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The most useful inexpensive fish. Cheap doesn't mean bad. We choose the most delicious white fish. What kind of fish can be grown artificially

Christmas night is considered magical, because only on this day you can see how the heavens open. In order to see a wonderful moment, you need to put a container of water in the house and look at the water for 5 minutes before midnight. Important! As soon as the surface of the water is stirred, immediately go outside and look at the sky. This magical moment is simply inexplicable and beautiful, and you can make a wish.

If your thoughts are pure and innocent, then any wish can come true. But some conditions must be observed:

  • before you read the prayer, you must ask for the forgiveness of your sins and the reinforcement of faith;
  • even though the prayer is read from a book, it is important that the words come from the soul;
  • at the end, give thanks to God for hearing you;
  • in no case should you drink alcohol when reading prayers.

Prayers dedicated to Christmas have truly magical powers. Before reading them, it would be useful to read "Our Father".

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If on Christmas Eve you can hold a small charity event or donate to the suffering, this will be counted in the future. The important thing is that things must come from the heart. You can ask God for anything, the main thing is not to ask to punish enemies, not to do evil. Naturally, one of the requests of most people will be material wealth, getting rid of debt and poverty. To improve the material condition, you need to light a church candle at home or in the church, while reading the words:

Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and from the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary be born indescribably! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, as by Your great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal. Moreover, we pray to Thee, who opens Your generous hand, fulfilling all living things of Your blessings, giving food to everyone in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting, the slaves abstained Yours, may they be eaten with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for fun and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Another rite of passage to attract money. To do this, under a Christmas tree dressed up for Christmas, they put a small clay pot with coins. Must be filled to the top. Be sure to perform the ceremony on the morning of January 6. In no case do not take coins from there, otherwise the rite simply will not work.

Previously, this pot was buried in the ground, but now it makes no sense, so after 7 days, remove it to the far corner. When you add coins, read this plot:

The Star of Bethlehem lights up, the soul is filled with happiness. Will bring gifts, a holiday to the house. It will become light and rich in it! How much the bells in the Temple ring, the righteous people rejoice, So many Angels put me in a pot of gold. Amen!

Not only material benefits can be obtained by reading prayers, there is also a prayer to the miraculous icon for happiness and prosperity. In no case should you use your success with selfish intentions. The main thing is to believe that these words will bring protection from enemies and good luck in all matters.

Lord, our savior. Hear your servant (name). I beg you, Heavenly Father, grant me sincere faith and illuminate my thorny path. Learn to follow You and do Your will. Let me find peace of mind and not be tormented by pangs of conscience. I ask for myself and for the whole human race: may your goodness descend on us. Earthly happiness and peace of mind will be in our lives. May our souls be filled with your prayers. Amen

After all, it is not in vain that it is believed that what you do on Christmas will happen. Let's once again check the miracle of this holiday and other prayer for our well-being and happiness:

The Beginning Beginning, Holy and Eternal God, and the Creator of all creation! With which words we thank and with which songs we magnify Yours for the sake of man, the indescribable descent, by the will of His Divinity did not depart, and the bowels of the Father are not parted, this God, like a man, now lies down in a wordless den, Christ our God! Who will confess this unspoken mystery, the greatness and glorious fulfillment of the sacrament: the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin is, may he free the world from the legal oath, and the sons of sin and iniquity - the children of God, the heirs of eternal blessings - he will make himself, as an immaculate and all-holy sacrifice, in the pledge of the salvation of a fallen man let him bring. Sweetest Jesus, Lord All-Merciful! By your Divine descent, the earthly vale to the temple of Thy Divine Glory is sanctified, and all who live on it are filled with heavenly joy. Vouchsafe us also on the day of Your glorious Nativity with a pure heart and an open soul to confess Thee the true Lamb of God, who delights and strengthens us with the hope of future blessings in the unfading Light of the Thrice-radiant Divinity, through Him everything lives and moves, through Him the renewal of our primitive being is perfected. Hey, Lord, rich in all good deeds to the Giver, and the Giver of the Good, for the hedgehog you loved the world so much, as if you deigned to bear all our sorrows and illnesses on Yourself, do not leave us, until the vanity of the earth with sorrows and misfortunes did not dry up our souls, and do not perish the path of salvation under our feet, may our enemies not laugh at us, but grant us, in the light of Your Divine Revelation, to know the path of peace, goodness and truth, and cry out with an insatiable thirst for You, our Savior, in a hedgehog to do Your will, I do Your goodness in Your fear, and in praise of Your inexpressible condescension, like a fragrant censer, bring You an undefiled life and unhypocritical love, but in our deeds and in the hope of our faith, Your holy will is unceasingly done, and Your glory, glory, will never cease under heaven, - like the Only Begotten from Father, full of grace and truth. As if about You, now the flesh of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary, Who was born, all the tribes of heaven and earth, fulfilling joys, loudly confess: God is with us, to Him honor and worship befits - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Also on the holy holiday of Christmas, you need to read prayers for good luck. Eastern windows call for good luck on Christmas Day. To read this prayer, you need to prepare. To do this, turn off the lights in the entire house and only the candle flame will illuminate the window. After waiting for the first star, say the text of the prayer 3 times:

The star of Bethlehem shines - proclaims joy to people. The Christ-child is announced into the world, great joy awakens. That great joy touches me. Luck will turn to face me.

After blowing out the candle, say: So be it! After that, you can sit down at the Christmas table and continue the holiday. If you do not have time to read and memorize such long conspiracies, then you can read a small prayer for good luck.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, ascend the world with the light of reason: in it, for those who serve the stars, I study the star, bow to Thee, the Sun of truth, and lead Thee from the height of the East: Lord, glory to Thee.

Everyone knows perfectly well that on Christmas night they are guessing at the betrothed, but few people know that by reading a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, you can get rid of loneliness and find good luck in love. Both unmarried girls and divorced women can read the plot. The main thing is not to ask for the love of a particular man, because, having imposed your will on another person, a retribution awaits for this. If you read sincerely and from the heart, you can find personal happiness.

Prayer for a happy marriage

Holy Mother of God, Queen of Heaven. Only You can understand and hear me. I appeal to You and pray for the protection of me, a sinful slave (name). My heart is open to love, but it does not come to me. Empty in my soul and sad. Grant me sincere and righteous love. Show my chosen one, above the given. May our destinies intertwine into one and with the support of your life, our life will be righteous. Amen

For unmarried girls and women, these words are also suitable:

With great joy I turn to you, Mother of God.
You are the one who filled the fruit of your womb with love.
I, the servant of God (my name), I beg you now for help.
Please give me mutual and sincere love.
Send me a loving and caring husband,
so that I can raise children in happiness and joy.
May thy name be hallowed. Amen

On the eve of Christmas, you can read prayers for the health of the family, about your health, you can ask the Higher powers to heal the seriously ill and reduce their suffering. On the eve of this Orthodox holiday, you need to light a candle at the icon and think and imagine the person for whose health the prayer is said:

Lord, Almighty, holy King, punish and do not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, correct, we pray to You, our God, visit Your servant (name of the rivers) without power, by Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary.

To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame the passion and all the infirmity that is hidden, be the doctor of Your servant (name of the rivers), raise him up from the painful bed and from the bed of embitterment, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will.

Yours is, to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

One of the most powerful prayers for health is this one:

In the hands of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and verbs, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my body and soul movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and dwelling, the course and death of my belly, the day and hour of my exhalation, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But you, O Most Merciful God, the whole world with sins, unconquerable Goodness, gentle, Lord, me, more than all sinners, accept in your hand your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, grant correction to my evil and accursed life and from always delight me in the coming sinful falls, and in no way when I anger Your philanthropy, even cover my infirmity from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the visible and invisible enemy, guiding me on the saved path, bring me to Thee, my refuge and my desires. Grant me a Christian end, shameless, peaceful, keep from the air spirits of malice, at Your Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Your servant and count me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them to You, my Creator, I glorify forever. Amen.

Thanks to this conspiracy, our ancestors could put even a seriously ill person on their feet. For this ceremony, you need: a new linen towel, wipe the patient with it, and then he will quickly recover. The following prayer is read on the towel:

In the name of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. I say a strong conspiracy, I perform a witchcraft business. Seventy-seven earthly ailments recede, Pain disappears with the help of the night. Evil corruption and nightly writhing, Seizure seizure and cancer stinging, Suspicious dryness and evil scoundrel, Forever disappear from me. As the Mother of God wiped Christ, Washed with a linen towel, So bless my linen, too, God. Whoever wipes himself with flax, Any of the seventy-seven ailments will be erased from him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most importantly, you need to store this item away from others so that a healthy person does not wipe himself with a towel in the park. On one of the main Orthodox holidays - Christmas, it is worth reading a prayer that will protect the whole year. To read the prayer, you must have a cross with you. The words of the amulet are pronounced exactly 9 times, standing on the threshold and looking inside the house.

Lord, take nine arrows away from me. Protect from a knife, court, water and fire, from slander, from encroachers on the roof and body, and from black damage done on blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Whatever prayers you say, the main thing is to believe that everything will come true and a miracle will happen. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

New article: prayer before the icon of the Nativity of Christ on the site site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

PRAYER before the icon CHRISTMAS

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, ascend the world with the light of reason: in it, for the stars who serve as a star, I learn, to bow to the Sun of truth, and lead Thee from the height of the East: Lord, glory to Thee.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh Born of the Brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times). Glory to the Father and the Son, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and weaknesses, according to Your boundless mercy, the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.


Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year, I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your indescribable love of mankind. Extend Thy mercies to me, a sinner, continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all middlemen and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of heaven. Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen.


O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.


