Home Potato When was the last parade of planets. Parade of planets - interesting facts, does the parade of planets affect a person? Parade of planets in art

When was the last parade of planets. Parade of planets - interesting facts, does the parade of planets affect a person? Parade of planets in art

When you can observe the parade of the planets in 2019, what it will be like and how it will affect our planet and its inhabitants, we will try to find out with the help of "exclusive" information provided by NASA specialists.

According to a "simplified" scientific definition, this phenomenon is a kind of "construction" of large space objects in one line and on one side of the star. Depending on the number of space objects involved in the construction, astronomers classify small, large pi full parades of planets. In the first case, there can be four planets in it, in the second - six, in the last - all eight (on average, such an event occurs once every 170 years). There are also so-called dwarf or mini-parades, which are formed from only three celestial bodies. As for the upcoming phenomenon, it belongs to the last of the mentioned categories, which means that in 2019, astronomers will have the opportunity to observe a “troika” of cosmic giants.

The unique construction of the planets in 2019: the warnings of astrologers

A distinctive feature of the parade of the planets of the coming year will be the "retrograde" Mercury. In simple terms, this celestial giant will be in the “reverse” phase of orbit around the Sun three times. How can this phenomenal cosmic process affect the inhabitants of the Earth?

According to astrologers, this planet of the solar system is responsible for the sphere of finance, business and human intellectual activity. And since the "retrograde" of Mercury is a negative factor, you should not count on its beneficial effect. That is why on the days of the parade of the planets, astrologers categorically advise against starting new projects, doing business and other issues related to a financial nature. It is best to devote this time to communication and passive recreation, surrounded by relatives and friends.

Recall. that the most critical periods in 2019 in the field of business initiatives will be March 5th - 28th, July 8th - August 1st and October 31st - November 20th.

What date and at what time can the parade of planets 2019 be observed?

According to preliminary forecasts of NASA experts, the next parade of planets will happen in May 2019. It is almost impossible to determine with the utmost accuracy what date and at what time it will be possible to enjoy this unique planetary procession. To perform the necessary astronomical calculations, scientists need at least two months. Thus, it will be possible to find out the exact time frame for the upcoming mini-parade of planets no earlier than March-April 2019.

As for the big parade of planets, the nearest phenomenon of such a large-scale order will occur in the spring of 2022. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to trace him from the territory of Russia. A kind of "compensation" for this trouble will be a parade consisting of 5 planets, which the Russians will see in June of the same year. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will enter the celestial stage. Announced by scientists and the approximate date of a full-fledged parade of planets. In their opinion, this event will occur no earlier than the year 2161.

Which planets will participate in the 2019 parade?

According to a recent survey, the second most popular question asked by users of thematic forums on the Internet is the question of which planets will take part in the upcoming mini parade of celestial bodies? Mars, Venus and Mercury will be visible in the 2019 planetary alignment, according to data provided by NASA astronomers.

What are the consequences of the parade of planets 2019: predictions of Nostradamus and the opinions of scientists

Despite the fact that the mini-parade of planets is a completely “ordinary” astronomical phenomenon, there are people who associate global changes for all mankind with it. The main argument in favor of this hypothesis are the predictions of the great clairvoyant of the 16th century, Michel Nostradamus. According to the soothsayer, the construction of the planets in 2019 will be a harbinger of the beginning of "great upheavals" for the whole world. A crushing "blow" to human civilization will be dealt by nature. Tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes will take the lives of millions of people. The apocalyptic picture of the world will be supplemented by volcanic eruptions that will cover the Earth with poisonous ash and practically destroy all life.

More "rosy" are the opinions of scientists from the camp of optimists. According to them, the alignment of the planets in 2019 will not entail serious consequences that can become a threat to the existence of our planet. However, some experts do not exclude certain negative aspects associated with the linear construction of celestial bodies. For example, leading scientists of the world have proven that this phenomenon multiplies the risk of exacerbation of chronic, and in particular, mental illness. Taking into account this unpleasant factor, during the parade of the planets, many doctors strongly recommend that their patients refrain from excessive physical exertion, stress and conflict situations.

In addition to the above opinions, there is an unofficial hypothesis that “strong” politicians and gifted public figures are born during the planetary parade. As confirmation of the voiced theory, a list of the following names can be given:

  • Bashar al-Assad (current president of Syria);
  • Abdullah ibn Hussein (King of Jordan);
  • Dmitry Medvedev (Prime Minister of the Russian Federation).

Despite the fact that the above hypothesis is not officially encouraged by science, it has a fairly solid foundation and deserves a more serious and "deep" study.

Is it possible to watch the 2019 planetary parade online: will there be a live broadcast of the event?

