Home Indoor flowers How to develop clairvoyance: advice from psychics, fortune tellers, exercises, practical exercises. Tips for beginners to develop psychic abilities. Exercises for developing clairvoyance on your own

How to develop clairvoyance: advice from psychics, fortune tellers, exercises, practical exercises. Tips for beginners to develop psychic abilities. Exercises for developing clairvoyance on your own

To have paranormal abilities would like, if not all, then very many people. After all, knowing in advance what will happen, you can save yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, to learn to see through and through those around, understanding their true intentions and feelings - any doors to the unknown are opened ..

Many believe that the gift of clairvoyance can only be inherited from relatives with similar abilities. In reality, this is not entirely true; paranormal abilities, if desired, can be developed in oneself.

The development of clairvoyance - that's what we'll talk about in this article.

Clairvoyance is a person's ability to see (hear or receive information in any other way that remains inaccessible to the perception of most of those around).

Clairvoyants are able to pick up vibrations energy field a person, to see his own aura and to distinguish the so-called astral light rays. Everything that is inaccessible to an ordinary person is instantly recorded by a clairvoyant.

How can one develop clairvoyance in oneself? We will answer this question further.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance

It is necessary to immediately clarify the point that all people are completely different, and for someone the development of clairvoyance will be much easier than for others. Only one thing can be confidently asserted - it is impossible to develop clairvoyance in oneself in an easy way. You will need to make some effort, constantly practice, performing various exercises (developing concentration, relaxation) and be sure to meditate.

If this prospect does not scare you, then you can move on.

  1. For the development of the gift of clairvoyance in oneself, it is important that a person has good thoughts and pure thoughts in his heart. The less will come from you negative energy, the faster the final result will be.
  2. When you become a fairly good "specialist" in the field of clairvoyance - that is, your skills, abilities and knowledge are sufficiently developed, your Ego will try to take over your personality - it is important in no case to allow this to happen. Always remember that you are only a part of a huge system, and no matter how much information you have, most of it will still be inaccessible to you.
  3. For the ultimate result of your practice to be successful, do all the exercises regularly, without indulgence or skipping.

How to Develop Clairvoyant Abilities - Exercises

Exercise "See through the skin"

You need to prepare for this practice two squares - white and black.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body (in particular, your right palm).
  2. Then you should raise your palm about eight centimeters higher from the squares. Hold it first over one, and then transfer to another.
  3. Pay attention to your inner feelings. Will you feel cool, warm, or maybe a slight pleasant tingling sensation? Be sure to remember what color these sensations belonged to.
  4. Exercise regularly in one of the recognizable colors. Ask someone to place one of the squares at your fingertips, and you will determine its color. When you can detect black and white colors, add another red square.
  5. Do this exercise every day for at least seven days. Concentrate on each color for four to five minutes, remember your feelings.

You can additionally fix them in your memory by pronouncing a special formula:

“I can easily determine the color with my palm, remember the sensations of my hand, they are stored in my memory, they are compared and I get the right answer.”

Exercise "Borderline state"

A large number of clairvoyants resort to borderline states when the body is in an intermediate phase between the phase of sleep and wakefulness. You can learn to get into this state consciously.

To do this, when you lie in bed at night, you need to calm down and keep track of the moment when a dream begins to come to you.

Control the state of your consciousness along with the changes taking place in it. Of course, at first it will not be easy for you, but over time, with perseverance and regular practice, you will succeed.

As soon as you learn to recognize the intermediate state, ask your subconscious mind a question that worries your soul at night, repeat it many times until you fall asleep.

When you are in a borderline state of consciousness, the answer to your question comes in the form of visions, words or thoughts. Do not rush to get upset if it does not work out for you the first time - in most cases, after a couple of attempts, the answer comes.

If you want to know the events of the near future, before falling asleep, mentally say to yourself the exact date(year, month, day) when it should happen. You can use this technique to clarify certain moments of the past.

In case your question concerns some a specific person, visualize your image as accurately as possible.

Exercise "Hypnographic images"

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. You sit in a comfortable position for yourself, while you cannot make any movements. The only movement allowed is breathing.
  2. Relax your body and calm your mind, normalize your breathing and close your eyelids. Observe carefully the images that appear on back side century (they are called hypnographic).
  3. Now imagine that you are in a cinema right now and expect a movie to start soon. "Peer" at the blank screen. Then various fuzzy lines, stains, spots will begin to appear on it - these are all images that come to you from the depths of your subconscious.

Pay your attention to every shape and movement that appears before your eyes. Pay your attention to how they change, in which direction they move.
Over time, you will find yourself in a light trance. If you want to get out of it, make any sharp movement with your body.

