Home Potato What should be the father in the family. What should be the father for the daughter. They refuse childishness

What should be the father in the family. What should be the father for the daughter. They refuse childishness

Became a dad for the first time Sergey Efremov at 23 years old. With his wife Angela, the first-born was named Ivan. Then Alexander, Pavel and Timofey appeared in the family. For the fifth time, the man experienced the joy of the birth of a son after 40 - Nikanor was born, who is now only 10 months old.

- These are very different feelings and sensations: to be a young dad and an adult, - Sergey Efremov admits, - because the values ​​are different. In my youth, I wanted to spend more time with friends, in a bathhouse or fishing, but now I think that it is better to devote it to the family.

Such an understanding did not come to Sergei immediately, it took years of married life.

School for parents

– I began to look at many things differently after Angela brought me to the temple. For several years now, the whole family has been visiting him regularly, and recently we have also started going to Sunday school for parents, - says Sergey Efremov.

It was after studying at this school that the father of five sons understood the true meaning of the word "courage".

“Being courageous is not about being physically strong,” he explains. It means being strong spiritually. To be able to save the family in spite of all difficulties is the main task of a husband, a man. Raising children is a duty given to us by God.

Sergey tries to give time to each child. Despite the fact that he gets up very early (he works as a design engineer at a ventilation equipment plant), it is he who comes up to Nikanor at night. With three-year-old Pavel and two-year-old Timofey, he loves to draw and sculpt. And with his eldest sons Alexander (he is 17) and Ivan (he is 19) he goes skiing on weekends. By the way, dad also takes the boys to kindergarten. And at parent meetings in the kindergarten and at school, he happens more often than his mother.

“Angela already has enough trouble: we all need to be fed and washed,” the happy father and husband smile. I am very grateful to her for the fact that our house is always clean and comfortable.

Photo from the Efremov family archive

Home for a holiday

Even if the head of the family comes back tired from work, he always enters the house with a smile: he is sure that one should not bring negativity to loved ones.

The eldest sons help with household chores. Moreover, Ivan loves to help his mother more, and Sasha loves his dad. Well, both like to hang out with the younger ones. This is not a burden for them, but a joy. Still, after all, the children were waiting for additions to the family no less than adults.

“Sometimes it’s a pity that there are only 24 hours in a day,” Sergey says. - We worry if we can’t go to Sasha’s performance (he sings and is engaged in theatrical art) or to an event in kindergarten. But we still try to support our sons in such important moments. And we rejoice at each, even the smallest of their victory.

My family is my castle

The house of the Efremovs is bright and beautiful. Sergey himself built this house, installed heating, repairs it as needed. In the children's room there is a whole sea of ​​​​toys, cars, designers. The fact that there are no dolls on the shelves, and in the friendly company of a girl, the family does not regret.

“We are already used to having only boys,” the spouses smile. “So that’s what God wants.”

In parting, Sergey shares the main secret of education:

- A father should be an example for his children: work hard, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, play sports. And the wife to be a reliable support. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that a woman is the keeper of the hearth, and a man should be able to keep the fire in it.

The ideal father should be gentle, loving, and know the measure in everything. Praise where necessary, and scold without going too far. The role of the father in the upbringing of boys is especially important. Is your husband such a father? Even if not, you can change it.

Do you remember how much time you spent with your father as a child? Did he take you for a walk? Did you pick up from class? Today we expect even more from our father! He must deal with the child, educate him, feed him and help him explore the world. The upbringing of boys has some. For a son, the father must be a model of masculinity in order to teach him courage and principles of behavior with women. For the daughter, the father is also important - he is the very first man with whom she will communicate closely. For daughters, fathers are the ideals of future husbands. How to convince your partner to devote more time and attention to children? How to make him change some of his views on education? It depends on what type of father he is. We present to your attention three different situations, and offer you how (and in which way) it is worth changing them for the benefit of the whole family.

1. He is always in a hurry somewhere.

Characteristics: The father is often absent or busy. Works a lot. He believes that since he took on the burden of supporting the family, all issues related to the care and upbringing of children concern his wife. The problem is that too much responsibility overwhelms him. Responsibility overload leads to overprotection or nervousness.

How does the child react to this? He tries at all costs to get his father's attention. The son behaves badly at school, gets into fights, plays truant. When he grows up, he can be irresponsible and helpless. The lack of male attention complicates his adaptation to life. Daughters grow up very sensitive and unstable to stress. Subsequently, they will compensate for the lack of paternal attention by ties with men in whom they feel supported. Such relationships rarely end in a happy ending, because men often look for equal partners, and not adult girls who need guardianship.

Our advice: Pay attention to whether you are trying to independently resolve all issues that relate to the child? This attitude can cause the husband to try not to interfere once again in solving various problems. Stop taking everything on your shoulders. When the father spends more time with the child, a close bond is sure to be established between them. If the husband is not able to do this due to work overload, do not make him guilty. Take into account that he may have an elevated attitude towards the family. When a husband spends time with his son, try not to interfere in their space and in raising the boy. If you feel a bit "out of the way" then you can just give some advice. But do not impose anything, do not teach, do not criticize. Never threaten a child with an absent father and reprisals on his part. Children will identify with the punishment, and will not look forward to it, but fear it.

2. He only wants to play with the child.

Characteristics: The type of such a father is a companion for the child. He does not put any demands on the baby. Instead of feeding the kids on his return from school (find out) and sitting with them to teach lessons, he will entice them with some toy or computer game. As a result, they will not have enough time to prepare for schoolwork. Such a father does not understand that children have their own responsibilities, and that they need to be helped to follow certain rules, to maintain discipline. A father friend just wants to have fun in the company of his child. Sometimes he even shares his problems with the child.

How do children react? They usually lack a sense of security and self-confidence. They feel overwhelmed by adult problems. They seem arrogant or very shy and withdrawn. They do not behave maturely enough for their age, may have sleep disorders and problems at school. Daughters of fellow fathers often suffer from indigestion, and sons are prone to deviant behavior. Regardless of gender, they cannot take responsibility for their actions.

Our advice: although from your point of view, a child's long-term fun with his father at the expense of study is complete nonsense, in fact, they may have a deeper meaning. Do you want to know which one? The fact is that you have the opportunity to adjust their pastime. Say nicely: “I see you are playing merrily ...” Do not criticize your husband in front of children. And when you are alone, tell your partner that you love to watch him have a good time with the child, but you would like the entertainment not to interfere with the baby's duties. Don't blame him, just listen and argue. Offer to manage your time wisely. In addition, talk more with your husband about his affairs and problems - then he will not share them with the child.

3. It requires strict adherence to the rules.

Characteristic: This type of father is the opposite of the previous one. He is tough and very demanding. Often resorts to punishment. He is a specialist in the field of establishing rules, prohibitions and boundaries. Almost never gives children time to play. Constantly teaches and instructs. Does not take into account the needs of the child, does not give him the right to his own opinion. Spiritual dryness does not allow him to get close to the children, and therefore he does not know or understand them.

What about a child? Coercion and punishment are often the cause of this - contrary to the expectations of the father! - that the baby rather superficially learns moral rules and principles. He does not know what it means to be responsible for his actions. Failure to follow the rules gives rise in him not so much a sense of guilt as the fear of punishment. From the fact that the needs of the child are often not taken into account, he feels misunderstood. He may have nerve problems, misbehave at school and bring low grades from there in the diary.

Our advice: Fathers usually treat children (especially when raising boys) more severely and demandingly than mothers. Such an attitude does not have a negative impact on the child if it is accompanied by care and understanding. Usually, strict fathers build up in children the ability to resist temptation, prepare them to face real problems, and teach independence. Tell your husband that you really appreciate his approach, but you would like him to give the child more warmth. Moreover, a person who grew up in a house with strict rules cannot imagine a different model of education. If you think that the punishments for a child are too severe, talk with your husband and jointly establish the degree of punishment for certain offenses.
Features of raising boys: a combination of warmth and severity, the ability to help in making decisions, encouraging good deeds with the help of a personal example. Raising boys is a responsible process. We hope that this article will help dad and you grow a real man.

