Home perennial flowers Elaine Wu Qili's actress. Jackie Chan's daughter got married to a Canadian model. The most famous films of Jackie Chan

Elaine Wu Qili's actress. Jackie Chan's daughter got married to a Canadian model. The most famous films of Jackie Chan

In April, the cult actor, martial artist, philanthropist and entrepreneur Jackie Chan turned 64 years old. The boy idol of the 90s, who brought kung fu and banana pants into fashion, is still fit and full of energy, despite numerous injuries.

In February, Chan carried the Olympic torch in Pyeongchang, and in March he made a film about the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans race. The Jackie Chan DC Racing team has been performing in this class of cars for the last two years. In the 2017 marathon, two crews of the team took second and third places in the overall standings.

Now Chan is busy producing the film "Wii 2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal", which will be released in August - Jackie starred in it with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jackie runs a powerful business empire, which includes a chain of cinemas, a Segway factory, restaurants, branded clothing stores, beauty salons and sports clubs.

Recently, Chan launched an electric scooter rental service in Singapore. According to Forbes, the actor's net worth exceeded $400 million last year.

The actor has been married for 35 years to actress Lin Fengjiao from Taiwan - in the 50s, Jackie's father spied on this state. Chan spoiled their only son Jaycee- he disappeared in the film sets and got used to the atmosphere of adventure and permissiveness.

Jaycee grew up arrogant and narcissistic, completed acting classes, but did not achieve success in the film industry. The son of a star put together a musical group, drove around the USA and China, until he thundered into prison. In 2015, Chan Jr. was arrested in Hong Kong for marijuana use and 100 grams of the substance was found in his apartment.

According to local laws, Jaycee was threatened with a long prison term and even the death penalty, but the authorities reported extenuating circumstances (they were not named), and Chan was released six months later. After this story, Jackie disinherited his son - he bequeathed all the money to charitable organizations.

“If Jaycee has brains, then he will earn himself. If not, then my money will not bring him happiness, and he will squander it. I regret that I did not send my son to the army so that he would temper his character and gain invaluable life experience., - admitted the actor, who starred in 130 films.

The illegitimate daughter of a superstar will get nothing Etta Wu Jolin b. 20 years ago, Chan joined the jury of the Miss Asia contest, which took place in Hong Kong. There, the actor began an affair with the winner Elaine Wu Qili. Jackie left the family for three months, but returned - Chan did not get used to the difficult character of Elaine, who got him jealous.

Jackie recognized his daughter after the DNA procedure - this greatly offended Elaine, and she forbade her father to see Etta. Before the girl was 15 years old, their communication was reduced to greeting cards for her birthday. “Chan is just my biological father, I understand that he will never become the same kind of person for me as my mother,” Etta admitted. In 2008, Jackie invited his daughter to star in his film Run Daddy Run, but the girl refused.

Chan and Etta became close after the actor refused to communicate with his son - the girl visited Jackie's house several times a year and found a common language with his wife. Everything changed in the fall of 2017 - 18-year-old Etta came out by announcing a relationship with 30-year-old Canadian blogger Andy Autumn. The mother renounced her daughter, and the girl went to her father in America. She hoped for Jackie's understanding, but he did not let the couple go beyond the threshold. “I don't care what she does. She has her life, I have mine. Every man makes a mistake, for which he then pays,” said Chan.

Etta turned into an outcast and lost not only the support of loved ones (friends also turned their backs on her), but also financial well-being. “We were homeless for a whole month and lived under a bridge because of homophobic parents. I do not count on their help, ”Etta said in an appeal to Internet users. The girl asked those who are not indifferent to provide financial support to her and her friend. The video has garnered over 100,000 views on YouTube.

Chan has built an ideal world in which there is no place for negativity - reputation and money come first for him. Because of this, for more than 30 years he has not played bad characters on principle, he selectively gives interviews, and now he has refused children. Jackie behaved like the billionaire Paul Getty - when his grandson was kidnapped in 1973, the miser refused to pay the ransom and said: “I have 14 grandchildren. If I pay one penny today, then I will have 14 kidnapped grandchildren.”

