Home Potato A detailed guide to the shooting range in L2 Interlude. Guide to Tyr in the conditions of HF and Asterios (personal observations) - TIR - Guides - Catalog of articles - Clan Grizzly Asterios. Basic characteristics of the Adept

A detailed guide to the shooting range in L2 Interlude. Guide to Tyr in the conditions of HF and Asterios (personal observations) - TIR - Guides - Catalog of articles - Clan Grizzly Asterios. Basic characteristics of the Adept

A video has surfaced online showing a 4-month-old panda trying to take its first steps. The video was filmed at the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Metro reports. We bring to your attention a few photos with this charming baby and a video where she takes her first steps!

A panda cub born on July 9th and made her public debut on September 15th. Named Peanut by the park staff, she is the daughter of 20-year-old panda Guo-Guo, the first panda born in Shanghai (which had previously been evacuated from China's Sichuan province, hit by a powerful earthquake).

The name of the panda cub was chosen, as they say, by the whole world! More than 50,000 people took part in the competition, offering their options. As a result, the baby was named Peanuts (or "Hua Sheng" in Chinese).

Park officials say they chose the name because it means "to take root, grow and multiply."

At birth, the weight of the panda cub was only 151 grams with a height of 14.3 centimeters. When she went for her first walk last Friday, November 4, she already weighed 7 kilograms.

A wonderful video of a baby taking her first steps welcoming visitors to the Shanghai Wild Animal Park has captured the hearts of animal lovers around the world! In less than two hours, it gained 135,000 views and almost tens of thousands of likes.

Panda Facts:

  • For the first time, when scientists examined a giant panda, they came to the conclusion that it was a giant raccoon. Only centuries later, with the help of a genetic test, scientists were able to establish that the giant panda is a bear.
  • The main food of pandas is bamboo, but in addition to bamboo, pandas sometimes eat food of animal origin.
  • Both the small and giant pandas have six ordinary fingers on their front paws. The sixth, thumb, helps animals grasp and hold the bamboo.
  • Giant panda babies weigh only 140 grams at birth, but already at the age of 3 months, their weight reaches 4-6 kilograms.
  • At birth, the color of giant pandas is white, and only after a week the babies get their recognizable color.
  • Both the big and small pandas are inhabitants of bamboo forests, which are found only in China, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan.
  • For a full life in the natural environment, the giant panda needs 7-11 square kilometers of land.
  • In size, the giant panda is not inferior to the black bear, but inferior in speed. Whereas the panda is able to accelerate to a fast pace, the black bear can reach speeds of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour.
  • The life expectancy of a giant panda in its natural environment is from 14 to 20 years. In captivity, pandas live up to 26 years.
  • Giant pandas are not sold to other zoos, but are rented out. For renting one panda, China receives 1 million US dollars annually. If pandas have offspring at the zoo, they are transferred to China to restore the gene pool.
  • Few people realize that the name of the popular Internet browser "Mozilla Firefox", namely the part of "Firefox", is one of the names of the red panda. Initially, the red panda was supposed to be present on the browser logo. But the designer felt that the image of the red panda would not be recognizable on the logo, so it was replaced with the image of a fox.

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Their body is plastic and mobile, the attack speed is unprecedentedly high, and the ability to change under the influence of the spirits of ancient animals makes Grand Khavatari universal fighters, tyrants are also excellent DD class both solo and in a party, and can accelerate excellent stats, the tyrant is ideal for farm class.

Let's start right away from lvl 76:

Dragonskin Armor Set
DEX+1, STR+1, CON-2, Atk. Atk./P. Atk. +4%, Max. MP +289, Weight Limit +5759 .
As for me, the best S set and easily accessible, but you can stir up a dino, but it makes no sense, since the 2nd shoulder is now very difficult to get, I'm not even sure that they opened the citadel (there was infa that Stress (last year's Hiro Shooting Range) farms through bug). Or you can run in a tm set until the 80th and start collecting the moirai light set after (I do it myself, I swung to the 80th - it remains to finish the moirai)

Demon Splinters or Dino brass knuckles, both should not be expensive.

Bijouterie: TT, Dino, Epic.

Solo quality: If there are Y + bones in the hands, we go under the HZ, Varka / Ketra, Hot Springs. Well, of course, Kats, Tyr is the king of kats, as I myself think, he is only inferior to VL in this, well, and destru.

