook them for at least half an hour, during which time the harmful toxins will be digested.

One of the most famous recipes for dishes with honey mushrooms is julienne. To prepare it you need to boil chicken legs together with onions, separate the bones, simmer the meat with spices in a frying pan. Fry mushrooms with butter, onion rings, add prepared chicken meat, sour cream and wheat flour. Simmer the dish over low heat for several minutes.

A classic way to prepare mushrooms for the winter: pickled honey mushrooms. Boil the product several times, drain the water. Bring the mushrooms to a boil again, remove the foam and cook for half an hour, remove from heat. To prepare the marinade, dissolve a tablespoon of salt and sugar in a liter of water. Add Bay leaf, cloves of garlic, a few cloves. When boiling, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar essence, add mushrooms, let simmer for five minutes and put into jars, pour in marinade. Top it up vegetable oil and close with lids. Store the product in the refrigerator.

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These mushrooms are representatives of the rowan family. There are summer and autumn honey mushrooms. The first ones have a wide hat, larger size and appear in August, after the rains. Autumn ones have a cap, rounded down, with a characteristic black coating. They are taller than summer ones and grow in large groups. They appear in September.

The cap of the honey mushroom is brownish-yellow. Its leg is fibrous, darker at the bottom. In young mushrooms, the stem is connected to the edges of the cap with a thin white film. The pulp is fleshy, with a pleasant smell.

This type of mushroom loves to grow on old stumps and roots of deciduous trees. Most often, honey mushrooms grow on oak and birch stumps. They can be found even in permafrost zones.

It should be noted that inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse real mushrooms with false ones. U dangerous species the color is gray-green, they are less dense. Their cap is smaller.

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of lamellar mushrooms. These are versatile mushrooms that are easy to clean. They can be subjected to all types of culinary processing. They are fried and salted, boiled and stewed, dried and pickled. The nutritional value of the product can be compared with the nutritional value of kefir or fermented baked milk. They are superior to other mushrooms in the amount of proteins. They go well with potatoes, vegetables, and rice.

Calorie content

One hundred grams of the product contains 22 kilocalories in fresh form. Stewed it is 55 kilocalories, fried - 70 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 grams

One hundred gram portion of the product contains 0.2 g of saturated fatty acids, 90 g water, 0.5 g carbohydrates, 0.2 g ash, 2 g dietary fiber.

Vitamins in honey mushrooms are niacin (10.7 mg) and tocopherol (0.1 mg), ascorbic acid(11 mg) and riboflavin (0.4 mg), thiamine (0.2 mg) and retinol (0.01 mg).

Minerals in this type of mushroom are represented by magnesium (20 mg) and iron (0.8 mg), calcium (4 mg) and phosphorus (45 mg), sodium (5 mg) and potassium (400 mg).

Useful properties of honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of dietary products. They contain 90% water and highly digestible proteins. By the way, the dry product contains twice as much protein as beef. Also, the benefit of these mushrooms lies in their low fat content and the presence of fiber. This allows those who control their weight to consume mushrooms. Summer mushrooms contain the same amount of vitamin B1 as baker's yeast. In terms of the amount of phosphorus and calcium, they are equal to fish. These mushrooms are also beneficial for their high content of magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on our nervous system, as well as potassium, which perfectly supports the functioning of the heart muscle.

Nutritionists advise including these mushrooms in the menu for Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Honey mushrooms have a great effect on thyroid gland. They contain many anti-cancer substances.

Honey mushrooms, which are collected in the fall, are believed to have laxative properties.

Research by scientists has proven that extracts from many mushrooms, including honey mushrooms, have a wide range of healing actions. They have bactericidal properties and have a therapeutic effect on alcoholism.

Nutritionists emphasize that the healthiest way to prepare this product for the body is boiling and stewing. But fried honey mushrooms should not be consumed often, especially for people prone to weight gain. excess weight and those suffering from liver problems. These mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible, which means they must first be boiled, then boiled for at least 30 minutes before being consumed boiled.

Honey mushrooms contain a lot of chitin, which is difficult for children to digest. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend including them in the menu of children under 12 years of age. As for pickling them for the winter, such mushrooms should be consumed within a year, washing them thoroughly before serving.

Calories: 22 kcal

Proteins: 2.2 g

Fats: 1.2 g

Carbohydrates: 0.5 g

Honey mushrooms always exist in groups on the lower part of a tree trunk or on stumps, and therefore finding them is not difficult. Experienced mushroom pickers know that honey mushrooms always grow in the same place, and that is why every year they come to the same place to collect the mushroom harvest. Like many other mushrooms, honey mushrooms are widely used in cooking, and preparing something from them is not difficult.

