Home perennial flowers Transition to a new reality symptoms. Inverted letters. What to do with it

Transition to a new reality symptoms. Inverted letters. What to do with it

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My relatives, I am the Archangel Uriel, I am the Light and Love of the eyes of God, I am your friend and loving Brother.

My beloved, today I would like to talk with you about the transition, about the quantum transition of your consciousness, and later of your entire reality and body, into a new high-vibration world.

Many people have already made this transition. Most of them were able to move from the three-dimensional reality to the world of the fourth dimension of the Earth. And only a few began the transition from the fourth to the fifth dimension of their consciousness, to the five-dimensional world, its initial stage of manifestation and awareness.

How do you know if you have moved somewhere or not?

To do this, you just need to look at your inner world and your life. Have they changed? Have they become more Light, more Love?

Light or Love - this is the high vibrations. The more inner Light and boundless Love you have, the higher your vibrations.

Everyone can feel how vibrating rose up. No one stands still, everyone develops, everyone changes and grows.

My dear ones, there are many levels and sublevels of each reality. You cannot immediately jump from one reality to another, for example, from the third to the fourth or from the fourth to the fifth.

There is a very large energy gap between the realities, which resembles a huge fiery flame of Light, which can simply burn with its high Divine energy. The physical body will not endure these high streams of Light, the heart will not endure these purest streams of Love, the consciousness will not endure the appearance of the Highest reality.

That is why you go through everything step by step. There are many levels and sublevels of each reality. For example, many levels and sublevels of the third, fourth and fifth dimensions.

You are gradually, step by step, vibrating upward. For example, from the lowest level of the third dimension, having gone through many stages, to its highest vibrational level, and only then move on to the initial level of the fourth dimension. Then you go through many levels and sublevels of the fourth dimension and, when you approach the highest one, freely and easily pass into the fifth dimension of the Earth, its initial level and plan.

Everything happens smoothly and harmoniously: your vibrations grow, your Light gradually increases, and you open up to a new world, a new stage of your life, a new high-vibration reality.

My relatives, everyone is moving who has chosen the quantum transition. Everyone will pass, who chose Light, who chose Love.

With love for you

your Archangel Uriel.

My relatives, I am the Archangel Uriel, I am the Light and Love of the eyes of God, I am your friend and loving Brother. My beloved, today I would like to talk with you about the transition, about the quantum transition of your consciousness, and later of your entire reality and body, into a new high-vibration world. Many people have already made this transition. Most of them…

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But before you get there, you need let go of everything that doesn't support you, cut off the tails that stretch from the past.

This will be discussed in the article. Read what signs accompany transition to a new reality.

The new energies that are descending on the planet are having a greater and greater impact on our lives.

There is an increased shaking out the old. It is as if they are removing shavings from you - they are cleansing you of the obsolete and untrue.

Literally forced to close the tails, because it is impossible to continue to carry old luggage with you.

At a certain point, you come to the realization that the point of no return has come, and the way back is closed.

Support yourself when you need help the most.

3. Children's grievances come up

You may notice that old childhood grievances supposedly return.

This makes you doubly uncomfortable. Not only does the offense itself hurt, but you are also annoyed that you will have to go back and work through it again.

And you thought it was already over.

But if you allow yourself to dive into the essence of what happened, you will see that deep down there is no resentment. All emotions are superficial.

You can easily get out of this situation, because you have already accumulated enough experience and wisdom to choose a new course of action.

Find out what benefits you will have if you can put the past behind you.

From the moment I went on maternity leave, I declared that I would not return to my old job, this is no longer interesting to me.

But the discussion of the dismissal was postponed until later. And when I decided, nevertheless, I discovered that they didn’t really expect me at that job, as before.

On the one hand, I felt relieved that I didn’t need to make excuses and explain why I wasn’t staying.

On the other hand, I was overcome by fear of an unknown future. Yes, and what to hide, the ego suffered a little: how is it, they didn’t grab it with their hands and feet.)))