Party quality: Since shooting ranges are not particularly favored up to lvl 80, it is unlikely to find a party, but if you are in CP or swing with a clan, then: Fog, Stokato, Hz low / Hz2, MOS. And the most common swing is the swing in the rift, until the 83rd, in principle, you can swing there without getting out.

80+ lvl

S80 armor:

Moirai Light Armor Set (aka moirai light set, for the especially smart ones) - DEX +2, CON -2, when equipped with P. Def. Atk. +4.26%, Atk. +4%, Speed ​​+3%, Hold Attack Resistance +50%, Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Defense +3. You can wear raincoats.

The cloak is easier to get for Zaken, since Zach often takes left DD for the 2nd party for an additional makeweight (read: ballast). It is not difficult to insert an attribute, etc., here already a pvp insertion into the upper body is almost mandatory - the insertion gives a chance to remove the target from oneself when attacking an adversary.

S84 armor:

Vesper Light Armor
STR +1, CON -2, DEX +1. Increases P. Def. when worn. Atk. by 5.57%, Atk. MP recovery by 5%, max. MP - at 347.

The cheapest option, it is now full of shit on the Medea server. Moreover, it can then be turned into this:

Vesper Light Elite Armor
STR+1, CON-2, DEX+1, Atk. +5.57%, Atk. Atk. +5%, MP Recovery Rate +5%, Max. MP +354, Evasion +3, On Crit. Atk. Damage +172, Paralysis Resistance +50%. Allows you to wear a cape.

Vorpal Light Armor Set
STR +1, DEX +2, CON -3, Stun Resistance +50%, Crit. Atk. +182, fire/water/wind/earth protection +5. Allows you to wear a cape.

Stan's resist pleases, especially if there are no epics / oli / tv biggies. But basically the set is not very good, but that's my IMHO

Elegia Light Armor Set
STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2, When equipped, P. Def. Atk +6.59%, Atk. Atk +6%, Critical Chance. Atk. +171, resistance to paralyzing attacks +50%, speed +3%, fire/water/wind/earth resistance by 5. Cloaks can be worn.

The most... Crit Chance +171, just a tough thing. If you can, a must have for the shooting range. Now no one has noticed. Maybe I didn't look well? xs.

Hand of Icarus, Warrior of Venus, Claws of Octo, Jade Fists with SA on Focus. On Ollie, SA is better on HP. As for the attribute... best of all I think it will be holy atr 300, but there are no special advantages from the attribute - skills should not be sharpened on atr, like in necra/sh/mm/sork and other brethren.

Bijouterie: s80-84/epics/TW bija.

Solo quality: TP from Stuttgart Den of Evil, TP from Oren School of Authority with quests for crystals, Stockato (+82).

Party quality: The same Hz bottom and top, LoA, MoS.

Subclass Skills

From all subs I advise you to take on general skills - Magic Defense: 13-15 m def. from all subs to take on M def. Total 6 ur. skill will give you 91 magic. protection.
And I recommend the following special skills:

1) Warrior Skill - Haste- Chance to increase Atk. Atk. during the attack. +30% to Atk. for 15 seconds. We will need to download any of these subs Gladiator, Spearman, Bounty Hunter, Destroyer, I advise Destra or Vla - they can be pumped the fastest. The speed attack boost is crazy.

2) Wizard Skill - Barrier- Chance to gain invulnerability for 5 seconds when taking damage. For this we will need to download any of these subs Preacher, Warbringer, Inspector, Minstrel, Death Dancer. Ood sometimes decides when hp is 100-200 units left, dropping a chance oud is just happy.

These two skills are needed exactly for the shooting range. But choose the 3rd one for yourself. They often choose:

Summoner Skill - Spirit Probability- a chance to channel the soul of an ancient spirit when you are attacked. +10% to the characteristics of M. Atk., M. Atk., P. Atk., Atk. Atk. For this we will need to download any of these subs Sorcerer, Follower of the Elements, Follower of Darkness.

Counter Focus- when receiving damage, there is a chance to get a temporary increase in the chance of crit. hit: +30% crit chance. hit for 15 seconds
For this we will need to download any of these subs: Rogue Class - (Shooter, Abyss Wanderer, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Seeker, Pathfinder, Silver Ranger, Crossbowman).

