Home perennial flowers Strong demon names. Hell dictionary. Russian demonology and its features

Strong demon names. Hell dictionary. Russian demonology and its features

There are different types of demons - the classification was compiled at different times by different authors from among the monks, occultists and philosophers. Find out what demons exist, how they differ from each other and what they have to do with angelic ranks.

In the article:

Types of demons - ranks in demonology

In modern demonology, types of demons are not a fully disclosed topic. But it is known that each representative of evil spirits has a strictly regulated range of duties, beyond which he rarely appears. At different times, medieval, modern, classical demonology and the leading authors who study this science created different ways of classifying the forces of hell.

All demons were once angels. Some authors, for example, I. Wier and R. Burton believe that if there is an angelic hierarchy, then the demonic one was created in its image and likeness. The fallen angels used the familiar way of building a hierarchy without creating anything new. There is, and there are as many demonic ranks.

Nine Demon Orders

The first rank is pseudo-gods, demons posing as gods. Such are the pagan deities, as well as all the rest, with the exception of the one Lord. He commands them.

The second rank is the demons of lies. Their task is to deceive people with the help of prophecies and predictions. They patronize fortunetellers, psychics, soothsayers. Among these representatives of the demonic hierarchy, the ruler is Python.

The third rank - fighters with God's laws and commandments. They invented all the evil deeds, vicious activities and arts. The prince of the demons of iniquity is.

The fourth rank is the avengers and punishers. They inspire thoughts of revenge and atrocities against other people who supposedly deserve it. .

The fifth rank is deceiver demons who seduce people with pseudo-miracles. They are able to introduce themselves as anyone - both an ordinary person who has a gift, and a messenger of God. Lord of the deceivers - .

The sixth rank rules over the air element, with the help of which its representatives bring diseases and epidemics to people, as well as natural disasters. The head of the sixth rank is Merezin.

The seventh rank is the furies who kindle wars and strife. Their influence can be seen on a large scale when it comes to military conflicts or major urban clashes. Furies also affect people individually, causing them to conflict. .

The eighth rank - accusers and spies. They watch people, noticing their slightest sins and sinful thoughts. At the same time, these representatives of evil spirits never miss a chance to do dirty tricks. Usually their influence is manifested in false accusations, slander, quarrels with colleagues and relatives due to misunderstandings. The accusers give all the "compromising evidence" to their overlord.

The ninth rank is the tempters who push a person into sin. The greatest pleasure for him is the transformation of the righteous into an inveterate sinner. Most often, it is these demons that appear to people, it is easier to call them, but keep in mind that it is not you who will benefit from your communication, but evil spirits. It is led by Mammon.

There is another classification of demons tied to . Before the fall, all the demons took their places in it. According to medieval records that were obtained during the exorcism of the demon Balberith from a girl named Madeleine, the demons, after being cast into hell, took their places in the new, dark hierarchy in accordance with the places they occupied in heaven. In other words, the fallen cherubim occupy the same position among the demons as the cherubim in heaven.


Hierarchy of demons

First level

The first level of the demonic hierarchy corresponds to the angelic one, consisting of seraphim, cherubim and thrones. Above them - only:

  • Seraphim Beelzebub takes second place after Lucifer, as. He inclines people to pride. Seraphim Leviathan pushes people away from the Christian faith, teaches heresy and inclines to sins that are contrary to Christian morality. Seraphim Asmodeus seduces with luxury and material goods.
  • Cherub Balberit, who communicated with the exorcist, according to legend, pushes people to commit suicide. He also promotes quarrels and squabbles, incites scandals and teaches slander.
  • The throne of Astaroth governs laziness, despondency and idleness. The throne of Veren makes people intolerant of each other, teaches them selfishness. The throne of Gressin is responsible for the tendency to slovenliness, manages dirt in its physical sense. The throne of Sonnelon is always ready to incite hatred of the enemy and force him to take revenge.

Second level

The second level of the hierarchy of demons corresponds to the rank of dominance, strength and power in the angelic hierarchy:

  • Elle's dominance incites breaking the vow of poverty. The dominance of Rosier is a demon of voluptuousness and fornication.
  • Prince Sil Verrier is able to force to break the vow of obedience.
  • The power of Carro instills cruelty in the hearts of people and fights with compassion and mercy. The power of Karnivan governs shamelessness and lack of guilt for committed sins, the inability to repent and receive God's forgiveness.

Third level

The third level is the former beginnings, archangels and angels:

  • The beginning of Belial inclines to arrogance. It was he who created fashion and the concept of beauty, because differences in appearance are closely related to a high opinion of oneself. Belial teaches to chat and be distracted during worship. It affects women and children the most.
  • Archangel Olivius is responsible for the hatred of poverty. People who are under his influence hate those who earn less than they do. Olivius teaches not to give alms and treats the poor and wretched with all cruelty.

Classification of demons according to their habitat

Identified types of demons according to their habitat monk Michael Psellos who lived about a thousand years ago. He argued that not all demons reside in hell. According to this author of historical, religious and philosophical works, demons have certain habitats and rarely get out of them. The original source has not survived to this day, but it has been repeatedly quoted by other authors, for example, Henry Halliwell.

fire demons

According to this theory, fire demons live in the upper layers of the air, lunar ether, or even above the moon. They do not descend either to the world of men or to hell. According to Psellus, they will appear only on the Day of Judgment.

air demons

Air demons reside in the air of the human world. It is they who are the very unclean force that every person should beware of. These demons are able to cause natural disasters, become visible and influence people's lives. From time to time they descend into hell on their own business. Airborne evil spirits are mentioned in the Goetia.

earth demons

Earth demons, like air ones, live among people. They can hide in rocks, forests and mountains. This type of evil spirit loves to harm people, but not all of them are evil. Some of the demons of the earth secretly live among mortals, posing as ordinary people.

water demons

Water demons live in water sources. They harm sailors and underwater life. Water evil spirits are aggressive, never tell the truth and are quite restless. Most often, she appears in the guise of women.

Underground demons

Underground demons live in caves and mountain crevices. They harm miners and other professions who work underground. Underground evil spirits are also credited with the destruction of the foundations of houses and earthquakes.

Light-hater demons, heliophobes or lucifugas live in hell and never go beyond it. According to Psellus, they are incomprehensible and unattainable for a mortal. When meeting with a person, the lucifug will surely kill him by strangling or poisoning him with his breath. Light-haters are afraid only of the light, it is impossible to keep, summon or defend against them by any witchcraft or magic seal. They shun people and never respond to various challenges.

According to Psellus, only air, earth, water and underground demons can be summoned. This can be done in a place corresponding to its essence. For example, it is better to communicate with water evil spirits on the shore of a reservoir, with earthly - in a forest, with underground - in a cave. To summon an air demon, this condition is not necessary, the air is already around you.

Types of demons in demonology - division by occupation

The duties of a demonic entity reveal its power. The stronger the demon, the more influence it has on a person in particular and the world in general. The classification of demons according to their occupation and level of power was first introduced Alphonse de Spinoy in the 15th century. It is often criticized, since this source does not mention many duties of evil spirits, and most of the known demons do not fit into this classification.

