Home Preparations for the winter Celebrities whose smell was bad for others. The sleaziest celebrities Saint Benedict of Anian

Celebrities whose smell was bad for others. The sleaziest celebrities Saint Benedict of Anian

Incredible Facts

Famous beauties and heartthrobs of Hollywood. We admire their beauty and elegance on screen.

And it would never even occur to us that one of them could have such a terrible defect as bad breath.

Just imagine how difficult it is for their partners in the films, especially in scenes with kisses.

2. Ben Affleck: Terrible bad breath

Unfortunately, in addition to the huge talent that Ben Affleck has, one more, not very pleasant thing needs to be mentioned: the famous Hollywood actor and producer allegedly has a disgusting breath!

Sandra Bullock, his Forces of Nature co-star, reportedly mentioned this at some point. One can only imagine how difficult the kissing scenes were for her. The actress even allegedly gave Ben mints to at least partially correct this problem.

Other actors also confirm that Ben doesn't smell very good.

3. Jessica Simpson: Irregular oral hygiene

Jessica Simpson is said to brush her teeth only three times a week. In her opinion, brushing her teeth too often causes her not quite pleasant sensations. Therefore, instead of a toothbrush and paste, the actress uses a special mouthwash, as well as dental floss.

Of course, the lack of hygiene affects the smell from the mouth. Many complain that Jessica has one of the most unpleasant breaths among Hollywood stars.

4. Robert Pattison: bad breath

Do vampires get bad breath? How is this possible if they are so afraid of garlic?

Now seriously: Robert Pattinson is rumored to have very bad breath! The famous actor once dated his vampire co-star Kristen Stewart and is now in a relationship with a talented artist.

However, none of his lovers ever complained about his bad smell! Well, at least in public.

Unfortunately, many people complain that the actor smells unpleasant. Rumor has it that the stale smell comes not only from the actor's mouth, but also from his things.

5. Angelina Jolie: Killer Breath

Can you imagine that one of the most beautiful women on the planet could have devastatingly bad breath?

And this is most likely true! This is said by many who are personally familiar with the icon of beauty and style. Rumor has it that the smell from the mouth of a Hollywood beauty is so bad that sometimes it is simply impossible to be near her.

In addition, the ex-husband of actress Brad Pitt often teased Angelina about this. And once even gave his wife a box of fresh breath lollipops for Valentine's Day.

6 Hugh Grant: Bad Breath

Once upon a time, handsome Hugh Grant got the best movie roles.

Hugh became especially popular in the 90s, and almost always he played the roles of not particularly smart, but very attractive guys in romantic comedies.

On set, he kissed dozens of beautiful actresses, including his ex-wife Elizabeth Hurley.

However, oddly enough, all these ladies should only sympathize. Supposedly, Hugh has a reputation for being one of those actors with really bad breath.

7. Jennifer aniston: coffee and cigarettes

It turns out that Brad Pitt's first wife also has problems with fresh breath.

According to Hollywood rumors, Jennifer Aniston drinks a lot of coffee and smokes a lot. This is reflected in the freshness of her breath. After all, after that, the actress simply forgets to rinse her mouth.

Co-stars Alec Baldwin and Jason Bateman once noted that Jennifer Aniston often smells of coffee and cigarettes.

Interestingly, Jennifer's new husband, Justin Thero, also talks about this.

8. Julia Roberts: Peanut butter

The fact that the ideal Julia Roberts made it to this list is particularly surprising.

The acclaimed Hollywood hottie has her own quirks, including food that she simply cannot do without!

During the filming of Nothing Personal with Clive Owen, it was revealed that Julia Roberts was suffering from bad breath. And this is not surprising, given her tendency to eat peanut butter sandwiches in between filming different episodes.

While peanut butter sandwiches are an undeniably delicious treat, kissing the person who ate them is not very pleasant.

It was reported that Julia often had to freshen her breath with mints before filming kissing scenes.

By the way, she often asked for these candies from Clive Owen, with whom Roberts developed friendly relations.

9 Johnny Depp: Poor Personal Hygiene

While Johnny Depp is famous for his talent and extraordinary charisma, he is also known for being terribly sloppy.

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie even insisted that this talented actor use Listerine, as well as refreshing hard candy, before filming the kissing scenes in The Tourist.