  1. Continue looking into the distance, but without eye strain. You must be in a state of ordinary contemplation. If after twenty minutes a dream does not come to you, then the images that have arisen on your inner screen will become more distinct.
  2. The more often you do your workouts, the more vivid and distinct the hypnographic images will become. Over time, they will become so realistic that it will even be difficult for you to distinguish them from real ones. This will be an indicator of the success of your practice. You can safely contact your subconscious mind with any questions and count on getting reliable answers.

How to learn to see the aura

An important skill for a true clairvoyant is seeing the energy shell of people and various subjects... It can also be learned with regular practice. To do this, the following exercise will greatly help you.

  1. You need to close your eyes and peer into the outlines that appear on your "inner screen".
  2. Initially, the practice is carried out for ten minutes every day for ten days.

Then you can start the second stage.

  1. Relax and close your eyelids slightly.
  2. Take a look at any small object that is in your room.
  3. Looking at him, try to "see" your inner eye radiation emanating from it.

If you regularly devote enough time to this practice, you can learn to see the biofield of everything that surrounds you.

And if you train on people, then over time you will be able to distinguish between different color variations of their aura. Thanks to this, you will learn to instantly receive information about the character of your interlocutor and his thoughts, at the first glance at him.

The main purpose of all described in this material exercises - to develop a person's paranormal abilities, expand consciousness. After completing this practice, you will establish a close connection with your Higher Self, which will help you in life, sending information on issues of interest and allowing you to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Now you know how to develop your clairvoyant abilities on your own. Learn, practice, improve your skills and then very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Feeling powerless before many natural phenomena, man always wanted to look into tomorrow. The entire history of civilization is accompanied by attempts to predict the future and influence it - through sacrifices, prayers or rituals. Another popular method is clairvoyance. Some argue that this is a gift from above, but there is evidence that this skill can be learned.

Gift or skill?

Attempts to study the ability of some people to divination have been made repeatedly, but humanity has not yet received a final answer. Most often, the ability to clairvoyance is congenital or appeared as a result of some kind of misfortune: it is believed, for example, that the famous seer Vanga gained the ability to see the future due to the fact that she became blind in early childhood.

It is unlikely that someone would want to get a talent for divination in this way, but all the same, for many people, the question of how to develop clairvoyance abilities is not at all idle. Is it possible?

Risk your health?

Numerous works devoted to various esoteric practices argue that trying is not torture. Moreover, there is different ways achieve the desired enlightenment.

    Drugs. For a long time in many countries of the world - India, America, Africa - intoxicating substances have been used to expand consciousness. There is even an assumption that many of the Pythias described in ancient texts were engaged in nothing more than inhaling drugs in order to gain the desired clairvoyance. How to develop abilities In a similar way, described in detail in the writings of the famous Castaneda: peyote cactus in this respect is no worse than Indian hashish.

    Specific body movements, sometimes in combination with certain sounds. Eastern dervishes or shamans of the North performed some dance steps to fall into a state of trance: dervishes whirled frantically in place, shamans danced to the sound of drums, driving themselves to a frenzy. After that, a trance ensued, in which the future or the past was revealed to the servant of the gods.

    Rites. How to develop the gift of clairvoyance, know a variety of fans of specific religions, such as African-Caribbean voodoo. Sorcerers produce ritual acts(many of which are rather unsightly) - and as a result, they discover whether this or that enterprise will be successful.

Let's say no to drugs!

It cannot be said that all of the above methods are rather risky. By consuming narcotic substances either by depriving yourself of air, you can apply irreparable harm own physical or mental health. It is quite possible that then the question of how to develop the gift of clairvoyance will not interest the experimenter at all. As well as much, much more.

One of the most famous authors dedicated to the study of the supernatural human abilities, believed to be theosophist Charles Leadbeater. "How to develop clairvoyance" is a well-known book belonging to his pen, you can easily buy or read it on the Internet. The author categorically warns against the above practices. He claims that he has met people who have lost their eyesight or mind while trying to gain with the help of drugs or breathing exercises clairvoyance. How to develop your spiritual origin for gaining "higher" vision is described in detail in the lecture.

The path to higher knowledge

The first stage is concentration. "The mind of a person is absent-minded," says Leadbeater, "he easily jumps from one subject to another." According to the author, human brain“Picks up” scraps of thoughts of other people - that is why, catching ourselves on some strange thinking, we cannot understand why it got into our heads. Before asking the question of how to develop the faculties of clairvoyance, the Theosophist advises to begin with gaining power over your mind.

