Home roses Is it useful to brew currant leaves. Currant leaf tea - health benefits and harms. The benefits of tea on currant leaves

Is it useful to brew currant leaves. Currant leaf tea - health benefits and harms. The benefits of tea on currant leaves

Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. The reason for the development of gastritis is malnutrition, which led to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Symptoms of gastritis are pain in the upper abdomen that worsens or disappears after eating. Distinguish gastritis with high and low acidity of the stomach. With gastritis with increased secretion, pain in the stomach occurs on an empty stomach, in addition to them, the patient is tormented by heartburn, belching and constipation. This gastritis often develops into a stomach ulcer, so it requires mandatory treatment. With gastritis with low acidity of the stomach, there may not be pain in the abdomen, but after eating there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach and nausea, and sometimes diarrhea.

In most cases, the main method of treating gastritis is dietary nutrition, which is quite enough, so in this article we will focus on it, especially since dietary nutrition is prescribed even during drug therapy. Products are selected taking into account the type of gastritis. But with any type of gastritis, overeating, snacking and eating dry food are unacceptable. It is necessary to take food in small portions at least 4-5 times a day. During the meal, one should not rush, and the food must be chewed thoroughly. With gastritis, it is useful to eat foods that do not irritate the gastric mucosa and help it recover on its own. These products include:

1. Oat flakes. For a long time, oatmeal porridge has been an integral part of the diet of people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is rich in fiber, which acts as a laxative, and its mucous component envelops the walls of the stomach and protects it from further irritation. Also good for the health of the stomach breakfast of oatmeal with bananas, apples and pears, oatmeal jelly and a decoction of sheep.

2. lean meat. The main principle for gastritis is that food should not irritate the stomach. Therefore, fried, fatty and smoked meat for patients with gastritis must be completely excluded from the diet. Lean meats should be steamed or simmered until tender. It is best to make meatballs from meat or skip boiled meat through a meat grinder. Meat dishes should be served without seasonings and spices. It is especially useful for patients with gastritis to eat dietary rabbit or skinless chicken meat. Also, with gastritis, it is recommended to eat mashed soups from well-cooked lean meat.

3. Sea fish. Low-fat varieties of fish in the form of cutlet mass or steamed pieces should be included in the diet of patients with gastritis at least 2-3 times a week. But when eating meat and fish, we must remember that proteins are not absorbed by our body without carbohydrates. A complete rejection of the use of sweet foods and flour products deprives the body of the main source of energy - carbohydrates, which leads to the expenditure of proteins for the energy needs of the body, and not to maintain muscle tone. Therefore, with gastritis, one should not completely abandon slightly dried crackers, boiled pasta and cereals.

4. Rice. Rice dishes have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and protect it from further irritation. With gastritis, it is useful to eat milk rice soup or well-boiled rice porridge cooked in milk. However, for people prone to constipation, rice dishes are not suitable.

4. Potato. If you don’t watch your diet and your daily diet consists of a cup for breakfast, a slice of pizza for lunch and a pan of fried potatoes for dinner, then you should not be surprised if your stomach starts to hurt by the age of 30 or after every meal heartburn will appear. Potato is a vegetable rich in potassium and starch. It is recommended to use it to restore the body and strengthen immunity in general. However, with gastritis, you can only eat boiled and baked potatoes, and the existence of fried potatoes, chips and french fries should be forgotten. And the most useful dish for gastritis is mashed potatoes.

5. Bananas. With gastritis, you can safely eat sweet apples and pears, black currants, bananas, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, but you need to limit the use of citrus fruits, grapes and pomegranates. Bananas choose overripe ones, they are most easily digested by the stomach.

6. Zucchini. Zucchini does not contain acids and coarse fibers, therefore they are considered a healthy dietary vegetable for gastritis. Stewed zucchini and squash caviar cooked without the addition of garlic and spices are especially beneficial for the health of the stomach.

7. Eggs. Eggs are rich in easily digestible protein, they contain a unique combination of trace elements and vitamins. With gastritis, boiled eggs or steam omelettes will bring maximum benefit, and you should not get carried away with scrambled eggs in diseases of the digestive tract.