Or pump in anyone and get +30 critical passive. (I myself will choose this skill soon - in my opinion, it’s not the speed that decides, the shooting range has a high attack speed, but the crits are 4-5k, yes, this is not a chance, but a passive skill)


Oli option: +4 CON / -4 DEH and +4 STR / -4 DEH

For the download option (put and then erase as it swayed because the gimp for pvp / oli): +4 STR / -4 CON and +4 DEH / -4 CON

I myself now have +4 CON / - 4 DEX and nothing, I live. The speed cuts about 10 units, the attack speed finally cuts ridiculously, the chances of crits are a little depressing, but I think I can handle it with SA to Focus, and you can catch a crit in the LS.


In main weapon:
We catch stats + to the crit chance: I personally will put this one.

Duel Might Pisiv: Gives a good boost to DPS in pvp.

In additional weapon(it is better to insert in low c, augmentation will be much cheaper):

Refresh active: (fait or general) reduces the cooldown of skills by 15%, duration 1 minute, cooldown 10 minutes.

Active Magic Barrier: +77 m def regardless of the buff, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.

Active Shield: +71 p def regardless of buff, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.

Bless the Body Active: +300 hp, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.

Celka's selfie active: invulnerability for 7 seconds, cooldown 30 minutes, disappears with any action. The peculiarity of this augment is that it does not replace the rest of the augment buffs, all the rest replace each other.

Behind Territory Badge you can make Belt (belt). The belt slightly increases n def and with the help of additional options can increase the number of inventory slots, the maximum carry weight, defense or damage in pvp, hp or mp regen.

For the shooting range: Magic Ornament Mithril Belt PvP Defense - increases protection in pvp from physical attacks and skills:

Top grade by 6%

High grade by 4.2%

Regular by 3%

Low grade by 1.2%

The tyrant impresses with his nagibatory abilities at the Olympics, duels, and solo ganks. However, this is where the matter ends. In mass battles, daggers, archers and mages are much more effective than tyrants, and there are several reasons: 1) the tyrant drains all mana at the moment, after which it becomes of little use (like all melee), however, it can do a couple of frags, 2) damage shooting range abilities are weakly dependent on the buff, unlike dagger abilities and archer/mage crits, 3) the tyrant loses in range.

I do not intend to give any specific advice about the tactics of combat against each of the classes: everyone develops his own tactics.

The coolest shooting range should look like this, my IMHO, or let's dream:

1) Elegy light set +16, pvp body insert;
2) Jade fists with SA on HP +16, pvp insert;
3) Top grade magic ornament mithril belt pvp defense +16;
4) All skills are all +30, except for force blaster, it is at +29, at +30 it cannot be used from afar;
5) Skills from subs - counter UD, passive Crit and counter hast, 91 m def simple from subs;
6) Epics: AK +16 / Baium +16 / Antharas +16 / Bles Zaken +16 / Valakas +16 and elegy rings +16 (if against a magician);
7) Augment by +50 crit chance (there is a scatter - +22 and 28.9 below, but in total so);
8) Tattoo +4 CON / -4 DEH;
9) Mithril bracelet for 4 slots of taliks and a bunch of taliks for ud / steel / regen / max clarity, etc.;
10) Freya's cloak for intimidation;
11) Striped shirt Y gr with cp 744 +16;
12) Well, a little bit of luck, although what kind of luck is needed here xs, probably so as not to lag when you merged to the zil and are preparing for pvp xDDD

Here you go. Have you dreamed? And now run to farm all this! Farm / break / craft. Oh yes, if I achieve this, I will consider myself Atz La2 and I can finally stop playing this damn game =))) The guide was written from different sources, maybe a little later I will add more pvp / oli behavior and another thread.

Tyrant - Tyrant (TIR)

Guide for Tyrant on moments not included in other guides

Important skills:

Burning Fist - Powerful strike with a fiery iron fist.

Cripple - Temporarily reduces the target's movement speed.

Focused Force - Accumulates power.

Force Blaster - Throws a bolt of energy at the enemy.

Hurricane Assault - A flurry of quick strikes. Used with brass knuckles. Requires level 2 Sonic Focus charge.

Soul Breaker - A stunning attack that crushes the enemy with an iron fist.

Fist Fury - Significantly increases Attack Speed. Continuously consumes your health. The most important skill!

Force Buster - Attacks nearby enemies. Requires 2 Energy Stones.

Ogre Spirit Totem - Infuses the spirit of an Ogre. Temporarily increases Physical and Magic Defense. Reduces movement speed and evasion. The most important skill!

Force Storm - Unleashes magical power to attack an enemy from a distance. Requires 2 Energy Stones.

