Home perennial flowers Mari El what region. Yoshkar-Ola is the capital of the Republic of Mari El. The only city with the letter "Y"

Mari El what region. Yoshkar-Ola is the capital of the Republic of Mari El. The only city with the letter "Y"

Mari El Republic

Main city ( administrative center): Yoshkar-Ola

Distance from Yoshkar-Ola to Moscow: 642 km in a straight line

Square of the Republic of Yoshkar-Ola: 642 km²

Automotive region code: 12

Federal District: Volga

Economic region: Volga-Vyatka

Region flag:

Coat of arms of the region:

Timezone: MSK (UTC+3)

OKATO code: 88

Big cities: Yoshkar-Ola, Volzhsk, Kozmodemyansk, Medvedevo, Zvenigovo, Soviet, Morki, Sernur, Semenovka

Urban districts: city ​​of Yoshkar-Ola, city of Volzhsk, city of Kozmodemyansk

Municipal areas:

1 Volzhsky district Volzhsk
2 Gornomariysky district Kozmodemyansk
3 Zvenigovsky district Zvenigovo
4 Kilemarsky district town Kilemary
5 Kuzhenersky district town Kuzhener
6 Mari-Tureksky district town Mari Turek
7 Medvedevsky district town Medvedevo
8 Morkinsky district town morki
9 Novotoryalsky district town New Torjal
10 Orsha district town Orshanka
11 Paranginsky district town paranga
12 Sernur district town Sernur
13 Sovietsky district town Soviet
14 Yurinskiy district town Yurino

Republic of Mari El on the map of Russia - 12 region

Neighboring regions of the Republic of Mari El - 12 region

Republic of Mari El - 12th region

The Republic of Mari El was founded on November 4, 1920 and is located in the east of the East European Plain, in the middle reaches of the Volga. Most of Republic falls on the left bank of the Volga. In the north and east, the Republic of Mari El borders on the Kirov region, in the southeast - on the Republic of Tatarstan, in the southwest - on the Republic of Chuvashia, in the west - on Nizhny Novgorod region.

The western part of the left bank is occupied by the marshy Mari lowland. In the west of the republic, the Volga receives a large tributary - the Vetluga. To the east, the left tributaries of the Volga flow along the lowland, originating on the southern slopes of the Vyatka ridges: Malaya Kokshaga with tributaries Maly Kundysh and Bolshaya Oshla, Bolshaya Kokshaga with a tributary Bolshoi Kundysh, Rutka.

The eastern part of the territory is located within the Vyatka ridges, up to 275 m high, karst landforms are found here, the surface is dissected by river valleys and ravines. Among them are the rivers of the Vyatka basin: Nemda with tributaries Lazh, Tolman, Shukshan, etc., Bui, Urzhumka; the left tributary of the Volga Ilet with tributaries of the Shor, Irovka and Yushut.

On the right bank of the Volga, there is only one of the 14 districts of the republic - Gornomariysky, which occupies the northern outskirts of the Volga Upland. Here the tributaries of the Sura, Sumka, Yunga, Malaya Yunga, Sundyr flow into the Volga.

The Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoirs are located on the Volga within the republic.

General information

Ras-lo-same-on in the center of the European part of Russia, in the Middle Volga region. Included in the composition of the Pri-Volzh-sko-th fe-de-ral-no-go ok-ru-ha. The area is 23.4 thousand km2. The population is 698.2 thousand people (2010; 647.7 thousand in 1959; 749.4 thousand in 1989). Sto-li-tsa - Yosh-kar-Ola. Administrative-territorial division: 14 districts, 4 cities, 15 villages of mountains. ty-pa.