In fact, the situation is not pleasant, but this is what should have been done. So they showed me that there is no road there.

Therefore, if there is something in your life that needs to be closed, let go, and you know it for sure, do not hesitate.

Put an end to yourself so that they do not do it for you at an unexpected moment.

But it's not worth cutting off the shoulder. It's like a bad tooth - the doctor treats it while it's possible to save it.

When nothing can be done, the tooth is removed.

Think about what is in your life that there is no point in saving.

Focus on the heart and imagine what will happen next if you leave this in your life!

Where will you come? Will these circumstances please you, give you the opportunity to develop?

Or will it only pull back?

Shaking out the old from your life is accompanied by emotional failures, apathy, confusion, sometimes despair and depression.

Because it's scary to let go of what has already become familiar, even if it does not bring any benefit and joy.

Have you noticed the manifestation of these signs in your life?

Now is the time of great changes in the consciousness of mankind. The critical mass level has been reached and the point of no return has been passed.

These changes are taking place slowly but surely, and are about to pick up momentum. The next decade or so will be a period of huge change, not just a little turbulence.

Think of it as a process that requires human effort, as a new earthly reality begins to be born.

This article offers six tips to help you smoothly and successfully make the transition to earth renewal and become full members of humanity in a wonderful new age.

Before moving on to practical advice, let's consider what the essence of the transition itself is.

Earth's transition to a new dimension and the ascent of humanity

The earth and our entire solar system are being bathed in a powerful cosmic energy that is raising the fundamental frequencies of the planet and everything on it.

The Earth has begun the transition from the third to the fourth dimension, and this process continues to develop. Cosmic energy awakens and changes the consciousness of people worldwide.

As our consciousness shifts to higher levels, we take the first baby steps to overcome the dominance of duality and separation.

Though the level of collective consciousness of humanity is growing, many remain in three-dimensional consciousness.

At this level of consciousness, a person is focused on disagreements, separation and limitations, which is expressed in fears, self-interest and behavior that is controlled by the attitudes: "We are against them" and "Man is a wolf to man."

The end result of such behavior is the creation of a world characterized by competition, conflict and suffering.

Those who can free themselves from 3D consciousness will enjoy the process of birth and growth. a beautiful new era of humanity, which has other characteristics: cooperation, harmony, peace and prosperity for all.

The key to participation in the new earthly reality is achieving and maintaining elevated levels of consciousness.

What to Expect During the Transition

You can expect the next decade or two to be a period of unprecedented revelation and change.

There will be many startling and even disturbing declassifications and revelations.

These revelations will include the economic and geopolitical manipulation and fraud of the global banking syndicate, the presence of UFOs and related hidden technologies, and the suppression of free energy technologies.

Many may be shocked and outraged by what they find out. There may be some turbulence as the foundation of people's beliefs will be shaken to the very depths and the winds of change will begin to shake our basic institutions and systems.

How great this turbulence will be cannot be predicted, but one thing is certain: your state of consciousness determines to what extent you will be covered by it.

Two worlds, one playground

Contrary to what some people think about Earth's transdimensional transition from 3D to 4D, those who remain in 3D consciousness do not disappear from our 4D earth reality. We all remain visible to each other, and we will all be on the same playing field.

In fact, it will be more like two separate worlds coexisting in the same space.

Third density consciousness will play to the end and this will be witnessed by those of us who have gone beyond 3D consciousness as the fall of the old world and its mentalities.

Those who are stuck in 3D consciousness will not just be witnesses to this fall, they will directly experience this experience and many of the disasters associated with it.

At the same time, those who have transcended 3D consciousness will experience the birth of a wonderful new world, and the worst of all trials will pass them by.

Many of us are well on our way to transcending 3D consciousness and let go of many outdated and limiting beliefs, as well as negative emotions and fears buried in the subconscious.

Others still have a lot of work to do. Hard times are ahead of us, and there are some potential stumbling blocks, obstacles that could stop some of us and cause some apostasy.

