Home natural farming Wonder marvelous fairy tale. The fairy tale is a wonderful miracle, a marvelous marvel. Read the fairy tale Wonder wonderful, wonderful miracle

Wonder marvelous fairy tale. The fairy tale is a wonderful miracle, a marvelous marvel. Read the fairy tale Wonder wonderful, wonderful miracle

Afanasiev's Tale: Marvelous wonder, wonderful miracle

Fairy tale: Marvelous miracle, wonderful miracle
    Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant with a merchant's wife; traded in expensive and noble goods, and every year traveled with them to foreign countries. At some time he fitted out a ship; began to get ready for the journey and asked his wife: "Tell me, my joy, what will you bring to the hotel from other lands?" The merchant's wife answers: "I am satisfied with everything; I have a lot of everything! And if you want to please and amuse, buy me a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle." - "Good; if I find it, I'll buy it."

    The merchant sailed far away to the distant kingdom, landed in a great, rich city, sold all his goods, and bought new ones, loaded the ship; walks through the city and thinks: "Where can I find a marvelous marvel, a marvelous miracle?" An unfamiliar old man came across to him, asks him: "Why are you so thoughtful, untwisted, good fellow?" - "How can I not get upset! - the merchant answers. - I'm looking to buy my wife a marvelous miracle, a wonderful miracle, but I don't know where." - "Oh, you, you should have told me long ago! Come with me; I have a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle - so be it, I will sell it,"

    Let's go together; the old man brought the merchant to his house and said: "You see, there is a goose walking around in my yard?" - "I see!" - "So look what will happen to him ... Hey, goose, come here!" The goose came to the upper room. The old man took the frying pan and orders again: "Hey, goose, lie down on the frying pan!" The goose lay down on the frying pan; the old man put it in the oven, roasted the goose, took it out and put it on the table. "Well, merchant, good fellow! Sit down, we'll have a bite; just don't throw the bones under the table, collect everything in one pile." So they sat down at the table and together a whole goose and ate. The old man took the gnawed bones, wrapped them in a tablecloth, threw them on the floor and said: "Goose! Get up, wake up and go to the Yard." The goose got up, started up and went into the yard, as if he had never been in the oven! "Truly, master, you have a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle!" - said the merchant, began to trade a goose with him and bargained for expensive money. He took a goose with him to the ship and sailed to his land.

    He came home, greeted his wife, gives her a goose and says that with that bird, eat unbought roast every day! Roast it - it will come to life again! The next day the merchant went to the shops, and the lover ran to the merchant's wife. Such a guest, a friend of the heart, she is so glad! She decided to treat him with a roast goose, leaned out the window and shouted: "Goose, come here!" The goose came to the upper room. "Goose, lie down in the pan!" The goose does not listen, does not go to the pan; the merchant's wife got angry and hit him with a frying pan - and at that very moment one end of the frying pan clung to the goose, and the other to the merchant's wife, and clung so tightly that it was impossible to tear oneself away! "Oh, dear little friend," the merchant's wife shouted, "tear me away from the frying pan, it's obvious that this damned goose is enchanted!" The lover grabbed the merchant's wife with both hands, wanted to tear it off the frying pan, and he clung to it himself ...

    The goose ran out into the yard, out into the street and dragged them to the benches. The clerks saw it and rushed to separate it; only whoever touches them will stick! The people came running to look at that marvel, the merchant also came out of the shop, he sees that something was wrong: what kind of friends did his wife show up? “Confess,” he says, “in everything; otherwise, you’ll stay like that forever - having salted yourself!” Nothing to do, the merchant's wife confessed; the merchant then took them - he separated them, stabbed his lover's neck, and took his wife home and fairly taught, saying: "Here's a marvelous miracle for you! Here's a wonderful miracle for you!"

Miracle wonderful, marvelous marvelous - a wonderful Russian folk tale about a poor peasant family and a wonderful goose with magical powers. Fairy tale Miracle wonderful, marvelous marvelous can be read online or downloaded in doc and PDF format. Here you will find the full text, summary and thematic proverbs for the fairy tale.
Fairy tale A wonderful, marvelous miracle tells about a desperate peasant who went into the thicket to get food for his starving family. There he helps Leshy out of trouble, for which he receives a magic goose as a gift. The family's problems with food have been resolved, but the marvelous goose is kidnapped by an envious rich neighbor. He stole the goose, but he did not know how to properly handle it. As a result, he stuck to a stolen goose, and he let's drag him around the bazaars and past the merchants' shops. The stolen goose did not come out well, and the goose returned to its real owners.
Read a fairy tale Miracle wonderful, marvelous marvelous not only very interesting, but also informative for readers of all ages. She teaches simple life rules that you can’t take someone else’s, since a stolen thing does not carry any benefit. The fairy tale about the Miracle, wonderful, marvelous is a clear example of such proverbs as: Someone else's good will not work, Good game, but on someone else's dish, Someone else's take your own to lose, You will not be rich by someone else.

