Home Beneficial properties of fruits Which part of the bull's carcass is better? What kind of beef is best to cook? Visual aid to types of beef

Which part of the bull's carcass is better? What kind of beef is best to cook? Visual aid to types of beef

In general, if you don't want to chew, buy steak meat" machete"(aka "skurt") - this is the same diaphragm. The tender parts called ribeye(the thick edge of beef from the 3rd to the 12th rib) and the lumbar cut, surrounded by a thick layer of fat, aka " striploin" They also make .

Beef carcass parts for different purposes

The simplest table that contains tips on which cut of beef to buy depending on what you want to cook.

Method of preparation or name of the dish

Suitable cut of beef carcass


Thick edge


Shoulder, brisket



Varka (soup)





Tenderloin, thick and thin edge

Beef Stroganoff

Sirloin with rump

Burger (minced meat)

Shoulder blade, neck

Visual aid to types of beef


The cut has a decent amount of fat, which makes the meat tender. A very worthy option for minced meat and barbecue. If you are going to stew, boil or bake, then allow more time for cooking than for fillet.



Rich broth, soup and jellied meat - these are the “profile” shank dishes. However, gourmets suggest preparing osso bucco - chopped shanks with a marrow bone, stewed in wine for a couple of hours.


How to choose good meat - 3 rules

1 Fat color. In quality beef it is white or pale yellow. If you rub it between your fingers, it does not melt, but crumbles. Dark yellow fat indicates the venerable age of the animal. This kind of meat will have to be simmered for a long time to make it tender.

2 Meat color. Bright red indicates that the slaughter was incorrect - such a product should not be taken. Red indicates that the bull was recently slaughtered, and the meat did not have time to “ripen.” Burgundy red - best option“ripe” meat. Bleeding, bruising, and a bluish or greenish color are signs of spoiled product.

3 Sound. You can check the quality of a frozen piece like this: hit it on the table. If the sound is clear, it's good. If you are deaf, then the meat was probably frozen twice, and there is no need to talk about quality.

How to make beef tender?

Here's a proven way to make a tough piece edible. Cut the meat into cubes with a side of 3-4 centimeters. Fry in hot vegetable oil before golden crust. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour 1 liter of boiling water and add 2 tablespoons table vinegar. The fire should be reduced to a minimum and simmer for 1-1.5 hours depending on the degree of toughness of the meat. Then add the diced onion, Bay leaf, add boiling water if necessary, and leave to simmer for another 20 minutes. And only then add salt, season with your favorite spices and add, if desired. tomato paste. Simmer for another 5-7 minutes. The secret of juicy and soft beef according to this recipe, firstly, in preliminary frying (the juice remains “sealed” inside the meat cubes), secondly, in the use of boiling water (there is no sudden change in temperature), thirdly, in vinegar (acid softens the fibers).

In general, there is two main keys to success: slow cooking and low temperature . Keen cooks even practice cooking for 10 or more hours at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. Of course, this requires special equipment like a slow cooker or sous vide, but the result exceeds expectations. The meat really comes out.

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The most important parts of a beef carcass

1. Neck.

Neck (cut, back of the head) are relatively inexpensive because it muscle, a significant proportion of which is made up of tendons. The neck is suitable for making goulash, but when preparing the meat, care should be taken to remove the tendons. In addition, neck pieces can be used to make a good stew or a strong broth for soup. This type of meat requires a long time of cooking at high temperatures and in the presence of liquid, so the main methods of preparing it are boiling and stewing.

2. Back of the head.

This part is known as different names (cervical part, roasting meat). The neck meat has layers of fat and tendon, but with enough cooking time it can produce a juicy roast. The upper part of the neck is used for preparing marinated meat, for roasting or for minced meat.

3. Shoulder blade with shoulder edge.

This part of the back, bordering the lower back, is sometimes called the thick or table edge. It is sold with or without bones. The shoulder meat is finely fibrous with marbled layers, which indicates a significant proportion of fat in it. The shoulder blade of a young animal is suitable for roasting and grilling. in addition, it is valued as especially tender boiled meat. To reduce cooking time, the meat is cut into chop-sized pieces.

4. Pulp of the shoulder blade.

This best part of the shoulder, also called the shoulder or shoulder part, is comparable to parts such as the thigh or rump. The meat has relatively delicate fibers and is used mainly for preparing dishes such as beef stroganoff, fried and stewed rolls.