Here are six points you should pay attention to. They are help avoid these obstacles. and successfully move on the path to becoming a worthy member of the New Earth Charter.

1. Let go of your emotional baggage

Every soul that chose the human experience knew that separation from the divine source that playing on Earth entails will lead to painful emotional experiences.

To cope with this, many of us have plunged deep into the subconscious all the emotional pain that we have accumulated not only in this life, but in many others.

An essential part of the process of awakening and changing consciousness that has engulfed humanity is revealing our deeply buried emotions.

This emotional opening, while painful and disturbing at times, gives us the opportunity to be aware of and release emotions, and to forgive everyone involved, including ourselves.

These buried emotions are low frequency (negative) energies trapped in the energy field of your body.

As the base frequency of the Earth and everything on it increases, these stuck emotions will keep you tightly anchored to the 3rd density earth reality and will continue to negatively affect your physical health.

If they are not opened, they will eventually lead to your exit from the game on Earth.

Another problem with unrealized emotional baggage is that it will set off an increase in trouble in your life.

Due to the increase in the basic frequencies of everything in our reality manifestation accelerates. Now more than ever, any pent-up negative emotional energy is a powerful manifestation force that will attract trouble into your life.

Some may see trouble happening every day. All of our emotional baggage is opened up and released, giving the impression that the world is getting worse, not better.

This is a good sign because once everything is cleared, the state of our lives and the world will begin to improve and become much more harmonious.

Ultimately, you will not be able to complete the transition to fourth density earth without releasing all of your emotional baggage. You simply cannot stay with the new earth if you don't get rid of the emotional baggage.

This is a low frequency energy that will keep you anchored in 3rd density. The methods of reincarnation are the best suited for such awareness and liberation.

2. Maintain Sacred Neutrality

Remember the importance of sacred neutrality. Find a way to not get sucked into the negativity that thrives in our world.

There are many people whose awareness is still small and who still live in fear and negativity. Worse, our fears and negativity are encouraged by some of those in power with very mercenary secret plans.

In the shadowy parts of our government, corporations and military industrial complex, there is a small elite group of people who want to maintain their power and control at all costs.

Try not to be drawn into confusion, chaos and nonsense that may arise when the old world begins to crumble. Stand back as you watch the drama while continuing to be a living example of a new level of awareness.

Don't get sucked into the senseless struggle and drama of those who don't want to let go of the old ways of life and the old world.

Don't get caught up in drama those supposedly well-meaning people who are outraged by the disturbing revelations or actions of others and allow themselves to be drawn into the drama. This them choice. Stay on your higher path.

Stay centered in your elevated consciousness and don't get involved in their fears.

Focus your energy on demonstrating this through your initiatives and in your local communities.

Do whatever it takes, no matter how small, to contribute to the creation of a new paradigm, wherever you are: in your businesses, in your communities, in your families.

No matter what happens try to stay neutral and calm- be the "eye in the middle of the hurricane" when the world is raging around you.

Do your best not to get involved in the drama, even if terrible things happen. Your participation only gives the hurricane more energy and makes it even stronger.

Stay focused on your highest purpose, principles and ideals.

Avoid the temptation to judge or judge those involved in drama from either side, good or bad, whether their actions seem justified or not.

Evaluation and judgment never serve to cure these situations; they can only support them or worsen them.

Be a living example of sacred neutrality, calmness, positivity, equanimity and love in the face of the storm. Your example will be a huge help for all those who struggle and become involved in fear and negativity.

Humbly and calmly share your heartfelt, your point of view, embracing the bigger picture, if anyone asks how you maintain such calm, such stability, such a positive outlook.

It will be great service to the world in times to come. Strive to keep all of this in mind for the future.

Remember that this is a journey and adventure that your soul has chosen. Even if you don't remember now why there must have been a reason why you chose them; why are we all chose them.

Travel to the world of souls, to the planning of this life, to

The challenges we face can be seen as unexpected chaos and they can lead to feelings of despair, or… they can be seen as accelerating and necessary catalysts for our individual and collective spiritual growth.

