Home roses What do epithets do? Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification. Epithets can also be expressed

What do epithets do? Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification. Epithets can also be expressed

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

Uncle Styopa - policeman

Sergei Mikhalkov

Uncle Styopa - policeman

Who does not know Uncle Styopa?

Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone!

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once a sailor.

What a long time ago he lived

At the outpost of Ilyich.

And what was his nickname:

Uncle Styopa - "Calancha".

And now among the giants

Those that the whole country knows

Alive and well Stepan Stepanov

Former naval sergeant major.

He walks around the area

From yard to yard

And again he has epaulets on him,

With pistol holster.

He is with a cockade on his cap,

He is in an overcoat under a belt,

The coat of arms of the country glitters on the buckle

The sun reflected in it!

He comes from the department

And some pioneer

The mouth opened in amazement:

"That's so mi-li-qi-o-ner!"

Uncle Styopa is respected

Everyone from adults to kids.

Meet - see off with a look

And they say with a smile:

Yeah! People of this stature

It's not easy to meet!

Yeah! Such a good fellow

The shape is brand new!

If he stands up,

Everyone will see a mile away!

Near the square traffic jam

Broken traffic light

The yellow light came on

But there is no green...

One hundred cars are standing, honking

They want to get moving.

Three, four, five minutes

They are not given a ride.

Here to the ORUD employee

Uncle Styopa says:

What, brother, is it bad?

The traffic light is off!

Stepanov, I'm not joking!

What should I do, give me some advice!

Stepan did not argue

I took out the traffic light,

Looked into the middle

Something turned up somewhere...

At the very same moment

The right light came on

Movement restored.

There are no traffic jams!

The guys told us

That Stepan from now on

Kids in Moscow are nicknamed:

Uncle Styopa - Traffic light.

What happened? At the station

A five year old boy is crying.

He lost his mother in the hall.

How to find it now?

Everyone calls the police

And she's right there!

Uncle Styopa slowly

Raises the baby

Raises above him

Above yourself and above the crowd

For a high ceiling:

Look around, son!

And the boy saw: right,

At the pharmacy stall

Mom wipes tears

Mother! Mother! That's where I am!

Uncle Styopa was pleased:

"The family has not broken up!"

A student came from school

Everyone knows a mischievous.

He wanted to embarrass

But he didn't know where to start.

Two girlfriends were walking from school

Talkers in white aprons.

In bags - books and notebooks,

And everything is in order in the notebooks.

Suddenly towards the mischievous,

In the satchel - with deuces diary,

No emblem on the cap

And the belt has no buckle.

The students didn't make it

Get away from him

He pushed them right into the dirt

Laughing at pigtails.

No way did he hurt them

In front of passers-by

And then I saw the tram

Hooked on the go.

I stood on the footboard,

Waving in the air another!

He did not know that Uncle Styopa

Sees everything from afar

He did not know that Uncle Styopa

Will not forgive the mischievous.

From department store doors

Uncle Styopa at the same moment

Took three giant steps

Straight across the square.

At the tram turn

He took off the tomboy from the footboard:

Answer: Where do you live?

What is the father's last name?

With a guard of such height

Arguing is not easy.

On the river and crack and thunder

Ice drift and icebreaker.

Rinse the old fashioned way

Grandma in the hole in the sheets.

The ice cracked - the river went,

And the grandmother swam.

Grandma groans and groans:

Ouch! My underwear will sink!

Ouch! I got into trouble!

Oh save! I'm lost!

Uncle Styopa on duty

He is on duty on the bridge.

Uncle Styopa through the fog

Looks into the distance like a captain

Sees - an ice floe. And on the ice

The grandmother is crying on the basket.

Can't describe what happened!

Uncle Styopa - hands down,

Leaning over the railing

Like hanging over an abyss.

He managed to grab

frightened grandmother,

And the old woman - behind the basket:

I won't throw my underwear!

Uncle Styopa saved her,

And a basket and clothes.