Ex-wife Amber Heard also asked her husband to take better care of his own oral hygiene, because sometimes she simply could not stand this unpleasant smell.

Johnny Depp smokes a lot, which further provokes the already bad breath.

10 Beyoncé: Bad breath

Is it possible that a talented singer and actress had such a terrible defect as bad breath?

According to rumors, Beyoncé suffers from halitosis, as a result of which her breath is not the freshest. Among the stars of show business, Beyoncé is considered one of the most talented singers and charismatic women. And, apparently, bad breath does not spoil the overall impression that the diva makes.

11 Puff Daddy: Bad Smell

Puff Diddy also made the list.

Isn't it true that the beauty of J. Lo is fabulously "lucky"? She first dated Puff Daddy, who is rumored to have terrible breath. Then many years later, Lopez became the sweetheart of Ben Affleck, a guy with exactly the same problem.

They say that Puff Daddy, like Beyoncé, suffers from halitosis. Many of his Hollywood co-stars try to keep their distance when talking due to his bad breath.

Celebrities are supposed to look great in their profession, and looking at red carpet photos, it's hard to imagine that some of them smell bad. The editors have compiled a selection of such celebrities.


Considered one of the main beauties of Hollywood, however, at the same time, he is included in the list of stars who smell bad. According to crew members who worked with the artist, he rarely showers and does not consider personal hygiene a priority. Exactly the same opinion is shared by his former civil wife.


It's hard to believe, but colleagues of the star of the series "" declare that she suffers from bad breath. This is due to the fact that the actress drinks too much coffee and does not rinse her mouth with water afterwards.


The world famous actor is also an ardent defender of nature. He only showers a couple of times a week because he thinks it's important to conserve water. In addition, he personally recycles household waste in his house, which also does not contribute to a pleasant smell.


The star of the film "" adheres to approximately the same position. Her former security guard said that the actress is able to go without a shower for a long time to save water. The artist likes her natural smell, in addition, she said that she considers deodorant unhealthy and does not use it.

By the way, this position is literally becoming a trend. More and more celebrities refuse to use antiperspirants. Among them is the Russian TV presenter.

Julian Assange

The creator of the WikiLeaks website has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012. As employees of the diplomatic mission stated in January 2018, the online journalist smells bad and does not wash. This information was previously confirmed by Assange's closest aide Daniel Domscheit-Berg.


The actor is one of the most foul-smelling representatives of Hollywood. Colleagues often complain about the unpleasant smell from him. Rumor has it that a celebrity may not wash their hair for up to six weeks. In addition, the performer of the role in “” rarely cleans his apartment.


Pattinson's Twilight co-star and former lover has said she doesn't understand the obsession with showers and the destruction of natural scent. The star does not like to swim, brush her teeth and wash her hair, so many people close to her noted that she smells bad. Stewart also doesn't wear deodorant, which makes things worse because she sweats a lot when she's nervous.

Do you shy away from fellow travelers in public transport who forgot to take a shower and put on deodorant in the morning? Imagine that in their place may well be Hollywood stars.

Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow, as a rule, looks perfect - a real style icon, but those who communicate closely with her assure that the smell of a star is often not very pleasant. The fact is that the actress basically does not use deodorants - they contain aluminum and carcinogens that can lead to breast cancer. Choosing between an unpleasant aroma and a terrible illness, Gwyneth prefers the first: it’s better to let those around her wrinkle their noses, but she won’t get sick. The opinion of scientists who believe that the ingredients in deodorants have nothing to do with breast cancer, the actress does not take into account.

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The unpleasant smell emanating from Cameron Diaz is also due to the refusal of the actress from deodorants. Firstly, she, like Paltrow, considers these hygiene products unhealthy, and secondly, she is sure that the substances that make up deodorants clog pores and block sweating, due to which the unpleasant smell of the glands increases significantly and the person begins to "smell". "Even stronger. Diaz says that it is quite enough to do hair removal in the armpit and take a shower every day, but, according to her colleagues, these measures do not save the actress - being near her is often not very pleasant.