Holy Guardian Angel of my child (name), cover him with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep his heart in angelic purity. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my children (names), keep them under Thy shelter, cover from all evil lust, cast away from them everyone and adversary, open to them the eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.


Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), relatives, mentors and benefactors, and all Orthodox Christians.


Angel of God, my holy Guardian, given to me from God from heaven, I diligently pray to you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen.

(to ask to heal you from diseases of the legs)

“Virgin Mother of God, Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, Intercessor of the entire Christian race! Thy miraculous icon is reverently coming, we pray to Thee, hear us praying to Thee: accept our unworthy thanksgiving for all Thy unspeakable good deeds to us, in this place and in many villages and cities of the Russian land manifested and manifested; Thou art healing the sick, consolation for the grieving, correction and admonition for those who have erred. Be a cover and comfort for all of us, a haven from all evils, troubles and circumstances, from famine, a coward, a flood, fire, a sword, an invasion of a foreigner, deadly ulcers and from evil people of embitterment. Protect from all misfortune and save with faith and reverence those who flow to Your miraculous icon and pray to You with love here and in every place. Lift up our prayers, like a fragrant incense, to the Throne of the Most High, who grants us health, long life and haste in the labors of the pious, but we manage with Your nourishment, and overshadow Your cover, glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your Maternal intercession for us, always, now and forever and ever. Amen".

Ephraim the Sirin consists of ten petitions - it is customary to read not only on the day of the remembrance of the saint, but also during Great Lent.

“Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk, do not give me. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant. Yes, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for you are blessed forever and ever, amen.

to the icon of the Mother of God Zhirovitskaya, helping with incurable ailments (May 20)

“O Most Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! Kima by mouth I will touch Your sanctuary, or with which words we will confess Your bounty, manifested by people: no one, flowing to You, departs thin and is not heard. From my youth, I have sought Your help and intercession, and I have never been deprived of Your mercy. Look, Lady, grieve my heart and weigh the wounds of my soul. And now, kneeling before Your most pure image, I offer my prayers to Thee. Do not deprive me of Your all-powerful intercession in the day of my sorrow, and in the day of my sorrow intercede for me. Do not turn away the current of my tears, Lady, and fill my heart with joy. Refuge and intercession wake me, Merciful, and enlighten my mind with the dawns of Thy light. And not only do I pray to Thee for myself, but also for the people who come to Thy intercession. Keep the Church of Your Son in goodness and protect her from the evil slanders of the enemy who rise up against her. Autumn our country with the shelter of Thy goodness and deliver me from natural disasters, the invasion of foreigners and internecine discords, so that all who live in it, in love and peace, will live a quiet and serene life, and having inherited the blessings of eternal prayers from Thy prayers, they will be able to praise together with You God in heaven forever. Amen".

icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, healing from all diseases.

“O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, Omnipotent Intercessor, our shameless hope! Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort, if not to Thee, O Lady? To whom did they bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, with Your prayers send us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and diseases, from sudden death and from all the embitterment of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, to pass the path of this earthly life without sin. We ask you, Most Pure Lady, and bowing down before your holy icon, we pray: have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the terrible day of judgment, with your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of your Son, Christ our God, and all glory, honor and worship are due to him with his Father without beginning and his Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

about the healing of the sick.

Oh, Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the inseparable Trinity, look kindly on Your servant (name), obsessed with illness, forgive him all his sins, give him healing from illness, return him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he would bring grateful prayers to You, the all-merciful God and my Creator.

in all dangerous situations.

Holy Mother of God, save us!

The Monk Ambrose of Optina (in the world Alexander Grenkov) since 1839 in the Optina Hermitage took part in the revival of eldership - the way of monastic life, in which an experienced monk, an elder, leads the spiritual life of monks.

Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will.

For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing anyone or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayer for Christmas: how to pray and with what words (texts)

Photo gallery: Prayer for Christmas: how to pray and with what words (texts)

Prayer is a special intimate conversation between a person and God, in which one acquires a reverent state and a feeling of touching eternal truths. Prayer for Christmas helps to find peace of mind and peace. This frank appeal to God can express a request, repentance or gratitude. A conversation with God is always individual, and it is necessary to be alone with the Savior, to purify your thoughts and soul.

The Action of Prayer

Every person from time to time goes through difficult periods in life, when the only support that gives hope is a sincere conversation with the Almighty. Many people know the situation when in everyday life and in especially dangerous moments we, without hesitation, immediately recall the “Our Father” prayed for centuries or the sacred words known to everyone: “Lord, have mercy.” As soon as we begin to pray, we immediately feel the invisible presence and care of higher powers, a touch on something unknown and eternal.

Prayer is able to remove the heavy burden that a person carries in his soul. It cleanses, pacifies, relieves and soothes. But sacred words have an effect if a person believes in divine powers and opens his soul and heart when reading them. Not all people know the texts by heart, but when it becomes necessary to turn to God, it is openness that is important, and then even simple words coming from the soul will certainly be heard. Prayers are:

  1. Private - addressed in private to the Lord with a request or gratitude.
  2. Public - texts that form the basis of worship, passing to us from generation to generation. They are divided into several types:
  • repentant;
  • petition;
  • gratitude.

You can communicate with God both aloud and mentally. A mental appeal to the Lord allows you to start a personal monologue with him at any time.

Features of prayer for Christmas

Christmas night is special, it is filled with magical magic, as if all higher powers descend to earth, joyfully glorifying God. It is believed that it is on the night of the Nativity of Christ that the heavenly channel of communication with the Almighty opens. Therefore, the prayers that the priest says in the temple have a special meaning and great power. Festive holy days, as well as the observance of all church canons, strengthen the appeal to God. A sincere prayer coming from the heart on Christmas will certainly be heard and will help to survive a difficult period in life or alleviate suffering.

For those who do not have the opportunity to visit the church, you can also pray at home at a holy supper. The main prayer, which must certainly be read, is the “Our Father”, known to everyone since ancient times. You can also read an appeal to the Mother of God or to Jesus Christ - a prayer for Christmas. To attract love and happiness into your life, you can use a special prayer that is read in the morning on Christmas Day.

How to pray correctly

Every person can receive an answer to the appeal, regardless of where exactly he pronounces the sacred words. A prayer appeal should resemble a conversation with the closest person, a meeting with a friend. The main thing at the same time is to start and end the ritual correctly, which will help a few important recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to prepare for prayer in advance, then it will have great power. To do this, you need to bring order to your thoughts and create peace in your soul. No extraneous thoughts should disturb the mind, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the spoken words.
  2. It is necessary to pray in front of the icon and preferably with the image of the person to whom the prayer is addressing.
  3. It is important to read texts from the bottom of your heart, thinking about the spoken words.
  4. You can not let any images into consciousness. Also, you should not present the image of the Saint you are addressing.
  5. It is important to forgive everyone whom you previously considered enemies, to rid your soul of hatred, anger, resentment.
  6. To get the maximum effect, you need to light a candle. Fire is a conductor of energy and in this case enhances the effect of the request.
  7. If you are reading an appeal to attract love at Christmas, you should light three candles at the same time. Before pronouncing sacred words, you need to mentally imagine the image of a loved one who would move towards you.
  8. Before starting prayer, it is important to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, which helps to attract the grace of God and protects from negative energy.
  9. It is best to start praying by reading "Our Father", overshadowing yourself with the sign of the cross before and after reading each prayer.
  10. Having finished the prayer, it is necessary to kiss the icon, expressing faith and reverence for the Saint.

Remember that a prayer is not always fulfilled immediately, for some kind of request it is sometimes necessary for many circumstances to line up, the main thing is not to lose faith!

Texts of prayers for Christmas

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

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Prayer before the icon of the Nativity of Christ


Prayer and reflection in front of the icon helps to realize the greatness of the sacrifice that the Mother of God brought to the world, who gave birth to the Lamb of God - the Infant Jesus, whose fate has already been determined. Whatever we pray for, and whatever we ask for in sincere and heartfelt prayer, understanding the greatness of this saving sacrifice, which was brought by His Crucifixion only out of love for us, if we pray with tears of love and gratitude, then according to the Lord's great mercy, the tireless care of the Mother of God, everything will be fulfilled and resolved.

But in Bethlehem, overflowing with the same antechamber citizens, there was no place for them in the inns. Nobody accepted into the house either, it was since then that Christians, especially Western ones, have preserved the custom of putting a candle in the window at Christmas so that the Mother of God sees that She and Her Baby will have a haven in this house, unlike the times when He should was to come into being. But then He was born in a cave (in Greek - a nativity scene), which was intended for the stall of livestock. On armfuls of hay and straw for his food, the Savior was born, Who was then laid in a rough manger from which cattle were fed. And the bright star of Bethlehem shone over the city, signifying the place where He came into the world, Whom the world was waiting for, and Who from now on changed the fate of mankind, giving it a different, exalted and deep meaning of brotherhood with Him (Matt. 1, 18-25; Matt. 2:1; Luke 2:1-20). In the cave with the holy family there were an ox, which was brought by Saint Joseph, as a tribute for the census, and a donkey - Mary, waiting for the Firstborn, rode on a donkey, according to the prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 1, 3).

Prayer for the blessing of the humble on Christmas.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and from the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary be born indescribably! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, now you console us not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal. The same we pray to Thee, who opens Thy generous hand, who fulfills all living things of Thy blessings, who gives food to all in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting, Your servants abstained may they be eaten with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for joy and joy. Yes, all of us will abound with all the contentment of our possessions and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, / ascend the world with the light of reason, / in it, for serving the stars / I study the star / Bow to You, the Sun of Truth, / And lead You from the height of the East. / Lord, glory to You!

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, / and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable, / Angels with shepherds glorify, / the wise men travel with the star, / for us to be born / / Child Young, Eternal God.

