Home Berries Peoples of the North Caucasus. Ethnogenesis of the peoples of the Caucasus

Peoples of the North Caucasus. Ethnogenesis of the peoples of the Caucasus

The peoples of Transcaucasia - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, which were still part of the Russian Empire - together with its peoples, went a long way of joint transformations and hardships. These peoples are endowed with:

    highly developed, heightened sense of national pride, pride and self-respect, great adherence to national traditions and habits, ethnic cohesion and responsibility;

    mainly features of choleric and sanguine types of temperament, explosive emotionality, increased sensitivity to other people's actions and judgments, a pronounced desire for self-presentation;

    great independence, activity and initiative, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the set goals in all activities especially in those that are individually or nationally preferred and beneficial to them;

    emphasized attention and respect for elders in age, social status and position;

    a sufficiently high educational level, good physical fitness, relatively poor knowledge of the Russian language;

    striving for leadership among representatives of other ethnic communities and in multinational groups, as well as for the formation of micro-groups on the basis of compatriotism.

As we have already said, in the conditions of daily work and communication with representatives of other nationalities, the inhabitants of Transcaucasia tend to form micro-groups based on ethnicity. Possessing good organizational skills, communication skills, independence, they strive to become informal leaders in collectives.

This is the manifestation of the peculiarities of the family upbringing of boys in the Caucasus. From childhood, they are focused on the importance of the social role of a man, father, brother; from an early age they are taught to take care of their younger brothers and sisters. Families cultivate a special love for the younger, helping them in everything. Children in the Caucasus, boys in particular, grow up independent, in conditions of a minimum of prohibitions, are almost not punished.

National types of wrestling, boxing, are popular among all the peoples of the Transcaucasus. Practicing these sports, as well as folk pedagogy with early years form a strong will, develop physical activity, constant readiness to fight back. Such qualities of representatives of different peoples of Transcaucasia allow them to quickly adapt to various conditions of life and activity.

The understanding of seniority is quite peculiar here. Unconditional obedience to elders is manifested in a differentiated manner. If residents believe that certain orders of leaders belonging to other ethnic communities hurt their national dignity and pride, then they are able to resist the implementation of these orders. Meeting in such cases tough exactingness, decisiveness and confidence in the actions of their immediate superiors, representatives of the peoples of Transcaucasia quickly realize the futility of such behavior, but they are rebuilt with great difficulty. Here big role patience and consistency in the actions of a leader, his ability to find ways of productive interaction with his subordinates, taking into account their national psychological characteristics, play.

Georgians... From time immemorial, in Georgia, military affairs were treated with special respect. In difficult times, even women became the defenders of the country more than once. Every man is considered a warrior who must defend his homeland, loved ones, and himself. He must be good at weapons. Courage and belligerence are inherent in Georgians. In various rituals and ceremonies, weapons are often used as a symbol of the fight against evil. Various amulets are widespread. There is a cult of the cross, checkers, dagger; carrying edged weapons has become a national tradition. The grapevine and the sword in the historical symbolism of Georgia speak of the honor and respect that a person is surrounded by both as a warrior-defender and as a toiler who fully devotes himself to work in the field.

Georgians have a heightened sense of national pride and national dignity, which are generated by the awareness of the greatness of their country, based on the heroic historical past of Georgia, which has always defeated its enemies in the struggle for national independence.

High development education, culture in Georgia contributed to the formation of a wide layer of the intelligentsia in the country, made it possible to cultivate numerous cadres of highly qualified scientific and technical workers. In combination with centuries-old national traditions, this led to the development in the psychology of the Georgian population of such traits as respect for people with knowledge, wit, resourcefulness, the ability to apply quotes from the folk epic in various situations, are they popular? works of Georgian poets and writers. The representatives of this nation also have great love for folk melodies and singing.

He who knows the way does not stumble. Victory is not given to those who have withdrawn from the oath.

Shota Rustaveli

Friendship is highly valued by Georgians. No wonder the Georgian parable says: “Who is the poorest and most unfortunate? Someone who has no friend. Who is the richest and happiest? One who has many loyal friends. Where friendship and patience have settled - in the family, in the yard, in the house, on the street, in the village, in the city, in the country - there all human joys come together: peace and harmony, love and happiness. "

The psychology of tolerance, tact and cooperation in interethnic communication is characteristic of the people of Georgia, despite the impatience and impatience attributed to them. Georgians treat themselves and their weaknesses with humor. One Georgian proverb says: "If your barn is on fire and you can't put out the fire, then at least warm your hands." Optimism, great love of life are also their most important qualities.

Famous for Georgian hospitality. During a feast, the ability to say a good toast is appreciated above all. This is a kind of art. The competition of guests in making toasts at any celebration does not at all mean the same active use of alcoholic beverages. It is important here to maintain a clear mind, human dignity throughout the entire celebration. On Georgian holidays, sincere fun, an ornate, but quite understandable play on words, subtle humor, warmth, and a chivalrous attitude towards a woman are invariable.

