Home perennial flowers Environmental friendliness of the language. Ecology of language and we. Reasons for foreign borrowings

Environmental friendliness of the language. Ecology of language and we. Reasons for foreign borrowings

Fundamentals of linguoculturology [textbook] Khrolenko Alexander Timofeevich

Section IV Ecology of language and culture

Ecology of language and culture

By the end of the XX century. It turned out that practically everything must be protected from a person. Hence the popularity of the term ecology, lost its original definition. Ecology(from Greek. oikos- house, dwelling, residence + logic)- the science of the relationship of organisms and the communities they form with each other and with the environment. The term was proposed in 1866 by E. Haeckel (1834–1919).<…>Since the middle of the XX century. In connection with the increased impact of man on nature, ecology has acquired a special meaning as the scientific basis for the rational use of nature and the protection of living organisms, and the term itself has a broader meaning [BES 1997: 1393]. There is already talk about the "greening" of modern science.

At the word ecology the meaning of ‘protection’ has been updated and the range of objects associated with this term has expanded: culture ecology(D.S. Likhachev; J. Stewart), language ecology(G.V. Stepanov), spirit ecology(o. A. Men), ecology of religion(O. Hultkrantz). These currently popular phrases have not yet received the status of scientific terms. The fundamental "Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1990) also dispenses with the word ecology and phrases language ecology.

The concept of ecology is closely related to the idea of ​​a cultural environment, which should also be taken care of. It is obvious that much in culture depends on the state of the so-called translators of culture, by which we mean those social structures in which culture is accumulated, transformed and transmitted. Traditionally, 1) the family, 2) the school, 3) the peasantry and 4) the intelligentsia are considered to be broadcasters.

Strengthening the family, turning it into a value of the first order, will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the general level of culture, since it is in the family that cultural traditions are transmitted from generation to generation in the most organic way of “absorption”.

A dream school, a school that naturally combines its healthy conservatism with the creativity of every teacher, can become the most important pillar of culture.

The peasantry, which will receive economic freedom, can and must become one of the most important sources of culture, explicitly reproducing what is now under wraps due to many external and internal reasons.

The intelligentsia in Russia has always been the most powerful engine of culture. The golden and silver ages of Russian culture owe their appearance and worldwide success to the Russian, primarily noble, intelligentsia. The replacement of the current “educated mud” (A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s term) with the intelligentsia or the intellectual elite is the key to major cultural transformations in Russian society in the 21st century.

Thus, the recognition of the family as the primary value, the pedagogy of creativity at school, the economic independence of the peasantry and respect for the intelligentsia are the most important elements of the ecology of culture.

The ideal version of ecology is the involvement of everyone in the cultural and linguistic process. Academician D.S. Likhachev listed several points of mass support for culture: 1) humanitarian education for everyone; 2) singing in the choir (it has been noticed that numerous folk choirs contribute to the general improvement of culture); 3) learning languages; 4) the study of religion as a cultural phenomenon; 5) creation of centers of culture or their restoration. The smallest success of each in the creation of culture gives a powerful impetus to the whole culture. It is rightly said that a small writer always becomes a big reader.

Involvement in the creation and preservation of culture, as they say, the broad masses of citizens does not detract from the determining role of the cultural elite. The remarkable Russian philosopher G.P. Fedotov in 1939 published an article “The Creation of the Elite. Letters on Russian Culture”, in which he substantiated the thesis: “The enemy of culture in Russia is darkness, imagining itself to be enlightenment”. The most important task, according to Fedotov, is the creation of an elite, or spiritual aristocracy, to replace the destroyed noble intelligentsia. Only in this case is cultural progress possible, since everything proceeds from the highest levels of culture. In order to create popular teachers, Fedotov writes, one must have a decent secondary school; in order to create a secondary school, one must have a university. In a backward and virginally ignorant country, one must begin with the Academy of Sciences, and not with the public school. Western Europe created the academy under Charlemagne, and the public school only in the 19th century. The only meaning of the existence of a nation is in its creativity: in the truth discovered by it, in the beauty created, in the truth realized or perceived by it. This meaning can be realized only if, on the basis of economic near-equality, we manage to create cultural inequality, a hierarchy of the spiritual elite. The experience of the Bolsheviks: everything for the people at the cost of the destruction of the highest floors of culture - by the end of the 20th century. revealed the falsity and futility of the thesis that culture grows from below, not from above.

The elite, as the creator of spiritual values, also exists within the framework of traditional peasant culture. The famous collector of the Russian epic epic A.F. Hilferding in the introductory article "Olonets province and its folk rhapsody" to "Onega epics recorded in the summer of 1871" noted that knowledge of epics is, as it were, an advantage of the most serviceable part of the peasant population. The best singers of epics are known at the same time as good and relatively well-to-do householders. Apparently, - the collector reflects, - epics fit only in such heads that combine the natural mind and memory with the decency necessary for practical success in life.

Culture does not tolerate denial. “All words of denial must be banished. The one who denies is poor, the one who convinces is rich. The one who denies is immovable, the one who affirms is striving. The one who denies is always wrong, the one who affirms is always right.<…>Ignorance is the mother of denial,” said the Russian artist, writer, humanist, true champion of culture N.K. Roerich [Roerich 1989:3]. In this regard, the experience of St. Sergius of Radonezh is instructive, who did not forbid, did not fight, but acted by his personal impeccable example and became a symbol of Russia and inspired the Russians to defeat Mamai.

To be effective, concern for culture must extend to the realm of human relationships. The writer A. Bitov notes that the revival of culture in the country is, first of all, the revival of the culture of human-to-human relations [Bitov 1989: 2]. It is possible to save nature, language and culture only by saving the person himself, by changing the essence of the relationship to oneself, to the people around, to nature, to the earth. Ruin in everyday life, - said Professor Preobrazhensky in M. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog", - begins with ruin in the head.

Conditions are needed to preserve the cultural environment of man and to effectively function as translators of culture. One of the first such conditions is freedom. “Perfect freedom of speech is the only real struggle against the misuse of words, against the degeneration of words<…>Freedom of speech leads to a natural selection of words, to the survival of vital and authentic words" [Berdyaev]. "Culture<…>needs open space and free speech” [Mamardashvili 1990:176]. However, in need of freedom, culture itself provides it. “Society pays for indifference to culture, first of all, with civil liberties. The narrowing of the cultural horizon is the mother of the narrowing of the political outlook. Nothing paves the way for tyranny like cultural self-castration” [Brodsky 1997:41].

Freedom is acquired not only and not so much by external - political - struggle, but by the state of mind, the versatility of culture. Internal freedom leads to alternativeness, without which culture simply cannot exist, unless, of course, it is a totalitarian culture, but it is a special topic of discussion. Any lack of alternatives is already lack of culture. “In order for something to live, a reserve of irregularities, variants, repetitions, deviations is needed, then such complex, painful processes as, say, love are turned on” [Lotman 1994: 449].

The most important condition for the rise of culture, its preservation and multiplication is the creation of a civil society in which:

Sufficient level of material support;

High level of culture: political, legal, etc.;

Personal freedom and political rights;

Personal dignity, the ability to protect their conscious interests;

Own intelligentsia, which organizes and leads cultural, ideological and political activities;

Own ethos, i.e., an integral system of behavior based on work ethics and work culture [Starikov 1989:146].

The experience of mankind testifies that everything that arises in culture is beneficial to it. A logical conclusion is drawn from this: it is necessary not to protect culture, but not to prevent it from living naturally. Culture is preserved to the extent that it grows. The well-known Renaissance specialist L. Batkin notes: “Old masterpieces would be best protected by unheard-of new masterpieces in a cultural, rebellious and strangely harmonious neighborhood” [Batkin 1989: 125]. “Ronsard, in a burst of self-creation, resurrects Greece, Racine - Rome, Hugo - Rabelais, Corot - Vermeer, and there is not a single outstanding individual creation that would not be burdened by centuries, would not carry away their dormant greatness. Tradition is not inherited, it is won” [Malraux 1989:80–81]. Not antiquity brought to life the Renaissance - the Renaissance created ancient art - this is seen as a paradox of the coexistence of tradition and creativity. Reviving the traditions of antiquity, the Renaissance erected a majestic edifice of its own culture [Melikov 1999: 98].