Parks - Roman goddesses of fate, almost identical with the Greek Moirai. (Painting "Three Moiras", Marco Biggio, 1525)

Parks were called goddesses weaving human destinies in Roman mythology. Similar characters are found in most of the pagan pantheons of the world. De Spina ranked them among the demons, in whose power are human destinies.

Pure demons are powerful beings from hell that only attack saints. Deceiver demons appear only to humans, usually in human form. Their goal is to deceive, to lead a righteous person into sin, to get his soul. There are also sleep demons, or nightmarish demons, who send terrible dreams and feed on the energy of the sleeper.

Two types of representatives of the infernal army are assigned to witches and sorcerers. According to de Spina, every witch has an assistant, who is almost always in the form of a small animal. A separate type of demon inspires them with false memories of the covens - the source calls the covens taking place in the real world a fiction.

Almost everyone knows who the incubus and succubus are. These are demonic entities that seduce a person and feed on his energy. De Spina added to these two species one more - demons, who are interested in the male seed. According to Christian beliefs, demons and demons are born from it.

Demonolotarian Stephanie Connolly

Already in our time, there was another attempt to distinguish varieties of demons according to their occupation and area of ​​​​responsibility. Classification contemporary demonologist and demonolatry priestess Stephanie Connolly closer to traditional ideas about the occupation of evil spirits of different ranks and levels of influence. It is also more convenient for practitioners who are involved in summoning representatives of the infernal forces and working with them.

Each demon has its own sphere of responsibility, and each of the demons has lower demons, demons, devils and other representatives of the infernal army under its control. Of course, it is unlikely that a powerful demon will be able to be summoned, but he can send someone of a lower rank to help the magician.

Love, passion and sex are the responsibility of Asmodeus and Astaroth. They can be contacted to create a love spell or sexual attachment, as well as gaining attractiveness and finding a lover.

Hatred, vindictiveness, anger and war are ruled by Andras, Abaddon and Agaliarept. These demons and their servants are turned to inflict damage, take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic, and also find help in confronting a strong opponent.

Demons can both take life and bestow it. Verrin, Verrier and Belial are responsible for health and healing. They can be asked for help in the fight against a serious illness if you are engaged in black magic for healing.

Demons of death - Eurynom, Vaalberit and Babael. They are turned to in order to avoid death or to kill the enemy with the help of magic. These same demons patronize necromancy.

Natural forces and elements are commanded by Lucifer, Leviathan and Dagon. They can be asked for help to facilitate contact with natural sources of energy, as well as to enhance the power of the rite, in which the elements play an important role.

Wealth, luck and all the material components of human life are under the influence of Belphegor, Beelzebub and Mammon. They can be asked for good luck in any business, enrichment - and without any restrictions on the ways of earning, as well as ruining the enemy.

Secret knowledge is given to sorcerers and magicians by the demons Python, Ronve and Delepitor. They are approached for advice by sorcerers who work exclusively with the forces of darkness. For white magicians this path is closed.

Classification of demons in the demonology of Cornellius Agrippa - planetary correspondences

In demonology, the classification of demons can be tied to planets. Many ancient sources speak of certain spirits of the planets. For example, they are described in some detail in "Key of Solomon". It is difficult to say exactly who is described in this source - spirits or demons, because Christian demonology attributed to the representatives of evil spirits in general all mythological characters, except for those that are directly related to God.

Occult Philosophy. Book 4

The planetary classification of the demons of hell was compiled Cornelius Agrippa. It is described in detail in the fourth volume of Occult Philosophy by this author. Each of these creatures corresponds to a certain appearance, demeanor, as well as a number of questions that can be addressed to them. The latter correspond to the meaning of the planets in the generally accepted sense, for example, the demons of Venus can help with a love spell or gaining attractiveness.

So there are demons or spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. They all come in various forms, and their appearance is accompanied by physical phenomena around the magic circle - for example, lunar demons cause rain, and Mercurians plunge everyone present into horror. To communicate with them, it is necessary to strictly observe all correspondences. Each planet corresponds to a certain time of day, metal, color, stone and other important components of summoning demons.

Christian demonology - classification according to sins

Christian demonology is based on the connection between a person's ability to sin and demons, which are directly related to the transformation of the righteous into sinners. For the first time connected demons and human vices demonologist P. Binsfeld in the 16th century thus:

Lucifer - pride;
Mammon - greed;
Asmodeus - lust;
Satan - anger;
Beelzebub - gluttony;
Leviathan - envy;
Belphegor is lazy.

In the 19th century London occultist F. Barrett changed the classification in one of his books. Mammon became the patron of seduction and temptation, not greed and greed. However, material wealth is one of the temptations for a person. Asmodeus, according to Barret, commands not lust, but revenge and anger. Satan is a known deceiver who has nothing to do with anger and vindictiveness. Beelzebub, in this source, is called the ruler of false gods, who are actually demons. Gluttony Barret "transferred" to Mammon, as the lord of temptation.

Python - the prince of the spirits of lies;
Belial - the receptacle of vice;
Merihim is the leader of the spirits that cause contagious diseases;
Abaddon - demon of wars;
Astaroth - the demon of accusers and inquisitors;
Azazel is a scapegoat.

Russian demonology and its features

Russian demonology originated even before the arrival of the Orthodox faith in the lands of the ancient Slavs. Our ancestors always believed in evil spirits. somewhat changed under the influence of Christianity. But information about the evil spirits of the Slavs has been well preserved, since Christianity only added new characters without affecting the existing ones in any way.

Many characters of Russian demonology were people in the past. For example, these are mermaids,. The Slavs tried to appease the evil spirits so that they would not harm. Some of them are completely kind to people, for example, such are brownies, with whom it is customary to be friends to this day.

The doctrine of demons (from the ancient Greek "daimon" - a deity, spirit, in English it is written daemon) is called demonology. It includes their names, descriptions of appearance, behavior, rituals to call evil spirits, methods of control and fight against them.

The doctrine is classified as black magic and is considered quite dangerous for humans. It is practiced by a demonologist who has extensive knowledge of the supernatural world.

Different nations have their own idea of ​​demonology. Allocate directions:

  • Christian- the origin of demons is due to the expulsion of angels from Paradise. One of them became proud of his power and rebelled against the Lord. The name of this bright angel was Lucifer (Dennitsa, in Hebrew "heylel" - the morning star).

    He gathered a third of the heavenly army and intended to take the place of God. However, Archangel Michael and his army successfully resisted the rebels.

    The rebels were thrown into the Underworld, so the fallen angels turned into demons. According to the Bible, for human souls and all things there is a constant struggle between the dark and light sides.

  • Slavic- mythology explains the structure of the world by the influence of demonic forces. Atmospheric Spirits influence natural phenomena, family relations, households - sorcerers, witches, brownies, life after death is represented by mermaids, ghouls, mermen, werewolves, and so on.

    A feature of the direction is the inclusion of human states (diseases), processes (fate), events (days of the week) in the category of mythological.

  • Japanese- Chinese and Japanese religion Shinto means the presence of gods - kami everywhere in the world: in objects, phenomena. The demons O-bake, Yokai, Yurei, and others are of a lower rank than the kami.