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Leonardo DiCaprio rarely washes and does not use deodorants solely for good intentions - he is afraid of harming the environment, the safety of which he is seriously concerned about. The actor saves water, so he limited all procedures related to it to two or three a week, and no circumstances in the form of hard physical labor or heat, which are accompanied by increased sweating, can force him to change this schedule. As for deodorants, having learned that the ingredients included in them increase the ozone hole, the actor refused to use them, which also does not have the best effect on the smell emanating from him.

Julia Roberts

Another lover of saving water on the planet - and, as a result, smelling not in the most pleasant way - is "beauty" Julia Roberts. The actress rarely washes, and she doesn’t particularly care for the armpit area - she doesn’t shave either them or her legs. She herself spoke about this in an interview with Oprah Winfrey when she took part in her program. And the security guard, who worked with the star for a long time, confirmed her words, calling Roberts a "hippie". "She can do without a shower for a long time," he told reporters, "she likes the smell of her own body."

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey also does not like to use deodorants, preferring to replace them with salt stone, because he believes that he fights sweating much better than chemical compounds sold in perfume shops and pharmacies. True, the actors who have to be on the same set with McConaughey do not think so - they, at a minimum, express dissatisfaction, and, at a maximum, rebel. So, Kate Hudson, who played with him in the film "Fool's Gold", defiantly - in front of everyone! - gave the actor deodorant, while saying that he "smells terrible", and the bottle that she handed him, perhaps at least slightly reduce the size of the "catastrophe". I must say that McConaughey did not remain in debt - he replied that, since not everyone likes his natural smell, he can go and take a shower, but he will not smell like flowers or a thermonuclear mixture that is passed off as men's perfume.

These people have become famous all over the world, and almost every person on the planet knows about their existence. However, eyewitnesses claim that these celebrities exuded such a disgusting smell that when they appeared, people's eyes began to water.

Saint Benedict of Anian

Catholic monks in the eighteenth century gave their own interpretation of the teachings of St. Joseph. They considered immersion in water, not connected with the sacrament of baptism, a mortal sin.

Benedict of Anian, who lived as early as the 8th century, was canonized for his hermitic way of life. He constantly walked in rags, did not wash at all, rarely took food and carried the teachings of Jesus Christ to the people.

King of France Henry IV

Henry IV is one of the most famous French kings. He became famous for arranging his rule in such a way that "every subject of the kingdom had the opportunity to eat chicken for lunch on Sunday." His faithful servant daily offered a fresh shirt for the king, but despite this, the entire royal court witnessed that a peculiar and very disgusting smell emanated from the king. The king was very fond of hunting and after his return he did not consider it necessary to take a bath. The first wife said that Henry smelled like carrion. And the second wife literally bathed in perfume in order to spend her wedding night with the king without feeling the strongest disgust.

Howard Hughes

This hero of the twentieth century is a former millionaire. He turned from a graceful and attractive handsome pilot, and later a director, into a real hermit. In 1957, armed with chocolate and milk, Howard locked himself in the studio and watched films for a long time. After the end of his retreat, he went out into the world and refused to take a bath. It is said that he began to cut his hair and nails only once a year. After becoming a hermit, he lived in the Bahamas. After he died, his body could not be identified, the police had to resort to the help of fingerprints.

King of France Louis XIV

He ruled for 72 years, and this era was marked by the creation of an absolute monarchy in Europe. Louis XIV became famous for building the Palace of Versailles and emerging victorious from several wars. However, there are rumors that the water terrified him. Throughout his life, Louis took a bath two or three times, and then at the insistence of doctors. He preferred to use aromatic powders and rub his face with a cloth soaked in alcohol. There is a story that even after he developed gangrene, which later claimed his life, Louis did not allow doctors to wash his affected leg.

King of Prussia Frederick II

Thanks to the efforts of Frederick II, Prussia turned from a European outsider into a strong and powerful state, which was really worth fearing. After performing this miracle, the king settled in the Sanssouci Palace with a bunch of his beloved dogs. He constantly scolded the servants who tried to clean up traces of their life. The layer of dog feces in some parts of the palace could reach 25-30 cm. Most likely, King Frederick went crazy. He stopped taking baths and could not change clothes for several years. After his death, in 1786, the valet discovered that the shirt on the king's back had simply rotted from sweat.