To survive, a culture must live. She is not an elk or a forest, she cannot be saved in reserves. On the contrary, culture dies like pearls without communication with a living body - this is how the poet A. Voznesensky thinks.

To create means to preserve. One of the forms of caring for culture is continuous creative work, which provides culture with continuity, continuity of internal existence, generating potential. Creativity, - the writer L.Ya. Ginsburg is the only thing that never gets boring. “Literature is the immortality of language” (August Schlegel).

Language is a product, an integral part and a condition of culture. Language and culture are united by the human spirit, but the spirit itself is built by culture and expressed in the word. The problem of the ecology of language is closely related to the problem of the ecology of culture, since the most important condition for the preservation and development of culture is the care of the language. “The problem of restoring culture is, first of all, the problem of restoring the language space and its possibilities” [Mamardashvili 1990: 203–204]. Behind the “usual” distortion of linguistic norms, the philosopher believes, is the breakage of the age-old threads of national culture. Formed spontaneously in full accord with nature, among which its speakers lived, the language inherited from it both resilience and vulnerability and, as a result, requires a careful attitude towards itself. “And we have no other property! Know how to protect, at least to the best of your ability, in days of anger and suffering, our priceless gift - speech ”(I. Bunin).

The deep and interesting article of the philosopher M.K. linguistic". Language is the very possibility of the existence of culture. The return from the “Soviet” language, which entirely consists of some immovable, otherworldly blocks that cannot be developed, from linguistic tumors that cannot be operated on, thought, to that very great and powerful Russian language of the “golden age” is the first condition for ecology modern culture (Mamardashvili 1991).

The validity of this thought of the philosopher is confirmed by the experience of preserving the Russian language and Russian culture in exile. The emigrants of the first wave, despite the disasters brought by war, revolution, the split of society, persecution and exile, created Russian culture outside of Russia, which was an important component of the entire world culture in its material, intellectual and spiritual dimension. This became possible primarily due to the tireless care of the native language. The language was the basic element that not only embodied the tradition of Russian culture, reflecting it in literature, but also represented the self-consciousness of the citizens of Russia Abroad. They abandoned the writing reform of 1918, fought against Soviet and Western neologisms, did not accept the fashion for abbreviation, and created a real cult of Pushkin [Raev 1994]. Care for the language has brought impressive results. “The main pleasure from Nabokov’s works is to feel the reserved Russian language, not gassed, not ruined by vulgarisms, fenced off from the elements of the street, crystal, manor, which we forgot about, from which, like from the summit air, one’s head is spinning, one wants to take off one’s shoes and put on soft slippers so as not to crush, not to confuse his epithets and verbs. The phrase of his prose is glazed, like a precious pastel, so that pollen does not fall off it” [Voznesensky 1989: 96].

Long before the debate about ecology, the great German poet, thinker and statesman I.V. Goethe wrote: “To purify and enrich the native language together is the work of outstanding minds. Purification without enrichment is an occupation for the mediocre” [Goethe 1980:325]. According to Goethe, there are many ways to purify and enrich the language so that it develops like a living organism. Poetry and passionate speech are the only sources of the living life of the language, and if by the force of their aspiration they carry away garbage, then in the end it will settle and a pure wave will flow over it [Goethe 1980: 325].

Before us is actually the ecological program of the future, which can be represented in the formulation of Goethe himself.

Protection of the language - "purification" and "enrichment" of it;

“To purify and enrich the native language together is the work of outstanding minds”;

“Purification without enrichment is an occupation for the mediocre”;

“There are many ways to cleanse and enrich”;

Create conditions "... for the language to develop like a living organism";

“Poetry and passionate speech are the only source of the living life of the language…”; in other words, the source of the life of the language is fiction and public speech;

“... If, by the power of their aspiration, they carry garbage along with them,” one should not be afraid of this, since “garbage” in a language is an inevitable phenomenon, because it is a living organism and is constantly being built: “construction garbage” is an unsuccessful attempt to enrich the language or evidence of its insufficient knowledge. In any case, "garbage" is objectively important;

“... In the end, he (garbage. - A.H.) will settle and a pure wave will flow over it” – an optimistic note, which is so lacking in modern ecological reflections.

So what is the ecology of language? Modern specialists under the ecology of language understand the culture of thinking and speech behavior, the education of linguistic taste, the protection and "improvement" of the literary language, the definition of ways and means of enriching and improving it, the aesthetics of speech. "... Any word lost, distorted or misunderstood by us is a world lost to us, a link in our culture." The author of these words is sure that if there are limiting levels of gas contamination and radiation, then there are also limiting levels of pollution, a language above which there is an irreversible process of destruction [Skvortsov 1994: 82]. The ecology of speech begins with the fulfillment of N.V. Gogol: “You need to deal with the word honestly. It eat God's highest gift to man" [Gogol 1984].

Nowadays, a special discipline is emerging, called ecolinguistics. At the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference "Ecolinguistics: Theory, Problems, Methods" (Saratov, April 2003), the following issues were discussed: ecolinguistic truth as a science of the interaction of language and the environment; the role of ecolinguistics in studying the issue of the interaction of languages ​​in the period of the global spread of bilingualism and the strengthening of contacts between different peoples and cultures; language evolution, language development and language change; language is the environment and space of human existence; external and internal ecology of language; the role of biological, geographic, socio-ethnic, national-political, economic and other factors in the change and development of the language; the role of ecolinguistic factors in language teaching; ecolinguistic problems of speech culture.

Now they think a lot about the reasons for the degradation of Russian speech. “... We are losing him (Russian language. - OH.) in Russia, not in Moldova, not in Estonia. It was so cynically used for national needs - and this sphere is infinitely wide with us - that no matter how they took his life, no matter how monstrous these words sound, the Russian language is degrading in official written texts" [Chudakova 1989]. Indeed, the cynical use of language for propaganda purposes has robbed language of life, and it is in official written texts that its degradation is most evident. The wide dissemination of the Russian language in the USSR led to a "thinning" of cultural content. The fate of a language that loses the cultural meanings attached to words is reminiscent of the failed fate of Esperanto, which has no culture behind words. The reason that this promising language of international communication has not spread is considered to be its lack of culture and native speaker [Vorontsova 1998: 68].

The negative attitude towards dialects has also impoverished the Russian language. Since the presence of dialects in the USSR was considered a manifestation of backwardness, it was believed that the territorial differentiation of languages ​​would be overcome. With the development of economic ties between the regions of the country, with the increase in the general culture of the population and their mastery of the norms of the literary language, with the growth of the mobility of the masses, “averaging”, leveling of dialects and new differentiation takes place. Three forms of speech are noted in the dialect: a) purely dialectal, which is used by the older generation, mainly women, who are limitedly literate and do not take part in public life. It serves family and everyday relationships; b) literary speech - the speech of the local intelligentsia - in the field of official business, cultural and industrial and for public speaking; c) mixed speech - a combination of elements of dialect and literary language - which is used by the bulk of production workers active in the village [Orlova 1960].

The displacement of the dialect by the literary language is an extremely long and ambiguous process. It is surprising that dialectal differences persist among highly consolidated peoples - the Japanese, the British, the Germans. In Italy, where there are still sharp dialectal differences between the twelve most common dialects, 65.6% of the inhabitants use dialect in family communication. More than 23% of the Italians surveyed on the street, at work, in public places use only the local dialect. More than a hundred years have passed since the unification of Italy into one independent state, and the dialects continue to live.

In the post-Soviet period, the attitude towards territorial dialects began to change from the socio-political compromise of Russian dialects and their replacement with a literary language to the recognition of the high cultural and ethnic value of this form of speech. We recalled the words of the German linguist L. Weisgerber: “... Dialect is the linguistic discovery of the homeland<…>the independent value of dialects lies in the fact that they give harmony to the external and internal world, that they are valid even in comparison with the literary language. Dialects are disappearing, but the voids are being filled not with the literary language, but with jargon” (Quoted in: (Kalnyn 1997: 120]) Many dialects are as good for the national language as many languages ​​are for humanity.