Once upon a time in one village there was a poor, very poor man, he had many children, but little bread. Once they ate all the bread: not a crust, not a crumb left. The wife is grieving, she turned black from grief. The guys scream from hunger, they ask for food.

What to do? Where to get bread?

A man went to bow to a rich neighbor. So and so neighbor, help me, I'm in trouble, give me bread in debt.

- As soon as I gather the harvest, I will immediately give it back.
- Otherwise, order me to work for you, I will not remain in debt.

And the rich man does not want to listen:

“Are there many of you such hungry ragamuffins?” If you help everyone, you yourself will become the same. I don't have it in store for your boys. Get where you want. And forget the way to me!

So he drove away. The peasant returned home empty-handed, sat down on a bench, and began to think about what to do. Give, thinks, I'll go into the forest, maybe I'll shoot a hare or a black grouse. He took his poor little gun and went.

The whole day through the spruce forest, and wandered through the swamps, he broke off all over, got tired, but it was all to no avail, he didn’t even see the hare’s tail all day. He wandered in such and such a way, wandered more often, and he got lost. He went out to some clearing and heard a noise and screams, came closer, looked closely and sees that there is a large lake in that clearing, and on the shore the devils are fighting with the goblin. Everyone piled on him, and look - they will crush him. The goblin bends down to the ground, pulls out the roots, and fights off the devils. Yes, it wasn’t there, the devils are pressing on, and pressing on, and they grab him by the legs and arms. The man looked and looked and thought: “We don’t rely on everything for one.”

Aim and how it bangs at the devils from a shotgun-shotgun. The devils got scared and forgot about the fight, all at once flopped into the lake - only circles went on the water.

A man approached the goblin and asked:

- Well, are you still alive?

The goblin caught his breath and says:

Thank you man for your help, I would be lost without you. Why, tell me, did you climb into such a thicket?
- I thought at least to shoot a hare or a grouse, but only in vain the whole day passed. Wasted all the charges.

Goblin and says:

- Don't worry man! I'll make you a nice present.

And he took him to his hut. Brought and says:

- Do you see a goose roaming near my hut?
– I see
Well, look what happens to him. Hey goose, come here!

The goose immediately entered the hut. Goblin took out a frying pan and says:

- Shake yourself up, wake up, and lie down in the pan.

The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Goblin pushed that pan into the oven. As the goose was fried red and ruddy, the goblin took it out of the oven and said:

Well, now we will eat. Look, only eat meat, but don’t break bones, don’t throw them away, collect everything in one pile. So they sat down, and together they ate a whole goose. After that, the goblin took the gnawed goose bones, threw them on the floor to the feathers and said:

- Hey, goose, shake, shake!

The goose reappeared. Alive and whole. He shook himself, started up, as if he had never been in the oven.

“Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful,” the man says. - I've never seen anything like it.
- Look, you'll see more! And now, get this marvelous marvelous as a gift. You will have a roast that is not bought every day.

He gave the goose to the peasant and ordered him to sit on his back. The man sat on his back to the goblin, He instantly carried him to the edge of the forest. The man returned home, himself cheerful, contented.

Well, wife, well, children, it was not for nothing that I wandered in the forest all day. I brought a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle. Now we will always be full. And shows them a goose.

The wife looked at the goose, sighed and said:

- Well, this diva is enough for us only for one dinner.

The man chuckled.

“Don’t be sad, maybe it will be left for tomorrow.” Come on, frying pan!

The wife filed, but she herself does not know what to think. The man says:

- Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, but lie down in the pan!

The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Put the wife frying pan in the oven!

A little later, the man says:

- Well, wife, our goose is fried. Take it out, we'll eat now.

Everyone sat down at the table, began to eat the goose. The man does not order to throw the bones, he orders to put them in a pile. As they ate and left the table, he threw the bones on the floor to the feathers and said:

Hey, goose, get up, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!

The goose immediately got up, shook himself, started up as if nothing had happened, and went into the yard.

“Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful,” says the wife. And will we always be like this?
- Is always.

