Home Potato Brochure for children rules of conduct in the forest. Booklet for parents Rules of behavior in nature. consultation (senior group) on the topic. So that communication with nature leaves only good memories, consider the basic rules

Brochure for children rules of conduct in the forest. Booklet for parents Rules of behavior in nature. consultation (senior group) on the topic. So that communication with nature leaves only good memories, consider the basic rules

EXAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week -13.02-17.02.2017)

Group: II junior group No. 2 Theme: "Dishes"

Target: Introduce children to household items: dishes. To expand ideas about the objects of the surrounding children, about the way they are assigned and used. To form a generalizing concept of "Utensils"

Final event: exhibition of crafts on the topic "Dishes" - "The second life of disposable tableware" Date of the final event: February 17, 2017

Responsible for the final event: educators, parents and children.

Day of the week

Main part


Dow component





Conversation with children on the topic: "What do we know about dishes?". Purpose: to reveal children's knowledge about dishes.

Game "What's missing" Purpose: to teach the correct name of a part of the dish.

To consolidate the ability to roll up sleeves before washing, wash hands after using the toilet.

Exhibition of dishes made from different materials (porcelain, clay, glass, crystal).

Singing songs, memorizing poems about the army.

Monday 13.02.17

GCD: 1. Cognition. (FTsKM) "Dishes"

Ilyushin №9 p.41

arouse interest in objects of the immediate environment; encourage to name the color, size, shape of objects, the material from which they are made; contribute to the appearance in the dictionary of generalized concepts (dishes); learn to form adjectives, nouns in the form of nominative, genitive plural; cultivate respect for dishes.

2.Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Sky observation. Labor: clear the hill of snow and feed the birds. Under. game "Owl"

Exercise "From bump to bump". Purpose: to develop the ability to jump on two legs with forward movement. Engage Danil A, Danil K, Kirill S.

Canteen duty. Purpose: to consolidate the names of dishes and duty skills.


children's activities on

site, games with remote material - the development of skills for joint gaming activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Head massage. hardening procedures. Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

The game "The Fourth Extra".

CHL: K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Modeling from plasticine "Plate". Goal: continue to teach children to work with plasticine.


Note the state of the weather. Compare weather with morning. What changed? Why? - develop the child's mental activity, the ability to compare, contrast.

"Hit the target" - consolidate the ability to throw objects at the target.

Remind the culture of behavior while eating, how to use cutlery.

Games with portable material.


S.r. game "Katya's birthday". Purpose: to fix the names of dishes, the sequence of table setting in the game.

Exercise "Catch the ball". Purpose: to continue to teach children to catch the ball with both hands at the same time. Attract Dima, Dasha, Roma, Yaroslav.

Game situation "There is only one toy, but everyone wants to play with it." Purpose: to form the ability to share, not to yell at peers.

Independent activity in activity centers. To consolidate the ability to choose a game at will and bring it to the end.

Working with parents:

Invite parents to take part in the exhibition of crafts "Second Life of Disposable Tableware"

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National cultural component

Dow component




Educational activities in regime moments


The story of the educator "What is the dishes." Purpose: to talk about the classification of dishes: tea, dining, kitchen.

Di. "Find a couple." Purpose: to continue learning to find a familiar picture.

Strengthen the ability of children to greet adults and children in the morning.

Examination of wooden painted dishes. Purpose: to introduce children to the world of art.

Tuesday 14.02.17

GCD: 1. Cognition. (FEMP). Kolesnikov №11 p.34

continue to introduce the number 4; to teach to name numerals in order, pointing to objects, to express the results of counting in speech; refer the last numeral to the entire recalculated group; to see the shape of objects, to correlate it with the name of the geometer. figures; guess a riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.

to consolidate walking one at a time, with the performance of tasks, exercise in running, jumping, developing physical qualities.


Observation of seasonal changes: to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night). Labor: clearing benches from snow. Under. game "Traps"

Individual work: exercises for the development of balance. The goal is to consolidate the ability to run up and down the hill.

Conversation "What can be dangerous in the kitchen?" Purpose: formation of the foundations of security.

Independent activity on a walk.

Games with portable material.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds.

Drawing up descriptive stories about dishes based on a diagram. Purpose: to develop monologue speech.

CHL: memorizing the finger game "Dishes"

Independent play activities: with large building materials, playing with your favorite toys.

GCD: 1.Music. development

Specialist plan.


Observation: footprints in the snow. Purpose: to learn to identify traces: children's, adults, animal tracks. Under. game "Cat and Mice" - to develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Work on the development of ATS: exercise in walking in a semi-squat. Involve Yaroslav, Kirill S, Amelia.

Teach children to dress correctly and quickly for a walk, to carefully put things in their locker before and after a walk.

Independent-playing activity of children with portable material.

Remote material: blades, ice cubes for skiing, molds.


S.r. game "Shop of utensils". Purpose: to form the ability to act in accordance with the role taken.

Did. game "What will we put where?"

Assignment "Collect the toys." Purpose: to form the ability of children to independently clean up after themselves toys after the game.

