Home Vegetables Daily requirement of folic acid. All about folic acid: what it is needed for, where it is found and what is the daily requirement of vitamin B9. Medicines containing folic acid

Daily requirement of folic acid. All about folic acid: what it is needed for, where it is found and what is the daily requirement of vitamin B9. Medicines containing folic acid

Every person in life has encountered diets or situations when daily diet should be radically revised. As a rule, such a need arose in case of diseases gastrointestinal tract, stool disorder or food indigestion. But few people know that a correct and competent menu is the key to a successful cure for hepatitis C.

But what is the relationship between rationalized menus and HCV? By choosing the right products for hepatitis C, you can significantly ease the functionality of the liver, which is under excessive stress under the influence of the virus. This topic is extremely relevant, since nutrition is far from last place in our lives, and for some people, to abandon a loved one, junk food, extremely difficult.

What foods can you eat if you have hepatitis C?

So what foods can you eat if you have hepatitis C? First of all, these are ingredients that can relieve the activity of liver cells. Unfortunately, most of these products do not have high nutritional value, so go straight to lightweight and diet menu will not work.

With HCV, the patient's body experiences a terrible blow, shock and stress. Physical state The patient is usually exhausted or close to it. If you cut sharply daily amount incoming elements included in food products can bring the patient to an extremely unfavorable state.

Of course, the exception is fatty foods. It does not carry any useful load, and, as a rule, only disrupts the activity of the liver. In addition, fatty foods are a source of carbohydrates and cholesterol, which have an extremely adverse effect on the human body.

Another point is the dishes. It is not recommended to eat snack foods. This list includes fast food, processed foods and other foods instant cooking. Better to spend an extra half hour in the kitchen and eat light salad, which has similar nutritional value, but is harmless to the human body.

Useful foods for hepatitis C

What healthy foods should you pay attention to if you have hepatitis C? First of all, these must be plant-based ingredients that can be boiled, stewed or baked. Baked foods are quite controversial point, nutritionists and gastroenterologists do not exclude the possibility of consuming such dishes, but recommend not to abuse them.

Product composition plant origin includes fiber, precisely the element that contributes to the creation and removal of bile. In addition, consuming these types of ingredients can prevent atherosclerosis, since most of cholesterol will be eliminated from the body.

One of the main tasks is to enrich the diet as much as possible. Accordingly, the predominant elements of the menu will be fruits, vegetables and fruit and berry crops. However, not all varieties of plant life can be consumed.

Meat. It is difficult to imagine a person’s diet without meat products, but in this case, you need to be as selective as possible. Products of this type should be low-fat, steamed or baked. In this case, problems with the intestines and liver will not arise.

Dairy products are by no means the least important. Kefir, fermented baked milk and other low-fat varieties of milk-containing ingredients are simply necessary for proper digestion.

List of products for hepatitis C

But what should a patient’s grocery list for hepatitis C look like? First of all, it consists of recommendations from a nutritionist or gastroenterologist. The last word always remains with the treating specialist.

The menu should not be monotonous, but extremely varied. Some nutritionists select a diet in which the same foods are not consumed for two days in a row. Why is this necessary?

The body should be saturated with nutrients and important elements evenly; a certain type (for example, vitamin C or D) should not be predominant. Everything to keep the body in balance.

The treating specialists selected a list of products based on the preferences and wishes of the patients. This includes a variety of ingredients such as tomatoes, garlic, seafood, melon, etc. But is it possible to eat all this if you have hepatitis C? Let's consider!

Tomatoes for hepatitis C

Tomatoes are a highly controversial issue. Almost every patient asks the treating specialist whether it is possible to eat tomatoes if he has hepatitis C or not? Why is there such a high demand for this vegetable?

Tomatoes contain components that prevent the development oncological diseases. In general, this is not fiction, but the consumption of tomatoes should be rationed.

So is it possible to eat tomatoes if you have hepatitis C or not? IN pure form, allows you to consume no more than one tomato per day. It is recommended to combine it with lettuce or other vegetables.

Tomatoes stabilize liver functions and, to a certain extent, promote bile formation and excretion. Tomatoes also contain vitamin C. However, consuming this vegetable in excess is not recommended.