A sense of joy fills us as we reach new levels of understanding and awareness.

3. Send unconditional love and forgiveness to everyone involved

As we begin to see the destruction of the old world and the chaos that can arise as the 3D level consciousness plays out, it is imperative that we send unconditional love and forgiveness to everyone involved.

Send them to naive observers; send to those you may consider unenlightened who have allowed themselves to fall into this chaos, and even send them to those you may consider to be self-serving or dark; those who may have been the initiators of the most unconstructive events.

When you watch the world in conflict and violence, remind yourself of your core principles and values.

Instead of reacting with judgment and judgment, consciously choose respond with love and forgiveness.

Forgive everyone involved and send them as much healing love as you can. Do it in every known way that you know, in any way that resonates with you, but do it.

Unconditional forgiveness and love is a mysterious medicine that has been given the power to heal the whole world! Jesus knew it, Martin Luther King Jr. knew it, Buddha knew it, and we know it.

4. Accept that the old world is crumbling and focus on creating a new one.

We are giving birth to a new world, a new paradigm. As part of this process, much of the old will be destroyed. But what will grow in its place is what we are creating from the ground right now.

Don't be too concerned about the fall of the old.

The old must wither and die to make room for the new.

Like the plants that grow in your garden: when autumn comes, they wither and die and then rot in the ground, but they enrich the soil. They must die to make room for new spring shoots. In the spring, the sprout sprouts again.

We are the new shoots that sprout from the seeds of the old dying world. Focus on the image of the beautiful garden we are about to create together; on the new paradigm that we are giving birth.

If the seeds that fell spent all their energy trying to stop their parents from withering and dying, they might well exhaust themselves and not germinate next spring.

5. Maintain the highest visualization of a smooth and successful transition

While the transitional period is likely to include some turbulence, the need for it is by no means set in stone.

Don't fall into the trap of imagining a worse outcome. You are the creator and you create your reality with your thoughts, so make sure you consistently present only the best results for everyone involved.

Rest assured that by living right in the new consciousness, you will overcome the worst of any shock. As creators, you always have a choice - choose the positive.

6. Show the High Way with Simple Acts of Kindness

Kindness is first and foremost what will take us to the next level. Kindness is your helpful, supportive, and uplifting words and actions.

Kindness is realized and expressed by divine qualities acceptance, allowing, non-judgment, forgiveness and compassion and is perhaps the most important key to making the transition to the new earth.

The world doesn't need smart people, it needs kind people. Simple acts of kindness are the force that will birth our new world and guarantee your place in it.

Wash one and all with your kindness and watch the magic!

Birth of a new earth

Huge changes are rapidly approaching, which will mean the dawn of a new era.

As the beliefs, institutions, and systems of the old paradigm begin to waver, collapse, or transform radically around us, remain unwaveringly centered in your new consciousness, and you will successfully join the New Earth and take part in the New Age of Humanity.

Let the life of each of us be a living example, a model, the basis of this new era.

May acceptance, allowance, non-judgment, forgiveness, compassion, love and kindness guide us towards the manifestation of a beautiful new era in which cooperation, harmony, peace and prosperity for all flourish!

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This article will be useful to those who are currently experiencing emotionally and physically very painful conditions. And he does not understand where they came from, and how to help himself.

Check yourself on these points:

Absolute uncertainty up to the feeling of losing the ground under your feet. It seems that you are falling into an abyss
It is impossible to determine where you are, where you are going and why
Lost motivation and meaning in life
The past is mercilessly leaving. And if you don't let it go, it just comes off with meat
where it is thin, it breaks there.
Problems appear almost simultaneously in different areas of your life
Life throws unfinished business in your face. Pulls out all repressed emotions, old painful buttons, traumas. Including the fact that you "as if already worked"
Interpersonal relationships are bursting at the seams. It seems that the people around you are doing everything to hurt you, humiliate, laugh, reject, leave you face to face with trouble

Looks like? A couple more signs:

Sleep disorder. You either stay awake until morning and then walk around like a zombie all day. Or you are simply knocked out "at the wrong time." And not for 15 minutes, but for 1.5-2 hours
After that, you wake up in a state as if you have unloaded a couple of wagons. And you need a few more hours to get active.
Climb like mushrooms after the rain, diseases
Distractedness, forgetfulness. Feeling like you're not here
Often and severely headache, no painkillers work. It hurts in two ways: either the forehead, temples and top of the head split. Or in the head a state of stupefaction and intoxication, as if inhaled exhaust gases
From time to time, thoughts and sensations arise, one way or another connected with death.

