Home Preparations for the winter Verona best restaurants. Italian adventures - Verona and Lake Garda. About food. The best coffee in Verona

Verona best restaurants. Italian adventures - Verona and Lake Garda. About food. The best coffee in Verona

This is one of the most popular questions I get asked on Instagram. I decided to publish here a list of my favorite places in Verona where you can taste traditional dishes, Italian cuisine, as well as pizza.

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Traditional dishes

Osteria Giulietta e Romeo

The restaurant is family owned, so you will feel right at home there.

The prices here are very democratic - a menu of two courses to choose from (first + second) will cost 18 euros per person!

I advise you to try bigoli with donkey meat stew (Bigoli al torchio con ragù d "Asino) or tagliatelle with duck meat stew (Tagliatelle al ragù d" Anatra). For the second, true Veronians order horsemeat.

There is a very good selection of wines. I advise you to order wines from Valpolicella.

The address:

  • Corso Sant "Anastasia, 27

Working hours:

  • Monday - non-working day
  • Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 - 14:30 / 18:45 - 22:30
  • Sunday 12:00 – 14:30

The same family owns another osteria, which is located in the neighborhood -

Osteria del Duca. The menu there is identical, the difference is only in the interior.

Osteria a la Carega on Vicolo Cadrega

This is the place where you can observe the life of the locals. Tourists are a rarity here. But even at the peak of the season in this area of ​​the city it is very quiet and calm, despite the fact that it is the very center.

You can come to the osteria for lunch, dinner or an aperitif. The wine list is very good. The dishes are simple, mostly traditional cuisine of Verona.

The address:

  • Vicolo Cadrega, 8

Working hours:

  • Monday - Thursday, Saturday 10:30 - 02:00
  • Friday, Sunday 10:30 - 00:00

Hosteria Il Punto Rosa

One of my favorite places in Verona. Located on one of the streets that lead to Corso Cavoure. The prices are reasonable, the dishes are hearty and tasty. Excellent wine list. And most importantly, osteria works without interruption.

The address:

  • via Fratta 12/A

Working hours:

  • Monday - Sunday 10:45 - 00:00

The best coffee in Verona

Il Caffe Borsari

This cafe is hard to miss. His showcase is lined with colorful ceramic cups and teapots. Don't walk around too much inside. There are only 2 tables here and half the visit is occupied by a stormy stall. In the morning and at lunchtime it is crowded here, because this is one of the favorite places of the Veronians. The coffee menu will amaze you with its variety. There are no flavors here.

The address:

  • Corso Porta Borsari, 15d

Working hours:

  • Monday - Sunday 7:30 - 20:15

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The cuisine of Verona, like that of the entire Veneto region, is very diverse. Verona is the birthplace of many dishes and wines known throughout the world. If you like to try the traditional cuisine of the places you travel, below we have listed the most famous typical dishes of Verona. Let's start with food:

- One of the historical Verona dishes, which is made from potatoes, are gnocchi(gnocchi). These are potato dumplings served with various sauces.
- Another typical first course (and as you know, first courses in Italy are not called soups at all, but pasta and risotto), is risotto with minced pork(Risotto al tastasal).
polenta(polenta) - corn porridge served with various sauces (meat, cheese, game, etc.).
— Bollito con la pearà — assorted boiled meat with a very hot sauce made from bread, spinal cord, broth, parmesan. There is a lot of pepper in this dish.
- Brasato di manzo all'Amarone - beef stewed in Amarone wine .

We advise you in Verona not to refuse dessert! Famous "specialties" of Verona are, for example, macaroons croccante world-famous Christmas cake pandoro and crumb cake Sbrisolona .

Wines of Verona

Verona is a paradise for wine lovers. The region produces 2 million centners of DOC wine (this is such a classification of wine quality, you can read more in English), and occupies the first place in Italy in the production of wines of such high quality. In the Veneto region, 22 types of vintage DOC wines are produced, and 10 of them are made from grapes growing right next to Verona, and it is in Verona that two types of wine are produced that are the only ones that have a double quality mark (controlled and guaranteed origin) - Bardolino Classico DOCG and Recioto di Soave.