The second stage is meditation. It is especially important here to practice regularly and at the same time. Spiritual efforts, just like physical ones, are effective only with systematic repetition.

The third stage is contemplation. At this stage, it is proposed to see with the inner vision a certain perfect image and try to merge with him.

If not clairvoyance, then at least health

The author does not guarantee the indispensable achievement of success, but encourages: even if a person cannot discover for himself how to develop intuition and clairvoyance, all the same efforts will not be wasted. Everything that each of us undertakes to improve our abilities will make itself felt in the next incarnation. Thus, if you move in this direction, in a new life you can be born with an innate gift.

Leadbeater, like many other authors, argues that before starting spiritual practices, you need to cleanse your body (stop smoking and drinking alcohol, do not overeat, turn to vegetarianism) and soul (leave selfishness, think more about the common good, etc.) .), that is, to turn into a healthy physically and morally being. Not everyone can do such a task, however, as well as the gift of foreseeing the future. Leadbeater also writes that when a person achieves noticeable success in revealing his hidden abilities, he will certainly be noticed: among people there are always so-called teachers - those who have already discovered for themselves " upper world". They will help you take the decisive step at the right time, so there is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to start.

Guide to action

For those who are determined to become a diviner, there are instructions on how to develop clairvoyance. Exercises designed to assist in this endeavor generally target:

    The ability to focus on something real and then “see” it with our inner vision.

    Visualization of what is required: for example, after meditation and chanting a mantra, see the aura of a candle (exercise with a candle).

    The ability to imagine an object after hearing its name, to take an imaginary snapshot of it and only then "examine" it, etc.

What can help

You can often find information that there are stones that develop clairvoyance. Many sources call amethyst the best for this purpose. According to the assurances of esotericists, this powerful tool able to open access to high spheres and generally having a number amazing properties: it rejuvenates the body, saves from insomnia, poisons, strengthens Given to the subject of passion, amethyst is able to evoke a reciprocal feeling.

The power of this stone is such that only initiates can afford to wear it, set in gold. higher order... Amateurs are better off not taking risks and setting the stone in silver - it "muffles" its power.

In addition to amethyst, there are other minerals that can help unlock divination talent: copper azure, belomorite, sardonyx, moldavite and many others. Before you start using the purchased stone, you should cleanse it of unfavorable energy using saline solutions and running water in energetically clean containers and energetically clean places.

It should be noted that there are many schools and directions trying to explain and somehow substantiate clairvoyance. How to develop this gift - by trying to open the chakras or by looking at images on inside own age, use stones, cards or other props for this - everyone who decided to go down this path must decide for themselves.

Be carefull

If you are serious about discovering supernatural abilities in yourself, you need to try very hard not to be fooled. Today, many "specialists" for a lot of money will tell you how to develop intuition and clairvoyance in three days. This, apparently, should be alarming: if everything were so simple, life on the planet would have long been an easy pleasure walk, in which there is no place for unpleasant surprises.

The unique way emergency development of Clairvoyance received from one Himalayan yogi. It is striking in its simplicity, efficiency and genius. Although everyone has the right to choose the method that suits him the most. Try everything, and with time you will feel which path is right for you ...

Your eyes, namely rear part the century is your own psychic monitor on which you can see whatever you want. These can be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. They can relate both to you personally and to other people.

You can see other planets and travel in space.

Where to begin?

Every day before bed, when you have already gone to bed, carefully consider the obscure stains, lines and bizarre shapes on the back of the eyelids. That is, with your eyes closed, you gaze at what you see in front of you, on the back of the eyelids. By the same principle as in working with tools.

This exercise can be performed at any free time, the main thing is that you are in calm state and were in no hurry.

Master the state of complete immobility!

When the body is completely motionless, an internal movement of energy begins. It flows to the brain and awakens the nerve centers responsible for paranormal perception.

For successful implementation In this exercise, master a state of complete rest and immobility. To do this, in your free time, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down with your back straight and without a pillow. Relax. Practice controlling your body muscles. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even with one smallest part of the body. Keep every muscle completely still, let only breathing work. Control everything else, but without undue stress. You just have to be relaxed, calm and still. For the first time, try to sit for at least five minutes, then you can increase the time every day. For example, one minute every day. Remember that gradualism is the key to success in any endeavor.

Master the state of mindful tracking!

So, let's start mastering the most important exercise. Sit down, enter a state of complete stillness, let the breath be the only movement. Relax and close your eyes. Take a close look at whatever you see on the back of your eyelids. This is called hypnographic imagery. Watch with your eyes closed as if you were sitting in a movie theater and expecting a movie, staring intently at a blank screen.