    Demon Yokai

    Demon Yurei

    At the same time, a person is able to interact with them in a good or deceitful way.

  • In the occult- magicians can use demons to fulfill their own desires. For this, the mystical traditions of Goetia (Goetia) are used to summon evil spirits, create talismans and other practices.

Perhaps an occult direction, consisting in the worship of demons (demonolatry).

African voodoo rituals are known to call evil spirits, guardian angels.

Characters in demonology are various, including images of animals, plants, mythical creatures, asexual and gendered, creepy and attractive, capable of changing appearance (Alrunes) or moving into mortals. Their connection with people is widespread: half-man - half-goat, centaur, minotaur, and so on. Almost all have horns. The teaching describes a half-demon-half-man (Ashgar), who is recognized as one of the most powerful beings.

There are many books on the subject of demons and magic in bookstores. Among the names of their authors, one can name Kalashnikov V.I., Kontanistov Alexander and Golban Marina, Crowley and Fuller, and so on. Information about demons is presented in the teachings of the Christian Church: the books of the prophet Ezekiel, Job, the Revelations of John the Theologian, and so on.

Demon names: list and photo

There are a great many inhabitants of hell, since ancient times demonologists and theologians have tried to calculate how much approximately this number is. The figures in various interpretations differ significantly: in the 2nd century, the number of demons is indicated as about 30 thousand, in the 15th century Alphonse de Spina increases it to 133,306,608. the infernal princes who lead a legion of 6,660,000 supporters of darkness.

Of the total number of representatives, according to Jewish beliefs, 12 demons of the Gates of Hell are taken to the Underworld by sinful souls.

The presented list includes descriptions of common names of hellish inhabitants, in accordance with various interpretations.

Lucifer (Satan, Satanael, Devil)

He was a beautiful, powerful and beloved angel of God. After his failed attempt to seize the throne of God, which is why Lucifer was expelled from Paradise to the Underworld, he acquired the name Satan (translated as "slanderer"), became the Prince of Darkness, the main leader of Hell and demons.

His beautiful appearance turned into an ugly and ugly one. He is considered the most powerful representative of the dark forces, who revealed knowledge to people and has been leading a centuries-old opposition to the light side. The name Devil is also his title, and is translated into Latin as Satan (enemy). There are various suggestions whether there is a son or daughter of Satan. The magicians and inquisitors of the Middle Ages believed that all demons that were not fallen angels originated from the connection between Lucifer and Lilith. Among the sons is called Moloch.

According to another theory, the children of the Devil are people who have renounced God. Many are interested in when Satan's birthday is, and the number of May 1 is often present - the holiday of collecting evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. However, the actual date is not known for certain. The direct creator and father of Lucifer is the Lord, the ancient grimoires indicate Lucida, the inanimate stellar energy, as the mother.

Astaroth (Asteroth, Astoret)

A high-ranking demon, the keeper of the treasures of hell, takes a place in the hierarchy after Satan and is his right hand. He was cast down to the underworld along with Lucifer. Strong, talented, charming, charming. The archdevil is able to give a person intelligence, invisibility, power over snakes. It inhabits people, making them obsessed. More often than other demons, he appears in human form, holding a viper in his right hand. Astarte acts as his wife, in some sources the spouses merge into the image of one fallen angel.

Beelzebub (Verzaul)

A powerful demon of Power known as the Lord of the Flies, who commands the infernal legions. It is considered an associate and co-ruler of Satan, sometimes represented by the Devil and bears his name.

The appearances of the epic archdemon are diverse: from a fly-like to a monster with 3 heads. Bufovirt is recognized as the wife of Weselvul. The demon got his nickname because from childhood the insects obeyed him, along with the flies, he sent a plague to Canaan.


The supreme demoness, the wife of the Devil. Sometimes she is identified with Lilith, but Kasikandriera is considered the first wife of Lucifer. The ruler of Hell originated from the supreme astral world - the abode of the Gods. What the Queen of the Underworld looks like is shown in the photo.

She came to Hell of her own free will, where she won favor due to her temper and beautiful appearance. Kasikandriera is considered a good she-devil, who is characterized by compassion. Her power is so great that the girl is able to destroy Hell, Paradise and humanity. However, the main demoness observes neutrality, and does not participate in the confrontation between good and evil.


It is considered the first wife of Adam, created before Eve. She was distinguished by her obstinate disposition and, due to her unwillingness to obey her husband, was expelled from Paradise. In the underworld, the demoness becomes a friend of Satan.

References to her were excluded from the Bible so as not to set a bad example for women. There is a version that Lilith was a snake that entered into an alliance with Adam, and then became jealous of him for the created Eve, treating her to the Forbidden Fruit, and also persuaded Cain to conceive.


One of the consorts of the Great Unclean One.

The nature of her activity was the placement of personnel in Hell. Distinguished by cruelty towards humanity, shed a lot of blood. The height of the demon was 4 meters, seven horns crowned her head.


That was the name of the wife of Astaroth, the Demoness of pleasure and lust, the Queen of dead souls, the warrior.

Born in the union of Satan and Lilith. Likes to play with people, emotional, hysterical. The Phoenicians worshiped her as the goddess of love, fertility, hunting, war. The cult of Astarte was accompanied by orgies, with which the Old Testament prophets fought.


The wife of Beelzebub, the demoness of Power, her sign is the Fly.

Differs in refinement, beauty, decency, fidelity. Before marriage, she was a demon of the Force. Miloris is the firstborn of the couple.

Valak (Volak)

The strong governor of Hell, appearing as a boy with angel wings, sitting on a dragon with 2 heads.

Commands 30 legions of spirits, reveals to the caster information about hidden treasures, voluntarily gives up snakes.

Belial (Veliar)

The leader of the dark forces, the chief priest, close to the Lord.

The demon of lies is not hostile to man, which differs from the Devil, in medieval Christianity it acts as a lawyer of hell against the forces of light for the right to possess over people. Belial (in other words Velizar) is recognized as a liar, the patron of gambling, his cheerful character, unwillingness to take the form of terrible monsters is noted.


Demon of lust, fornication, jealousy, family troubles, hatred and revenge. Prince of the Hammer of the Witches.

It is considered close and friend of the Lord and can act on his behalf. Cruel and merciless, while appreciating the concept of honor. The temper is contradictory, it is considered a psycho and the charm of Hell.

Vaal (Baal, Bel, Bael, Vael)

The Duke of Hell, a powerful and cruel demon of treachery and deceit, his image is widespread in the form of a bull.

Idolatry to him included human sacrifices, large-scale orgies. A terrible ritual was performed to ensure the fertility of the earth. Mostly children were sacrificed, a child under 7 years old was thrown into the fire. However, modern research has established the fact that usually the child was already dead before the ritual.


Counselor, Chancellor of Hell, in charge of the Devil's wardrobe. Represented in the form of a man with the head of a mule and the tail of a peacock.

In the Old Testament, it is mentioned as a Separvaim deity, which was characterized by fiery sacrifices, in which babies were burned at the stake.

Gremory (Gomori, Gemori)

The Grand Duke appears in the form of a beautiful woman in a crown, riding a camel.

