Home Berries What vitamins are contained in berries. Healing effect on the body. How to preserve vitamins while storing berries

What vitamins are contained in berries. Healing effect on the body. How to preserve vitamins while storing berries

"Fruits are music and poetry of nutrition" academician A. V. Leontovich

Berries - very tasty food product! It is doubly pleasant to realize healing benefits delicious fruits. Blueberries, raspberries, mountain ash, currants ...

All these berries are a natural factory of valuable substances, accumulating vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, macro- and microelements, pectin and other biologically active substances.

These small, healthy berries are mostly dried and sold as juice. But what can you do with these precious berries? It can hardly be mentioned, because it is already widespread, this proposal to give the berries in the morning cereal. Add refreshing fruit tea and pour some dried berries v hot water... In spicy dishes, goji berries can be used to make changes wherever you want to add sweet berries and raisins. For example, in fillings for poultry, as a sauce for game dishes, in chatniks and in oriental rice and corn dishes.

The leaves of many berry crops are also the richest natural storehouse (according to some sources vitamin C in raspberry leaves is about 20-30 times! more than berries) The balance of vitamins contained in berries enhances the effect of each of them, helping to extract maximum benefit for our body. Vitamins, these magical substances, take part in all vital processes.

They are, of course, perfectly processed in a sweet kitchen. Especially with precious, pure goji juice, you can induce unusual flavors in creams and puddings. It is almost always best to soak dry berries in water for use. Usually the water can be used later. Add with 125 g flour, two eggs, salt and sugar to taste in a blender and pour over into the puree. Then fry in a saucepan with large quantity butter, small cakes or fry. It takes about eight minutes, then they are nice and brown.

Place on a tea towel to degrease and serve with cinnamon dust and sugar as desired. Place the ingredients in a blender and puree for about 30 seconds, until all ingredients are minced. Fill with water up to half a liter. Sweet, for example with agave syrup.

Vitamin A and carotene, E and K, accumulate in the body and can be stored in body fat in reserve for up to one year. So, if in the summer you get them in sufficient quantities, then in a time deficient for vitamins, the body will be able to live on these "stashes". Berries contain everything you need for health macro- and microelements, all elements of the periodic table. Everyone knows that black currants are recommended for anemia, and the rest of the berries are not much behind in iron content. Moreover, "berry iron" is more easily absorbed by the body than medicinal, which is why it is so useful for children, pregnant women, and weakened people.

In case of fatigue or in general to improve immune system have a drink at least one glass a day. Powder in capsule form is available at the pharmacy or well-stocked supermarket. Dried fruit can be obtained from the store healthy food, in a health food store, in a pharmacy and in a supermarket with a large supply. Season your food with bitter-acid fruits. For example, use fruit as a filling for soups, yogurt, or add a handful of dried fruit to your cereal. To avoid pesticides, be sure to buy organic berries as much as possible, but you can grow berries in your own garden: evergreen bushes can withstand frost and heat. You can eat the berries right after harvest. Take one capsule daily with plenty of water. ... In the traditional Chinese medicine berries are taken in a dried state against increased level blood sugar, for eye problems and for general support, and for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Organic acids are part of all berries - in different combinations and quantities. They have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, normalize digestion processes. Lots of berries and pectin substances, they help the body bind and eliminate toxic substances. And besides this, thanks to pectin, delicious and beautiful jelly is obtained from the berries. Berries contain natural sugars (glucose, fructose) in the most beneficial combinations for humans.

Initial laboratory studies have shown that sea buckthorn extracts in glaucoma can prevent the destruction of the optic nerve, have strong antioxidant properties and, in plant-containing polysaccharides, influence a positive immune system. They are designed to support fat burning and have positive effects on skin health. So it should be.

Strengthen antibiotics libido, strengthen the heart, strengthen the immune system, protect against eye diseases, reduce blood lipids, inhibiting the aging process. Federal Institute drugs and medical devices directly warns of this interaction, because in some cases, after consuming berries or tea or juice prepared from them, the blood clotting time in patients who were previously stable on a vitamin K antagonist increased sharply.

Berries are a great source of energy

Most berries are rich anthocyanins - a natural strong antioxidant , it is he who colors the berries in red, purple and dark blue. Anthocyanins improve the condition of capillaries, strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduce their fragility, help in the prevention and weakening of the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases. They have a collagen stabilizing effect, improving the condition of the connective tissues. Another, better known area of ​​use for anthocyanins is prevention and treatment various diseases vision.