5a. Spatula.

This part of the shoulder is also called the shoulder part. It has fibers that are not as delicate as the pulp of the shoulder blade. Often marketed as "front quarter roast meat", it is, however, more suitable for braising and tender cooked meats.

5 B. The pointed part of the shoulder (scapula).

This part is also called "false fillet" and is used to prepare stuffed roasts, stews, soups and vegetable aintropes.

6. front part of the brisket (shank-falcon).

This part has almost no bones, is rich in fat and is suitable for preparing eintropf and broth, and in all cases the fat should be removed

7. Brisket core.

This part refers to the valuable parts of the beef carcass. It is sold either in its natural form with bones or without bones. in the form of rolls or pickles. The core of the brisket includes the breast bone, has a fatty layer and is covered with fat. if you use a piece with a bone, you should warn the butcher and saw the bone, rather than chop it, so that bone fragments do not get into the broth. The kernel produces juicy, dense boiled meat.

8. Middle part of the brisket.

This is one of the best parts of beef brisket. It contains some bones and is the leanest but quite nutritious part of the brisket. It is used to make soup or stew.

9. Brisket.

This is a piece from the front quarter of the carcass, forming chest. Thanks to the favorable combination of meat, fat and bones, it is a good meat for soups, aintropfs, and strong broths, which should be defatted after cooking.

10. Flank (curl).

This part makes a good broth. One third of this classic boiling meat consists of bones and cartilage. After removing the bones and tendons, you get soft-fiber meat for cooking.

11a. Fillet.

This is the best and most expensive part beef carcass. It belongs to the dorsal part and is located under the ribs. This is meat for frying. Chateaubriand is cut from the middle, tournedeau from the thinnest part, and filet mignon from the sharp end of the fillet.

11b. Tenderloin.

This most valuable part of beef carcass is outer part the back of the animal. The famous roast beef is cut from the tenderloin; the structure of its fibers is loose and tender. You can cook it from the tenderloin large piece roast or roast beef, you can cut it into pieces and cook steaks and other dishes.

12a. Rear flesh.

The meat is lean and at the same time drier and tougher than rump meat, so before frying it should be stuffed and covered with lard. In addition, you can prepare dishes from this type of meat instant cooking, for example beef stroganoff.

12b. Part sirloin, part rump.

It has thin layers of fat and a loose fiber structure. This part can be cut into pieces for quick frying, stewing and frying.

13a. Part rump, part sirloin.

Lean meat is exceptionally good for fondues and small rolls with delicious fillings.

13b. "Meat for the burgomaster."

As can be concluded from the name, meat for the burgomaster, also called lady's slipper, is different good quality. It is aromatic, juicy and allows you to prepare exceptionally good stews, marinated roasts, and tender goulash.

14. Ox tail.

It is used to make a popular soup (ox tail soup) and an excellent stew. Before cooking, the tail is cut into pieces about 5 cm long.

This part is lean, somewhat coarse and dry, despite the fact that it is inside covered with a thin layer of fat. Small rolls are prepared from its middle part, meat from the end part is stuffed and an excellent roast is obtained.

14a. Top part subthigh

The German name "Tafelspitz" also means "main meat dish table" and at the same time a national Austrian dish made from the upper part of the thigh, which has the well-known high quality. It works best if the meat is stewed rather than boiled.

14b. Part of the thigh.

This lean, coarse fiber meat is suitable for frying, grilling or stewing. It can be deliciously cooked on skewers or spits.

15. Thigh (rump).

Lean thigh meat is traditionally used for cooking tender rolls. They are cut from soft tissues adjacent to the lower part femur. They can be used to make the best fondue and raw steak tartare.

16a. Shanks.

The illustration shows the back and front shanks. They are cut into pieces (commercially called “shank pieces”). The shanks of very young bull or veal are suitable for roasting and grilling, but require quite a long grilling time.

166. Pieces of shanks.

Pieces 4-5 cm thick are offered for sale. Together with the marrow and tendons, which harden into jelly during cooking, they are suitable for making jellied meat, as well as for cooking soups and eintopf with a variety of dressings. The meat of the shanks is extremely tasty, lean, and due to its delicate consistency, after removing the bones, it can be successfully used to prepare a tender stew.