If you are not very knowledgeable about wine, you may not find the information in the previous paragraph very interesting. Therefore, below we will simply list those brands of wine that you can buy and order in local restaurants if you want to try local wine.

Where and what to eat in Verona

A bottle of this wine will also serve as an excellent gift for friends and family.

Red wines: Valpolicella, Amarone, Bardolino,
White wines: Custoza, Durello, Soave, Lugana
Dessert wines: Recioto di Valpolicella, Recioto di Soave

Of these wines, the most interesting history can boast, perhaps, Amarone- a wine with a rather specific taste. This wine happened by accident - according to legend, the manufacturer wanted to make Recioto wine from grapes, but forgot about it, and it lay in the barrel for too long. The product continued to ferment, soon all the sugar went into alcohol, and the wine lost its sweetness. In contrast to what this wine was supposed to be, it was called Amarone (very bitter).

Restaurants, cafes and bars

In the old town there are many pleasant restaurants, osterias and trattorias for every taste and budget. The main thing is to follow the universal rule of any city on earth - turn off the main street, and you will definitely find something tastier, cheaper and more interesting. Rule number two: the fewer tourists, the more authentic the place.

For those who doubt their taste, Tripadvice is the choice.

Corticella S. Marco, 3
On the one hand, the place is touristic. On the other hand, the people of Verona themselves love him very much and advise him. Prices are not cheap at all, but the place is very well suited, for example, for a business dinner, or to celebrate an important event, as well as for those who want to immerse themselves in history even while eating. The restaurant is famous for its wine cellar, in which in 1980, during the reconstruction, the remains of a church were excavated, apparently built in 50 AD, as well as the perfectly preserved ruins of a house built in 1250 from the stones of the collapsed outer Walls of the Arena of Verona. Just ask the waiter and they will gladly arrange a short tour for you.
We advise you to try desserts - you will have plenty to choose from!
12.30 — 14.30, 19.30 — 22.30
average bill 35-70 euros per person

2. Via Roma, 33
A great place right opposite Castelvecchio, the interior is made in the style of modern minimalism popular with Italian restaurateurs - dark furniture, lots of white, a wall made of wine bottles. Suitable for both a lazy breakfast on a sunny day and an evening cocktail before a party. By the way, there is a chance to get to an interesting party right here - viaRoma33 calls itself "nonsolocafe" - "not only a cafe" - exhibitions, jazz concerts, and performances are often held here.
opening hours 7.30 – 2.00.
the restaurant is open from 12.00 to 15.30 and from 19.00 to 24.00

3. Vicolo Gatto 2a
This real Venetian osteria is located on the street with the beautiful name of vicolo Gatto, that is, Cat's Lane. The place is really typical Italian - very simple decor and a small menu. We highly recommend all types of pasta and cheese platter.
average bill 35 – 40 euros
Sunday is a day off

Where to dine in Verona (end)

Ristorante Arche
Prices: Moderate
One of the most famous restaurants in Verona, Ristorante Arche is an excellent establishment with a 130 year history. You can try fish and seafood. The cuisine is modern but rooted in the old Venetian tradition of cooking. As Russian Nobel laureate in literature Joseph Brodsky once said that the food here shows "ancient tastes". There is indeed something pure, original and even archetypal about the Ristorante Arche, and for fish lovers this is likely to provide an unforgettable experience.
Address: Via Arche Scaligere 6, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 800 7415.
Website: www.ristorantearche.com

Ristorante Greppia
Prices: Moderate
The Venetian cooking traditions of Verona come together in this fine restaurant. Seasonality is the policy of the institution. The menu changes with the seasons, and the most constant factors are the abundance of choice on the menu and the excellence of the food preparation. For those who want to get acquainted with the breadth of the local region's national Italian cuisine, this is a good place to go.