Incorrect indication of the origin of the berries

Wolfberry is sold under false premises. It is advertised with incorrect information. There are three different types berries. All berries that you can buy outside the territory of origin are specially bred for export. They grow on plantations: in China, there are more than 1000 hectares where only Goji berries are grown. This area is not suitable for growing food for export on a large scale. Only a few valleys of the Himalayas have a few sparse shrubs that only produce a few berries. They come from Tibet. Of these, even there is no she-wolf. There are certain species that grow in Tibet, but not those that you can buy. The climate is too rough for these berries in Tibet, which is about 1000 meters high. Himalayan seas: berries are not harvested here. ... In contrast, 99 percent of all berries come from the Ningxia Valley in China.

The effect of blackcurrant anthocyanins on visual function has become known relatively recently, but there is already quite a lot of interesting evidence of their positive effects. Blackcurrant anthocyanins have a similar effect to blueberry anthocyanins, and also complement and enhance their positive effects. In addition to blueberries and black currants, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries are rich in anthocyanins, chokeberry, Strawberry.

But with Tibet and the Himalayas 'fashion labels' you can make money more money... After all, the people who live here are considered healthy, close to nature, and they get quite old. On the contrary, with "China" we Europeans associate crowded cities with millions of people and high pollution. environment... For this reason, berries that are marketed as "Tibetan" or "from the Himalayas" are more expensive than berries without denomination of origin. The content is the same.

You can find many studies of the small, red fruits of her. This is what the researcher wants to know. First, there is a lot of vitamin C, about 60 milligrams per 100 grams, which is more than lemons or contains. The darker the red berry, the more vitamin C, by the way, studies have shown that fully ripe berries yield 20% more harvest than not quite ripe crops.

They supply us with berries and carbohydrates, proteins, fats. They contain a number of amino acids that are indispensable for the normal functioning of the body. The rich composition of biologically active substances of berries is well absorbed by the body.

And besides this, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, prolongs its youth, makes the complexion even, and the skin itself elastic. Each type of berry has its own unique taste and aroma. In addition to the general healing effect and enhancing our immunity, berries have their own unique beneficial features.

Plus, almost no fruit contains as much folate as strawberries. Folic acid cannot be produced by the body, but cells need a substance. Stuck in strawberries: a lot of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, iodine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Protection of arteries and heart

The miracle of strawberries is also their exceptionally high content of phytochemicals. The polyphenols found in berries can help prevent and kill germs. These substances also act as antioxidants. This means that they can inhibit or stop the breakdown of cells in the body caused by the so-called oxidative stress. Antioxidants trap terrible radicals in the metabolism.

Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries, its taste and healing properties are known to everyone. We know much less about blackberry, the closest relative of raspberries.

More less people know that the leaves of these plants have the same composition as the berries themselves, with some differences for individual components. And in terms of the content of vitamins, fruits are many times superior. Therefore, every summer, while collecting fruits, remember the leaves. In winter, they serve as a fragrant addition to vitamin tea. One addition - it is advisable to collect the leaves before the fruits ripen, then they will contain more nutrients.

The anti-inflammatory effect of strawberries has been proven in last years in research, writes Francesca Giampieri and her co-authors. Mice treated with strawberry extracts were better protected against atherosclerosis. In human studies, it has been shown that the active substances from strawberries can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and thus protect against cardiovascular disease.

Little fat and calories, lots of water

Even a cure is possible nervous disorders substances found in strawberries and other berries. More than a thousand nurses, over 70, whose intelligence was measured repeatedly, improved in women who ate a lot of blueberries and strawberries. They stayed spiritually active longer.

Raspberries and blackberries contain natural salicyl, which gives these berries antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. And, unlike aspirin, it works without side effects... The high copper content of raspberries and blackberries makes these berries good. antidepressant. And, if there are a lot of nervous strain in your life, include berries in your diet. In winter they can be used dried or frozen. A decoction of the leaves also has a calming effect, normalizes sleep.

“Strawberries are a promising, potent disease-fighting food,” the authors conclude. Most of the research is about developing cures for ingredients, but a bowl of strawberries tastes better when you read it. By the way, fruits are only low in fat and calories. In addition to all vitamins and other herbal ingredients, they are 89 percent water.

If you go looking for food that brings together the most important nutrients for human body, you can't get past the Goji berry. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Goji berries have been used for thousands of years to help relieve wide range diseases and improve general state health. Among other things, fruits strengthen the immune system, help detoxify the body, and provide healthy intestinal flora. In the meantime, numerous studies have been conducted that clearly demonstrate numerous positive health effects.

High quantity magnesium and iron enhances the benefits for cardiovascular and nervous systems organism. Eating fresh berries improves thinking processes and memory. Modern research proved the ability of blackberries to stop development cancer cells, as well as its preventive action in this area. This berry has proven itself well and how normalizing hormonal levels. Women should pay attention to it during menopause to reduce hormonal disorders.

