Home Potato Cultural attractions are included in this one. World heritage of Russia. Objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia: a complete list. The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

Cultural attractions are included in this one. World heritage of Russia. Objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia: a complete list. The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

Ecology of life: Especially for you, we have collected the 10 most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected...

The United Nations Specialized Agency for Education, Science and the Arts oversees the preservation of monuments cultural heritage around the world. This category includes both the most outstanding architectural structure created by man, and nature reserves- in the second case, UNESCO specialists have to make a lot of effort to save unique phenomena nature from being plundered and destroyed by our freedom-loving race.

Especially for you, we have collected the 10 most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected.

St Kilda


This unique, isolated archipelago was inhabited by a small group of Gaelic people who were all evacuated during World War II. Now there is a military base and several teams of scientists: St. Kilda is home to the rarest species birds and animals.

Wulingyuan Mountains


This mountain system is located in the north of Hunan province. The mountains owe their appearance to the weathering of sandstones. It was here that Cameron filmed his "Avatar" - one of the peaks was subsequently renamed by the provincial authorities to "Hurrah, Avatar!"

wadden sea

Water area of ​​the North Sea

A watt is a shallow offshore area, of which there are dozens. Natural processes function here without the slightest human intervention, almost the entire territory of this unusual sea covered by three national parks.

Road of the Giants

Northern Ireland

The unique area is more than 40,000 basalt columns. They connected with each other as a result of a volcanic eruption, and the ancient tribes have already come up with a legend that trolls will go to Ragnarok along these pillars.

Rapanui National Park


The whole world knows this place thanks to the unique moai statues: Easter Island is considered almost the most mysterious place on our planet.

Galapagos Islands


It was here that Charles Darwin first thought about the theory of evolution: the abundance of flora and fauna still makes the Galapagos a place of pilgrimage for every self-respecting naturalist.

Socotra Archipelago


Four islands and a pair of rocks: one of the most isolated archipelagos in the world, located near pirate Somalia, boasts an abundance of endemic species of fauna and flora, which can not be found anywhere else in the world.

Yosemite National Park


Three thousand square kilometers unique mountain landscapes, granite rocks, waterfalls and sequoias: Yosemite is rightfully considered one of the best National parks countries.

In Russia, many priceless natural and cultural monuments have been recognized as World Heritage Sites.

They are under close attention United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). We offer you the most protected UNESCO sites in Russia.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The real symbols of Russia, which are known throughout the world and are considered the main cultural attractions of the planet. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square - included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1990.

Almost the most ancient monument Russia with numerous buildings reflected the centuries-old history of the Russian people. On the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, unique examples of Russian foundry art are exhibited - the Tsar Cannon weighing 40 tons and the Tsar Bell weighing over 200 tons and 6.6 m in diameter.

Lake Baikal

Baikal, a unique natural monument of Eastern Siberia, was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996. The lake is the deepest in the world and contains 19% of the reserves fresh water planets. When viewed from a height, the lake resembles a crescent moon, covers an area of ​​​​over 3 million hectares and is fed by more than 300 rivers and streams.

The water in the lake has increased content oxygen, and due to its transparency, it is possible to see a depth of up to 40 m. Especially impressive is the age ancient lake- more than 25 million years, the complete isolation of which contributed to the development of a unique ecosystem in it.

Natural Park "Lena Pillars"

Included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 2012, Lena Pillars Park is a place where priceless finds of the inhabitants of the Cambrian period were discovered. The park is located in the center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) near the coast of the Lena River, occupying 1.27 million hectares.

The park is inhabited by 12 species of fauna listed in the Red Book. Due to its antiquity, the park is of particular interest for geology: the natural monument is distinguished by its relief, dotted with caves, stone spiers, towers and niches.

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

The unique architectural complex of wooden architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990 and is an ensemble of two wooden churches and a bell tower in Karelia.

It houses the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum with many objects of wooden religious architecture, including an eight-winged windmill 1929 and the Church of the Transfiguration, built without a single nail.

