Home Berries What to do if the traffic has sat down. What to do if the traffic on Megafon runs out - the whole truth about additional Internet packages

What to do if the traffic has sat down. What to do if the traffic on Megafon runs out - the whole truth about additional Internet packages

Real unlimited cellular operators absent. Subscribers have to save traffic or use the Internet via home Wi-Fi. Another thing is that home Internet Not everyone has - love is forced to make do with limited mobile channels. If the traffic runs out, the most interesting and costly begins - the purchase of additional packages.

In this review, we'll look at:

  • How to save internet traffic;
  • How to find the optimal tariff plan;
  • How to purchase additional packages.

Savings on traffic

Traditional surfing does not lead to a wild waste of internet traffic. The same applies to social networks - consumption is minimal, text content is very light, pictures are lightweight. The consumption is affected only by watching videos and GIF-animations, as well as downloading files and listening to music. Torrents are considered the most voracious, they are best used through your home Internet, where there are no limits.

Is your phone running out of traffic quickly? You need to learn how to save it. Quit the habit of watching feeds 50 times a day social networks- it is full of junk content that leads to mental degradation. Unsubscribe from public pages with useless information, dubious animations and other nasty things. Leave only what is needed - don't mock your brain. Spend an hour or two a day on watching tapes, you don't need more.

Turn off automatic update programs if you are an active user mobile internet... Practice shows that there is no special sense from these updates - the main functionality of the software rarely changes. It is enough to update once a month - not more often. This will help save traffic. And if some program cannot do without updates, you will receive a corresponding notification.

Other ways to save traffic:

  • Listening to music offline - download your favorite music to your phone and stop tormenting online players;
  • Install a browser equipped with the function of compressing Internet traffic on your smartphone - for example, Google Chrome;
  • Install a program that calculates the amount of received / sent data - it will help control the consumption.

Divide the traffic allocated for a month by the number of days, get a portion of traffic for a day and try not to go beyond the created limit (you can also use programs that automatically turn off access to the network when the set thresholds are reached).

Eliminate traffic leaks

The following tips are relevant for computer owners. Using unlimited home Internet, users do not see small leaks - especially if the home channel boasts a speed of tens of megabits. But when it comes to mobile access, then here you have to check your computer for traffic leaks. Here are our recommendations:

  • Install a normal antivirus (e.g. Kaspersky Free) - scan operating system for viruses. Many of them actively exchange information with external nodes what is causing the leak;
  • Supplement your antivirus with Malwarebytes to ensure additional protection from viral infections;
  • Install the plugin in the browser Adblock plus- it will prevent the loading of ad modules, which will help save traffic and make the perception of content on the pages more pleasant;
  • Install an application to control the consumed Internet traffic - it will help to cut off the activity of unwanted network software.

And a few more tips - do not visit dubious resources, do not download dubious programs, do not bite on advertisements claiming that your computer has been infected with viruses and offering to install something on it. All this will help save mobile traffic.

These tips are given by millions of experienced users, but inexperienced users don't give a damn about them - then they complain about hacked social media accounts, mobile subscriptions and stolen funds from bank cards.

Internet traffic leaks are also possible on smartphones with tablets. The recommendations here are simple - install programs only from official sources, do not visit questionable resources, do not pay attention to advertisements, follow what you are doing on the Internet.

We select the optimal tariff

The traffic has run out, the Internet is not working or is working very slowly - a situation familiar to many users. In fact, you need to choose the right tariff plan. For PC users, tariffs with Internet packages of at least 10-15 GB per month are recommended. If you work on the Internet, you may need more traffic - up to 30 GB and more. We recommend taking a closer look at tariff plans with night unlimited.

Here are some suggestions for the most profligate users:

  • "For a laptop" from MTS - an interesting and affordable unlimited at a speed of up to 4 Mbit / s for 800 rubles / month. Even torrents work, but at speeds up to 512 kbps;
  • "MTS Connect 4" from MTS with the "Internet-VIP" option - 30 GB and unlimited at night for 1200 rubles / month (no restrictions on torrents);
  • MegaFon Online from MegaFon with the Internet XL option - 30 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 1290 rubles;
  • "Internet for a computer" from Beeline - up to 30 GB for 1200 rubles / month;
  • "Internet for devices" with the option "50 GB" from Tele2 - 50 GB of Internet with night unlimited for 999 rubles / month.

