Home Potato Bad Moms of Hollywood Stars: Feedback in Action. Hollywood star moms What it's like to be the President's daughter

Bad Moms of Hollywood Stars: Feedback in Action. Hollywood star moms What it's like to be the President's daughter

Hollywood actresses are the idols of millions. It seems that their whole life is a continuous holiday, exciting shooting, glamorous parties, champagne and dizzying love stories. Much of this is, of course, true. But it is also true that in the life of Hollywood actresses there are everyday worries. Many of them, in addition to work, have time to devote time to the family - husband and children. And some, moreover, manage to even raise children on their own. In our review - the stories of world famous actresses who are happy to be mothers, no matter what!

7. Actress and singer Minnie Driver

Minnie Driver's finest hour was shooting in 1997 in the film Good Will Hunting, where she played the supporting role of a young Englishwoman Skylar. She was nominated for an Oscar for this role. After there were dozens of roles in films and sitcoms, musical experiments. Unfortunately, Minnie's personal life has not been as successful as her career. In 2008, she became a mother, but the father of the child did not want to take part in his upbringing. Minnie never mentions the name of a former lover.

6. The heroine of the second plan - Taraji Henson

Taraji Henson has an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in his treasury of awards. She received a high award for shooting in the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." The personal life of the actress was dramatic: despite the fact that she married a guy with whom she had been in love since school, she failed to create a happy family. In 1994, the son of Marcellus was born in marriage, but Taraji's relationship with her husband was tense. Often came to scandals and even beatings. Not wanting to endure violence, Taraji found the strength to divorce her husband and raise her son on her own. The ex-husband of the actress did not live long, was killed in a street fight, so all the worries about the maintenance of her son fell on her shoulders.

5. Sex and the City star Kristin Davis

Christine has never been married, but this did not stop her from becoming a mother. In 2011, she adopted a newborn black girl, and she simply does not have a soul in her. The girl was named Gemma Rose.
Kristin is dearly loved by fans of the Sex and the City series. Interestingly, on the screen, she also played a heroine who did not have a personal life. True, the movie character Samantha had to go through a terrible ordeal - a miscarriage.

4. The unrivaled Sharon Stone

Sharon has experienced the joy of motherhood by raising three beautiful sons. All of them were adopted by her, since the actress cannot have children due to asthma and diabetes. Eldest son Sharon Stone now lives with her ex-husband Phil Bronstein. The actress adopted two more sons after the divorce.

3. Scarlett Johansson - the heroine of Marvel films

The name Scarlett Johansson constantly flashes in the yellow press, her personal life haunts journalists and paparazzi. On account of the actress - two official marriages. In the second, she had a daughter, Rose. Now Scarlett is divorced and is raising a three-year-old baby on her own. Her ex-husband Romain Dauriac lives in Paris, so the Hollywood diva is unlikely to be able to give his daughter to him for the weekend.

2. The first black Oscar winner Halle Berry

Halle Berry's name entered the history of world cinema as she became the first black actress to win an Oscar for her lead role.
As a child, Holly survived the divorce of her parents, and, having matured, she herself was not able to build a strong family. The actress was married three times, she has two children - daughter Nala and son Maceo. Now Holly is raising them on her own.

1. South African actress Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron is known all over the world for her outstanding acting talent. She shone in such films as The Devil's Advocate, Mad Max, Explosive Blonde and many others.
As a child, Charlize experienced a terrible tragedy. Her parents were deeply unhappy in their marriage. The father abused alcohol, the mother endured his antics. All this went on until one of Charlize's father lost his mind in a drunken stupor, then his mother shot him, defending herself and her daughter.
Apparently, the tragedy left an indelible mark on Charlize's memory. Growing up, she was never able to build a happy relationship. Despite the fact that the press wrote about her numerous novels, she never got married. But two children - adopted. Theron has a son, Jackson, who was born in South Africa, and a daughter, Augusta, who was born in America.

Raising a child on your own is a lot of work. The parody photocycle tells about what society often condemns mothers who are forced to live alone with a child.

They are too sexy to be housewives! If you think that after the birth of a child it is impossible to look attractive and have a perfect figure, then you are deeply mistaken. These Hollywood celebrities proved that motherhood is quite compatible with a successful career and does not put an end to future work.