Novgorod historical monuments

The architectural complexes of Veliky Novgorod and its environs were included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 1992. The cultural objects include such significant Orthodox buildings of antiquity as the Znamensky, Antoniev, Yuryev, Zverin monasteries, as well as the churches of the Nativity of Christ, the Savior on Nereditsa, the Novgorod Kremlin Detinets.

Nature Reserve Wrangel Island

The reserve was included in the UNESCO list in 2004. Unique protected area known for its virtually untouched natural ecosystem dominated by the largest population of polar bears, walruses, more than 50 species of birds.

The territory of the reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle, including Wrangel and Gerald Islands and the waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas. Despite the harsh conditions of the waters of the Arctic, more than 400 plant species can be seen here.

curonian spit

The famous sand spit stretches for 98 km with a maximum width of up to 3.8 km, located on the dividing line between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The natural attraction was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 2000 and is interesting for its unique anthropogenic landscape, which is represented by a variety of reliefs - from deserts to swampy tundras.

The spit is of great importance during the migration of 10 to 20 million birds and serves as a haven for them during their rest. Only here you can find dunes up to 68 m in height, the width of which sometimes reaches 1 km.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Since 2004, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO list, which since 1524 was among the defensive structures of Moscow. In 1926, a historical and domestic and historical museum was founded in the building of the monastery, and in 1980, the residence of the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna was placed. In 1994 it was officially approved convent. There are more than eight hundred monasteries in Russia. You can read about the most beautiful temples in our article.

Komi Forest

The forest massif of Komi is recognized as the most virgin forests in Europe with a total area of ​​32,600 sq. km, which belong to the territory of the Pechero-Ilychsky Reserve and occupy part of the YugydVa National Park. The number of volcanoes in Kamchatka is more than a thousand

The exact number of volcanoes on the peninsula is still unknown. by the most high volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is considered to be 4835 m high. The editors of the site also invite you to learn more about the most beautiful places in Russia.
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This week, the results of the Russia 10 competition were summed up, the purpose of which is to select the main attractions of the country. The new visual symbols of Russia, chosen by popular vote (almost 225 million votes were taken into account in total), according to the organizers of the competition, are designed to promote the image of Russia as a unique country with a rich cultural and natural heritage.

We present you 10 winners of the competition, selected from over 700 objects.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Lake Baikal (Photo: Gennady Losev)

Baikal is the largest reservoir of high-quality fresh water, the deepest and one of the oldest lakes on Earth. In 2008, Baikal was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

2. Rostov Kremlin (Photo: Valery Abramov)

The Kremlin was built in the 17th century as the Rostov Metropolis, that is, the residence for Metropolitan Jonah. Therefore, there is nothing formally to call it the Kremlin, the stone walls were quite decorative and should not have served to defend the city. The Kremlin has eleven towers in total. Inside there are several cathedrals, among which the Assumption Cathedral with its four-domed bell tower stands out. The Kremlin also became famous for the fact that it was here that episodes of Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" were filmed.

3. Peterhof (Photo: Ilya Shtrom)

Peterhof is a kind of triumphant monument to the successful completion of Russia's struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. The monument of world architecture and palace and park art includes a palace and park ensemble of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as the world's largest system of fountains and water cascades. The Peterhof Museum-Reserve unites 21 museums, including such unexpected ones as the Imperial Bicycles Museum, the Playing Card Museum and the Collectors Museum.

4. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Photo: Alexander Sinderev)

It is known from the records that Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 by the Grand Duke Vladimirsky Yuri Vsevolodovich. The defensive fortifications of the city - deep ditches and high ramparts - were originally built of wood and earth. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin became stone in 1515, when it became necessary to strengthen the defense of the city - the main stronghold of the Moscow State against the Kazan Khanate. The new Kremlin was surrounded by a two-kilometer wall with 13 towers. In the 16th century, the fortress was repeatedly besieged by the enemy, but the enemy was never able to capture it.

