Home perennial flowers Year of the rooster horoscope for the virgin monkey. Personal sphere: family, love. happy day kaleidoscope

Year of the rooster horoscope for the virgin monkey. Personal sphere: family, love. happy day kaleidoscope

Love and marriage in the compatibility of the horoscopes of the bull and the rooster are traditional and energetically powerful relationships between a man and a woman. Both partners are responsible and serious enough to create a stable and lasting alliance, and common goals only help this process.

Ox and Rooster are responsible enough to create a stable union

The character of the bull

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year of the ox represents large-scale personalities who are happy to turn their desires into reality and achieve not small heights on the career ladder. Earning a decent income, he invests all finances in his family. The bull is a conservative, until he achieves financial stability and solves the housing problem for his family, he will easily change jobs. In order to feel safe, the bull needs a cozy home, a loving family and psychological comfort.

Rooster character

The horoscope of people born in the year of the rooster says that this sign values ​​\u200b\u200bits love relationships and strives to create a strong marriage. A distinctive feature of the character of the rooster is his imbalance, constant excitement and doubt in his decisions prevent him from seeing the right way out of the conflict situation. Trying to prove his case, he spends a lot of energy on empty arguments.

The rooster strives to create a strong marriage

Having met a person born under the sign of a bull on the path of life, the rooster will immediately feel that this is exactly his couple. In the compatibility of these signs, the bull will offer support in his face and expand the horizon of perception of life for the rooster. And his calmness and seriousness will help bring his quick-tempered partner to feelings and organize family life.

Bull woman and rooster man

According to the compatibility horoscope of these two signs, this couple enters into a harmonious marriage based on love and mutual understanding. What helps them in this?

  • A calm and strong woman born in the year of the bull, morally supporting a quick-tempered man, will be able to achieve the desired relationship in which there will be no serious problems.
  • A wise female bull, unobtrusively and calmly pacifies the imbalance of her husband and both remain satisfied from living together.
  • The rooster man, in the love compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, will add liveliness and brightness to his beloved wife in marriage, with his emotionality he inspires her to new achievements.
  • And also, the horoscope shows that, representatives of these signs, it is good to cooperate in the construction or insurance business. They sincerely rejoice at each other's successes and are always ready to listen and give good advice.

Bull needs a cozy home

Rooster woman and bull man

In the compatibility of a serious man and an insecure woman, it will not be easy to achieve the desired result in love and marriage. A woman born in the year of the rooster is very fussy and stubborn, which greatly exhausts the nerves of a man born in the year of the bull. Infected by the anxiety of the spouse, the bull will not be able to feel peaceful in marriage.

If a male bull does not feel support in a loved one, he goes in search of a new love. Constant criticism and aggression from the female rooster will create an unfavorable background for marriage with a bull, and such a relationship may fall apart.

Natural leaders are people who were born in both the year of the Ox and the year of the Rooster. They have similar tastes and outlook on life. The compatibility of the Ox and the Rooster is good, they will be able to build a strong marriage and become reliable business partners. But sometimes conflicts happen in their tandem.

General characteristics of signs

The Rooster zodiac sign is open and direct. He does not like to dissemble and always directly expresses his opinion. But his negative trait is that he does not like criticism, such words can hurt him greatly.

In working relationships, he always achieves heights and financial prosperity. This sign always knows what he wants, confidently goes to his goal, his plans are thought out in advance.

Regardless of what gender the Rooster is, he is used to taking care of his appearance a lot. These people always want to make a good impression. They appreciate beauty and neatness not only in appearance, but also in home improvement.

This sign is very sociable, likes to be in a big company, he always has many friends. But the negative qualities include emotionality and excessive pedantry.

The bull is distinguished by restraint and confidence. He is always calm and thoughtful. Like the Rooster, he strives for material independence, knows how to earn and knows the value of money. Treats others with respect, is fair and strict with subordinates.

This stubborn sign does not like frivolous people, it is difficult for him to open up to strangers. In a relationship, the most important thing for him is loyalty and devotion. The Bull Man will not enter into a relationship with a windy woman. He respects himself and chooses suitable partners.

Relations between signs develop easily and harmoniously. Buffalo and Rooster are united by:

  • love for family and work;
  • the ability to present oneself;
  • love for cleanliness and order;
  • leadership skills;
  • purposefulness.