Government departments

Sis-te-ma or-ga-nov of state power op-re-de-la-et-sya Kon-sti-tu-qi-ee of the Russian Federation and Kon-sti-tu-qi-ee Res-pub-li -ki Mari El (1995). Government in the res-pub-li-ke osu-sche-st-v-la-et-sya State so-b-ra-ni-em Mariy El, head of the republic, pr-vi-tel-st-vom and others -mi or-ga-na-mi in co-ot-vet-st-vie with Kon-sti-tu-qi-her res-pub-li-ki. The state association of par-la-ment is the highest and only-st-ven-ny for-co-no-dative body of state power of the res-pub-li-ki. So-it from 52 de-pu-ta-tov, from-bi-rae-my on-se-le-ni-em for 5 years (26 de-pu-ta-tov from bi-ra-yut -sya according to one-but-man-date-ny from-bi-rational ok-ru-gams, formed on the basis of a single norm, we are pre-sta-vi-telst- va from-bi-ra-te-lei; 26 de-pu-ta-tov - according to the republic-pub-li-kan-sko-mu from the bi-rational ok-ru-gu pro-por-tsio-nal- but the number of go-lo-owls, given for the lists of can-di-da-tov in de-pu-ta-you, you-dvi-well-ty from bi-rational volumes -di-ne-niya-mi).

De-pu-ta-you work ra-bo-ta-yut without ot-ry-va from the main profession or service activity and on a professional one-to-yan-noy basis ve. The number of de-pu-ta-tov, ra-bo-melting in the State So-b-ra-nii on a professional one-hundred-yan-noy os-no-ve, us-ta-nav-li- va-et-sya for-ko-nom. The head of the res-pub-li-ki is the highest obligatory person and heads the executive power of the res-public. Half-but-mo-chia-mi of the head of the Republic of Ma-riy El on-de-la-et-sya -lo-women-nyh Pre-zi-den-tom of the Russian Federation. The head of the res-pub-li-ki for-mi-ru-et is the highest executive body of state power - pra-vi-tel-st-vo.


Pain-shin-st-in-se-le-niya is composed of Russians (47.5%) and Mari-tsy (42.9%; of which lu-go-vo- eastern Mari-tsy - 7.3%, mountainous Mari-tsy - 2.4%). Pro-zhi-va-yut also ta-ta-ry (6%), chu-va-shi (1%), uk-ra-in-tsy (0.7%), ud-mur-ty ( 0.3%), Mordovians (0.2%), be-lo-ru-sy, ar-my-ne, azerbai-jan-tsy, etc. (2002, re-writing) .

Since the second half of the 1990s, the de-mo-graphic si-tua-tion in the republic-pub-li-ke ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et-sya us-toy-chi-vym has been reduced - we don’t have the number of people on the se-le-nia (for 1995-2010 by 58 thousand people), which is due to its natural decline (2.2 per 1000 inhabitants , 2009) and in a hundred-yan-ny migratory from-to-com (6 per 10 thousand inhabitants; mainly in neighboring regions of the Russian Federation).

The death rate is 14.9 per 1000 inhabitants, ro-zh-dae-mo-sti - 12.7 per 1000 inhabitants; infant mortality is 7.2 per 1000 live-in-ro-well-days. To-la on-se-le-niya mo-lo-same work-to-spo-own-but-age-ra-ta (up to 16 years old) 16.5%, older work-to-spo- sob-no-th age-race-ta - 19.7%. The share of women is 53.7%. The average life expectancy in May is 67.1 years (men - 60.8, women - 73.8).

The average population density is 29.9 people/km2. The most dense-but-for-se-le-ny Volzh-sky, Ser-nur-sky, Para-ran-gin-sky, So-vet-sky and New-tor-yal-sky paradise- they. The proportion of the urban population is 63.5% (2010; 28.2% in 1959; 61.1% in 1989). Over-the-lo-vi-na of the city-ro-zhan pro-zhy-va-et in Yosh-kar-Ola (248.7 thousand people, 2010); other significant cities (thousand people): Volzhsk (56.2), Koz-mo-dem-yansk (22.7), Zve-ni-go-vo (12.0).