Infernal Form - Temporarily increases fire attack power and resistance to fire attacks. The most important skill!

War Frenzy - Increases resistance to sleep and stun. Continuously consumes mana.

Zealot - Temporarily greatly increases your combat abilities. Decreases the effectiveness of healing spells. Used when health falls below 30%. The most important skill!

Break Duress - Uses your spirit power to remove immobilization. Requires a level 2 Focused Force charge.

Rabbit Spirit Totem - Infuses the spirit of a rabbit. Temporarily increases Movement Speed ​​and Evasion. Decreases Accuracy and Physical Attack. The most important skill!

Punch of Doom - Deals a powerful blow to an enemy, temporarily stunning you. The most powerful attack, usually used when the level of lives is minimal!

Bison Spirit Totem - Infuses the spirit of a bison, temporarily increasing Accuracy. Also increases Physical Attack and Critical Hit Chance if you are low on HP. The most important skill!

Hawk Spirit Totem - Infuses the spirit of a great hawk, temporarily increasing Accuracy, Critical Hit Chance, and Power.

Skills 3 professions:

Riposte Stance - a toggle skill that gives a 30% chance to reflect a debuff on the enemy, reflects part of the damage from simple melee hits. Decreases Atk. Movement, Speed Atk. and Accuracy.

Raging Force - long-range charging. Throws a charge at the enemy with the impact force of two swords, charges the focus of sound by +1, but not more than 7.

Master of Combat - Increases attack power with a sword, club, spear, dual swords and brass knuckles by 80. Also increases max. CP by 5%.

Force Barrier - grants complete invulnerability for 10 seconds, spends 5 charges.

Final Secret - Increases skill power and normal damage in PvP by 30%. Duration: 30 sec.

Maximum Focus Force - Instantly increases the number of windings to the maximum.

Force of Destruction - Directs destructive energy at the target.

PAINTS 1 set:

4 STR -4 dex

1 STR -1 DEX

4 CON -4 DEX

This is the first set of paints that I suggest you use in Mass fights and if your shooting range is well equipped, then in any other PVP. The pros are that the attack speed will drop by a maximum of 30-50, and other characteristics will rise by a lot.

PAINTS 2 set:



4 DEX -4 CON

This is the second set of paints, used for farming / farming. With a normal vampiric buff (preferably DB and WARC), a large number of lives is not required, and attack speed and attack power will be maximized.

Orcs are a race that emerged from fire. Orcs are much stronger and more enduring than other sentient beings, but their magical abilities are somewhat less. After the fall of the Giants, the Orcs managed to seize power over Aden, but their forces were soon defeated by the combined army of Men and Elves. After that, the Orcs subdued their ardor and live on the northern outskirts of Elmore.

    Race Special Features: have increased resistance to poisons and diseases.

    Race characteristics: endowed with great physical strength, high health and mana, fast ability to regenerate, but they are slow in movement and in attack.

Warrior of Tyr
Tyrr Warrior
Warrior of Tyr
Tyrr Warrior
Isa Caster
Iss Enchanter
Isa Caster
Iss Enchanter

Orc Fighter

A fighter is the initial class of warriors of the Orc race, those who preferred to take up edged weapons rather than study ancient magic. Only Fighters can master the art of professional brass knuckle fighting and fight with dignity using a massive two-handed sword.

Basic characteristics of the Orc fighter

88 50 87 37 38 41

Raider (Orc Raider)

Raiders specialize in close combat and rely entirely on their strength. They are excellent with swords and clubs - almost all of their skills are based on the use of these particular types of weapons. Raiders are able to concentrate to increase their offensive capabilities and deal with enemies more effectively.


Destroyers are Raiders who excel at their craft and learn new fighting techniques. They are great with any type of weapon except, perhaps, bows and daggers, and a huge amount of health and a high defense rate make them unsurpassed fighters.


Crush, destroy, destroy - the Titans successfully perform these tasks. They are incredibly strong and resilient. Being a Titan is a calling that not every Destroyer deserves. Despite their slowness, they are formidable adversaries. A couple of blows from this mighty giant can instantly level the enemy to the ground.


The monks are followers of an ancient fighting school, they are able to fight using brass knuckles. Thanks to a special technique, monks can call upon the spirits of forest animals to help them, which make them stronger, faster and more resilient.

Hermit (Tyrant)

Hermits become Monks who have shown diligence in learning. They are able to use their internal energy for concentration, as well as attacks with special combat skills. Hermits can let the spirits of various creatures into their body.

