Home perennial flowers I dreamed of a table with a tablecloth. Why dream of a white tablecloth. Change for the better

I dreamed of a table with a tablecloth. Why dream of a white tablecloth. Change for the better

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration.

A rich bright red color called purple means that your lofty plans will not come true.

The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are for spending money and acquiring real estate.

Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family strife and quarrels with a loved one.

The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the day.

Seeing a red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in married life.

Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows.

Buy, pick and eat red grapes in a dream - in reality you will receive reproaches in the family and reprimands from the authorities.

Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of an upcoming fun walk soon. Cook jam and compotes from red berries - to health.

Interpretation of dreams from

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Tablecloth is dreaming:

Tablecloth - As a tablecloth dreams, then this is the road.

Autumn dream book Why dream of a tablecloth in a dream book:

Tablecloth -

Summer dream book Why dream of a tablecloth from a dream book:

Tablecloth - To a family idyll.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Tablecloth in a dream:

Tablecloth - Road.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the Tablecloth is dreaming:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book:

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Tablecloth what does it mean

Tablecloth - If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being. Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, it means that in reality you will become the cause of contention, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Tablecloth dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Tablecloth in a dream - If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were setting the dining table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives. If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

Spring dream book Why dream of a tablecloth in a dream book:

Tablecloth - A long road awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

To see a tablecloth in a dream - Clean, even, wrinkled or dirty - the state of affairs is literally (in the family, at work).

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Tablecloth:

Tablecloth - An unexpected rescue

Culinary dream book If you dream of a Tablecloth in a dream:

Tablecloth - A tablecloth that is too large for a table is a need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Muslim dream book Why is the Tablecloth dreaming:

Tablecloth - To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream Interpretation: Tablecloth in a dream

Seeing a Tablecloth in a dream - Seeing a tablecloth strewn with dishes in a dream - to receive in reality more than enough funds for life and to gain longevity.

Jewish dream book What does the Tablecloth mean in a dream:

Tablecloth - Pour wine over a white tablecloth A dream that occurred on Monday night - to fun that will end in tears; a dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a carefree pastime; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, warns that you can ruin a business that started very well. Pour fat over the tablecloth On Monday night, this portends losses, failures, grief; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream is a waste of money; to see him on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that you will have to allow strangers to interfere in your affairs. Wash tablecloth. For a woman - to try to free herself from someone else's influence. For a man - to engage in an empty, time-consuming business. Wrap knives and forks in a tablecloth - hide your intentions.

Magical dream book In a dream, why is the Tablecloth dreaming?

What does it mean to see a tablecloth in a dream - prosperity. Set the table with a tablecloth - for a party, a pleasant arrival of guests. Tablecloth with cutlery - everything in your life is going right and well.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does the Tablecloth mean in a dream:

Tablecloth - prosperity and longevity await you. Imagine that on the tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does a tablecloth mean in a dream book?

Why the Tablecloth is dreaming - You are dreaming of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him. You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion. The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Table according to the dream book

A waking table often brings people together. The feast is an occasion for meetings and communication. Most of the sanniks report that such a plot portends interesting acquaintances, a long-awaited meeting. But, this is not the only description of what this dream is about. Any detail seen in a dream matters. Sitting and eating Seeing yourself sitting at a set table - to well-being and success. The more food was on it in a dream, the greater well-being awaits you. The esoteric dream book believes that a lot of food is a sign of gluttony. You probably like to eat a lot and tasty. Medium Hasse interprets differently what this plot is dreaming of. Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that gatherings at the table in a dream portend a noisy feast in reality. If at the same time you dreamed of a full table of food, then a friendly meeting will be very fun. Eating and talking at the same time - to a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel. Especially if you had a hearty meal.

Table varieties

If you dreamed of a dining table, then you should limit yourself a little in food. The modern dream book advises to eat in small portions, otherwise, you can provoke a number of problems with the body associated with overeating. Written dreamed? Be as careful as possible in real life. Overconfidence can lead to serious problems. Especially if in a dream he was littered with work papers and books. A dreaming desktop is evidence that in reality you lack self-organization. Dream Interpretation Grishina gives advice to start a diary. It will help you plan your day and not forget about important meetings.

Round Swedish promises a quick visit of guests. Not in a dream, but in reality, many people will visit your house. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers suggests that you may be celebrating some pleasant event. Why dream of the operating and funeral tables describes Aesop. Operational predicts the adoption of an extremely important decision. This decision can seriously change your life. Funeral - symbolizes longing for dead people. You should definitely visit the grave of a loved one in the near future. If this is not possible, go to church and order a memorial prayer.