Iota offers special tariffs for modems and routers with speeds from 64 kbps to the maximum with a subscription fee from 0 to 1400 rubles / 30 days.

On a smartphone (including iPhone), we recommend using package tariff plans that include minutes, SMS, traffic packages, as well as unlimited Internet packages for social networks, instant messengers, video hosting and other online services. By the way, it is the additional packages that will save money for those who do not part with social networks.

Extending traffic

The traffic on the phone has ended, the modem is silent, the tablet is inactive - the situation is not pleasant, especially since there is still a lot of time until the end of next month. Let's see how to increase the amount of traffic on a particular operator.

Extension of traffic from MTS

This operator offers subscribers a variety of so-called "Turbo buttons". Additional 100 MB will cost 30 rubles, 500 MB - 95 rubles, 1 GB - 175 rubles, 2 GB - 300 rubles, 5 GB - 450 rubles, 20 GB - 900 rubles. Unlimited for 3 hours costs 95 rubles, for 6 hours - 150 rubles. To order additional packages, visit the resource http://i.mts.ru/ or use the mobile application - you can get confused in USSD commands.

Extension of traffic from MegaFon

Here, subscribers can choose from additional options:

  • "Renew Internet 1 GB" - 1 GB of Internet traffic for 175 rubles;
  • "Renew Internet 5 Gb" - 5 Gb of Internet traffic for 400 rubles;
  • "Extend Internet XS" - 70 MB for 19 rubles (relevant for a smartphone or tablet).

The set is rather modest, but nothing can be done about it.

Extension of traffic on Beeline

The service "Auto-renewal of speed" is provided here. She will add 5 GB for 150 rubles in automatic mode if it has not been disabled previously. There is nothing else interesting and useful on Beeline.

Extension of traffic on Tele2

The options for the "Internet for Devices" tariff provide additional packages - up to five pieces, 1 GB each. The cost of one package is 100 rubles. After their exhaustion, Internet access is suspended completely. It turns out insanely expensive and completely uninteresting.

Extension of traffic on Yota

For tablet PCs and modems / routers, unlimited is offered here, so there is nothing special to renew. On tariff plans for phones, traffic is limited. Here you can order additional packages of 5 GB for 100 rubles each - their number is not limited in any way.

Perhaps you have noticed that now it is difficult to find a person who has never used the Internet, mobile or home.

But what if your tariff plan ran out of traffic at an unlimited speed, and you did not have time to download the game from the application store or view several necessary web pages?

For example, on Beeline, it is very easy to extend the speed and traffic, and the subscribers of this operator may not worry too much - and it is inexpensive, and it is very easy to connect and activate. On this moment the above operator has several options for extending traffic at once, which we will tell you about later.

Three ways to extend traffic on Beeline

The first way- an additional option "Auto-renewal of speed", which, as a rule, is already active even from the moment of connecting to one of the tariff plans for the Internet and will work automatically if the client exceeds the maximum allowable traffic volume. Thus, you will not have to monitor the consumption of the megabyte package - as soon as you use it up, the "Auto-renewal of speed" service is automatically activated and will do its job. Your tariff will add 200 additional megabytes for only 20 rubles.

Option activation is free of charge. Interesting feature is the fact that 200MB packages will be connected until your account runs out of money. If this happens, then the Internet speed will drop to 64 Kbps. You can connect "Auto-renewal of speed" using a special combination *115*23# or by calling the number 067-471-778 from his mobile device... Disconnection is performed in a similar way, only the combination is as follows *115*230# , and zero is added in the number - 067-471-77-80 .

Second option- "Extend the speed of 1GB" service. As the name suggests, the option offers to extend traffic on Beeline by 1 gigabyte for 100 rubles at once. Basically, this is the same above service, only multiplied by five and you get traffic right away. The service is provided for a period of 30 days from the date of activation. You can connect "Extend 1GB speed" via USSD request

For those who do not just use computer networks, but also pays for them, the concept of traffic is well known, on which the amount of payment often depends.

However, for the majority of users, the Internet has long become unlimited, and they do not need to track traffic. Still, you need to know what it is, and not only for computers, but also for mobile devices.

Word "Traffic" translated from of English language means transport, traffic... You can often come across the expression "traffic on a highway, street, road" - it means the intensity of the traffic flow. Respectively, computer traffic- This is the "movement" of packets with information over communication networks.

Distinguish between incoming and outgoing traffic - the amount of information that your computer receives and transmits in the course of information exchange. The traffic can be local, i.e. what happens inside your home or office network, and outside, when computers of global networks participate in the exchange.