Active, emancipated women try to reduce the role of the father in the upbringing of the growing child, take on all family responsibilities, belittle his authority. In patriarchal families, the father obtains material wealth, and the upbringing lies entirely with the mother. Both models have a negative impact on the personality of the child.

From the first days, the child should feel the presence of the father in his life. The feeling of a male presence makes him feel invulnerable. Father for him strength (physical, mental). Children need a father's love. It is an incentive for good behavior, successful study. With age, the need for paternal attention does not decrease. During the transitional period, parental authority is especially important. Psychologists believe that 30 minutes of daily communication with dad is enough for a child to feel happy.

How to involve a father in raising children?

Many men do not understand how to behave with children. The wife should help him enter into the role of dad and cope well with it. Almost from birth, you need to involve the head of the family in walking with the baby, the mother at this time can take care of herself or household chores. It is necessary to leave him alone with the newborn, having previously taught the rules of caring for the baby.

Mom's short absences will benefit everyone. The woman will take a break from the household routine, dad will feel more confident, learn to play with the baby.

Growing children have problems, the mother must initiate the father into them, even if he works a lot. Many children's issues are solved simply if a man deals with them. His logic works well, and there are no unnecessary emotions. Successful children grow up in families where parents have developed partnerships, family responsibilities are shared between mom and dad.

Features of the psychology of paternal participation

When communicating with dad, the child evaluates his gender identity, learns the correct model of behavior. The boy imitates him, the girl tries to win his love by entering into rivalry with her mother. Through a male upbringing, daughters learn femininity, sons learn masculinity.
The needs of the child in communication with the father

Children need a sense of security, this is provided by a complete family, and the father is its head. From early childhood, a child feels reliable protection from the dangers of the outside world if there is a loving father nearby. It helps the growing person to cope with internal fears and problems.

How does the absence of a father in the family affect the child's psyche?

The absence of a man in the family affects boys and girls differently. A young man who grew up without a father's hand does not know how to build relationships with other men. He either provokes conflicts, or avoids communication, being known as his mother's son.

Girls growing up with their mothers have other problems. She has low self-esteem, she does not understand whether men like her or not, she is afraid of their attention. Often these young women, fearing a repetition of their mother's scenario, do not want to get married.

Dad's functions in the process of developing a baby

The personality of the child is formed under the influence of family relationships. Dad's behavior becomes for him an example of male behavior. He is for the baby - the personification of protection, strength, and mother - care and affection.

In a complete family, the formation of a child occurs under male and female influence, this has a positive effect on character, helps to better navigate adult relationships. Children who grew up in an incomplete family are deprived of this example, so they are more likely to face problems.

Functions of the Pope in Education:

  • develop all kinds of thinking (abstract, concrete, logical);
  • elimination of dependence on the mother;
  • engage in the physical development of the child;
  • develop skills to communicate with people outside the home.

Creating a Relationship Model

On the example of the father, children learn to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex. They have the correct gender identity. Over time, on the example of family relationships, they build their own model of behavior with representatives of their own and the opposite sex.

The authority of a father for a son

In order for the boy to form the correct model of behavior, the father must be constantly present in the life of the family and the son. Then the child from an early age will understand what a real man should be. For him, it will be the norm to take care of the financial well-being of the family, to be attentive to the interests of the child, and to be sensitive to his wife. Boys growing up in an incomplete family do not have an example of male behavior.

When entering adulthood, they often have problems, they have no idea how a man should behave in different life situations.

An example of a father's attitude towards his mother programs the future relationship of a young man (young man) with the opposite sex. In his own family, he will model the relationships he is used to from early childhood.

The child grows up active, healthy, self-confident, if he feels his father's interest in his affairs. For a boy, joint sports, men's activities (fishing, repairing a bicycle or household appliances) mean a lot. It is important for a son to feel that his father is his friend. The father's assessment of actions, praise, encouragement, support is important to him.

Protector for daughter

From the first days of life, a father for a girl becomes a model of a man, many choose men who look like their father as husbands. This applies to prosperous families, where the head of the family treated his wife and children with respect. Girls from dysfunctional and incomplete families often make mistakes when choosing a life partner.

Often her family life is unsuccessful due to her lack of a clear idea of ​​​​how relations between a woman and a man in a family should be formed.

The father should not spoil his daughter excessively with gifts, he should treat her kindly, moderately demanding. The main thing in the correct upbringing of a girl is a gentle, caring attitude towards her mother. It will become the standard for her adult life.

The father is responsible for shaping the personality of the daughter. He should stimulate her curiosity, develop erudition. This is facilitated by the joint reading of books, watching movies, attending concerts, exhibitions.

Role in patriotic education

The formation of the main character traits, attitudes towards life occurs in preschool age. It was during this period that the participation of the father in the educational process is important. It is the man who should form patriotic feelings in the child.

They form gradually. First is love:

  • to your home;
  • older family members (grandparents);
  • family traditions.

As they grow older, the father must teach the child to love the surrounding nature, his country.

Dad should be able to behave properly with a child of any age. Babies from 0 to 5 cry less if their father pays attention to them: picks them up, talks. From 5 to 9, growing tomboys need dad for active games, as an assistant in completing and checking homework. Male education is especially important between the ages of 9 and 15..

Teenagers need a father-friend. It will help to deal with school problems, build relationships with friends. Teenage daughters need not only advice, they need a male assessment of their appearance and behavior.

The task of fathers in raising a boy

The task of the father from the very birth of his son is to take part in his upbringing, to become an authority for him. He needs to build a male type of relationship with the boy. Dad from birth should spend a lot of time with the child, his duties should include daily bathing of the newborn, organization of games, walks.

A father must instill in a growing son the rules that operate in society, set an example of correct behavior in the family, society. The relationship between them must be trusting. Excessive severity in raising a son is not needed. Calm relationships without commanding tone, criticism and lectures bring more benefits.

How should dads behave when a daughter is born in the family?

In the absence of paternal upbringing, girls have a low level of intellectual development and a lack of social activity. To build a strong relationship for life, the father must know how to raise his daughter from birth:

  • participate in the daily care of the newborn from birth;
  • show concern;
  • to praise;
  • make objective comments correctly, without turning to insults;
  • do not use swear words in the presence of your daughter;
  • treat women with respect.

The father is largely responsible for the happy future of his daughter, it is thanks to him that she forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship between a man and a woman in the family.

Basic behavioral errors and methods for correcting them

You can not pay off children with toys and sweets, compensating for the lack of attention due to workload. For many adults, the main goal in life is material well-being, and the communication with the father, the time spent together is more important for the baby. Sometimes you need to prioritize in favor of the child, not work. Growing children get upset with their parents if they constantly lecture them, teach them how to live, criticize, force them to obey unquestioningly. The wrong behavior of the father in the family negatively affects the upbringing:

  • rude attitude towards his wife;
  • disrespectful statements towards grandparents;
  • rude criticism of work colleagues, neighbors;
  • bad habits.

Children, like a sponge, absorb both good and bad, therefore, competent upbringing requires the presence of a personal positive example of the father.

(for teachers of preschool educational institutions)

The essence of the initiative:

To unite the efforts of teachers and parents in the work to improve the status of the father in the family. To help dads overcome difficulties and become active participants in the upbringing of their children.

Participants: children, parents (fathers and mothers), educators.

Justification of the significance of the project:

Traditionally, the main institution of education is the family. What a child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his subsequent life. The importance of the family as an institution of education is due to the fact that the child lives in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of his impact on the personality, none of the institutions of education can be compared with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

After the birth of a child, the mother spends most of her time with him. Fathers are increasingly withdrawing from the upbringing, including spiritual, of their heirs, explaining this by being busy at work, saying that his main contribution to the family is the money he earns.

It is even worse if the child grows up in an incomplete family, where the father is most often absent. For the full-fledged upbringing of a child, the presence of adults of both sexes is necessary. For a girl in a family, the model of behavior is the mother, the prototype of the future chosen one is the father. In an incomplete family, consisting, as a rule, of a mother and children, there is no model of male behavior that forms the sex-role education of boys and the stereotypical image of partners in girls.

