Home Indoor flowers Manual Internet settings windows phone. How to set up the Internet on your phone lumiya

Manual Internet settings windows phone. How to set up the Internet on your phone lumiya

V Lately, the development of Internet opportunities is developing at a frantic pace. Now, active netizens want to have access to the web anytime, anywhere. In our smartphones, tablets, laptops, we carry out parts of the life and work process. But, for stable and smooth operation virtual assistant, you need to know how to configure it. Setting up the Internet on Windows Phone is quite simple, because most operators offer a convenient connection method and flexible tariffs.

The convenience of use

Internet network and mobile Internet. The first option seems to be preferable. In terms of speed, nuances of quality and image clarity, yes. And if, put on the opposite side of the scale an alternative necessity. For example, the need for constant communication with the necessary resources. Or the opportunity to use the Internet in everyday situations that take our time (traffic jams, travel to and from work) or a trip to the country.

Automatic settings from the operator

Let's go back to the settings. Usually, the settings for the given parameters should come automatically, but this method does not always work. If, for some reason, it was not possible to set up your mobile device in automatic mode, do it manually. The following is a step-by-step method of how to do this.

How to set up Internet on Windows Phone manually

This process does not take long and does not require special equipment. The main thing is to be careful and choose the operator you are working with. This is especially true for consumers who bought a used phone or tablet. In such devices, most likely, the Internet is already configured. And, if you have purchased such a product, it is advisable to first reset all settings to factory defaults.

The further process is represented by the following manipulations. First, enter the gadget menu. Next, in the settings, go to the "data transfer" section. V open window you will see the hotspots that are relevant to your smartphone. Select the Change Access Point option. Next, make further settings.

Operator MTS

  • hotspot / APN- internet.mts.ru. (further under the letter A);
  • login / name- mts. (further under the letter B);
  • password / Password- mts. (further under the letter C).

Beeline provider

  • А: internet.beeline.ru;
  • B: beeline;
  • C: beeline.

Megaphone services

  • А: internet;
  • Q: do not fill;
  • C: do not fill.

Operator Life

  • А: internet.life.com.by;
  • Q: do not fill;
  • C: do not fill.

Mobile services of MTS Belarus

  • A: mts;
  • B: mts;
  • C: mts.

MTS operator Ukraine

  • А: internet.mts;
  • B: mts;
  • C: do not fill.

After entering the appropriate parameters, check the connection. Do not forget to check the icon and save the selected connection. Reboot your operating system mobile device, then revisit the parameters you entered. If everything is ok, try connecting to a short time... Check the parameters again. Some operators can restore the original Internet connection settings by default, which is more profitable in financial terms.

It will not be superfluous to check other connection methods. In the video presented, you can clearly see how to set up Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Windows Phone. This will allow you to use free internet and pair your gadget with other devices. Nice feature Microsoft systems is the ability to configure the parameters of data transfer in roaming.


In order to avoid such situations, carefully grasp all the subtleties in the terms of the contract and (or) the terms and rules of action of promotional and preliminary agreements with the communication provider. Regarding the use of the Internet in roaming conditions when traveling abroad, everything is not so simple here. You will have to buy either a special travel package, or pay many times over for services. There is an option with the purchase of a temporary package in the country to which you are going. Much depends on the country you visit and the length of your stay in it.

Mobile operating room Windows system Phone is developing very actively now, and it's hard to argue with that. I also have a Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia 925) and I'm very happy with it. To be honest, Android is bored, I want something new. But this article is not about my Lumia, or which OS is better. Phones on this operating system work stably, and in terms of Internet access via Wi-Fi, everything is just as good.

For example, for several months I have not noticed a single problem in which Nokia Lumia would not want to connect to Wi-Fi, or the Internet would not work.

But, as I noticed, different questions appear about the problems that still arise when trying to connect a Windows Phone phone to Wi-Fi, or after connecting. Typically, these are problems when the connection to the wireless network is established, but sites on the phone do not open. Or, for example, when Nokia Lumia does not see the Wi-Fi network. And he does not see only one, desired network, and sees the neighboring ones.