Drawing on stencils, coloring on the theme "Dishes". Purpose: to develop graphic skills in children.

Working with parents:

Invite parents to show the children the dishes at home, describe them, tell why they are needed, what properties they have.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National cultural component

Dow component




Educational activities in regime moments


Conversation with children on the topic: "What are the dishes made of?". Purpose: to acquaint with the signs of the material from which the dishes are made.

Cut pictures on the topic "Dishes". Purpose: to develop the ability to select a part of an object from a whole, to analyze an image.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: to consolidate the ability to properly wash hands, wipe them dry with your towel.

Examination of illustrations "Dishes". Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about dishes

Wednesday 15.02.17

GCD:1. The development of speech. "Sound M" "Gramoteika" No. 12

teach children to distinguish by ear and pronounce sounds correctly.

2. Music.

Specialist plan.


Wind observation. Mobile game "Owl". Independent gaming activity: riding down the hill.

FCG: continue to acquaint with the rules of conduct at the table, teach them to apply them in practice. Learn how to use a napkin, how to hold a spoon correctly.

Remote material: scoops, shovels, rakes, snow molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Massage of the chest area.

"Great bag." Purpose: to form the ability of children to identify objects by touch. Strengthen children's knowledge about dishes.

CHL Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane" Purpose: to encourage children to highlight the positive and negative characters of the tale.

Provide children with coloring pages. To exercise children in the ability to draw decorative patterns on dishes - a cup, a teapot, a dish - to develop an aesthetic taste.

DOD "Rechetsvetik"


Pal.gimka: "Bee".

1. Teach children to make a picture out of geometric shapes.

2. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

3. Develop the motor skills of the fingers.


Vegetation monitoring in the area. Objectives: to form knowledge about plant life in winter; develop respect for nature. Under. game "Shaggy dog" - to develop the ability of children to move in accordance with the text.

"Get in the circle" - to develop in children the ability to throw at a target; dexterity; eye gauge.

Situational conversation "We sit correctly." Strengthen the ability of children to monitor posture during dinner.

Bring in: portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets, ice cubes.


C / r game "Visiting Masha's doll" Purpose: to clarify the names and purpose of items of utensils, furniture, products; encourage hard work and creativity.

Didactic exercise "Cunning spoon"

Dancing to children's songs.

Purpose: To form the ability of children to perform dance movements. Develop general motor skills.

Games with sports equipment. Develop motor activity of children.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National cultural component

Dow component




Educational activities in regime moments


The conversation “Learning to welcome guests” is to expand the knowledge of children about household items, to instill an aesthetic taste.

To improve the ability of children to independently eliminate the disorder in their clothes.

D / and “Everything has its place Purpose: to identify the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet.

Work in the game center: games for the formation of fine motor skills. Introduction of the printed board game "Lotto".

Thursday 02/16/17

NOD:1. Application "Pattern on a round plate" Komarov No. 54 p.64

to teach children to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating the figure in size; make a pattern in a certain sequence: at the top, bottom, right, left - large circles, and between them - small ones. To consolidate the ability to glue the entire form with glue. Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate independence.

2. Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Sun watching. Goals: continue to introduce natural phenomena (sunny weather or not). Labor: feed the birds. Sub-game "Catch up". Rolling down the hill.

Exercise "On a thin path" - to consolidate the ability to maintain balance.

Conversation "Behavior at the table." Purpose: to acquaint with the norms of behavior at the table, to learn to eat neatly, to use a napkin.

Bring in: portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets, ice cubes. Labor assignments: cleaning the paths from snow and ice.

GCD: 1. Physical entertainment.

According to the specialist's plan

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

hardening procedures. Walking on a rough surface.

The game "What is the object made of?" Purpose: to learn the basic names of dishes, what they are made of.

CHL: "Helpers" N. Nishcheva. Purpose: to please children.

To interest children in independent constructive activities. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


Watching winter birds. Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; to form an idea of ​​obtaining food by wintering birds. Under. game "Two circles".

Exercise "Through the swamp". Purpose: to form the technique of jumping, to learn to land on half-bent legs.

Learn to follow the rules of behavior in the locker room:

Do not litter,

Help comrades

Don't interfere with others.

Independent activity on a walk.


The game "We are going to visit" (play with dolls). Purpose: to teach good manners, how to behave at a party.

Reading riddles about dishes. Purpose: to develop thinking, the ability to guess riddles.

"Let's be polite." Purpose: to teach children to use polite words and expressions, to discuss in what situations they should be used, what is their meaning.

Constructive-model activity according to the plan. Purpose: to promote the development of imagination.

Working with parents:

Advice for parents "Educating love for nature"

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National cultural component

Dow component




Educational activities in regime moments


Conversation "How to care for dishes"

Job assignment "We wipe the shelves."

Purpose: to develop the ability to independently wipe the dust from the shelves.

Repetition of elementary rules of behavior in children. garden: to play with children without disturbing or hurting them.

Organize an exhibition of crafts on the topic "Dishes" - "The second life of disposable tableware".