The Russian family today is strikingly different from the classical understanding, where the elders take care of the younger ones, where there are grandparents, it is characterized by a violation of family ties - civil marriages have become the norm. Social and other contradictions exacerbate the relationship of family members with each other. Many families live on the verge of divorce. The usual way of the family is being erased, family principles that have been formed over the years are lost - all this has become clearly manifested in the plot games of children. Some children prove to others that there should be two dads in the family, they have it, and they do not consider another option. Or children copy the behavior of their fathers, which is also contrary to moral standards.

Children have become more left to themselves, parents evade their direct duties in raising children. TV, computer, video replace live communication with adults, grandmother's tales, mother's lullabies, father's jokes. Alienation of children and adults takes place in the family, there is no atmosphere when communication between children and parents takes place slowly and kindly.

Often, unfortunately, one has to see a manifestation of the pedagogical incompetence of parents: shouting, threats, slaps, a manifestation of impatience in relation to small children who annoy them. The most difficult problem for parents is the inability to get along with their baby without conflicts and tears.

Objective of the project:

To help fathers understand their role in the development of the child's personality, to raise the status of the father in the family. Ensure the well-being of the child in the family, emotionally enrich the "child-parent" relationship by combining the efforts of educators and parents.

Project objectives:

Work with children.

1. To form the correct idea of ​​children about the composition of the family, the role of the father in the family.

2. To cultivate interest in the professions of their fathers, to instill in children a sense of pride and respect for their father.

3. To help each child to realize himself as a full-fledged, beloved family member.

Interaction with parents

1. Explain to both fathers and mothers the specific role of the father in shaping the personality of boys and girls.

2. To help parents realize the importance of mutual understanding and trusting relationships both with each other and with the child.

3. To acquaint fathers with methods of non-traumatic management of children's behavior.

4. Draw up and implement a plan for joint activities and productive activities with dads.

Theoretical basis of the project:

  1. "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child"; Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated October 18, 1994 (Article 26);
  2. Davydov V.V., Petrovsky V.A. etc. "The concept of preschool education";
  3. From Childhood to Adolescence: Emotional and Moral Education Program.;
  4. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children how to communicate. character and communication. Handbook for parents and teachers, "Academy of Development", Yaroslavl, 1996;
  5. T.N. Doronova, E.V. Solovieva, A.E. Zhichkina. Preschool and family - a single space for child development: Methodological guide for employees of preschool educational institutions - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2001.

Project type: short

Project implementation level:

This project is being implemented on the basis of the "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 30" "The Scarlet Flower" in the city of Glazov, the Udmurt Republic in the middle group No. 12 (4-5 years old).

The project is currently in its second phase.

Project implementation technology.

I stage. Preliminary preparation– September-October 2010

Children are active participants in the project.


  • To identify the educational functions of dads in the family.
  • Motivate the creative activity of children in the framework of the project.
  • Arouse common interest, joy from the upcoming activity.

Work with children:



date of

Conversations - interviews with children and mothers.

To identify the degree of participation of fathers in the upbringing of their children. (appendix 2)


Reading fiction, learning songs and poems about dad.

To acquaint children with works of art in which family principles are revealed; dedicated to dads.

September -

Conversations about the family, about family traditions: dates celebrated by the whole family, surprise gifts for each other, joint walks out of town

Teach children to talk about their family, about joint hobbies, games in their free time. Raise self-esteem of children, pride in their family.

October December

The parent is not a guest, but a full partner.


  • Reveal in families the main principles of life that they adhere to.
  • To model the ways of behavior of parents in situations of resolving conflicts between children and parents;
  • Help to understand the styles of family education; find out the nature of intra-family relations.

Working with parents:



date of

Questionnaire for dads: “Are you a good father?”, “What are we, men?”

To help reveal the idea of ​​parents about themselves, about their role in the upbringing of children. (Attachment 1)

October 2010

Individual consultations: "Bad words", "How to wean a child from swearing", "Children need rules", "About punishment"

To assist dads in solving problematic situations that have arisen and help prevent their further development.

November December

General consultation "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child!"

To reveal the role of the father in the family, in the upbringing of children. Introduce the typology of fathers. (Annex 4)

II stage. Practical part.


  • To involve fathers in the educational process of the children of the group.
  • Reveal and enhance the creative potential of dads.
  • To improve the psychological and pedagogical competence of fathers.
  • Creating emotional comfort in the group for parents and children during joint activities.



date of

"Papa's cute portrait" - children's drawings for Father's Day

To evoke positive emotions from the drawing process, a sense of pride in the result achieved.

father's day

Papa feeder competition "Daddy is a jack of all trades!"

To reveal the creative potential of dads, their skill. To evoke a sense of pride in children for the work of their fathers.

(Attachment 1)

Gaming for dads.

To enrich the ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child, to model the ways of parental behavior in situations of resolving conflicts between children and parents.

(Annex 5)

Pedagogical lounge "Dads, be with us!"

To increase the success of the child's social development on the basis of positive interaction with fathers.

December 2010

Photo contest “I am very friendly with my dad! »

Increase the emotional experience of communication with the father. (Attachment 1)

“Different dads are needed, different dads are important” - a lesson on acquaintance with the professions of dads.

Arouse interest and introduce children to the professions of their fathers. Involve dads in conversations with children about their profession.

The participation of dads in leisure activities of the Evenings of Entertainment group: “Petrushka came to visit us”, “Once upon a time ...”

Involve parents in the educational process of children. Show children the skills of their dads that they may not have known yet, make them feel proud.

Issue of newspapers with mothers "I'll tell you about dad ...!"

Encourage parents to be creative. (Attachment 1)

February 2011

Sports festival "The most dexterous, the most courageous!"

Reveal the physical capabilities of dads. To help increase children's sense of pride for their fathers.

Joint leisure evening "We have fun together!"

Involve parents in organizing the event, evoke positive emotions, unite families. (The final event of the project.)

Activities of group educators:

  • stand design for Father's Day. (Annex 8)
  • congratulations to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • rewarding the most active dads in nominations at joint leisure “We have fun together!”

III stage. The result of the project activity.


  • Based on repeated surveys of fathers, conversations with children and mothers, to identify changes in the manifestation of the educational function of fathers.
  • Formulate conclusions based on the results of the project implementation, plan the prospect of further work.


Since this project has not been fully implemented and is nearing completion, it is impossible to talk about any concrete results. We can assume that the joint activities of teachers and parents, in particular fathers, in the implementation of the project should show that:

a set of actions organized by the teacher for the implementation project(raise the status of the father in the family, ensure the well-being of the child in the family) based on common interest, partnership in creative activity, will have positive result.

Many parents will see themselves in a new way, they will see their child, imbued with his problems. The sensory experience of each child will be replenished, thanks to the creation of favorable emotional conditions, while organizing mutual communication with parents. Children will form a system of knowledge about the family, family values, about ways to express their feelings to others. It is the interaction of parents and children that contributes to emotional rapprochement, getting parents and children the experience of partnerships. Parents are actually convinced that it's time to sow that "good and eternal", and the sprouts will sprout and bear fruit.

Job outlook:

Continue work on this project throughout the preschool. Start conversations, consultations of specialists for dads from the moment the child arrives at preschool (from toddler age). Distribute the work on the project to all groups of preschool educational institutions.

Methodical developments.

  • Questionnaires for dads "Are you a good father?", "What are you, men?" (Annex 2)
  • Scenario of the parent meeting "Dads, be with us!" (Appendix 3);
  • Abstract of the consultation "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child" (Annex 4)
  • Games - trainings with dads. (Annex 5)
  • Synopsis of the joint holiday "We have fun together!" (Annex 6)
  • Card index of the artistic word about dad. (Annex 7)

This project may be of interest to teachers of mass kindergartens.


1. Kozlova S.A. My world (introducing the child to the social world). - Linka-Press, M., 2000

2. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Author-compiler Chirkova S.V.-M.: "VAKO", 2008.

  1. 3. Methodological guide for the socio-emotional development of preschool children "I-you-we", ed. Knyazeva O.L.
  2. 4. Communication of children in kindergarten and family. Ed. Repina T.A., Sterkina R.B., - M., 1990.
  3. 5. Preschool and family - a single space for child development. T.N.Doronova, E.V.Solovyova, A.E.Zhichkina.- Linka-Press, M., 2001

Application No. 1

Photo materials of the project

skill competition

sports holiday

Photo contest

Can you heat up my soup?