Tells about the mysterious events of the past, present and future, about the places of hidden treasures. Provides love for women, especially girls.


Demon of the Brotherhood, has no wife, children, parents. There is a sister Voloyan. Considered a great and cruel warrior, he cannot put up with impudence and rudeness. Has a bright appearance: red hair, fiery wings and red horns.


Duke of the Infernal Empire, demon of robbery.

It inclines to theft until it leads to the "gallows". Appears with the body of a lion and a human head with a frown on his face.


The Duke of Hell, appearing as a man with the head of a unicorn.

Creates or inspires mortals to create harsh, terrible music. Allows you to hear the sound of instruments, at the request of the necromancer obeys the trees to bow.


Belongs to the Asmodean group, is considered the son of Satan and Lilith. Has many children, is married to Lamia, but does not maintain a relationship as she is serving her sentence. He likes alcohol and to play with mortals, he is interested in the history of Hell. Appears in the form of an attractive man with blond hair with long bangs, dark horns, impressive wings.


Marquis, endowed with great power. Appears in the mythical form of a wolf with a snake's tail, then transforms into a man with the head of a raven or with the teeth that a dog has.

Solves disputes, tells the past and the future, provides patronage and love.

Arabas (Orobas)

The Prince of Hell is presented in the form of a centaur, because when falling from heaven into the abyss, he merged with his own horse. Orabas commands 20 legions of spirits. Tells about past and future events, provides titles, patronage of friends and enemies. Dedicated to the mage.

Dantalian (Dantalion)

The Duke has many faces: men, women, girls, guys. Holds a book in his hands.

Reads the thoughts of mortals and changes them, prompting them to evil deeds. Gives knowledge, teaches art, can cause love.


Demon of greed and wealth. Mamon taught man to dig the earth in order to steal treasures. Sent to Hell among the last, walks with his head down.


Great Avenger and Executioner of the Underworld. Also in charge of Public Works. The demon of retribution, evil, which is infused in the avenger. Recognized as one of the most cruel representatives of Hell.

Abbadon (Abbadon, Appolion)

A powerful demon of death, a military adviser to Hell, a destroyer, a pseudonym - Apollyon, in the Middle Ages his name was mentioned as a designation of Satan, close to the King of Darkness, his faithful assistant. Cruel and merciless, does not retreat before anything.


Who is Moloch is mentioned in the Old Testament. The Babylonians worshiped a demon-deity, the inhabitants performed a purification ceremony for children: girls and boys were forced to jump over the fire.

However, the historical interpretation claims that the offspring were burned alive. The Hebrew Bible forbade giving children to worship Moloch, the punishment was deprivation of life.

Vaalberite (Walberite, Baalberite)

The chief secretary, the archivist who seals agreements between mortals and the inhabitants of the Underworld.

In some interpretations, he appears as the God of Death. The devilish representative inclines people to slander, murders, suicides. Mentioned in The Satanic Bible by La Vey.


The female demon refers to Judeo-Christian mythology. Who it was and about the deeds of Abizu was told by King Solomon, to whom she appeared. The demoness harmed women in childbirth by trying to suffocate the newborn. According to the description of the creature's body, it was not visible, only hair was flying like snakes, and green eyes glowed.

Naberius (Nebiros)

Marquis, Field Marshal of the Underworld who rules over 19 legions of Spirits. Gives mortals knowledge, skills, especially in rhetoric. Appears in the form of a circling black crane.


The Demon of the Brotherhood, Close to the Devil, a disciple of Asmodeus, is worthy of his rank. Wife and children are missing. Demon warrior, unaware of fear, demanding and executive.


A general in the Underworld who only obeys Lucifer. The real villain, manages 3 powerful demons and the Spirit of Water.

He has the ability to control the past and the future, to reveal the secrets of the power of any state.


The sinister prince and governor, gives mortals philosophical knowledge, causes love and hatred, is able to desensitize a person, make him invisible, reveals the events of the past and future.


A dissolute demon who inflamed the female sex with love for men, leading to madness. Made girls infertile. During intercourse, he could change the appearance of a woman. Men were persuaded to homosexuality.


Inferior demon, a servant of Satan, responsible for entertainment and fun in Hell. Those who live in the Underworld will taste all human vices.


Grim demon-slayer, Marquis. If the opportunity arises, it will easily kill the magician and his comrades, communication with him requires increased caution. Its purpose is to create disagreements and quarrels. Appears in the form of a man with the head of a raven or an owl, riding a wolf.


The Marquis and Count of Darkness, appears in the guise of a terrible teacher with a stick, which he brings up negligent students. Gives knowledge of languages, gives favor to friends and enemies. The demon teaches rhetoric well, prepares excellent servants.

Merezin (Merazin, Meris, Metiris, Merihim, Mererim)

A demon with many names. Prince of the air authorities, head of the 6th rank. Causes contagious diseases, causes epidemics and disasters. He likes to fly in the air among lightning.


The demon is responsible for making and maintaining the fire in Hell. During the rebellion, he offered to set fire to heaven, for which he was also expelled. Represented in the form of a dwarf making fires in the Underworld.


Approximate Lord, the demon of the Brotherhood. Strong, brave, ruthless, eager to fight. Appreciates the concept of honor. Has no wife and children. He is fond of playing the flute, and when drinking alcohol, he loses his adequacy. Outwardly handsome and powerful.


Governor in the form of a lion. Tells about hidden secrets, gives knowledge and skills in mechanics. Able to turn people into other creatures, send and cure diseases.


Demon of Power, close to Satan. On his orders, he spent some time in the human world. Dangerous, powerful, ruthless, wears things sewn from the skin of demons and demons. He also makes whips. Hero of Hell, the lower demons and demons are afraid of him.

Shaks (Shah)

Marquis, appearing in the form of a dove. At the request of the magician, blinds and deafens people, deprives them of understanding, brings things to the caster. Steals money, returns after 1200 years.


A strong Governor who appears in the form of a raven. Builds houses, towers, reads and reports the thoughts and knowledge of enemies, their actions. Gives good friends. Has a hoarse voice.

Abigor (Elygos)

The Grand Duke, knows the events of the future, knows and reveals secrets. Appears in real life in the guise of a knight in armor. Provides love and patronage of powerful people. Outwardly attractive.

Belphegor (Velphegor)

The demon of wealth, laziness, greed, seducing mortals with material goods. It is revered by women because it has an impressive size of the penis.

Nudity was the center of the rituals of worshiping the greedy demon, excrement was used as a sacrifice.


A demon of incredible strength, strong physique, and enormous stature. Appears in the form of a man with a bull-shaped head. His ability is to uproot trees along with their roots.


One of the administrators of the Underworld. Archangel cast down from heaven. Awakened in people hatred and cruelty to the poor.


Prince with the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. Kindled passion, sexual attraction between the opposite sex. Tempted to get naked. Taking the form of a man, he was distinguished by beauty.


Standard-bearer of the infernal army, lord of the desert. Being a Cherubim, he entered into relations with earthly women, as a result, giants (half-man, half-angel) appeared who participated in the rebellion against God.

Azazel was chained to a rock in the desert as punishment until the Day of Judgment, when he would be thrown into the fire. Magicians who met with the demon disappeared without a trace. A black goat was sacrificed to him every year.