5. Mamaev Kurgan and the sculpture "The Motherland Calls" (Photo: Anastasia Andreeva)

Memorial to Heroes Battle of Stalingrad"was opened on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd in 1967. From the Square of Sorrow, the ascent to the top of the mound begins to the base of the main monument - "The Motherland Calls". Along the serpentine, in the hill, the remains of the soldiers - the defenders of Stalingrad were reburied. The statue by sculptor Vuchetich and engineer Nikitin is made of 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures. The height of the monument is 86 meters, the height of the sculpture itself is 53 meters. At the same time, the thickness of the walls of the sculpture is no more than 30 centimeters. The sword in the hand of the Motherland weighs 14 tons and has a length of 33 meters. It is said that a car fits freely in the palm of the statue. In 2008, the statue of the Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan was also recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

6. Pskov Kremlin - Krom (Photo: Valery Abramov)

Pskov Krom is the largest fortress in Europe. The length of its walls is 9 kilometers, the area is 3 hectares. Krom is located on a narrow cape at the confluence of the Pskov River with the Velikaya River. Now the territory of the Kremlin unites two different parts of the city: Detinets with the Trinity Cathedral, the bell tower, Veche Square and Dovmontov city. Russian pride art XVII century - the seven-tiered iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral. The most revered shrines of the temple include miraculous icons, an ark with the relics of Pskov saints and Holguin's cross. For many centuries, the threat of an enemy attack constantly hung over the city, which forced the people of Pskov to constantly improve defensive structures. The Pskov Kremlin has withstood 26 sieges in its history. The fortress, which was in active military use for almost 1000 years, has come down to us in almost its original form.

7. Mosque named after Akhmat Kadyrov "Heart of Chechnya" (Photo: Timur Agirov)

Mosque "Heart of Chechnya" in Grozny is considered one of the largest, most beautiful and majestic mosques in Europe and the world. It was opened on October 17, 2008 and named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, the first president of the Chechen Republic. The mosque is located on the picturesque bank of the Sunzha River, in the middle of a huge park with a cascade of colored fountains and night lighting. The outer and inner walls of the mosque are finished with marble, and the 36 chandeliers installed in the mosque resemble the three main shrines of Islam with their shapes: 27 chandeliers imitate the Kubbatu-as-Sakhra mosque in Jerusalem, 8 are modeled after the Rovzatu-Nebevi mosque in Medina and the largest, eight-meter chandelier, repeats the shape of the shrine of the Kaaba in Mecca. The creation of a collection of exclusive chandeliers took several tons of bronze, about three kilograms of gold, and more than one million details and Swarovski crystals.

8. Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Photo: Vera Ostroumova)

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is located in the center of the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, on the Konchura River. Founded in 1337 by St. Sergius of Radonezh. The earliest building of the monastery is considered to be the white-stone Trinity Cathedral, erected in 1422 on the site of a wooden temple and perpetuating the traditions of Moscow architecture of the 14th-15th centuries. This is a unique historical object, one of the few cathedrals where the iconostasis has been preserved, painted by the greatest icon painters - Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. The relics of Sergius of Radonezh lie in the Trinity Cathedral, hundreds of parishioners come to bow to them every day. In 1744, the Trinity-Sergius Monastery was awarded the honorary title of Lavra. Today it is a functioning male monastery, spiritual center Orthodox Russia. Since 1940, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra has been a state museum-reserve. It is under the protection of UNESCO.

This is a unique historical, cultural and natural complex, which is a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and an object of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO. The basis of the museum collection is the ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost. It consists of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th-19th centuries, surrounded by a single fence - a reconstruction of the traditional churchyard fences. The Church of the Transfiguration, rebuilt after a fire in 1714, was cut down from wood (including 22 domes and a cross), without nails, using an ax and a chisel. Long life Kizhi churches are just explained by the fact that they were built without the use of a saw - the processing of a tree with an ax does not violate its structure, so the churches do not collapse. In 1966, on the basis of the architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost, the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum was founded, where, in addition to the buildings existing in their original places, a large number of chapels, houses and outbuildings from Zaonezhie and other regions of Karelia.