The lands on which it works Agriculture, nowadays are usually very strongly leached, so many products do not have trace elements. Goji berries contain a total of 21 pieces, including zinc, selenium, manganese, chromium, barium, boron, lithium, tin, and rare germanium.

The content of phytochemicals in red fruits is also very significant, in addition to 19 essential amino acids which are vital for many processes in the body. B vitamins and essential fatty acid cannot be obtained by the human body, but goji berries can provide sufficient amounts of it. Minerals found in berries, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and iron, can aggravate them positive influence on nerve functions. In addition, Asian berries can still contain very high levels of vitamins A and C, even more vitamin C than most citrus fruits.

Not only people love raspberries, but also various worms. To get rid of them, the berries are treated with a weak salt solution for 5-10 minutes, while the larvae float up. Then the berries are washed with clean water.

Useful properties of blueberries

The health benefits of blueberries are so great that they can be considered drug- a pharmacy in miniature. Both traditional and ethnoscience widely uses not only berries, but also leaves with shoots.

Antioxidants are extremely important for the human body because they can prevent free radicals from damaging cells. They are produced in the body by natural oxidation, radiation and heat, and they are also responsible for the aging process. Several studies have shown that the antioxidant effect of goji berries has been proven.

First of all, they can support our immune system, the high content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements helps even with a general weakness of the defense. For this effect, especially polysaccharides, that is, complex carbohydrates, responsible, they stimulate T-lymphocytes, which play especially important role for the human immune system. Healthy intestinal flora is also the basis of our physical well-being, because only this can prevent colonization by microbes and fungi. If this is disturbed by malnutrition, the use of certain medications or after surgery, not only digestive problems but also food intolerances often develop.

Blueberry has optimal ratio of biologically active substances, perfectly combines vitamins and minerals in its composition, which powerfully manifest their healing effect on the entire body.

Blueberry strengthens the entire cardiovascular system, improves metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on all body systems. The most beneficial property of blueberries is the presence of a large number anthocyanins - the most effective natural antioxidants that delay the aging process, help to cope with many problems. Thanks to them, the use of blueberries will help preserve good memory and vision, counteract infectious diseases.

Goji berries can in this case support the cleansing of the colon and restore the intestinal flora again. Especially in the treatment of cataracts, the consumption of goji berries can be supportive, as the increased intraocular pressure can be reduced.

In addition, the ingredients also have a prophylactic effect and can be visual impairment, especially due to increasing age, resistance. Thus, they are excellent support for Crohn's disease, arthritis, or even cancer, in which inflammation plays a role. Since autoimmune diseases are always associated with inflammation, goji berries can also be used as an adjunctive therapy.

Everyone knows this quality of blueberries - to act revitalizing the organs of vision. The active substances that make up blueberries help to improve the blood supply to the retina, restore its damaged areas, they enhance visual acuity, and normalize eye pressure.

Infusion of blueberry leaves contains a glycoside, preventing the occurrence of cataracts. Blueberries are known for their bactericidal and diuretic properties; they help relieve inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract. The anticoagulants in blueberries prevent blood from clotting. Blueberries have a beneficial effect on all organs gastrointestinal tract, relieve inflammation, improve their work.

Strawberries and strawberries

These are the first northern berries that help to cope with vitamin deficiency. Taste qualities they are as pleasant as the effect on the body. These berries replenish iron deficiency, compensate for iodine deficiency, promote hematopoiesis, normalize salt balance and blood sugar levels.

Due to the presence of salicylic acid, they have diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effects. High zinc content has a beneficial effect on the male genital area, enhances libido. A decoction of strawberry leaves normalizes metabolism and arterial pressure, plays an important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Properties of black currant

Long recognized as extraordinary useful berry... And its healing effect on our body is due to its rich " inner peace"- it is rightfully considered to be a storehouse of health. Black currant leader in vitamin C content , daily rate for a person is only 15-20 berries of this plant! She is rich iron and various antioxidants.

Of course, black currant berries have a complex effect on the entire body: in general, immunity and resistance to various diseases increase, the blood composition and the vessels themselves improve. The substances contained in this berry are capable of preventing the onset of diabetes and have a prophylactic effect on cancer. Eating black currants will help maintain clarity of mind and memory until old age.

The leaves of this plant are just as useful as the berries themselves. Tea with black currant leaves is aromatic, tasty, full of various active ingredients. He not only saturates us useful substances, but also promotes the removal of already unnecessary compounds, such as uric and puric acids. Black currant perfectly retains its beneficial properties when frozen.

Red and white currants

By nutritional value and the composition of these berries is very similar, but healing properties quite a bit inferior to black currant. Vitamins and other active substances contribute to the maintenance of health and longevity.

High content in them iodine, here they are not inferior to the famous leaders - persimmon and feijoa. There are many in them and gland, which has a beneficial effect on blood formation.