Friday 17.02.17

NOD: 1.Music

According to the specialist's plan

2. Drawing. "Draw a round plate" Komarov No. 27 p. 45

exercise children in drawing round objects. To consolidate the ability to use paints, to hold the brush correctly. Develop independence and creativity.


Birdwatching. Purpose: to acquaint with the titmouse, its habits, habitat, appearance features. Under. Game "Cucumber, Cucumber"

Exercise "Jump" - to consolidate the ability to jump high from a place. Attract Dasha, Danila A, Dima.

Learn to walk, trying not to get dirty, take care of your clothes, put your shoes to dry after a walk.

Independent play activity on a walk. Strengthen the ability to play together.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

hardening procedures. Walking on a rough surface.

Didactic game "What is missing?" Develop memory, attention, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

CHL: G.R. Lagzdyn "Grandfather's mug".

Offer the children plasticine "Decorate the saucer." Purpose: to form the ability of children to decorate a saucer with plasticine. Cultivate accuracy in work.


Taxi surveillance. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the role of a fixed-route taxi, its purpose for people. Under. game of children's choice.

Exercises for working out ATS:

snake walking between objects with everyone.

"Let's clean up the closet." Learn to undress in sequence, fold things and put them neatly in the closet.

Independent play activity.


S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce the life of the family in the game. To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Design "Waiting for guests"

HBT. Individual assignments. Purpose: to teach children to keep cleanliness in the room and on the site, to carry out tasks to maintain order, to emphasize the danger of disorder.

Encourage children to participate

in joint games, create game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude

to those around you.

Working with parents:

Folder-slider "Winter"

Group: medium

Theme of the project: "Household appliances".

The purpose of the project: to give knowledge about household appliances and their purpose, about the rules for handling household appliances; learn to talk about household appliances, compare them; exercise in spatial orientation, in the name of ordinal numbers; develop musical ear, speed and dexterity of movements; deepen interest in literature.

The name of the final event: "Human Helpers"

F.I. O. educator responsible for the final event: _Nikonorova N.A.

Regime moments

Days of the week

Forms of work



The perception of thin litas and folklore


Didactic game


Listening to the song "What progress has come to"

About household appliances - remember the names and their purpose.

"Guess by description" to consolidate the classification of household appliances; develop attention, the ability to justify your choice.

Wash the flowers - reinforce the ability of children to gently wipe the leaves without damaging them

record player


Rags, water



Social and communicative development

Physical development

"World of objects: household appliances"

"Planning of complex classes of GEF DO" p.49

Tasks: to form ideas about household appliances widely used at home and in kindergarten (vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, washing machine, etc.); about the importance of their use to accelerate the receipt of the result, improve its quality, facilitate human labor; educate careful handling of household appliances.

M: verbal, musical, playful, practical. P: talking, listening to a song, drawing, playing.

"Athletes" (№17)

Tasks: To acquaint children with building and walking in pairs, maintain a stable balance when walking on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, exercise in jumping, moving forward.

M: visual, verbal, practical. P: conversation, teacher's show, exercises, game.

presentation of a picture with household appliances

handkerchiefs, bench, hoops 3 pcs., bars 5-6 pcs.



word game

Find the place of sound in the word ”- the development of phonemic hearing in a child.

subject pictures


The exercise


mobile game


On the run as a snake. Run around objects placed in a row.

For the weather. Introduce children to the most typical features of winter.

"Hit the target" - develop accuracy, eye.

Site work, snow removal.



snow shovels


Didactic game

mobile game

Story game

"Fourth extra" - learn to highlight an extra item from a row, explain your choice.

“Hush, louder in a tambourine beat” - develop auditory attention, the ability to perform actions on a signal.

"Be careful" - learn to act on a signal, exercise in walking in different directions

"Help mom" - to form the skills of doing chores around the house. (Ironing, putting things in the wash, vacuuming, etc.)

subject pictures


vacuum cleaner, washing machine, iron.

Working with parents

Help the child make a voluminous toy on the topic "Household appliances" and bring it to the exhibition by Friday.



Days of the week

Forms of work




The exercise

Excursion to the laundry


"Why do we need household appliances" - to clarify children's knowledge about the purpose of household appliances

“Describe a household appliance” - develop coherent monologue speech, enrich vocabulary.

Recall the content of the laundress's labor structure, the nature of the washing labor process (goal, result, household appliances, material)

Wipe the dust from the shelves with the children

subject pictures

Water, rag



Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

According to the music director



Didactic game

Draw" - to develop fine motor skills of the hand, attention.



Did. a game



mobile game

"Which? Which? Which?" - to learn to select definitions corresponding to a given subject, phenomenon;

Behind the beauty of the winter landscape.

Develop an aesthetic perception of natural phenomena.

Cleaning the territory and paths from snow

"Freeze" - develop the ability to stop on a signal; keep the body immobile;



cognitive development (formation of cognitive actions, primary predictions about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world)

game exercise"Building Paths"

Tasks:exercise in counting sounds within 5; continue to learn how to compare three objects in length, arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence, indicate the results of the comparison with the words: long, shorter, shortest, short, longer, longest; exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

M: verbal, visual, game. P: conversation, show, game.