Magnify, my soul, / The most honest and most glorious of the mountain hosts, the Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of God. To love us like a comfortable fear / silence is more comfortable, / love, Virgo, / weave songs, folded at length, it is inconvenient to eat, / / ​​but also, Mati, strength, there is only volition, give.

Choosing from all generations the most pure Angel the Virgin, and from her born in the flesh, Christ our God; thanksgiving, we bring you Thy servants, Master. You seem to have unspeakable mercy, freeing us from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

An angel gathered in Bethlehem to see the incomprehensible Christmas; and seeing your Creator, lying in a manger like a baby, wondering! And with fear reverently, I was born and gave birth to God's veneration, singing this: Glory to Thee, Son of God, born before the age of the Father. Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit all created. Glory to Thee, come to save the lost. Glory to Thee, even descended to the level of a slave. Glory to Thee, Seeker of the lost. Glory to Thee, Savior of the lost. Glory to Thee, destroying the mediastinum of enmity. Glory to Thee, paradise, closed by disobedience, I will open again. Glory to Thee, the human race unspeakably loved. Glory to Thee, on the earth the den Heaven revealed. Glory to Thee, who gave birth to The Virgin, Who showed the Throne of the Cherubim. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Seeing the incorporeal Angels of their Lord, from the Pure Virgin, they took flesh, horrified! And deciding to each other: this glorious Sacrament is incomprehensible to us to be: both marveling at that inexpressible condescension, with fear I sing: Alleluia.

All rational creatures are horrified and thankful and sing of Your Nativity, Lord, the sacrament! The powers of heaven rejoice singingly: glory to God in the highest, and the earth rejoices with men, but we constantly cry out: Glory to Thee, glorified God in the highest. Glory to Thee, who created peace on earth. Glory to Thee, Who reconciled us to Thee. Glory to Thee, who appeared to us on earth. Glory to Thee, from the Virgin indescribably incarnated. Glory to Thee, shining star. Glory to Thee, the Magi acknowledged the worship of Thee. Glory to Thee, the gifts from them graciously accepted. Glory to Thee, who taught Thee to serve the whole creation. Glory to Thee, and sing to Thee who enlightened us. Glory to Thee, Who united us to Thee. Glory to Thee, Who saved us with Himself. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Strong in fortress, the God of peace, and the Father of bounty, having come to earth to save the perishing world: Now in Bethlehem, like a baby, is born from the Virgin: Southern Mother and Intercessor of the salvation of the show, to all Who incarnate glorifying and singing: Alleluia.

Owner, who gave birth to Thee most pure, praying unceasingly for us: rejoicing, we sing of Thy incarnation, Lord Sacrament! And Christmas from the Blessed Virgin with a glorifying cry: Glory to Thee, Son of God, Glory to Thee, Son of the Virgin, unspeakably born of the Virgin. Glory to Thee, who showed us the abyss of philanthropy. Glory to Thee, who loved us unspeakably. Glory to Thee, who sought the lost sheep. Glory to Thee, about the acquisition of that, rejoice at the Angel of the Rex. Glory to Thee, who received this Ramos. Glory to Thee, Who brought me to the Father. Glory to Thee, people with Angels in one herd copulated. Glory to Thee, who delivered the world from delusion. Glory to Thee, the great and indescribable mercy to us who showed us. Glory to Thee, who loved us more than all creatures. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

The chaste chaste Joseph now sees the most glorious inside the Divine den inside the doubtful thoughts. If you see a man born from the Virgin, but you understand from the things of God to be true: by that you bowed more to God, joyfully belted: Alleluia.

Hearing the shepherd of the Angel, announcing by him the birth of the Savior to the world, in the city of David: and soon flowed, they see This, like a blameless lamb, lying in the womb of the Virgin, lying in a manger, and giving birth reverently serving and Joseph with fear coming; speaking of those who spoke to them, and bowing to the One who was born, deciding: Glory to Thee, Lamb of God, Savior of the world. Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing us an inexpressible miracle. Glory to Thee, hearers of angelic singing, be manifest. Glory to Thee, with them and us glorify Thee who taught. Glory to Thee, angels and men, sing to Thee intelligible. Glory to Thee, on earth and in heaven, creating joy. Glory to Thee, for the heavenly ones rejoice in Thee. Glory to Thee, as by Thee the earthly heavenly copulate. Glory to Thee, who showed strength to the weak devil. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that torment. Glory to Thee, unspeakable joy to those who believe in Thee. Glory to Thee, those who love Thee, inexpressible sweetness. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

The divine star, presenting the Nativity of Christ, the Volsvi saw the stars; and then by driving, reached the Incomprehensible and saw the Invisible: rejoicing to Him cryingly: Alleluia.

Seeing the king of Persitsia, into the hand of the Maiden, the King of kings, as if sitting on the throne of a cherubim, and knowing the Master of that, if a slave is welcomed by the sign, rushing to bring gifts to Him: gold, like the King of all; Lebanon is like God; myrrh, as if to the Immortal, and bowed to the belt: Glory to Thee, the Light that shone to all. Glory to Thee, calling us with a star to worship Thee. Glory to Thee, who denounced the wickedness of the fierce Herod. Glory to Thee, who vainly showed that intent. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that charm. Glory to Thee, Thee, the Sun of truth, to bow to the one who taught. Glory to Thee, Who enlightened me with the light of reason. Glory to Thee, by Thy Nativity of polytheism, the charm of the abolished. Glory to Thee, the dominion of the enemy to the end to overthrow. Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit bow to Thee who taught us. Glory to Thee, who deceived us and crushed the head of the serpent. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from eternal death. Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to you.

The Preacher of God-bearing broadcasts, even fulfilling from You, on earth showed You to Yourself, Savior, in the wretched den now born of the Pure Virgin: and rich, for the sake of us impoverished by thy will, and enrich people, singing to You with faith: Alleluia.

Thou hast shone from the Virgin, and Thy unskillful Mother, Jesus, like the sun enlightening and driving away the lies of darkness: the demons, Savior, impatient of Your fortress, all trembling, and hell, seeing a miracle, being afraid: we thankfully cry out to You: Glory to Thee, man Savior. Glory to Thee, demons to the Consumer. Glory to Thee, the charms of the head of Thy frightening Christmas. Glory to Thee, who abolished the idol charm. Glory to Thee, who shone with the light of the knowledge of God. Glory to Thee, who drove away the darkness of ignorance. Glory to Thee, Stone, the water of salvation for all. Glory to Thee, I quench my thirst for Adam and David. Glory to Thee, like the sun, Who enlightened me with Your Christmas. Glory to Thee, rays of grace to the universe that has turned over. Glory to Thee, Who showed us the land of promise. Glory to Thee, from the all-natural oath to the Deliverer of us. Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to you.

Although from time immemorial reveal to us the hidden secret, from all creation the servants of the sacrament showed you, Savior. From the Angel Gabriel, from the man to the Virgin, from heaven a star, from the earth a cave, in it you were pleased to be born: the same marveling at your inexpressible wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

Thou hast shown the new creation, appearing to the flesh of all the Creator, from the seedless womb of the womb, and preserving it, as if it were incorruptible, and Thou hast shown the Intercessor of salvation to those who sing: Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing Thee who gave birth to the Mother of Mercy. Glory to Thee, Thuya and the Virgin on Christmas. Glory to Thee, save Adam who came. Glory to Thee, who quenched Eve's tears. Glory to Thee, all to save the one who came. Glory to you, the image of the Resurrection is leafy. Glory to Thee, tearing our handwriting of our sins. Glory to you, showing us the image of humility. Glory to Thee, for us for the sake of the impoverished. Glory to Thee, Who has enriched us with Thy poverty. Glory to Thee, who has clothed us with the garment of salvation. Glory to Thee, Who delighted us with Thy love. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Having seen Your strange and glorious Nativity, in a den performed, we will remove the vanity more than the world, the mind on the Divine earth will appear a humble person, but he will raise up to Heaven, To that crying: Alleluia.

All desire, all sweetness to those who love You, Christ God, and Your Divine indulgence to those who glorify: from the Pure Virgin born on earth, raise us to Heaven, singing: Glory to Thee, Son of God, born on earth. Glory to Thee, indescribably incarnated from the Virgin. Glory to Thee, Who has shown us Thee. Glory to Thee, I called us who are far away from Thee. Glory to Thee, our unspeakable joy. Glory to Thee, sweetness of our hearts. Glory to Thee, in Thy Nativity the light of salvation shone forth. Glory to Thee, shedding tears for our salvation. Glory to Thee, by those the flame of our passions is extinguished. Glory to Thee, washing us from sinful filth. Glory to Thee, who destroyed the crime. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from corruption. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Every understanding and every mind, angelic and human, does not comprehend Your incomprehensible Nativity, Master, understand the Sacraments; Both, O Good Lord, accept our love and faith; and save us who sing to you: Alleluia.

Vityas of many things, like a voiceless fish, we see about Your incarnation, Lord, they will not be able to say how God is perfect, a perfect man has appeared, and how unskillfully born from the Virgin; but we do not test the Mysteries, with one faith we glorify, crying out: Glory to Thee, Hypostatic Wisdom of God. Glory to Thee, inexpressible to all Joy. Glory to Thee, revealing wisdom and unwiseness. Glory to Thee, shameful of those who test about Thee. Glory to Thee, all the fabulous weaving torn to pieces. Glory to Thee, the light of the knowledge of God shining upon all. Glory to Thee, shedding wisdom in Thy deeds. Glory to Thee, Who enlightened the minds of many. Glory to Thee, Who showed us the way of salvation. Glory to Thee, innumerable abyss of mercy. Glory to Thee, abyss of generosity and philanthropy. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Wanting to save the perishing world, who is the beautifier of all, from the Virgin, like a baby is born and wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, resolving the many-woven captivity of sins: And this Son of God, the Virgin Son happens! And all the wisdom arranges and saves those who sing: Alleluia.