Garlic for hepatitis C

Unlike tomatoes, garlic is recommended and a welcome guest on the patient’s table for hepatitis C. Why has he become so popular? There were several reasons for this:

  1. Garlic promotes the formation of immunity, therefore, it allows the body to show increased resistance to the effects of the virus.
  2. Provides support to many vital organs. If you eat at least one clove of garlic a day, you will notice that your heart, kidneys and liver will work better.
  3. Promotes the destruction of virological bodies in the body. Garlic is not capable of causing the death of RNA particles, but it can suppress or slow down their development.
  4. Blood clotting is normalized. Typically, patients with hepatitis C present with hemophilic symptoms.
  5. Helps the liver. Partially reduces the load on the choleretic organ, slowing down the development of cirrhosis, fibrosis and other pathological processes.
  6. Stabilizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. This current problem in patients with HCV.

As you can see, eating garlic helps preserve the soft tissue of the filter organ, which is an indispensable advantage for hepatitis C.

Cucumbers for hepatitis C

This vegetable consists of 80% water, and the remaining 20% ​​fiber. Therefore, it is not capable of causing harm to the human body. Of course, you need to consume cucumbers in limited quantities, but for light snacks this is an ideal solution.

Daily consumption of cucumbers will contribute to stable urine formation; therefore, stagnation of substances will not occur in the body of a patient with HCV. Some nutritionists suggest that cucumbers help cleanse the intestines, but this statement remains at the level of speculation.

Watermelon for hepatitis C

It's impossible to imagine more healthy berries than watermelon. In the summer season, it is a welcome guest on any table, but few people know about the benefits that watermelon can bring for hepatitis C.

It’s worth starting with the cleansing properties of the berry. Often, watermelon is prescribed to people suffering from stagnation of harmful and waste substances. The effect of the berry is comparable to sorbents, which remove all foreign components along with feces and urine.

The second immediate advantage of watermelon is a rich supply of vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamins B, C, D, as well as most components that contribute to a stable digestive process. But the most important benefit of watermelon is its effect on the liver.

The berry consists mainly of water, but it also contains fiber, which absorbs harmful elements from the liver. Accordingly, this helps the filter organ, because watermelon partially fulfills its functions. In addition, the berry is very filling and has no calorie content, so it can be eaten for dinner or as a daytime snack.

A few more facts about watermelon:

  • the berry cleanses the bile ducts and promotes the stable passage of bile;
  • the fruit helps reduce the intoxicating effects of potent drugs;
  • By consuming watermelon on a daily basis, you can reduce the risk of fatty infiltration of the choleretic organ.

The normalized amount of berries per day is 300-400 grams.

Bananas for hepatitis C

Bananas, like tomatoes, are a highly controversial issue. The fact is that fruits are too heavy for the digestive tract and doctors are not sure whether bananas should be consumed if you have hepatitis C.

In general, these fruits are ideal for a small snack, as they have high nutritional value. However, there is also a negative point - bananas are high in calories, which means they are theoretically contraindicated for hepatitis C.

Nutritionists came to a compromise solution and still included the fetus in the diet program. But, if you have HCV, you can eat a banana no more than once every three days, literally one piece at a time.

Apples for hepatitis C

Unlike bananas, apples for hepatitis C are not only advisable to eat, but necessary in mandatory add to the diet. And that's why:

Apples can be consumed in in various forms. IN in the usual form, as juice or bake in the oven. But, the norm per day is 150-400 grams of apples or 200 ml of juice.

What kind of fish can you eat if you have hepatitis C?

Lovers of meat products will have a hard time, because most varieties of this type will be directly prohibited. As a rule, meat is too difficult to digest and also has a high calorie content, which is a direct contraindication for HCV.

But what alternative to consider for this plan? Seafood! Most representatives sea ​​world are real storehouses of useful components needed by patients with HCV. But what kind of fish can you eat if you have hepatitis C?

First of all, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties. Hake or pollock are ideal for these purposes. But it is important to remember that fish should be consumed exclusively boiled or baked; it cannot be eaten raw or fried.

As for red varieties of fish, you can get trout from here. She has a huge amount phosphorus and microelements, and is also perfectly absorbed in the body.

As an alternative to fish products, you can consider other seafood. For example, shrimp. It cannot be said that they have high nutritional value, since they belong to dietary products. But the quantity useful substances simply amazing!

Is it possible to have onions for hepatitis C?

Onions can only be consumed boiled or steamed. For example, as part of a soup or other similar dish. Almost all aggressive components are boiled down and evaporate, so the onion will be harmless. Therefore, when asked whether onions can be used for hepatitis C, a nutritionist may refuse or write out special recommendations in this regard.

Turmeric for hepatitis C

As for spices, in this case a patient with hepatitis C will have to significantly limit himself. Most of these components have an intestinal irritant property, so they cannot be used by patients with liver problems. But, turmeric for hepatitis C is recommended by all nutritionists and specialists. Why?