In a couple of minutes, you will see vague outlines and obscure shapes, lines, streaks and "clouds". Track every movement or shape that appears before your eyes. Watch her very carefully, watching her changes, how and where she moves. Gradually, you will enter a state of light hypnotic sleep, from which it is easy to get out with any sudden movement of the body. Look further, but without tension, your state should be contemplative. After about 15 minutes, if you stay awake, you will begin to see clearer images and shapes. Then even clearer outlines. Train every day until you get a very clear picture.

The exercise is considered successful when you begin to see as if you saw in reality. At first you will see black and white images, then you will see color images. During the exercise, you can concentrate on any object or event. You can ask questions of your subconscious mind and get answers. For achievement real results You need to practice this technique for a month, at least 15 minutes a day. After some time, you will develop the gift of clairvoyance so that you can see and enter this state, instantly receiving answers to all your questions.

Development exercises

Vision of energy fields, night vision.

This is an exercise of Arab magicians. After doing this exercise, a clear and distinct vision in complete darkness arises not only of the energy fields of living beings and objects, but also of souls, disembodied and so-called ghosts.

Sitting with a straight back in the lotus or half lotus position (it all depends on the flexibility of the joints), you need to close your eyes and draw air in your mouth. Thumbs close the ear openings, the index fingers on the outer edges of the eyes, put the third fingers on the inner edges of the eyes, cover the nasal openings with the fourth fingers, and put the little fingers on the corners of the lips. And so, sitting, with a sill, blow out the air through tightly closed lips. Then take a mouthful of air again, and blow out again with force. This exercise should be done for ten repetitions for twelve days. During the exercise, the effect of a hum in the ears may be created, as if seashell brought to the ears. And a bright orange glow in the eyes, as if they were looking at the sun.

After completing the full course of this exercise, a clear vision of the aura of all living and non-living objects will be established.

It will be impossible to play hide and seek with you.

A warning: as soon as the vision of energy manifests itself, you need to try to avoid your presence in cemeteries as long as possible. The vision is not the most pleasant one. There is no point in upsetting yourself.

Exercises for seeing the aura

Exercise 1

In the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed or just being in any position convenient for you - but preferably in the twilight, stretch your hand in front of you so that your hand is against the background of the ceiling. Spread your fingers and look in the direction of the hand, but try so that your gaze does not fall on the fingers itself, but passes through them, as it were, and rests on the ceiling. Try to perceive the space directly in front of your fingertips.

Concentrate on this space and stare motionless for a while. But look not at him, but through him - at the ceiling. After a while, you will notice some change in the space around your fingers. This change can be different for everyone. Someone will see something vaguely reminiscent of colorless rays coming from the fingers, someone will appear as if whitish clots of fog, someone's space near the fingers will imperceptibly change color, become darker or lighter ...

Exercise 2

Keep your hand with fingers apart at a distance of 30-40 cm in front of you and 8-10 cm from background material... If you now look at the background as if through your hand, you can see a sparse bluish glow around the edges of your fingers and hand. It may appear as a subtle haze forming a clear silhouette of the hand. These are the outlines energy body, roughly repeating the shape of the physical body and forming part of the aura.

Exercise # 3

Ask a friend or partner to stand some distance from you against a background of neutral, solid material, such as a wall with plain wallpaper. Fix your gaze on the person as a whole, then relax and allow your eyes to “defocus” as if you were looking directly through them. You may have to repeat the exercise several times before you see a hazy haze around the figure, reminiscent of the shimmering force field in sci-fi movies. This is the aura.
If you try to focus your eyes on her, the glow will most likely disappear. Therefore, you need to learn to analyze visual image while your vision is "out of focus". Does the size and shape change as you watch? What color is predominant? Can you see other colors?

See the same white glow? If so, then you have already trod the path to the development of abilities, and you can experiment with other items. With proper practice, you will be able to distinguish between rainbow colors. Especially in the black picture. I recommend using this technique on a daily basis. When training for 5-10 minutes. a day should be the result in a week. But if you feel a deterioration in vision and in general physical condition, then you need to stop training for a while and return to them later.

With long training sessions, in ordinary pictures, the eye begins to perceive only the aura on a dark or light background. Here I offer a series of alternating color pictures that will allow you to adapt the look.

Contraindications: possible headache, eye fatigue. To avoid this, I recommend training for no more than 5-15 minutes. After you finish watching, close your eyes, relax and get some rest.

A picture to adapt the eyes to different colors. Here, as in other cases, it is necessary to look at the center with a defocused gaze.