Fix the bike

Can give me a ride Instead of a fast horse!

Caught a fish -

big and small!

I'm nothing with you

I'm not afraid, daddy ...!

We can sing and dance

We can show you the story!

Family Newspaper Competition

Application №2

Questionnaire for fathers No. 1

Dear dads!

In order to cooperate with the preschool institution for the upbringing and development of your children, please answer the following questions:

1. Please select those images that are close to you more than others (underline):

  • wise father;
  • the head of the family;
  • father is the breadwinner;
  • real father;
  • busy father;
  • successful father;
  • leader in the family
  • father available to the child;
  • yet failed father;
  • patient;
  • strict;
  • impulsive and unrestrained;
  • sensitive and caring;
  • harsh father;
  • always at work;
  • distant father;

add if you want

2. With whom does your child communicate more often in the family: with you, mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister (brother), TV, toys (underline)?

3. What, in your opinion, are the functions of the father in the family? ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Please formulate the educational functions in the family that you cope with in the best way ______________________________________________________

5. How much time do you spend with your child?

6. What do you do with him in your free time?


7. Does your child ask you to play with him, read, tell about something?

8. How often do you tell your child:

“Now I’m busy, then ...” - very often, sometimes, rarely, almost never (underline).

9. What do you do when you cannot fulfill his request?


10. In your opinion, does the child receive something in communication with the father that cannot be replenished by communication with the mother?

Underline the selected answer:

  • mother and father can replace and duplicate each other in everything;
  • did not have to think about this issue;
  • give your answer

11. How often do you say to your child: “I love you”, phrases that emphasize your unity and community (underline)?

  • often;
  • sometimes;
  • seldom;
  • Almost never.

12. How often do you tell your child what you like about him (underline)?

  • often;
  • sometimes;
  • seldom;
  • Almost never.

13. Do you scold your child in front of strangers, friends?

14. What are the difficulties in communicating with children? ____________________________

15. Are kindness or severity your assistants in education?


16. Do you have common interests and favorite activities with your child? Which?


17. Do you like to spend your holidays with or without children? ______________________________________________________________

Test number 2 "What are we, men?"

Target: provide an opportunity for fathers and mothers to reflect on the role of a modern man in the family, the features of his participation in solving everyday issues of family life.

1. Do you cook breakfast?

2. Do you ever cook on your day off?

3. Do you help your wife with groceries on weekends?

4. Is it your responsibility to provide your family with potatoes from the store?

5. When there is a general cleaning in the house, do you do it together with your wife?

6. Have you been able to equip the kitchen with appliances that make household chores easier?

7. When your wife is busy, do you go to parent meetings in kindergarten?

8. If traffic jams burn out in your house, do you replace them yourself?

9. Do you get annoyed when your wife goes to the hairdresser and you have to cook?

10. Do you get angry when your wife returns late from work?

Results. For each answer "yes" put 3 points, "sometimes" - 2 points, "no" - 1.

26-30 points. The man's efforts seem to be inspired by the grateful and loving look of his wife.

16-25 points. It will not be superfluous to discuss this issue at the family council and talk about your expectations from each other.

Dad and baby interview questions

Do you love your dad? For what?

Who spends more time with you in your free time - dad or mom?

What do you do in your free time with your dad?

What does dad do in the evenings?

If you were a dad, what would you do to help mom at home?

When you and dad are together, what do you talk about? What questions does dad ask you? What are you asking him about?

What is dad's job? What does he do at work?

Does your dad scold you? For what?

What is your father - kind or strict?

What do you like to do with your dad?

When you grow up, what kind of dad will you be?

Mom and dad interview questions

What is the father in the family?

How is the father's role perceived in the family (with gratitude, support, criticism)?

Who wakes up a son or daughter in the morning, collects in the kindergarten?

In your opinion, does the father pay enough attention to the child?

How often does he do interesting things with him? What?

Does the child teach useful things? What?

Does the example show bad habits (does he smoke in the presence of a child in the room, speaks foul language, meets in a noisy company with friends)?

Does he help with housework?

Quiz #3 "Are you a good father?"

Answers: Circle if - Yes (first number) Sometimes (second number) No (third number)

1. Do you answer a child's question with words like: "I'll explain this to you when you grow up." 0 2 5

2. Do you think that a child should be given pocket money not a predetermined amount, but as much as he asks? 0 2 5

3. Do you try to explain to the child why you forbid him something? 4 2 0

4. Do you allow a young child to help around the house, even if that help does little or nothing? 4 3 0

5. Do you think that a child's innocent lie is acceptable? 0 2 4

6. Do you use the time of communication with your child to develop his powers of observation? 5 1 0

7. Do you use sarcastic remarks about your own child? 0 0 5

8. Do you think that a good beating has never hurt anyone yet? 0 2 5

9. Do you think that the early initiation of a child into adulthood is harmful? 0 3 4

10. Do you read parenting books? 4 2 0

11. Do you think that children can have their own secrets? 3 2 0

12. Do you scold your child if he leaves food on the plate? 0 1 4

13. Are you happy with your child's success? 3 2 0

14. Do you give your child independence in a new business for him? 5 1 0

15. Do you enjoy spending time with your child? 5 1 0

16. Do you condemn harshness and rigor in raising children? 5 0 0

18. Can you order so decisively that it will be immediately executed? 5 0 0

19. Do you easily form friendships with your child's friends? 4 2 0

20. Do you consider the circumstance that, when you yourself were at his age, you did not do this and were not interested in it, a sufficient reason for condemning something from your son (daughter). 0 2 5

21. Do you solve vital issues for your child with the words: "I know better what he needs." 0 2 5

22. Do you think that your son or daughter cannot have from you and have no right to feel offended if, for example, you open a letter that they received? 0 2 5

23. Can a son or daughter in a dispute convince you? Do you sometimes soften your initial decision, realizing that it is too harsh or unfair? 5 3 0

24. Do you apologize to your child if you unfairly punished him or deprived him of pleasure? 5 3 0

25. Do you forget about your promises to your child, especially those that for him are a reward for something difficult. 0 2 5

26. Can you take a break from work or an interesting program if your child asks you for advice or help in something really important for him? 5 2 0

Test results: all scores must be added up.

If the total is more than 130 points, you are a wonderful father and you have a favorable relationship with your child.

100 - 129 points You are sufficiently aware of the importance of your duties.

80 - 99 points - You are a good father, but often tend to make mistakes, weakening your own influence on the process of raising children.

60 - 79 points - unfortunately, in many matters you are not a competent enough father and your children are uncomfortable with you.

59 points or less - You are inconsistent in your deeds and actions, often doing "sometimes", what you should do all the time. Children do not know when and in what way they can count on you.

Below 30 points - You do not feel like a father at all.

Appendix 3

Parent meeting "DADES, BE TOGETHER WITH US!"

Conduct form: parent-child lounge.

Target: to increase the success of the child's social development on the basis of positive interaction with fathers.

Tasks: to increase the attendance of parent-teacher meetings by dads and their interest in raising their own children; to increase the interest and initiative of dads in the preparation and organization of events of the "child-parent living room".

Implementation plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. Discussion and carrying out of the planned events.

3. Final stage. Decision-making.

Event progress

Preparatory stage

1. Questioning of fathers (or grandfather, if the child does not have a father, and the grandfather takes an active part in the upbringing of the child) (Attachment 1).

2. Interview about dad (with child, mom) and tape recording of answers (Appendix 2).(Mothers and children should be aware that some answers will be heard at the meeting.)

3. Learning poems, songs, proverbs, sayings about dad with children.

Design of an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "My dad"; preparation of pictures for the contest "What would it mean?"; products for the contest "Relish in our way"; individual meeting invitations (each pope is required when
speak in person).

5. Discussion and execution of thanks to dads from moms for help with the housework, for the absence of bad habits (foul language, smoking in the room), etc.

6. Preparation of musical arrangement for the meeting.

Organizational stage

The meeting takes place in the group room or the music room. Parents enter the group, view the exhibition of children's work, sit down in their seats; calm music sounds.

Introductory part of the meeting

The song "Dad can, dad can do anything ..."