I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina “Zan. by for. elem. math. prev.» pp. 35-36)

Three-strip cards, a metallophone, a bag, a set of geometric shapes of different colors and sizes

Working with parents

Go with the child to the store "Home Appliances". Speak the names of household appliances and their purpose.



Days of the week

Forms of work




Didactic game


To the kitchen. Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of household appliances for the kitchen

“Flying words” - the teacher throws the ball to the children in turn and begins to say a word, the name of household appliances ..

H - r: "tele-". The children must continue. If they fail, they are out of the game.

“What I have at home” - name an item of household appliances and tell what functions it performs.

Feed the turtle and fish.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for the pets of the group.




1. Speech development

(Reading fiction)

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (application)

3. Physical development (in the air)

"The Story of Household Appliances"

Tasks: to teach children to emotionally perceive the text; develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

M: verbal, visual; P: reading a story, talking about questions, looking at a picture.


(O.V. Pavlova "Ideative work, artistic work" p. 93)

Objectives: to teach how to glue parts and glue them, round the corners of a rectangle; distinguish details by size, place in a certain place; instill an interest in visual arts.

M: verbal, visual, practical, productive. P: conversation, demonstration, practical work, reading a poem, exhibition of works.

"Sports game library" (game exercises familiar to children)

Purpose: to improve coordination of movements, balance, the ability to monitor the position of your body in a variety of exercises.

Story text

Picture of an electric kettle

TV or its drawing, scissors, paper, glue, brushes, napkins, application sample

Individual work

math game

Teaching children to count the amount and its relationship with numbers.

subject pictures


The exercise



mobile game

Walking on a limited surface, maintaining balance, jumping down on both feet.

Behind the trees and bushes under the snow. To consolidate knowledge about trees, their various parts; learn to distinguish between types of trees; continue to learn to describe plants, noting their differences and similarities among themselves, characteristic features

Clearing the paths from snow and sprinkling them with sand

"Hunters and hares" - develop coordination of movements

snow shovels

Stretcher, sand



the exercise

M. under-tee game

Didactic exercise


"Name the shape of an object from the picture" - to consolidate knowledge of household appliances in determining the shape of an object.

"Finish my sentence" - consolidate knowledge of household appliances

"What is where" - remember the concepts of "close - far", exercise in spatial orientation,

Pictures of household appliances - to develop fine motor skills of hands.

Pictures of household appliances, geometric shapes.

Story pictures

coloring pages

Working with parents

Show how household appliances work at home.



Days of the week

Forms of work



Conversation on questions

A game

Musical exercise


What household appliances do not have wires? What technology has a screen? What household appliances have a motor? What technique is used to clean carpets? Hair drying? etc

"What is missing?" - develop attention

Perform exercises to warm up all muscle groups

Wet cleaning in the corner of toys - to consolidate the ability to wash toys on their own.

Pictures of household appliances


Water, rags, aprons


cognitive development (development of sensory culture and cognitive research activities in nature)

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

"We draw ourselves"


1. Consolidate children's knowledge of household appliances.

2. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

3. Reveal the properties of semolina.

M: verbal, practical, game, visual, artistic and aesthetic;

P: conversation, surprise moment, riddles, drawing, listening to music.

According to the plan of music leader

Semolina, boxes. audio recording


Sensory development game

“Repeat after me from memory” - to consolidate the child’s ability to repeat the pattern of geometric shapes proposed by an adult from memory.

Sets of geometric shapes, a sheet of paper for covering the pattern.


Didactic game


mobile game


"Come up with a sentence" with the word winter

Purpose: to learn to make sentences with a given word

For the behavior of birds at the feeder - continue to acquaint with the variety of wintering birds; learn to notice the characteristic features of the structure of birds

"Jump over the snowball"

Purpose: to learn to jump over an obstacle.

Replenishing bird feeders.



Didactic game


mobile game

“Say the word” Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children; learn clearly, pronounce polysyllabic words.

Strengthen the ability to independently clean up your closets and try to maintain it

"Fox in the chicken coop" - develop dexterity, speed, coordination

Working with parents

Preparing for the exhibition

Regime moments

Forms of work



situational conversation

looking at pictures

Household Appliances Exhibition


"Rules for handling household appliances" - introduce the safety rules when working with household appliances.

On the topic "Be careful with electrical appliances" - fix the safety rules;

Purpose: to systematize and generalize the knowledge gained by children; develop dialogical and monologue speech;

Watering flowers

Pictures with safety rules

Models of household appliances

Watering can


1. Artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

2. Physical development

"Man's Helpers"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children that to facilitate the work of people, a variety of household appliances are used; continue to learn how to work with plasticine;

M: visual, playful, practical, verbal; P: conversation, game, show, exhibition of works

"We are athletes"

(p. 62, no. 19)

Purpose: to exercise children to walk and run between objects without touching them; to consolidate the ability to hit the ball on the floor; exercise in crawling on a bench on all fours.

oilcloth, napkins, cutters, sample

balls, bench, skittles


Fun game

“We develop attention” - develop attention, the ability to memorize objects around us, and then call them with our eyes closed.