In this article, we will try to figure out why there may be problems connecting your Windows Phone to wireless networks, and how to solve these problems. On the this moment, WP version 8 (I will show using this version as an example), an update to Windows Phone 8.1 is coming soon. Perhaps there will be some changes in the work with wireless networks.

Windows Phone connects to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work

This is probably the most popular problem. And as a rule, it is not the smartphone that is to blame for this problem, but the access point itself (router). You connect the phone to the network, as I wrote in the article, it connects (status: connection established), but when you try to open the site in the browser, an error appears: “The page cannot be displayed”... Applications such as VKontakte, Twitter, Skype cannot go online.

When the smartphone cannot get the IP address

Usually, routers distribute IP addresses themselves, they have a DHCP server enabled. But it happens that DHCP is disabled for some reason. (when, for example, IP is registered manually on devices)... To be honest, I have not found how to manually register an IP address on Windows Phone 8. I think that in Windows Phone 8.1, this problem will be fixed.

If your phone cannot receive IP, then you will most likely see an error, something like: “The phone cannot connect to Wi-Fi network because the network is not responding. Please try again later ”... Or, next to the name of the network, there will be just an inscription "Protected".

You need to check if the DHCP server is enabled in the router settings. If not, turn it on. How to do this, I wrote in a separate. Look after the heading “Check if the DHCP server is enabled on the Wi-Fi router”.

You can also try which wireless network is running on. Try, for example, only n, or g.

Nokia Lumia does not see Wi-Fi network

When I write Nokia Lumia, I have to enter any phone on Windows Phone 🙂, you get the idea.

Highlighted on some forum the problem that Lumia (I don't remember exactly which model), did not see home wireless network... It simply wasn’t on the list of available networks. The problem is not uncommon and can occur on any device.

So, in the case of Microsoft's operating system, I would also advise you to change the channel on which the router broadcasts your wireless network. How to do this is written in detail. Since it is the interference on the channel that usually causes these problems. Try some kind of static link, not Auto mode. And don't put the channel higher than 12th.


It seems to have written about all the popular problems. If you are faced with any other problem in the Internet via Wi-Fi on Windows Phone, or you know some new solutions to the problems described above, then you can share useful information in comments. Don't be lazy 🙂

More on the site:

Internet over Wi-Fi not working on your phone with Windows Phone 8 (8.1)? Solving problems with connecting to Wi-Fi on Nokia Lumia updated: June 6, 2014 by the author: admin

Often, smartphone users have Windows based Phone, in particular Lumia (formerly Nokia Lumia), the question arises of how to set up the Internet on these devices. The interface of these phones is a bit unusual in comparison with the well-known Android or iOS, which confuses the new owners of Lumii. Nevertheless, setting up the Internet on Lumiya is no more difficult than on any other smartphone.

Algorithm for setting up the Internet on Lumia

  1. The first step is to enable mobile transmission data. To do this, go to the phone settings and select the item "Network and wireless connection» "Cellular network and SIM-card" and move the slider to the "on" position.
  2. The second step is to create an APN access point.
    Open the phone menu and go to "Settings""Network and Wireless""Cellular network and SIM-card""SIM card parameters» → "Internet access point"- select item "Add an Internet access point".

    To create a new access point, you need to enter data in 4 fields, two of which are required. Required parameters you can find below. Select your carrier from the list and enter the settings in the appropriate fields of your Lumiya. In field "Connection name" write the name of your cellular operator, although you can specify any other arbitrary name.

    Access point parameters depending on the operator:

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet

    Password - do not fill

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.mts.ru
    Username - mts
    Password - mts

    MTS Belarus:
    Access Point Name (APN) - mts
    Username - mts
    Password - mts

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.beeline.ru
    Username - beeline
    Password - beeline

    Tele 2:
    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.tele2.ru
    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.yota
    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.rt.ru
    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

    Kyivstar (prepayment):
    Access Point Name (APN) - www.ab.kyivstar.net
    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

    Kyivstar (contract):
    Access Point Name (APN) - www.kyivstar.net

    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

    Access Point Name (APN) - internet.life.com.by
    Username - leave blank
    Password - do not fill

  3. A reboot is required for any changes you have made to take effect. Turn your phone off and on again. Ready! The Internet on your Lumia smartphone is now set up!