The leader of the meeting welcomes the parents, thanks for the presence. Informs the topic, purpose and program of the meeting.

Leading. Before we begin our meeting, let's first get to know each other better so that we can more easily discuss more complex issues later on. Let's play!

Option 1. A game in names.

Participants take turns calling their name and characterizing themselves by the first letter of their name or, by agreement, by any letter, by all letters. For example, Olga is a dazzling smile, easy-going, vegetarian, blue-eyed…

Option 2. Bingo game(time to complete the exercise- 5 minutes).

Parents are asked to split into four groups. Talking to each other in a group, parents find among the participants in the meeting people who are somewhat similar to them. For example, “I was born in February”, “I love quiet evenings”, “I have a large collection of stamps”, “I like winter”, “I love the sea”, etc. Further, one person from the group names the common thing that unites the people of this group how they are similar.

Option 3. "Acquaintance". All dads are invited to stand in a circle. The leader standing in the center of the circle offers to change places (change seats if the parents are sitting) to all those who have some common feature and name this feature. For example: “Those who have one child in the family, change places,” and everyone who matches this sign should change places. At the same time, the leader should try to have time to take one place from the free ones, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a place continues the game.

The teacher can help with the formulation of signs, thereby motivating dads to include in the subject of the meeting:

  • Change places those who play sports;
  • Change places for those who like to play hockey with their child, etc.

The main stage of the meeting

Mini discussion.

Leading. A few days before the meeting, we conducted a survey of children on a variety of questions, one of them was: “Why do you love your dad?” Hear their answers (zachithere are several children's answers).

(It should be remembered that the teacher is obliged to observe pedagogical ethics. If the child has a negative attitude towards the father and, answering the question, reported this, then this answer of the child cannot be submitted for general discussion. You should tactfully and individually discuss this problem with the father.

Leading. Why do you think we have gathered today in such a composition?

What is the role of the father in the family?

What do you think is the most important thing in raising a child?

Whose participation in the upbringing of the child should be more: mother or father? Why? (Reads 2-3 answers from the questionnaires.)

A child in a family needs both female and male attention. The mother, as a rule, acts on the child with affection, kindness. It plays a big role in the education of humane character traits. But the formation of purposefulness, perseverance, courage in children is the concern of the father.

Indeed, a man's attitude to the world, his duty, a correct understanding of his place in life, and finally, chivalry (among boys) is able to be formed precisely by the father by his example, deed. “Son, you and I are men,” the father says quietly when a woman enters the bus. The son, following the example of his father, instantly gets up from the seat.

The role of the father in preparing children for family life is great. His reliability, sensitivity towards mother, grandmother, children, desire to share household chores with them, to make family life more interesting, happy - all this passes on to children. The right example of a father teaches boys to be real men and subsequently good husbands, fathers, and encourages daughters to compare their friends with their father, to make high demands on young people.

What does your dad do in the evenings?

Who spends more time with you in your free time: Mom
or dad?

What do you like to do with your dad?

What did dad teach you? (Discussion.)

Leading (summarizes children's answers). A small child frankly appeals to his father: look, I am weak, I need you so much.

The main thing is not to be late! The main thing is to educate both in yourself and in the child the need to spend as much time together as possible from the first days.

During games, you, without realizing it, inspire your child with a sense of confidence and security. The child goes with these feelings through childhood, the difficult time of adolescence, and enters youth. And at all life turns he is supported by the understanding: my dad can do everything, he can do everything.

Business game "What would you talk about?"

The situation is proposed: the father leads the child from the kindergarten.

Well how are you? he asks with warmth in his voice.

Good, - the son replies in monosyllables.

What was for lunch? the father asks. - What did you do? How

Question for parents:

How do you rate this conversation?

Did the father speak to the child correctly?

What would you start talking about?

Do you have difficulty communicating with your kids? Which?

Listening to a tape recording of children's answers to questions.

What is dad's job?

What does he do at work?

What do you talk about with dad, going to kindergarten, returning home? (Discussion?)

Leading. In order for a child to open up, you need to win his trust. The son (daughter) should talk about himself, reveal his innermost thoughts and secrets, ask disturbing questions. But this is possible if you yourself go to meet him: on the way from the kindergarten, tell us what worried you at work, what you managed to do during the day, remember the people you met, share your worries and thoughts, tell us what touched you in read newspaper, book.

Talk to your child about everything. Do not think that your child is still small and will not understand anything. The main thing is that he will feel that you are addressing him as an adult.

Ask more often what new, interesting things happened today? What did they play? Who won? You have a friend? He is good? Why? Tell me what this book is about? What would you do in my place?

Musical pause. The boys of the group show a musical and sports dance, dads dance with them, repeating the movements.

Solution of the pedagogical situation.
Leading. Imagine the situation.

The father shouts to his son: “Where are you going all in the snow? Mom just washed the floor ... Come back, I say! The son was offended. He himself saw puddles on the clean floor, but he was in such a hurry to his parents, he wanted to tell what kind of snowman they made in the yard.

Was it necessary to yell at the child like that? (Discussion.)

Possible way out. One child will understand his mistake if you take him by the hand, silently lead him out of the kitchen to shake off drops of street moisture from his feet. Another needs to make a remark in a calm voice. Teach the third in a playful way.

For each case, taking into account the individuality of the child, you must choose the appropriate technique, but exclude rudeness, harsh gestures, and commanding tone. Otherwise, all this will cause protest and reciprocal rudeness.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko attached great importance to the authority of parents, he wrote that not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not begging, but a calm, businesslike and serious order - this is what should be in the family.

There must be a measure in education. In order for the child to be calm in kindergarten (school), it is necessary to give him the opportunity to discharge energy at home. The father must punish for disobedience, otherwise irresponsibility is formed. But punishment without repentance does not educate. If the child does not understand his guilt and does not want to atone for it, the punishment will not teach anything, but it can embitter.

Listening and discussing the recording of the children's answers to the question:“If you were a dad, how would you help your mom with the housework?”

Leading. Warmth, comfort, peace in the house largely depend on the mother, and her state of mind - on her husband, father.

Do you think you have more responsibilities in the family?
Let me read thanks to dads from some moms

for help with the housework, for the absence of bad habits (foul language, smoking in the room), etc. (Reads.)

Dear dads! Let's educate our children not so much with words, gifts, new toys, but with an example worthy of imitation.

Remember: pride in your fathers is the moral foundation for a child's personality to take off.

Interactive game(children are invited).
Leading. Dads and boys will take part in the interactive game.

Task options:

"Build Your Home" (the music “Dads can do everything” sounds, dads and children build their own house from soft modules).

Show the scene-improvisation "Home Alone" (required attributes to choose from).

Our Taste Contest (Music sounds, dads come out to cook sweet dishes if they wish, and little guests will be “Makarevich consultants”).

"What would that mean?" (from the prepared posters - surprises, guess the meaning of a proverb, saying, the content of a logical riddle, etc.).

Leading. Our boys were asked another question: When you grow up, what kind of dad will you be? (Wari are readants of children's answers.)

Children read a poem "When I become an adult."

When I become an adult

I will let my son.

Hands eating sour cream

And jump on my back.

lying on the couch,

Draw on the wall...

Beetle to keep in your pocket,

Do not wash your face.

Scream, run through the puddles,

Cut off the legs of the chair.

Don't sleep or eat.

Riding a cat

Spin the spring in the clock

Drink water from the tap.

I will let my son

When I become an adult.

V. Lunin

And another important point here is the personal example of parents. If there are problems with the child, then first of all you need to analyze yourself and your relationships in the family. Children usually mirror our problems. And this is especially unpleasant for us (how unpleasant it is to see our reflection in the mirror at the time of the scandal). But until we overcome these problems ourselves, we will not be able to demand this from children. Demand, for example, from yourself courtesy, respect for your own parents, conflict-free, healthy lifestyle (even without cigarettes!). As you know, "children do not act as we tell them, but as we ourselves do." On this occasion, we can recall the verses of one medieval poet:

The child learns what he sees in his home.

His parents are an example to him.

Who is rude with his wife and children, who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will more than receive

From them everything that teaches them.

Where the abbot is not the enemy of wine,

All the brethren are drunk-drunk.