If you dreamed of a rich banquet, then the state of your affairs allows you not to think about the future with apprehension. The female dream book reports that in the near future everything will work out for you and you will be able to earn decent money. If you dream of a wedding table, then luck will accompany you in every possible way. This means that you can safely participate in a risky business. Rest assured it will be successful.

Cover and clean up

Miller describes in detail why such a plot is dreamed of. According to this source, setting the table for guests is for the visit of relatives or friends in reality. Miller's dream book promises that a friendly visit will bring many joyful moments. Serving a long festive table is a joyful meeting with a dear person. And he will come from afar. Why dream of a similar plot describes Grishina in his interpreter. According to Grishina's dream book, a large table with food promises well-being and every kind of success. You can achieve fame, material well-being. Good times are coming soon! Cleaning and washing dishes means going through a hectic and joyless life period. If, as a result of your labors, all the dishes were removed in a dream, then the “black bar” will drag on. The universal dream book recommends not to despair, but, on the contrary, to pull yourself together as much as possible and solve all problems. Wipe the surface in a dream with a rag - to drastic changes, as well as serious financial difficulties. Proper allocation of the budget will help to avoid a complete collapse. Don't waste your money. You will need them soon.

Products on the table

If you dreamed of flour, then all desires will come true. Especially if there was a lot of flour that was dreamed up in a dream. Why dream of fruits lying on the table describes Hasse. Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that juicy and ripe fruits promise joy and happiness. If the fruits were spoiled, get ready for difficulties and hardships. The fish lying on the surface of the table symbolizes replenishment in the family. Especially if such a dream was dreamed of by a married woman. Bread crumbs scattered on a white tablecloth - to poverty. Another option for explaining why a similar plot is dreaming is the birth of a child at a fairly mature age.

Various explanations

The interpretation of dreams will be as accurate as possible if you remember even the smallest details. For example, if the surface or legs of this piece of kitchen furniture were dirty, then depression will soon begin. Provokes its occurrence a strong prolonged stress. Moreover, the dirtier the surface seen in the dream was, the deeper your sadness will be. Drinking tea at an empty table means experiencing disappointments in real life. The universal dream book advises not to worry too much about this. Forget the past and move forward. Wasting time on the blues is absolutely useless. Hiding under the table - to new opportunities. Lying on it means successfully getting out of a difficult situation, sleeping - to dubious luck. If in a dream you stood on it, then in reality you can take control of a difficult situation. Did you dream that the dead were sitting at the table? Expect a sudden change in the weather. If the dead joyfully communicated with each other, then soon you will surely receive good news. Buying a new wooden table and chairs in addition to it means a quick move. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers promises to move to a new home or even to a new country. If you dreamed that a man was fixing a broken table, then in reality you would have a strong patron who would solve all problems.

Table white tablecloth

Dream Interpretation Table white tablecloth had a dream about why a white tablecloth is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a white tablecloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Buy a tablecloth

Dream Interpretation Buy a tablecloth dreamed of why in a dream Buy a tablecloth? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Buying a tablecloth by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him.

You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion.

The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

If you dreamed of a tablecloth too large for your table, then you will have expenses beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A clean tablecloth covering the table is dreaming of upcoming expenses that clearly exceed your capabilities.

Dirty, wrinkled - to a scandal in the family.

Colored, elegant - for the arrival of long-awaited guests.

Red tablecloth

Dream Interpretation Red Tablecloth had a dream about why the tablecloth is red in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a red tablecloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him.

You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion.

The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration. A rich bright red color called purple means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are for spending money and acquiring real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family strife and quarrels with a loved one. The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the day. Seeing a red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buy, pick and eat red grapes in a dream - in reality you will receive reproaches in the family and reprimands from the authorities. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of an upcoming fun walk soon. Cook jam and compotes from red berries - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

If you dreamed of a tablecloth too large for your table, then you will have expenses beyond your means.

tablecloth table

Dream Interpretation Tablecloth table had a dream about why the tablecloth is a table in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a tablecloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him.

You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion.

The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Table

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

If you dreamed of a tablecloth too large for your table, then you will have expenses beyond your means.

Tables tablecloth white

Dream Interpretation Tables white tablecloth dreamed of why in a dream Tables have a white tablecloth? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a white tablecloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him.

You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion.

The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

If you dreamed of a tablecloth too large for your table, then you will have expenses beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A clean tablecloth covering the table is dreaming of upcoming expenses that clearly exceed your capabilities.

Dirty, wrinkled - to a scandal in the family.

Colored, elegant - for the arrival of long-awaited guests.


Dream Interpretation Tablecloth dreamed of why the tablecloth is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a tablecloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of a feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white clean tablecloth, then this means that you will have a happy marriage and material well-being.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream - to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasts and holidays. But it also indicates harmony in the home. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, then everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate anything together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream, to quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, then in reality you will become the cause of contention.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

You see in a dream a clean white tablecloth - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone can meet; you are lucky; on an empty place you will open the whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; your good is diminished by his bad - he influences you more than you influence him.