Armenians... The residents of Armenia have a sharp mind, high general educational background, are enterprising, committed to their national culture, traditions.

The Armenian family is characterized by strong bonds, passionate affection for children, for all relatives without exception. Not only the father, but also the mother enjoys great authority in Armenia, the grandmother also has great authority. A woman here is practically freed from participating in other work, mainly doing housework and raising children.

This leads to the fact that men are dismissive of this kind of activity, considering it to be purely female. Armenia is showing respectful attitude to all seniors. Young people get up if they enter the house old man, and sit down only after his offer to sit down. When people are older in age, it is not accepted to smoke, to talk loudly.

The ability to treat other people with respect is highly valued in Armenia. For its inhabitant there is no person, after communication with whom he would not "in any way" relate to him. The opinion is polarized: either a friend, like-minded person, or a stranger, "not ours", "enemy" - and nothing else. A friend, a comrade, is shown great spiritual generosity and constant attention, relations with the enemy are always irreconcilable. These qualities should be paid special attention to in relations with representatives of this nation. It should also be remembered that the Armenians strive to transfer any communication into the plane of informal interpersonal relations. They do not tolerate rudeness, direct coercion, pressure, they like everything to be good.

Armenians are sociable. In professional and personal relationships, they tend to adhere to a style that is characterized by great friendliness and goodwill. They expect the same respect from others. Armenians are able to quickly establish business contacts with representatives of any nationality. In personal relationships with the latter, they are less harsh than Azerbaijanis and people from North Caucasus... At the same time, Armenians are sensitive to disrespect, superficial attitude, they are very offended when they are ignored.

Better to lose an eye than a good name.

Armenian proverb

They know how to restrain feelings in various situations, but at the same time they are very proud, painfully experiencing miscalculations and omissions in achieving their goals, the fall of their authority. That is why, in interaction with the Armenians, it is always necessary to explain why a particular task needs to be completed and why it is they who are entrusted with its solution. Otherwise, even having done what is required of him, the Armenian remains unconvinced and is often dissatisfied with the work done, which inevitably leads to discomfort in relations with him in the future.

Azerbaijanis... By their nature, representatives of this ethnic community are inquisitive, quick-witted, brave, freedom-loving, they keep their promises. As a rule, they behave modestly, but with dignity, and are characterized by quick judgments and conclusions, which cannot always be unambiguously interpreted by other people.

One cannot but take into account the great emotionality of Azerbaijanis. A disrespectful attitude towards them or their loved ones is almost always perceived as an encroachment on their honor and dignity, and can cause an acute response. When communicating with Azerbaijanis, one should show as much tact, attentiveness and respect as possible. Trust, friendly attitude and participation can achieve more from them than pressure and coercion.

In conflict situations, Azerbaijanis are emotionally incontinent and ardent, but not as recklessly as, for example, Chechens or Ossetians. However, at such moments, they are sometimes inclined to resolve issues "from a position of strength", stand up for their fellow countrymen, regardless of whether they are right or not. in this case.

The best friend is the mother, the best country is the Motherland.

Azerbaijan proverb

The attitude to work in Azerbaijan is ambiguous. Most people basically conscientiously master their profession, their business, become good workers. At the same time, there are many who prefer to be lazy and find a "warm place". There are also people who strive to be wealthy, to have prestigious things, a car, without doing anything for this. Azerbaijanis often approach life too pragmatically, often guided by only momentary interests.

They are very sensitive to success, honor, fame. Their great ambition also plays an important role in this. Azerbaijanis love to boast of their successes in their service and social activities, emphasize in every possible way their personal merits and achievements, do everything so that other people pay attention to it.

Azerbaijanis willingly communicate and interact with people of different nationalities. They readily take up the study of the Russian language, although, as a rule, they do not achieve very well great success... However, sometimes, even knowing Russian, an Azerbaijani hides this in interethnic communication, trying, when necessary, to use such a circumstance in his own interests.

According to historians, philologists and archaeologists - on the territory of the modern Caucasus on this moment descendants live about 60 different language groups, and more than 30 nationalities... During the centuries-old period of the formation of nationalities on the territory bordering on constant wars and devastation, the ethnos was able to carry its culture and customs through the centuries. To get acquainted with each of them is overwhelming work, but it will be at least interesting to learn about most of them.

Carrying out our excursion about the peoples of the Caucasus, I would like to determine the path along which we will go getting acquainted with the facts common to this or that ethnic group. Let's start with the Western Caucasus, and the most western nation - the Abkhaz. We will end our acquaintance in the east, together with the Lezghins. But let's not forget about the nomadic tribes.

Let's start with them in order to get acquainted with geographic features Caucasus, in order to understand the specifics of the life of all other peoples. The fact is that the North Caucasus predisposes to farming. Therefore, many nomadic tribes settled and began to build their own culture in the field. Starting from Abkhazians and ending with residents Alanya.