Prospects for union in love and marriage

Relationships quickly develop between these signs. They quickly find a common language and understand the partner well. But their relationship will not be very passionate. Both signs do not like courtship, more practical issues are important to them. They strive to comfortably organize life and get along well in life.

The compatibility of the signs of the Bull and the Rooster in love is high. They successfully complement each other. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and strong friendship. But despite this, sometimes the couple will have problems.

More difficult will be a marriage where the man is the Bull and the woman is the Rooster. For a person who was born under the sign of the Ox, it is important to feel a reliable rear, then he will be able to achieve more in life. But the Rooster woman also wants to be realized in the professional field, the house and family sometimes go by the wayside.

Quarrels can arise due to the fact that the Rooster woman is too attentive to trifles, with this she can annoy her partner. And also she is very emotional and straightforward for the Ox.

The compatibility of the signs of the Ox and the Rooster in marriage is high. A couple can build a strong union only if the girl can get rid of some negative characteristics. She needs to become a good helper for her husband, believe in him and criticize less often. It is necessary that she direct excessive pedantry into the domestic environment, and not into relationships.

And also the Rooster girl is very charming, the opposite sex often pays attention to her. Because of this, her partner may be jealous, there will be difficulties in love.

Relationships in which the man is the Rooster and the woman is the Ox will be more successful. The representative of this sign is very sensitive and able to easily take the initiative into their own hands. She helps her husband choose the right direction, but does not humiliate his dignity. The home of such a family will always be clean and comfortable. The husband will happily rush home.

Difficulties of marriage

Even if the couple has lived together for many years, and each knows their partner well, difficulties can arise.

Ox and Rooster can quarrel for the following reasons:

  • irritability;
  • inability to dump negativity;
  • overly conservative.

Partners in a Rooster + Ox pair need to be able to relax, because sometimes they skimp on entertainment. It is important to remember that life consists not only of material things, but also of emotions. Positive will help to reach new heights.

Ox Man and Rooster Woman

Such a couple will have to go through many trials. A woman should become more calm and learn to trust her partner. The bull is always touched by unreasonable jealousy, he cannot stand it when a partner doubts him.

But his habit of keeping everything under control may not please his partner. It is important for her to feel equal, she cannot stand the superiority of other people.

If the couple can overcome these obstacles and learn to give in to each other, their relationship will be successful. The Ox man and the Rooster woman must learn to accept their spouse as he is, not to try to re-educate and remake them for themselves.

The bull should pay more attention to his woman. If he takes good care of her, she will become a reliable support and support for him.

Ox Woman and Rooster Man

The girl who was born in the year of the Ox is distinguished by enterprise and stubbornness. There is a possibility that she will become the leader in the relationship. The rooster will not mind such a distribution of roles and will always help his woman.

Keeping the peace in this situation is possible thanks to the wisdom of the Ox. She will never humiliate her husband or try to re-educate. Next to her, he will be able to feel strong and confident.

  • always treats her husband with respect;
  • do not blame in front of strangers;
  • Don't demand too much from your husband.

Percent Compatibility

A man who was born in the year of the Ox and a female Rooster are 84.5% compatible. They are always patient with their chosen one, they can understand him and support him in difficult situations. But sometimes there are conflicts in marriage. A woman should pay more attention to home and life if she wants to maintain a relationship.

But in case of conflicts, this couple will be able to solve them with the help of sex. This is an important part of the relationship for the Ox and the sign of the Rooster.

If a couple consists of a Bull girl and a guy who was born in the year of the Rooster, they are 92.6% compatible. Such a tandem will easily get along. Conflicts may arise due to the intemperance of the Ox, but they will be able to handle them.

Ways to Improve Relationships

The partners are well suited to each other, but in order to strengthen the relationship, they need to learn how to plan their leisure time. This is worth doing to the Rooster, he will be able to organize in an original way every weekend.

But it is also important for spouses under the signs of the Rooster and the Ox to be able to support each other. In case of any trouble, it is necessary to look for ways to solve it together - this will strengthen the marriage.

The bull must learn to accept the eccentricity of his partner. You need to be patient and understanding with the character of your spouse. Later, the Rooster will get used to it and be able to give up some principles.