You see in a dream a tablecloth soaked in red wine - in real life you will indulge in crazy passion.

The girl dreams that she covers the table with a tablecloth - the person whom this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth covered with dishes - to receive means of livelihood and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

A tablecloth that is too large for a table is the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Dream Interpretation - Table

A table in a dream symbolizes the strength of your position, your family, your business. It all depends on where exactly he is standing (at home, at work, with friends, etc.).

An empty table in a dream is a sign of a quarrel or squabble. If you dream that the table is hanging in the air in your home, then your family may fall apart due to treason, betrayal, or some kind of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates the precariousness of your financial situation. The stronger and more expensive the table in your dream is, the more prosperous your life will be. A broken, staggering, fragile table (table, whatnot) in a dream indicates that your situation may worsen if you do not urgently take the necessary security measures. Getting rid of such a table in a dream is a sign of the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can repair or strengthen it, then luck and prosperity will return to you. Buying a table in a dream or seeing it being brought into your home is a sign of big changes.

Small decorative tables in a dream portend well-being and pleasure. Knocking on the table in a dream is a sign of disagreement, quarrels and the likelihood that you will make enemies for yourself. A fresh tablecloth on the table means that you will soon meet new friends. A torn, dirty, crumpled tablecloth on the table means quarrels and grief. Setting the table in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant meetings or conversations (See interpretation: spots, linen). Clearing the table in a dream portends disappointment and grief.

A table set for a solemn occasion portends news of some important event or an invitation to it. See interpretation: triumph.

If you dream that your table has disappeared and you cannot find it, then your opponent (or rival) will steal your happiness. An overturned table in a dream predicts big trouble for you, because of which everything in your house will be upside down. See interpretation: furniture.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

The tablecloth is the road to the hospital.

Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

If you dreamed of a tablecloth too large for your table, then you will have expenses beyond your means.

A tablecloth in a dream can be represented in different ways, but most often it has a favorable meaning. If you saw her on a beautiful table with a lot of food, you can be sure that you will soon acquire everything for a good life and gain longevity. When a tablecloth dreams without additional details and is located on a large table, beware of making a purchase that does not fit into your budget.

Russian dream book

A tablecloth in a dream often symbolizes prosperity, and in reality it is used to organize a feast, a holiday. I dreamed of a white tablecloth in a dream - peace and tranquility will reign in the house. A dirty tablecloth warns that quarrels will come soon, it is likely that the disagreements will become too strong. The dreamer spilled something on a table covered with a tablecloth - he risks becoming a cause of contention and being at the epicenter of the conflict.

Aesop's dream book

In Russia, they said that to see a beautiful tablecloth in a dream is a sign of well-being. The dreamer's family will be happy, and the person himself will eventually stabilize his financial situation and will be content with life. If the tablecloth is dirty in a dream or tears have formed on it, this is a sign of the onset of poverty, poverty or strong quarrels with loved ones.

Interpreter of Catherine the Great

Tablecloth as a symbol in the context of relationships between people:

    To see a white and ironed tablecloth - you will probably meet your other half soon, a person who is spiritually very close, who can become your couple for life.

    A black or stained tablecloth symbolizes that the person you are not indifferent to is not worthy of your location, as he easily deceives others, which he will soon do to you.

    The tablecloth is filled with red wine - soon a passionate romance will appear in your life. You should find out if this is a long-term relationship or a momentary passion.

    If your dream showed a tablecloth on the table, which does not occupy all the space, but is thrown only on the edge of the object, the person whom the dreamer manages to meet will become an important figure in his fate.

A dream about a tablecloth does not have a strictly positive or negative meaning. The emotional coloring of the events that he predicts depends on the appearance of the tablecloth, the presence of additional details on it, as well as the position of the dreamer in relation to this subject. If you saw a beautiful tablecloth, you don’t have to worry about anything, and when its appearance is unpresentable, you should reconsider your behavior in reality.

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Cauliflower

If you cooked something from cauliflower, the dream indicates that you are neglecting your duties: this can lead to the failure of all plans. Growing cauliflower - the business in which you are going to invest your capital is extremely unreliable, you should abandon your plans.

Imagine that you are uprooting a cauliflower and planting a regular one. She gives an extraordinary harvest.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing in a dream from Friday to Saturday a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood is a tragic event.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you set the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembly tablecloth, which itself will give you drink and food. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table setting and a table laid especially for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Tablecloth

Lay a clean whole tablecloth on the table - prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth is with holes and stained - the fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from

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