The guys walked past the building,

What's on the Uprising Square,

Suddenly they look - Stepan is standing,

Their favorite giant!

Everyone froze in surprise:

Uncle Styopa! It is you?

A tall policeman who is admired by children and adults, saves birds and animals, protects Muscovites from hooligans. Who does not recognize Uncle Styopa in the description? The character of the poems was and continues to be an example to follow. And no wonder, because Uncle Styopa is not only tall, but also athletically complex. And most importantly - honest and decent.

History of creation

Stories about a high policeman are the hallmark of a Soviet writer. The year of writing the first poems about Uncle Styopa is 1935. Initially, the poem was published in the Pioneer magazine. Later, poems about the brave giant were published as a separate book. In 1939, based on the work, a cartoon of the same name was created. In addition to poems about Uncle Styopa, the cartoon includes other works by Mikhalkov.

In 1954, the magazine "Border Guard" published "Uncle Styopa - a policeman." Sergei Mikhalkov did not plan to write a sequel, but a chance meeting prompted the poet to tell the children about the future fate of Stepan.

The author of the poem met the prototype of his own hero. Leaving the yard, the writer violated traffic rules. The man was stopped by a tall policeman. After talking with a friendly representative of the authorities, Mikhalkov found out that before working as a guard, he served in the navy. Thus was born the idea for the continuation of the poem.

In 1964, "Soyuzmultfilm" filmed "Uncle Styopa - a policeman." The singer and actor gave the voice to the brave servant of the law.

The verse "Uncle Styopa and Yegor", published in 1968, also appeared not by chance. At a meeting with young readers, the writer was asked a question about the personal life of the hero. Mikhalkov decided that he would certainly tell how the fate of Stepan turned out. The logical conclusion of the Soviet epic was the poetic story "Uncle Styopa - a veteran." The final part was published in the Pravda newspaper in 1981.


Stepan Stepanov was born and raised in Moscow. The young man lives near the Arbat in the house at number 8/1. Since childhood, the hero has been different from his peers - Stepan grew up to be a tall and broad-shouldered guy. Due to a noticeable feature, neighbors and friends make fun of the hero:

"He stands under a parachute
And a little worried.
And below the people laugh:
"The tower wants to jump from the tower!"

But sarcastic phrases do not hurt Stepan, he is used to such an attitude and even learned to use his own physical data. Thanks to his high growth, Stepan saves pigeons from a fire, pulls a drowning boy out of the water and helps the guys remove kites from an electric wire.

Stepan has a dream - a young man aspires to the fleet. After passing the medical examination, the man goes to the battleship "Marat". During the service, Stepan falls under the bombing, receives the rank of foreman. Near Leningrad, a man is wounded, so Stepanov leaves military service and returns home.

In Moscow, the hero learns a new profession - he gets a position in the police. For a short time, Stepan becomes a thunderstorm of local hooligans and offenders.

Due to his high growth, a brave policeman repairs a broken traffic light. After this feat, the man receives the funny nickname "Styopa-traffic light". Stepanov's career is moving fast enough. Soon, Uncle Styopa receives a position as a guard in a new district of Moscow. In his free time, the man trains on the rink. Stepanov takes first place in the speed skating race:

"Uncle Stepa is proud
All police of the capital:
Styopa looks down,
Receives first prize

Soon, an enviable bachelor meets his fate - the girl Manechka. Young people play a noisy wedding, and after a short time Stepan Stepanov becomes a father.

The boy was born big and strong to the delight of his parents. Egor - this is how the happy uncle Styopa called his son - is growing and developing rapidly. The character of the boy went to his father. A kind child helps the elders, goes in for sports and dreams of becoming an astronaut.

Egor is the support and pride of Stepanov Sr. The young man graduated with honors from school, received the title of Olympic champion and set serious records in weightlifting. The famous father receives congratulations on his son's success from colleagues and even from the ministers of the USSR.