This is how it turns out to be easy and simple to set up the Internet for Lumiya.

How to set up Internet on Nokia Lumia 630?

The menus of some Nokia phone models can be very different from each other, although they work under the same operating system. This can be confusing for some users. And since in the comments to this article the question was asked how to configure the Internet to Nokia Lumiya 630, let me dwell on it in more detail.

Configuring the Internet on Nokia Lumiya 630 Dual SIM:

  • Turn on data transfer.
    Select a menu item "Settings""Cellular network + SIM""Data transfer"(Here you need to move the slider to the" on "position). Here we go to the item "SIM-card for data transmission" and select the preferred SIM card for Internet access (Sim1 or Sim 2)
  • Create an access point.
    Back to the menu "Settings""Cellular network + SIM""SIM card 1 settings"(or 2 - you need to select the SIM card for which you enabled data transfer) → "Add an Internet access point"... We enter the necessary data in the appropriate fields (each operator has its own settings, see point 2 from the beginning of the article). We save the changes, reboot the smartphone and enjoy life)))

If you have a Nokia Lumiya 630 with one SIM card, then setting up the Internet is even easier:

Open the menu "Settings""Connection profile settings""Add new profile"... We fill in the fields (point 2 from the beginning of the article) and do not forget to save the changes and restart the phone. Everything! The Internet is set up!

I think that now you can easily set up the Internet on Lumiya phones yourself.

Smartphone users often have a problem setting up Internet access, especially for Microsoft owners Lumiya on Windows based Phone. Previously, such a phone was called Nokia Lumiya. The interface of such smartphones differs from other familiar models. Therefore, the new owners of Lumiy cannot immediately figure out the settings of the smartphone, although there is nothing complicated about that.

The question of how to set up the Internet on the Lumiya phone is asked by many users. Therefore, we will consider it in more detail, and understand the settings in stages.

  1. Necessary activate mobile transmission traffic. To do this, go to the settings and select "network and wireless", then "cellular network and sim card". Then set the switch to the "on" position.
  2. Configure hotspotAPN... To do this, open the menu and go to the settings, then follow the same path as in the first step, and then - “SIM card parameters - Internet access point - add an access point.

To form new point access, you need to enter information in four fields. Two of these fields must be filled in. We will consider the parameters for filling below. Select your cellular company from the list and enter the data in the required fields of the Lumiya smartphone. In the field where you need to enter the connection name, you can write the name of the cellular company, although you can enter any name.

Access point characteristics

For example, let's take an MTS operator:

  • access point name - internet. mts. ru;
  • username - МТS;
  • Password - MTS.
  1. Reboot the device. It is needed for all changes to take effect. To do this, turn off and then turn on your smartphone. After that, the internet will work.

Such simple actions the Internet is configured on the Nokia Lumiya phone.

To obtain free settings Internet in automatic mode for each operator, you need to do the following:

  • for MTS you need to call 0876 or send an SMS with an empty field to 1234. You can also visit the operator's website and go to the tab "private clients" - "help" - "settings". Next, you need to order Internet auto-tuning for Lumiya. This procedure is carried out without payment;
  • for the Beeline operator: autotuning can be obtained by dialing the service center upon request * 111 #, or call 0674. If you have information on setting up Wi-Fi, and Internet access, then it is advisable to install the Beeline program for Windows Background e, make a request to autotune the mobile world "web" on a smartphone;
  • for Megafon clients: you can configure the world network on Lumiya by calling 0500, or by SMS request with a message "1" to number 5049;
  • for Tele2 subscribers: call 679, and you will get the necessary characteristics in auto mode.

If the settings do not come in automatic mode, and the mobile network is not working, then you need to configure the properties manually.

Setting up the Internet on Nokia Lumiya 630

Some brands of Nokia smartphones may have different menus, although they operate on the same operating system. Some users do not know how to configure the Internet on this gadget. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

For a phone with two SIM cards

The setting is as follows:

  • Activate data transfer: go to settings - cellular network plus SIM cards - data transfer (turn on the slider). There you also need to go to the "SIM card for data transfer" and select the SIM card that is most suitable for working on the world "web" - this is the first or the second.
  • Access point creation... Go back to "settings" - "SIM cards" - "SIM card settings No. 1 or No. 2. The SIM card for which the data transfer is activated is selected. Next, the access point is added. The data is entered in the designated fields. The changes you have made must be saved and the smartphone rebooted.