Personally, I had the feeling that I was stretched, kneaded, shaken, beaten and squeezed. They grind it into powder so that not a molecule remains of me - the former one.
I didn't know who I was, why I was. I no longer understand why I wake up. All my ideas about life and about myself collapsed, and new ones did not appear in return. I knew exactly what I am. But I didn't know anything else. I feel like everything in my life has stopped.

This went on for three weeks and I attributed it to the fact that I had gone through too many Initiations into the New Energies in a row (14 classes in a month is a lot), which are now completely changing me. They erase the remaining blocks, negative memories, cleanse me, my DNA changes and my cells change.

I scolded myself for what I had done to myself, that my irrepressible craving for New knowledge and New Energies and Teachings had brought me to such a half-dead state. The pains that I experienced, thank God, not constantly, were so strong that I wanted to throw myself off the balcony, while not a single painkiller worked - neither pills nor injections, which was very strange.

Now that the main negative symptoms have disappeared and I again feel alive and filled with energy much more than before, I understand that I went through these Initiations for a reason, in such an accelerated mode. It seemed to me that it was my decision, but it only seemed to me. After talking with other Masters and learning that they, being in different parts of the World, starting from 11-11, also ran to undergo Initiations, in a row to all the New Energies that were available at that time, and then they were just as writhed as me , we realized that, as the Masters of Light, we did not have much time to build up, we had, let's say, as Pioneers, to go through all this First and quickly reorganize in order to be able to help others, supplying them with new information, which has now become more easily accessible to us, to help people with advice and, of course, to conduct Initiations into New Energies for them, of course, not with such intensity as it was with us.

What we went through was not the most cheerful state, and I know that many people are now living through this. But, since they do not understand what is happening, then, instead of helping themselves during this period, they only aggravate the process.

In fact, all these are “usual” signs of a transition to a new reality, to a new level of vibrations. In a reality that we have heard and talked about so much, and many even actively sought. The transition to the state of a person free from injuries, programs, diseases, past and death. This is the exit to inner freedom - to the state of the incarnate God with his boundless potential.

We are currently doing two important things -

1. We sort out the parts of ourselves and our past that we want or do not want to take with us into our new world.
2. We attract to ourselves the remaining fragments of our Soul from past lives in order to restore the integrity of our I Am and become a fully conscious being.
Lauren Gorgo

We have heard a lot about it and done a lot over the past few years - becoming more aware of ourselves, freeing ourselves from the past, healing traumas. We have already experienced many mental, spiritual and emotional rebirths.

But they have not yet fully affected our physical body and our physical life. Right now this is starting to happen.

Let's look at the picture above to understand what's going on.

For many people, summer felt like sinking to the bottom and stopping traffic. So it was. This time of immersion in darkness was necessary in order to see this darkness within yourself. And accept it as part of yourself.

Not the easiest and most pleasant task, especially for people like me. The word “accept” has not been in my vocabulary since I was born. I lived by the principle: “Something doesn’t suit you? Change." And to accept ... I did not even know that such a phenomenon existed. It turned out that without this it would not be possible to go further.

Our dark part is also WE. It contains great power. But it becomes available to us only when we accept our Shadow. We do not fight, we do not correct it, we do not eradicate it and we do not degenerate. We accept it as part of ourselves. The shadow is worthy of the same reverence as the Light. For now, let's go without proof. Who understands what I mean, raise your index finger up and say "oh how!"