South Caucasus

But as for the southern part of the Caucasus, the soil in these places is barren. The water that comes from the mountains reaches the plain in a stagnant state, for the irrigation systems are far from perfect. Therefore, as soon as summer comes, nomadic tribes go higher and higher into the mountains. It all depends on the conditions for the livestock. If food is sufficient, the height remains unchanged.

With the onset of cold weather, nomads descend from the mountains. Tatars, Nogais and Trukhmen live according to the principle of trampled grass: as soon as the grass is trampled underfoot, it is time to move. And already, depending on the season, they determine up to the mountains, or go down.

Population settlement map:

Now let's return to the sedentary tribes in ancient times who chose agriculture as the basis of their life.

The most numerous peoples of the North Caucasus


- the most western people of the Caucasus. The majority are Christians, but since the 15th century, due to the expansion of the territory, Sunni Muslims have been added.

The total number of Abkhazians all over the world is about 200 thousand people in 52 countries of the world.

The cultural component of the Christian people is traditional in the area. For a long time they were engaged and famous for carpet weaving, embroidery, carving.

The next ethnic group in the direction to the east. The northern slopes of the Caucasus, as well as the plains near the Terek and Sunzha, are their habitat. The current territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, however, has nothing in common with the Karachais, except for the territory. At the same time, there is a relationship with the Kabardians, however, due to the administrative-territorial division, they also share the territory with the distant Balkars.

All of them belong to the Circassians. Their cultural heritage has made a huge contribution to the world heritage of blacksmithing and jewelry making.


- the northern branch of the Georgians, which has retained its own language and cultural heritage... The territory of residence is the most high-mountainous part of Georgia, it is from 1000 to 2500 meters above sea level.

A characteristic feature of the cultural life of the Svans is the absence of serfdom and the conditional principle of the nobility. There were no wars of conquest. In total, there are about 30,000 Svans around the world.


- an ancient people of Iranian origin. The Ossetian kingdom of Alania is one of the most ancient and has carried Christianity through the centuries in its original form. Many republics, due to unsettled Christianity, converted to Islam, but Alania - largest territory North Caucasus inherited Christianity. The moment of Islamization has passed by.

and Chechens

- kindred peoples. Most of them are Muslims, with the exception of those living on the territory of Georgia. The total number of peoples is about 2 million people.


The easternmost region is represented by the peoples of present-day Dagestan. And the most common not only on the territory of Dagestan, but also in Azerbaijan - they are distinguished by a rich cultural heritage.

A decisive role in the formation of the Caucasian peoples was played by geographical position... Located on the borders of the Ottoman Empire, Byzantium, the Russian Empire, they were predetermined by a military past, the features of which were reflected in the character and specifics of the peoples of the Caucasus. However, it is worth noting that the cultural heritage was preserved despite the oppression of neighboring empires.

3. Peoples of Transcaucasia. Azerbaijan

The people of Azerbaijan are endowed with:

Highly developed, heightened sense of national pride, pride and self-respect, great adherence to national traditions and habits, ethnic cohesion and responsibility;

Mainly a feature of the choleric and sanguine type of temperament, explosive emotionality, increased sensitivity to other people's actions and judgments, a pronounced desire for self-presentation;

Great independence, activity and initiative, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the set goals in all types of activities;

Emphasized attention and respect for elders in age, social status and position;

Good physical fitness, relatively poor knowledge of the Russian language;

Striving for leadership among representatives of other ethnic communities and in multinational groups, as well as for the formation of micro-groups on the basis of fellow countrymen.

There is a noticeable tendency towards the formation of micro-groups based on ethnicity, in the conditions of everyday labor activity and communication with representatives of other nationalities. They have good organizational skills, communication skills, and independence.

By their nature, representatives of this ethnic community are inquisitive, quick-witted, brave, freedom-loving, they keep their promises. As a rule, they behave modestly, but with dignity, and are characterized by quick judgments and conclusions, which cannot always be unambiguously interpreted by other people.

One cannot but take into account the great emotionality of Azerbaijanis. Disrespect for them or their loved ones is almost always perceived as an infringement on their honor and dignity, and can cause an acute response. When communicating with Azerbaijanis, one should show as much tact, attentiveness and respect as possible. Trust, friendship and participation can do more from them than pressure or coercion.

V conflict situations Azerbaijanis are emotionally incontinent and ardent, but not as reckless as, for example, the Chechens. However, at such moments, and they are sometimes inclined to resolve issues "from a position of strength", they stand up for their fellow countrymen, regardless of whether they are right or not.

The attitude to work is ambiguous. Most people basically conscientiously master their profession, their business, become good workers. At the same time, there are many who prefer to be lazy and find a “warm place”. Azerbaijanis often approach life unnecessarily, pragmatically, often guided by only momentary interests.