Actress, singer Beyoncé, pop star Jennifer Lopez, Latin American beauty, actress, designer Nicole Richie… The list is endless. There are many sexy mothers in the world who have continued their careers after the birth of a child and have succeeded in business. They decided that motherhood should not prevent them from looking beautiful and attractive.

The famous actress married Cash Warren in 2007. The couple have two daughters, Haven Garner Warren and Honor Marie Warren. The 33-year-old actress devotes a lot of time to raising children and family responsibilities. She strives to be an exemplary hostess and an ideal mother for her daughters. In addition, Jes does not rule out that in the near future she and Cash can become parents again. At the same time, Alba never forgot about her work, and after the birth of her first child, she launched a retail chain selling environmentally friendly cosmetics for children.

Another actress Megan Fox said that after the birth of her second son, she is going to take a break from her film career. Recall that Megan Fox gave birth to her second child in February of this year. The actress gave her husband Brian Austin Green a second son, whom the happy parents decided to call Body Rance Green. This baby was the third child for the actor - he is raising son Noah Shannon, born Megan, and 11-year-old boy Cassius from a previous relationship with Vanessa Marcil. Mrs. Fox never hid that she dreams of having many children and being a "home mother of many children". She does not support women who risk their families for their careers.

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green have two sons

Unlike Jessica Alba and Megan Fox, singer Shakira returned to the stage just six months after the birth of her son Milan. The baby, who became the first child for the star and her boyfriend Gerard Pique, was born in a clinic in Barcelona. But motherhood could not force Shakira to abandon her career and record a solo album. On the contrary, it inspired the singer to new exploits, and now the young mother feels better than ever.

Shakira gave birth to a son two years ago

Which of the Hollywood moms do you like the most? Do you think it is possible to combine motherhood and career?

Gaining momentum sex scandal associated with the name of one of the most powerful producers, the "great and terrible" Harvey Weinstein.

The one who was recently called the "Hollywood genius" is now only the lazy one: his own brother fired him from The Weinstein Co, which they created together, his wife is a former model, and now fashion designer Georgina Chapman, who supported her husband yesterday, said about filing for divorce, and even the producer's lawyer, Lisa Bloom, said she refused to defend him.

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Olivia Wilde and Harvey Weinstein

No wonder, because the notorious sofa in Weinstein's office, through which Hollywood divas got roles, turned out to be not an invention of evil journalists, but an unpleasant reality. Each day brings new celebrity confessions about Weinstein's harassment - who else could be the victim?

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Divergent star Ashley Judd spoke about Weinstein's harassment back in 2015 in an interview with Variety magazine. True, at that time she did not name the sexually horny producer, although all of Hollywood already understood who she was talking about. Ashley told the journalist that Harvey called her to his hotel room, where he began to actively pester: he offered to give her a massage and asked her to help him undress. The actress, according to her, was afraid to go into open conflict with such an influential person in the film business, so in a panic, on the go, she came up with a reason why she needed to leave the room. She managed to escape from the producer, enraged by the refusal, but Judd did not receive any more roles at his studio.

Rose McGowan

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A similar story happened to the star of the series "Charmed" Rose McGowan - Weinstein molested her in his hotel room during the Sundance Film Festival in 1997. True, Rose managed to pull out a "tuft of wool" from this "black sheep" - Harvey paid her a solid moral compensation. Rose, like other victims of Weinstein's lust, the conflict with which was settled out of court, was forbidden to disclose the details of the agreement, but the journalists managed to find out: women received from 80 to 120 thousand dollars for silence.

Jessica Alba

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Jessica Alba has not yet made an official confession about the Weinstein scandal, but journalists suspect that if she did, she would have something to say. Rumor has it that the beautiful Jessica is one of those who was in a long-term relationship with Harvey, and with great benefit to her career. How else to explain the fact that the actress, who managed to play in a couple of films that went unnoticed by viewers and critics, got a role in the film "Sin City", which made her world famous.