Demon of the Brotherhood, Approximate of the Great Unclean One. Married to Kali. He was trained by Asmodeus, a strong and faithful warrior, his merits are marked by the Lord. Likes alcohol and dancing.


The Duke, who is able to find hidden treasure, predicts the future, gives an understanding of the language of animals, birds and other creatures. Smoothes out conflicts, reconciles friends and authorities.


Demon of the Order of Power. Refers to the retinue of Paimon. There is an opinion that if a demon moves into a virgin, it will defile her purity.


Demon in the form of a deer. Causes love between the opposite sex. Controls thunder, lightning, storm, hurricane.


King and Count, appearing as a lion on horseback. Finds hidden things, exposes witch tricks and themselves, endowed with the gift of prophecy. Can cause a storm, at the request of the magician to build or destroy walls, houses.

Agares (Agwares)

The Duke, represented as an old man sitting on a crocodile.

Instantly teaches languages ​​and dialects, causes earthquakes, deprives ranks. Puts an army to flight, but can also bring back those who have fled. Dance organizer.

Samael - Angel or Demon

The meaning of the name of the representative of the Underworld is translated from Hebrew as "poison and God." Samael is not represented in the general list of demons, since he occupies a separate place.

He is considered the head of the infernal army, as well as the Angel of Death, which are usually beyond the concepts of good and evil. It is believed that Samael is in eternal confrontation with the archangel Michael, whom he tried to drag with him to Hell. In some interpretations, it is believed that he was the Serpent-tempter of Eve. Samael is the Angel of Death who came for Moses.


A generally accepted classification of demons has not been developed, therefore, they are divided by type, according to certain characteristics.

According to the type of activity of monsters, categories are distinguished:

  • poltergeists- commit petty pranks at night (move objects, spoil things, and so on);
  • parks- female demons that influence destinies;
  • official- minions of witches;
  • incubi and succubus- male and female seducers;
  • clean- attack the saints;
  • nightmare demons- appear in dreams and so on.

The classification by habitation defines representatives associated with fire, water, air, earth, as well as those living under it and in remote areas of hell (lucifuges and heliophobes). The demon Mulciber was considered the architect of the Underworld itself.

Division by rank:

  • First- Pseudo-gods and Prince Beelzebub;
  • Second- Spirits of lies led by Python;
  • The third- Vessel of iniquity, headed by Belial;
  • Fourth- Punishers of atrocities with Prince Asmodeus;
  • Fifth- deceivers with the leader of Satan;
  • Sixth- Air authorities headed by Merezin;
  • Seventh- Furies and their master Abaddon;
  • Eighth- Accusers and spies led by Astaroth;
  • Ninth- Tempters and spiteful critics with the Prince of Mammon.

Demonologists distinguish types of demons in relation to the heavenly bodies: the spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon.

Classification by area of ​​influence is considered the most convenient for practicing magicians:

  • love andlust- the category includes Lilith, Asmodeus, Astaroth;
  • revenge, hatred, anger, war- Abbadon, Agaliarept, Andras;
  • healing and life- Belial, Verrin, Verrier;
  • death-Babael, Vaalberit;
  • luck, wealth- Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon;
  • knowledge, witchcraft, mystery- Python, Ronve and so on.

The division of demons according to 7 perfect mortal sins is known: pride (Lucifer), stinginess (Mammon), lust (Asmodeus), anger (Satan), gluttony (Beelzebub), envy (Leviathan), laziness (Belphegor).


There is also no generally accepted hierarchy, since the underworld has always been considered a place of chaos and disorder. Demonologists put forward many variants of the demonic structure in order to systematize knowledge, to determine the difference in the powers of individual representatives.

Lucifer (emperor), Beelzebub (prince), Astaroth (great duke) are established as the supreme rulers, who are the main ones in Hell. In their submission there are 6 spirits of a higher rank, a lot of small ones.

In other sources, a fourth is added to the indicated leaders: Moloch, Leviathan or Belial.

The magical treatise "Lemegeton" notes 72 main demons, while they have the titles of kings, counts, dukes, marquises. There is no information about the subordination of one to the other in the source of information.

Small and lower representatives of the Underworld include Demons (attendants), Nols (working class), Succubus, Incubus.

Succubus and incubus

Such names are given to the lesser servants of Satan. These are varieties of tempter demons that persuaded people to have sexual intimacy in dreams. A succubus is a priestess of love who specializes in men. Appears in the form of a beautiful girl, as seen in the gothic photo.

Incubi, on the contrary, solicit female love, appearing in an attractive male guise.

The demons of gluttony, drunkenness, carnal pleasures are recognized as hunters for sinners; they prefer not to attack the righteous. They feed on the energy of the victims, devastating them.

Vampire names

Vampires are classified as undead. The source of food and energy for them is blood. They differ in strength, speed and dexterity, they do not have a reflection in the mirror. They hate sunlight and holy water, which burn their bodies.

Allocate the names of vampires in the mythology of various countries:

  • Adze is an African bloodsucker.
  • Algul is Arabic.
  • Strigoi - Romanian.
  • Brooksa is a female vampire demon.
  • Alp is a German monster.
  • Danag is a bloodsucker from the Philippines and so on.

The name of the Romanian vampire Count Vlad Tepes Dracula has been imprinted in literature and cinema for centuries.

demonic creatures

In the mythology of various countries, in addition to demons in the form of people or humanoid monsters, there are creatures of terrible appearance that carry evil.


A mythical creature of enormous size with glowing eyes. He has 3 throats, from which flames burst out. 2 people keep his mouth open. From the womb of the beast, the cries of countless damned souls are heard.


The legendary monster is a guardian who guards the entrance to the cave of sorcerers.

A distorted man with a twisted leg, mutilated hands, fingers, nose, mouth is also used by the warlock as a tool for curses and revenge. Creates a sorcerer creature from an ordinary nine-month-old child, stolen or bought from their parents.


Christian demon of carnal pleasures (gluttony), taking the form of animals.

Inclines mortals to sinfulness, the manifestation of the worst character traits. An example of a demon is the cat Behemoth from the work of M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".


Huge multi-headed sea monster. In some interpretations, it is considered a fallen angel, in others - a snake-tempter of the first people, in others - a creature created by God before all living things.

Some sources indicate that the Lord destroyed the beast in prehistoric times, but there is also an opinion that a deadly fight between Leviathan and Behemoth is expected in the future.

Glasialabolas (Glasia Labolas)

Governor of the underworld. Presented as a dog with griffin wings.

Can make a mortal invisible, teach instantly the art, cause the love of friends and enemies. The culprit of murders and bloodshed, obeys Nebiros

The topic of this article is the names of the demons of Hell, as well as their classification. Hell has a certain structure, as well as a vertical of power. This vertical is called the hierarchy of demons. It determines what place one or another of them occupies in the structure of Hell, as well as the tasks and goals that he must fulfill.

Demons of Power

The highest level belongs to the Demons of Power. They include the Lord (Lucifer), as well as Bezelvul and Astaroth. These demons of Hell share their position with their spouses, but at the same time, the leading role in the management of Hell belongs to men. The role of women is not diminished or limited. They can also make important decisions, but only under their own responsibility. Let us describe in more detail what the highest demons of Hell are.