They are very sensitive to success, honor, fame. Their great ambition also plays an important role in this. They like to boast of their successes in official and social activities, in every possible way emphasize personal merits and achievements, do everything so that other people pay attention to it.

They willingly communicate and interact with people of different nationalities. They readily take up the study of the Russian language, although, as a rule, they are not very successful. However, sometimes, even knowing Russian, an Azerbaijani hides this in interethnic communication, trying, when necessary, to use such a circumstance in his own interests.

A lot in the country is subject to age-old customs and traditional Islamic norms, so you should observe certain rules behavior. V in public places women should avoid overly revealing or tight-fitting clothing and miniskirts, and men should avoid shorts or sleeveless T-shirts. At the same time, neatness in clothes is very much appreciated. The hospitality of Azerbaijanis is widely known. Refusing an invitation to visit can be regarded as a personal insult. Often the host gives the guest gifts, and not the cheapest ones. Local women, especially in rural areas, usually do not interfere with the host's conversation. First, tea falls on the table, then the second courses, herbs and fresh vegetables and then sweets or dovga.

The history of the dance art of Azerbaijan is rooted in the depths of centuries. The first dances were ritual and hunting dances. Mass ceremonial dances also came from time immemorial. And on their basis were created different kinds folk dances, which are subdivided into labor, ritual, everyday, military, sports, etc. Dances for women and men differ sharply from each other. The dancers focus on the arm and upper body technique, while the male dance determines the leg technique.


Ethnicities, peoples, nations. V recent times we come across these words more and more often.

Interethnic relations became an important element of social and political reality.

There are three main trends in ethnopsychological research.

1. The trend of cultural relativism. All cultures are generally considered equal in importance and value. The psychological differences between peoples are explained by the influence of ethnocultural variables, taking into account some biological factors.

2. The tendency of absolutism. Assumes comparative analysis psychological phenomena as equally inherent in ethnic communities, regardless of the level of development.

3. The trend of universalism. Which assumes that the basic psychological phenomena are common to all, but their expression depends on their level of development and the history of the people.

Language, origin, customs, material culture, ideology are the defining features of an ethnos, therefore, the thesis is relevant: "We are such and such, and all others are different."


1. Platonov Yu.P. Fundamentals of Ethnic Psychology .: St. Petersburg, 2003 .-- 452 p.

2.Krysko V.G. Ethnic psychology .: Academy, 2008. - 320 p.


4.Stefanenko T.G. Ethnopsychology. M., 1999.

5. Platonov Yu. P. Ethnic psychology. SPb., 2001.

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The peoples of Transcaucasia - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, which were part of the Russian Empire, - together with the peoples of the latter, they went a long way of joint transformations and hardships. Their representatives are endowed with:

  • - highly developed, heightened sense of national pride, pride and self-respect, great adherence to national traditions and habits, ethnic cohesion and responsibility;
  • - mainly features of choleric and sanguine types of temperament, explosive emotionality, increased sensitivity to other people's actions and judgments, a pronounced desire for self-presentation;
  • - great independence, activity and initiative, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goals in all types of activities, especially those that are individually or nationally preferable and beneficial for them;
  • - emphasized attention and respect for elders in age, social status and position;
  • - a sufficiently high educational level, good physical fitness, relatively poor knowledge of the Russian language;
  • - striving for leadership among representatives of other ethnic communities and in multinational groups, as well as for the formation of micro-groups on the basis of compatriotism.

As we have already said, in the conditions of daily work and communication with representatives of other nationalities, the inhabitants of Transcaucasia tend to form micro-groups based on ethnicity. Possessing good organizational skills, communication skills, independence, they strive to become informal leaders in collectives.

This is the manifestation of the peculiarities of the family upbringing of boys in the Caucasus. They are value-oriented since childhood. social role men, father, brother, they are taught from an early age to take care of their younger brothers and sisters. Families cultivate a special love for the younger, helping them in everything. Children in the Caucasus, boys in particular, grow up independent, in conditions of a minimum of prohibitions, are almost not punished.

National types of wrestling, boxing, are popular among all the peoples of the Transcaucasus. Engaging in these sports, as well as folk pedagogy from an early age, form a strong will, develop physical activity, constant readiness to fight back. Such qualities of representatives of different peoples of Transcaucasia allow them to quickly adapt to various conditions of life and activity.

The understanding of seniority is quite peculiar here. Unconditional obedience to elders is manifested in a differentiated manner. If residents believe that certain orders of leaders belonging to other ethnic communities hurt their national dignity and pride, then they are able to resist the implementation of these orders. Meeting in such cases tough exactingness, decisiveness and confidence in the actions of their immediate superiors, representatives of the peoples of Transcaucasia quickly realize the futility of such behavior, but they are rebuilt with great difficulty. Here patience and consistency in the actions of a leader, his ability to find ways of productive interaction with his subordinates, taking into account their national psychological characteristics, play an important role.

Georgians are one of the most cultured peoples in the Caucasus, having reached quite high degree national identity.