On the eve of such a grandiose space procession, millions of people around the world would like to know if there will be a live broadcast of the parade of the planets 2019 and where can I watch online video of this event? According to reports from reliable sources, the broadcast will take place in real time on the resource of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA.TV. The exact time of the "star" broadcast will be announced in April 2019. A video recording of the parade of planets, captured by NASA satellites, can be seen on the specified resource a little later - in June - July 2019.

The visible parade of planets is called a planetary configuration, when the five bright planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees ) sky.

In order for all five bright planets to be visible at the same time, the condition must certainly be met that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have approximately the same longitude and be visible near the inner planets, and Mercury and Venus are in eastern elongation from the Sun in spring, and in western elongatsi, in autumn (for the northern hemisphere of the Earth and for middle latitudes). It is in such elongations that Mercury can be observed for quite a long time. Venus has less stringent visibility conditions, because its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (Mercury's is 28 degrees).

From the above, it can be seen that the parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning. A mini parade of planets involving four planets occurs more often, and mini parades of planets involving three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), but the conditions for their visibility are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth. So, for example, a wonderful parade of 4 bright planets in mid-May 2011, when the planets gathered in the sector of 7 degrees (!), could be observed in the equatorial regions and the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and for residents of the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the parade was practically not visible , because the planets rose at the same time as the sun. The next mini-parades of planets of 4 bright planets (sector 65 degrees) took place in 2002 and at the beginning of April 2004, then in August 2008 (sector 20 degrees). Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the 38 degree sector will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for the inhabitants of Russia. But on the other hand, already in June 2022, the inhabitants of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but already located in the sector of 115 degrees, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This combination happens even less frequently than the parade of 5 planets.

A parade of planets is also called the configuration of the planets of the solar system, when the planets, including those invisible to the naked eye, "line up" on one side of the Sun in a small sector. In this configuration, Mercury and Venus may not be visible from the Earth, because are in lower conjunction with the Sun, but the outer planets are visible, practically, in one direction. The nearest such configuration (excluding Pluto) is expected in 170 years.
And this is about other parades of planets.

August 6-7, 2010 year will take place. As many as six planets of our Yarilo-Sun system: Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus will line up almost in one line, within 5 degrees (ideally straight lines with the participation of so many planets naturally do not exist, so the location of the planets within a few degrees counts as one line). Midgard-Earth will be in the middle between Jupiter and Uranus on the one hand and Venus, Mars and Saturn on the other.

This parade is also notable for the fact that if you look from Midgard-Earth, the planets will almost exactly line up along one of the main lines on the celestial sphere: lines of the equinoxes(0-12h), which is deeply Symbolic.

Jupiter and Uranus will be around vernal equinox points.
Venus, Mars and Saturn about autumn equinox points.

Get a kind of Libra. Border/Transition/ between the world(what happened before - relatively peaceful time) and War(what will happen in the near future - wartime).

For six planets (including the largest ones) to line up along the line of the Equinoxes, this really happens very, very rarely !!!

Scientists - astrologers have always associated planetary parades with socially and politically significant events in the life of society. Indeed, the time of occurrence of this astrological phenomenon, as a rule, coincides with the Restructuring of the world political system, a change in the mood of the masses, a change in the course of world elites, wars, upheavals, etc.

For example: after Parade of planets 1962 year (seven planets met in a "line", within the same sign of the Zodiac, the so-called classic "septener") began Caribbean crisis, which almost led the entire World and Midgard-Earth to the World Nuclear Catastrophe / according to other sources, an unmassed exchange of nuclear missile strikes between the USA and the USSR did take place then ..., but missiles with atomic warheads, then - were intercepted ... / let's call it the Higher Reason.../ - the largest part of the missiles was completely intercepted and destroyed / nihilated / in the air, on the other hand, a smaller part of the missiles (launched from nuclear submarines) had a small problem - they could only intercept them and change their trajectory - atomic explosions occurred on the relatively uninhabited atolls of the Pacific Ocean.

For example: after December Parade of the Planets 1989 year (nine out of ten planets lined up in one "line"), the actual collapse of the CMEA, the Warsaw Pact and the USSR began - that is, the entire System began to be quickly and forcefully destroyed.

Remember what happened before and after ... here are just a few moments: the surrender of the GDR and the unification of Germany with the rapid withdrawal of Soviet troops into the "clean" field, civil wars in Yugoslavia and the USSR (Fergana - pogrom and expulsion of the Meskhetian Turks, pogroms and expulsions in Azerbaijan and Armenia), performances-riots of Asian nationalists in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - Caucasian nationalists in Georgia, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Armenia; performances of the so-called. Democrats in Moscow, Leningrad, the Baltic States, Moldova, etc.); internal sabotage of the so-called. "managed chaos" - shortages of consumer goods and food throughout the country ("soap" riots, "tobacco" riots, etc.), although trains with everything necessary stood on sidings, but they were forbidden to unload ... - or for example, at the same time, all tobacco factory workers at all tobacco enterprises in the country were suddenly sent on vacation ...
It was man-made chaos after the collapse of the Union, actively supported and outwardly - by the West.

