Home Potato Strong fear in a dream. Fear: why dream. Why dream of Fear in the Esoteric dream book

Strong fear in a dream. Fear: why dream. Why dream of Fear in the Esoteric dream book

Is the garnet a precious or semi-precious stone? - This is a question often asked by sellers. The answer, oddly enough, can be misleading, because many believe that precious stones are always more expensive than semi-precious and ornamental ones. In fact, the division of stones into three groups is rather arbitrary. So, some varieties of garnets are valued higher than emeralds.

pomegranate stone

There is no such mineral as garnet in nature. In fact, this is an extensive group of minerals, which combines over three dozen stones.

All types of garnets have the same physical properties and crystalline forms, but the content of chemical elements is different. The different types of garnets are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular, uvarovite and andradite. Grossulars and andradites, in turn, have their own varieties, among which are stones such as demantoid and melanite, which are highly valued and often cost more than emeralds.

The most expensive grenades

In 1998, the federal law “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” was approved in Russia, which clearly states which stones can be considered precious. These are natural diamonds, natural pearls, alexandrites, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.

It is believed that the gemstone is rare. It has an attractive appearance and unique properties, such as diamond, high refraction and high hardness.

From this law it follows that all varieties of garnets do not belong to precious stones. They are considered semi-precious, and their selling weight must be measured in grams.

But demantoids, andradite melanites, and many other varieties of garnet are never sold by the gram. Demantoid is a very expensive stone, which is called the Ural emerald. The price of a stone weighing more than two carats starts at two thousand dollars. Stones weighing about three carats are rare and therefore have a fantastic value, overtaking emeralds of the same weight in price.

Demantoid gets its name from the German "diamond" for its high refractive index. The dispersion of stones after cutting is greater than that of diamonds.

The demantoid has inclusions of byssolite, which are called "horsetail". Oddly enough, stones with inclusions are valued more than without them.

Nowhere and no one calls the demantoid a semi-precious stone, although it belongs to the garnet group.

Also, black andradite - melanite has a high cost. In Russia, this stone is not sold, but in France, Italy, Spain, it is popular as a men's jewelry.

Another expensive stone, a variety of grossulars, is tsavorite (tsavorite). It was found relatively recently - at the end of the 20th century. It was made popular by the Tiffany company, which for many years had a monopoly on the sale of tsavorites.

Many jewelers are convinced that its cost does not match the quality. But the tsavorite does not think of giving up his positions. Its cost is from 100 dollars per carat. Moreover, for this price you can buy pebbles weighing no more than 0.01 grams. Stones from one carat are more expensive.

The most expensive type of garnet is majorite, a transparent purple stone. Mineralogists believe that this garnet arose due to the impact of a meteorite. There is another version that majorites were formed as a result of pressure at a great depth of the Earth.

Majorites have been found on Earth only seven times. The last time was 13 years ago, in 2004. The garnet gem was sold for $2,400 per carat.

Brooches with grenades

The most expensive faceted majorite has a weight of almost four carats. It was sold at auction for eight million dollars! It is unlikely that anyone will have the courage to call this stone semi-precious.

What are pyrope and almandine stones?

Pyrope and almandine have been known to mankind since the Neolithic. The stones, which were called lals, could not be distinguished from a ruby. Although by the beginning of the 16th century in Russia they had learned to distinguish between several varieties of pomegranate. The merchants called them "becheta" and "venisa", and these names stuck with them until the 19th century.

Pyrope is referred to as a gemstone on Wikipedia. Although it is found everywhere, it is inexpensive and many jewelers boldly classify it as a semi-precious stone.

In 1959, a rhodolite stone was isolated as a separate variety of pyrope: garnet of a light pink or purple hue. It costs more than regular pyrope.

Online stores that specialize in the sale of precious stones, along with emeralds, rubies, diamonds, also sell semi-precious stones. But pyrope does not appear in the assortment of boutiques. But rhodolite and demantoid are always present.

Another rare stone from the group is spessartine pyrope, which received the name "Malaya".

In the early sixties of the last century, miners from Mali, who mined rhodolite, found grenades in the mine, which resembled an orange in color. The pomegranate was given the name "Malaya", but is sometimes referred to as "Mali". It is mined in only one country; nowhere else on Earth are Mali deposits found.