From time immemorial, in Georgia, military affairs were treated with special respect. In difficult times, even women became the defenders of the country more than once. Every man is considered a warrior who must defend his homeland, loved ones, and himself. He must be good at weapons. Courage and belligerence are inherent in Georgians. In various rituals and ceremonies, weapons are often used as a symbol of the fight against evil. Various amulets are widespread. There is a cult of the cross, checkers, dagger; carrying edged weapons has become a national tradition. Vine and the sword in the historical symbolism of Georgia speak of the honor and respect that a person is surrounded by both as a warrior-defender and as a toiler who fully devotes himself to work on his land.

Georgians have a heightened sense of national pride and national dignity, which are generated by the awareness of the greatness of their country, based on the heroic historical past of Georgia, which has always defeated its enemies in the struggle for national independence.

The high development of education and culture in Georgia contributed to the formation of a wide layer of the intelligentsia in the country, and made it possible to raise numerous cadres of highly qualified scientific and technical workers. In combination with centuries-old national traditions, this led to the development in the psychology of the Georgian population of such traits as respect for people with knowledge, wit, resourcefulness, the ability to apply quotes from the folk epic, popular works of Georgian poets and writers in various situations. The representatives of this nation also have great love for folk melodies and singing.

He who knows the way does not stumble.

Victory is not given to those who have withdrawn from the oath.

Shota Rustaveli

Friendship is highly valued by Georgians. No wonder the Georgian parable says: "Who is the poorest and most unhappy? He who has no friend. Who is the richest and happiest? He who has many loyal friends. Where friendship and patience have settled - in the family, in the yard, in the house, on the street, in the village, in the city, in the country - there all human joys come together: peace and harmony, love and happiness. "

The psychology of tolerance, tact and cooperation in interethnic communication is characteristic of the people of Georgia, despite the impatience and impatience attributed to them. Georgians treat themselves and their weaknesses with humor. One Georgian proverb says: "If your barn is on fire and you can't put out the fire, then at least warm your hands." Optimism, great love of life are also theirs. essential qualities.

Famous for Georgian hospitality. During a feast, the ability to say a good toast is appreciated above all. This is a kind of art. The competition of guests in making toasts at any celebration does not at all mean the same active use of alcoholic beverages. It is important here to maintain a clear mind, human dignity throughout the entire celebration. On Georgian holidays, sincere fun, ornate, but quite understandable play on words, subtle humor, warmth, and a chivalrous attitude towards a woman are invariable.

Armenians... The inhabitants of Armenia have a sharp mind, high educational background, are enterprising, committed to their national culture and traditions.

The Armenian family is characterized by strong bonds, passionate affection for children, for all relatives without exception. Not only the father, but also the mother enjoys great authority in Armenia, the grandmother also has great authority. A woman here is practically freed from participating in other work, mainly doing housework and raising children.

This leads to the fact that men are dismissive of this kind of activity, considering it to be purely female. In Armenia, they show respect for all elders. Young people get up if an elderly person enters the house, and sit down only after he offers to sit down. When people are older in age, it is not accepted to smoke, to talk loudly.

The ability to treat other people with respect is highly valued in Armenia. For its inhabitant there is no person, after communication with whom he would not "in any way" relate to him. The opinion is polarized: either a friend, like-minded person, or a stranger, "not ours", "enemy" - and nothing else. A friend, a comrade, is shown great spiritual generosity and constant attention, relations with the enemy are always irreconcilable. These qualities should be paid special attention to in relations with representatives of this nation. It should also be remembered that the Armenians strive to transfer any communication into the plane of informal interpersonal relationships... They do not tolerate rudeness, direct coercion, pressure, they like everything to be good.

Armenians are sociable. In professional and personal relationships, they tend to adhere to a style that is characterized by great friendliness and goodwill. They expect the same respect from others. Armenians are able to quickly establish business contacts with representatives of any nationality. In personal relationships with the latter, they are less harsh than Azerbaijanis and people from the North Caucasus. At the same time, Armenians are sensitive to disrespect, superficial attitude, they are very offended when they are ignored.

Better to lose an eye than a good name.

Armenian proverb

They know how to restrain feelings in various situations, but at the same time they are very proud, painfully experiencing miscalculations and omissions in achieving their goals, the fall of their authority. That is why, in interaction with the Armenians, it is always necessary to explain why a particular task needs to be completed and why it is they who are entrusted with its solution. Otherwise, even having done what is required of him, the Armenian remains unconvinced and is often dissatisfied with the work done, which inevitably leads to discomfort in relations with him in the future.

Azerbaijanis... By their nature, representatives of this ethnic community are inquisitive, quick-witted, brave, freedom-loving, they keep their promises. As a rule, they behave modestly, but with dignity, and are characterized by quick judgments and conclusions, which cannot always be unambiguously interpreted by other people.