Didactic game

The exercise


mobile game


"Vice versa"

Purpose: To teach to select antonyms for words

"Draw a Pattern"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands

Behind the snowflakes

Purpose: to develop curiosity and observation in the process of familiarization with natural phenomena; to form the ability to see beauty in the world around.

With snowballs.

Clearing the veranda from snow


Didactic game

Watching cartoon excerpts

Role-playing game

"Name it in one word"

Purpose: to teach to enrich objects with one word, to enrich vocabulary.

"Brave Little Toaster"

"Mom's helpers" - to teach how to use household appliances


Tatyana Reshetnikova
Calendar planning in the senior speech therapy group. Lexical topic: "Household appliances".

2 weeks. Topic: Appliances.

Joint activities (reading fiction, health, safety, socialization, work, knowledge, communication). Design the speech center according to lexical topic(illustrations, objects). Why are these devices needed? How did people ever get along without them? What do these items have in common? How are they different from furniture? Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"- develop the ability to classify objects according to their essential features and generalize. Read to children the fairy tale by E. Nefe pre-war:

I read a fairy tale about poor Cinderella, But, unfortunately, I don’t know how to help her.

A girl can't cope with hard work, And she wants to be at the ball.

Nobody appreciates the poor thing efforts!

She misses the washing machine so much - Cinderella has to clean the house,

But where is the vacuum cleaner to help her?

How hard the cymbals are a huge pile. Wash without a machine that washes dishes,

And I still have to cook dinner. What a pity that there is no electric stove in the house!

The poor thing sat down - just do not have time. Now she should watch TV!

However, it works, sparing no effort, Hopes only for the good fairy.

But if she turned on the computer, And secretly opened her website from her stepmother,

Then I would never have gone to the ball, And I found my prince on the Internet!

Finger gymnastics. Articulation gymnastics.

GCD. Security. "Dangerous and non-dangerous electricity"

Integration of educational regions Keywords: knowledge, communication, socialization, health, physical culture.


Introduce children to the concept "electricity", "electricity", with the cause of the manifestation of static electricity ";

Refine and expand knowledge of household electrical appliances;

Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for using electrical appliances;

To develop the desire for search and cognitive activity;

Develop thinking, speech of children;

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around;

To evoke joy from discoveries gained from experiences.

GCD. artistic creation:

modeling "Stepka. Filya, Khryusha are watching a children's program"

(p. 114, T. G. Kazakova "Develop creativity in preschoolers"»)

(Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading Fiction, Music)


To teach children to sculpt figures of various characters of the program "GOOG night kids!";

To form the ability to sculpt according to the presentation of the heroes of literary works;

To develop creativity, initiative, compositional skills of children;

To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the expressiveness of the image, animals in motion, to combine small groups items in simple plots;

To form the ability to smooth the surface of the form, to make objects stable;

Develop the ability to work together;

(Communication, Music, Health, Safety)

(p. 52, Penzulaeva L.I. )


Learn game exercises with running and jumping;

Practice throwing snowballs at a distance.

Wind observation - develop observation and curiosity in the process of familiarization with natural phenomena. Ask the children if there is wind? If yes, how did you know? Invite the children to run with flags in the direction of the wind and against it. When was it harder to run? The direction of the wind can also be determined from the movement of clouds in the sky. Conduct experience "Air Movement"- show children that although the air is invisible, it can be felt. Wave your hand in front of your face. What is the feeling? Blow on your hands. What did you feel? All these sensations are caused by the movement of air. Output: air not "invisible", his movements can be felt by fanning his face. Didactic a game: "What is the wind doing?". Work: collect fallen branches. Individual Job: extra fourth (Christina, Vlada, Alina.). Movable a game: "Mobile game "Frost-Red Nose". Individual Job: throwing snowballs into the distance (Sveta, Savely, Yaroslav). Plot - role-playing a game: "Bus"

Cooperative activity. (Communication, socialization, reading fiction, work, health).

Didactic game "what first, what next?".

Communication (on speech therapist's plan)

Work: Manual work: from waste material (matchboxes) "Television"- reinforce children's knowledge of household appliances, its purpose, function, note the similarities and differences; to continue work on the formation of skills of a conscious attitude to the observance of the rules of safe behavior; develop the ability to create and implement their own constructive ideas; creative imagination; consolidation and strengthening of interest in activities as an opportunity to take the initiative, to do something useful and necessary: make crafts from waste material; to cultivate attention, concentration, responsiveness; work together in harmony.

Individual work: clap names household appliances(Polina, Vlada, Yaroslav).

Story - role-playing game: "Shop".

Walk. Owl" - to learn to stand still for a while; listen attentively. Plot - role-playing a game: "Family".