Restaurants and cafes in Verona

Address: Vicolo Samaritana 3, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 800 4577.
Website: www.ristorantegreppia.com

Corte Farina
Price: low
Super comfortable after a hard day of shopping on Via Mazzini. Join the crowd of hungry shoppers in the sleek lime-green dining room of the Corte Farina restaurant. The choice between Argentinean empanadas (or with cream) and traditional pizza. All dishes will be delivered to your table piping hot from the oven. There you will also enjoy spending the evening outdoors in the summer with a glass of local wine.
Address: Corte Farina 4, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 800 0440.
Website: www.cortefarina.it

Osteria Sottriva
Price: low
Nestled under the porticos in a picturesque street, you can feel the warmth of Sottoriva as you walk through the door. The osteria (a type of restaurant usually in the Italian style and exclusively with Italian cuisine) dates back about 300 years, when boatmen who worked the Adige River dined at the establishment. Now the restaurant offers hearty dishes of cutlets, pasta with beans and horse meat stew for regulars and guests of the city. Pay attention to the inscription: "Servizio Lento" (slow service), so sit back, relax and enjoy the homely atmosphere. You won't find a menu here either. The restaurant staff will tell you the main dishes that the osteria offers today.
Address: Via Sottoriva 9A, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 801 4323.
Website: www.trattoriaalsolitoposto.com

Trattoria Al Solito Posto
Price: low
On Via Santa Maria in Chiavica 5, just a few steps from Arche Scaligere and Piazza Danta, you will find this cozy trattoria. The excellent food is based on local ingredients and is a true culinary tradition (although sometimes a few international dishes are included in the menu). The portions are generous and the prices are very reasonable.
Address: Via Santa Maria in Chiavica 5, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 801 4220.
Website: www.alsolitoposto.verona.it

Food prices in Verona

Where to dine in Verona

The restaurants in Verona below have been grouped into three price categories:
Expensive (more than €60)
Moderate (€30 to €60)
Cheap (up to €30)
These prices are valid for a three-course meal with half a bottle of house wine. They include maintenance and all taxes.

Il Desco
Price: Expensive
For some, this restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Verona, if not the best in town. In all of Italy, there are not hundreds of restaurants so wonderful. Don't forget to book a table at Il Desco in advance, otherwise you risk being left without lunch. Sit in the dining room, which is adorned with paintings that testify to the refined taste of the decorators. A carefully laid table and elegant appliances will allow you to enjoy the art of Chef Elia Rizzo. Northern Italian cuisine has its own characteristics. Chef's main dishes include Brodo (pasta soup) with oysters and ice cream with strawberry liqueur.
Address: Via Dietro San Sebastiano 7, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 595 358.
Website: www.ildesco.com

Bottega del Vino
Price: Expensive
In the cozy brick-walled hall of this traditional osteria, you can dine on dishes that are traditional of Italian cuisine, such as fettuccine with rosemary and chicken liver, the pieces melt in your mouth, the traditional northern dish of polenta seasoned with bacon, and lastly, divine cheese gorgonzola. To accompany your meal, choose a bottle of regional wine from the extensive wine list.

Verona guide: how to get there, what to see, where to stay

Qualified staff will help you understand Italian cuisine and select the best combination, while the atmosphere of the family restaurant will help you relax and enjoy your lunch.
Address: Vicolo Scudo Fi Francia 5, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 800 4535.
Website: www.bottegavini.it

Ristorante Re Teodorico
Price: Expensive
It is hard to find another restaurant that is also well located. The building on a hill overlooking the Adige River offers a beautiful view of the city and its ancient Roman theatre. An elegant restaurant with a stylish interior, Re Teodorico offers excellent cuisine based on classic continental and Italian culinary traditions. A very special place with cuisine that matches.
Address: Piazzale Castel San Pietro, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 834 9990.
Website: www.ristorantereteodorico.com

Al Pompiere
Prices: Moderate
The fireman's hat, after which the restaurant is named, is still on the wall. But the main thing that you simply have to pay attention to is the abundance of local cheeses and huge pork leg hams hanging from the ceiling. You can easily order a lunch of a variety of appetizers or aromatic sausage plates, or try unique local specialties such as roast pork with a full stew or horse meat stew.
Address: Vicolo Regina d "Ungheria 5, Verona, Italy
Phone: 045 803 0537.
Website: www.alpompiere.com


Italy ... yes, the most delicious memories and extra pounds after trips are associated with this country of tourists. So when going on a trip, be prepared that you will want to go to every cafe and try absolutely everything, moreover, all the dishes and drinks here are very tasty. Especially in Verona, you should pay attention to seafood dishes.