And since then they began to live without grief. As soon as they want to eat, now: "Hey goose, lie down in the pan." And they will eat their fill: “Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!”.

How much time has passed, a rich neighbor found out about it, envy seized him. He chose the time and came at the very lunchtime to the poor neighbor. And he won't think of anything to talk about.

- Hello, neighbor!
- Hi!
- Do you have any tar, you need to grease the cart, but yours is all gone.
- What are you neighbor? I don't have a cart or a horse, you know.

That's the trouble, says the rich man. And what are you eating?

- We eat goose.

Did you buy something at the market?

What is there, to the market? - the man answers, and he told without hiding, everything was as it was.

The neighbor listened and said: - That's what neighbor, you sell this goose to me. I'll give you two measures of rye, and a ruble. You can see the price is good.

- No, neighbor, it's better not to ask. I won't sell!

The rich man left with nothing, but he himself thinks: “I didn’t sell the good, so I’ll take it!”.

He waited for time, saw how a neighbor with his wife and the guys went into the forest for brushwood, and he dragged a goose from them. He came home, ordered his wife to heat the stove and bring the frying pan. And he himself took a frying pan in his hands, prepared to put the goose in the stove.

And the goose paces around the hut, as if he does not hear. He again:

- Hey, goose, lie down in the pan!

Goose know yourself walking from corner to corner. The rich man got angry at the goose, and the sound of his frying pan. Here the frying pan stuck one end to the rich man, and the other to the goose. Yes, it stuck so tightly that it can not be torn off. The rich man, this way and that, cannot unstick himself from the frying pan and from the goose. He shouted to his wife:

“What are you, you fool, standing and looking at?” Get me off that damned goose, he's obviously enchanted. The wife began to tear it off, and at the same moment she herself stuck to her husband. She began to scream, calling her daughters for help. Her eldest daughter pulled and stuck to her herself, pulled her older sister - the youngest and also stuck to her. Then the goose barked loudly and dragged everyone after him into the yard, and from the yard into the street. Goes go to the bazaar, past the shops of merchants, he cackles at the top of his voice. A fat merchant from his shop saw him, wanted to help the rich man, grabbed hold of his youngest daughter and stuck to her himself.

Oh, - shouts, trouble, oh, guard!

The headman heard the cry, rushed to the rich man and the merchant to help. This is where they stuck to each other. Walking past the pop saw this and shouted:

"Now I'll slap you!"

Tsop the headman and he himself stuck to him. The pop yelled in a voice that was not his own:

Help, save!

Both the old and the young gathered to shout, laugh, point with their fingers, and the goose to know goes further and further. So he went through the whole village. And then dragged back.

And the rich, and the merchant, and the headman, and the priest do not know where to hide their eyes from shame. Everything was shattered, shattered. The goose led everyone to the peasant's hut and let's bang, call the owner. A man came out and said:

- So, where did my goose disappear to. Well, it's good that it's not completely lost.

Hey, goose, shake yourself up and go into the hut!

The goose shook itself, scattered its wings to the sides and went into the hut. And the rich man with his wife and daughters, the merchant, the headman, and the priest quickly ran away to their homes, hid, and do not dare to appear in front of good people. Here the fairy tale ends.

This is a story about a very poor family that was mocked by everyone around them, they had to starve and suffer from their need. The head of the family went to the forest to fish and saved the goblin from the devils. As a sign of gratitude, the goblin rewarded the peasant with a magic goose - a wondrous diva, a wonderful miracle.

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Fairy tale marvelous, marvelous miracle to read

Once upon a time in one village there was a poor, very poor man, he had many children, but little bread. Once they ate all the bread: not a crust, not a crumb left. The wife is grieving, she turned black from grief. The guys scream from hunger, they ask for food.

What to do? Where to get bread?

A man went to bow to a rich neighbor. So and so neighbor, help me, I'm in trouble, give me bread in debt.

As soon as I gather the harvest, I will immediately give it back.

And then order me to work for you, I will not remain in debt.

And the rich man does not want to listen:

Are there many of you such ragamuffins hungry? If you help everyone, you yourself will become the same. I don't have it in store for your boys. Get where you want. And forget the way to me!

So he drove away. The peasant returned home empty-handed, sat down on a bench, and began to think about what to do. Give, thinks, I'll go into the forest, maybe I'll shoot a hare or a black grouse. He took his poor little gun and went.