10. Kolomna Kremlin (Photo: Alexey Ustal)

The Kremlin in Kolomna is one of the most powerful fortresses of the Muscovite state, built in 1525-1531 during the reign of Vasily III. The Kremlin is located at the confluence of the Moscow and Kolomenka rivers. Unfortunately, time did not spare the Kremlin - only a few towers and a couple of fragments of the fortress walls remained from the fortress. Despite this, the Kremlin in our time impresses with its grandeur and power. The most interesting of the seven surviving towers is the Marinkina or Kolomenskaya tower. A legend is connected with this tower: the wife of False Dmitry, Marina Mnishek, was allegedly imprisoned here. At present, the military-historical sports and cultural complex is located on the territory of the Kremlin. Knightly tournaments and games of knights, competitions of fighters, wrestlers and shooters, ancient rites, folk holidays and fairs.

The 30 finalists of the competition also included the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni Temple, Kungur Cave, Solovetsky archipelago, Curonian Spit, Valley of Geysers, Cable-stayed bridges in Vladivostok and other attractions.

The Tver region has an outstanding natural, historical and cultural potential. This is one of the most popular tourist regions in Russia. Its historical heritage is unique. The beauty of the nature of the region delights, and the abundance of historical and cultural monuments make it interesting and attractive. The sights of the Tver region are directly connected with the history of the region, with its outstanding and famous people who lived on this earth at different times.

On the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks"

The Tver region has always occupied an advantageous geographical position. The most ancient trade routes passed through its territory: the Volga-Baltic and “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, and its location between the two capitals contributed a lot to the possession of the richest cultural, historical, architectural components. The main tourist centers on its territory are Lake Seliger, Tverskoye Poozerye, the system of lakes of the Upper Volga, Bezhetsky Verkh, Toropetsky Territory. Of the cities, Tver, Vyshny Volochek, Staritsa, Torzhok, Toropets, Kalyazin, Rzhev and others are especially interesting. A number of ancient villages stand out: Ivanishchi, Gorodnya, Bernovo, Mednoye, Kushalino, Vydropuzhsk, Rogozha.

Historical past

The Tver region is not without reason called the heart of Russia. One of the most ancient Russian cities - Tver - has been known since 1135. The emerging great principality of Tver, being the main center for the creation of the Russian state, as an independent public education lasted until the end of the 15th century. Quite a rich and glorious historical past, rich interesting events modern life areas are reflected in numerous historical and cultural monuments of history. Despite the significant variability of urban and rural landscapes, among the new life, ancient sights of the Tver region remain like living islands of history, revealing their beauty. These are wooden churches, Slavic mounds dating back to the 12th-14th centuries, and many others.

Historical monuments

The Nilova Hermitage is considered the national shrine of the Tver land. This is the most famous male monastery in the region, founded in the 16th century. The region is also famous for the monuments of manor culture. So, having been in Torzhok, it is worth visiting the estates of Mitino, Nikolskoye, Raek, recognized as masterpieces of Russian provincial classicism. Noble nests of various sizes and architecture are also represented in other parts of the region. These are the estates of Podgorodnee, Kuropatkina and Mikhailovskoye in the Toropetsky district, the estate of the architect A. S. Khrenov in the Bologovsky district and others. An interesting place to visit is the Gornitsy estate, located in a small village in the Kuvshinovsky district. Here you can see a well-preserved unique stone church of Vladimir.

In Tver itself, among the architectural masterpieces, it is worth highlighting the Tver Imperial Travel Palace, built in the 18th century and designed in the style of classicism with the inclusion of baroque elements. Its main purpose was to provide rest for members of the emperor's family on their way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Now in the palace is called the main treasury of the city.

The Travel Palace is located on the territory of the former historical center of the city - the Tver Kremlin. In the City Garden you can see the preserved ruins of the moat. The Kremlin itself, after the last fire in 1763, was no longer restored.

Among the majority regional centers in the Tver region, the pretty town of Kimry stands out for its architectural appearance. This is the most striking example of the "town of the provincial Russian Art Nouveau."

Temples of the Tver region

In any, even the smallest, town of the region, you can find genuine historical sights, among which the churches of the Tver region occupy a significant place. So, the Red Hill is interesting for the preserved shopping malls of the 19th century, temples of the 18th-19th centuries. Here is also the Anthony Monastery, built in the 15th century.

