Home Roses Scene joke postman Pechkin at the woman's anniversary. Musical fairy tale-impromptu "new year in buttermilk"

Scene joke postman Pechkin at the woman's anniversary. Musical fairy tale-impromptu "new year in buttermilk"

Pechkin: Congratulations, hostess! I wish you bloom and grow younger! And I didn’t come empty-handed. I have congratulatory telegrams for your hero of the day.

Leading: Hand them over to the hero of the day as soon as possible.

Pechkin: Look how smart they are. But I won't.

Leading: How not to hand it over? If telegrams are addressed to Olga, they are obliged to hand them over.

Pechkin: You never know what I owe. I won't give these telegrams just like that. (clutching a mail bag)

Leading: All clear. Let's sing a song or dance for Pechkin.

Pechkin: What am I, some kind of Santa Claus? I can sing and dance myself.

Leading: Then please tell me, dear postman Pechkin, what needs to be done in order for you to give us these telegrams?

Pechkin: I love cultural appeal and hospitality.

Leading: Postman Pechkin, join our company, relax, taste a delicious treat.

Pechkin: Thanks for the treat! (takes a glass and says a toast)

Leading: Wonderful toast! We all join you.

Pechkin: Now is the time congratulatory telegrams hand over.


Option 1
Congratulations on the anniversary!

Expect an increase in your salary.

By what percentage - have not yet decided
I haven't visited Merkel yet.
Your boss .....

Who want to be a millionaire,
he must visit the First.
Come to Moscow
Ask where Galkin, that is, me, Maxim.
Then catch your luck!
I'm waiting for you at the show.
Become an example for the Motherland
And just be a millionaire!
Maksim Galkin

I wish to appear to you as a phantom of the opera.
Have a bite of vodka, caviar and cups of tea.
Congratulate on the holiday and sing "Sharmanka" for you.
But it’s very hard to wake up from the early morning.
You yourself have a drink and, having a bite of sausage,
Congratulate yourself! Kolya Baskov!

Option 2
Our birthday girl also received congratulatory telegrams, but all of them were unsigned. You need to guess the sender. These are people known to all.

I wish you to sing more often with a guitar!
Good company to you! ... Rotaru

Live, Olga, fun and cool!
Don't forget about childhood! ... QUEEN

I wish you a lot of music and laughter!
Love and eternal youth !. ..PIECHA

Let there always be money!
And the legs of the kurinwe! ... BABA YAGA

You look like a painting today!
I'll send you the key to happiness! ... BURATINO

Do not get into an emergency and shootouts!
We wish you a long life! Group.. .ARROWS

Option 3

Happy birthday!

I wish you happiness!
I leave all clear days to you

I take all the gloomy days for myself.
I promise you without cheating
Trust me.
(Oleg Gazmanov)
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I can't come.
I'm in the hospital.
Ask in the car park
So that the green-eyed. Taxi
People weren't transported so quickly,
And it slowed down, slowed down.
(Mikhail Boyarsky)
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you health!
I will come to visit you
And together with you "chica ladies"!
(Philip Kirkorov)

Happy birthday!
I have not forgotten about the gift. By mail
I sent a bunny sheepskin coat.
Wear it and don't forget about "Lube".
(Nikolay Rastorguev)

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Note, friend, that the years,
They run like our walkers.
And life is not sugar or honey
Who is fattening and who is dying.
But you, my friend, do not be discouraged,
Sing songs with us!
(group "Balagan Ltd")
Happy birthday!
Good luck!
I have a box of coffee for you
I will send it.
In the morning I myself drink it ...
Together with your beloved.
(Marina Khlebnikova)
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You have no reason to be sad.
After all, you celebrate the name day today.
Next to you are your men
Pour them into their glasses more often.
Well, get drunk; what's wrong with that?
I agree with them.
(Alla Pugacheva)

For a woman, the most important anniversary is 55 years. After all, it is at this age that they retire, and they begin new life... Do you think the same? Then what we offer you next will interest you one hundred percent. After all, here you will find the newest and modern scenes for the 55th anniversary of the woman. Funny and dressing up - the sketches will be a hit on your holiday evening. So rather study them all to arrange unforgettable holiday, and your hero of the day was satisfied!

Scene 1.
One guest sits in the garden cart, and the second takes the cart and carries it along with the guests. They go to the guests, and then a policeman appears and a whistle is blown. The cart stops near the policeman.

Police officer:
good evening! Traffic police captain - Nalyvaykin! Where are we in such a hurry? Why vehicle without numbers?

Guest in the cart:
Captain, and the traffic police are not there now?