Avatar (Grand Khavatari)

Avatars are masters of the use of combat brass knuckles. Their body is plastic and mobile, their attack speed is unprecedentedly high, and the ability to change under the influence of the spirits of ancient animals makes Avatars universal fighters.

Adept (Orc Mage)

Adept - bearers of ancient knowledge, using the power of Fire in their rituals. A feature of the Adepts is spells that act not only on a single target, but also on a specific area or on a group of players. Despite belonging to the magic class, Adepts can wear any type of armor and weapons.

Basic characteristics of the Adept

40 23 43 77 74 84

Shaman (Orc Shaman)

The path of the Shaman is chosen by the Orcs, who do not want to rely only on the power of weapons. Through relentless training, they learn a variety of magical skills that allow them to bless their allies and curse their enemies.

Warbringer (Warcryer)

Warbringers will be useful to any group of players, as they have unique spells to support allies. They also have a large supply of health, good protection, can wear all types of armor and are capable of inflicting significant physical damage compared to other mystics. A large amount of health allows you to survive under enemy attacks longer than many other magical and military classes. If the Warbringers have to engage in combat, they absorb the health of the enemy and stun the opponents.

Voice of Doom (Doomcryer)

Warbringers who excel in magical craft become the Voice of Doom and learn new, more powerful spells for group combat. In addition, they get the ability to infuse the spirits of ancient heroes into allies, which makes players incredibly strong, fast and hardy.

Supreme Shaman (Overlord)

High Shamans are Orc mages capable of leading clans and alliances. They have an exceptional ability to immediately affect all their allies within a certain radius, increasing their fighting qualities. However, the Supreme Shamans are also extremely dangerous opponents - they are trained to impose various seals on the enemy, weakening them.

Despot (Dominator)

Only the most worthy of the Supreme Shamans can claim the title of Despot - a genius of combat strategy and tactics, capable of inspiring entire clans and even alliances to exploits. With one move, the Despot can doom dozens of warriors and magicians to death.

From Author

Grand Khavatari are outstanding masters of the use of combat brass knuckles. Their body is plastic and mobile, their attack speed is unprecedentedly high, and the ability to change under the influence of the spirits of ancient animals makes Grand Khavatari universal fighters, tyrants are also excellent damage dealers both solo and in PT, and can overclock excellent stats, the tyrant is ideal for farming Class.

Combat testimony​

STR 40
CON 47
DEX 26 (affects atk.spd.\physical attack speed, p.def.\physical defense, crit.\crit, and spd.\speed, accuracy\accuracy and evasion\evasion.)
WIT 12 (affects cast. spd./spell casting speed, as well as mag.crit/magic crit.)
INT 18 (affects m.atk./m attack, pierce magic debuffs)
MEN 27

Exping, ammunition, quality.​

Having received lvl 20, the first profession can be obtained by buying for Averia or completing a quest.

After 20 to 40, you have two options for character leveling:



PL set- STR + 4, CON-1 what the shooting range needs, we buy norms. set in a giran in the Armor Shop.



Common Item - Large Pata- Cheap and cheerful, we buy in a giran in the "Armory Shop".

Bijouterie: We buy a top With komon, in a giran in the "Accessories Shop"

Tattoo:If if there is money we buy from mammon for AA we put such tattoos on PvE.
+4 strl -4con
+4 dex -4con

Or store in the "Magic Shop" giran:
+4 strl -5con
+4 dex -5con

Solo download: we go tp from Heine "Alligator Island".
There we swing up to +50 lvl in depth.
you can also Dragon Valley here you can swing from 40-50
Necropolis of Worship around 44-52




Same PL set.


We buy low B brass knuckles in Giran for crystals in the "Prestigious Goods Shop" or we buy shadow Low B brass knuckles in giran in the "Arms Shop".

Bijouterie: We leave tighter With the top.

Solo download: We make a TP from the Hunters Village for 3600 Aden "Magic Valley" and run down and to the left, then up to the Big Trees and Satyr, if you are nobles we make a noble TP "Center of the Magic Valley", and there we swing up to +60.
You can also go to Forbidden Gateway. First get ~55 on Orcs inside, then up to ~58 near the teleport point in Seal of Shilen, then get to 61 near Doom Knights.