In the list of what threatens the literary language, L.I. Skvortsov, in a polemic with the book of K.I. Chukovsky “Living as life” puts borrowing in the first place: “foreign dominance threatens us” [Skvortsov 1994]. This is also insisted on by the authors of newspaper notes about foreign words in modern Russian speech in everyday life and in the media. Only then is it said about the processes of stylistic reduction and vulgarization of speech, about the intrusion of invectives (mat) into literary speech and even into dictionaries of the literary language (the third, "Baudouin", Dahl's edition, the Ozhegov-Shvedova dictionary), about the loss of the artistic and aesthetic speech ideal.

However, in discussions about the role of borrowings in modern Russian speech, there are also opposite judgments: there is no serious danger. Following V. G. Belinsky, who believed that “the genius of the language is smarter than writers and knows what to accept and what to exclude”, and L.V. Shcherbay, who noted the property of the Russian language “not to shy away from any foreign borrowings, as long as they are good for the cause,” many experts say that panic over borrowings is inappropriate and try to analyze the situation. It turns out that, firstly, terminology is borrowed from the areas of science and technology in which our lag is noticeable, and, secondly, tribute to fashion is paid (hence the numerous presentation, rating, consensus, briefing, shop tour etc.). Both groups of borrowed vocabulary do not pose a threat to the language. Professor of the Oryol University F.A. Litvin analyzed two articles from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, one about cellular television and the other about the financial market in Russia, and concluded that the borrowed words in the articles are unobtrusive and have long been “tamed” by the Russian language. According to the linguist, “calls for saving the Russian language come from disbelief in its viability, and this in no way follows from the history of the language and the assessment of its potential. On the contrary, it follows from previous experience that the Russian language “will endure whatever the Lord sends”…” [Litvin 1998: 120].

World experience in the development of languages ​​testifies that the great French language is “worked out” from three layers: Celtic, Romance and Germanic; that English reflected the culture of the Normans and Anglo-Saxons plus borrowings from many languages ​​and especially from French; that the language of tribes living in cultural isolation is poor and gradually degrading; that purity is not a natural but an artificial state of language; that the organism of the Russian language lives in paroxysmal periods of borrowing-rejection; that language resists the nihilism of history: what is foreign is tamed, the old remains; that language is such an element that does not tolerate violence against itself; etc.

The guardians are afraid not so much of borrowing as of the disappearance of the native. However, it is obvious that the forms “foreign/own” coexist in parallel: sacred/holy, sandals/ sandals, image/image. The same pairs form borrowed words: tomatoes/tomatoes, shop/shop, leasing/rent. Fatherland(from Polish) did not displace home, a picket fence - a fence, trousers - pants, a shop - a shop. The history of Russian vocabulary shows that many borrowings were defeated: translator ousted interpreter, subscriber - subcribent. Gone from active speech manifesto And rescript, circular replaced decree, decree, ordinance. Its very stable. Borrowing can only displace a borrowed word: ginger ousted zenzevel, a scarf - a muffler, a student - an institute student, a seminarian - a student. According to the author, whose notes we have just outlined, “even this is forbidden by the spirit of the language, which protects the habitual, Russified word: most often they continue to coexist. The clown has not supplanted the buffoon. The jester and buffoon also did not suffer. A cretin does not cancel an idiot, and both of them are a fool" [Ivanitsky 1998].

The Russian language is still "great and mighty". His lexical inventory and stock of expressive means are colossal and continue to grow. Russian language as a communicative phenomenon does not require any protection - neither legal nor moral. “Language is a mirror of the society in which it functions. If a person who is ill or experiencing a mental crisis looks into a mirror, then the mirror naturally reflects the outward signs of illness or mental crisis observed in him. But at the same time, the mirror itself does not experience any crisis. Language as a system does not experience a crisis, but we can talk about the presence of critical phenomena in society's attitude to the acquisition and use of the language, to the observance of language norms" [Sternin 1998: 4].

However, moral, philological, and sometimes even legal protection is required by our speech. The individual receives the language as something given, already existing before him, and speech in all cases, each person has to form independently. “And then a sad picture opens up. The culture of verbal interaction has fallen to its lowest point. Russian speech catastrophically lags behind the high standards of Russian literature” [Komlev 1998:5]. So there is no need to protect language, but speech and it is necessary to fight not with borrowings, but with the conductors of these borrowings, in every possible way raising their educational and cultural level. We should not be afraid of borrowings, we should be afraid of the cultural emasculation of words. Low speech culture is a mirror of low general culture. “... Spelling cannot be improved in isolation from the general culture. Spelling is usually lame in those who are spiritually illiterate, who have an underdeveloped and poor psyche. Eliminate this illiteracy, and everything else will follow,” said K.I. Chukovsky.

Specialists in linguistics and cultural studies speak of three main sources and regulators of creative activity and the life of a language. These are 1) school, 2) linguistic science and 3) fiction at its best. So that these sources do not clog up, do not become shallow, increased attention to them from society and the state is necessary. The question of creating a law on the Russian language constantly arises. The experience of countries that adopted similar laws (France, Iceland) convincingly testifies in favor of such legislative actions. The federal program "Russian Language" has been approved, which, as it seems, is beginning to be implemented.

Protecting a language is a collective, national matter, but it can only be effective if each native speaker is personally active. An example is the Russian emigrant V. Nabokov. “One day, in the market square in the middle of Cambridge, I found a<..>Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary in four volumes. I bought it for half a crown and read it, several pages every night, noting the lovely words and expressions ... The fear of forgetting or clogging the only thing that I managed to scratch out, however, with rather strong claws from Russia, became a direct disease. These are words from V. Nabokov's autobiographical book "Other Shores". The book itself, as well as other works of this author, testify that the efforts of the young emigrant from Russia were not in vain: he kept the Russian language for himself, enriched it creatively and returned to Russia. Gulag prisoner A.I. Solzhenitsyn came across one volume of Dahl in the camp, and this book for the future writer turned out to be both a means of saving the spirit and the basis of “linguistic expansion” - the preservation and multiplication of the native word.

Synergetics - a modern science of complex, self-organizing systems that have several alternative ways of development - does not consider the role of the individual in the preservation and enhancement of the language to be exaggerated. Experts believe that the efforts of an individual person are not fruitless: “In special states of instability of the social environment, the actions of each individual person can influence macrosocial processes. This implies the need for each person to realize the enormous burden of responsibility for the fate of the entire social system, the entire society” [Knyazeva, Kurdyumov 1992: 5]. The author of the idea of ​​synergetics, I. Prigozhin, speaks of the presence in complex, self-regulating systems of the so-called bifurcation points, which are understood as a weak impact that radically changes the course of the process.

Attention to the problems of culture and the introduction of a special scientific discipline - cultural studies - into the education system are of great importance. It is more logical and easier to protect and preserve what you know. You can change your attitude towards culture only if you know what it is. As the thinker said, culture is something that does not exist until it is understood. The study of culturology, therefore, pursues the goal not only of enlightenment and education, but also of environmental education. Just as necessary is such an academic discipline as linguoculturology.

1. Savelyeva L.V. Linguistic ecology: Russian word in cultural

historical lighting. Petrozavodsk, 1997.

2. Chukovsky K.I. Live like life. M., 1982.

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1. The concept of the language of culture The language of culture in the broadest sense of this concept refers to those means, signs, forms, symbols, texts that allow people to communicate with each other. The language of culture is a universal form of comprehension of reality, in which

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Section I. Development of world culture as a process

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Section V. Modern problems of cultural studies and

Research work

In Russian

"Issues of language ecology in the modern world"

Completed by students of the 7th grade

MBOU secondary school №18
Sergiev Posad

Marina Pogosyan and Tatiana Shugareva



  1. Explain the meaning and origin of the term "ecology of language"

2. Convey to the audience that you need to learn how to rid your vocabulary of obscene expressions;

3. Find out the opinions of others on the topic: "Issues of the ecology of language in the modern world"


The term "ecology" is usually used in the natural science sense: as a science about the biosphere, about the interaction of man with nature, as with the house in which he lives. But, since the end of the 70s of the twentieth century, the problem of the ecology of culture has increasingly arisen in magazine and newspaper journalism, and gradually acquires an ever deeper content, turning into a term of the humanitarian field of knowledge.