The wall and pillar of the wickedness of the God-opposing and the lawless race appeared, the life of the God-fighter who gives to kill is vain, and the mild-mannered babies, like classes of immature swords, will reap: in the same way we have rejected all malice from our hearts, we will glorify us who has come to save us cryingly: Glory to Thee, Herod's intention is in vain showing. Glory to Thee, from that beating of infants with angels, co-owner. Glory to Thee, malice to the consumer. Glory to Thee, Instructor of humility and Lover of mortals. Glory to Thee, I broke the horn of pride. Glory to Thee, the light of truth shone to all. Glory to Thee, I have taught all meekness and humility. Glory to Thee, I will bring all into Thy knowledge. Glory to Thee, Thou who gave birth to the womb, consecrated by Thy Christmas. Glory to Thee, from the shepherds a miracle and from the Magi gifts received. Glory to Thee, and teach You to serve without words. Glory to Thee, sanctifying all creation. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

All singing is conquered, for Thy hedgehog us for the sake of incarnation, it is worthy to bring those who want: and comfort is silence. Even if we bring equal sands of the sea song to Thee, the Most Holy King, but we accomplish nothing with dignity: we sing the same with fear: Alleluia.

The light of Thee is unstoppable, existing in darkness and living in the shadow of death, our Savior, having seen from the Virgin, shining: enlightened by the fire of Your Divinity; and to You Wisdom and meaning to the Giver of the sing, crying out loudly: Glory to Thee, Son of God, Light inexpressible. Glory to Thee, Sun of Truth, Thy Christmas all enlightening. Glory to Thee, multi-luminous enlightenment to the one who shone. Glory to Thee, a multi-flowing river of grace to us who exuded. Glory to Thee, thirsty for the water of salvation richly drunk. Glory to Thee, who love Thee, the yoke is good and Thy burden is easy to show. Glory to Thee, who lightened us from the burden of sin. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from the work of the enemy. Glory to Thee, by Thy appearance on earth, all rejoicing. Glory to Thee, who has created us to be comforted by being. Glory to Thee, for us to reveal our desires to Himself. Glory to Thee, reconciling us existing enemies to the Father. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Grace to all taxes and the debts of people, resolve the one who came, our Savior, by Your Incarnation: so resolve our debts and tear the manuscript apart: Your inexpressible Christmas glorifying and unceasingly singing: Alleluia.

Singing Your incarnation, we praise, bless and worship You, our Savior; and we believe that Thou art the Lord and God, save all those who trust in Thee and Thy hedgehog from the Virgin, the inexpressible Christmas of those who glorify and sing this: Glory to Thee, Son of God, worshiped in the highest with the Father and the Spirit. Glory to Thee, glorious from all the tribes of heaven and earth. Glory to Thee, the sacrament hidden from the ages. Glory to Thee, revealing Thy unspeakable love to us. Glory to Thee, all creatures to the Decorator. Glory to Thee, our all-merciful Savior. Glory to Thee, affirm the scepters piously reigning on earth. Glory to Thee, reverent saints and priests, adorn with wisdom and splendor. Glory to Thee, the Church foundation and affirmation. Glory to Thee, salvation and adornment to all the faithful. Glory to Thee, our bodies to the Physician and Healing. Glory to Thee, O Decorator and Savior of our souls. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Oh, Sweet and All-Generous Jesus, our Savior, Creator and Master! Now accept this small prayer thanksgiving and our praise, as if you received worship and gifts from the Magi; and save us, Your servants, from every misfortune: and grant forgiveness of sins; and deliver eternal torment to those who truly glorify Thy, from the pure Virgin, Nativity and crying Ty: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Complete collection and description: Orthodox prayer of the Nativity of Christ for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer is a frank appeal to God. The content of such a conversation can be different, it mainly depends on each of us individually. Since you can turn to God with a prayer at any moment, the meaning of the words can be different - from gratitude for something to a request and repentance. After pronouncing the text of the prayer, a person becomes prosperous and calm, because he gains peace of mind.

Features of prayer for Christmas on January 7

The prayer that the clergyman says has a special meaning. It is believed that God hears such texts first of all, especially if they are heard in a special temple, taking into account all the liturgical canons. In addition, those prayers that are timed to coincide with great church holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, carry special power. It is believed that the words with which a person turns to God on such days have great potential. If they are uttered with an open soul and repentance, then God will certainly help the one who prays and give him the strength to go through a difficult period in his life.

A prayer for the Nativity of Christ is said in a church church, where the service begins on the evening of January 6. It carries the appeal and praise of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who gave his life for the sake of all those who pray. The service on the Nativity of Christ is very beautiful and solemn; a peaceful festive atmosphere reigns there.

If people do not have the opportunity to attend church on Christmas Day, then it is advisable to say the words of prayer at home at a holy supper. We must definitely thank Jesus Christ for the opportunity to absorb food and water. You can do this both sitting at the table and standing in front of the icon. With a prayer for Christmas, you need to turn to the son of God, Jesus Christ, God, the Mother of God and all the saints.

Prayer for Christmas

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

“Therefore, we pray to Thee, who opens Thy generous hand, who fulfills all living things of Thy blessings, who gives food to all in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food, prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting abstained Thy servants, may they be one who eats them with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for fun and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Celebration of Christmas

us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya

and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Your Christmas, Christ our God,

ascension of the world and the light of reason:

serving the stars in it,

To you bow to the Sun of truth,

and lead you from the height of the East:

Lord, glory to You.

Kontakion, voice 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,

and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;

Angels with shepherds glorify

the wolves travel with the star;

for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

Troparion to the pre-feast

open to all, Eden,

like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:

heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,

in it the Divine Garden,

from worthless poison, we will live,

not like Adam will die.

Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

Sometimes writing with Elder Joseph,

like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,

womb-bearing seedless Birth.

Now it's time for Christmas

and a place without a dwelling,

but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.

Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

Orthodox Christmas prayer

The All-Night Vigil begins with Great Compline, at which the solemn song of the prophet Isaiah is sung:

God is with us, understand, Gentiles, and repent, as God is with us!

Frequent repetition in this song: God is with us! testifies to the spiritual joy of believers who recognize among themselves God-Emmanuel.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason, in it, for the stars serving as a star, I learn to bow to You, the Sun of truth, and lead You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Translation: Your Nativity, Christ our God, has illuminated the world with the light of the knowledge of God; for then - the stars, as God, who served - were taught by the star to worship You, the Sun of righteousness, and to know You, the East from on high. Lord, glory to You!

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; The angels with the shepherds glorify, the wizards travel with the star, for the sake of us being born young, the eternal God.

Translation: Now the Virgin gives birth to Him Who is above all created, and the earth presents a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify, wise men travel with a star: for a young child, the eternal God, was born for us.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, today Bethlehem will receive the One who sits ever with the Father, today the Angels of the Child born will glorify Godly praise: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh born of the brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

From the womb before the morning star, the birth of Thee. The Lord swears and will not repent

Today Christ in Bethlehem is born from the Virgin: today the Beginningless begins, and the Word is incarnated: the powers of heaven rejoice, and the earth with men rejoices: the wise men bring gifts to the Lord: the shepherd marvel at the Born. But we constantly cry out: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

Let the whole earth worship You and sing to You, let the Most High sing to Your name

The triumph of this holiday is aggravated for the Russian Orthodox Church by the memory of the deliverance of our fatherland from the Gauls (French) and with them twenty languages ​​(peoples) in 1812. After the liturgy, a thanksgiving service is performed.

Prayers for Christmas

Celebration of Christmas

us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya

and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

ascension of the world and the light of reason:

serving the stars in it,

To you bow to the Sun of truth,

and lead you from the height of the East:

Lord, glory to You.

and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;

Angels with shepherds glorify

the wolves travel with the star;

for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

open to all, Eden,

like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:

heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,

in it the Divine Garden,

from worthless poison, we will live,

not like Adam will die.

Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,

womb-bearing seedless Birth.

Now it's time for Christmas

and a place without a dwelling,

but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.

Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

Akathist to the Nativity of Christ

Comments (1)

and from Her, born of the flesh, Christ our God,

Thanksgiving, we bring Thee to Thy servants, Master.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to Thee.

and seeing your Creator, lying in a manger like a baby, wondering!

Glory to Thee, Son of God, born before the age of the Father. Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit all created.

Glory to Thee, come to save the lost.

Glory to Thee, even descended to the level of a slave.

Glory to Thee, seeker of the lost.

Glory to Thee, Savior of the lost.

Glory to Thee, destroying the mediastinum of enmity.

Glory to Thee, paradise, closed by disobedience, I will open again.

Glory to Thee, the human race unspeakably loved.

Glory to Thee, on earth the den of heaven revealed.

Glory to Thee, who gave birth to The Virgin, Who showed the Throne of the Cherubim.

And deciding to each other: this glorious Sacrament is incomprehensible to us to be:

Both marveling at the inexpressible That descent, with fear I sing: Alleluia.

The powers of heaven rejoice with song: glory to God in the highest, and the earth rejoices with men,

we are constantly crying out:

Glory to Thee, glorified God in the highest.

Glory to Thee, who created peace on earth.

Glory to Thee, Who reconciled us to Thee.

Glory to Thee, who appeared to us on earth.

Glory to Thee, from the Virgin indescribably incarnated.

Glory to Thee, shining star.

Glory to Thee, calling the magi to worship Thee.

Glory to Thee, the gifts from them graciously accepted.