Police officer:
How not? This traffic police does not exist, but our traffic police have always worked, works and will continue to work. After all, we are: the State Alcoholic Inspectorate!

Guest by the cart:
Alcoholic? Inspection?! So it's good that we met you1 we have just a holiday, we are in a hurry for the anniversary.

Police officer:
For the anniversary ?! It's tempting. But I still have a 7-hour shift, then I have to hand over the shift, write orders, fill out protocols ... in general, I agree, let's go!

And they all go to the guests together.

Guest in the cart:
Oops - we've arrived!

Guest at the cart:
Well, comrade policeman. See if someone is breaking it?

The policeman looking around the guests:
And how long have you been sitting? Three hours? And you can't tell, it seems like they just sat down. Means the first penalty for raising toasts too slowly1

Guest in carts:
Or maybe you can somehow avoid this fine?

Police officer:
Can! Pour, drink and avoid the fine.

All guests pour and drink.

Police officer:
So, let's look further. Are you a hero of the day? Let me congratulate you. And on behalf of the traffic police to hand you (looking around) this garden cart (throws the guest off the cart). As I understand you are retired - it means a lot of time, you have to go to the garden, Agriculture lift up!
So, since there is a gift, it means one more reason to drink1

Guests pour and drink.

Police officer:
Oh, and time flies! I have to go, my shift is over. But before that, one more gift.
(addressing the hero of the day)
Is this your husband? Fine. On behalf of the traffic police and the power given to me by law, I authorize you to use your husband free of charge, that is, for free!
And now I ask you to forgive me - it's time!

Scene 2.
It is excellent and even good to spend a fairy tale on anniversaries. Only not real, but altered in a new way.
For example, the next video is a scene in which a fairy tale called Three Little Pigs takes place. Watch the video, and you can put on such a scene at your holiday. We can assure you that the guests will laugh till they drop!

Scene 3.
And here we propose to just play with all the guests and present the hero of the day with original gifts.
To do this, you need to prepare a parcel, and put the following gifts in it: horseradish (grows in the garden), picking herbs (you can buy at the pharmacy), garlic and onions, pickle and moonshine. And then everything is in the text below. Read on and you yourself will understand how to play and give:

Scene 4.
And one more scene with the postman Pechkin. He will also present the hero of the day with a gift at the end.

Knock-Knock. Is this a jubilee celebrated here?

Yes, and who are you?

I am the postman Pechkin. I brought telegrams for the hero of the day from (points up) Putin himself.

Excellent, hand over quickly!

No, no. This is how the mail does not work. First you need to check your documents. But, I see that you are drunk, so I will not check your documents, let the police deal with this. I'll come to you tomorrow.

Wait, Pechkin. Why tomorrow? Let's sit with us - eat, drink. I hope the workers can drink mail?

And you can eat and drink. Come on, I'll sit with you.

Pechkin sits down at the table and is treated to him - they pour a glass and give him a snack.

Well, okay, I've become kind. I like you. I'll give you a telegram.

The presenter reads out the text of the telegram. Then everyone drinks to such an unusual gift.

26 Dec 2011

Scene for the anniversary of the man "Postman Pechkin"

Dear birthday boy! A new guest has come to our holiday and he is already knocking on the doorstep!

(there is a knock on the door)


It's me, postman Pechkin! Brought telegrams for your birthday boy!

(the postman Pechkin comes out with a mail bag containing telegrams
the birthday boy, on his head, like in a cartoon, is wearing a hat with loose ears)

I'm naughty by nature, actually,
Especially when I walk
But something didn't stop me
Come to the hero of the day in the house today!
I appreciated the solemnity of the moment
Threw away my mischief at the same hour,
I brought compliment telegrams
For the hero of the day! I'll read them now!

(reads telegrams from celebrities):

I'll tell you, my friend, no laughing -
You are just super, just class!
On your anniversary Edita Piekha
Congratulates you with love!

Outwardly you are a real macho!
The male reflex is in full swing in you!
And that's great, otherwise
I wouldn't write ... (Grigory Leps)

You are always looking for talent in yourself
And there will be happiness, I give you my word!
And my word is a guarantor!
(With big greetings, Alla Pugacheva!)

You are full, as well as me,
Humor, ingenuity!
They say you are in a dream
Joke like Galkin!
Always be like that!
(Sincerely, Maxim).

You have, my friend, Bulgarian flavor:
Accustomed to work so that it stops!
Handsome, smart, hot, always shaved!
For this I love you! (Philip Kirkorov)

You are a young kid, no more,
The same darling like me!
Baskov Kolya sent greetings to you.
Cheer up, my soul!