The bottom line is that the spice has properties important for the liver, which helps improve its performance and functionality. Due to the following criteria, turmeric is prescribed for patients with HCV:

  • Normalizes lipid metabolism. In this way, the occurrence of cirrhosis or steatosis can be prevented. If lipid metabolism proceeds without disturbances, excess fats will be excreted from the body or simply dissolve without enveloping the liver. This property extremely useful.
  • Promotes natural liver regeneration. The second criterion makes turmeric a must-have spice in the diet. With hepatitis C it is difficult to choose natural ingredients, which will contribute to the restoration of hepatocytes. Turmeric is one of these.
  • Anticarcinogenic effect. The spice prevents the development of cancer and reduces the chance of cancer by 60%.
  • Promotes elimination from the body hazardous substances, causing stagnation of bile.

Turmeric has many beneficial properties, so it is definitely worth using if you have HCV! It is enough to add spices to taste in dishes to reduce the load on the liver.

Lemon for hepatitis C

Let's return to fruits, and more specifically to the most famous representative of citrus crops - lemon. He goes around everything known rules, because lemon for hepatitis C is allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities.

The bottom line is that the fruit is enriched with vitamin C, in other words, ascorbic acid, a deficiency of which is observed in HCV. Besides, ascorbic acid promotes the natural regeneration of hepatocytes - liver cells.

Like many other products on this list, lemon removes toxins from the body, or more precisely, breaks them down. In addition, although insignificant, the citrus fruit has a carcinogenic effect, which is also important for hepatitis C.

Melon for hepatitis C

As it turned out earlier, watermelon is very useful and even indispensable for patients with HCV. Does melon have a similar effect on hepatitis C?

Nutritionists are inclined to believe that melon, in comparison with green berries, is even more beneficial for patients with virological pathology. It’s worth starting with the fact that the fruit has enormous nutritional value; 300 grams of melon is enough to suppress hunger and start bowel function.

In addition, the fruit has multiple beneficial properties, such as:

  • Helps cleanse small blood vessels in the liver, which is a direct prevention of fibrosis.
  • Reduces the liver in size. As a rule, the filter organ begins to enlarge due to excess bile, as well as other harmful substances. Melon helps remove them.
  • Helps cleanse the urinary tract. Often, after large-scale liver damage, the inflammatory reaction spreads to the kidneys, which leads to damage to paired organs and the urethra. The fruit has an anti-inflammatory and absorbent effect, so it helps prevent the development of such a situation.

But you should be careful and careful with melon. Firstly, the fruit must be fresh and sweet, without the taste of rot. A spoiled melon will cause intoxication in the patient, which can ultimately result in full-fledged poisoning. In addition, you can only eat the pulp of the fruit; the area near the crust, which has a characteristic green color, should absolutely not be eaten, as it contains harmful substances!

Is it possible to have milk for hepatitis C?

It is impossible to imagine a diet menu without dairy products. Is it possible to consume milk if you have hepatitis C? Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

In its pure form, lactose is not recommended for consumption, especially with a high percentage of fat content. A weakened stomach may not accept such heavy food, which will lead to organ breakdown. You should also avoid high-percentage sour cream, yoghurts and other high-fat products.

In contrast, nutritionists strongly recommend low-percentage fermented baked milk and kefir, as it promotes a complete digestion process. In addition, yoghurts are allowed, but low-fat or low-fat.

The diet of a patient with HCV must be balanced and well structured. You cannot make a certain product or type of ingredient dominate over others. Everything should be even.

According to latest research on this topic, if used long time the same product, a reverse reaction may occur that will harm the body. The components contained, for example, in milk, will begin to predominate over the other components of the human microflora, which will lead to an imbalance of substances.

Useful foods for the liver with hepatitis C

Accordingly, the patient’s diet should contain ingredients that have a beneficial effect not so much on the liver, but on its Current state. As a rule, if similar products are present on the menu, the functionality of the organ will not be impaired, and it will be able to continue to function without deviations in the future.