One cannot but take into account the great emotionality of Azerbaijanis. A disrespectful attitude towards them or their loved ones is almost always perceived as an encroachment on their honor and dignity, and can cause an acute response. When communicating with Azerbaijanis, one should show as much tact, attentiveness and respect as possible. Trust, friendship, and participation can do more from them than pressure and coercion.

Usually, Azerbaijanis are ready for the most drastic turns of fate, have good adaptive abilities and tend to be autonomous. They see their vocation not so much in the enhancement of benefits as in the desire to live as they want, receiving moral satisfaction from this.

In conflict situations, Azerbaijanis are emotionally incontinent and ardent, but not as recklessly as, for example, Chechens or Ossetians. However, at such moments, they are sometimes inclined to resolve issues "from a position of strength", stand up for their fellow countrymen, regardless of whether they are right or not in this case.

The best friend is a mother best country- Homeland.

Azerbaijani proverb

The attitude to work in Azerbaijan is ambiguous. Most people basically conscientiously master their profession, their business, become good workers. At the same time, there are many who prefer to be lazy and find a "warm place". There are also those who strive to be provided for, to have prestigious things, a car, without doing anything for this. Azerbaijanis often approach life too pragmatically, often guided by only momentary interests.

In the North Caucasus, more than 50 distinctive national ethnic groups live in compact groups on the lands of their ancient ancestors. For centuries in an eventful course historical process in this region absolutely different nations had a common destiny, and gradually the so-called all-Caucasian ethnographic unity was formed.

In total, 9,428,826 people live in the North Caucasian FD, of whom the overwhelming majority are Russians - 2,854,040 inhabitants, but in the national regions and republics the share of Russians is noticeably smaller. The second largest people in the North are the Chechens, their share is 1,355,857 people. And the third nation in terms of number in the North Caucasus are the Avars, there are 865,348 people living here.

Adyghe people

Adyghe people belong to the Adyghe ethnic group and call themselves "Adyge". Today the Adyghe people are independent in ethnically commonality and have administrative territory residence of the Adyghe Autonomous Okrug in Krasnodar Territory... They live in number of 107,048 people in the lower reaches of the Laba and Kuban on an area of ​​4654 sq. km.

The fertile edges of the vast plain and foothills with a moderately warm climate and chernozem soils, oak and beech forests are excellent for development Agriculture... Adygs have long been the aborigines of this North Caucasian area. After the separation of the Kabardians from the united community of Adygs, their subsequent resettlement, the tribes of the Temirgoevites, Bzhedugs, Abadzeks, Shapsugs, Natukhais remained in their native lands in the Kuban, from which a single Adyghe nation was formed.

The number of all Adyghe tribes by the end Caucasian War reached 1 million people, but in 1864 many Circassians moved to Turkey. The Russian Circassians concentrated on a small area of ​​the ancestral lands on and Labe. After the revolution in 1922, the Adyghe people were singled out on a national basis into an autonomous region.

In 1936, the region was significantly expanded by the annexation of the Giaginsky district and the city of Maikop. Maykop becomes the capital city of the region. In 1990, the Adyghe ASSR was separated from the Krasnodar Territory, and a little later in 1992 an independent republic was formed. Since the Middle Ages, the Adyghe people have preserved their traditional economy, growing wheat, corn, barley, orchards and vineyards, and sedentary cattle breeding.


190,825 Armenians live in the region, and although the Armenian ethnos has historically formed noticeably to the south on the Armenian Highlands, part of this people lives within the North Caucasian Federal District. Armenians ancient people appearing on historical arena in the XIII-VI centuries. BC NS. as a result of mixing a large number the multilingual tribes of the Urarts, Luwians and Hurrians in the Armenian Highlands. Armenian language belongs to a large Indo-European family languages.

The historical process of the statehood of Armenians dates back 2.5 millennia, even during the reign of Alexander the Great, Little Armenia was known, then in 316 BC. NS. Ayrarat kingdom, later Sophensky kingdom. In the III-II centuries. BC NS. political and Cultural Center Armenians moved to Transcaucasia in the Ararat valley. From the IV century. n. NS. Armenians adopted Christianity, the Armenian Apostolic Church, respected in the Christian world, was formed here. After the terrible genocide of 1915 by the Ottoman Turks, most Armenians today live outside their historical homeland.


The indigenous inhabitants of Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea and some regions of Kabardino-Balkaria are the Circassians, the North Caucasian people numbering 61 409 people of which 56.5 thousand live densely in 17 high-mountain villages of Karachay-Cherkessia. Ancient Greek historians called them "Kerket".

This ethnos, according to archaeologists, includes the ancient Koban culture, dating back to the 13th century. BC NS. In education ethnographic group Circassians could participate "proadygi" and "provinakhs". Scientists deny the participation of the ancient Scythians in the formation of the Circassian ethnic group.