Glory to Thee, who taught Thee to serve the whole creation.

Glory to Thee, and sing to Thee who enlightened us.

Glory to Thee, Who united us to Thee.

Glory to Thee, Who saved us with Himself.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Now in Bethlehem, like a baby is born from the Virgin:

Yuzhe Mother and Advocate of the salvation of the show, to all of Him incarnation glorifying and singing: Alleluia.

rejoicing we sing of your incarnation, Lord, sacrament!

Glory to Thee, Son of God, incarnated for us.

Glory to Thee, Son of the Virgin, unspeakably born of the Virgin.

Glory to Thee, who showed us the abyss of philanthropy.

Glory to Thee, who loved us unspeakably.

Glory to Thee, who sought the lost sheep.

Glory to Thee, about the acquisition of that, rejoice at the Angel of the Rex.

Glory to Thee, who received this Ramos.

Glory to Thee, Who brought me to the Father.

Glory to Thee, people with Angels in one herd copulated.

Glory to Thee, who delivered the world from delusion.

Glory to Thee, the great and indescribable mercy to us who showed us.

Glory to Thee, who loved us more than all creatures.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

now, inside the Divine den, he sees the most glorious.

Even more and like a person who sees from the Virgin born,

but you understood from the things of God to be true:

and bowed more bosomously, joyfully belted: Alleluia.

and soon flowed, they see This, like a lamb without blemish, in the womb of the Virgin, lying in a manger,

and giving birth reverently serving and Joseph with fear coming; talking about those who spoke to them,

and bowed to the Born, deciding:

Glory to Thee, Lamb of God, Savior of the world.

Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing us an inexpressible miracle.

Glory to Thee, hearers of angelic singing, be manifest.

Glory to Thee, with them and us glorify Thee who taught.

Glory to Thee, angels and men, sing to Thee intelligible.

Glory to Thee, on earth and in heaven, creating joy.

Glory to Thee, for the heavenly ones rejoice in Thee.

Glory to Thee, as by Thee the earthly heavenly copulate.

Glory to Thee, who showed strength to the weak devil.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that torment.

Glory to Thee, unspeakable joy to those who believe in Thee.

Glory to Thee, those who love Thee, inexpressible sweetness.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

and that, by driving the Incomprehensible, I reached and saw the Invisible,

rejoicing to Tom blatantly: Alleluia.

as if sitting on a throne with a cherubim, and knowing the Lord of that,

if the slave is pleasant in sight, rushing to bring gifts to Him:

gold, like the King of all; Lebanon is like God; myrrh, as if immortal,

and bowed to the belt:

Glory to Thee, Light shining to all.

Glory to Thee, calling us with a star to worship Thee.

Glory to Thee, who denounced the wickedness of the fierce Herod.

Glory to Thee, who vainly showed that intent.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that charm.

Glory to Thee, Thee, the Sun of truth, to bow to the one who taught.

Glory to Thee, Who enlightened me with the light of reason.

Glory to Thee, by Thy Nativity of polytheism, the charm of the abolished.

Glory to Thee, the dominion of the enemy to the end to overthrow.

Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit, bow to Thee who taught us.

Glory to Thee, who deceived us and crushed the head of the serpent.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from eternal death.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

in a wretched den now born from a pure Virgin:

and this rich one, for the sake of us impoverished thou by will, but make people rich,

singing to you by faith: Alleluia.

like the sun enlightening and driving away the darkness of lies:

demons, O Savior, impatient of Your fortress, all trembling, and hell, seeing a miracle, being afraid;

we gratefully cry out to Ty:

Glory to Thee, man, Savior.

Glory to Thee, demons to the Consumer.

Glory to Thee, the charms of the head of Thy frightening Christmas.

Glory to Thee, who abolished the idol charm.

Glory to Thee, who shone with the light of the knowledge of God.

Glory to Thee, who drove away the darkness of ignorance.

Glory to Thee, Stone, the water of salvation for all.

Glory to Thee, I quench my thirst for Adam and David.

Glory to Thee, like the sun, Who enlightened me with Your Christmas.

Glory to Thee, rays of grace to the universe that has turned over.

Glory to Thee, Who showed us the land of promise.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from the all-natural oath.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

From the Angel Gabriel, from the man to the Virgin, from heaven a star, from the earth a cave,

Thou didst please to be born in him;

the same marveling at your inexpressible wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

from the seedless vegetative womb, and preserving it, as if it were incorruptible,

and you have shown the Intercessor of salvation to those who sing:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing Thee who gave birth to the Mother of Mercy.

Glory to Thee, Thuya and the Virgin on Christmas.

Glory to Thee, save Adam who came.

Glory to Thee, who quenched Eve's tears.

Glory to Thee, all to save the one who came.

Glory to Thee, the image of the Resurrection is glistening. Glory to Thee, the handwriting of our sins is torn. Glory to Thee, showing us the image of humility.

Glory to Thee, for us for the sake of the impoverished.

Glory to Thee, Who has enriched us with Thy poverty.

Glory to Thee, who has clothed us with the garment of salvation.

Glory to Thee, Who delighted us with Thy love.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

let us remove the vanity more than the world, the mind is more divine.

For this reason, for God's sake, a humble man appears on earth, and raises up to heaven crying out to Tom: Alleluia.

and Your Divine condescension to the glorifying:

from the Virgin, more pure born on earth, raise us to heaven, singing:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, born on earth.

Glory to Thee, indescribably incarnated from the Virgin.

Glory to Thee, Who has shown us Thee.

Glory to Thee, I called us who are far away from Thee.

Glory to Thee, our unspeakable joy.

Glory to Thee, sweetness of our hearts.

Glory to Thee, in Thy Nativity the light of salvation shone forth.

Glory to Thee, shedding tears for our salvation.

Glory to Thee, by those the flame of our passions is extinguished.

Glory to Thee, washing us from sinful filth.

Glory to Thee, who destroyed the crime.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from corruption.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Vladyka, understand the mystery;

Both, good Lord, accept our love and faith, and save us, who sing to You: Alleluia.

they will be perplexed to say: how perfect is God, how perfect man appeared,

and from the Virgin of the unskilled, how will you be born?

Glory to Thee, hypostatic wisdom of God.

Glory to Thee, inexpressible to all joy.

Glory to Thee, revealing wisdom and unwiseness.

Glory to Thee, shameful of those who test about Thee.

Glory to Thee, all the fabulous weaving torn to pieces.

Glory to Thee, the light of the knowledge of God shining upon all.

Glory to Thee, shedding wisdom in Thy deeds.

Glory to Thee, Who enlightened the minds of many.

Glory to Thee, Who showed us the way of salvation.

Glory to Thee, innumerable abyss of mercy.

Glory to Thee, abyss of generosity and philanthropy.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

like a baby is born and wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger,

resolve the many-woven captivity of sins: and this is the Son of God, the Virgin Son happens!

And he arranges all the wisdom, but save those who sing: Alleluia.

the life of all those who give to kill, the theomachist is venturing, and gentle babies,

as if classes are immature, swords will reap.

to save us, let us glorify the one who came cryingly:

Glory to Thee, Herod's intention in vain showing.

Glory to Thee, from that slaughtered babies from the Angels are respected.

Glory to Thee, malice to the consumer.

Glory to Thee, humility mentor and mortal lover.

Glory to Thee, I broke the horn of pride.

Glory to Thee, the light of truth shone to all.

Glory to Thee, I have taught all meekness and humility.

Glory to Thee, I will bring all into Thy knowledge.

Glory to Thee, Who gave birth to the womb with Thy Nativity consecrated.

Glory to Thee, from the shepherds a miracle and from the Magi gifts received.

Glory to Thee, and teach You to serve without words.

Glory to Thee, sanctifying all creation.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

worthy to bring those who want: and convenience is silence.

We bring more and equal sand of the sea song to Thee, the Most Holy King,

we do nothing with dignity. With the same fear we sing: Alleluia.

having seen from the Virgin resplendent: enlightened by the fire of Your Divinity;

and to You, wisdom and meaning to the Giver, I will sing, crying out:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, Light inexpressible.

Glory to Thee, Sun of Truth, Thy Christmas all enlightening.

Glory to Thee, multi-luminous enlightenment to the one who shone.

Glory to Thee, a multi-flowing river of grace to us who exuded.

Glory to Thee, thirsty for the water of salvation richly drunk.

Glory to Thee, who love Thee, the yoke is good and Thy burden is easy to show.

Glory to Thee, who lightened us from the burden of sin.

Glory to Thee, who delivered us from the work of the enemy.

Glory to Thee, by Thy appearance on earth, all rejoicing.

Glory to Thee, who has created us to be comforted by being.

Glory to Thee, for us to reveal our desires to Himself.

Glory to Thee, us, existing enemies, reconciling to the Father.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

By your incarnation, by that our debts will be resolved and the sins of the handwriting will be torn apart,

Your inexpressible Christmas glorifying and incessantly singing: Alleluia.

and we believe that Thou art the Lord and God, save all who trust in Thee

and Your hedgehog from the Virgin is the inexpressible Nativity of those who praise and sing such:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, worshiped in the highest with the Father and the Spirit.

Glory to Thee, glorious from all the tribes of heaven and earth.

Glory to Thee, the sacrament hidden from the ages.

Glory to Thee, revealing Thy unspeakable love to us.

Glory to Thee, all creatures to the decorator.

Glory to Thee, our all-merciful Savior.

Glory to Thee, affirm the scepters piously reigning on earth.

Glory to Thee, reverent saints and priests, adorn with wisdom and splendor.

Glory to Thee, the Church foundation and affirmation.

Glory to Thee, salvation and adornment to all the faithful.