Ru_icons_armor_t75_u_i00_0.png Dark Crystal Light Armor Set -
Phys. Atk./Sk. Atk. +4%, Paralysis Chance -50%, STR+1, CON-1. A good set in HF is bought in Giran in the "Prestigious Goods Shop" for adena.
You can print the ends in a regular forge for adena.


Ru_icons_weapon_dragon_grinder_i00_0.png Dragon's Demise
(Dragon Grinder)
- We also buy in a giran in the "Prestigious Goods Shop" for adena, if there is not enough money, we are looking for the same komon or fornication tornado komon in the market.

Bijouterie: We buy A bijou MF in the same giran "Prestigious Goods Shop" for adena, you can print it in the same forge in giran.

Solo download: We go under goddart, swing on deer and wolves and buffaloes up to 75.
you can also go to Blazing Swamp (where mona is not bad to earn on the quest Supplier of Reagents, A Game of Cards). Here you can swing from 65-75.



Ru_icons_armor_t89_ul_i00_0.png Dragonskin Armor Set
DEX+1, STR+1, CON-2, Atk. Atk./P. Atk. +4%, Max. MP +289, Weight Limit +5759 .
As for me the best S set and easily accessible, but you can stir up a dyno too.

.ru_icons_weapon_demon_splinter_i00_0..ru_icons_weapon_dynasty_jamadhr_i00_0.png Dino brass knuckles, and both should not be expensive.

Bijouterie: TT, Dino, Epic.

Solo download: If there are bones in the hands of 150, we go under the HZ, if everything is the same in the hands of A bones, we are looking for a buffer under the HZ and go duo.
you can also Catacomb of the forbidden Path 70-80
PT quality: If you already have dice 150 look for pt in hz2 or hz bottom.

80+ ​

Den of evil 78-83. Here the monsters are weak and you can easily level even with bad gear.
field of silence 80-84
field of Vhispers 80-84
It is also possible to upgrade in Imperial Tomb, you need to upgrade with a pike.
After lvl 80, if you have a full support and normal gear, go to HB for chimeras, for this you need a pike.

Sets at level 84


Vesper Light Elite Armor
.ru_icons_armor_t95_u_i01_0.png STR+1, CON-2, DEX+1, Atk. +5.57%, Atk. Atk. +5%, MP Recovery Rate +5%, Max. MP +354, Evasion +3, On Crit. Atk. Damage +172, Paralysis Resistance +50%. Allows you to wear a cape.

Ru_icons_armor_t95_u_i03_0.png Vorpal Light Armor Set
STR +1, DEX +2, CON -3, Stun Resistance +50%, Crit. Atk. +182, fire/water/wind/earth protection +5. Allows you to wear a cape.

.*Links to Radikal are prohibited by the rules of the project, use other servers. Such as: screenshot.ru / joxi.ru *.ru_1101_79_e714e3492601.png Elegia Light Armor Set
STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2, When equipped, P. Def. Atk +6.59%, Atk. Atk +6%, Critical Chance. Atk. +171, resistance to paralyzing attacks +50%, speed +3%, fire/water/wind/earth resistance by 5. Cloaks can be worn.

.*Links to Radikal are prohibited by the rules of the project, use other servers. Such as: screenshot.ru / joxi.ru *.ru_1103_92_86f40662e59a.jpgMagic Ornament Mithril Belt PvP Defense http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/s001.*Links to Radikal are prohibited by project rules, use other servers. Such as: screenshot.ru / joxi.ru *.ru_i195_1103_09_6520a61c81d4.gif - increases protection in pvp from physical attacks and skills:

Top grade by 6%

High grade by 4.2%

Regular by 3%

Low grade by 1.2%
Hand of Icarus, Warrior of Venus, Claws of Octo, Jade Fists with SA on Focus.