Walking around Verona, you should definitely visit the restaurant, which stands on the ruins of an ancient church. Restaurant 12 apostlesDodici Apostoli was founded around 1750, at that time there was a small tavern where 12 local merchant friends came. Over time, the tavern began to be named after them - 12 apostles. In the 19th century, the restaurant was acquired by the Jokko family, who still own the establishment. In the 80s of the last century, the restaurant was repaired and under the foundation they found the skeleton of a church building built in the 1st century AD, and that one, in turn, was built from stones from the already destroyed Arena amphitheater. By the way, the waiters are very happy to show tourists the cellar with the remains of the ancient walls. The restaurant, of course, is not the cheapest, a dinner for two will cost from 70 to 150 euros, but the tour and a delicious dinner are worth it.

Another popular place among tourists is a restaurant. Antico Caffe Dante, there are more tourists here than locals, well, to be honest, I can’t say that the dishes are worth their prices, but it’s true, looking ahead. The restaurant was awarded a certificate of quality in 2013, located on the cozy Piazza dei Signori, 2. The dishes are simply amazing, but the food and taste are the most ordinary, there is nothing that would make this place the best, everything is delicious, but usual. For dinner for two, you will have to pay approximately 100 euros. For such a simple salad of tomatoes and cheese, you will have to pay 11 euros.

For a delicious homemade Italian lunch, go to a small cafe Osteria Da Morandin, which is located just a 10-minute drive from the train station, the exact address is Via XX settembre 144. The restaurant has a cozy homely atmosphere, the owners of the establishment are a young couple, very pleasant and friendly people. Dinner for two will cost approximately 40-50 euros maximum. And the portion sizes are such that one plate of spaghetti is enough for two.

Another small cozy restaurant in Verona with reasonable prices is Officina dei Sapori, located at Via Giovanni Battista Moschini 26. They serve excellent Mediterranean dishes, especially shrimp, you can literally choke on them with saliva in the truest sense of the word. The restaurant has a very cozy romantic atmosphere, white furniture with dark upholstery, ideal for a romantic dinner in the city of love.

For delicious mussels, you should go to a restaurant S. eufemia, here they serve chic mussels in a marinade. Finding an institution is also not difficult, there is a restaurant not far from the Arena behind McDonald's (yes, it's better not to go to this institution at all in any country in the world). If you are very hungry, then order the entire menu at once, which includes risotto with seafood, I have never tried tastier rice. And you will also be pleased with the prices, lunch for two will cost from 30 to 50 euros only. If you drop in for dinner, order a glass of white wine...maybe it will be the most enjoyable dinner of the whole trip.

If you want more extravagant dishes, such as grilled swordfish, monkfish with grilled vegetables, then you should look into the restaurant Al Capitan della Cittadella. The restaurant is located not far from the Arena, it has a wonderful atmosphere of an old fisherman's house, unpretentious furniture, blue walls and themed decorations. It serves excellent dishes from local marine life and delicious Italian pasta. Dinner for two will cost approximately 70-80 euros, not cheap, but tasty and extravagant.

If you want sweets, pastries and goodies, go to a small cafe Castelvecchio, located at Corso Castelvecchio 13, near the castle of Castelvecchio. You will be pleasantly pleased with the goodies and prices, for example, 4 cookies cost 1 euro, and a serving of apple pie is only 2.5 euros, a cappuccino costs 2 euros, there are "special offer" buns - 10 euros 9 pieces, the locals simply adore them.

