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Basic dance moves in the girls club. How to learn to dance: learn to dance at home. How they dance now: modern trends and styles

When buying an expensive cream, you should think about how to keep its positive qualities as long as possible. Many women, using the cream, often forget to close the lid tightly. Best of all, the properties of the cream are preserved in a closed cabinet. On warm days, the room can be hot, so in summer it is better to use a refrigerator for storage.

How to store creams after opening?

Where should creams be stored?

1. The bathroom is considered the worst place to put creams. Cosmetics should not be stored here. Due to humidity and temperature changes, the composition of the product begins to deteriorate, only if it is not a gel or hair shampoo. Since these funds are used constantly, they do not have enough time to lose their beneficial properties. When the expiration date ends, there will be no harm from use. After all, these products are used for washing, the skin does not absorb them. The shampoo can be easily washed off.

2. The cream that is used for acne should not be left with the lid open. This tool contains in its composition fruit acids, zinc, herbal extracts. When each of these components is in contact with the external environment, they are rapidly destroyed. In this regard, the packaging of creams is carried out in sealed metal tubes, bottles with dispensers.

3. The composition of the matting cream contains various types of talc. Upon contact with air, it is destroyed, so before opening the tube, you need to learn how to store creams.

How to store anti-aging face cream

Anti-aging drugs have the most unstable components:

  • retinol;
  • plant extracts;
  • vitamins A, C.

Oxygen produces the oxidation of vitamin C, the breakdown of retinol, so it is detrimental to these substances. So that the beneficial properties of the anti-aging drug do not quickly disappear, it is placed in a tight jar or in a metal bottle. The walls of the jar used must be thick. Manufacturers specifically provide such protection so that fewer preservatives have to be added.

The correct storage of cosmetics, taking into account the temperature, is extremely important. Especially when you consider that this is cosmetics for facial skin care. What kind of drugs should be kept in the refrigerator, and which in the bedroom?

5 beauty products to keep in the fridge

High temperatures and humidity can have a very adverse effect on our cosmetics. It can not only lose its properties, but also become dangerous. In addition, even the shelf life can be shortened.

Why keep cosmetics in the refrigerator?

First of all, because the low temperature inside this device counteracts the oxidation of various active substances in the preparations. In addition, this method of storage extends the life of cosmetic products. And yet - applying cold cosmetics to the face helps in the fight against various skin problems, in particular - swelling.

What cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator?

Creams with active ingredients

It is desirable that cosmetic products that contain active substances such as vitamin C, retinol, peptides and acids are stored at low temperatures, and preferably only in the refrigerator. This is how we prevent the loss of valuable properties of these components. In the refrigerator, in addition, it is necessary to store natural, organic creams.

Mask for the face

Paying attention to the storage of face masks in the refrigerator is recommended for those women who have sensitive and problematic skin prone to irritation. Applying these masks cold will soothe the skin, relieve redness and bring a pleasant relief.

Eye cream

Probably, each of us heard that keeping the eye cream in the refrigerator enhances its effect. The fact is that a cold cream helps fight morning swelling of the face, and besides, it can wake up the skin and give it a fresh look.

Nail polish

Storing nail polishes in the refrigerator has long been very popular, although it causes very different opinions. Some people think that because of the low temperature, the varnish hardens much faster. Others object - from their point of view, keeping in the refrigerator helps to extend the durability of this cosmetic product. We recommend that you check this method and decide whose opinion will be closer to you.

Thermal water

You will be interested.

Skin care products have existed since before our era, but since the time of Cleopatra, who was a famous adherent of spa treatments, they have evolved markedly. Despite various preservative additives, today's creams, gels, emulsions, scrubs, tonics, etc. have certain expiration dates. This article will tell you how to store face cream so that you don't get the opposite effect from using it.

Best before date

The shelf life of a factory-packed face cream is usually 3 years. And after opening it, this time is reduced to 6-12 months.

The date of issue of the cosmetic product and the conditions for its storage are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the product. When buying, you should choose products from the "freshest" batch.

Under what conditions to store

Any skin care products should be stored in dark places with good ventilation. In this case, sudden changes in temperature and humidity levels should not be allowed.

The sun's rays and hot air, as well as exposure to extreme cold, can reduce the shelf life of a face cream by several times. Therefore, it must be kept at a temperature of + 15 ° С - + 25 ° С.

Not every cream can be stored in the refrigerator. You should definitely not keep it on the door, where the temperature is constantly changing with each opening. Under such conditions, the product may begin to exfoliate and lose consumer quality.

Keeping a face cream in the refrigerator is only permissible if this remedy is made at home and is designed for several days of use.

How to properly store face cream after opening is no less important, given that its shelf life is significantly reduced.

The unopened jar of cream is stored in a cool, dark place. It is important to close the lid tightly after each use.

When a container with a cosmetic product is opened, it is advisable to mark this date on the box or the jar itself in order to know exactly its expiration date.

It should be remembered that the use of an expired cream often leads to skin rashes, peeling and other unpleasant consequences.

Where to store

The cosmetic should be in a tightly closed container. You need to keep it in a closed cabinet, chest of drawers, in a kitchen cabinet, away from heat sources (stove, radiator, boiler, etc.).

Products made at home and consisting of natural ingredients should be kept in the refrigerator. Its expiration date is determined by the most perishable product present in the composition.

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Keeping face creams in the bathroom is undesirable. There is a rather high level of humidity, which, against the background of constant temperature changes, leads to the multiplication of harmful bacteria even in products that contain preservatives.