Bijouterie: s80-84/epics/tw bija

.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00.png Necklace of Valakas Gives the following effects: MP +42, increase resistance to sleep by 40%, HP +445, increase the chance of falling asleep by 40%, decrease the cooldown of skills, increase P. Atk. And Mag. Atk. wild magic, increased shield damage effect, and increased resistance to fire attacks.
.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.png Earring of Antharas Grants the following effects: MP +31, 40% increased resistance to bleeding, 40% increased chance to bleed the target, increased healing, increased Vampiric Rage, increased resistance to stun/abnormal state by 30%, increased chance to inflict stun/abnormal state on the target by 30%, reducing MP consumption and increasing resistance to earth attacks. If a character wears two of these earrings, only one of them will have the effect.
.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png Zaken's Earring Grants the following effects: MP +31, 30% increased Bleed Resistance, 30% increased chance to bleed the target, increased healing effect, increased Vampire Rage, 20% increased shock/abnormal state resistance, increased chance to inflict shock/abnormal state on the target by 20%. If a character wears two of these earrings, only one of them will have the effect.
.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.png Ring of Baium Gives the following effects: MP +21, increased resistance to poison by 40%, increased chance of poisoning by 40%, increased Accuracy, increased Critical Power. Atk., Increase Hold Resistance by 30%, Increase Hold Chance by 30%, Increase Attack with Atk. Mag. If a character wears two of these rings, only one of them will have the effect.
.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.png Frintezza's Necklace Increases MP by 42. Increases resistance to sleep/paralysis/shock by 15%. Increases the chance to sleep/paralyze/shock the target by 15%. Increases resistance to poison/bleed by 25%. Increases chance to poison/bleed by 25%. Decreases the cooldown time of skills. Has the effect of reflecting part of the damage. Increases darkness resistance.
.ru_themes_l2db_images_items_accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.png Ring of Queen Ant Gives the following effects: MP +21, increased resistance to poison by 30%, increased chance of poisoning by 30%, increased Accuracy, increased Critical Power. Atk., Increase hold resistance by 20%, increase hold chance by 20%. If a character wears two of these rings, only one of them will have the effect.
Don't forget also about different TV bijas with different bonuses.

For a shooting range in brass knuckles, the best passive skills are:
Passive: Increases P.Atk. – increases P. Atk (10%)
Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk. – Increases P. Atk in PvP(10%)
Passive: Increases M. Def. – Increases M.Def.(15%)
Passive: Increases R. Def. – Increases P.Def. (15%)
Active skills are better to catch in a separate weapon - for buffs for the Olympics and PVP masses.
Augmentation is not possible for TV jewelry and Epic and can give various bonuses: attack / defense attribute, resistance to paralysis / stun / mental attacks or their amplification.


Since the shooting gallery is a very flexible charm, then, accordingly, its tattoos can be very different.
WIT + 4 INT-4 tattoo that practically does not affect anything in the shooting gallery (since the shooting gallery has no skills), but it will help you quickly apply buffs to yourself during the Olympus using Buff sticks.
STR+4 CON-4, DEX+4 CON-4 will allow you to greatly increase your P.Attack and Attack Speed ​​at the expense of HP/SP reduction. Such a tattoo will go both for quality and for pvp if you have a decent gear. A good choice for the Olympics. But you should not put it if you like to merge under Zealot and Bison.
CON + 4 STR-4, CON + 4 DEX-4 is a practically useless tattoo, but it will help you a little if you spend a lot of time draining Zealot and Bison sweat. But I don't recommend putting it on.
In principle, everyone chooses a Tattoo for themselves: who needs more attack, who needs attack speed, who needs protection, who needs HP. But do not forget that the TIR can easily do without a TATTOO, but as I said, it's up to you to decide.

Subclass Skills

When your subclass reaches lvl 65 and 70, the main class can learn general skills (Emergent Ability), which increase n def, m def, m atk, p atk. When the subclass has become 75, you can learn similar general skills (Master Ability) or skills that depend on the subclass (Special Ability). When a subclass reaches level 80, divine transformations become available.

And so I advise you to take such skills for the shooting gallery.

Emergent Ability lvl 65, 70:
.ru_icons_skill0146_0.png Magic Defense: 13-15 m def. from all subs to take on M def.

Special Ability 75 lvl, interesting skills for us are:


Warrior Skill - Haste- Chance to increase Atk. Atk. during the attack. +30% to Atk. for 15 seconds Download for us will need any of these subs Gladiator, Spearman, Bounty Hunter, Destroyer I advise Destra it can be pumped the fastest.

en_icons_skill1418_0.png Wizard Skill - Barrier- Chance to gain invulnerability for 5 seconds when taking damage. For this we will need to download any of these subs Preacher, Warbringer, Inspector, Minstrel, Death Dancer.

en_icons_skill1349_0.png Summoner Skill- Spirit Chance to channel the soul of an ancient spirit when you are attacked. +10% to the characteristics of M. Atk., M. Atk., P. Atk., Atk. Atk. For this we will need to download any of these subs Sorcerer, Follower of the Elements, Follower of Darkness.