Subsequently, according to Hollywood gossip, Alba entered into an intimate relationship with Weinstein only for the opportunity to read a new script, often not hoping that she would get at least some role there. Whether this is true or not, only Jessica herself or Harvey can tell, if it suddenly occurs to him to confess to reporters.

Jennifer Lawrence

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Jennifer Lawrence and Harvey Weinstein

The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence also spoke out against Weinstein, although many assume that the actress owes her brilliant career to him: in the blink of an eye, Lawrence, whom no one even gave supporting roles, became a world star. According to Jennifer, the producer's sexual harassment of actresses is "unforgivable", and the news about this "deeply struck" her. But not everyone believes Lawrence.

Alicia Vikander

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Alicia Vikander and Harvey Weinstein

Alicia Vikander Weinstein began to actively praise in 2015 - during the Cannes Film Festival. By that time, she had already managed to play in two of his films - "Tulip Fever" and "Light in the Ocean", but despite this, the producer called her an aspiring actress, whom he entrusted with a small role in the film "Chief Adam Jones". Further - more: in two years, Alicia played in eight films to which Weinstein was related, and in all interviews he praised Vikander's fantastic performance.

The journalists hinted as best they could that the actress and the producer could not do without "sympathy" and it was Weinstein who was the "engine" of Alicia's career. Evidence of the connection was one of Vikander's interviews, which the journalist ended with the phrase: "When Alicia left, the waiter refused to bring me the bill, saying:" Mr. Weinstein has already paid for everything. "Needless to say, Vikander is silent about his relationship with the producer.

Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow

The fact that Gwyneth Paltrow is not worthy of an Oscar for the role of Viola in the film Shakespeare in Love, critics and viewers said out loud. Nevertheless, the actress nevertheless received the main film award, and there are people in film circles who are sure that this happened at the suggestion of the influential Weinstein.

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Keira Knightley and Harvey Weinstein

However, Gwyneth herself offers a different version of the development of events. According to her, she met a loving producer during the filming of the film "Emma" - at that time she was only twenty-two years old. Harvey invited Paltrow to his hotel room, where he began touching all parts of the body, and then called him into the bedroom - ostensibly in order to get a massage. And when the actress refused, he forbade her to tell anyone about what had happened, threatening serious trouble if she disobeyed. “At that time I was just a child,” the actress recalls today, “I was hired to work, and here it’s such a horror!”

Sienna Miller

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Another possible victim of Harvey Weinstein - Sienna Miller, too rapid - one might say vertical - was the career rise of the star of films such as "Casanova" and "The Interview". And the fact that the actress has not yet commented on the sex scandal associated with the producer leads journalists to think: there is something unclean here.

Angelina Jolie

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The indefatigable Weinstein encroached on our everything - Angelina Jolie. She told the New York Times that she had a "bad experience" with Weinstein as a young woman. “As a result, I decided never to work with him again,” the actress said, “and warned those who wanted to work with him.”

Mira Sorvino

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Mira Sorvino and Harvey Weinstein

Mira Sorvino, the star of the film The Great Aphrodite, who received an Oscar for this work, also told reporters about her relationship with Weinstein. According to her, as soon as she appeared in the film, which was produced by his company, Harvey literally pursued her, persuading her to sexual relations. Sorvino took great pains to evade his "sympathy".

Asia Argento

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Asia Argento and Harvey Weinstein

With regard to Asian actress Argento, Weinstein went even further - he raped a girl. He invited her to a party that his company was throwing, and then, under some plausible pretext, asked her to go up to his hotel room. According to the memoirs of the actress, at first Harvey just chatted nicely, which lulled her vigilance, and then took off his jacket and shirt and asked to massage his shoulders, and when she, albeit reluctantly, but agreed, undressed completely and forced the girl to oral sex.

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Marion Cotillard and Harvey Weinstein

“I resisted,” Argento told the New Yorker just now, “but he was stronger and bigger than me. I experienced a real nightmare ... After what happened, I sat on the bed, cried and repeated:“ I’m not a whore, ”and he stood and laughed ". When asked why she was silent for so long and did not immediately tell about the rape, Argento replied: "Weinstein crushed a lot of people, I did not want him to do the same to me."