Lucifer is the ruler of Hell. His parents are Nokaniel and Jehovah. His wife is the demon Kasikandriera. Lucifer has no children. He has the most power of all demons. All natural phenomena, beings, energies of the worlds subject to it, rest on it. Lucifer outwardly has a strong physique and great growth. His skin is red, he has dark hair and large horns on his head. Lucifer also has large dark wings. This demon only cares about his world and the creatures that live in it. He is trying to improve their lives.


Astaroth is also the Demon of Power. He is the Deputy Lord and his first assistant. All the energies and forces of Hell in the absence of Lucifer are closed on him. Astaroth is married to Astarte. Their firstborn is Perochul. Astaroth left Paradise with the Lord. This is one of Lucifer's closest friends. His character is sociable and cheerful. Astaroth is popular with women. Outwardly, he is very handsome. The skin is pale with a bluish tint, the hair is bright black, deep dark eyes always shine. Astaroth also has huge wings.


Wezelvul is the second assistant of the Overlord. His wife is Bufovirt, his son is Miloris. This fallen angel or demon is a master of his craft, taking everything seriously. He is a true patriot of Hell, who helped the Lord in the creation of the world and its development. Beelzebub's individual appearance: short dark hair with long bangs, a serious expression on his face, gray-blue skin, pale. He has large dark wings that shimmer in red and large gray horns. His personal sign is a fly, since insects obeyed Weselvul in childhood.

Approximate Rulers

In the hierarchy, the next step is occupied by the demons of Hell, which are Approximate Rulers. They have the right to act on his behalf in solving various state issues.


Belphegor is the Demon of the Brotherhood, one of the Approximate Lord, and also one of the best friends of Lucifer. He leads a group of demons, can act on behalf of the ruler in solving various issues. Belphegor is married to Depinpick. He is one of the strongest fighters of Hell, who knows no mercy and pity in battle. He is also merciless to those who break the law. It is believed that there are two main merry fellows in hell - Belphegor and Asmodeus. This demon is beautiful in appearance. His skin is bright blue, his hair is dark blue, his eyes, horns and wings are also blue.


Asmodeus is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of demons. He is an approximate ruler, also has the right to act on behalf of Lucifer. He has no wife and children. Asmodeus became the head of the group of Demons at the age of 7, and at 12 he became Approximate, which is considered a unique phenomenon. The character of Asmodeus is contradictory. At the same time, he is called both the charm and the psycho of Hell. This demon has pale skin with a blue tint, shoulder-length dark long hair, gray eyes, a strong build, large dark gray wings and large horns.

Lucifer's Attendants also include other demons of Hell, who are not only his friends, but at the same time the main assistants in solving the issues of Hell's life and in current affairs. But they cannot act on his behalf. Let's briefly describe them.


Abbaddon is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of Demons. He is an Approximate of the Lord. He has no wife and children. This is a strong and fierce fighter. Knows no mercy in battle. Abbaddon is the conqueror of women's hearts. He is handsome, his skin is a light peach color, he has blond hair, a strong build, blue eyes, straight white horns, light blue wings.


Adonai works in the group of Asmodeus, is an Approximate of the Lord. He is married to Lamia and has many children. He has a complex history of existence in Hell, as well as an uneasy relationship with the Overlord. For breaking the law, his wife is currently serving a severe sentence, performing hard work. Adonai does not maintain any contact with her. Outwardly, this demon is quite attractive. He has red eyes, dark brown skin, blond hair with long bangs, dark colored horns, and large brown wings.


Belial - Approximate Ruler, Chief Priest. This is one of the most powerful Demons in Hell. He has no wife and children. He oversees the work of the priestly directions, devoting himself entirely to the work. Belial has almost no free time. He is quite demanding and cruel, does not give anyone concessions. This demon does not tolerate refusals and excuses in his work. For such things, he personally severely punishes up to the exile of the soul of the offender in the mortal world. Belial, like other priests, makes various items into which he invests a certain energy. Outwardly, he is beautiful. Skin color - blue, eyes purple, hair brown. Belial has big black wings and bull horns.


Kadumar - Approximate Lord, Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no children and no wife. This is a strong fighter. He has fiery skin, red hair, solid dark red eyes, large horns, and black and red patterned wings. The physique is strong.


Lokisor is the Demon of Power. Not married, no children. For some time, Lokisor stayed on Earth, where he performed the tasks assigned to him. He wears clothes only made from the skin of demons or demons. He makes it himself and sometimes sews it. Lokisor also makes whips. He has blonde hair, blue skin, blue solid eyes, black bull horns, and black wings.


Olotan was a former Gatherer Demon, now a Demon of the Brotherhood. He is not married and has no children either. This is a fairly strong fallen angel, or demon. He came to Asmodeus's group at his invitation, having previously led a group of Demon Gatherers. Olotan was trained by Asmodeus and then set to work. Demanding in the performance of official duties. He has peach-colored skin and constantly changes his hairstyle. Olotan has large horns that go a little to the side and then straight. He, like all demons, has large wings.


Palatem is another Demon of the Brotherhood from the Asmodean group. Married to Kali. Palatem led a group of Power Demon for some time, he took this place at a young age. Then Asmodeus noticed him and invited him under his leadership to the Demons of the Brotherhood, taught him personally. He has brown skin, long blond hair with bangs over his eyes and a slight yellow tint, solid brown eyes, large horns, and dark wings.


Pichthion is also the Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no parents, wife and children. Only Voloyan, his sister, is among his close relatives. He works in her group. This is a rather cruel demon, does not tolerate rudeness and insolence, a strong fighter. Has red hair, emerald eyes, light skin, fiery wings and red horns.

Brotherhood Demons and Priests

Priests and Demons of the Brotherhood occupy the next step in the hierarchy. A group of priests has certain privileges, but they, at the same time, have more stringent standards of behavior than other Demons, as well as a huge responsibility for their actions.

In their internal structure, the Demons of the Brotherhood have several different directions, the main of which are the following: Rikot, Motolu and Panora.

Panora is a type of demons responsible for maintaining order and law. They participate in on-site inspections and also eliminate violations.

The direction of Motolu includes demons, which are elite scouts and fighters.

Rikot are the demons that are the heads of the groups.

In addition to maintaining order and law, all the Demons of the Brotherhood participate in battles. The head of all of them is Satan. All demons belonging to this group obey him, except for the priests.


Satan is the Head of the Species, the Demon of the Brotherhood. The names of the demons of Hell, which are known as his children: Adonai, Astarte, Kaido, Grongad and others. This is a strong fighter who independently achieved his status through hard work. Satan's appearance is asphalt-colored skin, no hair on his head, small gray eyes, a weak body (one shoulder is slightly higher than the other), large curved and crooked horns, asphalt-colored wings.

More about priests

Priests are very powerful demons who are able to subjugate and control energies. They distribute the limits of these energies to the Demons of Power, and also monitor the state of egregors and the movement of energies, and can restore their proper circulation. Belial is at the head of them. There are certain directions in the priesthood: Priests of Chaos, Priests of Animals, Priests of Nature, Priests of Fire, Priests of Mystery.