Compatibility in bed

Thanks to sex, the Ox man and the Rooster woman can fully show the emotions that they hide in public. They are united by the fact that they love experiments and strive to please their partner.

Intimacy will help them better understand each other and smooth out sharp corners. But also in bed, they often make up after major quarrels. They just need to relax and trust their spouse. If this couple does not have trust, the relationship can end quickly. For these signs, spiritual compatibility is more important, sex comes second.

Compatibility in friendship and work

A person born in the year of the Ox is not inclined to make friends in adulthood. He forms his social circle in his youth, and these people stay with him for a long time.

Larisa Tsareva June 28, 2018, 12:20

Rooster and Ox are two born leaders. They have a very similar worldview and many life priorities coincide. But can they be together without overwhelming each other? The Chinese horoscope predicts a favorable union for such a couple. Relations between a man and a woman often end in marriage, and in work the signs become reliable partners.

Horoscope of compatibility of the Bull and the Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

Rooster is inherent in honesty, openness. He does not dissemble and boldly tells people what he thinks to their faces. On the one hand, such a character trait causes deep respect. On the other hand, not everyone is ready to accept the truth and criticism, and the words of the Rooster can sometimes hurt painfully.

In work, the sign often achieves a high position and financial prosperity. He is purposeful, but does not always know how to calculate the steps to his goals, so he can choose confusing paths.

The Ox and the Rooster have many life priorities

Regardless of whether the guy is a Rooster or a girl, the sign always pays attention to its appearance. The person of this Zodiac always tries to look good, expensive, stylish. Neatness is important for him not only in clothes, but also in the house.

By nature, the Rooster is sociable, he has many friends, many consider him the "soul of the company." The disadvantages of his character are intemperance and excessive pedantry.

Paying too much attention to the little things, the Rooster sometimes loses sight of the big picture.

Looking at the Bull, you can feel the strength, calmness and balance emanating from him. By nature, the sign is very restrained, reasonable, self-confident. Just like the Rooster, the Ox is very successful in the labor field and always strives for financial well-being. From nature, he inherited a sense of justice and deep respect for all people.

The sign is shorn of frivolous people and is not open to everyone. He appreciates fidelity, reliability, devotion, because he himself has such qualities in himself. The Ox guy will never let eccentric girls approach him. A woman of this sign always chooses worthy partners, knowing her worth.

The love relationship between the Ox and the Rooster develops very harmoniously. They are united by such features as:

  • family value;
  • leadership skills;
  • honesty, justice;
  • nobility;
  • the ability to present oneself in society;
  • purposefulness;
  • devotion to close people and their work;
  • cleanliness;
  • conservatism;
  • logical mindset.

Having met, these signs immediately feel something in common, similar, and from the first minutes of communication they perfectly understand each other. Their romance is unlikely to be stormy and enchanting. Both signs are not very romantic. and pay much more attention to practical issues. Life, improvement in life is more important to them than idle pastime.

Zodiacs complement each other well, building relationships on a solid foundation of friendship and mutual respect.

From the first minutes of communication, the Bull and the Rooster understand each other perfectly

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Ox and Rooster

Although the compatibility of the Rooster and the Ox is very high, and their love affair has every chance of ending in marriage, the couple will still face some difficulties in family life.

In a marriage where the husband is the Bull and the wife is the Rooster, there are more difficulties. A man of this sign is more effective in business when he has a reliable rear - a cozy home, where his beloved woman and a delicious dinner are waiting for him. But the Rooster girl is not always ready to take on the role of a housewife, preferring to build her career.

Women of this sign are more fussy and picky about trifles than they can torment their partner. The temper and emotionality of the spouse will annoy the Ox, and her straightforwardness is a direct path to frequent quarrels.

Everything will be fine if the Rooster wife is able to correctly vary some of her character traits. She can become inspirer and reliable support for her spouse, more supporting him with words than criticizing. And it is better for her to direct pedantry into everyday life than into relationships.

The rooster is naturally endowed with inner charm and easily attracts the opposite sex, which can provoke jealousy from his chosen one.

The family "husband - Rooster, wife - Ox" is more harmonious. Women of this sign are very wise and deftly take the initiative for the well-being of the family. The wife in such a couple becomes a kind of “gray eminence”, directing her husband in the right direction, but at the same time not belittling his supremacy in the family.

At the couple's house will always be clean and comfortable. A man will gladly return to his "nest".