Appeal to this problem makes it possible to actualize the already acquired knowledge about the word, to build up a new one and to analyze and evaluate the state of the speech culture of modern society, to discern some of the dangerous processes taking place in it. Thus, a good command of the Russian language, correct speech were, are and will be relevant.

Nowadays, a new direction is being formed - it is the ecology of the culture of speech.

A person lives and works, acts and interacts with other people in a certain language environment. Language is the habitat of any human collective, a given people and every person.

1. What is the word ecology- to determine not just because of the breadth and youth of this concept. Ecology of the word: this is the preservation of the native language, its verbal wealth, purity, health; it is the science of the integrity of the language, of its connection with the culture of its people and with the earth's semiosphere; it is the science of the energy of the word, its creative power, its relationship with the biosphere, with the language of living nature; this is, finally, the concept of the spiritual meaning of the word, of a deep relationship with the personality, with the character and fate of the people, with the highest spiritual spheres.

The subjects of linguistic ecology are the culture of thinking and speech behavior, the education of linguistic taste, the protection and "recovery" of the literary language, the determination of ways and means of enriching and improving it, the aesthetics of speech.

2. Culture of Russian speech and ecology of the word.

An ecological approach to the issues of the culture of speech, speech communication implies a responsible attitude to national language traditions, the cultivation of effective love for the native language, concern for its past, present and future. All this is the essence of the ecological aspect of the culture of speech.

3. The state of speech culture of society at the present stage.

The development and state of a particular language is inextricably linked with the economic, cultural and political state of the people who speak it. All the rapid linguistic changes in modern Russia are caused by social, economic and political changes, the swiftness of which causes the impression of linguistic cataclysms. This circumstance gives grounds to many people, including linguists, to talk about the corruption, decay, decay, crisis, decline of the modern Russian language and raise the question of its preservation and salvation.

Increasingly, "okay", "wow" invade the native Russian speech. We no longer have operators, agents, administrators. Everyone - managers, promoters, providers, merchandisers, marketers, dealers, hackers.

Slang vocabulary is inferior to literary in accuracy, which determines its inferiority as a means of communication. The meaning of jargon tends to vary depending on the context. For example, the adjective "cool" means good, attractive, interesting, reliable.


The culture of speech is speech that corresponds to the norms of the literary language, is appropriate in a given situation. The culture of speech assumes that people pay attention to how they speak. Neglect of the culture of speech, the loss of control over their speech among many people of various social and professional groups is the crisis of the culture of speech.

Ecology of language - studies the interaction of a language with its surrounding factors, in order to preserve the identity of each individual language and maintain linguistic diversity. The concept of "language ecology" was introduced by E. Haugen in 1970.

Just as ecology studies the interaction of living organisms with each other, the ecology of language studies the influence of languages ​​on each other and their interaction with external factors. Environmental problems in nature can worsen people's health, problems of the ecology of a language can lead to degradation of a person for whom this language is native.

The speech situation in modern society determines the general state of the national language and culture of people. The ecology of language considers what language affects it and what it leads to.

Not all change is bad. Over time, language changes. Any modern living language is different from what it was a few centuries ago. The task of language ecology is not to close the language from any influence, but to preserve its originality, while introducing something new and useful.

Problems of language ecology

Not only wars or other social problems, but also the appearance of foreign words in everyday life where they do not belong can create a situation where the language becomes infringed or on the verge of destruction. This is not to say that it is bad to know several languages. The problem is that foreign words are used incorrectly and illiterately. You can often see the names of stores in foreign, written in Russian letters. Or when one part of the word is written in one language, and the second part of the word in another. Then such words pass into everyday speech and even into literature. There are a lot of them in the media. This process is called pollution of the language environment. When there are a lot of such words, they are already perceived as one's own, and not someone else's. Communication on the Internet also has a negative effect on speech, there are words up to several letters, punctuation is often omitted altogether, as well as grammar and syntax. Sentences in social networks are monosyllabic and consist of several words. Such treatment of language on the Internet is difficult to regulate.

The importance of maintaining the normal ecology of the language lies in the fact that the language forms the thinking and culture of a person, determines interpersonal relationships. An example is that in Japanese, the speech of a man and a woman is different. That is, there are "female" and "male" words. Maintaining the purity of speech helps to raise the level of national identity.

The term "language ecology" is relatively recent. But languages ​​have always been in a state of equilibrium and interaction with each other. On the one hand, this leads to their mutual development, on the other hand, to infringement. The ecology of language is a new direction in linguistics.

Definition of the concept of "ecology of language"

Ecology of language - studies the interaction of a language with its surrounding factors, in order to preserve the identity of each individual language and maintain linguistic diversity. The concept of "language ecology" was introduced by the linguist E. Haugen in 1970. Just as ecology studies the interaction of living organisms with each other, the ecology of language studies the influence of languages ​​on each other and their interaction with external factors. Environmental problems in nature can worsen people's health, problems of the ecology of a language can lead to degradation of a person for whom this language is native. The speech situation in modern society determines the general state of the national language and culture of people. The ecology of language looks at what language looks like, what influences it, and what it leads to. Not all change is bad. Over time, language changes. Any modern living language is different from what it was a few centuries ago. The task of language ecology is not to close the language from any influence, but to preserve its originality, while introducing something new and useful.

Problems of language ecology

Not only wars or other social problems, but also the appearance of foreign words in everyday life where they do not belong can create a situation where the language becomes infringed or on the verge of destruction. This is not to say that it is bad to know several languages. The problem is that foreign words are used incorrectly and illiterately. You can often see the names of stores in a foreign language, written in Russian letters. Or when one part of the word is written in one language, and the second part of the word in another. Then such words pass into everyday speech and even into literature. There are a lot of them in the media. This process is called pollution of the language environment. When there are a lot of such words, they are already perceived as one's own, and not someone else's. Communication on the Internet also has a negative effect on speech, words are reduced to a few letters, punctuation is often omitted altogether, as well as grammar and syntax. Sentences in social networks are monosyllabic and consist of several words. Such treatment of the language on the Internet is difficult to regulate. The importance of maintaining the normal ecology of the language lies in the fact that the language forms the thinking and culture of a person, determines interpersonal relationships. An example is that in Japanese, the speech of a man and a woman is different. That is, there are "female" and "male" words. Maintaining the purity of speech helps to raise the level of national identity.

Committee of Education and Science of the Kursk Region

OBPOU "Rylsk Social and Pedagogical College"

Individual educational project

in Russian language and literature. Russian language.

"Ecology of the modern Russian language"

group 1 "A"

Project manager: Varfolomeeva

Tatyana Alekseevna


    Introduction. Ecology of the word………………………………………………3

    Main part

    Language is the greatest wealth of the people……………………………..7

    The state of the Russian language at the present stage………………12

    Problems of Russian speech…………………………………………..19

    Conclusion. Let's save the Russian language together!......................................23


to us by our predecessors...

I. S. Turgenev

Introduction. Word ecology.

The state of the Russian language today is of general concern - and teachers, and journalists, and writers, and public figures, and ordinary lovers and connoisseurs of the Russian language, not to mention linguists.

In the era we are experiencing of the latest technologies, mass computerization, the use of the Internet, video technology and other achievements of modern civilization, a deep knowledge of the native language, possession of its literary norms remains a mandatory requirement for any educated person concerned about the fate of his Fatherland. More V.I. Dahl, the author of the hitherto unsurpassed "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" in four volumes, noted in his "Say Word": serve as a source and treasury for the development of educated Russian speech. This conclusion of our great lexicographer is confirmed by the work of our best writers, masters of the artistic word, creators of the great Russian literature, which has received world recognition.

Interest in the Russian language in the world has long been associated with the success of Russia, its scientists, public figures, writers, artists, artists, military leaders ... The names of Lomonosov, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lobachevsky, Chaliapin, Tchaikovsky, Chekhov have long and firmly acquired world fame. In the last century, our country was the first to go into space. The words "satellite", "lunar rover", "cosmonaut" are used in all languages ​​of the world without translation, just like the names of Gagarin, Titov, Korolev ... Thousands and thousands of young people from different countries were introduced to the Russian language, to the history of Russia , its science, culture, literature, art.