Combos and PVP Theory ​

Let's start with the most popular, extras..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230.png = 210MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 168MP /Ideal reading time (self buff, EURO OFF) is ~2.8-3 seconds.
We will use this set of skills (perks) both in mass gatherings and outside. Do not look at their harmless Power in 533.. in this class everything is arranged differently.
Applied to combo attacks, which we'll cover below.
  • #1 Most Popular combo hit -.ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_D1635CAD.png = 315MP ~ + Clarity Lv3 = 253MP / Total Power = 4262 / 8Lv Focused Force = 12786 Total Power "when respecting the max charge per skill" / Ideal time of reading (self buff , EURO OFF) - ~3.5-4 seconds.
  • #2 Its analogue is more powerful-.ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_D1635CAD.png = 420MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 336MP / Total Power = 4795 / 8Lv Focused Force = 14385 Total Power "with respect to max charge per skill" / ( buff, EURO OFF) - ~4.7 seconds.
  • #3 Wrong combo, not recommended, below I will describe why -.ru_icons_D1635CAD..ru_icons_BE3EE3A5.png = 142MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 104.4MP / Total Power = 5712 / 8Lv Focused Force = 17137 Total Power "subject to max charge per skill" / Ideal time reads (self buff, EURO OFF) - ~3 seconds.
  • #4 Power combo #1-.ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_D1635CAD..ru_icons_542442E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_D1635CAD.png = 860MP 80HP ~ + Clarity Lv3 = 688MP / Total power = 9590 "subject to charge max" / 8Lv Focused Force = 28770 Total Power "subject to max charge per skill" / Ideal cast time (self buff, EURO OFF) - ~8-10 seconds.
  • #5 Power combo #2-.ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_BE3EE3A5..ru_icons_542442E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_D1635CAD.png = 860MP 80HP ~ + Clarity Lv3 = 688MP / Total power = 10894 "subject charge max" / 8Lv Focused Force = 31682 Total Power "subject to max charge per skill" / Ideal cast time (self buff, EURO OFF) - ~8-10 seconds.
  • #6 Long Combo #1-.ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_6749F68E.png = 166MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 132.7MP / Total Power =2664 / 8Lv Focused Force = 7992 Total Power "with respect to max charge per skill" /Ideal cast time (self buff, EURO OFF ) - ~3-4 seconds.
  • #7 Long range combo #2-.ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_6749F68E.png = 271MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 216.8MP / Total Power = 3197 / 8Lv Focused Force = 9591 Total Power "assuming max charge per skill" / Ideal self buff , EURO OFF) - ~3.7-5 seconds.
  • #8 Close+Far-Long Combo-.ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_6749F68E..ru_icons_921A18BA..ru_icons_60243297.png = 281MP 70HP + Clarity Lv3 = 224.8MP / Total Power = 3197 / 8Lv Focused Force per "Maxillum Power = 959" Ideal reading time (self buff, EURO OFF) - ~4.8-5.3 seconds.
  • #9 Long-range combo-.ru_icons_4614619E..ru_icons_6749F68E..ru_icons_60243297..ru_icons_921A18BA.png = 281MP 70HP + Clarity Lv3 = 224.8MP / Total Power = 3197 / 8Lv Focused Force = 9591 Total Power "when respecting maxskill" / 8Lv (self buff, EURO OFF) - ~4.5-5.3 seconds.
  • #10 Anti-Tykha For Olympiad-.ru_icons_A109A822..ru_icons_9A2C6230..ru_icons_4614619E.png = 252MP~ + Clarity Lv3 = 201.6MP / Total Power = 3477 / 8Lv Focused Force = 10431 Total Power "when observing max charge per skill" / Ideal read time (self buff , EURO OFF) - ~4.5-5.3 seconds. - ~4-5 seconds.


A little about why melee combos don't work in the beginning -.ru_icons_4614619E.png Force Storm.

First, I don't trust him. He can hit from a great distance, compared to a burst, which means if your enemy runs away and you don’t get it or don’t want to hit it. in the end - you will not inflict the maximum possible DPS.
But, if you're lucky enough to burst early, you can use the whole combo. For example "Far Combo #2"

Secondly, by bursting, you will be 100% sure that you are at the right distance to perform close combos. For example: By hitting with Storm instead of Burst, you may be at the wrong distance which may not be enough (even an error of a few screen centimeters, this happens), although you will be very close and it will seem to you that you are in place, but you are not. Bottom line: you will lose time and risk getting a mage. crit, etc.

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