Based on a system of canals and islands, such well-known sights of the Tver region as the Church of the Transfiguration and the Kazan Convent are presented. The most famous cathedral in Torzhok

From the point of view of tourism, the picturesque town on the Volga Staritsa is interesting. The Tver region of sights here presents in all its ancient glory. Numerous church ensembles and individual temples are distinguished by some kind of unique architecture that clearly does not correspond to the established canons. Of the stone architectural monuments in Staritsa, the Assumption Monastery, founded in 1297, stands out. Shrine surrounded by solid stone wall preserved with all buildings. In the city, the architectural monuments of the 18th century also deserve attention: the Pyatnitskaya Church with elegant rotunda aisles, located at the foot of the old settlement, the Baroque Ilyinsky Church, the St. Nicholas Church, which fits perfectly into the coastal panorama of the Volga. A special attraction of the town is also Aptekarsky Lane, a unique street, which cannot be found anywhere else in Russia.

“The city of the Russian heart”, the exact silhouette of which is formed by the local river winding around a small ancient town, is called Kashin. The Tver region of sights here demonstrates in a bright variety. The famous resort has preserved many architectural monuments. Among them are the Ilinsko-Preobrazhenskaya (1778), Frolo-Lavrovskaya (1751), Peter and Paul (1782) churches and others. The "Cathedral House", which served as the home of the priests of the Resurrection Cathedral in the 18th-19th centuries, the Gostiny Dvor and the former Offices, dating back to the 19th century, also stand out.

The White Trinity Church, consecrated in 1564, is considered the oldest temple in Tver. The temple once belonged to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and was exempted from paying taxes to the local bishop, for which it supposedly got its name.

The Assumption Cathedral, built in 1722, is of interest. This is the only building in Tver that has survived from the ancient Otroch-Assumption Monastery, founded in the 13th century. One of the unique masterpieces of the religious architecture of Tver is St. Catherine's Church (1774-1781), made in the Baroque style with original extensions in the Classicist style.

Museums of the Tver region

Many interesting museums can be visited while traveling around the region. In Tver itself, this is the museum of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, opened on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the satirist writer in the mansion where he lived while holding the post of vice-governor of the city. This and opened in 1866. Its unique expositions tell about the history of the region. As well as the museum of Tver life and the museum of military traditions, the expositions of which are collections of ancient Russian weapons of the 4th-16th centuries.

The only natural history museum in the region is the Museum of Nature of the Seliger Territory, opened in 1986.

In the village of Emmaus, not far from Tver, there is the Memorial and Art Museum of V. A. Serov, a representative of the art of socialist realism. The basis of the expositions is the authentic works of the master, telling about his life and creative path.

In Torzhok, the Architectural and Ethnographic Museum under open sky, All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum.

natural monuments

Thinking about what to see in the Tver region, what else can attract this region, do not forget that this is the land of numerous lakes, rivers and picturesque forests. It is here that the Volga originates. Its source is a unique natural monument that has global importance. In the Volgoverkhovye you can visit the Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Hermitage founded in 1849, a museum dedicated to the great Volga.

The natural attractions of the Tver region are unique and irreplaceable. There is much to admire here. Incredible beauty nature of the region inspired the artist I. I. Shishkin to write famous paintings"Morning in a Pine Forest" and "Ship Forest".

One of the most beautiful and famous natural sights of the region is Lake Seliger. This is a whole system of lakes, forming reaches and numerous bays. Beautiful view the lake opens from the bell tower of the monastery of the Nil's Hermitage.

The largest island of Seliger is Khachin. This protected area is covered by a network of inland lakes. In the autumn period, a real miracle of nature is called a rowan grove, located on another island of Seliger - Klichen.

Tver land will leave pleasant memories for a long time. No wonder she has always attracted the creative intelligentsia of Russia with her charm.

Compiling a list of the main attractions of Russia is not an easy task. After all, how is it possible to choose 25, 50 or even a hundred of the most worthy from the amazing variety of natural, architectural and cultural monuments of the country? But we still try to make such a list.

In this article you will find information about the main attractions of Russia, with photos, names and descriptions. See how amazing and multifaceted the world's largest country by area is!