Our daily "environment of existence" (including linguistic, spiritual) must be healthy, cleansed of all sorts of "harmful impurities". Thus, increasing speech culture, improving the language as a means of communication, a tool of thought, image formation acquires an ecological (or linguo-ecological) character. . In the subjects of school education there is also such a thing - "Ecology", which deals with the preservation, conservation of the natural environment. But there is also an ecology of the spirit, an ecology of morality and humanity, in which the main thing is our language, our speech. So it is possible and necessary to talk about the linguo-ecological education of the individual. Each of us is responsible for the state of the language environment, which we must keep clean and tidy for new generations, in creative renewal and, at the same time, in the richness of the accumulated cultural and artistic traditions.

Yes, in our time there is a natural need for the ecology of the word. In Russia, the linguistic branch of the ecology of the word is developing thanks to the works of L.I. Skvortsova, V.P. Grigoryeva, S.I. Vinogradova, V.V. Kolesova, Yu.M. Lotman and others. The term "ecology of language" first appeared in 1972.

In Western teachings about language (hermeneutic, semantic, structuralist), the informational, logical component of the language comes to the fore, and in the tradition of Russian culture it is inherent to consider the word as something living and spiritualized.

Under the ecology of the word in a broad sense, one can understand the preservation of the native language, its verbal wealth, purity, health. . This science is about the integrity of the language, about its connection with the culture of its people, and at the same time about its connection with the planetary semiosphere. This is the science of the energy of the word, its creative power and connection with the language of wildlife, with the biosphere. This, finally, is the concept of the spiritual meaning of the word, of its deep connection with the personality, with the character of the people, with the higher spiritual spheres, with the Creator.

The project "Ecology of the modern Russian language" is submitted for defense. The problem of violation of the ecology of the Russian language is more relevant than ever and requires coverage. A modern schoolchild and student, as a carrier and custodian of the future modern Russian language, should be aware of the processes taking place in the language environment, especially if the processes are clearly destructive in nature. If language disappears, then we will cease to exist as a nation. But after all, an ecological catastrophe is always easier to prevent than to eliminate. And we, our generation, live in Russia, and we must take care of it. It is important to say that the significance of the problem is determined at the state level by politics and the president: since 2010, the federal target program “Russian Language” has been operating in Russia, aimed at preserving, studying the Russian language, promoting linguistic culture and improving the image of the Russian language in the world. Therefore, the relevance of this topic is undeniable.

Project novelty

That's why goal This research work is a comprehensive study and generalization of the problems of ecology of the modern Russian language.

Project objectives:

Research methods

- study of literature on the problem, Internet sources;

- questioning;

The materials of this project, including project products - an abstract, a presentation, can be used when studying the Russian language at school and college for events, a subject week of the Russian language, and as a basis for working on a new extended project.

perspective work is to further study the problems of language clogging and develop proposals to eliminate these problems. It is hoped that this study will attract the attention of people who are not indifferent to the problems of their native speech.

Main part

    Language is the greatest wealth of the people

The greatest wealth of a people is its language!

Thousands of years accumulate and forever

live in the word countless treasures

human thought and experience.
M.A. Sholokhov

Language refers to those social phenomena that operate throughout the existence of human society. Being a means of communication, the language is closely connected with the life of society, gradually developing and improving. Most clearly, the changes taking place in the language are found in its vocabulary, since it is he who reacts most quickly to changes in social life.

We habitually and imperceptibly use language, and therefore it is as difficult to feel it as to feel the movement of the planet under our feet. Language seems to us an innate property, without which a person cannot exist, just as he cannot live without breathing. That is why we do not notice the gigantic work that language does in our life. Meanwhile, you constantly have to talk to someone, think, read, listen, write. And in all these cases language is used.

So what is language?

The science of language (linguistics) claims that language is a system of special means (sounds, letters, words, sentences, intonation, punctuation marks, etc.) that serve two important human needs: to think and communicate, exchanging information with each other , conveying their thoughts, desires, attitudes towards something or someone.

We communicate not only with our contemporaries, talking or corresponding with friends, reading newspapers, magazines, books, getting acquainted with radio, television programs, etc. Working with archives, historical documents, reading works of art of past centuries, we kind of communicate with people who lived before us. And at the same time, using the language, we get the opportunity to communicate with our descendants, who have not yet been born into the world, but sooner or later will get the opportunity to get acquainted with oral and written evidence of today's life through books, articles of our contemporaries, periodicals , video and sound documents.

This means that language exists in order to satisfy the need of people to communicate with each other, and at the same time, the goal of any communication is for a person to understand a person.

Unfortunately, it often happens that people speak the same language, but do not quite understand each other. So there are all sorts of misunderstandings, comic, and sometimes tragic situations, conflicts. Why is this happening?

The Russian people have long noticed the peculiarities of communication and in one of the proverbs respectfully spoke about the serious and very responsible work that a person performs when communicating with others, and compared this work with the noble and hard work of a farmer: Whoever speaks, sows; whoever listens, gathers. And if the speaker does not know what he is “sowing”, if his speech is careless, illegible and illiterate, then communication will be extremely difficult, the shoots of such sowing may not sprout and verbal communication will not achieve its main goal. On the other hand, the one who "collects" also needs a good knowledge of the language, a respectful and attentive attitude to someone else's speech, a desire to understand its content as best as possible, to catch the mood of the interlocutor.

Among more than two and a half thousand languages ​​known on the globe, Russian is one of the most widespread.

Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. It has a large vocabulary, has expressive means to denote all the necessary concepts in any field of human activity. The Russian language interacts with other languages, influencing their development, and at the same time enriches and develops under their influence.

The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation. It is used as a means of international communication in Russia itself and in the near abroad. At present, the Russian language is one of the languages ​​of European and world significance. It is included, along with English, French, Spanish, Chinese, among the official international languages. It sounds from the rostrum of the UN.

The basis of the Russian language is the literary language - the highest normalized form of the national language.

In the history of Russian literature, it is generally accepted and not without reason to believe that A.S. Pushkin laid the foundations of the modern Russian literary language, which received normative consolidation in A.Kh. Vostokova (1831). The scientist accurately determined the boundaries of the national use of the language of A.S. Pushkin, which was later studied by linguists of different generations. Among the numerous works on the study of the language of our great poet, first of all, we should mention the classical works of Academician V.V. Vinogradov "Language of Pushkin. Pushkin in the History of the Russian Literary Language" (1935) and "Pushkin's Style" (1941).

The concept of culture of speech is closely connected with the literary language. The ability to clearly and clearly express one's thoughts, to speak competently, the ability not only to attract attention with one's speech, but also to influence listeners,

possession of a culture of speech is a peculiar characteristic of professional suitability for people of various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, school and university teachers, radio and television workers, managers, journalists.

It is important to master the culture of speech for everyone who, by the nature of their activity, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, conducts business negotiations, educates, takes care of health, provides people with various


A high culture of oral and written speech, the ability to use all the expressive means of the native language, the desire to preserve and increase them is the duty and task of each of us.

The culture of native speech is the most important part of the general culture of a person. In today's dynamically changing world, the Russian language is one of the most authoritative languages ​​of international communication.

“Knowledge of the wealth of the Russian language is an important indicator of the cultural level of any person, regardless of his specialty. To be able to express one's thoughts clearly and clearly, in compliance with all the rules of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, means to be well understood by everyone who speaks Russian. There is also an aesthetic side to this, since the Russian language is a great miracle of culture, created by the Russian people, their best writers and publicists,” said F.P. Owl.

Nowadays, such fatal arguments and sad lamentations are not uncommon: a general decline in morality inevitably leads to the decline of speech culture (which, moreover, was peculiar and "impersonal" was understood during the years of totalitarianism). All this, of course, is true, but one cannot hide behind a convenient formula: “After all, everyone says so now! In print and in oral speech, this is not yet the case! No, it is a deep moral requirement that compels us to resist external unfavorable conditions. Let someone deliberately speak badly and incorrectly, put up with a dirty, swear word in his own and someone else's speech. Well, so what! A Russian person should not submit to this verbal “lawlessness”, because this is disgusting to the concepts of taste, good breeding, norms of behavior!