There are many difficulties in the marriage of the Ox man and the Rooster woman.

Possible difficulties of marriage

Boredom can get into the marriage relationship between the Ox and the Rooster. Partners are not prone to spontaneous actions, do not approve of spending money on entertainment and rarely allow themselves to rest.

The inability to relieve tension and sometimes spend time in carelessness leads to breakdowns and increased irritability. The Rooster is especially prone to such attacks.

A couple should pay more attention to rest and bring joyful, bright moments into their everyday life more often. Our life consists not only of material things, but also of sensations, emotions. Positive feelings give strength to new exploits and achievements.

Compatibility in sex

The bed for the Rooster and the Ox becomes a place where they can fully express their feelings: the passion and ardor that they hide in public.

Both partners are open to experiments and treat pleasure with trepidation, trying to give it to each other in full.

For both signs, intimacy is in the first place.

High compatibility in the intimate sphere allows them to smooth out sharp corners in relationships. The bed is often for signs place of reconciliation after quarrels.

The most important thing for a couple is to trust each other completely. If one of them loses trust, then even chic sex will not save the relationship. For both signs, physical pleasures are secondary, and intimacy is in the first place.

Friendship between the Ox and the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

The Ox rarely makes friends in adulthood. Usually he forms his close circle of friends in his youth and carries this friendship through the years.

The Rooster and the Ox can be friends just as tightly as they can build a love relationship. They are easy sacrifice their interests and time if their comrades need help.

More open and in society, the Rooster helps the restrained Ox to feel freer in large companies. He, in turn, is ready to instruct a friend in difficult situations, prompting the right decisions.

Signs become good friends regardless of gender.

Compatibility in the work of the Bull and the Rooster is very high and effective. Together they can build a serious business or move each other up the career ladder. Working in a team, the signs double their strengths, and the result of such a tandem is a dizzying success.

Ox and Rooster become good friends regardless of gender

Compatibility of Ox Man and Rooster Woman

The couple "he is the Ox, she is the Rooster" will face trials. The girl should work on her temper, pickiness, jealousy. The Ox does not like being doubted, and suspicion from his beloved always hurts him.

A man's tendency to control everything can hurt his partner. She does not accept superiority and prefers equality.

Having overcome these difficulties of their characters and having learned mutual concessions, the couple will find harmony, and the union will be happy. Here they will be helped by an important quality inherent in both - the ability to appreciate the individuality of a person and accept him as he is. The bull will surround his chosen one with care, she will give him the love that he has always dreamed of.

Suspicion on the part of the Rooster always hurts the Ox

Compatibility of Ox Woman and Rooster Man

The Ox girl is a strong and enterprising nature. Although the Rooster is also not shy, the lady will most likely be the unspoken leader in the relationship. The Rooster is quite satisfied with this situation, and in some matters he easily fulfills the will of his partner. Keeping this interaction helps woman's wisdom- she never belittles her chosen one, on the contrary, allowing him to feel stronger than she is.

But as soon as the Ox woman starts to reproach her partner or demand too much from him, the union will be shaken. A man can charge his soul mate with cheerfulness, which she sometimes lacks. She likes the bright personality of her partner and she is proud of her chosen one.

The union “she is a Bull, he is a Rooster” is generally very favorable. It is recommended that the rooster less defend his innocence with a cry, and the woman should devote more time to caring for her partner, then there will be more peace in relationships than conflicts.

Astrologers say that such a couple will be envied. Lovers do not need to pay attention to other people's evil tongues and provocations, but trust only their hearts and trust each other more.

The compatibility of the Ox and the Rooster is seen as stable and favorable. In these relationships, everyone has the opportunity to show their strengths. A man with great responsibility approaches any business. His chosen one will prove to be a reliable administrator and an excellent performer who is able to complete an assignment of any complexity. The Bull Man admires his beloved because she offers excellent ideas and has a number of virtues and talents.

Both like to analyze and look for suitable solutions. If the partners act together, they can do a lot. Lovers do not look for flaws and weaknesses in the second half. The Bull Man is demanding and practical. He feels great next to a caring and reliable Rooster woman. At the same time, the desire of a woman to criticize everything and behave defiantly to a certain extent does not cause any inconvenience to a man. Such an idyll is the key to the compatibility of the Ox man and the Rooster woman.