Keeping skin care products in a bag or cosmetic bag will also be wrong. It is impossible to reliably protect products from temperature fluctuations in such conditions.

You should not just store face cream on the dressing table, especially if there are small children and animals in the house. Such households can use cosmetics for other purposes with unpleasant consequences.

A large number of sealed skin care products should preferably be kept in a separate closed box, which is located in a cool pantry or closet. From time to time, you should check your stocks and get rid of those that are nearing the expiration date.

Storage conditions for different cream

The temperature at which to store the face cream primarily depends on its composition. The higher the content of natural ingredients in the product, the shorter its shelf life.

  • Moisturizers are considered the most undemanding to storage conditions. Such products do not react too much to sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and are not able to quickly oxidize when interacting with oxygen. Moisturizers often contain fats, acids and glycerin, which can retain their properties for quite a long time. The shelf life of the moisturizer is about 12 months in a dark cabinet.
  • Anti-aging creams contain retinol - a substance that does not tolerate high temperatures. The shelf life of such products is more limited: up to 4 months in a cool, dark place.
  • Skin tonics , which have a cooling effect, can be kept in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 months.
  • Product made based on natural ingredients should be kept in a cool place. For example, in winter, in a closet of a glazed balcony or on a refrigerator shelf. A cosmetic product made from natural ingredients, bought in a store, has a shelf life of up to 6 months. And if it is made by hand, even in the cold it will not be able to survive for more than 1 week.

  • Whitening creams not picky about storage conditions and normally tolerate any, not too high temperature. Do not keep them near heat sources. Storage of whitening cream after opening is possible up to 8 months.
  • Problem skin care products contain zinc, various acids, plant extracts. These components can be destroyed when interacting with oxygen. Therefore, it is especially important to tightly close the container with the product. And also keep it in a dark place with a low temperature.
  • Daily cream can be stored in natural conditions (+23°С -+25°С). But you should avoid hitting it with bright light and exposure to high temperatures. Shelf life - up to 6 months.
  • Night cream , as a rule, has a delicate structure and does not tolerate cold. It should be stored up to 6 months in a dark place.


Knowing how to properly store face cream is very important. Failure to comply with the conditions, as well as violation of the shelf life of cosmetic products leads to unpredictable consequences. The use of expired products can cause burns, allergic reactions, dermatoses.

The modern woman can do everything. Prepare a fragrant dinner, masterfully combine career growth and the upbringing of wonderful children.

But the main superpower is the ability to always look great.

To do this, each of us has our own secrets. Today we will talk about how to properly store face cream.

When choosing a facial product, we carefully study the label, pay attention to natural ingredients, whether it suits our skin type. All this is correct, but do we always pay attention to release date and storage conditions during use? After all, these parameters affect not only the effectiveness of the product, but also the possibility of its use without harm to the skin.

Where and how to store face cream at home?

The best option for storage is a dark place where direct sunlight cannot reach.

A cabinet or table shelf, as well as a special container for cosmetics, is a great solution.

Some leave cosmetics in the bathroom for convenience. You can't do that, because steam and high temperature destroy the active components of the cream very quickly.

Storage temperature

Moisturizers, as well as compositions for skin nutrition, are stored for a long time due to the content of glycerin and amino acids in them. They are not threatened by oxidation.

The only nuance that should be taken into account when storing such a tool is the use of a cotton pad or stick. You can also use a glass or plastic spatula.

Important be aware that you can not take the cream with your fingers to avoid sweat getting into it, which can create an environment for the development of bacteria.

Remedy for problem skin also has storage features. Firstly, you need to tightly close the cream jar after use, as it contains substances that cannot withstand contact with air. These components include zinc and tea tree extract. To avoid oxidation, such a product is stored in hermetically sealed packages or bottles with a pump dispenser.

The same goes for mattifying cream. So that air does not affect its properties, talc is used in the manufacture.

And, finally, the source of preservation of youth and beauty - anti-aging creams. Their storage conditions also include universal advice to avoid overheating and humidity.

It is also worth considering that vitamin A, which is included in the products, or, more simply, does not like air very much. The same goes for vitamin C. Therefore, anti-aging creams are sold in jars with thick glass walls or bottles.

Thanks to sealed packaging, manufacturers can limit the amount of preservatives included in.

Important do not use an anti-aging cream if its storage conditions have been violated, as this can cause allergies and other unpleasant consequences.

Can I use expired face cream?

Stratification, the appearance of an unpleasant bitter odor, separation of essential oils from the general structure are symptoms of the unsuitability of the cream.

After the expiration date, it is also categorically not recommended to use the cream. Although in practice, many women believe that the expiration date is indicated "with a margin" and allow the use of expired cosmetics.

Never use a cream that has passed its expiration date, regardless of its price and advertised effect. Such a tool is dangerous and can do more harm than possible benefit.

Dependence on the time of year

The face is the most exposed part of the body and it certainly needs protection and nourishment. In winter, our skin suffers from frost and cold winds, becomes sensitive. In summer, you need to monitor the dryness of the skin, because under the influence of hot rays, it loses moisture. Lifestyle, diet and, of course, age - all these factors certainly affect the condition of the skin.

Useful video

Want to know how to properly store creams to avoid viruses and bacteria getting into them:

The use of face cream is not only an important ritual for the beauty and freshness of the skin, but also a factor in the well-being of a woman. Wherein It is very important to choose the right cream that suits your skin type. and do not focus on bright advertising or spectacular ones. Take care of your skin health.

Take care of your beauty!

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