But what kind of healthy foods for the liver should you consume if you have hepatitis C? Nutritionists have compiled a current list of ingredients that are found in free access for every person:

  • Cottage cheese. It has undoubted advantages over other dairy products. As a result of cooking, it does not lose its useful properties, but has low fat content. The composition of cottage cheese includes components that stimulate the restoration of hepatocytes, as well as strengthen soft fabrics organ.
  • Cod liver. Can't imagine more useful product for a filter organ than this one. Cod liver contains trace elements similar to human ones, and enriches the choleretic organ. According to established facts, daily consumption of cod liver in the amount of 50 grams will prevent cirrhosis and oncology.
  • Olive oil. Not the most expected product on this list, however, it has a lot of useful properties. If possible, treating specialists recommend switching completely to olive oil, replacing them with vegetable ones. Firstly, this ingredient contains a minimum of fat content and does not have a serious effect on the intestines. Secondly, in ancient times, olive oil was used to treat liver pathologies, which was repeatedly confirmed by contemporaries.
  • Green tea. Refers to acceptable drinks. Has cleansing properties and helps remove excess weight and organ fat.
  • Beet. Extremely healthy vegetable, promoting full metabolism. In addition, it helps the formation and absorption of proteins, which will certainly contribute to the restoration of the soft tissues of the organ.

All products have been selected and approved the best nutritionists, not only domestic, but also foreign.

Products prohibited for hepatitis C

Accordingly, if there is a list of permitted ingredients, there will always be the opposite side - products prohibited for hepatitis C. Restrictions on specific components or dishes are introduced in order to maximally protect a person and reduce the load on the choleretic organ.

In general, the following foods should not be eaten:

  • Fat or fried foods. Too heavy for the digestive tract and contribute to liver stagnation.
  • Fresh bread. It is also difficult to digest and can lead to constipation or irregular bowel movements.
  • Alcohol-containing drinks. Categorical prohibition. Lead to the destruction of liver cells.
  • Confectionery products. Like fresh bread, too difficult to digest, leads to liver overload.
  • Smoked and dried products. May lead to severe bile stagnation.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat foods fried in vegetable oil. During the cooking process, dangerous compounds that are potential carcinogens begin to form in products.

Hepatitis C - dangerous viral disease, quite common these days. Treatment of hepatitis is usually difficult, requiring effort from the patient and the attending physician. Diet for hepatitis C is one of the mandatory aspects of treatment; it will help speed up recovery and prevent the development of any complications.

The hepatitis C virus attacks the liver, causing various disturbances in its normal functioning. However, the disease rarely manifests itself immediately; it happens that decades pass before it is detected. During this time, the liver can suffer quite a lot of damage.

In addition to the main antiviral therapy, hepatoprotectors are used to restore liver function, however, it is worth noting that without diet and effort on the part of the patient, the effect will not be so noticeable. Best result can be achieved using medications and diet.

Proper nutrition during treatment for hepatitis C will help avoid possible complications for the gastrointestinal tract. After the virus disappears, the liver will recover faster, without the use of additional funds.

In general, the diet is aimed at reducing the load on the liver, pancreas and digestive tract in general. The main aspects of proper nutrition for hepatitis C can be listed:

  1. In total, you need to eat no more than three and a half kilograms of food per day, and you should drink enough. Optimal quantity meals per day - 5 - 6 times, portions should be small; if you feel hungry between meals, it is advised to drink water.
  2. It is recommended to steam or boil both meat and vegetables. You can also bake, but in this case it is unacceptable to use additional oils or fat.
  3. Vegetable oils should not be heated; they can only be added to ready-made cold foods, preferably vegetarian dishes. When heated, vegetable oil acquires choleretic properties, which are undesirable for liver diseases.
  4. It is recommended to avoid too hot or cold foods; temperature changes in food negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Vegetables and non-acidic fruits, berries should occupy a special place in the diet; fresh ones are most preferable. They have a positive effect on the digestive process in case of liver diseases, hepatitis C. The consumption of meat and fish should be limited as much as possible; fatty varieties.

These are the basic nutritional rules that you should rely on when choosing a diet for hepatitis C. You should adhere to proper nutrition until complete recovery, then for some time after, until full recovery liver functions.

Important! Before choosing a diet, you should consult with your doctor; your nutrition plan may need to be adjusted depending on your individual characteristics diseases.