Other Inhabitants of Hell

The classification of demons is not limited to this. There are other inhabitants of Hell. In addition to the above, Strong, Medium and Small demons stand out in its structure. Small ones are succubi and incubi, as well as Dream Demons. Succubi and incubi work in the same direction. They are responsible for maintaining communication with different worlds and differ in gender: for incubi it is male, and for succubi it is female. Demons and nols are at the lowest level of the hierarchy (these are no longer demons).


In Hell, demons are slaves or servants. They do not have a great mind, their activity is not directed in a creative direction. However, they have power, albeit a small one. Imps are capable, like demons, of telekinesis and teleportation, as well as telepathy. They resemble humans in appearance and do not have horns and wings, with rare exceptions. They are terribly untidy and slovenly, and also timid, are peddlers of rumors and gossip, hate and fear demons.


The nols are the working class. However, they are engaged in creation, unlike demons. They do not possess strength, but they are endowed with intelligence. A neat appearance is also their difference from demons. The Nols are the mortal inhabitants of Hell. Like demons, they create families in which not only nols, but also demons can be born. However, if a nol is born into a demon's family, he is thrown away, as it is considered shameful for a demon to raise such a child. Special institutions exist for the nols, where they are taught free of charge in various crafts.

The hierarchy of the demons of Hell was briefly described by us. Of course, we limited ourselves to describing only the main ones. As you know, the main demons of Hell, as well as its smaller inhabitants, have wives. The characteristics of some of them are also very curious. The description of the demons of Hell, as you understand, is devoid of scientific accuracy. It is impossible to prove their existence. However, the strongest demons of Hell in many sources are described in much the same way. This leads to certain thoughts. Perhaps the above classification of demons is not just someone's invention.

DEMON is a word derived from the ancient Greek "daimon". So who are these, after all, demons?

The mythological consciousness of pagan beliefs says that the demon is the “soul” of the object, an unknowable force that can be evil or very evil, the demon is present in all phenomena or things, fire and water spirits, spirits of trees and spirits of stones, representing the Universe as space, everything is filled with demons. (Thales).

Religious consciousness, especially Christian mysticism, believes that a demon is a creature opposite to an angel, and demons often came from former bright angels or even gods. Most often, the Demon is something evil and absolutely indifferent to a person, but if you turn to him, then the person who knows, the demon will readily serve and fulfill the slightest desires only in order to provide himself with energy.

Devils, without a doubt, are also very strong entities, but since they do not have a physical shell, which deprives them of a huge amount of earthly pleasures, they are extremely willing to make various agreements and can completely obey the will of the magician and even do good. The passion for cabalism, on the one hand, and the development of demonology, on the other, had consequences in the form of the development of a hierarchy and a certain specialization of demons (for example, incubi, demons, succubi and imps); if we talk about Byzantine theologians, then they divided the demons into 4 categories:

- god-like demon (theodaimones);

- humanoid demon (anthropodaimones);

- bestial demon (zoodaimones);

- plant-like demon (phytodaimones).

If God is understood as the creative force of nature, more precisely, progress, and, regardless of what is at stake - about society, about inanimate or living nature, then the forces of destruction are what is meant by the devil. The Devil has had a huge number of names over the past few thousand years. This is the Prince of Darkness, and Lucifer, and Beelzebub, and the Beast, and the Antichrist, and the evil one, and the Prince of demons, and the tempting serpent, and the Angel of the Abyss, and Satan, as well as many other names. The Devil Names section provides the most common names and a brief description of the names of evil spirits.

Now we know that in the occult and philosophical understanding, demons are spiritual entities, embodied in an abstract form, they are incorporeal beings, and nevertheless, capable of certain actions. The basic principle of communication with a demon is the knowledge of its name and the main purpose of this demon. If you know the name of the desired demon and have certain skills, then you can very well call him and tell him about your wishes.

Demonic Names and Purposes

    Abduscius is a demon that uproots trees.
    Abbadon is the ruler of the abyss.
    Adramalech is a demon who was considered an adviser and was responsible for the Satanic wardrobe.
    Abigor is a skilled warrior, demon rider.
    Azazel is the bearer of the banners of the mighty army of hell.
    Agvares is the organizer of the dances, the great infernal duke.
    Alruny is the name of a sorceress who can change her appearance; in German mythology, this is a female Demon.
    Alastor is the herald.
    Amon is a marquis.
    Amduscias is a musician.
    Ancu - a ghost with a wagon foreshadowing death (Brittany).
    Andras is a great marquis.
    Astaroth - the great duke of the underworld, kept hellish treasures.
    Asmodeus is a demon of lust, family difficulties and great passions.
    Astarte - the goddess of motherhood, war and fertility - from the ancient.
    Astarte is a great infernal duke.
    Acheron is a monstrous infernal demon, his eyes glow.
    Barbatos is a predictor of the future, he also knew how to find hidden treasures.
    Balthazar is a tailed half-demon, half-man.
    Belphegor is the one who seduced people with wealth.
    Baphomet - was a symbol of the satanic goat; most often depicted as a half-man-half-goat or in the guise of a man with a goat's head.
    Vaalberith is the chief infernal secretary.
    Baal is a demon of deceit and treachery, a great infernal duke.
    A vampire is a living dead that drinks the blood of people.
    Valafar is the patron saint of robbers and robbers.
    Warlocks are male witches.
    Beelzebub - lord of flies, commanded the legions of hell.
    Belizar is a demon of lies and one of Satan's strongest allies.
    Verdelet is the master of ceremonies of hell.
    Golem - this is the name of a terrible person who is created by magic in Jewish folklore.
    Dantalian is the one who pushes people to bad deeds, thereby feeding on their energy.
    Dagon is the baker of hell.
    Devil - Christian teachings say that this is the Great Prince of Evil.
    Dis - Dante gave Satan such a poetic name.
    Dubbuk - according to Jewish mythology - a wandering spirit.
    Zepar is a demon that drives women crazy.
    Ishtar - from Babylonian and Assyrian mythology - the great mother goddess.
    Incubus is a male lover demon.
    Cernunnos - god of fertility and hunting, horned Celtic god.
    Kali is the Indian goddess of destruction, death, horror, fear, the wife of the destroyer SHIVA.
    Xaphan - makes fires in hell.
    Leviathan is the lord of the oceans, a huge snake.
    Lamia is a female demon, a vampire who hunted, most often, for children.
    Lillian - children of Lilith from demons.
    Leonard is the master of the covens.
    Lilith is the first wife of Adam, the queen of succubus.
    Lucifer is the son of the dawn, a fallen angel. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, aka Satan.
    Malebolge is the eighth, almost the last circle of hell, created for scammers and cunning people.
    Put Satanakia is the Supreme Commander of the Satanic Army.
    Marbas is the one who sent or cured the disease.
    Mammon - experienced a passion for wealth.
    Mephistopheles served Faust for 24 years.
    Melhom - kept the treasures of the princes of hell.
    Mulciber is the architect of hell.
    Moloch is the deity to whom children's souls were sacrificed.
    Nibras - responsible for excessive entertainment.
    Nebiros is the field marshal of the infernal army.
    Olivier is a fallen archangel who awakens cruelty towards the poor in a person.

