Home Preparations for the winter Russian rune wind. Slavic runes and their meaning. Applications of pagan symbols

Russian rune wind. Slavic runes and their meaning. Applications of pagan symbols

About Runes - this is an important part of our heritage! these Runes were restored according to Hyperborean knowledge by B. Yu Tatishchev ...

Short description:

It makes sense only to briefly mention extreme harm all and all witchcraft and Magical practices and about significant utility RUNIC METHODS of human energy PROTECTION. What is it, and what are these methods of protection?

The book contains the first table of "Russian Runes". A distorted, although also workable, version of them are the Scandinavian runes. If someone is more familiar with the latter, the flag is in your hands. However, in this case, try to meditate alternately on some of the "Russian Runes". Behind each of these "icons" Sacred Knowledge of MILLENNIUMS and energies associated with this Knowledge.

For instance, Skill Rune "Restorer" mentally applied by DEEP CONTEMPLATION or by drawing it on a piece of flint (the strongest transformer of cosmic energy) or a bandage (bandage, gauze, adhesive plaster), applied to a wound or even an ulcer, can completely heal a sore spot in just a few hours.

I know this firsthand. I tried it myself. It is very important not to doubt the result. Strong subconscious doubt can reduce the healing effect to an almost imperceptible minimum. Which, of course, will convince you of the "inefficiency of this charlatan method" and make you a chronic client of pharmacies and clinics.

Only any rune must be drawn correctly. Like this? First in one motion clockwise the arrow is drawn (or drawn according to the template) the middle square. After that, the remaining elements of the Rune are attached to it.

The main property of the "Russian Runes" is that they not can be used to the detriment of a person acting within the boundaries of Divine Providence. But against the "enemy forces" Runes "Disinformation" and "Disintegrator", with a good ability of a person for mental concentration and with a developed imaginative thinking, a psycho-energetic weapon is by no means a joke.

The perfect defense from a variety of "field" pathogenic influences, both technical (the so-called "psi-generators"), and psycho-energetic magic-witchcraft origin, is periodically created in your mind a mental image of a VORTEX OF RUNES around your body.

Thousands of Runes, imagined by you with the utmost clarity possible, rotate around you CLOCKLY(looking from above) ARROW, like a whirlwind of snowflakes in a blizzard. If suddenly the heart begins to “tingle” or an incomprehensible pain suddenly arises in the head, do not be too lazy to “spin the Runes”. On occasion, it can save your health or even your life.

Yes and Skill Rune - Paths together with Rune "Protection" on the windshield of your car - "thing in the household" is not at all superfluous. If everything is in order with clarity of imagination and deep contemplative concentration of imaginative thinking, then a mental image is enough. All this, as you may have guessed, is NOT "Paganism" at all. Although, work with "Russian Runes" is also an important "element" of Vedic spiritual and energy practices...

Russian runes appeared back in the days of Slavic paganism, therefore, most often they personify the manifestation of higher divine pagan powers. In ancient times, it was believed that the image of runic symbols can protect a person from evil tongues, the evil eye and evil spirits.

In modern occultism, runes are used for divination, creating amulets, talismans, and. It is important to know the meaning of each rune in order to use it correctly.

The use of ancient Russian runes

There are two ways to use runes that use their magical properties:

  1. Production of amulets, amulets and talismans. Selected with a specific value. The action of the rune should be directed to the goal pursued by the person - you should choose the desired sign. For example, to protect or attract good luck, to saturate a person with the energy of success or luck in love affairs.
  2. Use in magical rituals - divination, love spells, conspiracies. Also, runes can be used to protect the home from evil forces.

Before using an item with the image of the desired rune, you need the energy of one of the four elements - fire, air, water or earth.

Meaning, description and interpretation of runes

Consider the most popular Russian runes, talk about their meaning, explain what magical properties each runic symbol has.

Lada Mother of God

This runic symbol represents harmony and happiness, love and understanding. A symbol of the fulfillment of desires, the embodiment of dreams into reality. A very “feminine” sign - amulets and amulets with it are used so that their bearer finds female happiness, endures and gives birth to healthy children, meets a worthy chosen one with whom it is worth connecting life.


As the name implies, this rune is the personification of wealth, material well-being. Attracts money to life, helps to get out of the financial crisis.

It can also mean spiritual prosperity - it attracts new knowledge, helps to master the skills necessary for work, to be healthy.

In a general sense, it can be used to bring into life everything that a person currently lacks - be it love, luck, money, health or strength to overcome pressing problems.


A rune with a speaking name is designed to protect a person from everything negative: troubles, troubles, illnesses, conflicts and other things. It also contributes to the formation and development of creative abilities, intuition.

Helps a person to find the meaning of life, find his destiny, avoid problems with karma. Protects from mistakes and difficulties, attracts kindness, care, generosity to life.

This runic symbol helps to establish a connection with previous generations, gain the wisdom of ancestors, and receive energy from the past.

A very masculine symbol that attracts physical and spiritual strength to the life of a representative of the strong half of humanity. It helps to fulfill one's mission, to find a purpose, to develop in all directions.


This runic symbol is a conductor of divine energy into the human body. It helps to find a guiding star, to understand in which direction you need to move in life.

It also helps to gain immortality, but not the physical shell of a person, but the spiritual one. In the understanding that a person will be able to leave behind his descendants some creation that will benefit society.

It personifies all the strength and power of the Universe, carries the wisdom of the Gods. It helps to develop the spiritual principle, to achieve awareness, attracts a strong spiritual mentor into a person’s life, who will help in the development of the mental essence and fulfillment of the destination. Develops creativity and positive qualities of nature.

This runic symbol is the personification of intuition, a divine gift that helps a person predict the future and influence the minds of other people. It gives extrasensory abilities, helps to deeply perceive and correctly use all the information that enters the mind.

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