The whole day through the spruce forest, and wandered through the swamps, he broke off all over, got tired, but it was all to no avail, he didn’t even see the hare’s tail all day. He wandered in such and such a way, wandered more often, and he got lost. He went out to some clearing and heard a noise and screams, came closer, looked closely and sees that there is a large lake in that clearing, and on the shore the devils are fighting with the goblin. Everyone piled on him, and look - they will crush him. The goblin bends down to the ground, pulls out the roots, and fights off the devils. Yes, it wasn’t there, the devils are pressing on, and pressing on, and they grab him by the legs and arms. The man looked and looked and thought: “We don’t rely on everything for one.”

Aim and how it bangs at the devils from a shotgun-shotgun. The devils got scared and forgot about the fight, all at once flopped into the lake - only circles went on the water.

A man approached the goblin and asked:

Well, is he still alive?

The goblin caught his breath and says:

Thank you man for your help, I would be lost without you. Why, tell me, did you climb into such a thicket?

I thought at least to shoot a hare or a black grouse, but only in vain the whole day passed. Wasted all the charges.

Goblin and says:

Don't worry man! I'll make you a nice present.

And he took him to his hut. Brought and says:

Do you see a goose roaming near my hut?

Well, look what happens to him. Hey goose, come here!

The goose immediately entered the hut. Goblin took out a frying pan and says:

Shake yourself up, wake up, and lie down in the pan.

The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Goblin pushed that pan into the oven. As the goose was fried red and ruddy, the goblin took it out of the oven and said:

Well, now we will eat. Look, only eat meat, but don’t break bones, don’t throw them away, collect everything in one pile. So they sat down, and together they ate a whole goose. After that, the goblin took the gnawed goose bones, threw them on the floor to the feathers and said:

Hey goose, shake up, shake up!

The goose reappeared. Alive and whole. He shook himself, started up, as if he had never been in the oven.

Eco miracle marvelous, eco miracle wonderful - says the man. - I've never seen anything like it.

Look, you'll see more! And now, get this marvelous marvelous as a gift. You will have a roast that is not bought every day.

He gave the goose to the peasant and ordered him to sit on his back. The man sat on his back to the goblin, He instantly carried him to the edge of the forest. The man returned home, himself cheerful, contented.

Well, wife, well, children, it was not for nothing that I wandered in the forest all day. I brought a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle. Now we will always be full. And shows them a goose.

The wife looked at the goose, sighed and said:

Well, this diva is enough for us for just one dinner.

The man chuckled.

And don't be sad, maybe it will remain for tomorrow. Come on, frying pan!

The wife filed, but she herself does not know what to think. The man says:

Hey, goose, shake yourself up, wake up, and lie down in the pan!

The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Put the wife frying pan in the oven!

A little later, the man says:

Well, wife, our goose is fried. Take it out, we'll eat now.

Everyone sat down at the table, began to eat the goose. The man does not order to throw the bones, he orders to put them in a pile. As they ate and left the table, he threw the bones on the floor to the feathers and said:

Hey, goose, get up, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!

The goose immediately got up, shook himself, started up as if nothing had happened, and went into the yard.

Eco miracle marvelous, eco miracle wonderful, - says the wife. And will we always be like this?

And since then they began to live without grief. As soon as they want to eat, now: "Hey goose, lie down in the pan." And they will eat their fill: “Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!”.

How much time has passed, a rich neighbor found out about it, envy seized him. He chose the time and came at the very lunchtime to the poor neighbor. And he won't think of anything to talk about.

Hello neighbor!


Do you have any tar, you need to grease the cart, but yours is all gone.

What are you neighbor? I don't have a cart or a horse, you know.

That's the trouble, says the rich man. And what are you eating?

We eat goose.

Did you buy something at the market?

What is there, to the market? - the man answers, and he told without hiding, everything was as it was.

The neighbor listened and said: - That's what the neighbor, you sell this goose to me. I'll give you two measures of rye, and a ruble. You can see the price is good.

No, neighbor, it's better not to ask. I won't sell!

The rich man left with nothing, but he himself thinks: “I didn’t sell the good, so I’ll take it!”.

He waited for time, saw how a neighbor with his wife and the guys went into the forest for brushwood, and he dragged a goose from them. He came home, ordered his wife to heat the stove and bring the frying pan. And he himself took a frying pan in his hands, prepared to put the goose in the stove.

And the goose paces around the hut, as if he does not hear. He again:

Hey, goose, lie down in the pan!