(After reading the telegrams, Pechkin says):

Well, I have done my duty,
It's time to rattle back,
But, if someone filled a glass,
I would be very happy to have a drink!

(they pour a glass of Pechkin and he says a toast to the hero of the day):

I congratulate the hero of the day,
I wish you happiness, joy!
In Prostokvashino to me
Come, as if you were a family!

I want to cool scenes? Then look

Postman Pechkin at the anniversary

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests, today I want to welcome you all to this hall. Do you know why we are here today? (guests must answer).

Presenter: That's right, today we will celebrate the birthday of one wonderful woman, this evening is dedicated to you, our beloved Anna Alekseevna, because today you are the hero of the day. So, dear guests, let us dance today, sing songs and congratulate!

(there is a loud knock on the door).

Presenter: Who's knocking there? Who's there?

(answer from behind the door).

It's me Postman Pechkin, who brought telegrams for your hero of the day.

(Postman Pechkin comes out from behind the door, with a large bag with telegrams, dressed up like in the cartoon Prostokvashino).

Presenter: Hello, Postman Pechkin. Come to us, make yourself at home.

Postman Pechkin: So, so, and whose are you? Where did you come from? (addresses the hero of the day). In addition to telegrams, I have a newspaper that says the following: Missing woman, height 170cm, brown eyes, light brown hair, 55 years old. A bicycle is waiting for the finder. And you will forgive this lady, you are very suitable, now I will measure you here (he takes a tape measure and approaches the hero of the day and begins to measure it). Excuse me, how old are you today? (the hero of the day answers 55). So, this is exactly you! Uraaaa, now I will have my own bike.

Presenter: Wait, we have an anniversary here, and you are with your bike.

Postman Pechkin: Well, excuse me, bicycles are not given for everyone.

Presenter: You'd better read the congratulatory telegrams to us.

Postman Pechkin: In front of all the guests, I confess
That I am becoming soft with women!
And I won't be harmful anymore.
After all, I came to the anniversary
Congratulate the birthday girl soon,
And read her telegrams from friends.

Presenter: Well, let us, dear guests, we will hear telegrams for our hero of the day.

Postman Pechkin: I brought you telegrams, but I won't give them to you.

Presenter: Why is that? Well, give us our telegrams?

Postman Pechkin: I will give you all your telegrams, only when you treat me with something tasty and after the celebration of the birthday of the hero of the day you will go with me. I want to return it to those who seek it. And finally pick up your promised bike.

Presenter: Well, good, good. And we will treat you and you will return your hero of the day in good hands! Well, dear guests, will we treat our dear Pechkin with something tasty? (all guests must answer). Our dear Postman Pechkin, please sit down at our table. (Pechkin walks to the table and sits down next to the hero of the day, vodka is poured to him, and everyone together sings to our birthday boy).

Postman Pechkin: Thank you for your treat. Well, now let's get down to congratulatory telegrams.

Here is the first telegram for you:

Here is Annie for your anniversary,
A telegram from Gali Blanca as soon as possible,
She sent you as a gift,
This cube is precious!

(gives a cube for broth from Galina Blanca).

Second telegram:

Dear hero of the day,
You are just super, you are not more beautiful,
So accept hello from me, from Rasputina Masha.

Third telegram:

Greetings from Putin here,
He sends you an envelope of money. (gives an envelope with money).

Fourth Telegram:

Telegram from Tatiana Ustinova,
She gives you as a gift,
This book is at your leisure,
Read it and don't get bored at all.

Fifth telegram:

My compliment for you Anyuta,
Sharmanka You are my soul!
Baskov Kolya writes this to you!
Please accept my congratulations.

Sixth telegram:

Greetings from Vinokur,
You are super, artistic nature,
Take from me on your day,
Kiss quickly.

Seventh telegram:

I will write in a telegram,
That I only love you very much
Open this heart
And always be only you with me.
And here's another lipstick that Kirkorov sends you,
Put on, put on makeup -
Philip will like it. (gives lipstick and a heart-shaped mirror).

Eighth telegram:

May everything always be good for you,
Take a kiss from me, Ksenia Sobchak.
Postman Pechkin: These are all my congratulatory telegrams. And now, dear guests, let's drink to our dear, beloved, dear to our hero of the day.

(all the guests raise their glasses, and Postman Pechkin says a toast).

Postman Pechkin: Dear Anya,
I sincerely congratulate you,
And I wish to see you again,
Come to Prostokvashino now,
I will be glad to see you, the door is always open for you.

(this ends the scene with Postman Pechkin).

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