This picture consists of only 2 frames. From my observations, I can say that an object that strongly contrasts with the background color allows you to see the aura most clearly.

This image consists of 4 contrasting colors. Of the two additional colors - green and red and black and white. Image for training in seeing the aura in small objects.

This picture is intended for gradual color perception. The primary colors are blue, red, yellow, and also green.

This image also allows you to "catch" the eye etheric body square. It is enough to look at the center of the square with a defocused gaze to see the result.

Humanity has long suspected the existence of several worlds. But only a few manage to see them, and even more so to communicate with those who live there. In our world, they become known under the name "magician", "genius", "clairvoyant". Of course, many of them received their gift from birth and made a lot of effort to develop it. But if you have long dreamed of gaining superpowers and were looking for a way to develop clairvoyance, then know that your search is not in vain. After all, this ability is available to everyone.

There is a theory according to which our Universe is multi-layered, there are various dimensions in it. They overlap each other and can exist in the same area of ​​space. The closest to us is the astral dimension, which we sometimes call the Subtle world or the world of energies.

And since any matter exists on the basis of energy, this layer permeates our entire world, being its inseparable part. In this dimension, a person exists in the form of a subtle (astral) body. And this hypostasis takes place regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. And the manifestation of such superpowers as clairvoyance allows you to create strong bonds between the physical and thin body, open an information channel.

A person with the gift of clairvoyance is able to see not only his past, but also the future. He also knows how to get answers to many important questions and gains confidence in their actions.

After all, someone who is able to clearly see the goal knows and the right way to achieve it. A person can receive this information through his supersensible perception, for the development of which a variety of exercises are used. Anyone can master this ability, and work on opening the "third eye" will help to strengthen it.

"Third eye" or the ability to see the invisible

This ability is also sometimes called astral vision. It is provided for in the structure of the soul of any person and, if desired, can be developed. Thanks to her, a person is able not only to see The subtle world and communicate with those who inhabit it, but also receive all the necessary information about yourself, other people, the Universe, and so on.

However, before discovering this ability in oneself, it is important to ask the question: what is it for? If it is a matter of simple curiosity or a desire to impress others with your abilities, then it is better not to do this.

You can perform exercises with the "third eye" only for the purpose of self-development and comprehension of the secrets of the universes to improve your karma. Moreover, the development of this ability will help self-healing, knowledge and correction of one's own and someone else's karma, and so on. But all this can be achieved only in the case of a serious and responsible attitude to their capabilities. Otherwise, you may face disappointment at best, and a psychiatric hospital at worst.

A person should discover such a gift in himself only when he is ready for it. After all, the boundaries of his worldview, thinking and existence will simply disappear, revealing the truth to him. And not everyone is ready to accept and understand it.

Clairvoyant abilities can take several forms. The most common are the following:

Opening of the "third eye". These abilities are concentrated in energy center(chakra) Ajna, which is located at the point between the eyebrows. They allow a person to see the features of the structure of the Subtle World, its energy and the creatures that live in it, to observe their actions. It also makes it possible to see a person's aura in real time.

Inner vision.

This ability is more complex and represents the ability of a person to receive information in "pictures", which, as if on TV, are transmitted to his "inner screen". According to people who possess this skill, they seem to be watching a movie, being in a special "altered" state.


This gift helps to hear sounds, music that exist in the Subtle World, as well as answers to questions that are asked to Patrons.
Opening of an information channel. A person with this ability has a special connection with the Higher powers, their protection. Ready answers are sent to him to many questions, which in the form of thoughts arise out of nowhere in his head. This is often referred to as an insight that visits gifted people.

Other abilities.

There is also clear-smelling (the ability to distinguish energies by smell, when kindness smells nice, and anger smells repulsive), clear taste (different energies acquire different tastes), and so on.

People have been interested in the reality of the existence of the gift of clairvoyance for a long time. Someone believes in what he is and wonders

"How to develop the gift of clairvoyance?"

But there are also those who doubt it. However, if you think about it, almost everyone can give an example of the manifestation of these abilities in their own lives.

For example, when you suddenly wake up at night, as if from a jolt, lie for a couple of seconds not understanding what woke you up, and then you hear loud noise... This situation happens when you receive a message about a future event through information channels and are already ready for it to happen.

Also, evidence of clairvoyance is the existence prophetic dreams... Surely for every person it happened that the "pictures" seen in a dream soon appeared in real life... Of course, not every dream is prophetic, but the ability to independently predict the future in such a state is the flip side of traveling through the Subtle World during sleep.

All existing accidents and coincidences in your life happen for a reason. All of them are the result of your desire to establish a connection with your subtle body and open and expand information channels.