8. Honey. In most cases, the development of chronic gastritis is promoted by Helicobacter bacteria. To cope with them, it is necessary to take drugs that destroy them. An effective natural antibiotic that resists infections is natural honey. It reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa and strengthens the immune system.

9. Whole milk. With gastritis with high acidity, it is useful to drink whole milk, but not skimmed. It neutralizes the effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane and relieves heartburn. Kefir, yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese have the same effect if they are fresh and non-acidic. But with gastritis with low acidity, it is better to refrain from drinking milk, and you can eat fermented milk products as much as you want.

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A disease in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Violation of the surface of the mucous membrane can be both primary, which is considered as an independent disease, and a secondary disease, which occurs as a result of previous diseases, intoxication, and infection.

Depending on the nature of the impact of disease factors, gastritis is divided into acute, characteristic inflammation of the mucosa, and chronic gastritis, which is accompanied by structural changes and depletion of the gastric mucosa. With the abuse of alcohol, alcoholic gastritis develops.


Acute gastritis can develop as a result of eating fatty, spicy foods, very chilled or, conversely, very hot food. The causes can also be drugs that irritate the mucous membrane, acid and alkali poisoning, microbes in spoiled food. Chronic gastritis can develop due to regular attacks of the acute form of this disease. Also, its occurrence is often provoked by chronic diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis, caries).

Useful products for gastritis

It is very important for gastritis to find out the level of acidity of the stomach, because the peculiarity of your diet will depend on this. For example, with reduced acid formation, you need to eat foods that increase the amount of hydrochloric acid, and with increased acid formation, on the contrary, which lower the acidity of the stomach. Nutritionists-gastroenterologists have defined a list of useful products for gastritis. These include:

  • cereals with milk (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • boiled pasta;
  • rye bread or bread products made from wholemeal flour;
  • vegetable soups or milk soups diluted with water;
  • lean meats without skin (chicken, veal, rabbit, beef, turkey);
  • dietary varieties of sausages (milk, children's and doctor's sausage, fat-free ham);
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs from low-fat minced meat or fish;
  • boiled or steamed fish (stuffed, aspic), seafood salads);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, unleavened cheeses, low-fat milk in limited quantities);
  • raw, baked and boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, rutabaga, zucchini) or vegetable salads (such as vinaigrette);
  • raw non-acidic types of berries (raspberries, strawberries) and fruits, jelly from them;
  • honey, jam;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • vegetable type oil (olive, pumpkin, sesame);
  • rosehip decoctions, weak tea or coffee with milk;

Sample menu for lowering stomach acid

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, a glass of tea, curd soufflé.
Late breakfast: non-hard-boiled egg.
Dinner: oatmeal soup, steamed meat quenelles, carrot puree, dried fruit compote.
Dinner: steamed pike cutlets, not a large amount of pasta.
Before bedtime: kefir.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis:

  • lettuce leaves (grind the leaves of a young lettuce, pour boiling water and leave for two hours, take half a glass twice a day);
  • infusion of buckthorn and yarrow bark (a teaspoon of the mixture per liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist for five hours, take 100 grams at night for a week);
  • propolis (take on an empty stomach in the morning, 7-8 grams for a month);
  • infusion of thyme on wine (pour crushed thyme with one liter of dry white wine, shaking occasionally, leave for one week, bring to a boil, strain after six hours, take 50 grams before meals two to three times a day).

Dangerous and harmful foods for gastritis

You should limit the use of butter (up to 20 grams per day) and salt (up to 30 grams).

The "forbidden list" for gastritis includes products containing oxalic acid, extractives, essential oils, which activate the secretion of secretory substances by the stomach and stimulate the increased functioning of the pancreas.

When a person hears a diagnosis of "gastritis" when visiting a doctor, he immediately wants to know what to eat with gastritis. And it is no coincidence. Indeed, in the treatment of gastritis, diet plays an important role. Without it, there can be no complete recovery.

But before giving an answer to the question: “What can I eat with gastritis?”, The doctor must find out what kind of gastritis the patient's disease belongs to. Several types of gastritis are known: atrophic, erosive, with low and high acidity. There is also a distinction between acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Since each type of disease has specific features, the diet for gastritis of the stomach in each case will be different.