But despite them small size, they cause serious damage to forests. The tree on which it was located a large number of again, risks completely drying out and dying in a few years.


Despite their low calorie content, they contain a lot nutrients, which includes phosphorus, which is as much there as in seafood. It will be useful to use them for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.


No matter how you cook them, you should make sure that they are fully prepared, otherwise there is a risk of indigestion.

The usefulness of any product is determined by the content in its composition essential vitamins, macro- and microelements. Product Honey mushrooms contains greatest number the following substances necessary for our body:
- among vitamins, they are high in content Vitamin PP (niacin), providing 53.5% of the daily value per 100 g of product, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)- 22.2% and Vitamin C - 12,2%;
- among macroelements stand out Potassium, Phosphorus And Magnesium(100 g of product contains 16%, 5.6% and 5% daily requirement these elements respectively);
- has the best indicator among microelements Iron, the content of which is in 100 grams of product Honey mushrooms provides 4.4% of the daily value.

Below are tables with detailed composition product. In tables, in addition to nutritional value, provides data on the content and daily requirements of substances such as vitamins, macro- and microelements. The graphs of micro- and macroelements show data on the percentage of these elements relative to the recommended daily allowance.

The caloric content chart shows the percentage contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the calorie content of a protein product. Each gram of protein provides 4 kcal, carbohydrates - 4 kcal, fat - 9 kcal. This data is very important to know when maintaining certain diets that involve one or another percentage carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet.

Honey mushrooms are mushrooms of the rowaceae family. They belong to the order of agaric mushrooms and have a convex brown cap, which is attached to a thin but long stalk. These mushrooms grow mainly in small groups, and most often they can be seen on stumps and tree trunks.

Properties of honey mushrooms

These mushrooms are collected during the period from last days August until the first frost appears. Most often, honey mushrooms can be found next to deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as on old stumps (usually birch or oak stumps). They grow in regions with different climates: they can be found both in the northern territory and in areas with a subtropical climate.

But not all mushrooms can be edible. So, those that grow in western regions are not collected at all due to their inedibility, but in Russia and Eastern Europe these mushrooms are considered one of the most popular. Avid mushroom pickers especially love honey mushrooms because they tend to grow in the same place every year. So those who know the area can come to the same places every year and collect honey mushrooms there.

The fact that honey mushrooms are quite rich in harvest has been known for a long time in Rus'. Then it was possible to collect from 400 kg from 1 hectare. Now this quantity is, of course, less, and the mushrooms themselves are artificially bred. In many ways, this is even more profitable, since you don’t need to waste time searching for mushrooms in the forest, and in terms of taste and usefulness, honey mushrooms grown artificially are no different from natural forest ones.

The pulp of this mushroom is white in color and has a peculiar taste, slightly viscous.

The benefits of honey mushrooms

In many ways, these mushrooms are useful due to the fact that they contain large quantities of vitamins C and B1, as well as trace elements zinc and copper, which play important roles in the formation and life of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. To obtain daily norm of these elements, it is enough to eat 100 g of honey mushrooms. And people who have problems with hematopoiesis are especially recommended to include honey mushrooms in their diet.

These mushrooms are 90% water. They also contain proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. Interestingly, if dried again, the amount of protein in them will exceed the amount of protein in beef, with equal proportions of both products.

In addition, mushrooms contain fiber and mono- and disaccharides. In addition, they contain such important components as calcium and phosphorus, and their content is quite high. In addition to them, honey mushrooms also contain other minerals, including iron, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins E, B2 and PP.

These mushrooms are low-calorie - they contain only 21 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, they can be consumed without fear for the beauty of the figure.

Honey mushrooms also have beneficial properties such as laxative and antimicrobial, and they also prevent the development of cancer cells.

They are recommended to be used if infection with Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli has occurred. Honey mushrooms are also credited positive impact on the thyroid gland. For cancer prevention purposes, these mushrooms are also very good. Their use will also be useful for tuberculosis or various purulent inflammations.

Application of honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are used like other mushrooms in cooking. You can make a lot out of them delicious salads and soups, make them as a filling for pies, preserve them for the winter, boil, fry, pickle or salt.

However, before processing, it is important not to forget that they must first be boiled in water for about 30 minutes, and the resulting broth should not be eaten, but drained. This rule does not apply to drying: under the sun, all mushrooms come out hazardous substances, which may accumulate there.

Harm honey mushrooms

The harm of these mushrooms is that when assembling, you can confuse false honey mushrooms with real ones. False mushrooms contain quite a large amount of toxins, and this makes these mushrooms hazardous to health. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish them from each other by appearance.

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