The clairvoyance of great people

Many famous scientists and people of art used the gift of clairvoyance and made their loudest discoveries. They did not hesitate to admit that the impetus for the emergence of a new idea was some kind of internal clues arising from nowhere. And all because psychic abilities allow you to look at the world wider and see the truth that is hidden for someone who does not want to know it.

This gift can manifest itself only in a special state of mind, when there is an opportunity to open information channels and thus receive special knowledge.

For example, the famous scientist Rene Descartes was able to make most their discoveries under the influence of such a state. What, by the way, he was not afraid to admit. The main clues he received from his dreams, and they made him famous.

Another physicist, Niels Bohr, also told an interesting story. Human, long time searching for an understanding of the structure of the atom, he was finally able to see it in his dreams. The scientist described a vision in which he was on the Sun, around which the planets circled, and the subtlest connections were observed between them. So Bohr was able to understand and represent the structure of the atom, which became one of greatest discoveries that time.

The gift of clairvoyance can manifest itself suddenly, under the influence of stress or a dangerous situation. Developing these abilities can change your life and improve the lives of those close to you. You just need to develop your abilities using special exercises... Think: if great people did it spontaneously, then is it possible that a person who has set a goal cannot achieve it?

Of course, your main obstacle will be the upbringing system and the patterns and rules imposed by society. But clairvoyance involves going beyond, and for this you need to prepare. The more you believe in yourself and your strength, the easier the learning process will go.

But remember, you must be prepared for the consequences. After all, the possession of any gift is a responsibility that must be realized and cannot be neglected. If you set out to discover the ability in yourself, then be prepared for this. Otherwise, there may be consequences that adversely affect your health.

Remember that you need to move along this path gradually, step by step. A sharp leap - and you are no longer in control of the situation. Don't trust those who promise you fast development clairvoyance. People who actually practice this type of cultivation know that it is not important quick result and confidence in every new step. First, start exploring methods for developing the gift on your own. And only after reaching a level where you cannot move on, you can resort to the help of a mentor.

The faculties of clairvoyance are available to many saints, hermits living in solitude, Indian yogis, Buddhist monks and others special people... What unites them? Striving to become better, to achieve more high level spiritual development and the ability to think outside the box. They all try to cleanse themselves of filth and learn to be in harmony with the world around them. And in this they are helped by special exercises:

Regular meditation

It allows you to calm the mind of a person, clear thoughts from the "husk" and learn to concentrate on your inner vision. This is one of the most effective methods on the development of clairvoyance, since it involves working with a variety of images that should appear on the "inner screen".

Aura vision

To do this, you need to peer at an object for about 15 minutes, carefully studying its contours. Most best effect will be in case it is done at dusk. Over time, you will be able to see a small haze that will envelop the selected item. This will be the aura. Then you can move on to the study of parts human body, which will allow you to learn to distinguish between the layers (colors) of the aura. When working with a person, training will go where faster.

Working with the "inner screen"

You can observe images, landscapes and pictures if you learn to peer into the inside of the eyelids. To do this, it is necessary to systematically, with closed eyes, try to make out the images that arise there. At first, these may be dots, lines, but over time, clearer pictures will appear. The more often you can do the inner screen study exercises, the faster you can develop clairvoyance.

Working with a crystal ball

You are probably familiar with the traditional image of fortune tellers and magicians who are able to read the past, present and future from a crystal ball. And this is not only fairy tales, but also a real opportunity to develop your gift. Any transparent surface can act as such a "ball". For example, a glass of water. It will serve as a lens in the so-called "astral tube". With its help, you will be able to see the Subtle World, its inhabitants and everything that happens in it. It is enough to train regularly. First, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, and then imagine how an information channel opens inside you. Look into the water column. Over time, you will be able to see events and people in it, piercing space and time.

Do the exercises described on a regular basis to get the desired effect. But in addition to practical skills, there is a list necessary conditions that will make it easier for you to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

In order for your exercises, which you intend to perform to develop your abilities, to be more effective, several requirements must be met:

Understand goals and motive

Before you open a gift in yourself, you need to know exactly for what purpose you are doing it. Higher power ask you about this and it is better that your answers are accurately formulated. Remember that both the Light forces and the Dark ones can bestow you. In the second case, you can receive your gift very quickly, but then you may be required to pay for it (your health or your loved ones, and even their lives). Think about this before asking them.

Required amount of energy

To work in this direction, you must be prepared for high energy expenditures. Therefore, you need, firstly, to think over the source of its replenishment (running, meditation), and secondly, to limit its inappropriate expenditure (stress, emotional breakdowns).