Jackie Chan, Roberto Mancini

Getty Jr. was nevertheless released, but a few months in captivity made themselves felt - the guy could not sleep, got addicted to drugs and became disabled. Based on this story, the film All the Money in the World was recently released.

Jackie didn't admit that Jaycee and Etta's problems were his fault as well. As soon as the children stumbled and did not play by his rules, he dismissed them as if they were corrupt cops in his films.

Our selection presents the children of stars who have declared their homosexuality. Some of the famous parents were able to understand and accept the nature of their child, and someone is still in shock ...

How do parents feel when they find out about the non-traditional orientation of their children? It turns out that many stars know the answer to this question ...

Etta Wu Zhuolin - daughter of Jackie Chan, 18 years old

Recently, the 18-year-old illegitimate daughter of Jackie Chan and Hong Kong beauty queen Elaine Wu Qili came out, admitting that she is a lesbian. She posted this information on her Instagram. The girl also said that she has a lover and that the couple had to face rejection from the family. How her star father reacted to the revelations of her daughter is still unknown. However, it is likely that Jackie Chan will not react at all, because he refuses to acknowledge his paternity in relation to Etta.

Eliot Sumner - Sting's daughter, 27

In 2015, the youngest daughter of the English singer Sting made a public admission that she is a lesbian:

“Initially, I thought that I was attracted to both boys and girls. But over time, I realized that I prefer girls, and it seems that this is forever.

According to the girl, her parents and friends know about her orientation and treat her normally.

Roxanne Depardieu - daughter of Gerard Depardieu, 24 years old

In March 2016, the illegitimate daughter of Gerard Depardieu and actress Karin Silla, Roxana, admitted that she was in a relationship with a woman:

"I do boxing. Also, I'm dating a woman. No one will ever tell me what I should do. I am a free woman

Sam Grisman - son of actress Sally Field, 29

The youngest son of Oscar-winning actress Sally Field turned out to be gay. According to the actress, as a child, he desperately tried to be like his two older brothers: to be as strong, athletic and restless. But nature created him differently, and Sam had to go a long and difficult way to understand and accept himself. Sally Field supports her son in everything and encourages all parents not to reject their LGBT children.

Cheryl Crane - Lana Turner's daughter, 74

Lana Turner is one of the famous actresses of old Hollywood, known not only for her films, but also for her numerous love affairs and eight marriages. In connection with the loving nature of the star, her daughter Cheryl had to endure a lot of grief. When the girl was only 13 years old, her mother's fifth husband, actor Lex Barker, began to molest her. Upon learning of this, Lana Turner immediately put her lustful husband out and found a replacement for him in the face of gangster Johnny Stompanato. Johnny turned out to be very jealous, and one day a terrible quarrel broke out between him and Lana, during which he began to threaten his beloved with a knife. Hearing her mother's screams, Cheryl ran into the room, grabbed a kitchen knife and plunged it into the gangster's stomach. Stompanato died on the spot. The court acquitted Cheryl, but she lost her trust in men forever. For many years, Cheryl Crane has been in a relationship with a woman and does not hide her orientation.

Rosalind Celentano - daughter of Adriano Celentano, 49 years old

Rosalind Celentano has not hidden her bisexuality for a long time. She repeatedly said that she had relationships with both men and women. In particular, she told the media about her affair with Monica Bellucci, however, this information was not officially confirmed. Rosalind later had a relationship with another actress, Simone Borini. The couple even wanted to tie the knot, but same-sex marriage is illegal in Italy.

Adriano Celentano was very worried about his daughter's addictions. However, the conservative Italian pulled himself together and insisted on a frank conversation with Rosalind. After the conversation, relations in the family improved.

Jason Gould - son of Barbra Streisand, 50

Barbra Streisand actively defends the rights and interests of sexual minorities. Perhaps because her own son Goodman is gay. The famous actress, according to her, does not regret this fact at all:

“I don’t want another son for myself. He is a smart, kind, conscientious person, a gifted actor with the makings of a good director. What more could a mother ask for?"

Naomi King - daughter of Stephen King, 47 years old

When Stephen King found out that his daughter was a lesbian, he was shocked, but he had the wisdom to come to terms with this fact. In 2000, 30-year-old Naomi married a 54-year-old theology school teacher named Tandeka. King attended the wedding with his wife, but he clearly felt out of place, because on top of that, his daughter's bride is a year older than him!