In 1921, the Mountain ASSR was formed, and later in 1922, the national Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous District was formed in the RSFSR. That is why the Circassians were called Circassians for a long time, and a lot of time passed before the Circassians were defined as an independent people. In 1957, in the Stavropol Territory, a separate ethnic Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous District was formed.

The main traditional occupations of the Circassians have long been distant mountain cattle breeding, breeding of cows, sheep, horses, goats. Since ancient times, gardens and vineyards have been growing in the valleys of Karachay-Cherkessia, barley, weight and wheat have been grown. The Circassians were famous among other peoples for making high-quality cloth and making clothes from it, blacksmithing and making weapons.


Another indigenous Turkic-speaking people who have lived in Karachay-Cherkessia from time immemorial along the valleys of the Kuban, Teberda, Urup and Bolshaya Laba are quite few Karachais. There are 211,122 people living in the North Caucasian FD today.

For the first time about the nationality "korachee" or "karochai" is mentioned in the records of the Russian ambassador Fedot Yelchin to Mergelia in 1639. Later, about the "kharachai" living on high peaks Kuban and those who speak the "Tatar" language are mentioned more than once.

In the formation of the ethnos of the Karachais in the VIII-XIV centuries. local Alans and Türks-Kipchaks participated. The closest ethnic groups in terms of gene pool and language to the Karachais are the Circassians and Abazins. After negotiations and the decision of the elders in 1828, the lands of the Karachais entered Russian state.

During the Second World War, Karachaevskaya Autonomous District for a long time 1942-1943. was under fascist occupation. Due to complicity with the enemies, showing the Nazis the passes in the Caucasus, mass joining the ranks of the invaders, harboring German spies in the fall of 1943, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a decree on the resettlement of 69,267 Korochaevites to Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The Karachais were searched for in other regions of the Caucasus, 2543 people were demobilized from the army.

For a long time, for three centuries from the 16th to the 19th centuries, there was a process of Islamization of the Karachai tribes, they still preserved in their beliefs a kind of mixture of paganism, worship higher spirit nature of Tengri, belief in natural magic, sacred stones and trees with Christian teachings and Islam. Today the majority of Karachais are Sunni Muslims.


One of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the region living in the foothills and mountains in the center of the region in the upper reaches of the Khaznidon, Chegem, Cherek, Malka and Baksan are Balkars. There are two versions of the origin of the ethnonym, some scholars suggest that the word "Balkar" is modified from "Malkar", an inhabitant of the Malkar Gorge, or from the Balkan Bulgarians.

Today the main population of Balkars is 110,215 people live in Kabardino-Balkaria. The Balkars speak the Karachai-Balkar language, which is practically not divided into dialects. Balkars live high in the mountains and are considered one of the few high-altitude peoples in Europe. Alano-Ossetian, Svan and Adyg tribes took part in the long ethnogenesis of the Balkars.

For the first time he mentions the ethnonym "Balkar" in his notes of the 4th century. Mar Abas Katina, this invaluable information has been preserved in the History of Armenia, recorded in the 5th century by Movses Khorenatsi. In Russians historical documents for the first time the ethnonym "Basians", referring to the Balkars, appeared in 1629. Ossetians-Alans have long called the Balkars asses.


More than 57% of the population of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria is quite large for the region the Kabardian people. Within the Russian part of the region, representatives of this ethnic group live 502 817 people. The closest to the Kabardians in terms of language and cultural traditions are the Circassians, Abkhazians and Adyghes. Kabardians speak their Kabardian language, close to Circassian, which belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyghe language group... In addition to Russia, the largest Kabardian diaspora lives in Turkey.

Until the XIV century, the closest peoples of the Circassians had general history... Much later, different of these peoples acquired their own history. And antiquities from the IV millennium BC. NS. under the common ethnonym the Circassians were descendants of the representatives of the original Maikop culture, it was from this that the North Caucasian, Kuban and Koban cultures subsequently emerged.

The emperor of Byzantium Constantine Porphyrogenitus was the first to mention the country of Kosogs, modern Kabardians in 957. According to many researchers, the Scythians and Sarmatians participated in the entogenesis of the Kabardians. Since 1552, the Kabardian princes, headed by Temryuk Idarov, began a policy of rapprochement with Russia, so that she would help them defend themselves from the Crimean Khan. Later they took part in the capture of Kazan on the side of Ivan the Terrible, the Russian tsar even entered into a political marriage with Temryuk's daughter Idarov.


The main population of North Ossetia Alania and South Ossetia are the descendants of the fearless warriors of antiquity, the Alans, opposing, and so unconquered by the great Tamerlane - the Ossetians. In total, 481,492 people live in the North Caucasus, who feel they belong to the Ossetian ethnic group.

The ethnonym "Ossetians" appeared after the name of the region, where the representatives of this people "Osseti" lived for a long time. This is what the Georgians called this area in the Caucasus mountains. The word "axis" comes from the self-designation of one of the Alan clans "asy". In the well-known code of warriors "Nart epic" there is another self-name of the Ossetians "Allon", from which the word "Alan" comes from.