Joint activities (physical culture, health, safety, socialization, labor, knowledge, music, communication).

Consider safety posters with children, fix the rules for using household appliances. Invite the children to lay out the TV from the sticks (according to the sample). Pass the maze (fire engine). Fix fire safety rules, know the telephone number of firefighters. Riddles for children riddles about household appliances:

River - linen,

Boat - steel,

She will float

The wave will fall. (Iron) Through fields and woods

He runs on wires -

You say it here and hear it there. (Phone) We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk

The robot loves cleanliness

And it buzzes like a Tu liner. (A vacuum cleaner)

The whole universe lives in it,

And it's an ordinary thing. (Television) Let it be hot outside

This house is cold.

It's time to look into it

If you are hungry. (Fridge) Turns the drum

Mom's helper.

She has a sheet, sundress

Rinse clean. (Washing machine)

Individual work: find and name words that begin with a sound "M", "N" (Varya, Vika Shch., Saveliy). round dance game "Cap". Morning gymnastics. Finger gymnastics. Articulation gymnastics.

GCD. Cognition. FEMP No. 11 "Addition"

(p. 27, (part 3) L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova).


Form an idea of ​​addition as a union groups of objects, about writing addition using the + sign;

To form the experience of independent overcoming of difficulties under the guidance of a teacher on the basis of reflective method, self-control experience, consolidate the way of action “If I don’t know something, I’ll come up with it myself, and then I’ll check myself in the textbook”;

To train the ability to identify and name the properties of objects, the ability to compare objects by properties;

Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction;

To develop attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity, initiative, communication skills, fine motor skills of hands.

(on speech therapist's plan)

(p. 50, Penzulaeva L.I. "Physical training with children 5 - 6 years old")


Practice throwing the ball to each other.

Walk (Physical Education, Health, Safety, Socialization, Labor, Cognition, Communication).

Examining snowflakes - to expand and generalize knowledge about the characteristic phenomena of winter weather. Examining snowflakes on mittens Snowflakes are light crystals that form from water vapor that rises high and quickly cools there. Invite children to consider the structure of a snowflake through a magnifying glass. On a windless frosty day, snowflakes fall slowly, they are large, shiny, like flowers or stars. The size and shape of snowflakes depends on the humidity and temperature of the air. Learn with children proverb: "Snow in the fields - bread in the bins". Didactic a game: "Say kindly". Didactic a game: "Recognize an object without seeing it"- develop observation (the player is blindfolded and put on mittens, then they are given objects that he must recognize by touch). Individual Job: draw small and large circles (Yura, Polina, Christina). Work: sweep the bench and table. Movable a game: "Traps - dashes"- develop dexterity, speed. Individual Job: to practice the skill of jumping on two legs with overcoming obstacles (Savely, Vika L., Arisha). Plot - role-playing a game: "Family"- take out the necessary attributes. Independent activity of children.

Cooperative activity. (Cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, reading fiction, work, physical culture, health).

Conversation with children on the topic “Journey into the past of a washing machine (p. 73, Dybina O.V. "What happened before...") - to teach to understand the purpose of the washing machine, to understand that a person created a machine to facilitate life; develop a retrospective view of objects (basin, trough, washing machine).

Notebook work speech therapist

A game "Collect the beads"- train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, the ability to see patterns, develop logical thinking, speech, communication skills (p. 22, No. 2.5., "Player - a step to school" (part 3) L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova)

Reading to children at will.

Stroking and painting objects household appliances(development of fine motor skills).

Individual work: cut out clothes for the doll (Vika L., Vlada).

Story - role-playing game: "Salon".

Walk. Continue watching the trees in the area (maple, poplar). Movable a game: "Fishing rod"- develop speed of movement, agility. Plot - role-playing a game: "A cafe".

Joint activities (physical culture, health, safety, socialization, labor, knowledge, communication).

Offer children a game "Fold the Pattern"- development of the ability to analyze and introspection, the ability to solve non-standard problems, intellectual abilities.

word game "Deaf phone"(p. 112 A. K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten") - to develop auditory attention in children. Invite children to solve a problem situation, how would you received: “You have a clockwork machine, and Kolya has a book. You want to see her. How will you do it? What do you say?". Individual work on physical culture: hitting the ball on the floor (Vika Sh., Polina, Miroslav). round dance game "Cap".

GCD. artistic creation: Applique "Television"

(Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading Fiction, Safety)


Reveal children's knowledge of subjects household appliances, the ability to describe them more fully;

To consolidate the ability to compose a composition of applicative elements based on a unifying image;

Reveal the ability to cut out of paper, conveying their relative value;

To develop visual control of the actions of hands, to enable each of the children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work, to develop creative abilities; cultivate friendly relations with others;

To consolidate the ability to cut out parts of a square and rectangular shape, carefully paste the image, beautifully place it on a sheet of paper.

Develop the ability to use non-traditional technology"breaks" when finishing minor details;

Develop dialogic speech, activate vocabulary.

Develop organizational skills and work planning;

To cultivate accuracy when working with glue, scissors; cause a desire to help the hero.