This berry is especially valuable for its high content of coumarins, they protect the blood from increased clotting, and, as a result, from strokes and blood clots. Another of its advantages over black currant is a large number of pectin substances, they safely remove toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body, which is especially important for residents of large cities. Pectins cleanse blood vessels, reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol.

About the property of white currant - wealth in it vitamin E, recognized elixir of youth. Vitamin E (as well as vitamin A, which is abundant in these berries) is able to accumulate in the body, so hurry up to store it now! Its presence in the body improves reproductive function, has a positive effect on masculine strength, slows down the aging process, protects against cataracts, keeps the body in good shape.

In summer, nature itself takes care of our health, bowing to us its rich gifts

Summer is vitamin time! Nature generously shares its tasty and healthy gifts with man. Now is the time to strengthen your immunity, and the most short way saturate the body with everything necessary - include in your daily diet fresh fruits and berries.

Black currant

The record holder for the content of vitamin C. Also includes vitamin B, carotene, pectins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Some scientists in the rating of usefulness put this berry in the first place. Black currant counteracts oncological diseases, prevents weakening mental abilities in the elderly, and also helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system. With regular use, currants increase immunity and regulate appetite, stimulate bile secretion, reduce putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines, and improve digestion. Black currant is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and respiratory tract... This berry is especially indicated for progressive atherosclerosis. She is the leader in vitamin C.

Currant decoction helps with hypertension, anemia, gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum bleeding gums. In addition, currant leaf tea is an excellent tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diuretic and cleanser.

Caloric content: 40 kcal per 100 grams.


The berries contain up to 12% sugar (deep processing glucose, fructose), 2-3% organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, folic acid, carotene, copper, potassium salts, etc.

It is called the longevity berry and it prevents aging. Raspberries are recommended for use with arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts.

In raspberries, scientists have discovered beta-sitosterol, which prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels and the occurrence of sclerosis. Also, raspberries have a high hematopoietic effect, preventing leukemia and anemia.

Raspberry juice is an excellent remedy for colds upper respiratory tract. In this case, raspberry juice should be drunk with honey and tea.

However, you should not get carried away with this berry when diabetes mellitus due to the high content of fructose in it. Also, raspberries can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching, swelling, skin rashes. With gout and nephritis, it is better not to use them.

Caloric content: 38 kcal per 100 grams.


In blueberries, they contain up to 12% of condensed tannins, B vitamins, organic acids, pectin substances, vitamin C and carotene, trace elements.

It is good for gastritis, diarrhea, diseases of the stomach and intestines. A decoction of blueberries kills typhoid sticks. Blueberries also stop intestinal bleeding. When combined with wild strawberry, it is very effective for gout, and when combined with apple, it helps to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Blueberry improves and sharpens vision. Blueberry leaves are also useful - they contain a lot of vitamin C, tannins and essential oils. The leaves are usually brewed like teas and made into different infusions. Infusions of these leaves are taken as an antiseptic for inflammatory processes Bladder, gastrointestinal tract and oral mucosa.

Caloric content: 44 kcal per 100 grams


In addition to vitamin C, lingonberries contain a lot of carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin B2. The berries also contain sugars, catechins, mineral salts, pectin and tannins, organic acids.

It is an excellent tonic, wound healing, antipyretic, antiscorbutic agent. She successfully treated anemia, colds, diabetes, rheumatism at a time when there was no medicine. Lingonberry is very useful if you have heart problems - hypertension and atherosclerosis. Fresh lingonberry berries and juice from them are an excellent remedy for stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver and gum diseases. Lingonberry regulates metabolism, helps to eliminate cholesterol and toxins from the body. Fresh berry juice is recommended for cholecystitis, hemorrhoids and as an antihelminthic agent.

Caloric content: 43 kcal per 100 grams.


Contains organic acids, vitamins B, C, potassium, calcium.

Garden strawberries are beneficial for strengthening the immune system. Studies have shown that the ingredients in strawberries reduce the risks of various diseases for smokers and for lovers of others. bad habits... Eat strawberries separately from any other food, after taking the first and second courses, the berry can cause fermentation in the stomach. This applies to all berries and fruits.

Caloric content: 34 kcal per 100 grams (in wild strawberries - 30).

Sea buckthorn

Vitamins in berries: E, B1, B2, B6, P, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils, trace elements.

The ancient Greeks gave the sea buckthorn its name, proceeding from two words: "the horse shines". They fed the foals with sea buckthorn, from which they quickly gained weight and their wool began to shine. Sweet and sour sea buckthorn berries are a real treasure of vitamins and other medicinal substances. Sea buckthorn contains more vitamin C than lemon, and it surpasses carrots in carotene (provitamin A) content.

Caloric content: 70 kcal per 100 grams.

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