Our Yarilo-Sun is already preparing for this Great Planet Parade - on August 2, 2010 a powerful solar flare, and as a result of this - on August 3 a powerful magnetic storm on Earth. Such a configuration of the planets directly affects the Yarilo-Sun, because these 6 planets, located in such a configuration, seem to "displace" the Center / gravity, etc. /, thereby affecting the Sun / its poles, energy, attraction and etc./. That is - the consequences can be devastating due to gravitational influences, because there is an imbalance / the appearance of an imbalance / in our solar system.

And it has long been noticed that the construction of planets on the same line / Parade of planets / significantly correlates with a sharp increase in solar activity. And this, as you know, cannot but affect us, society as a whole. A person in such periods poorly controls his consciousness, deciding to radically change his life. At the same time, during such periods of an increase in Solar activity, actions, as a rule, are thoughtless and spontaneous. Unstable situations arise in the economy, the struggle of interests intensifies in politics - which leads to popular mass demonstrations, wars and revolutions.
I hope that after this Great Parade of Planets, the Yarilo-Sun will "wake up" in full force and solar flares will only increase ... We are waiting ...

The main feature of this Great parade of planets is that this Parade completes the Great Cycle - the Great Tse Kolo - the Great Colo of Times - the Round Number of Numbers.
That is, this is the last Grand Parade of the planets in the dark age of the Fox, which ends in the Summer of 7520 M.M.Z.H. (September 2012). The next Great Parade of Planets will be already in the bright era of the Wolf under the new - Light Russia.

As for the so-called parade of planets in December 2012 - I think that this is a distraction of the Attention of the people, including the Slavic people - i.e. The Big Deception of the Grays, they say, wait for the sheep for a couple more years - that everything will happen in December 2012 / and before that time they will still have time to do their dirty deeds ... / - although in fact all the main Events will begin after the Big Parade of the Planets of August 2010 - it's like would border.

DATA- all leading astronomical simulators such as NASA /NASOS simulators/, Celestia, Zet, etc. clearly show that in December 2012 there will be no Big Parade of Planets promoted by journalists !!!

DATA- the so-called "End of the World" in December 2012 according to the Mayan calendar: some scientists suggest that the Mayan civilization calendar begins its calculation on August 13, 3114 BC.
But there is also another group of scientists who argue that the Mayan calendar should start at the same time as the Ancient Egyptian Calendar - i.e. more than two years earlier - and not from August 13, but from December 25.
According to this calculation, the so-called. The "end of the world", or rather, the end of the Mayan calendar cycle (the end of the Fifth Sun Cycle) falls at the beginning of August 2010.

The Grand Parade of the Planets of August 2010 will look like this:

Venus will be the brightest. Her brilliance will be -4.27m
Jupiter Shine -2.66m
Shine of Saturn 1.06m
Mars Glitter 1.49m
And the weakest will be Uranus at 5.77m

Pictures from the Celestia simulator:

And now, promoted by journalists, the so-called. parade of planets on December 21, 2012, Celestia and NASA simulators:

It can be seen that there is no Big Parade of planets in the solar system: Saturn is in one direction, Jupiter is completely opposite, and Mars is generally somewhere on the side, etc.


As for the current Heat and Fires on the territory of central Russia - all this was predetermined in advance / long, one might say - in time immemorial... / and is only a small link in the chain of Events.
I was often asked in a personal message - when, so to speak, "the people will rise ..." - etc., I answered my friends on the site - not earlier than August, now you can clarify a little: on any day after the August Big Parade of the Planets, when The border will have already been passed... We are waiting... Since the beginning of August, the planets have begun to build up in a "line" - the line of the Border... Soon it will strike...

Now many are interested in such a phenomenon as the parade of planets, and this is not surprising, because it happens quite rarely. Such an astronomical event occurs only once every 11 years. So when will alignment of planets in 2016, what is the exact time, where is it better to watch it and how is it exactly called?

When will the parade of planets be?

According to experts from the Moscow planetarium, the visible minor parade of planets of the 6 planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, it will be best to observe in the morning at 7:30 Moscow time January 31, 2016, which can be seen with the naked eye. Although the parade of the planets itself began on January 20, and will last until February 20, the best time is 01/31/2016 - on this day, the light from the moon will not interfere with the observation, since its phase will be decreasing.

Where to see the parade of planets 2016?