Glory to Thee, our bodies to the doctor and healing.

Glory to Thee, our souls beautifier and Savior.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Receive now this little prayerful thanksgiving and our doxology,

as if you received worship and gifts from the Magi; and save us, Your servants, from every misfortune;

and grant forgiveness of sins; and deliver eternal torment from those who truly glorify You, from the pure Virgin,

This article contains: a prayer for the feast of the Nativity of Christ - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Prayer is a frank appeal to God. The content of such a conversation can be different, it mainly depends on each of us individually. Since you can turn to God with a prayer at any moment, the meaning of the words can be different - from gratitude for something to a request and repentance. After pronouncing the text of the prayer, a person becomes prosperous and calm, because he gains peace of mind.

Features of prayer for Christmas on January 7

The prayer that the clergyman says has a special meaning. It is believed that God hears such texts first of all, especially if they are heard in a special temple, taking into account all the liturgical canons. In addition, those prayers that are timed to coincide with great church holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, carry special power. It is believed that the words with which a person turns to God on such days have great potential. If they are uttered with an open soul and repentance, then God will certainly help the one who prays and give him the strength to go through a difficult period in his life.

A prayer for the Nativity of Christ is said in a church church, where the service begins on the evening of January 6. It carries the appeal and praise of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who gave his life for the sake of all those who pray. The service on the Nativity of Christ is very beautiful and solemn; a peaceful festive atmosphere reigns there.

If people do not have the opportunity to attend church on Christmas Day, then it is advisable to say the words of prayer at home at a holy supper. We must definitely thank Jesus Christ for the opportunity to absorb food and water. You can do this both sitting at the table and standing in front of the icon. With a prayer for Christmas, you need to turn to the son of God, Jesus Christ, God, the Mother of God and all the saints.

Prayer for Christmas

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

“Therefore, we pray to Thee, who opens Thy generous hand, who fulfills all living things of Thy blessings, who gives food to all in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food, prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting abstained Thy servants, may they be one who eats them with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for fun and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Celebration of Christmas

us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya

and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Your Christmas, Christ our God,

ascension of the world and the light of reason:

serving the stars in it,

To you bow to the Sun of truth,

and lead you from the height of the East:

Lord, glory to You.

Kontakion, voice 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,

and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;

Angels with shepherds glorify

the wolves travel with the star;

for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

Troparion to the pre-feast

open to all, Eden,

like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:

heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,

in it the Divine Garden,

from worthless poison, we will live,

not like Adam will die.

Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

Sometimes writing with Elder Joseph,

like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,

womb-bearing seedless Birth.

Now it's time for Christmas

and a place without a dwelling,

but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.

Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

The main prayers of the Nativity of Christ ...

They ask me to read from an open book in Church Slavonic, they ask me questions about the liturgical Rule, they ask me to sing. My head is spinning and my throat dries up - what is there to sing ... In the end, they “drive” along the troparia and kontakions of big (there are a dozen of them) holidays. It is not easy to recall offhand the necessary prayer related to this or that holiday, and even excitement, and even while preparing for the exam, a lot of things got mixed up in my head ... With the help of God, I can cope with this.

Do not be surprised later that the clergy can so easily and immediately read or sing a prayer to any major holiday


In the troparion (a diminutive of the Greek tropos - tropes) the essence of the holiday is revealed or a sacred person is glorified.

In the kontakion (from Greek literally: a wooden roller on which a scroll is wound, metaphorically - the scroll itself) the story of the holiday is told theologically and poetically.

Each person who prays with the words of a troparion or kontakion releases as much energy from this prayer as he can perceive, and there remains more and more ... enough even for people of the highest spiritual and mental level.

English translation: Thy Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of knowledge, for through it those who serve as stars were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star. Lord, glory to You!

This light, if we let it into our soul, drives out darkness from there, puts things in order in our thoughts and indicates the direction in which we need to move in order to achieve Salvation. Instead of false vectors pointing the way anywhere, but not to Eternal Life, Christ offers the most true and true path to the disoriented modern man: “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). In light of this, re-read the opening words of the troparion once again: Thy Nativity, Christ our God, exalt the world with the light of reason...

... Only yesterday I read an article about the colossal Asklepion in the Asia Minor city of Pergamum. Let me explain that Asklepion was the name given to temples and medical complexes built in honor of the pagan god of medicine Asclepius. Tens of thousands of people flocked here, tormented by various ailments. People underwent medical procedures and prayed. Many have been healed. The attitude of Christians towards this cult is important: “Archaeological excavations in Asklepion allow us to conclude that already in the 4th century there was a Christian temple on the territory of the sanctuary. The Church invited people to address their prayers not to the earthly savior, but to the Heavenly Savior. Early Christian history does not record the facts of the confrontation between the Church and Asclepion, he continued to function for many more centuries. The pagan temples of the complex became Christian, and the healers, having adopted Christianity, continued to fulfill their high duty. The Church, accepting the achievements of ancient medicine, cleansed it of pagan layers and showed that healing, as a result of medical experience and knowledge, is, however, in the hands of the One Who is the true Lord of both life and death ”(1).

There are many such moments. Christians recognize that God also addresses the pagans in a language they understand, with the help of signs familiar to them. It is important that a person sees this sign and hears the word addressed to him. And he came not to anyone else, but to Christ.

After the sovereign sun has risen and illuminated everything, there is no need for other luminaries (moon, stars), which fought against darkness until sunrise. In the same way, with the advent of Christ - the Sun of Truth, all pre-Christian forms of religiosity and worship of God become unnecessary.

The adoration of the Newborn Jesus by the Magi is an extremely theologically important fact: the sages and religious leaders of pre-Christian humanity - sorcerers, magicians, worshiping Jesus (worshipped, i.e. prostrated themselves, only before the king), thereby relinquish their powers. He is the new King and High Priest who will lead the human race.

Russian translation: On this day, the Virgin gives birth to the Superessential, and the earth brings a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify, while sorcerers travel after the star, for for our sake a young Child, the Eternal God, was born!

And the Virgin giving birth to the Superessential (how else to express the mystery of the nature of Jesus?);

And our planet, which provides a warm cozy cave to the One for Whom people did not deign to make room and did not give a place.

Here Angels with shepherds sing hymns to the Newborn Savior;

The Magi wander through the night, guided by the Star of Bethlehem ...

And all because for the sake of our Salvation, for the sake of a blessed and eternal life in the joy of the Lord, His Son came to us.

All these are topics not of that history, but of everlasting history, including ours. And with whom to be: with those who love Christ and serve Christ, or with those who do not care about Him, or even with those who are at enmity against Him - we make this choice every day.

Feast of Christmas

Icon of Christmas

Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Prayer.

The Nativity of Christ is truly the brightest day in the world, when boundless joy has come, when it seems that the heavens are descending, and everything earthly is dissolved in them. On this day, everyone rejoices: both people and angels. It was this joy that more than two thousand years ago the Angel brought to the Bethlehem shepherds about the birth of the Son of God - the Savior of the human world.

Christmas history of the holiday.

On the eve of the birth of her son, the Mother of God came to Bethlehem. It was a small town, there were not enough places in the hotel for everyone. And Mary, with her betrothed Joseph, spent the night in a cave, of which there were quite a few in those places, the shepherds drove their cattle into them at night. It was on this night that Christ was born. He was placed in a manger from which cattle were fed. The first to worship God were the shepherds.

Far to the east lived the Magi, who also came to worship the Savior. They knew in advance about the imminent birth of the Messiah and followed the guiding star that showed them the way in the sky. This star is called the Bethlehem star. The Magi crossed several states before coming to the Divine Infant. They brought him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The gifts of the Magi have a deep symbolic meaning.

Gold symbolizes the offering to the King, because after the incarnation, Jesus became the earthly king.

Frankincense is a priestly symbol, because Christ became the High Priest by earthly ministry.

Smyrna - the body of dead people was anointed with her, and it was she who in the Christmas story became a symbol indicating that Christ redeemed for all mankind, sacrificed himself.

Christians only in the fourth century began to celebrate this bright holiday. Until that moment, the birth of Christ was mentioned by the first Christians on the day of Theophany, but then these holidays were separated, and Christmas became the second most important Christian holiday after Easter, surpassing the day of Theophany.

In Russia, they were especially waiting for Christmas Day, because according to the Julian calendar, Christmas first came, and then the New Year and traditionally Christmas trees were decorated for Christmas. After the transition to the Gregorian calendar in the eighteenth year of the twentieth century, the New Year comes to us first, and then we all celebrate the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas Eve, the day before the holiday, is a very strict fast day, when Christians do not eat food until the evening. The whole Earth is looking forward to meeting the Divine Child. Now they fast only until the moment when a candle is brought to the center of the church after the Liturgy of Christmas Eve and a troparion to Christmas is sung.

Celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Easter is considered the most important holiday in the Church. In addition to this bright holiday, there are twelve great holidays, which are called the Twelfth. The most important of them is considered the Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated before Epiphany from January 7 to 17. This time is called Christmas. Christmas holidays are waiting for both children and adults. The festivities bring a sea of ​​joy, sweets, fun, gifts, peace and comfort are felt in homes, hope burns in the hearts that the future will be joyful and bright.

This holiday is celebrated by believers in temples, festive services are held in all churches. On this night you can not sleep, because it is at this time that Christ is born. We remember that the Lord is always grateful to people for even the smallest efforts that they make for Him.

Traditions of the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

There are many traditions among the people associated with this bright holiday, and the Church recognizes most of them. On Christmas Eve, on the eve of the holiday, they always decorate a Christmas tree, on top of which there is a star - a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. On the Christmas tree, candles, and now light bulbs, remind us of an unearthly light emanating from the cave where Jesus was born. Gifts for the whole family are always placed under the Christmas tree. Also in temples and houses they build a symbolic cave with figures of people who surrounded the born Jesus.