Ox Man and Rooster Woman: General Compatibility

In relations with the Ox, as a rule, all conflicts are started by the female Rooster

Man and woman are well suited to each other. The key to the strength of their union is a comprehensive mutual understanding. Lovers are connected by many hobbies and similar points of view. Everyone in this tandem strives for stability in family life. In addition, both wish financial well-being.

A man has nothing against the fact that his chosen one shone both in the family circle and at social events. From the moment she meets a man born in the year of the Ox, a woman understands that she has found the one she was looking for. It is he who will become a reliable support for her and help expand the circle of interests. After meeting a Rooster woman, a man forgets about short-term intrigues and meetings with friends. Now he directs all his efforts to building a career and expanding the business. He strives for material well-being in order to give his beloved everything she needs.

The couple has a bright future. However, one way or another, there may be some problems. Often the initiator of conflicts is a woman, because she likes to argue and defend her case. In addition, she is a restless and somewhat aggressive personality. Her lover does not like this behavior. Relationships from provocations of a woman deteriorate and suffer.

The Ox is a businesslike, concrete and solid man. He responsibly approaches the performance of his duties. Whatever he has to do, he will certainly give it one hundred percent. Behind the amazing results that a man achieves in any field of activity, efficiency and amazing endurance are hidden. Usually he builds a successful career without much difficulty and takes a leadership position. The best areas for the professional implementation of a man born in the year of the Ox are politics and agriculture.

He has a developed sense of self-worth. He is independent. This man can be described as a strong, courageous and purposeful person. Such qualities attract women to him. They intuitively feel that next to such a man nothing threatens them, that he can provide a calm, stable and prosperous life.

With representatives of most signs, the Ox fails to build relationships. The fact is that he has high requirements for a future life partner. She must be beautiful, smart and athletic. His chosen one is the standard of positive properties. The Bull Man is a conservative. He dreams of a big and friendly family. Only in this case, he can feel completely happy.

The Rooster Woman stands out for her atypical and striking appearance. She knows a lot about clothes. She is interested in fashion trends and trends, brands, accessories and expensive perfumes. She even goes to the store with perfect makeup and hair. The intelligence and beauty of the Rooster woman provide her with popularity in any society. She loves to be the center of attention and does her best to make everyone look only at her.

The Rooster Woman knows how to maneuver in various circumstances. She loves change. It may seem that she is always ready. For her, meeting new people and entertaining events mean a lot. The woman loves herself. And there are good reasons for that. Throughout her life, she tirelessly engaged in self-improvement. She devotes time to education, professional growth and raising children. But the Rooster woman will not sacrifice her own interests for the sake of her spouse and family interests.

The Bull Man cannot help but fall in love with such a charming beauty. In addition, she is distinguished by exceptional discipline, which can be traced in everything she does. She will never allow herself to be late, even if she is too busy. A woman born in the year of the Rooster cannot imagine her life without beautiful and high-quality clothes. At the same time, she will not spend all her money on a wardrobe, which indicates a rational approach to finances.

Ox Man and Rooster Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Bull Man knows how and loves to make money

Each of the lovers prefers the truth in any form. Both love and know how to work and set goals that they strive to achieve. However, the Rooster woman needs a strong male shoulder. And she will find support next to the Bull man. In addition, the Ox does not like to be seen and does not want everyone's attention. He has a rather pessimistic outlook on life. And his chosen one will be able to cheer him up and set him up in a positive way.

The Rooster Woman notes self-control, efficiency, hard work and the desire to earn in her partner. In reality, she strives for rationality and orderliness, but her excessive sensitivity does not allow her to pay attention to the most important. She tries to achieve justice, focuses on the little things and tries with all her might to defend her own rightness. For this reason, she does not in all cases manage to build a career and set priorities correctly. But in a relationship with a male Ox, she will be able to become more attentive and balanced, because next to such a man she will be calm about her future.

The Bull Man admires his chosen one. He believes that strength is a purely masculine quality. However, when he realizes that his beloved is a strong personality, he sincerely rejoices. Lovers can talk for hours and find more and more new and pleasant things in their partner.