Purchasing meat is the most significant part of the food budget of any family (with the exception of vegetarian ones). Some people prefer pork, others poultry, but beef is considered the most healthy and nutritious. This meat is not the cheapest, so you need to know how to choose it correctly.

Main parts of beef carcass when cutting

However, just knowing how to use certain parts of a beef carcass on the farm is not enough. It is equally important to be able to choose the right meat so as not to be deceived.

Experienced people advise buying meat not in stores, but in the market, where it is cheaper and generally of better quality.

In addition, at the market you can bargain on the price or get the goods “on the fly.” The most favorable option is to eventually acquire “your own” butcher, the quality of whose product you can be sure of, as well as the fact that it will not overweight your regular customer.

An important indicator of quality is the color of the product; beef should be red and firm. Mucus or stains of unknown origin should alert you. The smell should be subtle and fresh. Unpleasant smell indicates that the product is likely stale or improperly stored. Beef fat is white and crumbly, with no rancid flavor.

To prepare a variety of dishes for the whole family, it is best to have several types of beef in the house. Buying a cow carcass or half-carcass for several families is becoming increasingly popular. After this, the butcher, at the request of the customers, will cut each type of meat equally for each family. This method is suitable for people who have the opportunity to store fairly large batches of products frozen (a spacious refrigerator or freezer).

Therefore, if a person is wondering what cut of beef is profitable to buy, the savings are to have cuts from various parts carcasses and use them correctly with maximum efficiency.

- calf meat. The meat is very popular in central Europe, as well as in Ukraine. Much less common in Russia.

The best veal is considered to be the meat of 2- or 3-month-old calves fed exclusively with milk. But alas, it is becoming increasingly rare to buy such meat. IN Food Industry There is too much temptation to fatten the calf longer, with cheaper feed, gain more weight and, accordingly, earn more. And what we can buy is mainly meat from 4-5 month old calves, and the meat is no longer so white and tender, but redder and with a sharper smell.

Veal is ideal for dietary or therapeutic nutrition. Tender lean meat can be baked in the oven, steamed, or poached with spices and herbs. This is the first recommended meat baby food, it is hypoallergenic and at the same time nutritious.

It is from veal bones that the most prized in classical French cuisine
broth, and a strong consommé and a nice demi-glace sauce. The aroma of such a broth is different than, say, beef or pork.

The aroma and texture of veal perfectly complements various pates, galantines and minced meats. Traditional Wiener schnitzel is made from veal. The famous saltimboca, no less famous dishes osso buco and vetello tonato, are prepared from nothing other than veal.

How to choose veal:

1) High-quality veal has a color from pale pink, almost white to creamy pink. The lighter the meat, the younger the animal was, and the more milk there was in the diet. The structure of meat is with small fibers.

2) Fresh meat should spring back well when pressed. Return to original form.

3) The smell of meat should be pleasant, light, without any foul odors.

4) The fat should be elastic and very white.

5) The meat should be moist but not slimy.

Features of cooking veal:

According to the cooking method, veal can be cooked, say, more like poultry, rather than like beef or pork. The meat is very tender and most parts of the carcass, with the exception of some (see the table of carcass parts below), need to be cooked for a short time (poached, baked at relatively low temperatures). high temperatures) and gently or very quickly and intensely (fry and bake very briefly at high temperatures).

Veal is mostly lean, so it dries out quickly. And you should always remember this when preparing something from veal.

Roast veal can be stuffed with lard or bacon, or simply wrapped in strips of bacon. This will slightly moisten the meat during baking, make it juicier, and also add a new trail of aromas.

When baking or roasting veal, frequently baste the meat with any dripping juices or other liquid (broth, wine, sauce).



Cooking Methods

Meat can be sold big piece for stewing or cut into portions for boiling.

Stew, broth


Spinnfirst part, sirloin,

Lumbar part

Sometimes sold in large pieces, sometimes divided into steaks. The most tender and expensive piece of meat in the whole carcass.

Pan frying, baking in the oven in one piece, medallions


The portion of meat between the thigh and the tenderloin.

A high-quality cut, the meat of which is used for baking in the oven, over an open fire or for frying in a frying pan (escalopes).


This is muscle meat from the hip part of the carcass.

