Home Roses How to open magical abilities with a ritual. The development of magical abilities. Practice

How to open magical abilities with a ritual. The development of magical abilities. Practice

Each person has certain abilities, but in some they are well developed, in others they are in a "sleeping" state. Today, it is generally accepted that magical abilities are a gift that is inherited. However, they can be developed independently, since they are available to everyone, only some people are more sensitive and have a well-developed intuition. Therefore, the first thing to look at strange coincidences and various signs of fate. Here it is important to be able to listen to the inner voice and observe the consequences of thoughts.

Today, people are used to highlighting positive and negative (white and black) magic. In fact, there are many more types of it, and magical abilities can have different character. Someone feels the harmony of nature and can work with its forces, someone manages to remove the negative, etc. In any case, in human body there are seven so-called chakras, that is energy centers. Magicians see them in the form of balls certain color, and the larger such a ball, the more developed the corresponding center.

In people who have practically no magical gift, only two chakras are developed, in magicians - three (one of which is at the upper level). In the latter case, we are talking about the fact that magical abilities are well developed. If four developed energy centers are observed, it is worth talking about strong magicians, but they are rarely found in our time.

All other chakras have such a degree of development that they contribute to the maintenance of normal life, insufficient for the use of magic.

Note that the lower four centers ensure the work of the magician from the energy side, and the top three - from the informational side. Therefore, the weak development of all the upper chakras does not allow one to fully develop magical abilities and become a magician. And if every magician can create clairvoyance, then it is impossible to do this with creativity, because it either exists or it does not exist.

It should be noted that the development magical abilities is a multifaceted process of improving the natural capabilities of a person. The latter should develop his own, breaking away from everyday worries and thoughts, immersing himself in himself. Ordinary meditation can help with this, and special techniques contribute to the development of weak energy centers to the level of strong ones.

Almost every person thought about how to develop magical abilities. To do this, you need to have theoretical knowledge. In order to master the techniques of extrasensory influence, it is necessary to learn, first of all, how to use the so-called technique of remote consciousness. It consists in being able to do something physical work, to concentrate consciousness on a certain object or phenomenon. You also need to develop your imagination, because it helps to focus on the necessary details, focusing on the object of energy direction. It is recommended to give will. You need to learn to listen and understand each person.

In addition to theory, attention should be paid to practical side the issue of psychic abilities. The first thing to do is to master the technique of astral visualization, that is, to be able to reproduce the necessary pictures in all details, which will help in working with mental images.

Today, various stimulants are used or chemical compounds for the development of feelings and perception.

Thus, alternating in practice different sections of magic, resting between workouts, you can develop extrasensory perception to the desired level.

It is believed that every person from birth has psychic abilities, which develop units in themselves. Signs of magical abilities are manifested in a well-developed intuition, the ability to predict the future, for example, using or seeing prophetic dreams. In general, there are many different directions in which a person can express himself.

How to develop magical abilities in yourself?

It is believed that the body is a kind of receiver of information that can send biological waves into space. If you practice regularly, you can reach certain heights.

How to show your magical abilities:

  1. Engage in meditation, as it allows you to free your mind and penetrate into the furthest corners of consciousness. This allows you to learn to see more than an ordinary person.
  2. Develop your imagination by practicing visualization. Thanks to this, it will be possible to direct energy in the right direction, as well as mentally move in the desired direction.
  3. The development of magical abilities implies work on attention, since by being able to concentrate on a certain one, it will be possible to work with the object in a quality manner.
  4. Learn the rules for using Tarot and conducting various fortune-telling. Practice constantly to get in touch with the deck.
  5. Develop the ability to perceive a person's aura with the help of hands. To do this, you can use this exercise: sit on a chair so that your back is even. Relax and let go of all extraneous thoughts. Spread your arms to the sides so that there are about 30 minutes between the palms. Slowly move and spread your hands, feeling an energy field between them.