Clementine Ford (38) and Molly-Ariel Oppenheim (30) daughters of Cybil Shepherd

The star of the TV series Moonlight Detective Agency is the mother of two daughters who at one time admitted that they were lesbians. In 2009, Clementine did it, and in 2010, Ariel did it. True, already in 2013, Clementine married actor Cyrus Ulcox, from whom she gave birth to two children. Perhaps her fascination with women was only temporary.

As for Cybil Shepherd, she reacted very calmly to the news of her daughters being gay, because the actress has long been a defender of gay rights.

19-year-old Chinese woman Etta Wu Zholin, daughter of actor Jackie Chan, married Canadian model Andy Autumn. Earlier, as the girl stated on her personal YouTube channel, her personal life caused a scandal with her famous father. He allegedly even kicked her out of the house when he found out about her gay daughter.

The girls talked about the marriage on their Instagram pages and shared footage of the wedding ceremony, which took place in early November.

In the photos, lovers Etta and Andy pose for the cameras in bright images. In one of the pictures, the girls boasted of a document that officially sealed their union.

Whether during this time he reconciled with the position of Jackie Chan's daughter is not known. However, there is no information whether the girl managed to find a common language with her parents after the scandal in 2017.

Etta Wu Zholin is the illegitimate daughter of Jackie Chan and actress Elaine Wu Qili. As far as is known, after the birth of the girl, the famous movie stuntman recognized her, but did not take part in the upbringing.

Recall, Etta Wu Zholin, said that the famous actor kicked her out of the house. The girl and her 30-year-old sweetheart Andy Autumn had to spend the night under the bridge.

During his long career, the most famous and recognizable Chinese actor Jackie Chan managed to make a multi-million dollar fortune. However, he is apparently not ready to share it with his family. At least the illegitimate daughter of the provocative action hero Etta Wu Zholin was left without parental support.

The girl's problems began after she confessed her non-traditional sexual orientation. She met at that time with 30-year-old Andy Autumn from Canada. However, the life of the girls was not like the plot of a romantic movie. As Etta Wu Zhuolin stated in her YouTube video, their homophobic parents made them homeless.

“We slept under the bridge and did a lot of other things like that.” the girl complained. In recent months, the couple managed to visit the police, contact various LGBT community support centers and even homeless shelters. However, shelters for a lesbian couple did not fit, because lovers have to live separately in them.

The girls were surprised that no one wanted to help them. At the same time, they cannot get sympathy not only from strangers who should be concerned about the problems of non-traditional couples, but also from their own relatives and friends. Help girls asked the inhabitants of the Internet.

Note that netizens apparently did not like this story either. The original video, posted on Etta Wu Zhuolin's YouTube page, received about 1,300 dislikes and a total of 153 likes.

November 26, 2018

Today, the heiress of a famous actor legalized her relationship with her lover. Etta Wu Zhuolin shared photos from the ceremony.

Jackie Chan's daughter with her lover / photo: instagram.com

Actor (Jackie Chan ) already 64 years old, but he continues to delight fans by performing tricks and dancing. Now the star is filming in the new film "Project X", which is also producing. He has been married for many years to Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao, who gave him a son, Chan Zuming, or simply Jesse, as his relatives call him. The actor also has an illegitimate child from a relationship with actress Elaine Wu Qili. He admitted that he was the father of Etta Wu Zholin, but Chang never took care of her upbringing.

This year, the actor's daughter She wanted to introduce her chosen one, 30-year-old Canadian Andy Autumn, to her parents last year, but the girl was kicked out of the house. For many months, lovers wandered around the city and spent the night on the street. Apparently, the difficulties only brought Andy and Etta closer together. Today they legalized their relationship. Daughter Jackie married a Canadian model. She shared pictures from the ceremony on social media.

“Returned to Hong Kong as wife and wife,” Wu Zhuolin wrote. During the ceremony, the lovers were dressed in snow-white outfits. Chan's daughter completed the look with a veil. Andy was very touched and could hardly hold back her tears when she took the oath of allegiance.

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