Uma Thurman

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Uma Thurman and Harvey Weinstein

Almost nothing is known about Uma Thurman's relationship with Harvey Weinstein, except that she made a grand career in the films that he produced. It would seem, what does Weinstein have to do with it, if Quentin Tarantino, who never hid that he was crazy about Uma, shot these pictures? That's just in the light of the unfolding events, it is no longer possible to be 100% sure of anything.

Jessica Chastain and Harvey Weinstein

Weinstein's victims may also include Helena Bonham Carter, Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Salma Hayek, Cate Blanchett, Renee Zellweger, Blake Lively, Penelope Cruz and even herself Meryl Streep.

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Julianne Moore and Harvey Weinstein

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Who said that motherhood is a hindrance to a career, an interesting life and travel? These Hollywood celebrities show by their example that you can be a wonderful mother and at the same time look great and have time to do what you love.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker is a successful mother of many children. Together with her husband, actor Matthew Broderick, the actress is raising three wonderful children: Marion, James and Tabitha. Spouses deliberately refuse the services of a nanny and are themselves involved in the development and upbringing of their children. But despite the status of a busy mother, Sarah Jessica also acts in films, develops her fashion brand and participates in social activities. And how does she manage to do everything?

Jennifer Lopez

Max and Emma are the adorable children of singer and actress Jennifer Lopez and her ex-husband Marc Anthony. Jennifer loves her twins, she takes them with her everywhere. Recently, they, along with the star mom, visited 38 countries as part of her world tour. That's really whose career children definitely do not interfere!

Angelina Jolie

At the beginning of her creative career, no one could imagine Angelina Jolie in the role of a caring mother of the family - she led a too outrageous and scandalous lifestyle. But everything has changed since Jolie adopted her first child. Today, Angelina and her star husband Brad Pitt are already raising 6 children (three of them are adopted). The couple looks so harmonious and happy with their children that there is no doubt that Angelina is indeed a wonderful mother.

Katie Holmes

After her divorce from Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes tries to spend all her free time with her charming daughter. Suri is already reputed to be the most fashionable child in Hollywood, the girl recently signed the first contract to create her own clothing line.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore proudly raises two beautiful daughters - Olive and Frankie. Although the actress continues to act in films, produce films and develop her cosmetic brand, the family always remains a priority for her.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba and her husband, producer Cash Warner, are the parents of two sunny girls - Honor and Haven. And the star couple is not going to stop there - Jessica admits that she dreams of a third child.

Reese Witherspoon

The proud title of a mother of many children belongs to the Oscar-winning Reese Witherspoon. Ava and Deacon are children from their first marriage to actor Ryan Phillippe, and baby Tennessee is Reese's son with her current husband, agent Gene Toth. At 40, the actress looks so amazing that the paparazzi often confuse Reese with her 16-year-old daughter Ava.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Despite the fact that Gwyneth Paltrow and the famous lead singer of the British band Coldplay broke up more than a year ago, they continue to raise their wonderful children together - daughter Apple and son Moses. After the birth of the children, Gwyneth set a clear rule for herself: no more than one film a year - this is how the actress frees up time in her schedule for her beloved family.

Miranda Kerr

One of the most sought-after models of our time, Miranda Kerr successfully combines work and raising her son Flynn. Ex-husband Orlando Bloom supports Miranda in everything and spends all his free time with his beloved son. Miranda often says in interviews that she and her son love to cook together, draw and make various crafts.

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner rightfully deserves the title of the perfect mom. She brings up three beautiful children, runs a household and at the same time manages to act in films and look perfect. Even after the divorce, Ben Affleck continues to take an active part in family life and maintains friendly relations with Jennifer.


Shakira and the famous Spanish football player Gerard Pique are raising their adorable sons Sasha and Milan together. The singer is trying her best to combine her musical career and caring for her sons. Parents pay a lot of attention to the early development of children - they actively teach them to read, sing and even play football.

Courteney Cox

Life of the Stars


24.05.15 10:44

While many celebrity children from adolescence choose the “crooked path”, join the “forbidden fruits”, like drugs, others get up in the morning (and go to bed) on schedule, do not abuse sweets, do not stare at the TV and computer for hours . So there are also very strict parents among the stars, not everyone wants to see another Cyrus or Kardashian in their child!