When will we finally understand that speaking and writing is illiterate, sloppy, rude - this is not only uncivilized, but simply immoral!

Urgent calls for responsibility for the word are not an empty phrase: concern for the height and purity of the word is not only a cultural and educational task, but also a deeply moral one.

We can say with all confidence: moral is always environmentally friendly. As, however, and vice versa: environmentally friendly is always moral, it brings good to everyone and serves everyone.

What are the ways of conscious regulation, protection and development of the literary language today? The main sources and regulators of the creative activity and life of the language are the educational organization, linguistic science and fiction of the past and present in its best examples.

    The state of the Russian language at the present stage

The social shifts of our time, associated with the conditions of the transition period, changes in the structure of the socio-political system, a change in ownership and the composition of active participants in communication (including businessmen and merchants from among the "new Russians"), lead to a certain loosening of traditional literary norms.

This is expressed primarily in the growth of various kinds of errors and variants that arise under the influence of non-literary vernacular, territorial and social dialects and semi-dialects, in the abundance of new (and not always justified) foreign words and terms, and, finally, in the decline in the style of modern oral and written speech. , in a noticeable vulgarization of the everyday sphere of communication with persistent attempts to “literate” the dirty swear word (including in fiction).

Under the conditions of democratization and glasnost in recent years, our speech itself has been exposed in many ways and, as it were, opened up. After all, we now see and hear much more than before what language contemporaries write and speak, how they express and argue their thoughts, how they conduct discussions, how they master literary norms.

Russian speech is now heard at rallies and demonstrations, at meetings of parties and social movements, in discussions of "round tables" and in discussions on radio and television (and often on the air, without preparation and any editing).

The well-known "nakedness" of speech, its semantic, stylistic, grammatical and orthoepic inferiority cause a lively and sharply negative reaction from the educated part of society, make relevant and acute questions: "How do we speak and write?", "Do we speak Russian correctly ?”, “Do we know our native language?”.

What is the situation in the society where I live? To find out, I conducted a small study (questionnaire) among students in grades 10-11 of the MBOU "Kuibyshev secondary school" (16 people). The results of the survey are presented in diagrams.

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Conclusion: 12 people from the respondents are familiar with these terms, 3 people doubt it. Consequently, such topical issues of the ecology of the language today are addressed in the school curriculum.

Diagram 3

Conclusion: most of the respondents are aware of the pollution of the language environment.

Diagram 4

Conclusion: analyzing the answers of the respondents on this issue, we found out that “pollution of the language environment” leads to the impoverishment of the culture of speech, the norms of the literary language are lost, and the degradation of the Russian people occurs. If you do not pay attention to the Russian language, it will disappear.

Diagram 5

Diagram 6

Diagram 7

Diagram 8

Conclusion: 63% of respondents answered that they use profanity in their speech.

Diagram 9

Conclusion: on this issue, the opinions of the respondents were divided - 44% answered that they do not like being in the company of such people, 44% do not notice this and do not follow it.

Diagram 10

Conclusion: most of the respondents use profanity not because they do not know the cultural analogues of words.

13. Place the stress in the following words:

According to the results of the survey, out of 20 proposed words, errors were made in 1 word (1 person), in 2 words (4 people), in 3 words (5 people), in 4 words (2 people).

Typical mistakes: alleviate(8 people), quarter(6 people ), created(6 people ), pamper(3 persons), carpenter(3 persons), how many(2 persons), security(2 persons), blinds(2 persons), sorrel(2 persons), treaty(1 person), more beautiful(1 person), facilities(1 person).

Conclusion: the language is in danger.

14. What can you do to make your native Russian language clearer?

Thus, the surveys and research results show alarming trends: people are clearly getting used to the low culture of speech of others, accepting it as the norm, reducing their demands on someone else's and their own speech, recognizing their level of speech culture as sufficient, not requiring improvement.

In the context of new methods of management and the transition to market relations, the Russian language has changed. New words appeared widely and abundantly in it and old, half-forgotten ones were revived. It can be assumed that in the Russian language of our days a new functional style is being actively formed - business and commerce, commodity-money relations. And this is also a bright speech sign of modernity.

The norms of the literary language are not frozen forms once and for all. They change over time. However, it should be emphasized that, with all possible changes and shifts, the Russian language has steadily retained its normative and literary basis over the centuries. The system of literary norms, put forward and described by M.V. Lomonosov in his “Russian Grammar” (1755), determined the entire future fate of the Russian language and, on the whole, has been preserved to this day.

The natural development of the language, its creative enrichment must be distinguished from clogging and impoverishment. And it clogs and impoverishes everything that distorts and coarsens, stylistically levels our everyday speech, and the language of fiction, and the speech practice of the mass media - the press, radio and television. This includes, for example, clericalism and clichés of speech, many slangy and vulgar words, unnecessary borrowings from other languages, inappropriate professionalism, unjustified poeticisms (“high” words) and, of course, cases of illiterate, incorrect or inaccurate use of words.

    Problems of Russian speech

Let's call the first problem superfluous and bad words.

For example, when starting to answer a question, some say "well." Out of place said particle "well" spoils speech.

And don't tell him bad

So that all sorts of empty interjections

He did not drag with him abroad,

within the limits



The number of extra words in colloquial speech increases due to slang. Slang is a kind of language inherent in any particular group of people.

Why is slang dangerous? It is dangerous because it gives rise to tongue-tied tongue. A tongue-tied tongue is a speech defect in which a person is not completely

utters a word, and even utters few words, often repeating the same words.

In addition to slang, jargon should also be attributed to superfluous words. Jargon, even more than slang, humiliates a person who pronounces jargon words.

Not only slang and jargon lead to tongue-tied tongue. The tongue-tied tongue is also threatened by the frequent use of certain fashionable words. Such words in our time have become the words: “cool!”, “cool!”, “cool!”.

There are many words in the Russian literary language that express a feeling of admiration: « very good!”, “Great!”, “Excellent!”, “Wonderful!”, “Great!”, “Amazing!”, “Amazing!”, “Great!”, “Wonderful!”. But, switching to buzzwords, a person artificially reduces his vocabulary and, like a parrot, repeats the same thing: « cool! », « cool! », « cool! » . Getting rid of tongue-tied tongue is difficult, but still possible. To do this, you need to monitor your speech and read more good books.

And extra words are like a virus. The virus infects the human body. A virus program infects the computer. The word virus affects human speech.

“A good speech is good to listen to,” says the proverb.

The poetess Rimma Fedorovna Kazakova (1932-2008) has this appeal to children:

I know what I give

I remember what to save.

I tell the children:

Don't clutter up your speech!

If a person wants to speak correctly and understandably, then he must watch his speech and not use superfluous words.

Studying native speech, one cannot but mention such a sad phenomenon as foul language. In addition to good and beautiful words in the life around us, unfortunately, there are also bad words. And the more often vulgar and bad words are heard around us, the worse our life becomes.

Speech filled with obscene language, obscene words, swearing has many definitions: swearing, obscene language, profanity. But since ancient times in Russia this sin has been called foul language, from the word filth. There is great destructive power in profanity.

Our language is currently in a real crisis. Either we will preserve the great Russian word, or, neglecting the tradition and rules of grammar, we will pronounce some strange words.

Why is it impossible not to say bad, “rotten”, bad words?

To understand this, let us turn to the words of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, who said: « Good and evil cannot be put on the same board. A person will get confused if he mixes good and evil. And when entangled, he becomes a victim of evil.

In the same way, you cannot draw an equal sign between a good and a bad word. A kind word makes the world around us kinder, and a bad word pollutes our life.

By foul language, a person destroys his own dignity, even if it seems to him that he humiliates others. Foul language is a disgrace to a person who speaks foul language, a shame to a college if it is swearing, a shame to society if it tolerates this sin.

Foul language in public places and in the media is now punishable by law. This means that there should be no place for foul language either in personal or in public life. Is it possible to consider acceptable at home, at school or college what is unacceptable in public in general?!