Ludwig van Beethoven

This composer is known all over the world. Suffering from deafness, Beethoven wrote magnificent romantic music. Fearing pain from lead poisoning, he was afraid to take baths. In his time, the piping system consisted of lead pipes. Perhaps because of this mental illness, the composer was so quick-tempered. One situation well illustrates how hard Beethoven's presence was to bear: several of his friends, who had access to the composer's house, snuck into him while he was sleeping and washed his clothes.

Karl Marx

The creator of communism, feeling sympathy for the lower class, suffered from skin diseases. Purulent boils constantly jumped up on his body, which practically did not go away. Most likely, this was caused by constant smoking and drinking alcohol daily, as well as the belief that cleanliness was a bourgeois privilege that must be abandoned. Marx was even proud of the fact that his first handwritten works contain traces of blood squeezed out from the sores on the body in the process of writing.

Marilyn Monroe

The embodiment of female beauty. In her years, she was considered a sex symbol of that time. She visited the beds of many men in her life, including being the mistress of Joe DiMaggio and President Kennedy. How could this charming woman end up on such a shameful list?

If you believe the actor Clark Gable, one of the main conquerors of women's hearts of that time, then Marilyn Monroe was an extremely unhygienic person. Marilyn often suffered from diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. She very rarely bathed, and ate without getting out of bed. Most likely, malnutrition played a decisive role here.

the site found out why Jennifer Lawrence is considered dirty, and found out which other Hollywood stars are called sluts.

Jennifer Lawrence. Photo: Rex Features/Fotodom.ru.

During one of the recent TV shows, she was asked to confess what her most disgusting habit is. And the actress stated that she doesn't wash her hands after going to the toilet. Lawrence was joking, of course. However, some viewers took her words seriously, and talk about Jennifer the dirty went to the people.

As a result, the rumors were overgrown with such surprising details that the actress had to intervene to clarify the situation. On Facebook, Lawrence wrote: “I hate to chat over the Internet, but I can no longer hear questions about my hygiene. I said I didn't wash my hands after I went to the bathroom to make Josh and Liam laugh. And in the end, the whole world laughed. Of course I wash my hands after going to the toilet! I can hardly believe that I even have to talk about it. In general, of all the rumors that I have ever heard about myself, this is what I want to put an end to.

However, the actress did not limit herself to words alone and also posted a comic video in which she laughed heartily at herself. In the video, Jennifer, moving away from the bidet, mutters in surprise: "What a strange toilet." Then he goes to the sink and starts washing his hands. Jen's friend explains to her that it wasn't actually a toilet, but a bidet. “Ah, since this is not a toilet, you don’t need to wash your hands,” the star says and goes into the bedroom. The self-ironic video of Jennifer Lawrence has already been watched by about ten million people.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe is called the Hollywood stink behind his back. The Gladiator star is said to smell so bad that his colleagues prefer to stay away from him at all sorts of events. In particular, actress and TV presenter Joan Rivers once said of Crowe: "Russell always smells so strong that I try to sit a few rows or tables away from him at movie premieres or social events."

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz often gets into the lenses of the paparazzi in unkempt clothes and with traces of sweat in his armpits. However, the actress is not at all shy about this and even has an explanation for her careless appearance. “I don't like antiperspirants. I consider them harmful. And that’s why I haven’t been using them for almost twenty years,” Cameron recently admitted. And she added that she usually wears the same clothes for several days in a row, and then just throws them away.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey has repeatedly admitted that he hates deodorants, colognes and toilet water. In 2008, Kate Hudson, with whom he starred in the film Fool's Gold, literally begged Matthew to apply at least some fragrance. However, the actor stated, “Women love my natural scent. I smell like a man. I smell like myself." A little later, McConaughey continued this theme: “I haven’t used deodorant for a couple of decades. I don't want to smell like anyone or anything. But if someone doesn’t like my smell, tell me and I’ll go take a shower.”

Courteney Cox

The heroine Courteney Cox in the TV series "Friends" was a terrible clean. However, in life, the actress behaves quite differently, for example, she does not use deodorants. Cox's ex-husband David Arquette once said, "Courtney is definitely a cutie. But not quite: she smells like a truck driver. But I even like it.”