Many are interested in how to find out their magical abilities, and so, to understand what a person is located for, it is possible only after several trainings solely on the result and their own perception.

Many are endowed magical powers by birth. If a person feels heightened intuition in himself, things that he knew in advance or takes him away from troubles light hand higher powers - it is undoubtedly worth developing talents. When people see subtle worlds, mystical dreams or can unravel the intentions of any stranger- all this is a manifestation of magical abilities. Needless to say, all people have different potential, the same is the case with witchcraft abilities.

How to become magicians

Education should begin no earlier than 23 years. Until that time, the energy has not yet been fully formed and you can get a large number of problems. The exception is children who were born in families engaged in magical practices. Parents of such children know exactly what their child should do and do not deviate from the intended fate. Such kids are called strange, they are usually unsociable and do not get along well with the team.

As a rule, they are not interested in social life, and they are far ahead of their peers in development.

AT ordinary families, if a child at the age of 7 begins to say that he communicates with otherworldly entities, sees the dead or knows the future, he is not taken seriously. Luck can be considered a simple go-ahead or advice not to tell anyone. Otherwise, the road to the lunatic asylum begins to emerge brightly.

Most often, with their disbelief, the family blocks the abilities of the child, and in adulthood this leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, and even demonic possession. And the answer is very simple - the gods chose this particular child to endow him with abilities, so that he would go through all the hardships of life and independently comprehend secret knowledge. Very often, those who managed to escape serious problems associated with the gift in childhood cannot find their place in life. Whatever they undertake, nothing works out and all undertakings collapse. In a similar way, power pushes one to learn witchcraft practices.

Are there many hereditary sorcerers?

But another scenario is also possible. Those who have not broken down under the yoke of misunderstanding and have not lost the ability to perceive the world in a subtle way can begin development in a magical environment. They eventually realize their own calling and can become powerful practitioners. You can often hear opinions that every second or third is a hereditary magician or sorcerer, but this is not true. Only those who belong to a certain witchcraft tradition for uninterrupted generations can be hereditary. You can consider yourself hereditary magician or a sorcerer, provided that the great-grandmother was a witch, the grandmother took over the abilities, and then the mother became part of the magical practice.

Moreover, abilities can have a different focus, but they invariably increase with each generation. But if he chooses a hereditary sorcerer high power and imposes his abilities - it turns out an explosive mixture. Such children are very sickly, suffer from an overabundance of energy and for a long time cannot find their place in society.

Trials and obstacles

Before the power deems a person worthy, he will be sent trials. Such an experience cannot be called fun - these are headaches, nightmares and terrible knowledge. If the problems are overcome and strength is gained before the birth of children, then the next generation will inherit the ability. the best way out will hide skills and occupations, especially until the moment when children can adequately comprehend everything. Otherwise, there is a high probability of setting others around you against yourself. People embarking on the path of magic must be smarter and more prudent.

Do not rely on all sorts of seminars on teaching magical wisdom.

At best, there you can get information that is in the public domain. Real ritual magic has nothing to do with long conversations. Each tradition has its own technology, which is followed by practitioners. Only by participating in the rites can one acquire the necessary experience, and at this stage a teacher will be needed. But you have to choose according to your liking. We need someone who can vouch for the student, lead through the ordinances, and share his own energy.

Magic is an unusual and not fully known phenomenon. Someone treats her indifferently, someone is afraid of her. But there is also a third category of people: everything magical attracts them, fascinates them, they want to touch it, to become a part of it. Usually such people from childhood or from adolescence suspect that they have some magical abilities. Over time, interest in magic can intensify and reach its climax. But many of them face the question: how to develop magical abilities? Is it even possible? Of course, this is quite real. But it is required that a person has at least some inclinations and prerequisites (well developed intuition, hypersensitivity). We will discuss two main directions for educating a real magician in oneself.