The main action of this holiday is caroling, and everyone carols, both children and adults. In villages where there were no high houses, people went to all the houses, glorified the born Jesus Christ and therefore they were called Christoslavs. They brought good news to the house and therefore they were presented to those who could do anything: money, sweets, fruits, sweets.

On Christmas days, people go to visit each other and give gifts. From a Christian point of view, it is right and useful to visit the suffering and the sick. Children especially look forward to this holiday. If possible, then you need to give gifts to children in an orphanage or hospitals, the main thing is to want to do good. Be sure to go to the temple for worship.

Prayer for Christmas.

On a special Christmas night, everything is filled with magical magic, higher powers descend to our earth, glorifying God. It is on this night that the heavenly channel of communication with the Almighty opens, and it is the prayers uttered by the priest in the temple at this time that not only carry a special meaning, but also have great power. The observance of church canons especially strengthens the appeal to God. A sincere prayer coming from the heart during the holidays will be sure to be heard, help to survive a difficult period, if any, and also alleviate suffering.

If someone cannot come to church for various reasons, then you can pray at home at a holy supper. It is imperative to read the main prayer, known since ancient times - this is the Our Father. You can read the appeal to the Mother of God or to Jesus Christ, a prayer for Christmas. To attract happiness and love into your life, you need to read a special prayer in the morning on Christmas Day.

Orthodox prayers in honor of the Nativity of Christ

The biggest Orthodox holiday after the Bright Resurrection of Christ, especially revered by believing Christians, is Christmas celebrated on January 7th. All these events have been reminding Christians of the high truths of religion for many centuries and serve as an example of virtue and piety. Christmas in Orthodox churches is celebrated with solemn services, which necessarily include reading Troparion of the Nativity of Christ January 7. The entire Orthodox faith is based on Christian culture, the beginning of which is associated with Christmas. Christianity, which brought light to the world, showed the believers a great truth, according to which the main driving force is love and virtue. The calendar begins with the birth of Jesus Christ. Orthodox divine services in honor of this holiday begin with a litia, then follow the stichera on the apostle, and end with the troparion of the Nativity, which opens the way for the worship of Christ to Orthodox parishioners. Even when the holiday has begun, the Holy Church does not stop caring for those who are not yet ready for its worthy meeting, because the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is not only joyful hymns, but also fervent prayers for every Christian soul, asking for the mercy of God.

Prayer, akathist and troparion of the Divine Liturgy of the Nativity of Christ

The solemn service of the celebration of Christmas begins with the morning service to Christ - the Non-Evening Light, who came to the Orthodox world to enlighten human nature. The morning service consists of a series of hymns that reveal the idea of ​​the Incarnation and glorify the Savior. These doxologies also include the troparion to the Nativity of Christ, which is an invariable part of Matins. Before the start of Matins, the troparion was sung three times. Now, before singing the verses “God the Lord, appear to us”, which are performed to the voice of the troparion to Christmas, he makes it possible to fully comprehend its sublime meaning, which is expressed in the words: “Your Christmas, Christ our God, exalt the world Light of reason.” The liturgical texts of the feast of the Nativity of Christ are a poetic presentation of Orthodox dogmas, in which the Orthodox teaching about Christ the Savior is conveyed to Christians through sacred biblical prayer poetry.

Listen to the video Akathist in honor of the Nativity of Christ

Akathist to the Nativity of Christ

Choosing from all generations the most pure Angel the Virgin, and from her born in the flesh, Christ our God; thanksgiving, we bring you Thy servants, Master. You seem to have unspeakable mercy, freeing us from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

An angel gathered in Bethlehem to see the incomprehensible Christmas; and seeing your Creator, lying in a manger like a baby, wondering! And reverently with fear, I was born and gave birth to the adoration of God, singing this: Glory to Thee, Son of God, born before the age of the Father. Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit all created. Glory to Thee, come to save the lost. Glory to Thee, even descended to the level of a slave. Glory to Thee, Seeker of the lost. Glory to Thee, Savior of the lost. Glory to Thee, destroying the mediastinum of enmity. Glory to Thee, paradise, shut up by disobedience, I will open again. Glory to Thee, the human race unspeakably loved. Glory to Thee, on the earth the den Heaven revealed. Glory to Thee, who gave birth to The Virgin, Who showed the Throne of the Cherubim. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Seeing the incorporeal Angels of their Lord, they took flesh from the Pure Virgin, horrified! And deciding to each other: this glorious Sacrament is incomprehensible to us to be: both marveling at that inexpressible condescension, with fear I sing: Alleluia.

All rational creatures are horrified and thankful and sing of Your Nativity, Lord, the sacrament! The powers of heaven rejoice singingly: glory to God in the highest, and the earth rejoices with men, but we constantly cry out: Glory to Thee, glorified God in the highest. Glory to Thee, who created peace on earth. Glory to Thee, Who reconciled us to Thee. Glory to Thee, who appeared to us on earth. Glory to Thee, from the Virgin indescribably incarnated. Glory to Thee, shining star. Glory to Thee, the Magi acknowledged the worship of Thee. Glory to Thee, the gifts from them graciously accepted. Glory to Thee, who taught Thee to serve the whole creation. Glory to Thee, and sing to Thee who enlightened us. Glory to Thee, Who united us to Thee. Glory to Thee, Who saved us with Himself. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Strong in fortress, the God of peace, and the Father of bounty, having come to earth to save the perishing world: Now in Bethlehem, like a baby, is born from the Virgin: Southern Mother and Intercessor of the salvation of the show, to all Who incarnate glorifying and singing: Alleluia.

Owner, who gave birth to Thee most pure, praying unceasingly for us: rejoicing, we sing of Thy incarnation, Lord Sacrament! And Christmas from the Blessed Virgin with a glorifying cry: Glory to Thee, Son of God, Glory to Thee, Son of the Virgin, unspeakably born of the Virgin. Glory to Thee, who showed us the abyss of philanthropy. Glory to Thee, who loved us unspeakably. Glory to Thee, who sought the lost sheep. Glory to Thee, about the acquisition of that, rejoice at the Angel of the Rex. Glory to Thee, who received this Ramos. Glory to Thee, Who brought me to the Father. Glory to Thee, people with Angels in one herd copulated. Glory to Thee, who delivered the world from delusion. Glory to Thee, the great and indescribable mercy to us who showed us. Glory to Thee, who loved us more than all creatures. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

The chaste chaste Joseph now sees the most glorious inside the Divine den inside the doubtful thoughts. Even if you see a person from the Virgin who is born, but you understand from the things of God to be true: by that you bow more bosom, joyfully belt: Alleluia.

Hearing the shepherd of the Angel, announcing by him the birth of the Savior to the world, in the city of David: and soon flowed, they see This, like a blameless lamb, lying in the womb of the Virgin, lying in a manger, and giving birth reverently serving and Joseph with fear coming; speaking of those who spoke to them, and bowing to the One who was born, deciding: Glory to Thee, Lamb of God, Savior of the world. Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing us an inexpressible miracle. Glory to Thee, hearers of angelic singing, be manifest. Glory to Thee, with them and us glorify Thee who taught. Glory to Thee, angels and men, sing to Thee intelligible. Glory to Thee, on earth and in heaven, creating joy. Glory to Thee, for the heavenly ones rejoice in Thee. Glory to Thee, as by Thee the earthly heavenly copulate. Glory to Thee, who showed strength to the weak devil. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that torment. Glory to Thee, unspeakable joy to those who believe in Thee. Glory to Thee, those who love Thee, inexpressible sweetness. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

The divine star, presenting the Nativity of Christ, the Volsvi saw the stars; and then by driving, reached the Incomprehensible and saw the Invisible: rejoicing to Him cryingly: Alleluia.

Seeing the king of Persitsia, into the hand of the Maiden, the King of kings, as if sitting on the throne of a cherubim, and knowing the Master of that, if a slave is welcomed by the sign, rushing to bring gifts to Him: gold, like the King of all; Lebanon is like God; myrrh, as if to the Immortal, and bowed to the belt: Glory to Thee, the Light that shone to all. Glory to Thee, calling us with a star to worship Thee. Glory to Thee, who denounced the wickedness of the fierce Herod. Glory to Thee, who vainly showed that intent. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from that charm. Glory to Thee, Thee, the Sun of truth, to bow to the one who taught. Glory to Thee, Who enlightened me with the light of reason. Glory to Thee, by Thy Nativity of polytheism, the charm of the abolished. Glory to Thee, the dominion of the enemy to the end to overthrow. Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit bow to Thee who taught us. Glory to Thee, who deceived us and crushed the head of the serpent. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from eternal death. Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to you.

The preacher of God-bearing broadcasts, even fulfilling from Thee, on earth revealed thou to Thee, Savior, in the wretched den now born of the Pure Virgin: and rich, for the sake of us impoverished thou by will, and enrich the people, singing to Thee with faith: Alleluia.

Thou hast shone from the Virgin, and Thy unskillful Mother, Jesus, like the sun enlightening and driving away the lies of darkness: the demons, Savior, impatient of Your fortress, all trembling, and hell, seeing a miracle, being afraid: we thankfully cry out to You: Glory to Thee, man Savior. Glory to Thee, demons to the Consumer. Glory to Thee, the charms of the head of Thy frightening Christmas. Glory to Thee, who abolished the idol charm. Glory to Thee, who shone with the light of the knowledge of God. Glory to Thee, who drove away the darkness of ignorance. Glory to Thee, Stone, the water of salvation for all. Glory to Thee, I quench my thirst for Adam and David. Glory to Thee, like the sun, Who enlightened me with Your Christmas. Glory to Thee, rays of grace to the universe that has turned over. Glory to Thee, Who showed us the land of promise. Glory to Thee, from the all-natural oath to the Deliverer of us. Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to you.

