Home Roses Translate the page with the image into Russian. The easiest way to translate text using your phone camera

Translate the page with the image into Russian. The easiest way to translate text using your phone camera

Yandex has developed a service that is capable of recognizing text and translating it from photo images and pictures. So far, only this opportunity exists for 12 languages, but the developers promise more supported languages ​​in the future. And thanks to Yandex translator, you can translate from an image into 46 languages. Today the service recognizes Russian, English, Portuguese, Czech, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Turkish, German, French, Spanish languages in the pictures. As the developers say, this translation method will be appropriate when a user wants to translate a note in a magazine with his favorite actor or showman.

The service's algorithm is capable of detecting text from an image even if it is of poor quality, as well as if the image is stretched or scanned, or photographed at an angle. Yandex developed this algorithm independently from scratch. The application translates words, sentences and can even translate a whole paragraph.

How to use Yandex photo translator

Now that the text is recognized by the Yandex.Translator service, you need to click on the "Open in translator" link. Before you will open new page with a window divided into two parts, where the first will be the language that was presented in the picture. And in the second part of it there will be a translation into the language that you indicated, into which the translation should have been completed.

Yandex.Translator window with source text and translation

What if the quality of the translation is not acceptable?

If you received a translated text, where the quality is not acceptable, you cannot parse the text, you need to check it in another way or. For this, the developers of this application provide additional settings to change the translation process. For users there is a special option " New technology translation ". If it is not activated, fix it.

New translation technology

The next translation will be accomplished in two ways, using improved technology that uses a neural network for translation and using a static model. Then you can independently choose the best way or let the program do it.

After that, copy the translated text to your computer and analyze it, possibly correct mistakes in some places and bring the sentences into proper form. After all, the translation was carried out in a machine way, so the text will most likely need to be edited manually.

How does Yandex.Translate recognize text in images?

This search is based on the technology of optical character recognition. Yandex.Translator recognizes text using two technologies: image recognition and a text detection module. The neural network independently learns to identify text using millions of scanned texts in images. This self-study allows you to achieve High Quality translated texts. With each new job the algorithm performs more and more high-quality work, because it identifies and remembers only lines of text that are 100% sure of.

Further, the work of the recognition module is to separate the lines and determine the formed symbols from them. Each symbol is defined carefully, the algorithm determines them based on what has already been learned. For example, in Russian there is a large letter "O", a small "o" and a number "0" zero. They are very similar to each other. Therefore, the language model then takes the baton, it makes the final decision which symbol to use in which situations. Such a model relies on language dictionaries, it remembers not only the correspondence of symbols with them (dictionaries), but also takes into account the context of application, that is, the proximity of symbols in certain uses.

Thus, if a word familiar to the algorithm is formed from the selected probable symbols, then it is able to decide that the word is composed correctly and again from this word it takes into account the available symbols. This is how we get the result in Yandex.Translate when translating from a picture online.

We are talking about translators who recognize text from a photograph and thereby save the user's time by excluding manual text input from the algorithm. Such a program will come in handy when working with texts on foreign language, students who need to complete the assignment, as well as tourists who find themselves in another country without special knowledge language.

Such services have appeared relatively recently and are only gaining in popularity. There are no hard and fast rules for dealing with these kinds of applications. The main thing is that the text that needs translation is readable. Many programs recognize a photo or picture even with fuzzy image... All the user needs to do is load the necessary material into the program, wait for the scan and get the finished translated text.

The translation is made with the possibility of copying, which means that the client of the program does not have to manually retype the resulting material. Parts of the text that may have been translated incorrectly can be copied a separate fragment and re-translate in online or offline services.

Popular Apps

Today, many developers offer to use the services of their projects for the transaction of text from a photo or picture. Most popular projects:

Online services

Some programs have versions adapted to work online. In this case, you do not need to download applications:

  1. ABBY FineReader Online - the service works with many image formats and allows the user to upload the necessary material directly to the resource. Then on your own defines the language of the original document and performs translation, including from English into Russian. The resulting result can be saved not only in text format, but also in PDF. You can use it on the official website of the company https://finereaderonline.com/ru-ru.
  2. New OCR is an online resource that is intuitive and very easy to use. All that is required to get started is to go to the official website of the developer http://www.newocr.com/ and in the opened window download the required file... Below will be offered a menu in which the user must select the language of the original document and the language in which the transaction will be carried out. The application works with all possible image formats.

For better work with translation services, you should remember a few things:

  • Downloadable image should be clear.
  • The service performs exclusively automatic machine translation so some complex sentences can be misinterpreted. In this case, it is advisable to translate the phrases that form the sentence separately.
  • Best to use following formats to load the original image JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP.

If you are in another country, but do not know the language, this is no longer a problem. For example, if you went to Germany - you just install the translator app with German language into Russian from a photo and use it. It is enough to point your phone camera at the inscription and take a picture of it. Let's take a look at popular and functional photo translators for Android. These programs work with many languages, including the frequent French and English.

Google translator

genre Instruments
Rating 4,4
Installations 500 000 000–1 000 000 000
Developer Google Inc.
Russian language there is
Evaluations 5 075 432
Version Depends on the device
Apk size

Google translate from a photo, you can download it for free on our website or a well-known service Google play... The application perfectly recognizes text in photos and can also work as a regular online translator. The utility can also work offline after additional installation language packs. Google Translator is capable of supporting handwriting input, translating SMS and recognizing speech. In addition to words and phrases in English, French and German, the application translates exotic languages ​​such as Greek, Hindi and Indonesian. When translating exotic languages, it is worth considering that the service will work a little longer than usual. GoogleTranslator will give you not only the translated text, but also the transcription of each word. You can find a direct download link for the utility on our web portal. Considering the excellent quality from the same company, this translator is definitely worth a try.