What can you eat

For hepatitis C, the diet is not as strict as for most diseases for which table number 5 is used. However, there is a list of products whose presence in the diet is limited. permanent basis highly desirable:

  1. Lean varieties of meat, the most useful are turkey, chicken, rabbit, and seafood. Sausages are acceptable without fat and without adding spices.
  2. Fresh non-acidic fruits, berries and vegetables. They should be made the basis of the diet, the main source of vitamins and other useful elements.
  3. Cereals and pasta are acceptable in any form. Cereals can be added to soups and made into casseroles.
  4. Low-fat dairy products, however, too sour ones are also undesirable. Low-fat yoghurts without additives, skim cheese and sour cream are useful for liver damage due to hepatitis as a prevention of dysbacteriosis.
  5. Cereal bread and bread products with bran. The most desirable are dried toasts, crackers and bread rolls. For sweets, natural marshmallows without additives, fruit marmalades, and jam not made from sour berries or fruits are acceptable.
  6. Unrefined vegetable oils. However, it should be remembered that if you have liver diseases, they should not be heated.
  7. Drinks that are acceptable include weak natural teas, sometimes coffee with milk, vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip decoction, jelly. You should also drink enough water every day, it is advisable to avoid feelings of hunger or thirst if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have hepatitis C, you should completely avoid foods that put additional stress on the liver and digestive tract as a whole. It is also advised to avoid foods that promote increased gas formation and intestinal irritation. In general, the following foods should be avoided:

  • fatty varieties of meat and fish, this also includes pork, duck, offal, smoked meats, fatty sausages with spices, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • legumes, especially peas and beans, all products that lead to increased gas formation;
  • fruits and berries with sour taste;
  • spices, herbs, some vegetables rich in active substances, which can irritate the intestines and the digestive system as a whole, these include onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, horseradish and mustard;
  • mushrooms and mushroom products;
  • marinades, brines, pickles, other canned products of this type;
  • spicy, spicy foods, any broths, offal and dishes made from them;
  • sweets with a high fat content, chocolate, ice cream, pastries, white bread.

Alcohol is completely prohibited during treatment, strong coffee without added milk, carbonated and other drinks that irritate the digestive tract. It has been proven that greatest harm hepatitis brings to people who continue to drink alcoholic drinks after diagnosis.

You should also avoid excess salt and sugar. You should consume no more than nine teaspoons of sugar per day, including foods containing glucose. The permissible amount of salt is no more than ten grams per day.

Important! During treatment for hepatitis C, it is also important to completely avoid bad habits, start leading healthy image life.

Diet for exacerbation and chronic hepatitis C

To make it easier to navigate and create your own diet, you can give sample menu for a week. For greater convenience, it can be compiled in the form of a table by day of the week.

MondayCottage cheese with a little added sugar and sour cream, weak tea.Rosehip infusion, avocado toast.Vegetarian soup, buckwheat with vegetables, berry jelly.Potato pancakes, tomato juice, bread.
TuesdayOatmeal with milk, coffee with milk.Boiled potatoes with vegetable oil, rosehip decoction.Vegetarian borscht, jelly, fresh carrot salad.Protein omelet, fruit juice.
WednesdayRice porridge with milk, weak tea.Fresh vegetable salad, juice or tea.Boiled turkey with rice, a small portion of marshmallows.Vegetable stew, tea.
ThursdayUnsweetened low-fat yogurt, coffee with milk.Cottage cheese casserole, rosehip decoction.Carrot and apple salad, fruit drink, pancakes with butter or cottage cheese.Potato casserole with sour cream, yogurt.
FridayCottage cheese, green tea.Cheesecakes, apple juice.Cabbage cutlets with rice or buckwheat, jelly.Carrot cutlets, kefir.
SaturdayRice porridge with milk, egg white omelette, tea.Baked apple, rosehip infusion.Vegetarian potato soup, fruit juice.Baked zucchini, kefir or yogurt.
SundayFresh vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.Protein omelet, rosehip decoction.Boiled chicken with buckwheat or rice, marmalade, juice.Vegetable stew, tea with added milk.

The number of meals can be increased to 5 - 6, it is advisable to have small snacks. Toasts with avocado pulp are suitable, not a large number of low-fat yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The diet after hepatitis C may be less strict if your doctor allows it. In general, it is advisable to stick to this diet until complete recovery. normal indicators functioning of the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Important! You should stick to this diet plan for some time after the end of the main treatment.


There are several simple recipes dishes that are allowed for hepatitis C. These recipes are simple enough to prepare at home, all the ingredients are available, anyone can handle them.

  1. Soup – mashed cauliflower and potatoes. Cauliflower and a small amount of potatoes, one small carrot needs to be boiled, then grind the cabbage and potatoes in a blender. Cut the carrots into slices. Add a little vegetable broth to the resulting mass, add milk, without bringing to a boil, cook for a few minutes. Can be served.
  2. Potato casserole with chicken. The chicken should be cut into small pieces, add a little carrot to it, and simmer until the fillet turns white. Place the chicken in a thin layer on a baking sheet and place the potatoes cut into circles on top. Pour in sour cream or low-fat cream and bake until done.