To feel the fullness of life, a man born in the year of the Ox urgently needs a family and an honest companion. The Rooster woman has every chance of becoming his faithful friend. She may have difficulty prioritizing, but the value orientations of the partners have much in common. The Bull Man becomes a strong support for his chosen one and helps her to harmonize her state of mind. A woman, on the other hand, diversifies the lifestyle of her lover, filling it with diverse and exciting activities that will not let you get bored.

Disagreements can appear in a couple due to the fact that both have difficult characters. But they are easy to deal with if everyone strives to build a strong and long-term alliance. Many quarrels occur at the very beginning of a relationship, when the Ox man does not understand the increased fussiness of his beloved. She tries to go everywhere and do too much. And this brings him out of his usual state of equilibrium. He prefers a calm and measured lifestyle. The man does not like to rush. But over time, the partners manage to adapt to each other - and the relationship is harmonized.

Of course, all couples face disagreements and arguments. It is important to learn how to avoid conflict situations. Most of the quarrels are due to the irritability of a woman born in the year of the Rooster. In addition, she does not like doing housework very much. Her husband does not understand this behavior. If the beloved insists on her own, then the Ox man may lose his temper.

Another reason for conflict is the criticality of the Rooster woman. She cannot refrain from commenting on anyone. In a relationship with her lover, she should give up this habit. Otherwise, a man will not be able to reveal all his abilities. In order for the relationship to be stable and joyful, a woman should keep her anger and emotions under control.

Ox Man and Rooster Woman: Compatibility in Love

In sex, spouses are perfect for each other. For both in this couple, intimate life plays an important role. In addition, in bed they can deal with emerging problems and misunderstandings. Proximity helps them harmonize their state of mind. Both appreciate the time spent alone. In each other's company, each of them is calm and comfortable.

Common activities and hobbies will well strengthen the union of the Bull and the Rooster

The compatibility of the Bull and the Rooster in love and marriage is very favorable. And partners should definitely appreciate each other in order to maintain such an alliance. They have every chance for their marriage to be long-term, strong and happy. The spouses are not very similar, but at the same time they feel good and calm with each other. It cannot be said that their characters and temperaments are opposite. For this reason, there are practically no too strong conflicts between them.

The Ox man in this tandem has many positive and useful qualities. He is confident. He always has goals that he tries to realize and bring to life. A man is able to cope with any problems and hardships. In this regard, if he wants happiness and harmony in a pair with his chosen one, then he will certainly achieve this.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster should think carefully about her critical attitude to what is happening. If she can correct her views somewhat, then life together will become much easier and more enjoyable. In addition, she will certainly improve relationships with others, and her lover will be able to achieve more impressive results in her career. Of course, this will lead to an improvement in the financial situation. You have to believe in your spouse. This attitude gives him strength and confidence.

The Rooster man and the Ox woman are simply made for each other. Both have similar values, strive to create a family and just love relationships. They see a happy life in the same way and try not to scatter on extraneous things. As a result, they will be able to create strong and lasting relationships.

Spouses get along well with each other and help each other to reveal the best qualities in themselves. So, the restraint, self-control and practicality of the Ox woman is enhanced. And the prudence and frugality of a woman born in the year of the Ox contributes to the creation of a reliable family hearth, which the Rooster man so needs. The ambition of both spouses and their desire for success allow them to go together and achieve their goals faster. Both partners easily take responsibility and do everything possible to make their marriage strong and happy. The similarity of interests and views makes the union even more reliable. In the years of the Rooster and outstanding personalities. Therefore, you can be sure that the union of these signs among themselves also have the properties of being bright, interesting and unusual.

Rooster Man and Ox Woman - Compatibility

Rooster man, falls in love with him immediately. He stands out from the crowd, always tastefully and immaculately dressed. He thinks through his appearance to the smallest detail. The mind and external attractiveness allow the Rooster man in any society to feel comfortable and cozy. This is what they say about him - "the soul of the company." But the Ox woman is most attracted by the observation and diligence of a man born in the year of the Rooster. And he always likes to be the center of attention. For this man, the appearance of the woman next to him is also very important. He even likes it when other men pay attention to his companion, from this she becomes even more dear to him. The appearance and conservative style of the Ox woman is quite to his liking.