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds.

Keep your house in order, so as not to repent later.

The final stage of the meeting

Leading. And now we invite you to seal our friendly meeting with fragrant tea and taste the dishes prepared by moms and dads with your help.

To the melody "Strong Friendship" all participants of the event go to the group to drink tea.

Approximate decision of the parent meeting

1. Take an active part in the upbringing of your children.

2. Continue the cooperation of parents and teachers on the upbringing, education and development of children.

3. Organize and conduct activities with the children.

4. Replenish the subject-developing environment of the group with different types of constructors.

5. To take part for dads in the skill contest "Bird Feeders"

Reminders for parents

Pay special attention to education.

Set clear, reasonable boundaries for acceptable behavior.

Require family rules.

Apply punishment appropriate to the act.

Punish for educational purposes, not for the sake of punishment itself.

To ensure that the child understands what he was punished for.

Always listen carefully to the child and respect his feelings.

Give the child freedom to the extent that he shows responsibility.

Avoid direct confrontations (quarrels and scandals).

In every possible way encourage the child for diligence and praise for success.

Understand and decide what life values ​​you want to pass on to your child, and how these values ​​were passed on to you by your parents.

Strive for self-improvement.

Do what you teach your child to do.

Set rules on the go.

Constantly change the ground rules.

Shame the child.

Use your power to suppress the child's personality.

Scold and insult the child.

Too harsh to punish.

Thoughtlessly imposing life values ​​on children.

Say one thing and do another.

Appendix 4

Consultation "The role of the father in education"

There is a lot of talk today about the role of the father in raising a child. Experts note that it is quite difficult to grow a full-fledged personality, be it a boy or a girl, without male influence. No one denies the possibility of success in the field of education without a father, but as life shows, this is a rarity. After all, it depends on both parents how their child will grow up. What is important is what parents give him, in particular, the father can give what no one else in the world can give him. Experts recommend not to forget about it, especially when it comes to divorce. Under any circumstances, a man should remain a dad.

In the circumstances of a divorce, both parents must show that they love the child. Your relationship should not affect the child, do not kill his world. Therefore, to begin with, discuss who and when will take or pick up the child from the kindergarten (school), spend the weekend with him, and so on. After parting with his wife, the husband should not forget about communication with the child. It should be constant, preferably daily. For example, talking with a child on the phone.

If you believe psychologists, then in the "complete" family, children are often deprived of paternal attention. Many fathers are sure that their main role is to earn money, and upbringing falls on the shoulders of the mother. All this is so. But, it will not be superfluous to expand the territory of communication between the child and the father. Communication with each other will allow you to build relationships, learn a lot of interesting things, and most importantly, give mom a time out in business, and the opportunity to take care of yourself.

Many mothers, having taken care of the house and children, forget to involve the father in the upbringing of the child. It seems to them that a man will not be able to properly feed, wash the child, check the lessons or put him to bed. This is not true. It is important to remember that the spouse is not a small child, but an adult, independent person. He, like a mother, loves her child, and is unlikely to harm him. Experts note that in most cases, the father is more responsible for the process of education. The main thing is to provide freedom in communication, it is she who makes it possible to build those thin skeins that will connect the child and the father.

Every family has its own relationship between father and child. According to experts, there are no universal tips, but there are rules that can help in communicating with a child.

1. RESPECT FOR THE MOTHER. The first and basic rule, it also applies to the mother. Even if you are very offended by your other half. Never criticize her in front of the child. Your hostility will only complicate the relationship with the child. In addition, it will cause considerable harm to the psyche of the baby. Because he loves both his parents. Spouses should often remember their love for each other. Even if you are divorced, try to remain friends and loving parents.

2. DAD IS NOT A PERSON, BUT A HOLIDAY. Many fathers need to be aware of this process. Undoubtedly, the father is pleased to see the joyful eyes of the child when he appears on the threshold of the house with a whole bunch of gifts. Another thing is when, being with dad, the child must observe the daily routine, do homework and so on. The main role of the father in education lies in the main thing - the father, first of all, is a friend for the child, a teacher, an example for the child, and not a holiday on two legs. Only in the process of everyday communication, through a personal example of reaction to events, the father shows the child the world of a man. So the girl, he helps to learn to understand people of the opposite sex, and the boy learns to be a man (in the good sense of the word).

3. QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY OF COMMUNICATION. It does not matter how much time the father spends with the child, the whole day, or two hours. Sometimes, in a short period of time, a father can give so much warmth and attention that it will last for a long time. Therefore, it is worth cherishing every minute of communication with the baby. Walk, read, have conversations on topics of interest to the child. The role of a father in raising a child is important. After all, a father can give so much interesting things to a child.

Typology of fathers (A.I. Barkan)

“Papa-mom” is a motherly caring dad. He takes on all the functions of the mother: he bathes, feeds, and reads a book. But he does not always manage to do this with due patience. The pressure of the father’s mood puts pressure on the child: when everything is fine, the father is caring, kind, sympathetic, and if something goes wrong, he is unrestrained, quick-tempered, even angry, which affects the upbringing of the child.

"Mom-dad" - dad, who sees the main task in pleasing the child. As a mother and as a father, he resignedly pulls the parental burden. Caring, gentle, without mood swings. Everything is allowed to the child, everything is forgiven, and sometimes he “sits” comfortably on his father’s head, turning into a little despot.

"Karabas-Barabas" - dad-scarecrow, angry, cruel, recognizing always and in everything only "hedgehogs". Fear reigns in the family, driving the soul of the child into a labyrinth of dead-end impassability.

"Die Hard" - an adamant type of dad, recognizing only the rules without exception, never compromising to alleviate the fate of the child when he is wrong;

"Dragonfly Jumper" - a dad who lives in a family, but does not feel like a father. His ideal of life is a free life, without responsibility for the fate of loved ones. The family for him is a heavy burden, the child is a burden, a matter of concern for his wife. At the first opportunity, this type of dad turns into an incoming dad;

“Good fellow”, “shirt-guy” - dad at first glance, both as a brother and as a friend. It is interesting, easy, fun with him. She will rush to help anyone, but at the same time she will forget about her own family, which her mother does not like. The child lives in an atmosphere of quarrels and conflicts, experiencing in his soul, but unable to change anything;

"Neither fish nor meat", "under the heel" - not a real dad, because he does not have his own voice in the family, he echoes his mother in everything, even if she is not right. Fearing the wrath of his wife, in difficult moments for the child, he does not have the strength to go over to his side to help.

Appendix 5

Scenario game training with dads.

Topic: “Childhood experience is an emotional experience”

Purpose: To help parents realize the degree of seriousness and responsibility of the process of family education, the importance of mutual understanding in the parent-child model; help to understand the emotional and sensory sphere of your child; to enrich the ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child, to model the ways of parental behavior in situations of resolving conflicts between children and parents.

LESSON TWO. There is a direct exchange of experience in family education. Parents speak about the level at which children communicate with each other, with parents in the family; about family traditions, games with children at home, about the degree of participation of grandparents in raising children, what methods help to build relationships with a son or daughter more than others, what kind of reaction the child receives from reward and punishment (Organization of productive communication: Exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings ).

LESSON THREE. From theory to practice.

Since the game interaction of parents and children contributes to emotional rapprochement, getting parents and children the experience of partnerships, emphasis was placed on the benefits of such methods in the work of the kindergarten as: joint holidays, exhibitions of crafts, drawings, competitions, competitions with the participation of the whole family. The words are reinforced by the following game training.

Game task 1 . We go shopping to the store of children's characters: each parent chooses a toy-doll with some kind of childish character (there are ready-made inscriptions on the dolls: “I am capricious”, “I am a tyrant”, “I love to throw tantrums”, “I - fidget", etc.). Show how you will establish contact with such a child (crying, offending a peer, etc.)

Game task 2. Role playing family situations

A) Your child is naughty at a party. He laughs and runs around the room, waving his arms. You, thinking about the rest of those present, stopped him, seated him at the table and scolded him severely. What experience can a child get in this situation? What kind of reaction to the actions of parents can be expected from the child?

B) You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. How do you do it and why?