Goose know yourself walking from corner to corner. The rich man got angry at the goose, and the sound of his frying pan. Here the frying pan stuck one end to the rich man, and the other to the goose. Yes, it stuck so tightly that it can not be torn off. The rich man, this way and that, cannot unstick himself from the frying pan and from the goose. He shouted to his wife:

What are you, fool, standing, watching? Get me off that damned goose, he's obviously enchanted. The wife began to tear it off, and at the same moment she herself stuck to her husband. She began to scream, calling her daughters for help. Her eldest daughter pulled and stuck to her herself, pulled her older sister - the youngest and also stuck to her. Then the goose barked loudly and dragged everyone after him into the yard, and from the yard into the street. Goes go to the bazaar, past the shops of merchants, he cackles at the top of his voice. A fat merchant from his shop saw him, wanted to help the rich man, grabbed hold of his youngest daughter and stuck to her himself.

Oh, - shouts, trouble, oh, guard!

The headman heard the cry, rushed to the rich man and the merchant to help. This is where they stuck to each other. Walking past the pop saw this and shouted:

Now I will spank you!

Tsop the headman and he himself stuck to him. The pop yelled in a voice that was not his own:

Help, save!

Both the old and the young gathered to shout, laugh, point with their fingers, and the goose to know goes further and further. So he went through the whole village. And then dragged back.

And the rich, and the merchant, and the headman, and the priest do not know where to hide their eyes from shame. Everything was shattered, shattered. The goose led everyone to the peasant's hut and let's bang, call the owner. A man came out and said:

So there, where my goose disappeared. Well, it's good that it's not completely lost.

Hey, goose, shake yourself up and go into the hut!

The goose shook itself, scattered its wings to the sides and went into the hut. And the rich man with his wife and daughters, the merchant, the headman, and the priest quickly ran away to their homes, hid, and do not dare to appear in front of good people. Here the fairy tale ends.

Once upon a time in one village there was a poor, very poor man, he had many children, but little bread. Once they ate all the bread: not a crust, not a crumb left. The wife is grieving, she turned black from grief. The guys scream from hunger, they ask for food.
What to do? Where to get bread?
A man went to bow to a rich neighbor. So and so neighbor, help me, I'm in trouble, give me bread in debt.
- As soon as I gather the harvest, I will immediately give it back.
- Otherwise, order me to work for you, I will not remain in debt.
And the rich man does not want to listen:
“Are there many of you such hungry ragamuffins?” If you help everyone, you yourself will become the same. I don't have it in store for your boys. Get where you want. And forget the way to me!
So he drove away. The peasant returned home empty-handed, sat down on a bench, and began to think about what to do. Give, thinks, I'll go into the forest, maybe I'll shoot a hare or a black grouse. I took my poor little gun and went.
The whole day through the spruce forest, and wandered through the swamps, he broke off all over, got tired, but it was all to no avail, he didn’t even see the hare’s tail all day.
He wandered in such and such a way, wandered more often, and he got lost. He went out to some clearing and heard a noise and screams, came closer, looked closely and sees that there is a large lake in that clearing, and on the shore the devils are fighting with the goblin.
Everyone piled on him, and look - they will crush him. The goblin bends down to the ground, pulls out the roots, and fights off the devils. Yes, it wasn’t there, the devils are pressing on, and pressing on, and they grab him by the legs and arms. The man looked and looked and thought: “We don’t rely on everything for one.”
Aim and how it bangs at the devils from a shotgun-shotgun. The devils got scared and forgot about the fight, all at once flopped into the lake - only circles went on the water.
A man approached the goblin and asked:
- Well, are you still alive?
The goblin caught his breath and says:
Thank you man for your help, I would be lost without you. Why, tell me, did you climb into such a thicket?
- I thought at least to shoot a hare or a black grouse, but only in vain the whole day passed. Wasted all the charges.
Goblin and says:
- Don't worry man! I'll make you a nice present.
And he took him to his hut. Brought and says:
- Do you see a goose wandering near my hut?
- I see.
Well, look what happens to him. Hey goose, come here!
The goose immediately entered the hut. Goblin took out a frying pan and says:
- Shake yourself up, wake up, and lie down in the pan.
The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Goblin pushed that pan into the oven. As the goose was fried red and ruddy, the goblin took it out of the oven and said:
- Well, now we will eat. Look, only eat meat, but don’t break bones, don’t throw them away, collect everything in one pile. So they sat down, and together they ate a whole goose. After that, the goblin took the gnawed goose bones, threw them on the floor to the feathers and said:
- Hey, goose, shake up, shake up!
Goblin took the gnawed goose bones and threw them on the floor.
The goose reappeared. Alive and whole. He shook himself, started up, as if he had never been in the oven.
“Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful,” says the man. - I've never seen anything like it.
"Look, you'll see more!" And now, get this marvelous marvelous as a gift. You will have a roast that is not bought every day.
He gave the goose to the peasant and ordered him to sit on his back. The man sat on his back to the goblin, He instantly carried him to the edge of the forest. The man returned home, himself cheerful, contented.
Well, wife, well, children, it was not for nothing that I wandered in the forest all day. I brought a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle. Now we will always be full. And shows them a goose.
The wife looked at the goose, sighed and said:
- Well, this diva is enough for us only for one dinner.
The man chuckled.
“And don’t be sad, maybe it will remain for tomorrow.” Come on, frying pan!
The wife filed, but she herself does not know what to think. The man says:
- Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, but lie down in the pan!
The goose shook itself, threw off its feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Put the wife frying pan in the oven!
A little later, the man says:
- Well, wife, our goose is fried. Take it out, we'll eat now.
Everyone sat down at the table, began to eat the goose. The man does not order to throw the bones, he orders to put them in a pile. As they ate and left the table, he threw the bones on the floor to the feathers and said:
Hey, goose, get up, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!
The goose immediately got up, shook himself, started up as if nothing had happened, and went into the yard.
“Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful,” says the wife. And will we always be like this?
- Is always.
And since then they began to live without grief. As soon as they want to eat, now: "Hey goose, lie down in the pan." And they will eat their fill: “Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!”.
How much time has passed, a rich neighbor found out about it, envy seized him. He chose the time and came at the very lunchtime to the poor neighbor. And he won't think of anything to talk about.
- Hello, neighbor!
- Hi!
- Do you have any tar, you need to grease the cart, but yours is all gone.
- What are you neighbor? I don't have a cart or a horse, you know.
That's the trouble, says the rich man. And what are you eating?
- We eat goose.
Did you buy something at the market?
What is there, to the market? - the man answers, and he told without hiding, everything was as it was.
The neighbor listened and said: - That's it, neighbor, you sell this goose to me. I'll give you two measures of rye, and a ruble. You can see the price is good.
- No, neighbor, it's better not to ask. I won't sell!
The rich man left with nothing, but he himself thinks: “I didn’t sell the good, so I’ll take it!”.
He waited for time, saw how a neighbor with his wife and the guys went into the forest for brushwood, and he dragged a goose from them. He came home, ordered his wife to heat the stove, and serve the frying pan. And he himself took a frying pan in his hands, prepared to put the goose in the stove.