Starvation diet in acute form of the disease

A diet for acute gastritis helps to unload the digestive tract in order to rest the inflamed mucous membrane. For this purpose, it is recommended to refuse food and drink for a day. In extreme cases, you can drink some warm distilled or boiled water.

After 24 hours, acute gastritis will loosen its grip a little, the diet at this time allows you to include in your diet a weak meat broth, oatmeal soup, a decoction of barley and rice, decoctions of chamomile and rose hips, tea, in which lemon and honey are added. After 2 days, the patient can eat viscous soups, skim milk, oatmeal, semolina and rice porridge cooked in milk, soft-boiled eggs, steam omelet, jelly, curd soufflé, jelly and compotes. If the pain disappears and the patient's condition improves, then it is allowed to eat steam omelettes and boiled meat. Gradually, you can introduce wheat bread, but only stale or crackers from it.

When the treatment with a diet completely removes the symptoms of gastritis, the patient's diet can be returned to normal, but for a long time you will have to give up fatty and fried foods, spicy foods and marinades, dairy products. Raw vegetables and fruits, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are also contraindicated.

Nutrition in the chronic course of the disease

Diet for chronic gastritis is designed to use:

  • liquid, well-cooked cereals, boiled in milk;
  • pureed soups from cereals or vegetables;
  • whole milk and cream;
  • steam omelets and soft-boiled eggs;
  • pasta dishes;
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • fat-free non-acidic cottage cheese;
  • milk and fruit jelly;
  • sugar, honey and marshmallows;
  • steamed non-acidic dried fruits;
  • jam, preserves and marmalade from sweet fruits;
  • unsavory pies;
  • white stale or dried bread;
  • weak tea, preferably with the addition of milk;
  • alkaline, devoid of gases, mineral water;
  • butter and refined vegetable oils.

Prohibited Products

Naturally, patients are interested in what can not be eaten with gastritis? It is strictly contraindicated in chronic gastritis to eat food that stimulates the formation of gastric juice.

Recipes for gastritis should not contain:

  • meat and fish cooked in their own juice;
  • any broths;
  • fried and smoked food;
  • sauces and preserves;
  • pickled, canned and pickled vegetables;
  • Rye bread;
  • sweet products;
  • skimmed milk and whey;
  • sour cottage cheese and kefir;
  • hard eggs;
  • various seasonings and spices;
  • chocolate, halva and ice cream;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • carbonated water and kvass;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • drinks containing alcohol.

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis must comply with a strict dietary restriction. Dishes should not contain dietary fiber that mechanically irritates the stomach. Therefore, it is required to exclude bread baked from wholemeal flour, confectionery, cereals made from whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, dairy products, meat containing tendons, skin of birds and fish, coffee and cocoa from the diet. , alcoholic and carbonated drinks. During this period, you need to eat only mashed boiled food.

How to eat with gastritis with high acidity

If gastritis with high acidity is diagnosed, the diet should lower the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, slowing down its production.

Therefore, the menu for gastritis with high acidity contains soups cooked in a weak broth, boiled pasta, oatmeal and buckwheat, seafood, vegetable purees, boiled meat (best chicken or rabbit meat), low-fat smoked or boiled river fish, soft-boiled eggs, cinnamon and bay leaf, goat's milk and cream, dairy dishes, low-fat milk-based sauces, green peas and zucchini, sweet fruits, best baked in the oven, parsley, jelly, jelly, compotes, mousses, soufflés cooked from sweet fruits and berries, dry biscuits, crackers or stale white bread, butter and vegetable oil, weak coffee, tea and cocoa with milk.

Food for gastritis with high acidity should not contain products that activate gastric secretion: salty and spicy foods, smoked foods, fatty meat and fish, seasonings and spices, bitter vegetables, rye and freshly baked bread, any broths, cabbage soup and borscht, canned meat and fish, legumes, fried potatoes, canned, sour and pickled vegetables, sour dairy products, hard cheese, hard-boiled and fried eggs, cakes and pies with cream, ice cream and chocolate products, dried fruits, sour and unripe fruits, strong tea and coffee, drinks containing gases.

Nutrition for gastritis with low acidity

Dishes for gastritis with low acidity, on the contrary, should stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and increase the content of hydrochloric acid.