Ossetian colloquial belongs to the Iranian group and is the only one among the languages ​​of the world that is closest to the ancient Scythian-Sarmatian language. In it, linguists distinguish between two related dialects according to two sub-ethnic groups of Ossetians: Iron and Digor. The superiority in the number of speakers belongs to the Ironian dialect, it became the basis for the literary Ossetian language.

The ancient Alans, the descendants of the Pontic Scythians, took part in the ethnogenesis of the Ossetians; they mixed with the local tribes. Fearless Alans in the Middle Ages represented great danger for the Khazars, they were interesting as valiant warriors and allies for Byzantium, fought on equal terms with the Mongols and opposed Tamerlane.


The indigenous people of Ingushetia, North Ossetia and the Sunzhensky region of Chechnya are the "gargarei" mentioned by Strabo - the North Caucasian Ingush. Their ancestors were carriers of the Koban culture, which is native to many Caucasian peoples. Today 418,996 Ingush live here in their native lands.

In the medieval period, the Ingush were in the union of the Alanian tribes, together with the ancestors of the Balkars and Ossetians, Chechens and Karachais. It is here in Ingushetia that the ruins of the so-called Ekazhevsko-Yandyr settlement are located, according to archaeologists, the capital city of Alania - Magas.

After the defeat of Alania by the Mongols and the clash of the Alans with Tamerlane, the remnants of the related tribes went to the mountains, and the formation of the Ingush ethnos began there. In the 15th century, the Ingush made several attempts to return to the plain, but in the 1562 campaign of Prince Temryuk they were forced to return to the mountains.

The resettlement of the Ingush to the Tara Valley ended after the annexation to Russia only in the 19th century. The Ingush are part of Russia after the decision of the elders since 1770. During the construction of the Georgian Military Highway across the Ingush lands in 1784, the Vladikavkaz fortress was founded on the banks of the Terek.


The indigenous population of Chechnya are Chechens, the self-name of the Vainakh tribe is "Nokhchiy". For the first time a people with the name "Sasan", identical to "Nokhcha", was mentioned in the chronicle of the Persian Rashid-ad-Din of the XIII-XIV centuries. Today 1,335,857 Chechens live in the region, most of them in Chechnya.

Mountainous Chechnya entered the Russian state in 1781 by the decision of the honorary elders of 15 villages in the southern part of the republic. After a protracted and bloody Caucasian war, more than 5 thousand families of Chechens left for Ottoman Empire, their descendants became the basis of the Chechen diasporas in Syria and Turkey.

In 1944, over 0.5 million Chechens were resettled to Central Asia. The reason for the deportation was banditry, there were up to 200 bandit formations numbering up to 2-3 thousand people. Few people know that a serious reason for the deportation was the work since 1940 of the underground organization of Khasan Israilov, whose purpose was to separate the region from the USSR and destroy all Russians here.


Another Turkic people of the region are the Nogais, the self-name of the ethnos is “Nogai”, sometimes they are called Nogai Tatars or Crimean steppe Tatars. More than 20 ancient peoples took part in the formation of the ethnos, among them the Siraks and Uighurs, Noimans and Dormans, Kereits and Ases, Kipchaks and Bulgars, Argyns and Keneges.

The ethnonym "Nogai" belongs to the name of the 13th century Golden Horde politician Temnik Beklerbek Nogai, who united all the disparate protonogai ethnic groups into a single ethnos under his leadership. The first state association of the Nogai was the so-called Nogai Horde, it appeared on the historical arena with the collapse of the Golden Horde.

The formation of the Nogai state continued under the Golden Horde temnik of Edyge, the legendary and heroic ruler, preacher of Islam continued to unite the Nogai. He continued all the traditions of the Nogai rule and completely separated the Nogai from the power of the khans of the Golden Horde. The Nogai Horde is mentioned in chronicles and Russian ambassadorial books for 1479, 1481, 1486, letters of European rulers, King of Poland Sigismund I, in letters and letters of Russia and medieval Poland, Crimean khans.

Caravan routes passed through the capital city of the Nogai Horde Saraichik on the Ural River between Central Asia and Europe. The Nogais entered the Russian state by the decision of the elders of the clans in 1783, one hundred was confirmed by the Manifesto of Catherine II. Separate groups The Nogais were still fighting for independence, but A. V. Suvorov's military leadership did not leave them a chance. Only a small part of the Nogais took refuge in the interfluve of the Terek and Kuma, on the territory of modern Chechnya.

Other peoples

Many other ethnic groups and nationalities live in the foothills of the Caucasus. Avars live here 865 348 people, Kumyks number 466 769 people, Laks number 166 526 people, Dargins according to the results of the last census 541 552 people, 396 408 people are Lezgins, 29 979 people are Aguls, 29 413 people are Rutuls, 127 941 - tabasaran and others.

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