Cooking tender roasts and schnitzels


The scapula muscles are cut into pieces having varying degrees softness

Accordingly, from part, for preparing roast, stew, beef stroganoff or fricassee


A piece obtained from the hind leg, almost without fat and with delicate fibers.

Oven baking in one piece, schnitzels, beef stroganoff

Shank and knuckle

Lower legs. Shank – hind legs, knuckle - front.

Long stewing, jellied meat.


The abdominal wall of the veal is one of the thinnest cuts, in which layers of meat alternate with developed layers connective tissue

Minced meat, long stewing


In this bony cut, layers of meat are interspersed with layers of fat and films.

Minced meat, boiling, smoking

What does veal go best with:

Spices and herbs




Bay leaf






Parmesan cheese






White wine

Black pepper

Beef is a treasure trove useful substances. It is often used in the menu for those who switch to dietary food. However, it is worth understanding that parts of a beef carcass may differ from each other according to many criteria, ranging from softness to taste.

Why do they love beef so much? How to choose a useful product

Beef - useful product, it contains a large number of vitamins of group B. Before sale, the carcass can be kept in a suspended state, this only improves taste qualities product in the future. This state of the carcass can last about ten days.

When choosing a part of the carcass, you should pay attention to the freshness of the meat. Proper beef does not have brown or yellow fat, and it also has shades of brown - spoiled.

It is noteworthy that moderate consumption of beef, that is, about two or three times a week, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cardiac system. This meat is also recommended for those who are actively involved in sports. This is due to the fact that the product restores the body and muscle mass.

Beef varieties: classification

Carcass parts can be divided into several large groups. It is noteworthy that each section of the animal carcass belongs to its own variety. There are three of them in total:

  • What parts of the carcass are included in this category? Here you can find breast and back parts, sirloin, rump, as well as sirloin.
  • First grade. This list includes: neck, shoulder, and scapular region.
  • Second grade. In this group you can find the knuckle, the hind shank and the butt.

You can read more about some parts of the carcass below.

Top grade. Description

The back part, which is included in the list of first-grade meat, is used for chops. It is also used for baking. This, in turn, includes entrecote, rib loin, thick end, and ribs.

The rump is also called the thigh. Goulash is prepared from this meat. In terms of its properties, this part of the carcass is characterized by the absence of fat. The meat is fibrous, but lean. A variety of meatloaves are also prepared from the rump.

Which part of the carcass is the most expensive? Sirloin. This is meat directly from the back, closer to the ribs. From different areas fillet you can get filet mignon or tournedo.

Butt is the name of another part of the carcass. It is also quite meaty, but less lean. This piece itself is loose; it is covered with a layer of fat. However, it produces good cutlets, these pieces are also perfectly fried and stewed quickly.

The brisket is also divided into parts, depending on the location of the piece. Thus, the front part contains a large amount of fat, which is recommended to be removed before cooking. Good for soups. The core of the brisket is considered a great cut. This includes a bone and a small layer of fat. The meat itself is dense in structure and has good taste.

First grade: what is included

The neck is generally considered an inexpensive meat. This is due to the fact that most of it is occupied muscle structure. The main methods of preparing this part require a long heat treatment. She makes good ones meat broths. The neck is often used for cooking or stewing. However, the tendons should be removed.

The meat of the part of the carcass, which is called the shoulder, is quite soft and fibrous. Depending on the location, its structure may change. They are used both for making cutlets and minced meat, as well as for goulash and stewing.

The humeral part is slightly inferior to the scapular part. Despite the fact that this type of meat can also be used to prepare a second course, it is used mainly for preparing clear broths. The meat is quite dietary.

Second grade: description

The drumsticks are often cut into circles, that is, into pieces. In addition to the pulp, such pieces contain part of the bone with brain fluid. Thereby, this part carcasses are used for jellied meat. Because when cooked and further hardened, the meat forms a jelly base.

The knuckle is quite high in calories. It is known to many thanks to the famous German dish, in which this piece is served fried, seasoned sauerkraut. Because the shank glistens with fat, it is called the “ice leg.” A smoked version of this dish is also often consumed. Essentially, this is the same shank, but from a different part of the leg.

The cut is located near the animal's neck. It is also used in the preparation of jellies or jellied meats, since there is little meat in them.

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