According to the socio-logical research-sle-before-va-nia (2004), 51.1% of the population of Ma-ri El are right-in-glorious: for-re-gi-st -ri-ro-va-no (as of 01/01/2009) 82 or-ga-ni-za-tions of the Yosh-kar-Olin and Mari eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church (os-no-va-na in 1993), some of them include 2 mo-on-stay-rya (including the female Mi-ro-no-sits-kai pus-tyn, os-but -va-na in 1649), as well as the 3 old-ro-rite-or-ga-ni-za-tsii. After-to-va-te-whether traditional cults make up 15% of the population, for-re-gi-st-ri-ro-va-no 5 volumes edi-not-ny Mari-sky traditional re-li-gy.

Greetings, dear readers! Mari El is a republic composed of Russian Federation, it is included in the Volga federal district and is part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region.

The capital of the Republic of Mari El is the city of Yoshkar-Ola. The republic borders on the Kirov region in the north and east, in the west - on the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the southwest it borders on Chuvash Republic, in the southeast with the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Republic of Mari El is located in the middle reaches of the Volga River, in the east of the East European Plain. The main territory of the republic is located on the left bank of the Volga, on the right bank there is only a part of the Gornomariysky district, one of the 14 districts of the republic, they can be seen on the map.

Districts of the Republic of Mari El on the map:

The area of ​​the Republic of Mari El is about 23375 square meters. kilometers, the population of the republic as of July 31, 2017 is about 685 thousand people.

In the capital of the republic, the city of Yoshkar-Ola and on the territory of the Republic of Mari El, Moscow time operates, the same as in Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Mari El a bit of history

The Mari Autonomous Region was formed on November 4, 1920; from December 5, 1936, it became known as the Mari Autonomous Republic. Since October 22, 1990 - the Mari Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR) as part of the RSFSR.

The modern name of the republic: Mari Republic - Mari El since December 9, 1992, legalized and entered into force on January 12, 1993 from the date of publication of the Law of the Russian Federation.

Mari El is a multinational republic, national holidays of the Mari people are celebrated here, as well as Russian, Chuvash, Tatar holidays, many festivals are held every year.

About attractions and rich nature Mari El can be read

My friends rested in the Republic of Mari El and shared some of their photos, memories of their holidays in Mari El in the summer in the Mari open spaces, among rich and generous nature. They also visited one of the holidays - Benderiad, which is held in the republic in a fun and interesting way every summer.

Holidays in Mari El in summer photo

The beginning of summer this year turned out to be cool and rainy, you have to dress warmer. On the banks of the Volga

We are going fishing with a fishing rod:

And this is a small catch:

Time for mushrooms

Gifts of the Forest - Mushroom Loot:

Gathering for strawberries, endless white birch grove:

More strawberries on the hills:

And this is the harvest:

Delicious Wild Strawberry

We swim on the Volga in the summer, the heat has finally come by the end of July:

On the chamomile field:

How good are the evenings in Russia ...

At the hacienda visiting friends:

Carefree childhood - laughing girlfriends:

Republic of Mari El photo

Harvest ripens in the fields of the republic:

It is good to ride through the vast expanses and see the ancient beauty, which is carefully preserved in the republic.

Beautiful rustic windows with carved architraves:

The city of Kozmodemyansk, the center of the Gornomariysky district:

Cathedral of the Smolensk Icon Mother of God in the city of Kozmodemyansk:

Holidays in Mari El

Many festivals and holidays are held in the cities of the Republic of Mari El and the capital Yoshkar-Ola in different time of the year. In the summer in June, the Republican National holiday Peledysh payrem - Translated from the Mari Flower Festival, during which the results of spring field work are summed up and mass festivities are held throughout the republic.

Interregional folklore and ethnographic holiday land of ancestors is held in July in the village of Arda, Kilemar region. Summer passes music Festival Bagel in the city of Volzhsk in memory of the famous musician.

We will visit with you Festival of satire and humor Benderiad which has been celebrated since 1995. The center of the holiday is the city of Kozmodemyansk, people with a good sense of humor and a wonderful mood come here from everywhere. A carnival procession passes through the streets of Kozmodemyansk. On the market square an auction "12 chairs" is held, where you can buy a "chair with diamonds", a chess tournament is certainly held. There are performances of comedians, music concerts, discos throughout the city.