Therefore, you should eat decoctions and purees made from vegetables, viscous cereals, low-fat boiled meat, thin pasta, low-fat smoked fish, salted but soaked herring, broths cooked from meat and fish, fried and baked cutlets, dairy products, sausage and lean ham, baked potatoes, boiled eggs, stale bread or crackers, salads made from tomatoes and herbs, butter and vegetable oil, baked fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, mousses, jelly and jelly, coffee and tea, mineral and slightly carbonated water.

In the case of low acidity with gastritis of the stomach, recipes are mainly based on vegetables. Dishes can be seasoned with cinnamon and other mild seasonings. It is desirable to start the meal with a vegetable salad with greens, a piece of herring or pickled cucumber.

If gastritis is found with low acidity, the diet requires the rejection of fresh, bran and rye bread, fatty and fried meat, dairy, pea and bean soup, legumes, thick pasta, hard cheese, fried eggs, fried potatoes, fatty fish, canned food, prepared from fish and meat, chocolate, sweets and ice cream, bitter vegetables, unripe fruits, hot spices, sweet drinks with gases, coffee, kvass and alcohol.

What should be included in the diet for erosive gastritis

The diet for erosive gastritis recommends the use of liquid mucous soups, vegetable dishes, low-fat fish, dietary meat, steam cutlets and meatballs, pureed cereals (especially rice, oatmeal and semolina), pasta, soft-boiled eggs, non-acidic dairy products, butter and cream, dairy mild sauces, boiled sweet fruits, jelly and marshmallows, marshmallows and honey, jam and jam, compotes, jelly and weak tea.

The diet for gastritis in the case of an erosive form requires the removal of fatty broths, fatty meat and oily fish, smoked fish and caviar, mushroom and bean dishes, various canned food, fried, salty and spicy dishes, spicy and raw vegetables, sour fruits and berries from the diet, canned food, marinades and pickled vegetables, rich pastries, fresh bread, ice cream and chocolate products, fresh juices, alcohol, strong coffee, tea and cocoa.

How to make a menu for atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is characterized by a decrease in the number of glands that produce digestive enzymes. Due to enzyme deficiency, the gastrointestinal system becomes unable to break down and absorb all incoming food. To remedy the situation, a diet for gastritis table 5 is recommended.

It involves the use of dietary boiled meat and fish, boiled eggs and steam omelettes, pasta and cereal dishes, vegetable and cereal soups prepared on the basis of fish or meat broth, non-acidic dairy products, vegetables, sweet fruits and berries, kissels, mousses and soufflés. , mineral water, cocoa and weak tea, stale or dried bread.

The diet for atrophic gastritis recommends excluding fatty fish and fatty meat, mushroom and saturated meat broths, canned foods, smoked, fried, salty and spicy foods, bitter vegetables and spices, sour fruits and berries, chocolates and ice cream, cakes and rich foods from the diet. pies, fresh bread, sweet drinks containing gases, coffee and alcohol.

General rules of nutrition for gastritis

But, despite some differences, there is much in common in nutrition for different types of gastritis. First of all, diet recipes for gastritis should be designed to eliminate inflammation in the gastric wall.

Proper nutrition with gastritis necessarily takes into account the effect of food on the formation of gastric secretion and on the motor function of the stomach. In addition, all dishes must be warm.

The diet for pancreatitis and gastritis includes foods that can be quickly digested and absorbed by the body so as not to overload the digestive tract for a long time. Therefore, patients should eat liquid and grated food, which almost does not irritate the gastric mucosa. In any case, kefir will be useful for gastritis, but you need to cook it from skimmed boiled milk.

Meals for gastritis should be frequent (5-6 times a day), but consist of small portions.

Despite the requirement to exclude many foods from the diet, a diet for duodenitis and gastritis should contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is imperative to include fruits in the diet. How to determine which fruits are possible with gastritis and which are not? It is allowed to eat only baked sweet fruits or juices, compotes, jelly, mousses and jelly. Fresh fruits will have to be abandoned.

Now you know what you can and cannot eat with gastritis. If you follow the above tips and take the medicines recommended by your doctor, the disease will soon subside.

Especially for you, we have made a visual video, you can send it to relatives or friends who have been diagnosed with gastritis:

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