  • You can enroll in the school of magic (magic school, courses for beginner magicians). They specialize in training magicians (both black and white). The main condition for admission to such organizations is to be of legal age (sometimes admission is from the age of sixteen). Teaching magic in schools consists of two parts - theoretical and practical (lectures and assignments). In each school of magic, the duration of training and the course varies, but in any case, an exam awaits you at the end.

Advantages: over, working with experienced mentors can give a lot to a novice magician. You can also learn absolutely any kind of magical abilities (from clairvoyance to telekinesis).

Flaws: Not everyone will be able to afford such training. Moreover, such schools are not in all cities. And the main danger here is to run into scammers who want to take your money.

  • Therefore, we will consider the second option: how to discover magical abilities in yourself? This will require a lot of effort and patience from you. Therefore, they are definitely worth stocking up. First, let's try to train our attention and memory. Every mage needs them. Remember all events today. No, not just where you went today and what you did. Try to restore the clothes, hairstyles of the people with whom you communicated. Or remember how much your lunch in the dining room cost. Does not work? This means that memory and attention definitely need training. To do this, we advise you to memorize poems, every evening to restore the events and the smallest details of the past day. good exercise will be the following. After you have visited a place for the first time, reproduce its decor, the color of curtains, wallpaper, furniture, views indoor plants and other little things.

How else can you awaken magical abilities? Every magician must have well-developed sense organs. Therefore - keep it up! If with vision usually big problems does not occur, then hearing and smell often do not fully fulfill their functions. Breathe deeply and try to catch all the smells that are in the air. Everything! You will be surprised how, it turns out, ordinary freshly cooked soup or trees in the garden can smell. Surely smells have never been an object of such deep study for you.

And, of course, the development of magical abilities cannot occur without regular training. Practice magic every day. Try to predict the future, feel the past of a person and his present, heal diseased organs. Train on your relatives, friends. Develop your intuition! There are a lot of different tasks and exercises. For example, you can use the power of thought to try to influence another person by transferring a certain energy to him. It remains only to remember to fulfill them. Perhaps the first time it will be difficult, not everything will work out. But patience and work, as you know, can do a lot.

Benefits of self-development of one's magical abilities: First, it won't cost you anything financially. Secondly, you can do it when it is convenient for you, and not according to a schedule drawn up by someone. After all, each person is individual: this also applies to daily biorhythms, and physiological characteristics. Thirdly, your study will not be limited by any framework (the duration of the course or semester in special school for mages). Fourth, you will not be disturbed magical energy other people (as it might have been at school). Fifthly, all your training and development of magical abilities will be built according to your own developed plan.

Flaws: You will not be controlled by an experienced mentor, will not point out to you shortcomings and shortcomings (and this is very important in any training and even work). You may not learn some secrets and difficulties in magic, the algorithm of actions in a given situation. You can do exercises and tasks irregularly, be lazy. No one will be able to properly test you and make a "conclusion" about your magical abilities.

Thus, it is up to you to decide which method of developing magical abilities is better to choose. But, in any case, we wish you good luck in achieving your goal of becoming a magician!

How to develop psychic abilities?


Grade 5

A witch who engages in magical practices must constantly develop and improve her abilities. To do this, there are certain exercises and methods that can make a witch more professional, increase her magical skills. 1 Development of concentration of attention2 Defocused gaze3 Purification of consciousness4 Awareness of one's body5 Perception of the energy field6 Perception of the aura of plants7 Aura of objects8 Aura of two people their contact9 Energy field..

Summary 5.0 excellent

A witch who engages in magical practices must constantly develop and improve her abilities. For this, there are certain exercises and methods that can make a witch more professional, increase her magical skills.

Development of concentration

Concentrate your attention on specific task- half the success in witch magic.

In a dark room, sit on a chair with a burning candle in front of you. The burning of the candle should be even, without the flame fluctuating. Close your eyes and turn your attention to the exercise. Opening your eyes, look without blinking at the candle flame. Let go of all thoughts and imagine that nothing else exists in the world, only you and the candle. When you achieve that you can look at a candle for three minutes without blinking, then you have mastered this exercise.