One of the main participants in Benderiada:

Festival of satire and humor Benderiad in Kozmodemyansk

There are many entertainments for children on the Market Square of Kozmodemyansk:

big dressy Playground for the joy of children:

Ostap Bender's performance in a festive humor:

The holiday continues on the banks of the Volga - yachts and parachutists participate in the holiday:

I suggest you watch a cool movie about recreation and attractions in the Republic of Mari El:

Film My Russia or the adventures of Italian women in Mari El

Holidays in Mari El in the summer can be so interesting, exciting and informative!

Dear readers, if the article The Republic of Mari El on the map of Russia Rest in Mari El in summer photo was interesting to you and you learned something new for yourself, share with your friends, leave a comment under the article.

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The capital of the Republic of Mari El is the only city in Russia whose name begins with "and short". But, unlike the letter, Yoshkar-Ola is a city with long history. And the piggy bank of its sights is far from being limited to linguistics alone!

1. The city was officially founded in 1584 under the name of Tsarevokokshaysk. In the center of the Volga-Vyatka region, it became an outpost for strengthening royal power and pacification of the uprisings of the recalcitrant local people. A settlement arose near the fortress, which gradually turned into a small provincial town. In the 19th century, Tsarevokokshaysk became one of the centers of political exile.

2. In the 20th century, the impetus for the development of the city (in 1919 it was renamed Krasnokokshaisk) was given by the evacuation here industrial enterprises during the Great Patriotic War. The modern name - "red city" in translation from the Mari - Yoshkar-Ola received in 1928. Now 265 thousand people live here.
3. main feature modern center Yoshkar-Ola - an abundance of copies of the most famous architectural monuments.
4. From Moscow to Yoshkar-Ola in a straight line about 650 kilometers. But residents of the Mari capital do not have to go to the capital of Russia! They can admire the "Kremlin" and "St. Basil's Cathedral" at home.
5. Annunciation Tower on Republic Square and of the Blessed Virgin Mary was opened in June 2011. Its height is 53 meters. 6. For several kilometers, amplified by the speakers, the hourly chime of the Annunciation Tower, an exact copy of the clock of the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, spreads.
7. Heart of Yoshkar-Ola. At night it is especially impressive.
8. Four hundred meters from the Annunciation Tower - on the other side of the Malaya Kokshaga River - is the Spasskaya Tower.
9. Spasskaya Tower. 10.
11. Cathedral of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God in Yoshkar-Ola was founded on October 29, 2010. The main altar was consecrated by Patriarch Kirill on June 12, 2016. As prototypes, the architects used the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed and the St. Petersburg Savior on Blood.
12. The cathedral is designed for two thousand people, its height is 74 meters. 13. Voskresenskaya Embankment and the Republic Square and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
14. To the right of the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin - a view of the Arkhangelsk settlement.
15. Arkhangelskaya Sloboda is a complex of two-story public buildings stylized as European antiquity.
16. Embankment of Bruges in the center of Yoshkar-Ola. Formed in November 2010. It was built in a single "Flemish" style, from which it got its name.
17. Feature style of the buildings of the Bruges Embankment - the closeness of the facades, the use of multi-colored bricks and the abundance of decorative elements.
18. Several republican ministries, a presidential boarding school for gifted children, a registry office, and other institutions are housed in buildings on the Bruges Embankment. These houses are also used as housing.
19. Embankment of Bruges. (Imitation of the architectural features of northern Europe is gaining popularity throughout Russia. For example, a large shopping center was recently built in Novosibirsk on Geodeticskaya Street in a similar style).
21. Obolensky-Nogotkov Square. Named after the first governor of Tsarevokokshaysk. Opened in 2007, the area was completed in Venetian style. On it there is an equestrian statue of Prince-Voivode Ivan Andreevich Nogotkov-Obolensky, a monument to Bishop Martyr Leonid of Mari, as well as a copy of Tsar Cannon. The buildings on the square are occupied by the National Art Gallery and the Forest Museum.