Faceted stones "Mali", as well as rhodolite, pyrope and many others, are evaluated in carats.

Not all garnets found in nature are suitable for jewelry. So, for example, spessartine is an opaque garnet stone of yellow-brown or dirty orange hues. It is unlikely that these stones deserve to be called semi-precious. But if a spessartine of a bright orange color is found, then it will be expensive.

There are garnets that no one considers semi-precious stones: these are leuco garnet and hydrogrossular.

The division into precious and semi-precious stones is quite relative. There are no such concepts in mineralogy. In jewelry, there are completely different criteria for evaluating stones. Valued purity, color, brilliance, dispersion, transparency, refractive index, lack of cleavage.

These indicators may be low or completely absent in rubies or emeralds. In nature, there are precious stones weighing more than a kilogram that will never fall on the jeweler's table. A non-specialist is unlikely to understand that this is a diamond or a sapphire.

Why dream of being afraid

Spring dream book

Tremble - Your uncertainty will not be in your favor.

Why dream of being afraid

Summer dream book

Tremble - you will get sick, but for some reason you will be very afraid to go to the hospital.

Why dream of being afraid

Autumn dream book

Tremble - Tremble before someone or something - to trial or to secret fear.

Why dream of being afraid

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To be afraid of something or someone in a dream means that soon you will experience a feeling of disappointment and loss.

If in a dream you see another person frightened, it means that you will have deep experiences due to the misfortune of your loved ones.

If in a dream you are afraid to continue some business or go on a trip, this means future success, but someone close may refuse a serious request.

If in a dream you are afraid of some kind of beast that is approaching you with a frightening look - nothing terrible, except for idle conversations around your name, is not waiting for you in reality.

To be horrified by the roar of wild animals that seem to be wandering very close - you will expect unfavorable news about a decrease in income. Perhaps you will go against public opinion, but if you have recovered from fear and pulled yourself together, in reality you will have to be much easier.

Why dream of being afraid

Explanatory dream book

To dream of being afraid - A change in business.

To be afraid of something or someone in a dream means that soon you will experience a feeling of disappointment and loss. If in a dream you see another person frightened, it means that you will have deep experiences due to the misfortune of your loved ones. Why dream of being afraid - If in a dream you are afraid to continue some business or go on a trip, this means future success, but someone close may refuse a serious request. If in a dream you are afraid of some kind of beast that is approaching you with a frightening look - nothing terrible, except for idle conversations around your name, is not waiting for you in reality. Dream Interpretation to be afraid - To be horrified by the roar of wild animals that roam as if very close - unfavorable news about a decrease in income awaits you. Perhaps you will go against public opinion, but if you have recovered from fear and pulled yourself together, in reality you will have to be much easier.

Why dream of being afraid

Psychotherapeutic dream book

To be afraid is a change in business.

Why dream of being afraid

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

To be afraid is a change in business.

Why dream of being afraid

Online dream book

According to the dream book, if you dreamed that you were afraid of something, in the near future you will experience losses and grief.

To dream that you are afraid of some kind of animal - your fears in reality are completely groundless, no one will harm you.

You are afraid to bring something to the end in a dream - your undertakings will be fruitful, although you will not receive assistance from those from whom you expected it.

Why dream of being afraid

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Being afraid is a brave and courageous act.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about the people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

To experience strong fear in a dream portends a joyful surprise. If your fear is caused by anxiety not for yourself, but for people close to you, you will experience anxious expectation in reality. If in a dream you are in fear fleeing from wild animals or evil dogs chasing you, it means that in reality you will be seriously insulted with complete impunity.

If you overcame your fear and boldly entered into a fight with an enemy superior in strength, in reality you will be annoyed by a certain event from which you expected more for yourself. A dream in which you cause fear in everyone around you with your ugly appearance means that in real life your friends will refuse to help you in difficult circumstances for you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Fear

To experience fear in a dream means a change of fortune or illness.

To be afraid of death in a dream - to illness or a heart attack. A dream in which you are afraid to do something predicts failure.

To experience fear from some terrible sight in a dream predicts misfortune.