In general, walking around Verona, I came to the conclusion that an expensive and chic restaurant does not mean unsurpassed and dinner prices do not guarantee gastronomic pleasure, and dinner in small cafes can be tastier than in a chic restaurant. In Veroy, there are a huge number of star restaurants, with extravagant dishes, chic serving, but in fact it's all just an external window dressing, the dishes there are the most ordinary, no different from the same dishes in smaller establishments. Of course, this assumption is true in any city, but being in a city popular with tourists, it is worth remembering this, because it can save several hundred euros. We came to the conclusion that sometimes the smaller the establishment, the more comfortable the atmosphere, the nicer the staff and the more “homemade” the dishes are.

Helpful answer?

In Verona, as in the whole Veneto region, a very rich culinary tradition is the birthplace of many dishes that are known all over the world.

The classic Verona dish is Gnocchi (gnocchi)- these are potato dumplings that are served with different sauces.

A common local first course is risotto with minced pork.

Corn porridge "polenta" served on the table with different sauces - meat, cheese and others.

Assorted boiled meat- this is a very spicy dish served with hot sauce - bread, broth, spinal cord, parmesan cheese are used for its preparation.

Cooking here beef stewed in Amarone wine, as well as beef in a cheese and pepper sauce called peperate... spaghetti with sardines, which is called bigoli, as well as horse meat - this meat dish is called pastisada de caval.

When traveling to Verona, you should not give up sweets. The most popular local desserts are croccante macaroons, Colomba Easter cake, Pandoro Christmas cake and Sbrisolona crumb cake.


Verona is a wine-growing region, very good wine is made here - every year two million centners of products corresponding to the DOC classification are produced - a total of twenty-two types. For the production of ten of them, grapes are used, which are grown near Verona. In addition, only in this area are produced two types of products marked with a double quality mark - (certificate of control and guarantee) - Bardolino Classico DOCG and Recioto di Soave.

Local residents and visitors prefer such brands of wines: among whites - Custoza, Soave, Durello, Lugana, red - Amarone, Valpolicella, Bardolino, and from dessert - Recioto di Soave and Recioto di Valpolicella.

The red wine of the Amarone brand has a specific taste, and besides that, it has its own interesting history. According to legend, the winemaker owes its production to chance. The master’s plans included the production of another variety - Recioto, but this barrel was forgotten, which caused the wine to stagnate. Over time, it lost its sweet taste, which is why it got its name, meaning "very bitter" ...

Gastronomic establishments in Verona

In Verona, there are a large number of pizzerias, osterias, trattorias and restaurants, among which you can choose the appropriate institution for yourself - to your taste and budget. The first rule for those who are going to taste the dishes of this unique Veronese cuisine should be a well-known life principle that everything real is not put on display. Move away from the central part of the city and observe in which establishments the locals eat - that's where you can try the local cuisine, moreover, without significant overpayments. Now let's talk about three gastronomic establishments - Al Carroarmato, 12 Apostles and ViaRoma33.

Al Carroarmato

The street on which this wonderful osteria is located is called "Cat's Lane" in Russian. The interior decoration here corresponds to the typical Italian design - no frills. There are not many dishes on the menu - only traditional ones. We advise you to try various pastas, as well as cheese platter.

12 Apostles

This gastronomic establishment is a tourist restaurant, but locals also like to visit it. The 12 Apostles have an enviable history that is a separate reason for pride. When the wine cellar was being renovated in 1980, under the restaurant, they discovered the foundations of an old church, which was built in the first century BC, and in addition, the walls of the building, which was erected in 1250 AD. (for its construction, the stones of the destroyed local amphitheater were used). These ruins will be gladly shown to you by the waiter of the institution - you only have to wish. As for the cost of dishes, it is high here - you will have to pay from 35 to 70 euros for lunch. But, having been here, you will feel the spirit of the city. It's a good place to celebrate anniversaries or meet with business partners.


It is easy to find this place - its location is clear from its name. It is located next to Castelvecchio. The interior design is in line with the traditions of Italian establishments - here you will find dark furniture, white walls and tablecloths. Empty bottles served as material for the construction of one of the walls. This cafe organizes entertainment events - art exhibitions, performances by musicians and thematic shows. The owners of ViaRoma33 called the establishment "non solo cafe" - "not only a cafe." You can get acquainted with the program of entertainment events on the website of the cafe.