In general, despite the strictness of the diet, it is quite possible to eat quite varied. It's worth remembering that proper nutrition– one of the main factors most quick recovery with hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C continues to be one of the most dangerous diseases: He for a long time may be asymptomatic. A diet for hepatitis C and proper treatment can ensure the patient’s recovery, but the process is long and expensive. Without a diet, success in treating hepatitis is doubtful.

What is the diet for hepatitis C? What foods should you not eat? What should be the menu for hepatitis C?

What should you not eat if you have hepatitis C?

For the treatment of hepatitis C, diet is not a desirable, but a mandatory condition. It allows you to reduce the load on the liver and other organs of the digestive system, gives more strength and energy, and reduces the feeling of pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Very strict diet cannot be named, however, there are a number of restrictions on food. In the acute stage of the disease, these restrictions are slightly greater.

If it so happens that a person becomes ill with hepatitis, he must forever give up such products as:

  1. Spicy foods, seasonings and canned food.
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Soda, strong brewed coffee and tea, cocoa.
  4. Smoked and salted products.
  5. Sweets, dough products.
  6. Fatty meats and fatty fish.
  7. Fish and meat broths.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Chocolate, ice cream.

When reading this list, patients often have a question: what can they eat if these foods are excluded? In fact, even with hepatitis you can eat tasty food. It's a matter of habit. Homemade food should be a priority, since canteens, cafes and restaurants fast food Diet food is hard to find.

What can a sick person eat?

The diet for patients with hepatitis C allows the consumption of the following foods:

  1. Herbal teas, including green, compotes, jelly.
  2. Very weak coffee with milk or so-called coffee drink.
  3. Low-fat dairy products.
  4. Boiled meat and low-fat fish.
  5. Fresh, except radishes, radishes, sorrel, garlic and onions.
  6. Vegetarian salads, stews and soups prepared with minimum quantity oil and fat.
  7. All kinds of porridges prepared with both water and milk.
  8. Natural juices.
  9. "Yesterday's" wheat bread.
  10. Pasta.
  11. Allowed limited use butter since already ready meals(it is important that the oil is not subjected to heat treatment).

Suitable for patients with hepatitis C. It is prescribed to all patients suffering from diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder.

Diet planning for hepatitis C

When treating hepatitis C, the patient should adhere to the following nutritional principles:

  1. It is better to eat food at the same time.
  2. Meals should be divided and consist of 5-6 meals.
  3. Calorie content daily ration should not be more than 2500 calories.
  4. Allowed the following types heat treatment dishes: baking, boiling, steaming, frying are completely excluded.
  5. Food should not be too hot or too cold, optimal room temperature products.
  6. During the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
  7. For patients with hepatitis C, there is a restriction on salt consumption (no more than 1 teaspoon per day).
  8. Significant restriction of fats and carbohydrates is recommended.
  9. Welcome increased content in food protein and vitamins.

The body of a patient with hepatitis should receive maximum amount nutrients and vitamins. At first, the attending physician will help you create a menu; then the patient himself will have to do this. It is advisable to immediately schedule the menu for the whole week: this makes it easier to make your diet balanced and not forget about healthy foods.

Here approximate menu for the day:

  1. 8.00. Boiled breast, tea, bread with a piece of butter.
  2. 10.00. Steamed protein omelette, rosehip decoction.
  3. 13.00. Noodle soup on vegetable broth, boiled beef With boiled potatoes, compote
  4. 16.00. Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, crackers, green tea.
  5. 19.00. Boiled pollock, boiled beet puree, tea with milk.
  6. 22.00. Low-fat kefir.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is a national product, the love of Russians for which never ends. Many consider this dish a panacea for many diseases. And in case of hepatitis C, according to the majority, cabbage can only be cured. Well, or its juice, which some “healers” recommend drinking every 3 hours.

You shouldn't trust everyone so unconditionally folk recipes. Diet for hepatitis C excludes the use of sauerkraut: It contains a large amount of salt, is a rough fiber that can become a problem for an already weakened digestive tract, and causes fermentation. Some concessions on this product are possible if the patient cannot live without sauerkraut. But this should only be decided by the attending physician.

For hepatitis C, the diet should be strict but balanced. Its observance - necessary condition For wellness And effective treatment. Diet after hepatitis, when the disease is cured, is an important component of health.

Therefore, if you are worried about hepatitis, you should come to terms with food restrictions right away.

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