Brad Pitt

If Brad Pitt's fans consider him one of the most desirable men on Earth, many of his colleagues literally turn up their noses at him. They say that the kionstar rarely visits the bathroom. According to rumors, Eli Roth, with whom Pitt starred in the film Inglorious Basterds, once even suggested that Brad use wet wipes to get rid of the unpleasant smell of an unwashed body. How his wife Angelina Jolie reacts to the scent of the actor is unknown.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is not a fan of the soul. And besides, he likes to walk in the same clothes for several days, or even weeks in a row. As a result, not the most pleasant smells sometimes come from a movie star. There is even a joke in Hollywood that Johnny is so close to the image of his hero Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean films that he behaves like a dirty, unwashed pirate in life.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has a very strong defense of her infrequent showers: the actress saves water. In this, the star of the film "Pretty Woman" more than once admitted personally. She also frankly said that she rarely shaves her armpits and other parts of her body and does not use deodorants.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox herself openly admitted about her neglect of hygiene. “It is very difficult to live with me. I'm a terrible mess and slut. Things in my house are where I left them. I also forget to flush the toilet. Friends often tell me: “Megan, you just did your business in my toilet, please go clean up after yourself,” the actress shares.

Robert Pattison

When there were rumors about the star of the Twilight movie saga Robert Pattinson that he had been walking around with an unwashed head for weeks, the actor did not even begin to deny it. “I don’t really see a particular need to wash my hair. If I don't care if my hair is dirty or clean, then why wash it? Robert once said. - Sometimes I have such a busy shooting schedule and a crazy rhythm of life that I don’t have time to take a shower or change clothes. But I don't care, I don't pay attention to it." The same cannot be said about Pattinson's colleagues, who have repeatedly complained about the strong smell of sweat emanating from him.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is famous for her slovenliness. Former housekeepers of the pop star said that crumbs and even pieces from sandwiches, cookies and french fries could often be found in the singer's bed. Also, they say, Britney can not brush her teeth and not bathe for several days. And Spears also often forgets to use deodorant.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has bad breath. This secret was once independently solved by Alec Baldwin and Jason Bateman. No, the actress does not forget to brush her teeth: the bad smell is due to Jennifer's frequent use of coffee, after which she does not rinse her mouth with water.

It is unbelievable that Hollywood stars, whom we consider to be sex symbols, often - for various reasons - have bad breath, so much so that their partners on the set cannot bring themselves to kiss them.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp, whom many of us continue to consider one of the main Hollywood heroes-lovers, does not bother with hygiene issues: he can easily forget about the shower after a long day of filming. However, Depp's partners on the set claim that the "aroma" of sweat emanating from him is not the worst thing, much worse is the smell from the mouth. Johnny has been a heavy smoker for many years, today he abandoned the bad habit, but its consequences remained. Worst of all in this sense is the actresses who are forced to play with him in intimate scenes. They say that during the filming of The Tourist, Angelina Jolie did not start kissing Depp until he ate a handful of mints.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

However, according to Brad Pitt, Jolie also does not have fresh breath - as her husband, he often complained about the bad breath of his beautiful wife, and once on Valentine's Day, in addition to the traditional gift, he presented a box of menthol sweets. “Of course, there was a bit of a joke in his present,” one of the couple’s friends then told reporters, who, as they say in such cases, wished to remain anonymous, “but it also contained a transparent hint that Angie did not smell very good from her mouth. ".

Britney Spears

Britney Spears

The result of Britney Spears' bad breath is the singer's commitment to various diets, including extreme ones. The result of the desire to lose weight was a spoiled stomach, and since the gastrointestinal tract is directly connected to the oral cavity, Britney's stale breath is not surprising.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

The cause of bad breath in Jennifer aniston is called the abuse of coffee and cigarettes. This feature of the actress was publicly stated by Alec Baldwin, who said that he did not understand how men can kiss Aniston, because her breath smells "simply disgusting"? He was supported by Jason Bateman, who refused to be with her in the frame of the film "More than a Friend" until Aniston freshened his breath. until she gets rid of the terrible smell."

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck

Bad breath also distinguishes Ben Affleck - the actresses who star with him say that it is difficult to be side by side with him on the set, and even playing intimate scenes is simply unbearable. Worst of all in this sense was Sandra Bullock, who repeatedly complained about the need to kiss him on the set of the film "Forces of Nature", but in the end she reconciled herself - whatever you endure for the sake of a good role.