If you dream that other people are afraid of something, then you will have to support people who are in trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

We often encounter a feeling of fear, and the degree of its magnitude can be different. Sometimes it is a simple fright, and sometimes it is an uncontrollable horror that completely paralyzes our mind. People experience such sensations both in reality and in a dream. Nightmares make us wake up in a cold sweat and torment ourselves with an unpleasant "aftertaste" from what we see.

The tips of the dream book will help you figure out what dreams of this kind symbolize. Their interpretations, which are not so many in modern times, will tell you what caused the fear in a dream, and what you need to prepare for in reality. Any plot development in night dreams has its own reasons.

  • A modern dream book interprets fear in a dream as a warning about a possible threat that lies in wait for you in reality. Most likely it could be a health issue. You should pay attention to your physical and emotional state;
  • The esoteric dream book says that such sensations in a dream symbolize the appearance in your life of a person acting as an energy vampire. Most likely, you will become a victim of your ill-wisher and say goodbye to vitality. Be attentive to your surroundings, do not make dubious acquaintances and do not rush to let new friends get too close.

For a clearer and more detailed explanation, it is important to remember even the smallest details of sleep:

  • A strong sense of fear in a dream - your plans may fail. This time luck will not be on your side;
  • Panic fear without an objective reason is such a dream that is quite common, it does not promise you anything serious. Most likely, the dreamer is experiencing a certain out-of-body experience that should not be projected onto real life. Perhaps you should think about your suspiciousness - is it too great ?;
  • The feeling of fear before a specific planned action suggests that it is better to refuse to carry out your intentions. Now is not the right time to take action. It is better to play it safe and once again review all your plans for the future;
  • If you regularly experience dread in your sleep, you need to pay more attention to personal needs that have been relegated to the background. The desires of other people will wait, it's time to remember healthy egoism;
  • Goosebumps in a dream is a serious reason to think about changing your behavior. Most likely, you control your loved ones too much, sacrificing harmony in your relationship with them. Let them act freely;
  • The feeling of fear in a closed space symbolizes the lack of time in real life. Perhaps you will be overwhelmed by minor chores that will make you fuss a lot. The main thing is not to mess things up in this turmoil, to give an account of all your actions.

Why dream of height and fear of falling

The dream interpretation offers various interpretations of sleep, in which the fear of heights appears:

  • To be afraid of heights in a dream while in the cabin of an aircraft - in order not to face the consequences of incorrect behavior, it is recommended to curb your ambitions and make only well-considered decisions;
  • Sudden fear of heights - fate will present you with new opportunities that you need to use wisely;
  • To conquer a mountain peak and at the same time experience a fear of heights - the dream book predicts a possible journey. Sometimes the explanation can be drastically different and mean career advancement;
  • Feeling of fear during a long fall from a height - difficult times await you, but you will have the strength and patience to cope with any difficult circumstances;
  • Looking down from a high roof - a dream symbolizes fear of decisive action, which should be eliminated as soon as possible. Uncertainty in one's abilities can lead to the most unpredictable consequences in real life;
  • To be at the top of the mountain and feel calm - the goals you set are up to you! You will adequately get out of any situation and get the desired result;
  • Experience fear while skydiving - your life has become monotonous, you are too passive and need a powerful dose of adrenaline to shake you up. New thrills will make you look differently at everything that surrounds you.

Miller's dream book says that fear in a dream can be caused by everyday routine. To save yourself from long-term depression, you should bring a little variety into your life. A change of scenery will be a fresh breath of air, inspire new achievements and give strength to conquer uncharted spaces. Traveling to distant lands is the best recipe for apathy. If the trip is not included in your plans, find something to your liking.

If you dream of your own cry in a dream, this means that you are in vain suppressing your emotions and feelings. They need to go outside from time to time. Do not burden yourself with the rules of other people, give free rein to your own opinion, and then everything will definitely work out.

The dream interpretation also offers other meanings of sleep:

  • Your own deafening cry in a dream - you are too full of negativity, you should get rid of it;
  • Screaming in a dream at a person who is bored in real life - in the near future you will take the initiative in reconciling with someone;
  • Conflict in a dream in a raised voice - soon life circumstances will play into your hands;
  • Feeling fear from your own cry - everything that terrified you in reality will no longer bother you;
  • Shouting at mom in a dream - a dream book warns of a possible deception or betrayal.