Having met, the Rooster man and the Ox woman are immediately attracted to each other, feeling the commonality of interests, aspirations and realizing that this is exactly the person that each of them so dreamed of. A trusting relationship is quickly established between them. For both, family plays an important role in life. This is a prerequisite in order to feel completely happy. The Ox Woman knows how to make money and is happy to invest it in her family and home. For the Rooster man, she becomes a reliable support that can expand his horizons and life horizons. She skillfully organizes both domestic and professional life, both her own and her husband's. And for a man born into meaning.

The fact is that he has a very unbalanced character, and his constant throwing and fuss do not allow him to see the main goal in life. He is very much sprayed on disputes and proofs of his innocence, he is completely unable to concentrate on the task set at the moment. He is too attentive to trifles and is critical to pay attention to the main thing. On the other hand, a psychologically balanced Ox woman easily pacifies her man and helps him relax and distract himself from obsessive thoughts. And the Rooster man happily teaches the Ox woman to be cheerful and relaxed, cheerful and free, bright and extravagant. The conservative and somewhat limited female Ox admires the openness and frank courage of the Rooster. Moreover, she strives to become like him. She learns sociability from him and gradually begins to notice that her life next to this man is much brighter and more interesting than without him.

The Rooster man needs to be praised, and the Ox woman will always treat with indescribable delight and admiration for what this man does. Naturally, this flatters him, raises self-esteem and amuses pride. After all, the Ox woman is a very strong-willed person, and her weakness for the Rooster causes him warm feelings in return. She loves him for being who he is. He loves her because she understands that he is the best. All this has a positive effect on all spheres of life of both.

The Rooster man has a distinctive feature - he loves to show off and admire himself irresistibly. This trait of his causes irritation to others, but not to the Ox woman. She is ready to endure his cock-like boasting all her life. The Rooster man does not leave this unnoticed. He feels great gratitude and is ready for any feat for the sake of his beloved.

Unlike the Ox woman, the Rooster man does not really like to work. Therefore, all the troubles of family life fall on the shoulders of a woman. But, this state of affairs suits her quite well, since she is used to doing everything herself. And the man at this time will sing praises for his beloved, delighting her ears and inspiring new things. The Rooster man, in order to shine in society, needs a stable family and an established life. The Ox Woman does an excellent job with this. For her, leadership in the family is as natural as for him - the attention of the public.

It is worth noting that in this union, the spouses perceive each other's shortcomings positively. They respect the individuality of each and help to become better. The Ox Woman knows how to unobtrusively and harmlessly reason with her chosen one, giving him confidence in the future. And he, in turn, will noticeably enrich the life of his wife with some spontaneity, vivid emotions and a lot of surprises. The Rooster man and the Ox woman easily agree with each other and distribute duties, which, by virtue of their responsibility, conscientiously perform. Their mutual understanding is always on top. Very often they have a common hobby or even a joint business. Over time, their family only grows stronger and becomes more united. They get real pleasure from what they have in common with each other, because everyone learns something new and interesting from their spouse.

Of course, even with perfect compatibility, spouses can experience difficulties. No exception and a couple of male Rooster and female Ox. The fact is that the Rooster man has an explosive, assertive character, which can bring confusion and confusion into family life. The Ox Woman cannot adequately perceive the throwing and fuss of her partner, and, despite her enormous patience, she can also lose her temper, and then, you certainly cannot do without a scandal.

Rooster man and Ox woman - compatibility in love

The Rooster man and the Ox woman are very sexually attractive to each other. And as long as there is sexual attraction between them, they will perceive even each other's shortcomings as virtues. The intimate side is important for both. They both know how to please each other, while not forgetting about themselves. The Bull Woman really likes the high sensuality of the Rooster man and the vivid emotions that he gives her. Next to this man, she becomes more liberated and is able to give him joy from every meeting. And he does not tire of admiring her all-encompassing tenderness and elegance of feelings.

Advice from "Moon Today" to a pair of Rooster Man and Ox Woman

A couple of male Rooster and female Ox have such good compatibility that they practically do not have conflicts. Some tension may be at the very beginning of family life, while the spouses adapt to each other, but they quickly overcome it.

In order for the relationship to become even stronger, the spouses just need to listen to the interests of each other. The Ox Woman, although she has good patience, you can work on strengthening it. Next to such an ardent and temperamental man, this will not be superfluous. And the Rooster man needs to pacify his egoism. You should not piss off your spouse, otherwise, if suddenly her patience runs out, she may leave without explaining the reasons.

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