Some examples of Vampire names

CIVATATEO: A vampire witch, found among the Aztecs. He is said to have served various lunar deities. The most beloved victims there were children, they died of illness immediately after they were attacked. It is believed that these vampires were white-faced.

DEARG-DUE: A hideous creature from Ireland whose name meant "Red Blood Sucker". This vampire is still feared and still dates back to Celtic times. There is only one way to curb a predator - you need to put stones on any grave that is suspected of housing such an animal. The best-known story about these vampires is that of a beautiful woman who may have been buried at Waterford, near the "Bowing Tree" (probably Aspen, a variety of Willow) in the little yard of the church.

DANAG: A Filipino vampire, as a species, he appeared to be responsible for what was created by Taro in the islands many years ago. This vampire worked with humans for many years, when one day such partnership ended because a woman cut her finger, and DANAG sucked her blood for so long that he completely withered the body.

Other mystical Names

    Loa - "soul" according to Voodoo religion.
    Isis - the mother goddess of ancient Egypt, was a symbol of a faithful wife and a prolific mother-protector.
    Cocytus is a frozen river from the ninth circle of hell.
    Druids are a caste of high-ranking Celtic priests.
    A zombie is a living corpse that does the sorcerer's orders.
    Demeter is a Greek goddess, her image is an integral part of the cult of the female deity of modern witchcraft, she is the goddess of agriculture and fertility.
    Jinn - from Arabic mythology - most often they are evil and ugly demons, they have supernatural power, as well as obey those who own the secrets of magic.

    Danu is the progenitor of fairies from Celtic mythology.
    The homunculus is an artificial human being created through alchemy.
    Gris-gris - from shamanism - talismans or spells kept to ward off evil and good luck.
    Gaia is the spirit, Mother Earth in Greek mythology.
    Goblins are ugly and malevolent elves.
    Osiris is the Greek god of the dead.
    Bellarmina is a witch's bottle that is used to make a potion.
    A witch is a woman who uses black magic to achieve her goals.
    Ankh - a cross with a loop, the Egyptian symbol of immortality, the universe and life.
    Athame is a ritual dagger used by witches.
    Allotrilophagy is the spitting up or vomiting of foreign objects most often associated with the possession of the Devil.
    The altar is an elevated place for religious ceremonies and offerings of sacrifices to the gods.
    Pandemonium - in hell - the capital of Satan.
    Lemegeton is a pocket witch book, the Lesser Key of Solomon.
    Summer - in hell - a river of oblivion.
    Kabbalah is a Jewish system of philosophy, theosophy, magic, science, and mysticism that developed during the Middle Ages.
    Kerriduen - among the Celts - this is the goddess of reason, wisdom, magic, magic and divination.
    I-Ching is an ancient Chinese system of witchcraft and divination.
    Gnomes are spirits that live in the earth.
    Angels are the helpers of God (white angels), and the fallen angels are the embodiment of the evil of the servant of Satan himself.
    Hecate - from Greek mythology - is a powerful goddess who patronizes magic and sorcery.
    Ghoul is a terrible creature that rips up graves and eats carrion.
    Voodoo is a religion originally from the West Indies, a hybrid of the Catholic faith and African religions.

· Primary elements - earth, water, air and fire - four primary elements.

Who are the demons and spirits that are representatives of the dark force. They bring a lot of harm and trouble to a person. There is an opinion that spirits and demons are the same inhabitants of the earth as we are. Only spirits and demons have more power and capabilities than you and me. According to other ideas, spirits and demons are creatures that make every attempt to penetrate the world of the living. The person actively helps them in this. Just remember how many times we talk about various rituals, which, just, are associated with the summoning of spirits.

summon spirits and demons You can, but you need to do it carefully and carefully prepare for the process. No wonder there are black and white magicians. These are people who have been studying such a science as demonology for years. All the information and observations that have been collected by man over the course of a century have led to the fact that today black magicians know how to properly communicate with them. They have learned to negotiate with them and derive their own benefit from this communication. It is hard to imagine how the main enemies can help a person. But after all, it is we, people, who have determined for ourselves that demons and spirits are our opponents. If that were the case, we wouldn't be performing numerous rituals to summon them. It should be understood that the ritual can really be dangerous.

Spirits and Demons in any communication with a person seek their own benefit

They get this benefit only from those who do not know how to communicate with them. That is why, I would not advise you to take up the rituals of summoning spirits and demons yourself. You can always find a way out of the current situation. If there was a need to perform a ritual to call a spirit or demon, then it would be advisable to do this with the help of a specialist. In this case, you personally do not run the risk of experiencing negativity and influence of demons and spirits. They only deal with the person who directs the ritual.

There are many definitions for the term demon.

There is no exact definition of this concept. The number of demons is huge, but they are all somewhat different from each other. There is no exact classification of demon types. But I will try to give you the most famous classifications of demon types.

First of all, demons are divided according to their habitats. In the history of mankind, many places are known that we call cursed, or vice versa successful. I will list many kinds of demons. But this should not make you afraid of all places on earth. Only a small part of the demons lives on our earth. So, according to their habitats, demons are divided into: fiery, airy, earthly, watery, underground. Their name describes the habitat in which they are constantly found.

This classification of types of demons is the simplest and most understandable.

Another classification divides the demon according to the ore of their occupation. This classification was put forward in the 15th century. Demonologists admit that it is not perfect. It does not cover all possibilities, and not all known demons fit into one category or another. According to the classification of the 15th century, demons are divided into types:

  • poltergeists (play pranks at night, move objects, scare people, etc.),
  • marchers (usually act together, in crowds and at the same time make a lot of noise),
  • demons of nightmares (come in a dream),
  • demons of deceivers (appear in the form of a man or a woman),
  • parks 9 women spinning the threads of fate are actually demons).

Based on the generally accepted opinion that demons are fallen angels, some demonologists have proposed to distinguish demons by rank.

That is, the types of demons differ from each other only in rank

Such a classification of types of demons looks like this:

  • first rank (pseudo-gods),
  • second rank (spirits of lies that deceive people with predictions),
  • third rank (authors of evil, illegal deeds for a person),
  • the fourth rank (awakens in a person the desire to take revenge),
  • fifth rank (deceivers who force a person to do crazy things in the hope of getting what they want),
  • sixth rank (air demons that induce natural disasters and various diseases),
  • seventh rank (sowers of discord, wars and troubles),
  • the eighth rank (accusers who force a person to blame everyone around except himself for all his troubles),
  • ninth rank (tempters).

There is also a planetary classification of types of demons, according to which demons are divided into inhabitants of one or another plane. Depending on which plane they belong to, they have different images and different influences on a person, and on the earth as a whole. I have provided only the most common classification of types of demons. One way or another, demons have a tremendous influence on us, we are not always able to control and lead them. But black magicians have long understood that it is dangerous to fight demons, so they found the most rational way out, this is to find a common language with them and benefit humanity from this communication. It cannot be said that such communication is safe for a person, but centuries-old practice has taught magicians to find a way out in any, even unpredictable situations.

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