In the early years of the existence of the Internet, its payment was charged according to the amount of received and transmitted information. In order to connect one user to the Internet, the Internet provider had to go to quite serious costs, which were paid off only from the subscription fees of the clients.

Therefore, the Internet was paid according to the same principle as water or electricity - by the meter. Then there were limited tariffs, which set "wholesale" prices for traffic, and exceeding the limit was paid at a significantly higher price. Such tariffs are still sometimes kept by some wireless Internet operators.

But paying for traffic is the user side. From the point of view, traffic is a resource that needs competent maintenance. The bandwidth capabilities of Internet networks and server equipment are not limitless.

In order for the provider not to have to constantly replace the laid cables, he must take into account the prospects for traffic growth, both by increasing the use of the Internet by already connected clients and by the emergence of new connections.

In the same way, the work of Internet sites and portals is organized, which are designed for a certain level of traffic, i.e. traffic. If it is exceeded, the site crashes.

Until now, some ISPs provide limited traffic services. Most often this applies to mobile Internet provided over cellular networks.

Sometimes it happens that the monthly volume of traffic ends, and there are still a few days left until the end of the month. Today, nobody wants to be left without the Internet for at least one day - this is inconvenient, and for many it also narrows their professional opportunities.

If you run out of traffic, you need to immediately contact your operator (provider) and discuss the conditions for providing traffic in excess of the prepaid limit. As a rule, this service is significantly more expensive, but sometimes there is simply no other way out.

Different providers can provide traffic packages for a day, a week, or simply count the number of megabytes or gigabytes that you use until the end of the month and pay their payment to the next invoice for Internet services.

Mobile is the Internet traffic generated by wireless networks mobile (cellular) communication. Since it depends on the bandwidth of expensive cellular equipment, the possibilities of the mobile Internet are usually limited compared to cable.

Mobile traffic is used by tablets, laptops, communicators and other computer devices that are convenient to carry with you.

Operators providing unlimited mobile Internet, in fact, also limit its use, however, traffic is reduced in this case by reducing the speed of data packet exchange. If you downloaded several films or games in one day, you may notice that your mobile Internet speed drops.

Usually, mobile companies monitor users' daily traffic and regulate it in such an imperceptible way.

Google monitors the traffic of each user, and in the event that his computer displays uncharacteristic activity, issues a message about "suspicious traffic".

This means that either sending requests or direct uploading is going from your computer. large volumes information. Both can be the result of the work of computer fraudsters or. Often "suspicious traffic" is your search activity, when you send a lot of search queries... Then you simply answer Google's suggested security question and move on.

If you are not searching, but saw a message about suspicious traffic, it is advisable to disconnect the device from the Internet and check it with a special antivirus program.

Many Beeline subscribers had such an unpleasant situation when they needed fast Internet access, but the connection speed suddenly dropped, this can only mean one thing - the available high-speed traffic was used up. This often happens when a subscriber forgets to control the rest of the Internet. Fortunately, you can quickly and easily fix it - extend traffic to Beeline, spending just a few minutes on it. This can be done with mobile phone, and from a USB tethering anywhere.

What if the traffic runs out? The first thing to find out the rest of the traffic on the number - you can do this by typing the command * 102 # call, or using any other method described in the article:. And after that you can use one of the additional services Beeline to increase the speed of the Internet.

Beeline service "Extend the speed"

The Beeline operator took care of its subscribers who need fast internet without restrictions, and created several options for extending traffic at once, which differ in price and volume of the Internet provided. Choose according to your needs one of the following options to buy traffic:

  • Extend the speed of 1 GB... Dial the short command * 115 * 121 # call or number 0674093221 from your mobile to get an additional 1 GB. The cost of connecting the option will be 250 rubles.
  • Extend the speed of 4 GB... You can connect megabytes using this option using the command * 115 * 22 # call or by dialing the number 0674093222. 500 rubles will be debited from your account, and all restrictions will be removed.

Prices for options and numbers for their connection are valid only for Moscow, you can find out prices and numbers for connection in other cities and regions on the page:.

By extending Beeline traffic, you can use the Internet for maximum speed, which will depend only on which network coverage area you are in. It ranges from 236 Kbps for 2G networks to 73 Mbps for 4G connections. The maximum for 3G hovers around 14.4 Mbps.