The most important sights of Russia: the problem of choice

Russia, due to its colossal area, has a huge excursion and tourist potential. And this potential has not yet been fully explored by the Russians themselves. There is absolutely everything here: the deepest lakes, the highest Mountain peaks, arctic deserts, geysers, volcanoes, waterfalls, caves... In addition, Russia is a state with an incredible architectural and cultural heritage.

Lists of the main attractions of Russia are very different from each other. And this is not at all surprising, given the enormous volume of monuments, places and objects from which you have to choose! Each author has his own vision of what sights of Russia are the most important and most interesting.

26 objects on the territory Russian Federation are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: including 16 items - according to cultural criteria, and 10 - according to natural ones. Moreover, four objects are recognized by the organization as "natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and value."

Thus, the main natural attractions of Russia (according to UNESCO) are the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the virgin forests of Komi, Lake Baikal, as well as the Putorana Plateau with a full range of pristine arctic and subarctic landscapes. Overall, the country ranks ninth in the world in terms of total number World Heritage Sites.

The main sights of Russia: photos with names (TOP-25)

How many unique and beautiful places are there within the major country peace? It is almost impossible to answer this question. It is very difficult to count all the most important sights of Russia. Even more difficult is to rank them in order of importance and value.

Below we have compiled a list of 25 main attractions in Russia. You will find photos with descriptions of all these objects later in our article. We will also try to explain why they made it to our list.

Foreign tourists, as a rule, begin their acquaintance with Russia by visiting Moscow and St. Petersburg. But many of them forget to "look" at no less interesting and original cities - Suzdal, Vladimir, Vologda or Kostroma. Even fewer tourists go to Altai, Kamchatka, Karelia... While compiling the list of the main sights of Russia, we tried to expand the geography of the country as much as possible by including objects from different regions.

So, our list includes the following objects:

  1. Moscow Kremlin.
  2. Lake Baikal.
  3. Trans-Siberian Railway.
  4. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka.
  5. Mountain Elbrus.
  6. Hermitage.
  7. Peterhof.
  8. Kizhi churchyard.
  9. Memorial "Motherland" on Mamayev Kurgan.
  10. Mill Gergardt in Volgograd.
  11. Lena pillars.
  12. Plateau Man-Pupu-Ner.
  13. Fortress "Oreshek".
  14. Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg.
  15. Curonian spit.
  16. Derbent fortress.
  17. Diamond quarry "Mir".
  18. Marble canyon Ruskeala.
  19. Amber Museum in Kaliningrad.
  20. Mosque "Heart of Chechnya".
  21. Oymyakon village.
  22. Leaning tower of Nevyansk.
  23. Lace Museum in Vologda.
  24. Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  25. Moscow subway.

And now we invite you to get to know the main sights of Russia better!

Moscow Kremlin

The Kremlin, perhaps, can be called the main attraction of Russia. This grandiose fortress, covering an area of ​​27 hectares in the very center of Moscow, is a kind of symbol Russian authorities. It was built at the end of the 15th century. In the immediate vicinity of the Kremlin is St. Basil's Cathedral, stunning in its beauty and originality, as well as the mausoleum in which the body of the fiery revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin rests.

Lake Baikal

The deepest and cleanest body of water on the planet is located in Russia. This is Lake Baikal. Its maximum depth is 1642 meters. The lake contains about 20% of the world's fresh water! But Baikal is famous not only for impressive statistical records. The "Pearl of Siberia" boasts incredibly picturesque shores. In addition, only here (and nowhere else on the planet) you can taste the most delicious fish - the Baikal omul.

Trans-Siberian Railway

It is best to enjoy the views of Lake Baikal from the windows of a train that goes around the reservoir along the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. This is the longest Railway in the world (9288 km) and one of the main attractions of Russia. In a word, a unique object and an invaluable engineering and technical monument! Today, the fast train No. 002M Moscow - Vladivostok runs along the Trans-Siberian Railway. He overcomes this impressive distance in 6 days, 7 hours and 10 minutes. Due to the huge duration of the route, the train cars are equipped with refrigerators, electric stoves, showers and other necessary things.