You should also take into account the fact that this should not be done in a big city, where large houses will hide Venus and Mercury due to their low location above the horizon, but in an open area so that nothing interferes with viewing the morning sky.

Not only residents of Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, but also all the inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere of our planet Earth will be able to see such a small parade of planets.

What will be the alignment of the planets?

Some call this parade of 5, not 6 planets, as they do not take into account our planet "Earth". Such inaccuracies exist because there is no clear definition for this phenomenon, after all, this is not a scientific term, but jargon among astronomy lovers, so the names and explanations of such planetary parades are varied. What can be said with accuracy that in this case, on one side of the Sun in our system, 6 out of 9 planets will line up, and we will be able to observe this phenomenon.

When was and will be the next parade of planets

Such a small parade of planets was last time back in 2005, more precisely in the period from December 2004 to January 2005. It is interesting that a large, or as it is sometimes called the “Great”, parade of planets (on one side of the Sun all 9 planets of the Solar system) will not be soon, in 145 years - 05/19/2161. And before that, such a big parade of planets was in 1982. Therefore, all that remains for us is to enjoy such small parades of planets.

Video of the parade of planets 01/31/2016



- This is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid ceased to be visible in telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which the asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not at all on the 9th, but on a different date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will hit Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the chance of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid orbit crossing our planet as 1 to 7300 (0,00014 % ). The ESA ranked 2006 QV89 as the 4th celestial body of potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "flight" of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on a Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Holiday. And after 50 days celebrate the Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd cakes.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

To greet each other on Easter should be the words "Christ is Risen", and to answer - "Truly Risen."

For the Russian team, this will be the fourth game in this qualifying tournament. Recall that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest ever for the existence of the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and nothing good can be expected from the upcoming match for the islanders. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore we can expect unpleasant surprises.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time - 21:45 Moscow time.

To expand the idea of ​​​​the infinity of the universe will help interesting facts about the parade of planets. This magnificent astronomical phenomenon can be periodically observed from the earth with the naked eye. And if almost every schoolchild knows about such phenomena as the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, then the parade of planets was undeservedly deprived of such attention. Although it is also quite an impressive sight, the use of astronomical equipment will reveal an absolutely stunning picture to the observer. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon.

  1. The parade of planets is a unique phenomenon when constantly moving planets of the solar system line up.
  2. Depending on the number of planets taking part in the solemn procession, there are Big and Small parades. The small parade includes four planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. The big parade unites six planets, the place of Mercury is occupied by the Earth and Uranus.
  3. Not all parades of the planets are available for observation by the inhabitants of the Earth. However, thanks to the achievements of modern science, the time of passage of the invisible parades of the planets can be theoretically calculated. That will allow, not being able to see an astronomical phenomenon, at least to know about its existence.

  4. The frequency of occurrence of parades of planets is not too frequent. So, the visible parades of the planets gather no more than once every 25 years.

  5. Parades can last up to several weeks.. However, only a couple of days are allocated to see them from Earth.

  6. The best moment for contemplation of the parades of the planets is considered to be the pre-dawn time..

  7. Parades of the planets, in addition to creating a magnificent spectacle, have a beneficial effect on space exploration. By rationally using the location of the planets, scientists manage to save fuel for spacecraft and ships.

  8. Information about the approaching parades of the planets has repeatedly influenced the eschatological moods of earthlings. So, some lovers of mysticism and ancient predictions from time to time connect the parades of the planets with their promises of the approaching apocalypse.

  9. Parades are especially popular with astrologers.. They are often mentioned in personal horoscopes.

  10. In 2015, a rather funny incident occurred related to a small parade of planets.. Astrophysicists have made their forecast for the coming year. The space program also includes information about a small parade of planets that will take place in our galaxy, but it will not be visible to the naked eye from Earth. This information was widely publicized and disseminated. This led to the appearance on the network of a statement by a certain British scientist. He stated that due to the special arrangement of the planets, the gravitational field of the Earth will undergo certain changes, which will allow anyone who wishes to hang in the air for a few seconds, despite the official refutation of this hypothesis by scientific representatives of other countries.

  11. Some scholars have hypothesized that the alignment of the planets has a devastating effect on the ozone layer of our planet. The validity of this assumption is under investigation.

  12. Planetary alignments have inspired many movie scripts. Most often, these are fantastic plots in which the movement of the planets has a mystical effect on the surrounding reality.

  13. The parade of planets fit into the plot of not only films, but also animated series for the younger generation. A striking example is the famous animated film "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".

  14. Stamp makers from a number of countries have depicted the famous 1982 planetary alignment on their stamps.

  15. Fans of the parade of planets were also found among developers. So in the city of Korolev, Moscow region, the construction of an elite residential complex "Parade of the Planets" is underway. The building is expected to be operational by 2018.

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