Remarkable words about our native language were said by the linguist, doctor of philological sciences Vsevolod Yuryevich Troitsky: “We must know that the spiritualized Russian language is the soul of Russia, its shrine, the substantive embodiment of the highest spiritual values, an indestructible spiritual heritage, without which a person (and people!) loses its face, when desecrated, the people suffer damage to their dignity and spiritual independence, are pushed aside, become morally vulnerable and spiritually powerless. We, like the apple of our eye, must cherish our native word. The word is given for the pursuit of truth . Our destiny is in the words we speak."

Take the problem of borrowing. It seems to be old for the language and speech culture, but at the same time it is always new and sharp. There are practically no languages ​​in the world that would not have foreign words. This is understandable. After all, the interaction of languages ​​is the interaction and mutual enrichment of cultures of different peoples. But here one should clearly distinguish between borrowings that are appropriate, necessary, enriching the native language with new ideas and concepts, and borrowings that are unnecessary, unjustified, that do not bring anything new to speech in comparison with the original words and, therefore, clog it. In scientific works or in the language of business, one cannot do without many terms that are foreign in origin. But in everyday speech or in public speeches, they can cause misunderstanding, ambiguity. In addition, most of them are easy to replace with the words of the Russian language.

V. G. Belinsky wrote: “To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it means to offend both common sense and common taste.” In the old days, people were more attentive to foreign words. The Russian poet and playwright Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov (1717–1777) wrote: "The perception of other people's words, and especially without necessity, is not enrichment, but spoilage of the language."

Conclusion. Let's save the Russian language together!

.... And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian Word!

A. A. Akhmatova

Thus, I have identified such problems of violation of the ecology of the Russian language:


    Extra and bad words.


But identifying is only half the job. The main thing is to find a solution to these problems. The preservation of the language, concern for its further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture. Therefore, every citizen of the Russian Federation, no matter who he works for, no matter what position he holds, is responsible for the state of the language of his country, his people.

At various stages of the development of the Russian language, a whole galaxy of scientists, writers, and publicists strengthened our language in word and deed, protecting, as far as possible, from the dominance of foreign words. In our age of technological progress, it has become more difficult to protect the Russian language from foreign words, complex terms, slang words. Let's take care of the Russian language, appreciate the Russian word, its meaning, beauty, musicality, and not litter our speech with jargon, do not exchange sharp, rude words when we meet. I believe that putting up with the degradation of one's language is a crime against the country, against one's nation. Our love of language must be active. Only a highly educated society as a whole, and not individual people, can preserve the greatness of the Russian language, its originality and versatility in all its manifestations.

“Treat your native language with care and love. Think about it, study it, love it terribly, and a world of boundless joys will open up to you, for the treasures of the Russian language are boundless,” wrote the poet V. Lugovskoy.

And let us also remember that it is not given to us to predict how our word will respond. Let each of us follow his word, his speech.

Let's love our native language, native word!


    Berezin F.M. "Pushkin and the Russian language today" Zh. "Russian language at school" No. 3, 1999 pp. 97-98

    Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G., Kataeva E. Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities. 12th ed. Rostov N/A: Phoenix, 2005. - 544 p. (Higher education.)

    Lvova S.I. Language in speech communication: Optional. course (8-9 cells): Book. For students. M.: Enlightenment. 1992.-190 p.: ill.

    Lustrova Z.N., Skvortsov L.I., Deryagin V.Ya. Friends of the Russian language (A book about the development of the modern Russian language, about its place in socialist culture). - M.: Knowledge, 1982-160 p. - Nar. un-t. Fak. literature and art

    Milovatsky V.S. On the ecology of the word With the blessing of hegumen John (Ekonomtsev) Moscow, M .: Publishing house "Enlightener", 2001.-176p.

    The newest complete reference book for schoolchildren: grades 5-11: in 2 volumes. T II: Russian language; English language; Literature; History; Social science. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 448 p. - (The latest student reference books).

    Pivovarov B.I. Native word. 5th grade : textbook for educational organizations. Novosibirsk: Orthodox Gymnasium in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 2015. 180 p.: col. silt

    Skvortsov L.I.: "Each of us is responsible for the Russian language" Journal about Russia and the Russian world "Russian Century" No. 3 (17) March 2009, p. 40-45)

    Skvortsov L. I. Culture of Russian speech: Dictionary-reference book: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 224 p.

    Skvortsov L.I. "Language, culture and morality" Zh. "Russian language at school" No. 2, 1994, p.100-106

    Cheshko L.A. Russian language: Proc. preparation aid. otd. inhumane. fak. universities-M.: Higher. School, 1981. - 261s.

Passport of design work

    Project "Ecology of the Modern Russian Language"

    Project manager: Varfolomeeva Tatyana Alekseevna

    Subject: “Russian language and literature. Russian language"

    Project type: research

    Objective of the project:

Comprehensive study and generalization of the problems of ecology of the modern Russian language.

    Project objectives:

1) Consider the concept of "language ecology".

2) To study the state of the speech culture of society at the present stage.

3) Justify the need to protect the purity of the Russian language.

4) Identify ways to improve speech culture.

    Project questions:

Does a person think about the state of the Russian language today?

Is it worth paying due attention to the culture of your speech?

Is it important to control the activities of the media that directly affect a person, shaping his culture?

Is the word, as a unit of language, really of great importance in order to take care of the "purity" of the entire Russian language?

    Necessary equipment:

Literature on the subject


A computer


The proposed project Ecology of the modern Russian language».

This project is a synthesis of linguistic theory and practice, which, on the one hand, is associated with the study of factors that negatively affect the development and use of the language, and on the other hand, with the search for ways and means to enrich the language and improve the practice of speech communication. The ecology of language, in theory, should underlie the so-called language policy of the state, primarily in the areas of education, jurisprudence, negotiation processes, office work and, of course, in the activities of the mass media, but, as you know, big things start small.

Why should we, native Russian speakers, care about the language at all? The fact is that the state of the national language, especially the state language, which is the Russian language, a high level of speech culture are indicators of the prosperous state of society, because the language not only reflects, but also shapes thinking, regulates behavior, interpersonal and intercorporate relations, is a universal instrument of management, education, etc., without which no state, no nation can develop and simply exist for a long time.

By a generally fair definition, the Russian language is currently in a state of crisis. The notorious reasons for this are:

A sharp reduction in the base of the spoken Russian language due to changes in the geopolitical situation both in Russia and the CIS countries, and in the world;

The deterioration of the economic situation of our country;

Reducing teaching hours in the Russian language in school and university programs;

The extinction of epistolary culture;

Primitivization of oral communication and business negotiation skills;

Oversaturation of Russian speech with slang and jargon.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the insufficient command of the normalized speech of representatives of professions with increased speech responsibility, due to the fact that language education was carried out in a grammatical, and not in a rhetorical spirit, in which there was no knowledge of all forms of speech communication, impact and interaction. In fact, the Russian rhetorical ideal is now lost.

The need for the ecology of the Russian language, its preservation and development, purification and restoration after many decades of general rudeness requires the following strict measures:

Propaganda of the Russian language outside of Russia;

Restoration of the influence of Russian philology on the environment of language communication of foreign admirers of Russian literature;

Improving language education in a continuous educational process;

It is necessary to streamline the norms of the Russian language, publish new explanatory-encyclopedic, stylistic dictionaries suitable for general use, which should include general educational terms and the latest general scientific and general technical vocabulary.

For the development of the Russian language, it is also necessary to use and develop Russian literature of the 20th century, to realize what the language of the latest literature is from the point of view of the aesthetics of the word, to understand why the language of modern, realistic, modernist and postmodernist works is often dirty and primitive. Only then will aesthetically perfect literary works, which give examples of style and influence the linguistic development of society, be valued.

    Intended products of the project: abstract, research report, multimedia presentation.

    Stages of work on the project



Preparatory stage

Choice of the topic of the educational project. Determination of the goal, formulation of tasks. Development of the fundamental question and problematic issues of the educational topic.

February 2016

Search and research stage

Identification of sources of necessary information. Defining ways to collect and analyze information. Determine how the results will be presented.

March 2016

Project implementation

Collection and clarification of information. Choosing the best option for the project. Phased implementation of the research tasks of the project.

March - April 2016

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions.

April 2016

Generalizing stage

Formulation of results. Finalization of the project taking into account the comments and suggestions. Preparing for the defense.