Who managed to do this (to accept his shadow as a worthy part of himself), he unlocked a gigantic amount of his personal power. Who has not done this and continues to fight with his dark part, this procedure has yet to be done.

September suddenly brought strength. At one moment, you could feel an ocean of energy flowing into you. No, the joy of living, the motivation has not yet appeared. But suddenly there was strength and energy. And the ability to do something instead of endlessly sleeping and walking around like a zombie.
Along with this, there could be a feeling that the energies are an ocean, you draw it with teaspoons. As if you could not contain this volume in yourself, and it remained unclaimed.

And so October freed up space in our bodies so that we could receive these energies and anchor them in physical life. Side effects of this process are physical ailments (powerful cleansing of the body, changes in eating habits and severe headaches).

10.10 For many people, a very significant life cycle has come to an end.

11.11 These people entered the space of waiting and preparing for the beginning of a completely new chapter in their lives.
November opened and showed many more clearly their new path and new purpose, along with the physical ingredients needed to create it.
Lauren Gorgo

And now back to our sheep.
What is happening now requires us to dive deep into ourselves, to concentrate on ourselves. And the usual "outer" life can suddenly seem too tense and tiring.

This may be (and for most will be) not very pleasant, you want to avoid it. But it is so important now that life will do EVERYTHING to leave you alone with yourself and with your cockroaches and return you to your reality.

What to do with it?

Now is not the time to make decisions and assess what is happening. No need to run to the doctor. And a psychiatrist too.
All that is needed from you now is to be aware of your feelings and emotions, to see what is rising - what programs, what patterns of behavior.

And accept. Accept yourself as you are. Not trying to change. Accept and finally love yourself this way - maybe not bright enough, maybe not wise enough, not beautiful enough or kind enough. Accept and love yourself-envious, yourself-victim. Myself-sufferer. Manipulative self. Myself-cruel. Self-sarcastic. Self-gloating.
See, realize, love and accept.

And celebrate, praise yourself for every moment when you managed to feel this love for yourself and acceptance of who you are.

If you managed to feel at least 2 minutes of this acceptance and your omnipotence - that's already great!

Do not sprinkle ashes on your head because you feel bad, but grab these two minutes from the day and celebrate yourself, thank you for being able to be in your best condition for 2 whole minutes.

Imagine such a picture.

No, this is not about how to heal pain or some trauma of the past. It's about how to see and accept yourself - "terrible."
That part of myself with which I fought all my life, which I was ashamed of, which I corrected. And if it didn’t work out, she suppressed it, shut it up and pushed it into the farthest box of her subconscious. She pretended she wasn't there. With all the power it contains.

…But it turned out to be impossible to hide it. At some point, she still breaks out of prison. She is very strong.
And then you run away from her. You constantly hear her breathing behind your back. She wants to say something, but you cover your ears. Too painful, too embarrassing. She looks into your eyes, but you turn away. No you. Get out, get lost!

Then you pretend it's not there. You appear before the world only with your beautiful sides. Which are not ashamed to show either to themselves or to people. Worthy. And "terrible" - you keep under control. And you even begin to believe it. It's like she doesn't exist.

But she is. And at times she breaks out of control, like a violent patient who has escaped from a psychiatric hospital. And you are horrified to realize that she captured you again. At some point, you manage to stuff that tsunami back into the closet. For a while…

And everything starts all over again...

And one day you fall exhausted from this fruitless struggle. Everything, there is no more strength to run and fight. Then you turn your head and meet face to face with the offended one from whom you have been running all your life (life?), whom you have been ashamed of, whom you have changed and corrected. Because of which she felt guilty towards others. Because of which, all her life, she “given her debt” to those whom SHE offended. And you discover that it is still there, even if you crack. Here she is, full length.

Years of struggle proved inconclusive. You drop your hands in despair and say: “Well, to hell with him. OK, I get it.. I won't run away from you. You're. I accept ... And I will learn ... to love myself like this.