Shailene Woodley

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Shailene Woodley

Bad breath also distinguishes the beautiful Shailene Woodley, the actor Miles Teller complained about this, with whom she starred in the teen drama It's an Exciting Time. According to the actor, during the break between filming, Shailene, who was obsessed with healthy lifestyles, ate dishes in which she added Chinese nutritional supplements, which made her breath smell of earth. In the frame, Teller tried several times to kiss Woodley, but he didn’t succeed - the girl reeked so much that Miles began to feel sick. Then Teller decided to take revenge on his partner and began to eat fast food before intimate scenes, washing it down with soda. Woodley was angry, but she couldn't help it - she and Miles were even.

Jessica Simpson

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Jessica Simpson

With Jessica Simpson, everything is simple - she does not like to brush her teeth, she is annoyed by the resulting feeling of "slippery" smoothness, so she rarely does this procedure - at most two or three times a week. The rest of the time, Simpson uses a lotion to rinse and floss, which, of course, does not guarantee getting rid of microorganisms and the unpleasant smell that accompanies their decomposition. Doctors warn Jessica that such an attitude to the oral cavity can lead first to caries, and then to periodontal disease and tooth loss, but she does not seem to listen to their words. In the meantime, to fight off the unpleasant smell, Simpson constantly chews gum, but, according to her colleagues, it does little to help her.

We can admire the talents and beauty of our favorite stars for as long as we like, but it turns out that nothing earthly is alien to the celestials, including such a delicate problem as halitosis, or in other words, bad breath.

One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Angelina Jolie, has a disarming smile: especially if you get too close to her. Angie is said to have such bad breath that her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, once gave her a box of mints for Valentine's Day.

A source close to the couple told Us Weekly that the actor often teased his wife for bad breath. We hope that the actress will find time after the divorce process to solve the problem.

It is said that Ben Affleck only needs to open his mouth and breathe to strike in a Batman vs Superman battle. These rumors appeared after Affleck starred in the film "Forces of Nature" with Sandra Bullock, and this was back in 1999.

The actress constantly complained about Ben's bad breath. But not only Bullock had to come to terms with this for the role: according to one of the star dentists, many female colleagues complained about the actor's breath. Well, for the sake of a successful career, you won’t go for that!

One of two things: either Jennifer Lawrence does not follow oral hygiene, or is a big prankster! How else to explain the fact that Liam Hemsworth, after filming The Hunger Games, complained on one of the talk shows that the actress seemed to be eating spicy food before the kissing scenes, as her breath was disgusting

We believe in Jennifer's sparkling sense of humor: I really don't want to think that the actress doesn't take care of her health

Britney Spears' bad breath may be due to her dieting habits, a source told PopCrush. Before one of the seasons of the show X-Factor, in which the singer was a judge, she went on an extreme diet to look good in the frame. So extreme that it consumed only 600 kcal. in a day

Consume less than 1000 kcal regularly. - dangerous to health: the gastrointestinal tract fails, which leads to many consequences, including bad breath. Perhaps Britney acquired a wasp waist, but scared everyone around

It seems that Johnny Depp is sure that charisma is much more important than cleanliness. A source told Fox News that the actor doesn't like showering and doesn't prioritize personal hygiene.

It seems that the image of a dirty pirate with unbrushed teeth came to Johnny's liking! It's good that the technology that transmits smells during the show of the tape has not yet been invented ...

The Oscar ceremony is the most significant event in world cinema. The stars present the best version of themselves: they rent the most luxurious jewelry, put on couture dresses and elegant suits. It is a pity that fresh breath cannot be rented. In their post-event report, The Guardian gossip chroniclers once wrote that Hugh Grant literally gave off a disgusting odor, and his colleagues begged to do something about it.

It was rumored that the actor's friends even made him rinse his mouth before going on stage.

Jason Segel's halitosis is caused by his addiction to smoking. This was an uncomfortable revelation for actress Alyson Hannigan, who played his wife on the TV show How I Met Your Mother. A non-smoker, Hannigan stated that she would not come close to Siegel if he did not give up his bad habit. Given that these two played a couple in love, it's not hard to imagine what kind of atmosphere reigned on the set.