Healthy lifestyle

To open the channel, you need to clear yourself of bad habits(alcohol, smoking) and start eating right. Indeed, in healthy body a healthy (strong) spirit also dwells!

Closing karmic debt

If in past life you have done many things to the detriment of people, then until you atone for your debt, you are prohibited from discovering these abilities.

Man has always tried to look into the unknown. He was interested in the past, present and future. At all times there were people who possessed the gift of seeing what is hidden from the eyes and consciousness of an ordinary person. In some centuries, such persons were even persecuted, and even now they are treated ambiguously, some with respect, and some with fear.

Clairvoyance is a gift. It allows you to predict the moments of the future, as a result of which a person makes fewer mistakes. He has a chance to prepare and even get out of trouble. It is rare for someone to have a highly developed clairvoyance from birth. Such people are unique. But in any case, the gift must be developed, otherwise the Universe will take it away as unnecessary.

An ordinary person can also improve the ability to clairvoyance, but this requires a lot of work. It takes an investment of effort and incredible patience.

Why develop clairvoyance

Someone will ask: why should I? If you ask this question, then most likely you do not need this ability. However, clairvoyance provides significant advantages over other people:

  • Life, its perception becomes much brighter. You begin to see things that you didn’t notice before.
  • The ability to predict future moments, and sometimes major events. It's not just knowledge. They help you avoid mistakes.
  • An opportunity to help many people. And myself as well.
  • An opportunity to comprehend the secrets of the Universe. Of course, much will still remain hidden from you. But if you approach the development of your Gift correctly, you will learn many interesting things.
  • Understanding the meaning of life. Clairvoyance changes the worldview and perception of the world. You will never be the same. A new meaning will open to you. Although it also happens that at first a person loses it. But this is normal, because your inner world is undergoing transformation.
  • You get access to almost any information hidden in the Universe. You read a person like an open book. His actions, desires, motives, the future are revealed to you.

The ability to clairvoyance makes it possible and learn astral travel... You will be able to visit the far corners of the Earth and even beyond. Particularly successful clairvoyants communicate with spirits, ghosts, angels, and other creatures. They help, give information.

Taking the first steps towards the development of the Gift

Clairvoyance works at the subconscious level. Therefore, the first task is to awaken this part of the personality. The subconscious is fraught with many dangers, because secret desires, forgotten events, fears are hidden in it. You must be ready to get to know yourself, your personality as it is. This is indispensable.

The subconscious is also what controls our consciousness. Have you ever noticed how you sometimes do or say things that you didn't even plan? Or, suddenly, a knowledge that you did not suspect was suddenly surfaced. Or was your intuition working to warn you of danger? At this time, the subconscious was bursting out. With this level of personality, one must learn to speak.

For the development of clairvoyance, it is necessary to master meditation. It is important to distinguish this state from normal rest. Meditation is deep self-absorption. At first, for concentration, you can use special music, ringing bells, singing bowls, or something that helps you enter an altered state of consciousness.

How to do meditation

It is necessary to find a quiet, peaceful place where no one interferes. The most comfortable position is half lotos. In this position, the body is supported by several points of support, and the spinal column and energy channels directed upwards. You can also do meditation while lying down. This should be done on the floor, after laying a warm rug. However, lying down is at risk of falling asleep.

Having found a suitable position, we move on to a state of tranquility. You need to focus on breathing: inhaling, exhaling and pauses. Feel how the air flows through your lungs, how the energy rises. You will have to learn to drop and stop thoughts. The first time will be difficult - thoughts with an intensified stream will arise in your brain. Pay no attention to them, look into emptiness.

After a while, you should feel relaxed and detached from reality. This is the time to say hello to your subconscious. You are now ready to ask him a question. Don't ask too much at once, wait for an answer. You may not like it, but you must be willing to accept it.

After meditation, do not rush to get up. It is necessary to leave the state slowly, increasing the respiratory rate. It is advisable to get up, first turning on the right side, so that dizziness does not occur.

Developing clairvoyance with cards and objects

You may be familiar with this game: guess what color the card is. This is one of the most simple ways start developing clairvoyance. At first, use a regular game deck. Place it in front of you. Enter a state of relaxation. Take one card at a time and try to find out what color it is. Do not be upset if at first it does not work out. The average person guesses half of the cards. But you can improve this result through training. In this exercise, the ability to achieve a state of relaxation is important, this is how the connection with the subconscious is stronger, which prompts the correct answer.

When will you master regular cards, go to the Tarot system. This is much more complicated. Guess not the names of the arcana, but their meanings. Each card has its own energy, and it does not disappear anywhere, even if it is turned face down.