Dine here will cost about forty euros. Cafe ViaRoma33 is closed on Sundays.

Helpful answer?

Italy has always been famous for its delicious and original cuisine. And Verona, as a true Italian city, is no exception. In local establishments you can find a lot of traditional dishes that simply cannot leave you indifferent. So, what should you first try in Verona to get acquainted with its gastronomic traditions?

First, this gnocchi (gnocchi), which are similar to potato dumplings served with some kind of sauce. Speaking of Italian cuisine, we must not forget about risotto , often cooked here with minced pork (Risotto al tastasal). Another unusual but very popular dish in Verona is Bollito con la pearà, spicy meat served with a sauce that includes broth, bread and parmesan. Often on the table you can see and polenta (polenta), corn porridge with sauce. In general, it should be noted that various sauces are an integral part of Italian cuisine, and each dish has its own unique sauce addition that emphasizes its taste.

The Italian ones deserve no less attention. Dessert . The sweets that Verona is proud of are the croccante almond biscuits, the Pandoro Christmas cake, and the Sbrisolona cake. Each of the Verona desserts is so unique and original that it is remembered for a long time, causing a desire to eat at least another serving...

Speaking of Italy, it is impossible to remain silent about the place guilt in her kitchen. After all, this is a real wine-growing paradise. By the way, the region in which Verona is located occupies a leading position in the production of vintage wine in the country, and the city itself produces two types of top quality wine on the market. These are Bardolino Classico DOCG and Recioto di Soave. In addition, Amarone, Bardolino (red wines) and Custoza, Durello, Soave (white wines) can be distinguished among local brands.

As for certain establishments of Verona where you can have a good time and taste local cuisine, it must be said that in the old town there are many cozy cafes and restaurants, among which you can easily choose something according to your taste and budget.

One of the most popular restaurants, both among city residents and tourists, is Dodici Apostoli(Corticella S. Marco, 3). The place, of course, is not cheap, but very interesting. Firstly, it is famous for its cuisine and good wine cellar. And secondly, by contacting the waiter, here you can take a real underground tour in order to see the remains of the church of the beginning of the new era and the ruins of the 13th century house, discovered about 40 years ago during the reconstruction of the basement.

Not far from Juliet's house, at Vicolo Dietro S. Andrea 1/b, there is a beautifully decorated restaurant Osteria da Ugo, on the menu of which you can find seasonal dishes prepared from the freshest products. Especially famous here are ravioli with meat, as well as meat with duck sauce and porcini mushrooms with Venetian onions.

At Vicolo Gatto 2a there is a typical Italian restaurant Al Carroarmato, offering its visitors amazing pastas and delicious cheeses.

For those who want to have a quick and inexpensive meal, we can advise you to go to one of the pizzerias. After all, Italy, among other things, is famous for its pizzas . For example, Piazza Bra has a good pizzeria Ippopotamo, where for 7 - 10 euros they will bring you a very nice, and most importantly - delicious, pizza.

Good and inexpensive pizza can be found in the pizzeria Pizzeria Vesuvio(Corso Sant'Anastasia, 20), where it will be cooked right in front of you in the oven.

If you walk near the castle of the old castle of Castelvecchio, you can take a break in the cafe Castelvecchio, where for a nominal fee (around 1-2 euros) you can drink delicious coffee and have a bite of cake (a piece for 2.5 euros), cookies or buns.

In general, we can say that the establishments of Verona are marked by special cordiality and comfort, here they really welcome their guests. So feel free to roam the streets, don't be afraid to get off the main road in search of a good place and focus on the places where the locals themselves eat.

This year in September I went to the city Verona in northern Italy and lake garda- the town of Torbole, the city of Riva del Garda.

The journey lasted only a week - three days in Verona, three - on the Garda.

But there are a lot of impressions. I talked about cultural impressions on FB and Instagram, here I collected photos about culinary ones.

Let's start with the fact that Verona is a purely tourist place, everything is here for tourists, I don't know where ordinary people eat.