If you are connected, please note that the extension of Beeline traffic, connected within the framework of the above options, is valid exactly until the next connection of the main traffic package on your tariff and within the Highway service. The activated package applies only to roaming in Russia, abroad it does not work.

Service "Auto-renewal of speed"

You can save yourself the hassle of self-renewing Beeline traffic by connecting. It will automatically activate packages of 70 MB for 20 rubles * after you have used up the main or additional volume of the Internet.

* Traffic volume and cost are indicated for Beeline subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region

You can activate the option by command * 115 * 23 # call or by calling the number 067471778. If you need to disable additional megabytes that are provided by the "Auto-renewal of speed" service, dial the command * 115 * 230 # call or number 0674717780.

Summer is in full swing, and many are spending it outside the home. And what kind of rest without? Sheer disappointment, not relaxation. Imagine: you, being far from the city, chat with friends on VK or post pictures on Instagram, and then a message comes to your phone: “Access to the network is closed. The prepaid package has been used up. " And next to it, as luck would have it, there is neither a salon nor a terminal.

Say no to summer without internet. Find out how to extend the Internet traffic of Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 in excess of what your tariff plan includes. Prices and parameters of services are given for Moscow and the Moscow region as of July 2018.

Beeline: everything for the good of man

The Beeline operator treats its subscribers quite humanely: after the paid traffic has ended, it leaves the user the opportunity to extend it without resorting to other methods of connecting to the global network. Beeline does not turn off the Internet completely, but only slows it down to 64 Kbit / s. This is enough to enter mobile app or an account on the provider's web resource, top up the balance and connect an additional service package.

Your choice is the following options:

Extend the speed of 1 and 4 GB

Plastic bag " Extend speed"- this is 1 or 4 additional gigabytes of the Internet before the next billing period (that is, before the date from which the new month of using the services starts).

The cost of 1 GB of additional web traffic is 250 rubles, 4 Gb - 500 rubles for the entire period of use. The maximum duration of the package is 30 days.

The option is available on all tariffs, except following:

  • "Welcome"
  • "All 1" - "All 5".
  • "Internet for the computer".
  • "Internet for the tablet."
  • "0 doubts".

To activate the "Extend the speed of 1 Gb" package, dial the USSD command on your phone *115*121# and tap the call button or call the number 0674093221 .

To get an increase of 4 Gb, type the command *115*122# or number 0674093222 .

In addition, you can manage these options through the subscriber's account on the Beeline website.

Auto-renewal of speed 100 Mb and 5 Gb

Users who have connected the package " Auto-renewal of speed»Receive additional web traffic as soon as the main one (included in the tariff plan) ends.

The cost of activating the service for 100 Mb is 50 rubles, for 5 Gb - 150 rubles. Payment for megabytes is charged separately - according to the terms of your agreement with the provider.

Packages are available to users of the following tariffs:

  • "All 1" - "All 2" (100 Mb), "All 3" - "All 5" (5 Gb).
  • "All in one 1" and "All in one 2" (100 Mb), "All in one 3" - "All in one 5" (5 Gb).
  • "Vseshechka" (100 Mb).
  • "Welcome" (100 Mb).
  • "0 doubts" (100 Mb).
  • "Internet for a computer" (5 Gb).
  • "Internet for a tablet" (5 Gb).

To activate "Auto-renewal of speed" dial *115*23# or make a call to the number 067471778 ... To disconnect, dial *115*230# or call 0674717780 .

Beeline provides the service of extending web traffic only in the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of certain regions where the megabyte payment system operates. More full information about this is given in the sections describing packages on the official website.

MTS: creative approach

The MTS operator approached the question more creatively than anyone else - developed eye-pleasing turbo buttons. extends web traffic by the right amount megabyte or hours.

The service is available to users of smartphones, tablets and USB-modems on all prepaid tariff plans. Any number of buttons can be connected at the same time. At the same time, the traffic of the button with a short validity period is consumed first, followed by a long one, and last of all - the rest of the package of the main tariff plan (if any). If buttons with the same validity period are connected, their traffic is summed up.

Package volume, validity period and cost of turbo buttons to extend web traffic in MTS

Volume Validity Price Connect command
100 Mb Up to 24 hours 30 rubles *111*05*1#
500 Mb Up to 24 hours 95 rubles *167#
1 Gb Up to 30 days 175 rubles *467#
2 Gb Up to 30 days 300 rubles *168#
5 Gb Up to 30 days 450 rubles *169#
20 Gb Up to 30 days 900 rubles *469#
Unlimited 3 hours 95 rubles *637#
Unlimited 6 o'clock 150 rubles *638#

The period of action of the turbo button 100 Mb - 20 Gb starts counting from the moment of payment. If you do not manage to use up the quota within the allotted time, its remainder will "burn out".