Game task 3. Say the phrase in a different tone: “Transfer your toys to the table and play there!”: Demanding; strictly; angrily; kindly.

When do you think your child's reaction will be positive?

TOTAL. The mutual exchange of experience made many think about their failures and mistakes in family education. The conversation turned out to be a revelation for everyone, the meeting was held in an atmosphere of trust and mutual disposition, with the presence of a share of humor. Parents expressed their desire to meet again to discuss similar problems. At the end of the game, those present did not disperse for a long time under her impression.

Appendix 6

Department of Preschool Education of the Administration of Glazov

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 30" "Scarlet Flower"

Summary of a leisure evening with parents"We have fun together"

Compiled by:

Kalinina A.E.

teacher 1 cat.

Glazov, 2011

Leisure evening "We have fun together!"

Vedas. Good evening! We are glad to welcome you to the game program "We have fun together". Dear parents, guests! Leave all worries and affairs behind these doors and try to relax with us.

I would like to introduce you to the families who have decided to take part in this program today, not as spectators, but as participants. (representation of the participants of the competition).

Briefly describe its participants, after which they take places at the tables, on which there are signs with their names. And so, today, before your eyes, competitions of the most daring and resolute, resourceful and cheerful families are being played out. And since we have competitions, it means that there should be a jury, strict and fair. (introduce the members of the jury).

I have introduced you all, you can start. I would like to wish our family teams success and victories.

  • Our first competition. Starting a family is not easy, and maintaining it is even more difficult. Troubles, joys happen in every family, but we do not always succeed in adequately resolving many conflicts, we lack worldly wisdom. This is what Russian proverbs and sayings teach us. Let's remember them. The competitive task is to make proverbs about the family from the set of words that you receive in envelopes. (give out envelopes).
  • While the parents complete the task, the children complete the competitive task. "Fairy Tale Competition"We are inseparable from a good fairy tale, And fairy tales have miracles to heaven! Can you imagine how boring it would be If there were no miracles in the world! Guys, you have to solve fairy-tale riddles. (I take out a book and read).

An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in this swamp someone caught her. Who said goodbye to green skin, became instantly beautiful and pretty? (Princess Frog).

Near the forest on the edge, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows, guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three Bears).

The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us, the good blue river helped us. Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us, we got home to mother and father. Who took the brother? Name the book. (Swan geese).

There was a merry ball in the palace, the slipper fell from her foot, it was a shame for the girl to leave the merry hall, but she went home, took off her magnificent dress, and again dressed in rags, and began to work. (Cinderella).

I lived with the owner of the poor, faithfully I served him. My master gave me a pair of boots, the master gave me my father's bag. I told him: - Do not grieve, do not be sad! Let me go hunting in the woods. Then I did many miracles, I was in the palace, I spoke with the king and gave him partridges. I went to the cannibal himself, I alone defeated the cannibal. After all, I'm not simple ... I'm a special cat. Who knows the tale, he will call me. (Puss in Boots).

In this book there are name days, there were many guests there. But on these name days a villain suddenly appeared. He wanted to kill the hostess, almost killed her, but someone cut off the head of the insidious villain. (Fly Tsokotukha).

The girl is sleeping and does not yet know what besieges her in this fairy tale, the toad will steal her in the morning, An unscrupulous mole will hide her in a hole ... However, that's enough! Do you need a hint? Who is that girl? (Thumbelina).

Carpenter Giuseppe - Blue Nose somehow brought a log into the house. He began to make something, the log began to speak. Who spoke in that log? Who did Giuseppe make? (Pinocchio).

A girl sits in a basket with a bear behind her back. He, without knowing it, carries her home. Did you recognize this tale? Then quickly answer. The name of this fairy tale ... (Masha and the bear).

A good girl is walking through the forest, But the girl does not know that danger awaits. Behind the bushes glows a pair of angry eyes, Someone terrible will meet the girl now. Who will ask the girl about her path? Who will deceive the grandmother to enter the house? Who is this girl, who is this beast? You can now answer the riddle. (Red Riding Hood).

Now let's talk about another story. Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore. The old man went to the sea, he will cast a net, He will catch someone and ask for something. There is a story about a greedy old woman, And greed, guys, does not lead to good. And the case will end with the same trough, But not new, but old, broken. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish).

Oh! Oh! Oh." There's such a commotion here! Everyone is running, rushing, jumping, they are shouting: “Where to where?” Well, someone is crying loudly from annoyance and shame. But everything ends well. Everything returns to its place. Everyone forgives the guilty, They treat them to sweet tea ... (Fedorino's grief).

  • Vedas: I see that you are very fond of fairy tales, so you correctly guessed all the riddles. Well done! And while the jury is summing up, we will play. Daily household work: cleaning the apartment, cooking, washing dishes is not attractive to everyone. Now we will try to turn homework into a game and all families will participate in it. Fun Cleanup Competition. Attention of the jury, this competition is not evaluated. (Children and parents improvise cleaning in the house to the music)
  • Now let's play with the audience. Our competition "Fairy tale loto".

I will name the first word or syllable - you will name the full name of the fairy tale. Sivka - Burka, Horse - Humpbacked. The Scarlet Flower. The Bremen Town Musicians. Zayushkin's hut. Ugly duck. Tiny - Khavroshechka. Flower - Semitsvetik. Dr. Aibolit. Boy with a thumb.

  • Vedas: The next contest is for our moms and dads. Quiz.

1. Who screams the loudest: the crocodile? hippo, lion? (crocodile).

2. Who is the most toothy beast? Snail, crocodile, shark? (garden snail, it has 14,175 teeth).

3. Which of them runs the fastest: a cheetah, a hare, a lion? (cheetah - up to 112 km, hare - up to 100 km per hour).

4. Who is the biggest: elephant, giraffe, blue whale? (blue whale. The length of this giant is 33 meters, and weighs more than 50 elephants - 150 tons).

5. Who “sings” with wings and “listens with their feet”: a butterfly, a grasshopper, a frog? (Grasshopper. Moving its wings, it makes sounds as if someone is often, often knocking with hammers. Catch a grasshopper, carefully and very carefully examine its legs. You will see long slits. These are the ears.

6. Who has legs on his head: octopus, cancer, mosquito? (The octopus has tentacles that replace legs. They are located on the head. Therefore, they are called cephalopods. Each tentacle has up to 300 suction cups, each of the bottom can hold a load of several kilograms).

Game with spectators . Questions:

It looks like a wedge, turn it around - damn it? (umbrella).

Increases in summer and decreases in winter? (day).

More dot, less cloud? (shadow).

Who flies through the window and does not break the glass? (beam of the sun).

Four ears two abdomen (pillow).

The more you take, the more it gets? (pit).

What is the herb that even the blind recognize? (nettle).

How can you bring water in a sieve? (freezing).

Which flower has a male and female name at the same time? (Ivan da Marya).

Who appears earlier in spring - bats or insects? (insects).

Many arms, but one leg? (wood).

Where can you find dry stone? (under the water).

Under which bush does a hare sit when it rains? (under wet).

  • Vedas: next shopping ahead competition. Dear jury, award the number of points according to the number of "bought potatoes".
  • Next game: Find your child. (the parent is blindfolded, he stands in a circle of children and finds his child by touch).
  • Next contest: "Count it." (with kids). We are a huge family, the youngest is me! You can’t count us right away: there is Tanya, and there is Vanya. Yura, Shura, Zina, Masha And Natasha are also ours. How many children are in the family? (8) ; How many ears do 3 mice have? How many legs do 2 cats have; How many guys are sitting at the table and looking at you with 10 eyes? (five); How many horns do 2 cows have? (4); Do 5 cranes have necks?
  • Competition for moms "Define the groats." (blindfolded). Summing up the results of past competitions.
  • Attraction "Pull the rope." (the rope lies between 2 chairs. The players run to the music, at the end of the music they sit on the chair and everyone tries to pull out the rope).
  • The next competition is "My home is my fortress". (with blindfolded eyes, participants draw a house - in turn. Children - walls, roof; mothers - a pipe, windows, doors, fathers - a tree). Summarizing.
  • Craft competition "With your own hands" ". (up to 5 points).

Summing up the overall results and determining the winner family.