And the goose paces around the hut, as if he does not hear. He again:
- Hey, goose, lie down in the pan!
Goose know yourself walking from corner to corner. The rich man got angry at the goose, and the sound of his frying pan. Here the frying pan stuck one end to the rich man, and the other to the goose. Yes, it stuck so tightly that it can not be torn off. The rich man, this way and that, cannot unstick himself from the frying pan and from the goose. He shouted to his wife:
“What are you, you fool, standing and looking at?” Get me off that damned goose, he's obviously enchanted. The wife began to tear it off, and at the same moment she herself stuck to her husband. She began to scream, calling her daughters for help. Her eldest daughter pulled and stuck to her herself, pulled her older sister - the youngest and also stuck to her. Then the goose barked loudly and dragged everyone after him into the yard, and from the yard into the street. A goose goes to the bazaar, past merchants' shops, cackling at the top of its voice. A fat merchant from his shop saw him, wanted to help the rich man, grabbed hold of his youngest daughter and stuck to her himself.
Oh, - shouts, trouble, oh, guard!
The headman heard the cry, rushed to the rich man and the merchant to help. This is where they stuck to each other. Walking by, the priest saw this and shouted:
"Now I'll slap you!"
Tsop the headman and he himself stuck to him. The pop yelled in a voice that was not his own:
Help, save!
Both the old and the young gathered to shout, laugh, point with their fingers, and the goose to know goes further and further. So he went through the whole village. And then dragged back.
And the rich, and the merchant, and the headman, and the priest do not know where to hide their eyes from shame. Everything was shattered, shattered. The goose brought everyone to the peasant's hut and let's bang, call the owner. A man came out and said:
“So there, where did my goose disappear to?” Well, it's good that it's not completely lost.
Hey, goose, shake yourself up and go into the hut!
The goose shook itself, scattered its wings to the sides and went into the hut. And the rich man with his wife and daughters, the merchant, the headman, and the priest quickly ran away to their homes, hid, and do not dare to appear in front of good people.
Here the fairy tale ends.

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