When connected unlimited package for 3 and 6 hours the volume of traffic is not limited. The countdown also starts from the moment of payment.

The service is available throughout the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka region. When traveling abroad, the turbo buttons are suspended until you return home.

If you connect the MTS turbo button when the device no longer has the Internet (has run out), you will be charged the cost of one more megabyte at the rates of your basic tariff.

Megaphone: no worse than others

The option to extend traffic from Megafon, in my opinion, is also very attractive and convenient. In any case, its conditions are not worse than those of competitors. Or maybe even better, thanks to:

  • Convenient price: 70 Mb of high-speed access to the World Wide Web costs only 19 rubles. They are at your disposal until the end of the day.
  • Besides that additional traffic begins to be used after the base rate quota is used up, and not immediately after purchase. After all, why waste the good for which you paid before?
  • Opportunities to change the tariff plan without fear of losing the paid package of additional traffic. But with the condition that new tariff also supports this option.

There are 3 packages of different sizes to choose from: 70 Mb, 1 Gb and 5 Gb.

During the billing period, additional web traffic can be activated an unlimited number of times. The service operates within the same territorial boundaries as the user's basic tariff. In international roaming and in some regions (Crimea, Chukotka and in a number of others), where per-megabyte payment is used, it is not available.

Extend Internet XS

  • Volume - 70 Mb.
  • Price - 19 rubles.
  • Validity - until the end of the day.
  • What tariffs are valid for: "Internet XS" for a smartphone (a plan where 70 Mb of traffic is provided every day of the billing period). It is also available on some tariffs for tablets and USB-modems, but which ones, the official site does not specify.
  • Connection methods: command *372# , SMS to number 050009061 or through your personal account.

Extend Internet 1 GB

  • Package size - 1 Gb.
  • Connection price - 210 rubles.
  • Validity period - until the end of the billing period of the main tariff plan (maximum 1 month).
  • For which devices: smartphones, tablets, USB modems and routers.
  • What tariffs are valid: "Internet S", "M", "L" and "XL", as well as some others (which ones, check in your personal account).
  • Connection methods: command *370*1*1# or through your personal account.

Extend Internet 5 GB

  • Package size - 5 Gb.
  • Connection price - 450 rubles.
  • Validity period - until the end of the billing period of the main tariff plan.
  • For what devices: tablets, USB modems and routers.
  • What tariffs are valid: "Internet S", "M", "L" and "XL" and some others (check in your personal account).
  • Connection methods: command *370*2*1# , through an account on the operator's website or Megafon communication salon.

Tele2: versatile and inexpensive

Service management:

  • 3 Gb: connection - command *155*181# , shutdown - *155*180# , check the status - *155*18#
  • 5 Gb: connection –*155*231#, shutdown - *155*230# , check the status - *155*23#

Both options are available to users of tariff plans that include a web traffic package. You can find out if the selected option is supported on your tariff in the subscriber's account on the Tele2 website.

Add traffic 500 Mb and 100 Mb

The price of additional 500 Mb is 50 rubles, 100 Mb is a record minimum - 15 rubles. The packages are valid up to 24 hours.

The options are available to users of the "Day on the Network" and "Internet from Phone" services.

Package management:

  • 500 Mb: connection - *155*171# , shutdown - *155*170# , check the status - *155*17#
  • 100 Mb: connection –*155*281#, shutdown - *155*280# , checking the status - *155*28#

Another 500 Mb

Activating the "Another 500 Mb" service will save you the need to manually buy additional Internet traffic each time. As soon as you use up the tariff quota, it will be added automatically. Service activation costs 50 rubles, megabytes are paid according to the terms of the main tariff plan.

The maximum number of automatically added packages during one billing period is 5 pieces.

The option is available to subscribers of any Tele2 tariffs (with the Internet) on all mobile devices.

To activate "Another 500 Mb" type the command *155*412*1 #, to disable - *155*412*0 #, to check the status - *155*412 # .

Enjoy your web surfing!

More on the site:

How to extend Internet traffic Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 without changing the tariff plan updated: July 14, 2018 by: Johnny mnemonic

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