If you have a Lumiya with one SIM card, then the Internet is much easier to set up. You need to go to the settings, then the profile settings, add a new profile. The fields are filled in and the changes are saved. Then the smartphone restarts.

After reviewing such information, you can easily configure access to the world wide web yourself. If you find it difficult to understand the phone menu, then you can clearly see it on videos from YouTube.

To set up access to the world wide web on the Lumia 535 smartphone, you need to do the following. First, you need to connect the item "data transfer". Find out how much money is in your phone bill.

These funds should be enough to activate access to the global network. You need to go to the Microsoft Lumiya 535 settings, select the item " mobile networks". Then you need to specify the selected access point. It is necessary to select such a point from the list. Which is created for your telecom operator.

If at the same time nothing has changed, and there is still no access to the network, then try to create another point, and repeat the steps described above.

To set up access to the Internet on the Lumiya phone, which runs on the Microsoft Windows Background operating system, you do not need to perform any difficult operations. It is enough to go into the settings and follow the steps that are intuitive for all users.

After restarting the smartphone, Internet access will be activated, and you can easily work in the world network, just like on a computer, perform different tasks, surf the sites, receive email, communicate in instant messengers, etc.

A modern smartphone cannot be imagined without an Internet connection. Going online provides many opportunities. On the different devices the internet is configured in different ways. In this manual, I will consider the Internet settings on smartphones under Windows control 10 Mobile (Nokia, Microsoft Lumiya and other winphones).

Now, after starting to use the SIM card, the settings are usually loaded automatically. That is, you do not need to register anything, connected the tariff, inserted a SIM card, turned it on on a smartphone Mobile Internet and use it to your health.

But if access to the network does not work or the settings from the operator did not come, then you will have to go into the operating system parameters and set the access point manually. There is nothing difficult in this. But first things first. First, let's find out how connect internet onNokia,MicrosoftLumia and other Windows 10 Mobile devices.

So, go: "Options" → "Network and wireless devices"→" Data transmission and SIM ". Here we set the "Data connection" slider to the "On" position. Below we select the SIM card through which we will go online. SIM card usage must also be enabled.

Try to open and go to a website. If the page does not load, then most likely the device needs to be restarted and try again.

How to turn off the Internet and get quick access to settings

To disconnect your smartphone from the network, you just need to move the slider to the "Off" position (third screenshot above). And you can also turn on the "Airplane mode", then both Wi-Fi and mobile connection will be turned off.

In general, to do all this quickly, there is a notification panel, which opens after lowering the "curtain" at the top of the screen. You get access to many functions, including Airplane mode, Mobile hotspot, Data transfer. By clicking on the latter, you turn off the mobile Internet in your smartphone.

"Settings" → "Network and wireless devices" → "Data transmission and SIM". Here you need to go to the "SIM card parameters", after which will open additional settings, including the "Default access point", which is activated for me, since the operator's settings were registered automatically.

In the settings, we register the access point, profile name (at your discretion), username and password. You do not need to touch other fields. Scroll down and click "Save".

List of APN settings (access points) of various operators

  • Access point: internet.mts.ru;
  • Username: mts;
  • Password: mts.


  • Access point: internet.beeline.ru;
  • Username: beeline;
  • Password: beeline.


  • Access point (APN): internet;
  • Password: leave blank.


  • Access point (APN): internet.tele2.ru;
  • Username: leave blank;
  • Password: leave blank.

The settings are complete, now you can restart your phone and use the Internet. Thus, you can configure the mobile Internet in smartphones on Windows 10 Mobile, for example, Lumia 430 Dual Sim, 435, 532, 535, 540, 635, 636, 638, 640 (XL), 730, 735, 920, 925, 930, 1520 and etc.

If you have any difficulties or have something to say on the topic, write in the comments.

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