Although from time immemorial reveal to us the hidden secret, from all creation the servants of the sacrament showed you, Savior. From the Angel Gabriel, from the man to the Virgin, from heaven a star, from the earth a cave, in it you were pleased to be born: the same marveling at your inexpressible wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

Thou hast shown the new creation, appearing to the flesh of all the Creator, from the seedless womb of the womb, and preserving it, as if it were incorruptible, and Thou hast shown the Intercessor of salvation to those who sing: Glory to Thee, Son of God, showing Thee who gave birth to the Mother of Mercy. Glory to Thee, Thuya and the Virgin on Christmas. Glory to Thee, save Adam who came. Glory to Thee, who quenched Eve's tears. Glory to Thee, all to save the one who came. Glory to you, the image of the Resurrection is leafy. Glory to Thee, tearing our handwriting of our sins. Glory to you, showing us the image of humility. Glory to Thee, for us for the sake of the impoverished. Glory to Thee, Who has enriched us with Thy poverty. Glory to Thee, who has clothed us with the garment of salvation. Glory to Thee, Who delighted us with Thy love. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Having seen Your strange and glorious Nativity, in a den performed, we will remove the vanity more than the world, the mind on the Divine earth will appear a humble person, but he will raise up to Heaven, To that crying: Alleluia.

All desire, all sweetness to those who love You, Christ God, and Your Divine indulgence to those who glorify: from the Pure Virgin born on earth, raise us to Heaven, singing: Glory to Thee, Son of God, born on earth. Glory to Thee, indescribably incarnated from the Virgin. Glory to Thee, Who has shown us Thee. Glory to Thee, I called us who are far away from Thee. Glory to Thee, our unspeakable joy. Glory to Thee, sweetness of our hearts. Glory to Thee, in Thy Nativity the light of salvation shone forth. Glory to Thee, shedding tears for our salvation. Glory to Thee, by those the flame of our passions is extinguished. Glory to Thee, washing us from sinful filth. Glory to Thee, who destroyed the crime. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from corruption. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Every understanding and every mind, angelic and human, does not comprehend Your incomprehensible Nativity, Master, understand the Sacraments; Both, O Good Lord, accept our love and faith; and save us who sing to you: Alleluia.

Vityas of many things, like a voiceless fish, we see about Your incarnation, Lord, they will not be able to say how God is perfect, a perfect man has appeared, and how unskillfully born from the Virgin; but we do not test the Mysteries, with one faith we glorify, crying out: Glory to Thee, Hypostatic Wisdom of God. Glory to Thee, inexpressible to all Joy. Glory to Thee, revealing wisdom and unwiseness. Glory to Thee, shameful of those who test about Thee. Glory to Thee, all the fabulous weaving torn to pieces. Glory to Thee, the light of the knowledge of God shining upon all. Glory to Thee, shedding wisdom in Thy deeds. Glory to Thee, Who enlightened the minds of many. Glory to Thee, Who showed us the way of salvation. Glory to Thee, innumerable abyss of mercy. Glory to Thee, abyss of generosity and philanthropy. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Wanting to save the perishing world, who is the beautifier of all, from the Virgin, like a baby is born and wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, resolving the many-woven captivity of sins: And this Son of God, the Virgin Son happens! And all the wisdom arranges and saves those who sing: Alleluia.

The wall and pillar of godly malice and the most lawless race appeared, the life of everyone who gives to kill the godless fighter is vain, and gentle babies, like classes of immature swords, will reap: in the same way we have rejected all malice from our hearts, we will glorify us who has come to save us cryingly: Glory to Thee, Herod's intention is in vain showing. Glory to Thee, from that beating of infants with angels, co-owner. Glory to Thee, malice to the consumer. Glory to Thee, Instructor of humility and Lover of mortals. Glory to Thee, I broke the horn of pride. Glory to Thee, the light of truth shone to all. Glory to Thee, I have taught all meekness and humility. Glory to Thee, I will bring all into Thy knowledge. Glory to Thee, Thou who gave birth to the womb, consecrated by Thy Christmas. Glory to Thee, from the shepherds a miracle and from the Magi gifts received. Glory to Thee, and teach the wordless to Thee. Glory to Thee, sanctifying all creation. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

All singing is conquered, for Thy hedgehog us for the sake of incarnation, it is worthy to bring those who want: and comfort is silence. Even if we bring equal sands of the sea song to Thee, the Most Holy King, but we accomplish nothing with dignity: we sing the same with fear: Alleluia.

The light of Thee is unstoppable, existing in darkness and living in the shadow of death, our Savior, having seen from the Virgin, shining: enlightened by the fire of Your Divinity; and to You Wisdom and meaning to the Giver of the sing, crying out loudly: Glory to Thee, Son of God, Light inexpressible. Glory to Thee, Sun of Truth, Thy Christmas all enlightening. Glory to Thee, multi-luminous enlightenment to the one who shone. Glory to Thee, a multi-flowing river of grace to us who exuded. Glory to Thee, thirsty for the water of salvation richly drunk. Glory to Thee, who love Thee, the yoke is good and Thy burden is easy to show. Glory to Thee, who lightened us from the burden of sin. Glory to Thee, who delivered us from the work of the enemy. Glory to Thee, by Thy appearance on earth, all rejoicing. Glory to Thee, who has created us to be comforted by being. Glory to Thee, for us to reveal our desires to Himself. Glory to Thee, reconciling us existing enemies to the Father. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Grace to all taxes and the debts of people, resolve the one who came, our Savior, by Your Incarnation: so resolve our debts and tear the manuscript apart: Your inexpressible Christmas glorifying and unceasingly singing: Alleluia.

Singing Your incarnation, we praise, bless and worship You, our Savior; and we believe that Thou art the Lord and God, save all those who trust in Thee and Thy hedgehog from the Virgin, the inexpressible Christmas of those who glorify and sing this: Glory to Thee, Son of God, worshiped in the highest with the Father and the Spirit. Glory to Thee, glorious from all the tribes of heaven and earth. Glory to Thee, the sacrament hidden from the ages. Glory to Thee, revealing Thy unspeakable love to us. Glory to Thee, all creatures to the Decorator. Glory to Thee, our all-merciful Savior. Glory to Thee, affirm the scepters piously reigning on earth. Glory to Thee, reverent saints and priests, adorn with wisdom and splendor. Glory to Thee, the Church foundation and affirmation. Glory to Thee, salvation and adornment to all the faithful. Glory to Thee, our bodies to the Physician and Healing. Glory to Thee, O Decorator and Savior of our souls. Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Oh, Sweet and All-Generous Jesus, our Savior, Creator and Master! Now accept this small prayer thanksgiving and our praise, as if you received worship and gifts from the Magi; and save us, Your servants, from every misfortune: and grant forgiveness of sins; and deliver eternal torment to those who truly glorify Thy, from the pure Virgin, Nativity and crying Ty: Alleluia.

/This kontakion is read 3 times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1/

The text of the prayer for Christmas

The Beginning Beginning, Holy and Eternal God, and the Creator of all creation! With which words we thank and with which songs we glorify Your indescribable condescension for the sake of man, by the will of His Divinity we did not depart, and the bowels of the Father are not parted, this God, like a Man, now lay down in a wordless den, Christ our God!

Who will confess this unspoken Sacrament, the greatness and glorious fulfillment of the Sacrament: the Son of God, the Son of the Virgin is, let the world be freed from the legal oath, and the sons of sin and lawlessness - the children of God, the heirs of eternal blessings - will make Himself, as an immaculate and All-Holy sacrifice, in the pledge of the salvation of a fallen man let him bring.

Sweetest Jesus, Lord All-Merciful! By Your Divine condescension, the earthly vale to the temple of Your Divine Glory is sanctified, and all who live on it are filled with heavenly joy. Vouchsafe us also, on the day of Your Most Glorious Nativity, with a pure heart and an open soul to confess Thee the true Lamb of God, who delights and strengthens us with the hope of future blessings in the unfading Light of the Thrice-radiant Divinity, through Him everything lives and moves, through Him the renewal of our primitive being may be perfected.

Hey, Lord, rich in all good deeds to the Giver, and the Giver of the Good, for the hedgehog you loved the world so much, as if you deigned to bear all our sorrows and illnesses on Yourself, do not leave us, until the vanity of the earth with sorrows and misfortunes did not dry up our souls, and do not perish the path of salvation under our feet, may our enemies not laugh at us, but grant us, in the light of Your Divine Revelation, to know the path of peace, goodness and truth, and cry out with an insatiable thirst for You, our Savior, in a hedgehog to do Your will Pre-good in Your Strass. And in praise of Your indescribable condescension, like a fragrant incense, bring You an undefiled life and unfeigned love, but in our deeds and in the hope of our faith, Your Holy will is unceasingly done, and Your glory under heaven will never cease; glory, - like the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. As if about You, now the flesh of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary, Who was born, all the tribes of heaven and earth, fulfilling joys, loudly confess: God is with us, to Him honor and worship befits - the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The text of the troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason: in it, for the stars serving as a star, I learn to bow to You, the Sun of Truth, and lead You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You.

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable, Angels with shepherds glorify, the wizards travel with the star: for the sake of us, the Child of Young, the Eternal God, was born.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh Born of the Brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary.


O glory to Saint Spyridon!




Orthodox book of canons

Theotokion in the Orthodox Prayer Book


1 comment

Thanks! I enjoyed listening to a wonderful recording on Christmas Eve. The text was a great help.

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