22. Mari National Puppet Theatre. It was founded in 1942. A new building, stylized as a Bavarian castle, was opened on Patriarch's Square in September 2014.
23. Patriarchal Square with a monument to Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II.
24. Chapel in the name of the holy nobles Prince Peter and Fevronia of Murom on Patriarchal Square.
25. This building on Patriarchal Square is famous for its 12 Apostles clock. Every three hours during the day, a real performance is played here. A procession of bronze mechanized figures appears from the gate with a semicircular arch to the right of the tower - Jesus Christ, accompanied by the apostles, moves through the gallery for 7 minutes.
26. Via Resurrection pedestrian bridge through Malaya Kokshaga you can go from the Patriarchal Square to the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.
27. Hotel « the swallow nest" (on right). On the opposite bank of the river Orthodox center Yoshkar-Ola. The organizations located in it are engaged in spiritual, educational and charitable work. In particular, there is a rehabilitation center for children with disabilities.
28. Alexander Sergeevich has never been to Holland. But now, thanks to the efforts of architects and sculptors, this has happened! On the Amsterdam Embankment in Yoshkar-Ola there is a monument to Pushkin and Onegin (in the foreground). Away to the left is a monument to Rembrandt, in the building behind which the Union of Theater Workers of the Republic of Mari El works.
29. Embankment Amsterdam. Monument to Rembrandt and the House of Creative Unions.
30. Voznesenskaya street and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. The stone cathedral in Tsarevokokshaysk was built in 1759 at the expense of parishioners. In 1961 the original building was demolished. The temple, restored on a historical site, was consecrated in 2010.
31. Chapel of memory of victims of political repressions. In front of her is a monument to Alexander Kotomkin-Savinsky (1885 - 1964), who was born in Tsarevokokshaysky district - a poet, harpist, playwright, and a member of the White movement.
32. Church Holy Trinity. The first stone church in Tsarevokokshaysk was built in 1736. Soviet time came to a standstill. At the end of the 20th century, the temple was restored in a new form.
33. The largest fountain in the city with a 6-meter bronze figure of the Archangel Gabriel on the Republic Square and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Opened in June 2011.
34. Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Georgy Konstantinov (chief director of the theater in 1964-1994). The theater was founded in 1937, the modern building was opened in 1984.
35. Resurrection Avenue. In the foreground on the left is the Spasskaya Tower. To the right in the distance is the athletics arena "Mari El Arena".
36. Year-round athletics arena "Mari El Arena". Handed over in February 2016. The height is 33 meters, the building is designed for 4300 spectators. Inside - an artificial turf football field and sectors for light athletics.
37. State Archive of the Republic of Mari El and ANO "Business Incubator of the Republic of Mari El".
38. View of the right-bank part of Chavaina Boulevard in Yoshkar-Ola. The boulevard is named after the Mari poet and playwright Sergei Chavain, who was arrested and shot in 1937.
39. urban legend. Nicknamed by the people "Cologne" building at st. Eshkinina, 2 serves as a visible landmark for citizens and guests. The tallest (85 meters) building in Yoshkar-Ola and the tallest brick building in Europe. The 16-storey house was built for 12 years (from 1978 to 1990). The first floor was supposed to be occupied by a library, in fact today - by the registry office. On the observation deck, they planned to place a restaurant. For its opening, equipment had already been delivered and installed, but a few days before the opening, a gang of juvenile delinquents tripled the pogrom in the premises. The premises at the top of the Cologne have since been used as offices. 40. Mari National Drama Theatre. Bears the name of M. Shketan (pseudonym of the founder of the Mari drama Yakov Mayorov). The theater was founded in November 1919 on the basis of the drama circle. Opened in 1962, the building for 610 spectators has the status of an Object cultural heritage RF.
41. View of the Malaya Kokshaga River, the Theater Bridge, the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (left) and the Spasskaya Tower (right).
42. Republic Square and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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