Valley of Geysers

The Far East of Russia is an amazing region, within which great amount beautiful and unusual natural monuments. One of these is the Valley of Geysers, located in Kamchatka. The largest geyser field in Eurasia has two dozen sources, which from time to time push out jets of boiling water along with clubs of hot steam. Fantastic spectacle! You can get here only by helicopter and with a guide. Independent "wild" trips of tourists to the valley are strictly prohibited.

Mountain Elbrus

If we are already talking about natural monuments, then we cannot fail to mention this object. Mount Elbrus, without a doubt, is considered one of the main attractions of Russia. The photo of the highest peak of the country is striking in its grandeur and severity. But this does not stop thousands of daredevils who want to conquer it. Among them come across both beginners and very experienced climbers. The absolute height of Elbrus is 5642 meters. The mark "3800 m" can be reached by cable car, which greatly simplifies the task.


The Hermitage is one of the most famous museums on the planet, which recently celebrated its 250th anniversary. There are over three million exhibits in its collections - paintings, sculptures, fragments of ceramics, jewelry ... But what is there just not there! Few people know that the Hermitage began as a private collection of paintings by Catherine II, and access to it was closed to "ordinary mortals" until 1852.


Having examined the expositions of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, it is foolish not to stop by Peterhof, located just 30 kilometers from the Northern capital. The magnificent royal residence of Peter the Great with a park, magnificent fountains and sculptures has been preserved here. They built it in mid-eighteenth century, designed by the famous architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

Pogost Kizhi

The architectural ensemble on the island of Kizhi, on Lake Onega, from a distance resembles a skillful handicraft made from matches. A rough bell tower, a massive fence and an openwork 22-domed church, built with just one ax - all this is today under the protection of UNESCO.

Mamaev Kurgan and "Motherland"

The Battle of Stalingrad is a key page in the history of World War II. scale memorial Complex dedicated to this event was opened in Volgograd in 1967. The main object of the memorial is a huge statue "The Motherland Calls", made of 5.5 thousand tons of concrete and 2.4 thousand tons of metal. The total height of the monument is 86 meters. And the sword, which the "Motherland" militantly holds in his hand, weighs 14 tons.

Mill Gerhardt

In our list of the main attractions of Russia, there are two objects that are directly connected with the Great Patriotic War. And both of them are located in the same city - Volgograd. The dilapidated Gerhardt mill is an old blood-red brick building. During the Battle of Stalingrad, it was mutilated by numerous shelling and bombardments. But it survived. They did not restore the mill - they left it as it is, as a reminder of that terrible and merciless war.

Lena Pillars

Lena Pillars in Yakutia is a unique geological phenomenon, a series of bizarre vertically arranged rocks, stretching for many kilometers along the Lena River. The height of individual "pillars" reaches one hundred meters. natural monument is far from civilization, but there are two camp sites where travelers can stay for the night.

Plateau Man-Pupu-Ner

Plateau with pretty exotic name located within the Komi Republic. From the Mansi language, it can be translated as follows: "a small mountain of idols." Idols are really present here. But they were not created by man at all, but by nature. These are five pillars of weathering 30-40 meters high. According to legend, these are petrified giants, according to science - the remains of ancient rocky mountains that existed in this place about 400 million years ago.

Fortress "Oreshek"

Unique and impregnable fortress located on a tiny island on the Neva. It was founded in 1323 by the Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich. The stronghold has the shape of an irregular triangle and consists of five towers connected by walls. The fortress "Oreshek" was badly damaged during the Second World War. For 500 days, a handful of Soviet soldiers defended it from the Nazi troops, preventing the latter from crossing to the right bank of the Neva and cutting off the so-called road of life.

Palace Bridge

Drawbridges and white nights are, perhaps, the main associations that arise in the head of a tourist at the mention of St. Petersburg. The most popular and most photographed in the Northern capital is the Palace Bridge. Against the background of the spire Peter and Paul Fortress he looks absolutely gorgeous! During the summer navigation period, the Palace Bridge is opened twice a day: at 1:25 and at 3:10.

curonian spit

A sand spit almost a hundred kilometers long connects two cities - Russian Zelenogradsk and Lithuanian Klaipeda. This is a real museum natural areas open air! Having driven along the spit, you can see various landscapes: meadows, swamps, birch groves, pine forests and even deserts. Arriving on the Curonian Spit, all tourists certainly visit two objects - the famous Efa dune and the so-called Dancing Forest.