Later, Jason admitted that the actress left him no other choice: “I quit the day she gave me an ultimatum, and I haven’t smoked since!” I would like to think that along with the bad habit of the actor, the bad breath also disappeared.

Apparently, Jessica Simpson has forgotten the importance of regular brushing. On The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the blonde said she brushes her teeth 2-3 times a week! The singer just hates the "slippery" feeling when her teeth are clean. Instead of a toothbrush, she uses mouthwash, floss, and chews gum.

While Simpson insists that this habit guarantees her fresh breath, doctors unanimously agree that not brushing your teeth every day is a recipe for cavities. Plaque and bacteria build up between teeth (even if flossing is used), which can lead to periodontitis and then tooth loss

Would you be able to live with a person who has bad breath? So Khloe Kardashian couldn't. In one of the reality TV series, she complained to Kim that she was starting to feel sick after kissing Lamar Odom

Apparently Chloe was relieved when she filed for divorce. It is not known how things are with her current boyfriend, Tristan Thompson, but it is obvious that he has better breath than the ex-husband of the star

Rumor has it that a delicate problem has not bypassed Sophia Loren herself. The most famous Italian actress justifies herself by saying ...... she loves dishes with onions and garlic too much

Incredible Facts

In today's world, celebrity status can make a person virtually invulnerable.

However, you may be surprised that some celebrities, having a full wealth, do not even care about some simple rules of hygiene.

Here are the stars who confessed to their dirty habits.

Although they may seem disgusting, this proves once again that the stars are people like the rest of us.

Brad Pitt

Although he is on the list of the most famous people in Hollywood, loved by millions of fans around the world, Brad Pitt is far from perfect. " I pick my nose and ears all the time. I know it's disgusting but I just can't stop," he said.

Jessica Simpson

Behind her snow-white smile, singer Jessica Simpson hides a rather dirty secret: she brushes her teeth only three times a week. On an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2010, she admitted that freshly brushed teeth were too "slippery" for her, and she preferred to rub her teeth with her T-shirt instead of a toothbrush.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox is considered one of the most seductive beauties, but her habits are not so attractive. The actress leaves her dirty clothes everywhere and often forgets to flush the toilet. In a 2007 interview, the actress admitted: " Friends can tell me, "Megan, you put a maggot in my toilet and didn't flush".

Robert Pattison

Robert Pattinson's loyal fan base may be thinning out when they learn the actor doesn't like to bathe. In an interview for one of the magazines, he said: " It gets to the point where even I can't stand my smell. I don't know, my personal hygiene is so disgusting".

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew may have earned an Oscar, but he's unlikely to win an award for personal hygiene. In a magazine interview People He admitted: " I don't like to smell like someone or something. If my smell bothers anyone, I will take a shower.".

Katy Perry

The famous singer admitted that she has serious problems with gases in the intestines. In a 2009 interview, she revealed: " I fart a lot. I have gases but I don't care".

Cameron Diaz

Besides the fact that Cameron Diaz joined the ranks of people who do not like deodorants, she also admitted that she wears the same clothes for four days in a row. And after that, she just throws away clothes that smell bad. Still, maybe you should use the washing machine sometimes.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, the princess of pop, bites her nails until she bleeds. The singer showed off her bitten nails on a TV show The X Factor in 2012. In addition, she admitted that she was worried that one day she might bite off her fingers.

Josh Hutcherson

Josh Hutcherson's dirty habits were revealed by his Hunger Games co-star Jennifer Lawrence. In addition to the fact that the actor loves to snap his neck, he has a habit of blowing bubbles from drool when he thinks.

Bradley Cooper

Appearing on a TV show Treks in a Wild World, actor Bradley Cooper came to the conclusion that his body is self-cleansing and he does not need deodorant. Although in an interview in 2012, the actor admitted that he washes three times a day, his reputation was already damaged.

Alicia Silverstone

In 2012, the actress posted a video on the Internet, where she demonstrated an original way of feeding her son, to whom she chewed food, and then spit it right into her mouth. Despite the furor she made, the actress insists that she has no regrets.

Avril lavigne

Avril Lavigne's habit of spitting became known in 2007, when she simply spat on the paparazzi. " I do not understand what the problem is, - she said later . I've been spitting on the paparazzi for the past two years while living in LA.".