The biography of the hero develops without surprises. The man raised his son and retired. In order not to sit at home, Uncle Styopa spends his free time with the children: he takes the kids to the zoo, plays Zarnitsa with schoolchildren, and makes sure that the fifth graders do not smoke.

"He does not know the sense of proportion,
Retirees say.
- Uncle Styopa and now
Wants to be younger than us!”

The former policeman is invited to visit France, and Uncle Styopa reluctantly agrees. Returning, Stepan Stepanov falls ill. Local children help the hero to treat a cold. The story of the famous giant ends on a joyful note: Yegor comes to his father with the news that Uncle Styopa has become a grandfather.

The main characters of the poem are exemplary Soviet citizens. A worthy career, a quiet family life, victories in sports - the life of Uncle Styopa, like his son, is filled with important and correct values. But this is not the main idea of ​​the stories. Mikhalkov wanted to convey to the little reader that features (both external and internal) are not at all considered a flaw.

  • The artist of the first edition of the book "Uncle Styopa" copied the main character from the actor.
  • Not one monument was erected to the giant hero, but three: in Moscow, Prokopyevsk and Samara.

  • In 1940, a short story "Uncle Styopa and the Red Army" was published, covering the time of Stepan Stepanov's military service. The poem was not liked by readers and was not included in Mikhalkov's collections.
  • The popular giant has long been the hero of jokes. Until now, kids who have just met the character are amused by a joke:
“- Uncle Styopa, get a sparrow!
No, I don't want to bend over.


"I don't need anything - I saved him for free!"
“I’ll go to serve in the Navy if I’m tall enough.”
“I’ll tell you a secret that I serve in the police because I find this service very important!”
"I, Marusya, as in a dream..."
“Which of you guys smoke? I can't stand smokers!

March 04 2010

Uncle Styopa embodies the dreams of young readers about such an adult hero, with whom they are happy to meet, make friends, go for a walk or travel together. The elders are strong and powerful. The child has no doubt that the elders can cope with the most difficult and dangerous business. And now Uncle Styopa appears - a strong, cheerful, kind giant - and proves that this is the way it is. He uses his height, his strength for the benefit of people: he stops the train on a track washed out by rains and thereby prevents a railway accident, boldly fights a fire. And he indulges in boyish undertakings with complete enthusiasm: he will put one kid on his shoulders so that he can see the “army of the country” at the parade, he will ride the other, and remove the third kite caught on telephone wires. Stepan saves a drowning schoolboy from inevitable death, and not only because he, Uncle Stepa, is almost knee-deep in all deep places, but because he is a really heroic guy.

In Uncle Stepa we are attracted by responsiveness and determination, always ready to come to the rescue of those who are in trouble. And to the same extent, almost childish immediacy, a cheerful whim, mischief, attracts him with the kids of all neighboring yards. For them, it is a real children's holiday, as Belinsky wanted to see children's books. And since Uncle Styopa has already won the lasting sympathy of readers, it can be said with confidence that even such a casually dropped, boring instruction:

Uncle Styopa never forgot to brush his teeth, -

in verse Mikhalkov will not seem boring or intrusive, and your little brother will be accepted even with delight if he really is going to imitate Uncle Styopa in everything.

And let's celebrate with you another characteristic feature of the portrait painted by Sergei Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa more than once gives a reason for a joke, for ridicule. You can make fun of him - this is not forbidden at all - well, at least at the moment when he “sits in the saddle, drags his legs along the ground”, or when Uncle Styopa, having finally found clothes of unprecedented width, pulls it on himself with sin in half . And the tailor's work still immediately bursts at the seams. But do these and other funny stories prevent us from sincerely admiring the courage of Uncle Styopa, his bold deeds, his resourcefulness?