GCD. Music (on plan music director)

(Communication, Socialization, Health, Physical culture)

Walk (Physical Education, Health, Safety, Socialization, Labor, Cognition, Communication).

Observation of bullfinches - to learn to notice the characteristic features of the structure of birds; cultivate a love for birds; activate cognitive abilities. Think for children riddle:

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold -

With the first snow right there! (Bullfinch).

Draw the attention of children to bullfinches, to their bright plumage. When do the birds arrive at the feeder? How are they doing at this time? On what seen them in the bushes? What they were doing? Compare the way the bullfinch feeds and tits: the tit pecks out the food, and the bullfinch quickly peels the seeds. Bullfinches eat more vegetable food: seeds of various coniferous and deciduous trees, buds, shoots. Insects are eaten only occasionally. Signs: a bullfinch sings under the window - to the thaw; bullfinch clicks in winter - on snow, blizzard and slush. Didactic a game: "Birds"- to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals and birds. Individual Job: name the wintering birds Miroslav, Varya Vika Shch.). Work: Pour bird food into the feeder. Movable a game: "We are funny guys". Individual Job: exercise in jumping on two legs over the bars (Arisha, Nastya, Egor). Plot - role-playing a game: "Bus ride". Independent activity of children.

Cooperative activity. (Cognition, Communication, Reading fiction, Physical culture).

Computer Science Games No. 13 : "The Correlation of the Elements of the Two groups among themselves» (p. 28, "All on the shelves" A. V. Goryachev) - to teach children to correlate the elements of two groups among themselves; learn how to make simple placement algorithms; to form the ability to use permitting and prohibiting signs; develop imagination.

Notebook work speech therapist.

Presentation "Guess the object by sound household appliances» .

Didactic game: "Say a word that begins with that letter"- consolidate knowledge of letters and sounds "BUT", "ABOUT", "U", "AND", "M", "N"; cultivate auditory attention, speed of reaction to the word.

Individual work: mold letters "M" And "N" (Arisha, Vika L., Vlada).

Story - role-playing game: "Pharmacy".

Independent activity of children.

Walk. Offer bird watching. Why are they not visible? What birds do you know? What is the difference between a bird and a human? Movable a game: "Paints". Plot - role-playing game at the request of children.

"Why do we need a microwave oven?". Where was the food heated and cooked before? Show children in the picture a Russian stove. Didactic game "Say a word":

I want to watch a movie.

I turn on my TV

I'll choose my channel.

I found what I was looking for

Here, for sure

Catches everything (antenna) This miracle device

Loves the dusty scent

And this is not a fairy tale, a true story -

He loves garbage and dust.

Answer me a question:

What is this? … (A vacuum cleaner) There is a safe in the kitchen. In it, kids

I hide the cold from the north.

I put food in it.:

Meat, fish, juices, fruits,

And turn on the switch.

My safe (Fridge)

We collected pears, cherries,

Juice in winter will not be superfluous.

It got hot from work

Though I worked (Juice cooker) Makes it easier for us to communicate

Speed ​​up the message.

He calls all day

Home … (phone) From it poured a bright light,

Suddenly - cotton, and there is no light.

Dad will fix everything!

Burnt out... (lamp)

Didactic game: "Draw the figures"(p. 42, E. O. Sevastyanova "Want to know everything! The development of the intellect of children 5 - 7 years old ") - the development of the integrity of perception (finish geometric shapes so that they become whole). Individual Job: crawling under the cord straight and sideways (Vika Sh., Nastya, Polina, Vika L.). round dance game "The Scarlet Flower"

GCD. Communication "On the way to the alphabet (on speech therapist's plan)

GCD. Music (Physical culture, Health, Fiction)

Walk (Physical Education, Health, Safety, Socialization, Labor, Cognition, Communication).

Observation of the sun - continue acquaintance with objects of inanimate nature; develop observation; learn to reason; develop creative imagination. Watching the winter sun. Think for children riddle: “Everyone loves him, but if they look at him, they wince” (The sun). Days in winter are short, nights are long. The sun is low above the horizon. Signs: in winter the sun sets in the clouds - to the snowfall; the sun rises red - to a snowstorm. Didactic a game: "Nature and Man"- fasten and organize knowledge about what is created by human hands, and what is nature. Work: clear the paths of snow. Individual Job: game exercise "Who will throw further?" (Polina, Alina, Yura, Savely). Movable a game: "Find Your Mate". Plot - role-playing a game: "Bus"- take out the necessary attributes. Independent activity of children.

Cooperative activity. (Cognition, communication, socialization, music, work, physical culture, health).

Notebook work speech therapist.

Conduct experiments with children:

In front of the children on the table are pieces of woolen cloth, plastic sticks, paper butterflies.

caregiver: - Children, take a stick and touch the paper butterflies. What's wrong with butterflies? (Not)

How to make butterflies gravitate towards a stick?

children's assumptions.