Defocused look

The conditions for doing this exercise are the same as in the first exercise. Only instead of one candle it is necessary to light three. Put one in front of you, and the other two on the sides. Look at the center candle first, and then try to see the two side candles. With a high degree of probability, the flame of the central candle will “blur”, and the gaze will defocus on the two side candles. It is necessary to learn how to focus your gaze in order to see all three candles at the same time.

Purification of consciousness

Sitting in a comfortable position, pay attention to the exhaled air, and when you inhale the air, be aware of your presence in the place where you are and the time in which you are mastering the purification technique. There is a small pause between inhalation and exhalation, which you do not fill with thoughts, but let thoughts flow freely in your head without thinking about their content. This exercise will help you train yourself to clear your mind of chaotic thoughts,

Awareness of your body

Take a position: sitting on a chair, straighten your spine, place your hands on your knees, press your feet to the floor, close your eyes. Switch your attention to the exhaled air. Breathe freely, without tension, then you will feel how your body breathes. Inhale - the body expands, exhale - decreases. By mastering this exercise, you increase the ability to receive more energy from natural sources energy.

Perception of the energy field

The position for performing the exercise is the same as in the previous exercise. Analyze the state of the body, having reached the full sensation of your body, switch your attention to that energy sheath that covers your entire body at a distance of one centimeter from the skin surface. You realize how much more your body has become due to the energy shell, which is the aura of your body.

Plant aura perception

Focus your unfocused gaze on the crown of the tree. In a moment, you will see that a subtle glow has appeared above the crown of the tree, which is the aura of this tree. Aura can be dyed any color. Having achieved the perception of the aura of plants, you will begin to perceive it as a completely tangible phenomenon.

Item Aura

Focus your unfocused gaze on something inanimate object. Very soon you will see the aura of this object, which is not as bright and tangible as the aura of plants, but more stable and does not change its shape. Having done the exercise with a personal object, go to practice with other people's things and objects.

Aura of two people their contact

This exercise is aimed at the perception of the aura of people and is the most difficult in mastering the practice of recognizing the aura.

Being in public place, select two people who are talking to each other. First, turn all your attention to one of these two people. Look at him with a defocused look, you will see an aura around the head of this person. Switch your attention to the other person. Having examined his aura, look at the place where the two auras meet. By the color of each of the auras, the depth of penetration into another aura, you can determine how these people relate to each other. The dark saturated color of the aura can tell about the aggressiveness and malice of a person. Whereas a pure, almost transparent color speaks of peace of mind and good nature of man.

Energy field around the hand

To conduct magical sessions, a witch almost always needs a hand on which the energy shell is focused. How to achieve that the energy was focused on the hand?

Prepare a light screen. It can be just a light wall or a stretched, white fabric screen. Sit in front of this screen, take a comfortable position, relax. The distance between the background and you should not be more than half a meter.

Stretch the palm of your hand 10 centimeters to the screen and in its center. Turn your palm towards you with your fingers down. Defocus your eyes and look at the hand with fingers apart. After a while, a luminous haze forms around the hand, which will follow the hand if you move your hand to the right or left. The main objective of this exercise is to ensure that the haze is clear and visible.

The modern witch should know that the whole entourage with the crystal ball and the raven sitting on the witch's shoulder is a thing of the past. Today there are modern technologies and techniques that aid in the witch's magical rituals. The main task of the witch is to recognize the aura of the person who turned to her for help. The aura will tell a lot about a person, even about what he has deeply hidden in the farthest corners of his memory. Therefore, the witch must focus on recognizing the aura, train and look for answers if she encounters a mysterious manifestation of the aura.

Witches are divided into those who use white or black magic in their rituals. To commit magic ritual white magic witch applies icons and church candles which is contrary to the rules Orthodox Church, which draws attention to the fact that in the Bible there is a ban on the use of the Magi to predict fate. That is, guessing and predicting fate is a great sin.

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