Lev Kassil once said very correctly that the funny and the heroic in Mikhalkov's book change places all the time. Such is the peculiarity of "Uncle Styopa" - here one is not a hindrance to the other. What was ridiculous in the previous stanzas turns into honorary signs of strength in the following. Seeing Stepan's head over the fence, the dogs began to bark furiously, they thought it was a thief. But after all, thanks to his height, Uncle Styopa in the river reached the deepest place in order to save the drowning boy Vasya Borodin. And the people on the shore unanimously honored Uncle Styopa for such an act of his. Mikhalkov remains faithful to this principle of combining the serious with the joke in half throughout the entire poem. When a fire breaks out in an alley and people see pigeons fighting in the attic in a burning house,

  • Uncle Styopa from the sidewalk
  • Reaches the attic
  • Through fire and smoke
  • His hand reaches out.

By myself like this the episode might, perhaps, even seem somewhat sugary if the sense of humor suddenly left the poet. But this did not happen. Mikhalkov himself is not going to be touched and protects his reader from being touched. Uncle Styopa

  • ... The window opens,
  • They fly out of the window
  • eighteen doves,
  • And behind them is a sparrow.

Do you want or don't you want, and here you involuntarily smile! About this kind of poetic finds, Mikhalkov once said that there are lines that appeared in perfect form - "were born in a shirt." But, he added, they appeared because the lines standing next to each other were redone a thousand times. So, a writer who sincerely loves his hero will not be afraid to include irony and humor in his relationship with him. In the eyes of readers, a joke (without obscuring the main thing and without dropping the dignity of a person in any way) only helps to make the hero even more alive and more voluminous, relieves dull edification. Who wants to be friends with dull, unsmiling people!

What are the nicknames people didn’t invent for Uncle Styopa: “Tower”, “Kalancha”. But among them there is a serious - serious: "Mayak". And such a nickname must be earned and justified. In vain they will not give him - for growth alone, for example. And Mikhalkov, working on his poem, made sure that from version to version Uncle Styopa more and more justified the honorable comparison with the lighthouse. At one time I wrote a book about the lighthouse for kids.

  • My little book calls:
  • Children, be like a lighthouse! Everyone
  • who cannot swim at night,
  • Light the way with fire.

Mikhalkov's little book addresses the children with the same cry: to be like a lighthouse, like their friend Styopa, because this kind giant really, like a lighthouse, helps to light the way for people.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save it - "The image and characteristics of the work" Uncle Styopa ". Literary writings!

Kind and cheerful children's favorite Uncle Styopa from the trilogy "Uncle Styopa" (1935), "Uncle Styopa - a policeman" (1954) and "Uncle Styopa and Egor" (1968). In spontaneity and good nature, the main secret of the hero's charm. Uncle Styopa's attitude towards people is determined by a childish selfless faith in the triumph of good. What is the peculiarity of Mikhalkov's humor? As paradoxical as it sounds, the poet never makes children laugh on purpose. On the contrary, he talks seriously, gets excited, perplexed, asks, speaks with passion, seeking sympathy. And the children laugh ... Sergei Mikhalkov is not an actor, but when he is asked to read "Uncle Styopa", he reads in a way that no one else can, as if with all his heart sympathizing with a person who is so uncomfortable with his height. Uncle Styopa is worried before a parachute jump, and they laugh at him:

The tower wants to jump from the tower!

In the cinema they tell him: "Sit on the floor." Everyone comes to the shooting gallery to have fun, but it is difficult for poor uncle Styopa to squeeze under the “low canopy”. He barely got in there. So the author reads, as if wondering: why is everyone laughing? What's so funny?

The children are very entertained by the fact that if Uncle Stepa raises his hand, he will seem like a semaphore. What would have happened if he hadn't raised his hand? Crash. And imperceptibly, the understanding of the unity of the mundane and the heroic, simplicity and greatness enters into the minds of readers. “He stands and says (isn’t it easier?): “Here the path is blurred by rains.” The possibility of catastrophe arises in the mind of the child only fleetingly. The main thing is different: "I deliberately raised my hand - to show that the path is closed."

In this comic situation, the nobility of character is fully and at the same time unobtrusively shown. It's funny that a person can become a semaphore, touch the roof. But at the same time he saves people.