Why dream of fear in a dream for a woman

If the dreamer is overcome by a feeling of fear, such emotions may portend a strong disappointment in certain people or events in real life. The dream book also interprets such a plot as an upcoming loss of something really important.

If a woman sees in a dream the fear of another person, most likely she will have to worry a lot about her close friends or relatives. The dream does not portend something catastrophic in their lives, but this will be a good reason for nervousness.

  • Seeing frightened people in a dream - serious trouble awaits someone from your inner circle;
  • A feeling of fear before a trip in a dream is a sign that in reality it is better to abandon planned trips. Take special care while driving - an accident is also possible.

In a dream, pray for fear, what does it mean?

If you crossed yourself in a dream after experiencing fear, then your plans will not be realized without the support and help of other people. Most likely, you do not have the necessary motivation to solve the tasks. Stop relying entirely on luck, take everything into your own hands.

Pray in a dream before death - perhaps you have done something bad in reality. The dream book claims that such a plot is caused by remorse. To free yourself from this burden, honestly confess what you have done or go to church.

Fear of death why dream

The modern interpretation of such a dream speaks of the dreamer's real fear of making fateful decisions. A dream can symbolize the upcoming choice, on which a lot of things in your life will depend. Be persistent and reasonable, and then an important decision will be much easier for you.

  • To overcome severe panic in a dream - you will easily find the right solution to an urgent problem. Perhaps you will emerge victorious in the "fight" with ill-wishers. If the dreamer has no enemies, such a dream promises a successful fight against bad habits or personal shortcomings;
  • To die in a dream - you are haunted by mental anxieties from which you are trying to hide.

In ancient times, people around the world believed that with the help of dreams, you can predict the future and ask for advice from higher powers. To experience fear in a dream - what does this mean for modern adults? Today it is not customary to attach great importance to dreams.

But, unfortunately, painful and disturbing dreams continue to visit every person, regardless of how he treats them.

Every time, waking up with a pounding heart in horror, many simply sigh in relief and say to themselves: “this is just a dream.” And they try to quickly forget the nightmare, which turned out to be only a figment of the imagination. But the horror was real, because a few minutes ago the person did not doubt the reality of what was happening. So what does it mean in a dream and why do people experience it?

“Night terrors are good for survival, otherwise they would probably have disappeared in the course of evolution,” said Deirdre Barrett, PhD in psychology, who teaches at Harvard University. Barrett suggests that frightening dreams help the brain focus on problems that need to be addressed.

Every night a person goes to bed with his anxieties and worries. The subconscious can embody them in the images of a dream. Since many are common to most people, dreams are filled with universal symbols and plots that you can try to decipher. So, why dream of experiencing fear or what do such dreams symbolize? Most often, paralyzing horror in everything signals unresolved problems in real life, which may soon fall upon the dreamer with all their weight. By analyzing the details of sleep as symbols and comparing them with reality, you can read the clues that the subconscious mind sends us.

Fear of heights. The subconscious signals that the person has not yet mastered the new status enough and it is worth taking measures to strengthen his position. In addition, such a dream is often dreamed of before a responsible event, where one has to "be on top".

Chase. One of the most common nightmare plots: a person runs away from danger, but cannot escape in any way. Such a dream often causes a feeling of doom and panic.

What does it mean when you dream of fear of being overtaken? There is probably some factor or person in real life that is perceived as a threat. The distance in a dream between a fugitive and a pursuer can be important. The smaller it is, the more acute the problem.

Natural disasters. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and wildfires are truly terrifying, but do not necessarily portend real cataclysms. Most often, this is just a response to events in the dreamer's personal life, which he subconsciously foresees. Why dream of fear of the blind force of nature? For example, water symbolizes the emotional sphere, and an impending huge wave can portend an inevitable impending conflict and changes in life. If familiar people are present in a dream, it is likely that future events will also affect them.

Summarizing, we can say that a dream in which a person had to experience fear is quite likely to be a warning. Perhaps this is a signal that you will soon have to find yourself in a conflict situation, face urgent problems or counteract other threats. It is worth finding out what life situation makes you feel in danger and find the strength to face it face to face.

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