Now we will make ordinary wands magical, electric. Take a piece of woolen cloth and rub it on the stick. Slowly bring it to the butterflies and gently lift it up. What happens to butterflies? (Butterflies attracted to the stick)

How did the wand become electric? (She was rubbed with a piece of cloth)

Have you ever felt a slight crackle on yourself, and sometimes even sparks, when you took off your clothes?

Output: electricity lives in clothes.

In front of the children on trays of confetti and plastic combs.

caregiver: - Guys, touch the comb to the confetti. What happened to the confetti?

children's assumptions.

caregiver: - Take combs and rub them on your hair. Bring the combs to the confetti. What happened?

Children's answers.

Output: Electricity lives not only in clothes, but also in hair.

Games by math work in a notebook"Player - a step to school"(p. 77, "Player - a step to school" (part 3) L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova) - to consolidate ideas about the action of addition and its recording, to train the ability to add groups objects and write it down with the sign «+» ; develop attention, memory, fine motor skills; (Cognition, Communication, Physical Education, Health).

Individual work: (Vlada, Vika Shch.).

Sports entertainment "Firefighters in training".

Story - role-playing game: "Pharmacy".

Independent activities of children in play centers.

Walk. Movable a game: "Trap" a game: "Hospital".

Joint activities (physical culture, health, safety, socialization, work, knowledge, music, communication).

A game "Evolution of the subject"- to consolidate children's ideas about the history of the creation of objects household appliances(must be made "chain" the history of the creation of this item). Didactic game "How many?"- agreement of numerals with nouns in gender, number and case (One hair dryer, two hair dryers, five hair dryers; TV, vacuum cleaner). In the center of nature, water indoor plants, wipe the leaves. Recall the names of indoor plants, in which names of plants the sounds are hidden. "BUT", "AND", "ABOUT". round dance game "We went to the meadow". Morning gymnastics. Articulation gymnastics. Finger gymnastics.

GCD. Fiction (Health, Socialization, Communication).

Reading the story of N. Nosov "Phone"


Continue to acquaint preschoolers with the work of the children's writer N. Nosov;

To form the ability to give short and detailed answers to questions on the text;

Improve reasoning skills;

Raise interest in works of fiction;

Develop a sense of humor, creative image.

GCD. Artistic creativity. Drawing "What do you like to draw the most" (Communication, Health, Cognition, Labor)


To teach children to think about the content of their drawing, to remember the necessary ways of depicting;

To cultivate the desire to bring the idea to the end;

To develop the fine arts of children;

Teach children to analyze and evaluate their drawings and drawings of comrades.

GCD. Physical culture number 2 (Music, Health, Safety)

(p. 51, Penzulaeva L.I. "Physical training with children 5 - 6 years old")


Exercise children in running in a column one by one while maintaining the correct distance from each other, in running between objects without hitting them;

Learn to walk on an inclined board, maintaining a stable balance and correct posture;

Develop the skill of jumping on two legs with overcoming obstacles;

Exercise in throwing the ball to each other, kneeling, with both hands from behind the head.

Walk (Physical Education, Health, Safety, Socialization, Labor, Cognition, Communication).

Observation of the weather - to form ideas about winter; to teach to establish the dependence of the life of plants and animals on changes in inanimate nature. Think for children puzzles:

Comes with inaudible steps

Invisible cold dies

And all around, covered with snow,

Suddenly all of us ears will prick:

Why, they say, are you in such a frost

Did you stick your nose out of the house? (Winter) The cold came, the water turned into ice.

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows:

When does it happen? (in winter)

Learn proverbs: "December will ask what is in store for the summer", “December dazzles the eye with snow, but the ear roars with frost”. Didactic a game: "Tell me differently"- learn to choose synonyms. Didactic a game: "Who knows more?"- develop memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity. Work: clean the bus from snow. Individual Job: "Who's next?"- throwing snowballs into the distance (Yura, Savely, Miroslav, Yarik, Egor). Winter fun with sled: "Who quickly?". mobile game "Jack Frost". Individual Job: name the months of winter (Varya). Plot - role-playing a game: "Cooking"- take out the necessary attributes. Independent activity of children.

Cooperative activity. (Cognition, communication, socialization, labor, physical culture, health).

Notebook work speech therapist(diploma).

Situational conversation with children "Careful handling household appliances» : Do you think they can household appliances be dangerous? In which cases? Why sometimes when using electric household appliances cause fires? Is it possible for children to turn on an electric kettle, iron, vacuum cleaner on their own? Didactic game "The Fourth Extra" (find an extra item, explain your choice):

Refrigerator, meat grinder, iron, kettle.

Saucepan, microwave oven, frying pan, mug

Washing machine, dishwasher, TV, sewing machine.

TV, laptop, tape recorder, vacuum cleaner.

Kettle, heater, refrigerator, electric stove.

Scissors, needle, knitting needles, sewing machine.

Story - role-playing game: "Salon".

Independent activities of children in play centers.

Walk. Movable a game: "Sly Fox"- to fix the rules of the game, to develop the speed of movements, dexterity. Plot - role-playing a game: "Family".

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