This moment is sacred. Because only now you suddenly have a chance to regain yourself. And your strength.
“…OK, I see you. You are me. Speak... What do you want?
And she has nothing to say. She does not even take offense at you for decades in prison, for rejection. All she wants is for you to accept her.

- How can I accept you? You are a monster. I don't want to be like you were. Live the way you are.
She just stays silent and looks at you.

Suddenly, something inside you flares up, and you hotly continue ...
- I am what I am. And I am what I choose to be. Love, hate, revenge, compassion, anger, joy, sadness, fun - these are all ROLES, these are all MANIFESTATIONS. But the mistress is I. I choose how to express myself…. Take off your mask...

And you suddenly look into her eyes. And you find that these are your eyes ... And in them - a single message: “I just want you to accept me. To stop running from me. Because I am you."

And suddenly, like a revelation, a click!
- God... I... love you... just the way you are. You are me. I just once chose to play SUCH a role. Then it was appropriate ... Now I choose other roles. Now I choose to direct my power to the manifestation of kindness and love. Let's do it together. I won't run from you anymore. I accept you. I love you. Can I hug you?...

She silently approached. She didn't need anything else. Just to be accepted. And they fell in love with this... monster.. Which inside turned out to be Light in disguise.

Suddenly you have a feeling inside you.. unfamiliar before.. As if a broken fragment of the Soul fell into place.. and the power flowed into the body. The power that you always ran from because it was in "unsightly clothes"... The power that became available to you when you accepted and loved the Beast within you.

And then - your conscious choice. I take this with me into the future, and I leave this.

What is useless now? And to some extent contraindicated?

Fight, resist and try to get the ground back under your feet. Hold on to the old. It's not only useless. It is by struggle and resistance that you make this process much more painful than it could be.

By the way, the question that you are probably asking yourself is: “Well, what can I do to change the situation?! To get back to "normal" life again" is also a struggle. Now is not the time to change the situation. Now is the time to take it.
The process goes on anyway - whether you fight it or not.
Annushka has already spilled the oil. (Bulgakov).

But you can live it relatively easily and quickly (and the most daring also exciting). Or you can - painfully and for a long time.

Don't go to the doctor and take medication to relieve headaches and normalize sleep, it still won't help (this is not advice, I'm just sharing.. no, advice! And don't go to a psychiatrist to deal with mood swings. Now there are practically no doctors in traditional medicine who understand what is happening to us and why, and their advice and prescribed medicines can only aggravate the situation.

The only thing I do now is give my body more care than usual.
The body is now freed from everything that prevents the fullness of my Light from flowing into it - from toxins, programs, injuries. And I thank him every day for making it work.

I can’t force anyone to do this, moreover, it will be incorrect on my part, as if I’m trying to attract customers and make money. But since all of you, believe me, are not at all indifferent, I wholeheartedly advise and ask you to go through Initiations and New Energies. This will significantly help you during the Transition, make it softer and painless. Pass at any Master, only pass.

Personally, I have already conducted all these Initiations to my husband and children, because no one knows for sure how events will develop further, information comes to us literally at the last moment, in small doses. And I am sure that no matter what and no matter what happens next, it will be much easier for all of us to go through all this being in the same energies, vibrations with Mother Earth. This is especially important for our physical bodies, to rebuild in time in order to simply be able to survive all this.

Think for yourself, if it weren't so important, would the Higher Powers worry about transferring knowledge about how to conduct these Initiations to people in advance? If they were sure that we could manage it anyway, they would not give us this new knowledge now, especially in such quantities, and would not do anything to ensure that all the Masters, as if on command, ran to pass them all at once in such a tight deadline, with such intensity.

I will remind you of this again and again, do not blame me - it is my job to help as many people as possible make the Transition painlessly. By the way, the prices for these classes can be said to be purely symbolic (not by us).

Since the information comes often and at unpredictable times, please read new posts regularly.

Write in the comments about how you live these processes. What are your biggest challenges and how do you deal with them. Perhaps I missed something and I can give information or advice that will help you personally!

September 22, 2016

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