Looking for items

This exercise requires an assistant and a dark screen. You leave the room or turn away, and your partner hides an object behind a screen. The question arises: how to see what is hidden behind the partition? Look. But not through the screen, but behind it, that is, imagine that there is no partition. You will be surprised, but the percentage of guessing will be quite high. Exercise should be done regularly.

There are variations of it that you will do on your own: try to see what kind of closed doors... Passing apartments or offices, try to find out who is there and what these people are doing now.

Opening the "third eye"

If you want to have clairvoyance, then you cannot do without an open "third eye". Exercise requires caution, you must decide if you are ready for it. Ideally, the opening of the third eye should be guided by a mentor who will simultaneously monitor your condition.

Sit in a comfortable position. Concentrate. You should be completely calm, you should not be distracted by any trifles. Feel the relaxation. You should now feel the cosmic energy flowing from above through the crown of your head and down to your heels. You may experience different sensations - pleasure, warmth, trembling, and even fear. It depends on the state of your body and readiness. The flow of energy takes away all the negativity from you, cleans it. Only after complete cleansing you can move on to opening the third eye. It is in the area pineal gland just above your eye level. Feel like cosmic energy passing from above, rushes to the area of ​​the "third eye".

Important: you must be sure that you need it and are ready to see the most unexpected things. Such exercises are not recommended for people with an unstable psyche.

Prediction tools

Each clairvoyant acquires his own tools to help contemplate. It can be a mirror, a magic ball, stones, or even the most unusual objects. Before you start working with them, you must learn to feel their energy, to enter into interaction with them. Each magic item is pre-cleaned. This makes it possible to get rid of unnecessary energy. This is especially important if the items were purchased at a store.

They clean mirrors, balls, rosary with fire, water, salt, moonlight... Choose the method that works best for you.

Working with a ball

The ball will hardly tell you anything the first time. You will have to learn to understand it and see images. Place the ball in front of you. Ideally, it should be made of natural material such as quartz or obsidian. But if there is none, ordinary glass will do. Place the ball in front of you. Turn off the light. Place a burning candle behind it. Enter a state of meditation. Defocus your vision and look at the ball. When you enter a trance state, ask the correct question.

Working with a mirror

For predictions, you can make a black mirror. To do this, you need the object itself, graphite and oil, olive oil will do. We mix oil with graphite, boil. We heat the mirror a little and apply the mixture on it in an even layer. Let it dry for two days. You now have a black mirror that you can use in place of the ball.

Working with water

Images can also be seen in water, it acts like a mirror. Take a glass with clean water, it is better if it is spring and fresh. Put it on white tablecloth... Now you need to relax and look at the water, trying to catch the images.

Conditions for the development of abilities and precautions

Once you look beyond the unknown, there is no turning back, so you have to decide if you really need it. There are many obstacles on your way. It is likely that some people will turn their backs on you, but life makes up for this with new acquaintances. With the development of the Gift, reality will begin to change. Not all events will be positive. And you have to be ready for this.

Basic requirements and conditions for the development of clairvoyance:

  1. Understand why you need it. There is no development without a goal. Do you know what you want to develop the gift for? Understanding will be needed not only for you, but also for the Higher powers that will help you. You can turn to light forces or dark ones, so you have to decide which side is closer to you. Remember that for the rapid development of abilities, you may be required to be paid.
  2. Energy. Do you have enough of it to develop the gift? Clairvoyance requires a lot of strength. In addition, you will have to learn how to manage energy, keep it under control. Are you ready to handle this? In addition, you need to find ways to replenish energy: meditation, sports, or other options that are convenient for you.
  3. Health. If done incorrectly, the use of clairvoyance can take a lot of effort. You will have to take care of your health, give up bad habits. By the way, alcohol interferes with learning, most magicians avoid drinking it.
  4. Karmic debt. How many negative things have you done? How many positive ones? Have you closed your karmic debt? If not, then the Higher powers may not allow you to develop your abilities to the fullest. First of all, you need to take care of your soul.

Remember that your actions are always followed by a reaction. If you commit acts to the detriment of other people, then the Universe can not only close access to clairvoyance, but also punish for it. The boomerang principle works. Therefore, before doing anything, you should think about the consequences.

If you have discovered the possibility of some events, then you do not always need to run and tell people about it. It is quite possible that a person is fulfilling his karmic debt, and by your intervention you will not let him do this, which will affect his later life.

The gift of clairvoyance is a great responsibility. Having picked up superficial knowledge, do not rush to apply it and play the magician. Everything should be thought out, weighed and safe for yourself and the people around you.

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