Protecting the project and evaluating the results

Public defense of the project.

June 2016

Language ecology survey

    Do you know what ecology is?

A) Yes B) No C) Not sure

    Are you familiar with the terms "ecology of language", "linguoecology"?

A) Yes B) No C) Not sure

    Did you know that language is "polluted"?

A) Yes B) No

    What do you think the language is contaminated with?

    Why is “pollution of the language environment” scary?


A) Yes B) No

    Can you do without these words?

A) Yes B) No


    Do you think that these words:

A) clog the speaker's speech; B) decorate the speaker's speech;

C) help formulate the speaker's speech?

10. Do you use profanity?

A) Yes B) No

11. Do you like being around people who use profanity? A) Yes B) No C) I don’t notice it and don’t follow it

12. Do you use profanity mostly because you don't know the cultural equivalents of the words? A) Yes B) No

13. Place the stress in the following words: calls, beets, prettier, catalog, cakes, blinds, contract, quarter, call, facilitate, how many, cottage cheese, provision, funds, sorrel, pamper, carpenter, busy, put, created.

    What can you do to make your native Russian language clearer?


Thanks for attention!

slide 1

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian

language, this treasure, this property, transferred

to us by our predecessors...

I. S. Turgenev

Everyone has the right to choose what language he will speak with others, but it must be remembered that the language is a structure, for the construction of which every person who lived on earth brought his stone. And if we want to live on a clean, bright planet, then our thoughts should be the same.

Slide 2. The project "Ecology of the modern Russian language" is submitted for defense. The problem of violation of the ecology of the Russian language is more relevant than ever and requires coverage.

In the subjects of school education there is the subject "Ecology", which deals with the preservation, conservation of the natural environment. But there is also an ecology of the spirit, an ecology of morality and humanity, in which the main thing is our language, our speech. So it is possible and necessary to talk about the linguo-ecological education of the individual. Each of us is responsible for the state of the language environment, which we must keep clean and tidy for new generations, in creative renewal and, at the same time, in the richness of the accumulated cultural and artistic traditions.

Slide 3. Yes, in our time there is a natural need for the ecology of the word. The term "ecology of language" first appeared in 1972.

Under the ecology of the word in a broad sense, one can understand the preservation of the native language, its verbal wealth, purity, health.

If language disappears, then we will cease to exist as a nation.

In Russia, the linguistic branch of the ecology of the word is developing thanks to the works of L.I. Skvortsova, V.P. Grigoryeva, S.I. Vinogradova, V.V. Kolesova, Yu.M. Lotman and others.

slide 4. Project novelty is that it is necessary to develop a product capable of showing in an accessible form what changes are taking place in the language, what negative processes on this issue are possible, and how to stop them. The project is focused on a simple schoolchild, a student, that is, the information is presented simply and entertainingly, and as a result, a clear algorithm of actions should be formed: how not to harm your language.

Slide 5. That's why the purpose of this research work- a comprehensive study and generalization of the problems of ecology of the modern Russian language.

Project objectives:

1. Consider the concept of "language ecology".

    To study the state of the speech culture of society at the present stage.

    Describe the need to protect the Russian language.

    To identify ways to improve speech culture.

slide 6. Research methods

Studying the literature on the problem, Internet sources;


The significance of this problem determined at the state level by politics and the president: since 2010, the federal target program "Russian Language" has been operating in Russia, aimed at preserving, studying the Russian language, promoting linguistic culture and improving the image of the Russian language in the world. Therefore, the relevance of this topic is undeniable.

(Practical significance of the project

The materials of this project, including project products - an abstract, a presentation, can be used when studying the Russian language at school and college for events, a subject week of the Russian language, and as a basis for working on a new extended project.

Job prospects is to further study the problems of language clogging and develop proposals to eliminate these problems. It is hoped that this study will attract the attention of people who are not indifferent to the problems of their native speech.)

The state of the Russian language today is of general concern. Reproaches and claims come from writers and journalists, from teachers and actors, public figures, linguists, from ordinary lovers and connoisseurs of classical Russian speech. They even talk about the death of the Russian language. Is it so?

What is the situation in the society where I live? To find out, I conducted a small study (questionnaire) among students in grades 10-11 of the Kuibyshev secondary school. The study involved 16 people. The results of the survey are presented in diagrams.

Slide 7. Conclusion: all respondents are familiar with the term "ecology".

slide 8. Conclusion: 12 of the respondents are familiar with the terms "ecology of language", "linguoecology", 3 people doubt it. Consequently, such topical issues of the ecology of the language today are addressed in the school curriculum.

Slide 9. Conclusion: most of the respondents are aware of the pollution of the language environment.

slide 11. Conclusion: Analyzing the answers of the respondents on the question, What is terrible about “pollution of the language environment”?, we found out that “pollution” leads to the impoverishment of the culture of speech, the norms of the literary language are lost, and the degradation of the Russian people occurs. If you do not pay attention to the Russian language, it will disappear.

slide 16. Conclusion: 63% of respondents answered that they use profanity in their speech.

Slide 17. Conclusion: on the question: do you like to be in the company of people who use profanity?, the opinions of the respondents were divided - 44% answered that they do not like to be in the company of such people, 44% do not notice this and do not follow it.

Slide 18. Conclusion: most of the respondents use profanity not because they do not know the cultural analogues of words.

Slide 19. Further, it was proposed to place the emphasis on the following words: ringingAnd t, sve cla, beautifulAnd vey, rolledabout g, tabout mouths, blindsAnd , Great Danesabout p, qtbut l, ringingAnd sh, lightenAnd t, skabout cool, tvabout Rabout g, providee he nie, cfe dstva, shave l, ballsbut th, tableI p, busybut , putAnd l, sabout zdbut whether.

Slide 20. According to the results of the survey, out of 20 proposed words, errors were made in 1 word (1 person), in 2 words (4 people), in 3 words (5 people), in 4 words (2 people).

Typical mistakes: make it easierAnd be(8 people), quartbut l(6 people ), pointsbut be(3 persons), tableI R(3 persons), skabout many(2 persons), blindsAnd (2 persons), shave eh(2 persons), great danesabout R(1 person), beautifulAnd in her(1 person), Wede dstva(1 person).

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the language is in danger.

slide 22. Thus, the surveys and research results show alarming trends: people are clearly getting used to the low culture of speech of others, accepting it as the norm, reducing their demands on someone else's and their own speech, recognizing their level of speech culture as sufficient, not requiring improvement.

slide 23. Thus, we have identified such problems of violation of the ecology of the Russian language:


    Extra and bad words.


But identifying is only half the job. The main thing is to find a solution to these problems. The preservation of the language, concern for its further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture. Therefore, every citizen of the Russian Federation, no matter who he works, no matter what position he holds, is responsible for the state of the language of his country, his people.

Our language is an essential part of our overall behavior in life. It takes a long time to learn good, calm, literate speech - by listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. Although it is difficult, it must be done.

Our speech is an important part not only of behavior, but also of our personality, soul, mind. The philosopher Seneca said: "Speech is the mark of the mind."

The ecology of the word is the preservation of the native language, its verbal richness, purity.

slide 24. At various stages of the development of the Russian language, a whole galaxy of scientists, writers, and publicists strengthened our language in word and deed, protecting, as far as possible, from the dominance of foreign words. In our age of technological progress, it has become more difficult to protect the Russian language from foreign words, complex terms, slang words. Let's take care of the Russian language, appreciate the Russian word, its meaning, beauty, musicality, and not litter our speech with jargon, do not exchange sharp, rude words when we meet. I believe that putting up with the degradation of one's language is a crime against the country, against one's nation. Our love of language must be active. Only a highly educated society as a whole, and not individual people, can preserve the greatness of the Russian language, its originality and versatility in all its manifestations.

Slide 25. “Treat your native language with care and love. Think about it, study it, love it terribly, and a world of boundless joys will open up to you, for the treasures of the Russian language are boundless,” wrote the poet V. Lugovskoy.

Let us strive to ensure that our speech is transformed, and ugly words never defile our lips and ears.

And let us also remember that it is not given to us to predict how our word will respond. Let each of us follow his word, his speech. Let's love our native language, native word!

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