During the war Sergei Mikhalkov was at the front. About his hero - the sailor Uncle Styopa, the poet added a continuation about how he sailed on the battleship "Marat" and "was wounded a little while defending Leningrad." But now the war is over - new poems have appeared. They were called "Uncle Styopa - a policeman." An old friend of the guys is on duty near a high-rise building on Vosstaniya Square. Uncle Styopa was recognized and loved by guys from different countries, because everyone liked the poems about him so much that they were translated into many languages. The artists made an animated film, and the actors played the play "Uncle Styopa".

Why did everyone love Stepan Stepanov so much? Maybe because he's a giant?

But after all, in different fairy tales there are so many giants whom no one loves, but everyone is only afraid! These are bloodthirsty cannibals, and the ferocious Karabas-Barabas, and scarecrows from Alice in Wonderland.

The "main regional giant" from Mikhalkov's poems is loved because he helps both children and adults. But for hooligans, he is a thunderstorm. And reporters from overseas newspapers, as soon as they found out that the father of the champion Yegor was a police foreman, they bowed,

They apologized in English And, closing the tape recorder, They quickly ran out.

Satire in Mikhalkov's poems on socio-political topics expresses the poet's rejection of the negative phenomena of reality, disgust for the vices of capitalist society. Such are satirical works with a bright political coloring, "Millionaire", "There is such an America", as well as "The Girl and Uncle Tom" - a political pamphlet written in a sharply satirical plan. The author thickens, concentrates the negative, exposing in merciless criticism the vices hidden behind the external gloss. Publicism, poster generalization of political poems do not

* Passengers are waiting, Drivers are waiting - Kids are walking past the cars! ("Change".)

Year: 1935

Genre: poem

Main characters: Stepan Stepanov


A very tall man lived in an ordinary residential building - Uncle Styopa, whom everyone called the tower. From all the inhabitants, he stood out with a rather unusual growth, because of which everyone around him recognized him. In order to buy shoes for himself, he had to look for the largest sizes in the market. His clothing was also immense. And even having found a seemingly suitable T-shirt or trousers, everything on him was still bursting at the seams. Uncle Styopa was so tall that he could see what was happening behind any fence. Seeing him, the dogs began to bark furiously. They mistook the man for a thief.

He also had a strong appetite. He ate a double portion during the meal. When a man went to bed, he had to put a bench to the sofa to place his feet there. And when he visited the cinema, he was tearfully asked to get up from his seat, because because of his broad back the film could not be seen. But Uncle Styopa went to the stadium very freely. Only a champion could be so tall, for whom all the inhabitants took this man.

For the kids, Uncle Styopa was a reliable assistant, because whoever, no matter how he, got the snake entangled in the wires. This giant woke up quickly every morning, and not allowing himself to luxuriate in bed, took a shower and carefully brushed his teeth. Once Uncle Styopa sat on a donkey, almost crushing him. Seeing this picture, people began to laugh out loud. Someone advised him to take a camel. The camel was also too small for the giant, and he moved to the elephant.

When there was a carnival in the city, Uncle Styopa asked for a mask. The children and adults began to laugh, explaining that it would not be difficult to recognize him. After all, he has the most remarkable growth.

One day Uncle Styopa heard someone cry by the river. He immediately rushed to help. It turned out that this student fell into the water. Uncle Styopa climbed into the river and pulled the frightened child out. The next time he helped save the pigeons that were in the middle of the fire. He was immediately thanked and offered to go work as a firefighter. In response, Uncle Styopa said that he would be a sailor. He passed the medical commission and went to the Navy.

The guys got bored with Uncle Styopa, and one day loud, impressive steps were heard in the yard. It was Uncle Styopa who returned. He immediately invited everyone who wanted to come to him, and began to tell how he was served. From that time on, all the townspeople began to call Uncle Styopa a sailor.

The story teaches what you need to be kind and sympathetic.

Picture or drawing Uncle Styopa

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