Derbent fortress

Derbent is one of the oldest settlements in the world. The first mention of it dates back to the sixth century BC. In 2003, the historical part of the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Derbent fortress is just a fragment of a grandiose defensive system that in ancient times protected the peoples of Transcaucasia from northern nomads.

Diamond quarry "Mir"

Right on the outskirts of the city of Mirny (Yakutia) there is a giant funnel with perfectly round outlines. This view has a worked out quarry for the extraction of diamonds. The deposit of the most valuable stone was discovered here in 1955. The city of Mirny soon grew up next to the quarry. The dimensions of the funnel are impressive: the diameter of the “hole” is 1200 meters, and its depth is 525 m.

Marble canyon in Ruskeala

Another fantastic man-made object is located in nature park Ruskeala in Karelia. Once upon a time, marble was actively mined here: the valley of the Tokhmajoka River was densely dotted with a system of quarries and adits. When the stone mining stopped, the quarries quickly filled with water, turning into an incredibly picturesque lakes with marble shores. An interesting fact: many historical buildings and temples of St. Petersburg are lined with local marble.

Amber Museum

About 90% of the world's amber production falls on Russia, in particular - on its Kaliningrad region. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Kaliningrad there is a museum of the "sun stone". It is located in the center of the city, in a rounded 19th-century fortress tower. total area impressive museum halls - 1000 square meters. Here you can see various samples of amber, curious inclusions, paintings, caskets, dishes, watches and other products made from this stone.

"Heart of Chechnya"

One of the most beautiful and largest mosques in the world is located in the city of Grozny. It is located on the banks of the Sunzha, surrounded by colorful fountains. Incredibly beautiful here it becomes in dark time days when night lighting is turned on. Mosque "Heart of Chechnya" was built in 2008. The highlight of the mosque is 36 magnificent chandeliers. The largest of them repeats the shape of the main Islamic shrine of the Kaaba from Mecca. The creation of all these chandeliers took about three kilograms of gold and over a million Swarovski crystals.

Oymyakon village

Complain about the winter cold and severe frost? Be thankful you don't live in Oymyakon! This small village in Yakutia is called the “pole of cold”. In the winter months, the air temperature here is kept in the range of 40-50 degrees. With a minus sign, of course. Although in summer the air can warm up to +30 Celsius. The severity of the local climate is explained by several factors: location in subpolar latitudes, considerable remoteness from the ocean and a rather high absolute height (740 meters above sea level). The officially registered minimum air temperature in Oymyakon is -69.6 degrees.

Nevyansk tower

Russia has its own “Leaning Tower of Pisa”. It is located in the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region. The Nevyansk tower was built in 1732. Its height is 57 meters, and the deviation from the vertical is almost two meters. Why and when exactly the tower leaned is not known exactly.

Lace Museum

The expositions of the museum tell about the history of the development of the traditional artistic craft of Vologda - lace-making. There are items dating back to the 17th century. In 2015, the Lace Museum in Vologda entered the top ten museums in Russia.

Trinity Sergius Lavra

largest Orthodox monastery Russia is located in Sergiev Posad. The year of its foundation is 1337. For a long time the monastery was a stronghold of the Moscow rulers in the fight against the Tatar-Mongols. The architectural ensemble of the Lavra took shape over four centuries. The best architects of the country took part in its creation.

Moscow subway

The final attraction on our list is the Moscow Metro - one of the largest and most beautiful in the world. Excursions on the metropolitan metro are very popular among foreign tourists. The Moscow metro is a real museum of art! Many stations amaze with the splendor and richness of the interior decoration.


In this article, we have listed all the main attractions of Russia. Of course, our list does not claim to be completely objective and accurate. Each of the readers, of course, will be able to add a few of their own objects to this list. And he will be absolutely right!

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