Camera Translator (formerly Word Lens Translator)

genre Instruments
Rating 3,1
Installations 5 000 000–10 000 000
Developer AugmReal
Russian language there is
Evaluations 28 657
Version 1.8
Apk size

Camera translator using augmented reality. Word Lens Translator is a real find for tourists who own Android devices. With its help, you can easily navigate in another country, recognize inscriptions in an unknown language and overcome the language barrier when communicating with foreigners. It is enough to photograph the inscription on road sign or an advertising sign and the utility will instantly recognize the text and translate it into the desired language. The extensive language base allows Word Lens Translator to be used as a regular text translator without online traffic. For the program to work properly, the text must be clear and the camera must be good. Word Lens Translator does not support recognizing handwritten characters, hieroglyphs, or complex fonts. Translation of text from a photo is possible only between basic languages. To work with the utility, you need a device with Android 4.0 and later OS installed.

Yandex. Interpreter

genre Books and reference books
Rating 4,4
Installations 5 000 000–10 000 000
Developer Yandex.
Russian language there is
Evaluations 90 239
Version Depends on the device
Apk size

Yandex is known for its Internet search engine and. Now a translator has been added to this. The most functional and well-known Russian analogue of Google Translate is available to every Android user. The main advantage of the program is the ability to work both online and offline. To translate text from a photo without the Internet, you need to download additional dictionaries required languages... from photographs it is capable of high-quality recognition of 11 languages ​​- Russian, English, German, French, Polish, etc. More than 90 are available for text translation. different languages, and each dictionary has options for using words. Yandex. Translator ”can work both with single words and with phrases and even whole paragraphs. Take a photo of the inscription directly in the application or upload a picture from the gallery. Download without payment and registration "Yandex. Translator "you can follow the direct link on our website.

Photo translators for Android are applications that will be useful not only for tourists, but for everyone curious people who plan to expand their vocabulary and better. If the program does not install automatically, try downloading the apk file and installing it via.

Pocket text translators are already a familiar part of our life. How about taking a picture of the text, recognizing it, and even translating it? About what abilities are endowed with modern photo translators, our article today.

Google translate

One of the most popular apps on Google Play. Google translator can do more than just recognize text on a photo(which does quite well), but also allows the user to work with a regular translator. The application can be used without an internet connection by downloading additional language packs. In addition, there is the function of SMS translation, handwriting (you can lf; t draw hieroglyphs) and speech recognition. V photo translator the ability to perceive not only base languages but also such as Greek, Hungarian and Indonesian. Competent translation latest languages takes much more time, so it is better to use it if the message contains frequently used information found in places of pilgrimage for tourists and in everyday life. In addition to the translation itself, the program also displays the perceived text and its transcription to the user. Of the still unfinished moments, we can note a slight shift of some words of the text when scanning by about a line. It also seemed strange that if you lock the screen after the displayed transfer, and then return the phone to a working state, then the result of the transfer will be lost and you will have to go through the process again.

Lingvo dictionaries

The mobile translator from ABBYY today interacts not only with the text of the most popular 30 languages, but also has the ability photo-translation... In addition, the program has exercises for memorizing words, professional voice acting from native speakers and the function of adding your word to the dictionary. Photo translator when translating photos, it works almost perfectly - in good lighting and not sideways shooting of the text. Otherwise, it does not try to recognize even parts of the image, it displays a message about the impossibility of doing this. V latest version a number of shortcomings have also been corrected. The application no longer crashes when a large number additionally downloaded dictionaries (there are in-app purchases of more exotic languages). Lingvo Dictionaries is also optimized to work comfortably with a common list of words combined with a vocabulary card.

ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator

An ABBYY translator specializing in the recognition of text from photographs. Distinctive feature is that translation can be done from 60 built-in languages ​​without downloading additional packages... OCR takes place without using the Internet, but a connection is required to translate it. The ability to edit the revised text and save it on the phone is supported, in addition they are saved in the internal history of the application, where you can also carry out basic operations with them. Due to the large number of built-in languages, it is difficult for the application to recognize the language itself during the scanning process, it takes quite a long time. It is recommended to pre-select the appropriate recognition language for the original text for more fast work applications. The minor drawbacks of the program include the fact that the built-in function of loading images from the gallery only supports standard image formats. ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator also does not format text when outputting a scanned image. That is, the text goes in a continuous stream, ignoring paragraphs and large gaps, making a separation only between words.

The program is also capable of handling photo and translate it in any of the languages ​​available when downloading. The functionality of the application is limited only photo-translation, recognition is performed by the program itself, but for the translation of the text itself, the Internet and the Google translator are used, that is, the application itself does not have a base for translation and it will not work to use it Offline.


Theme photo-translators did not bypass the owners Windows Phone... The program does not have a pretentious intricate name, but has all the basic functions of modern photo-translators... The app developed by Bing, among other things, helps with memorization foreign words the function of setting the “word of the day” on the main screen of the phone. Quite an unusual detail is that the application can write translated text directly over the captured photo. This feature is not always useful with a lot of words and small print, but you can turn it off.

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