Halle Berry

Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she has one nervous habit - she constantly bites off the dried skin from her lips. The actress said: If I don't wear lipstick, I just chew my lips. I need some kind of moisturizer, be it lip balm or lipstick".

Julia Roberts

If you have dirty habits, then at least there must be some good reason for this. So, for example, Julia Roberts tries to save water on the planet and washes very rarely. She is also known to dislike wearing deodorant.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera was accused not only of bad smell, but also of not washing her hands after going to the toilet. The singer was seen in the restroom of the restaurant when, without washing her hands, she returned to her table and continued to eat.

Orlando Bloom

He is considered one of the most attractive actors in Hollywood and possibly one of the most unkempt. According to eyewitnesses, the actor can wear the same clothes for months without washing them, does not wash regularly and allows the dog to sleep in his bed. Some argue that it was his dirty habits that led to his divorce from wife Miranda Kerr.

Recently, scientists have found that frequent washing is harmful to health and weakens the immune system. They recommend washing the body in parts, that is, separate areas that are most prone to sweating. A whole should be washed no more than 2 times a week.

To listen to the advice of scientists or not is everyone's business. Nevertheless, there are really a lot of sloppy and sloppy people, including stars. Yes Yes! They are the same ordinary people. Celebrities sparkle glamorously and attractively on blue screens, but what is hidden under their beautiful “packaging”? Let's find out...

Cameron Diaz

Cameron has not used deodorants for 20 years, as he considers them unhealthy. The girl is convinced that the use of deodorant blocks sweating and the smell accumulates, because of this, the person will “smell” even more. The girl believes that it is enough just to follow the epilation in the armpit area. Now it's clear to us why Cameron often appears in public with wet armpits.

Julia Roberts

Julia is also anti-deodorant. The girl also admitted that she rarely shaves her armpits, legs, and so on. The most interesting and unexpected statement was that she rarely takes a shower in order to conserve water.

Jennifer Aniston

Stars such as Alex Baldwin and Jason Bateman admitted after the kiss scenes that they would not want to kiss Aniston again. And this is due to the fact that the star has bad breath, one of the causes of which is excessive consumption of coffee.

Angelina Jolie

It turns out that one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood has a problem with bad breath. Because of what, James McAvoy was not particularly happy to kiss a celebrity during the filming of the movie "Wanted". One day, Brad Pitt gave his wife menthol candies with a hint of bad breath for Valentine's Day.

Britney Spears

Britney is also not a supporter of deodorants. In addition, a girl may not brush her teeth or take a shower for several days. No wonder the paparazzi often catch the star in a messy look.

Megan Fox

Once Megan arbitrarily stated that she considers herself a slob and neglects her own hygiene. The girl believes that because of this slovenliness it is difficult to get along with her.

Courteney Cox

Another star is an opponent of deodorants. According to ex-husband David Arquette, Kourtney smells like a truck driver. But then he added that he even liked it.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe is a famous Hollywood "skunk". The Gladiator star is said to smell so bad that his colleagues prefer to stay away from him at all sorts of events. Actress and TV presenter Joan Rivers once said that Russell always stinks so much that she has to sit a few rows or tables away from him at movie premieres or social events. Russell's colleagues also admitted that they try to stay away from him at various events.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew is an ardent opponent of deodorants, colognes, toilet water. He is convinced that women love his own natural scent, as he smells like a man. The actor himself does not want to use toilet water, because he does not want to smell like someone else. He has not used deodorants for about 20 years.

Brad Pitt

Rumor has it that the actor rarely takes a shower. Once, on the set of the film, the actor was even offered to use wet wipes to somehow muffle the unpleasant body odor.

Johnny Depp

Johnny also rarely showers. In addition, the actor can walk in the same clothes for several days in a row, or even several weeks.

Robert Pattison

The actor really does not see any need to wash his hair. On this score, he has his own theory: why wash your hair if I don’t care if my head is clean or not. The actor admits that due to the busy schedule, he simply has no time to take a shower, and, apparently, this suits him.

Viggo Mortensen

Another star who may not shower for a week, which is why colleagues complain about the unpleasant smell of his body.

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