One of the main squares - Erbe Square on weekdays - meets with a fair of vegetables, very beautiful - tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, fennel, onions, pomegranates, pumpkin. But this is more of a decorative fair, because it is very expensive (look at a kilogram of tomatoes - 6 euros).

Eating at Erbe Square is also more expensive than further away. We ate a small Margherita pizza and drank wine and water - a check about 12 euros.

Then we found almost the only large EuroSpar supermarket in the city, where everything is sold and not as expensive as in the shops in the center.

There is an abundance of pasta, prosciutto, there are seafood that are not typical for the north. By the way, I was told that all tomatoes are imported from Holland, perhaps only in the south there are their own.

We were suggested a restaurant outside the tourist area - behind the Arena, if you walk along the fortress wall. There we enjoyed trying authentic Italian cuisine - lasagna, homemade tartellini with minced meat with fresh parmigiano, prosciutto pizza - big. A glass of prosecco, real parmigiano - this is Italy!

Once we dined in Osteria in a district closer to the Adiggio River - we ate a big pizza with homemade cheese and three more cheeses with minced meat, we drank red wine. By the way, the tip was included in the bill and amounted to about 4 euros.

And, of course, Italy is a lot of gelatto, Italian ice cream. Whatever I tried - cherry, pistachio, lime, marsala, coconut, even licorice, I don’t remember everything. This is a good inexpensive snack.

We dined a couple of times at the hotel, took a kettle, bought bread, prosciutto and cheese.

Breakfast was included - quite a good European breakfast - with scrambled eggs, pastries, freshly brewed coffee (coffee in Italy is the best in Europe), melon.

I booked the hotel through booking - called "Lady Verona" - in the very center, 5-7 minutes walk from the central squares, which is convenient.

Then we moved to apartments on Lake Garda.

We bought food at a local supermarket in Torbol, at a large supermarket in Riva del Garda, and once drove 5 km by car to the giant Eurospar for seafood and gifts back home.

I really liked to cook chilled gnocchi and tartellini with natural ingredients - ricotta, sage, prosciutto - quickly and tasty, sprinkled with grana padano.
Prosciutto plus melon and wine - it was a couple of times for dinner. I learned how to cook octopus - simmer in pieces for 2 hours, add salt and spices at the end (bomb with smoked paprika and turmeric). Invariably made vegetable salads with cheese and olive oil.

Once they were roasting salmon; cooked zucchini and eggplant; I made meatballs in artichoke sauce.

This time the gastronomic component of the trip faded into the background, the first was the architecture of Verona and the beauty of Lake Garda.

In addition, Italian cuisine will not surprise you;)

Fair in Piazza Erbe in Verona

lunch at Osteria

Pizza Margherita in Erbe Square

Euro Spar supermarket in Verona


Lunch at Leon's authentic Italian restaurant in Verona



The Valpolicello grape harvest

Seafood mix prepared by me at home

eggplant baked with mozzarella and supermarket tartellini behind them

millefeuille in a cafe in Riva del Garda

Experienced tourists, when asked where to eat in Verona, are advised to choose catering establishments away from the historical center. It is there that the Veronians themselves eat, since it is both tastier and cheaper.


It is simply impossible to list all the best restaurants and cafes of Verona, let's just say a few words about a few interesting establishments. Those who love expensive "author's" cuisine should book a table at (address: Via Alberto Mario, 12). The restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and a wide selection of dishes. Vecio Macello, in which the average bill for two will be approximately 60 EUR.

Do you want to try a gourmet fish menu and are willing to pay 200 EUR for a dinner for two? Visit a restaurant. Not far from the Amphitheater there is a more affordable "fish" restaurant of Verona with Mediterranean cuisine - Al Capitan della Cittadella, the average check for two in which is about 70 EUR.

There are also less "frightening" prices in Verona restaurants, for example, in the osteria Il Bertoldo and restaurant La cantina del 15 you can have a hearty and tasty lunch for 20 EUR per person. And very inexpensive restaurants in Verona are pizzerias like Il pizzino da Guido or Pizzeria Vesuvio 3, where you can order (including delivery) pizza and other snacks from 4-6 EUR per serving.

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