Rewarding families with emblems " Family - erudite and prizes.

Vedas: So our unusual family holiday has come to an end. It remains only to thank those who helped us in this. You, dear participants, you, dear viewers, you, dear jury. In order for families to live together, happily, it is necessary that there be harmony in the family. Our holiday will end with a song " A true friend". Now we invite everyone to the festive table for tea drinking.

Annex 7

Poems about dad.

Dad reads books to me

I treasure my friendship with him.

A fairy tale each for dad

I'll retell that hour aloud

Then I'll take the book myself,

I'll read it aloud to my dad.

Dad will tell the story

It will take my breath away.

So we read to each other

We retell aloud.

And so much fun in the apartment

And so fabulous around.

My father

My dad is like a goblin, judge for yourself:

Our refrigerator is full of mushrooms.

Empty people come from the forest,

And daddy picks mushrooms, like in a garden.

My dad weighs a hundred kilos

But very smart, I tell you.

When I was younger and skinnier

I went to Salekhard on foot.

I'm young - I fly in a dream,

Everything looks rosy to me.

And dad said he was young too

And maybe even younger than me.

The role of the father in family education.

"My dad is the best

And he got me!

I am the happiest

Daughter on Earth

Tale about dad - Maria N.

All poems about mothers are read,

Dad, they seem to forget

I'll tell you a fairy tale

About your daddy.

me for my dad

I don't regret anything.

We are best friends with him

Where he is, there I am.

He goes to work

Will take me to kindergarten

And come home from work

Talk about hunting

We will sit on the sofa with him,

Let's read the book.

Let's cook shulum soup for mom,

We'll take everything.

That leads me to the cinema

That's up the hill in the park,

Just don't take a bath

He says it's hot in there.

Daddy's professions. Nastya Dobrota

The pavement trembles and the motor howls -

This is our chauffeur dad.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.

He is piloted by his dad.

Friendly walks with the military in a row

Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is the record holder in the all-around?

We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -

Dad is a worker, he is a steelworker.

Heals thousands of broken hands

In a children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The crane will install, clean the blockage

Dad is a plumber or fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?

This is a famous artist dad.

“There is no unnecessary profession in the world!” -

Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

Who will move the closet heavy?

Who will fix the sockets for us?

Who will beat all the shelves,

Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?

Who is driving in the car?

Who will we go to football with?

Who's birthday?

My daddy's!

Dad has a job!

Dad cares!

And once with us

him to play.

And we love him!

And we are waiting for him!

But if our dad

takes a day off

How cool with him

He is so groovy!

My dad left

I'm without a dad, to be honest,

Dad, if you want

can sing a song

If it's cold

warm with your warmth.

me without dad

it's hard to fall asleep.

Get up and be quiet

I will stand at the door

Dear dad,

come back soon.

(I. Babushkin)

Appendix 8

Congratulations to all dads on this honorary title!

Being a good parent is hard work. Good luck in raising your children and understanding in the family!

"My dad is the best

And he got me!

I'm the happiest

Child on Earth

Sincerely, group educators

Much has been said about what a good father should be like. And what do children want to see their fathers? It is unlikely that any of the parents asked this question to their children. The teachers of the Oshevensk secondary school (Arkhangelsk region) decided to ask and asked the children to write essays on the topics: “What should a father be like?”, “My dad”.

We bring to the attention of readers a fragment of the report of the director of the Oshevenskaya secondary school Igor Alekseevich Toropov, prepared by him for the regional conference "Father is a responsible position."

About half of the essays are about what positive qualities should be in the pope, a third of the essays are written about their father, and the rest do not know what to write.

“My dad is the most beautiful, the strongest, the bravest, the most cheerful. When we walk down the street, all the people greet him. He knows how to do everything with his own hands. My dad is the best in the world."

For children of primary school age, the most important thing is that dad give them as much time as possible, help them do their homework, walk with them, read fairy tales, play.

For teenagers, the main thing is that the words of the father do not diverge from the deed, that he is respected at work, that the father brings faith in the future into the house, peace in the souls of family members. It is important for them that they talk about their father as a person who deserves universal respect.

Here is what the teenagers wrote:

“My dad likes to tell the truth and doesn't like lies. I would like my dad to always help me and not leave me in difficult times. I want him to be a decent person, respect me and love my mother. A father should pay more attention to children, and not say: "I'm busy." My father is very hardworking, he is respected at work, he is often approached with requests. A father should be affectionate, kind, take care of his wife and children. The main thing is that dad devotes as much time as possible to his child.

But, unfortunately, some children see in their fathers only a source of money and material wealth, and if he cannot provide them, then he does not deserve attention and respect at all. Here are some essays written by some children:

“I want my dad to have a lot of money so that he can buy me everything I want.”

"I want my dad to be like the new Russians, he had a Mercedes car and a big house."

"I want my dad to be a president or a banker and have a lot of money."

To some extent, the parents themselves are to blame for this. Avoid discussing your financial problems in front of your children. Children still cannot help in their decision.

If the child shares material worries with adults, he begins to painfully feel shortages, worry about the money that is spent on him, it seems to him that he is “ruining the family”. He doesn't want to be a burden to his parents. Isn't that why most juvenile cases in courts are cases of theft or robbery? After all, it is not easy for a child to earn money, and theft becomes the easiest way.

For high school students, the requirements for fathers are changing. They need a father who himself goes to a frank conversation, who can be trusted.

“I love my father for understanding, for the fact that he takes care of me and never gives offense. Because he warns me against wrong deeds. Of course, we are all used to trusting our secrets and cherished dreams to our mother, and as we grow older, to our friends, but I turn to my father with some problems, because I believe that no one can solve my difficulties better than him. Of course, sometimes dad shows excessive curiosity about my personal affairs, but I don’t take offense at this and I think that this is the most common care and manifestation of love. Some may object that they do not need this care, that they can live without it. But have you tried to put yourself in the place of a child from an orphanage who would give a lot even for one remark from his father?

“I am proud of my father for honesty and justice. He is the source of strength I need. When something doesn’t work out for me and I give up, he inspires me and claims that everything will work out. He says that he made a lot of mistakes in his life, on which he learned, and this is common to all people. The most important thing is to strive for your goal and not give up.

For high school students, it is important that the father understands modern youth, believes in them, believes in his son, in his daughter.

“The main thing is that dad loves his children. Most of all I would like fathers to treat their children fairly. After all, if a father demands the impossible from his child, this can lead to the fact that the child will no longer respect his father. A father should not humiliate a child. He should not be indifferent to my problems, but at the same time he should not impose his opinion on me. After all, I may not like what he likes. He must understand that I am also a person and I have my own opinion. It should not restrict my freedom. With dad, I can joke and talk seriously. I love my dad very much. He is in my heart and I am proud of him."

Pride in one's parents is the moral foundation for the rise of a child's personality. Shame for one's parents is a heaviness in the heart that does not allow a child to fly to full height. Unfortunately, more and more children feel shame for their parents. Here are some essays written by some children:

“My dad drinks. I want my dad not to drink and love me and my mom.”

“I don’t like my dad raising his voice at me for nothing. A father should not yell at a child, much less beat him. He should calmly explain if the child does not understand something or does something wrong.

“I don’t like that when dad comes home from work, he lies on the couch and watches TV. I would like him to come home from work on time, help his mother and play with me.”

“My father gives me little time. For bad deeds, he scolds me, but for good deeds he does not say a word. I wish he wasn't so strict."

“I want my father not to forget about me, not to say that it would be better if someone else was his son.”

“I want my dad not to get drunk at work. And so that at least once a month we go somewhere with the whole family for the weekend.

Let you remember for a long time the words of Karamzin: "Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools, institutes, boarding houses."

Our school practices such methods of work as: a conference of dads, photo exhibitions "Me and my dad", Father's Day, "Funny Starts", we invite dads to school events and class hours, involve them in socially useful work together with children and on preparing and conducting extra-curricular activities, at career guidance events we make excursions to production facilities where men are directly employed.

And in the end, I want to quote the words from Herve Bazin's novel “For the sake of the son”: “You can change your shirt, occupation, beliefs. You can change your wife. But you can't change a child. He was born, you belong to him, you are in his power ... The child is irreversible.

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