Large families: no pampering

Both David Beckham and his wife Victoria themselves were raised by rather strict parents, so they do not give a descent to their children either. Boys Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and baby Harper follow the rules that mom and dad have introduced at home. They, according to Beckham, should grow up with a sense of respect for other people, polite and disciplined.

Another large family is Pitt and Jolie. And as soon as they manage to pay attention to all their six offspring! Probably, you have seen more than once how parents cannot “put into the framework” children who have gone wild on the street. Angelina and Brad don't have that! The boys are drawn to their father, and Angie gets along better with the girls, but both of them are quite strict and do not allow themselves to sit on their necks. As Angelina admitted, Brad loves to play the "bad cop", but most often there is no reason for this.

Stage - stage, and at home - discipline!

Madonna is still not averse to appearing in public in a revealing outfit or undressing right on stage, but as for children, believe me, she is a very strict mother! Back in an interview in 2005, the singer said that she forbade her daughter Lourdes and son Rocco from watching TV, because all the channels were "filled with garbage." Sweets, ice cream and other goodies were forbidden in the house - Madonna herself does not eat them, and does not allow children.

Mariah Carey's babies, twins Monroe and Moroccan, are only four years old, but they already know what discipline is. Both mom and dad are strict. Nick Cannon proudly says, “Our kids are a blessing, but we don’t spoil them, as soon as they hear my loud voice, they immediately stop all sorts of pranks.”

Authoritarian moms

Even when the twins Emma and Max are in the care of a nanny, and star mom Jennifer Lopez is very busy, the parent still closely monitors them. If the seven-year-old sister and brother were "good guys", then they will have fun weekend trips, and if they behaved badly, a strict mother will punish them.

The star of "Titanic" and "Reader", British Kate Winslet, has three children. The actress introduced a strict routine at home: the lights out for the kids always takes place at 19.30. For violation of this rule, punishment follows: a ban on watching TV, visiting playgrounds, sweets can also be locked up. Kate also dislikes terribly if babies jump on the bed, so this is strictly prohibited in her house.

What is it like to be the president's daughter?

The President of the United States cannot be attributed to Hollywood stars, but this is also a very famous and respected family, I wonder what it is like to be the daughters of the head of state? You probably think that Malia and Sasha do not have life, but sugar? And here it is not. Michelle Obama strictly limits girls' TV viewing (6 hours a week - no more). Any offense - and you are deprived of TV for all seven days. The wife of the president controls what her children browse the Internet. She wants her daughters to pay more attention to the lessons and sometimes encourages their zeal in their studies, but very rarely!

…Or the richest man on the planet?

The founder of Microsoft, billionaire Bill Gates, despite the intense work schedule, finds time to raise three children. The eldest Jennifer is already quite old, but Rory and Phoebe are still in school. Gates, too, always seriously monitors what his offspring are looking for on the World Wide Web and limits the time they spend watching TV. Interestingly, the tycoon was opposed to his children (at least until adolescence) using mobile phones (and this is the man whose corporation produces fancy gadgets!). Gates taught his daughters and son that they should not rely on their father's billions, but were independent and independent people.

Home dictators

Hollywood beauty Jessica Alba probably does not seem like a harsh mother to you, because she is so sweet, but this impression is very deceptive! She won't make snickers if her girls are misbehaving. Jessica has a short conversation: for faults, she puts her daughters in a corner, with her nose to the wall. Considering that the youngest, Haven, is only three years old, this is even a little cruel. But Alba is adamant!

Without the star of the Iron Man franchise, our list would not be complete. Oh, this is a real home dictator who punishes his daughter and son to the fullest extent for any offense. Do you think it's Ironman Downey Jr.? No, this is another fragile blonde, Gwyneth Paltrow. Under her strict guidance, 11-year-old Apple and 9-year-old Moses walk "on a string." They are forbidden to eat "improper food". At home, Gwyneth cooks for them herself - there are no carbohydrates in her dishes, and this food is 100% "healthy". Paltrow also insists that her children speak several languages, so she only allows them to watch their favorite cartoons in French or Spanish.

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