Home Flowers Diet food for weight loss: menu for a week, inexpensive. Thrifty diet

Diet food for weight loss: menu for a week, inexpensive. Thrifty diet

Now on the Internet you can find very large quantity information on different diets. The basis for any diet is a certain need basic products. In most cases, these products are not cheap. And very often there are more important needs than buying prohibitively expensive dietary food. No matter how the situation develops, everyone wants to look great, and therefore a dietary menu for losing weight was created. Thus, compliance with it will not greatly affect the wallet.

Simple rules of harmony

  1. Follow the schedule. It is necessary to eat at the same time so that vitamins are absorbed and there is a good metabolism. It is better to have breakfast before 9 am, lunch - until 2 pm, and dinner - no later than 7 pm.
  2. Eat food correctly. The feeling of satiety comes only after 20 minutes, so it is recommended to leave the table slightly hungry, and not overeat. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not rushed so that food does not enter the stomach in large chunks.
  3. Do not snack on sweets, cookies, or cakes. A cheap diet for weight loss does not imply such products. It is better to replace them with apples or dried fruits, in extreme cases - with a slice of dark chocolate.

Of course, it is also worth taking as a rule hiking, cycling, rollerblading, skating, skiing and sleeping for at least seven hours.

How to lose weight inexpensively

Most believe that dieting is not a cheap pleasure, especially if the diet is chosen according to the advice from a well-known magazine, when the main and components of the diet are exotic foods. The most cheap diet- fasting on water, but due to restrictions and contraindications, it is not suitable for every person. There are many options for inexpensive diets for weight loss, they are similar in that when choosing products, preference is given to vegetables and fruits for the season, affordable meats, cereals that can be prepared at home.

Video: cheap diet for quick weight loss

An example of a dietary meal for a week

Now let's take an example of a proper nutrition menu for a week with recipes.


Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water, banana, a teaspoon of honey, green tea sugarless.

Snack: Apple.

Lunch: Beetroot soup with beef and sour cream, a slice of rye bread, vegetable salad.

Snack: Boiled egg.

Dinner: Chop chicken breast with spices, fried in a dry pan, lettuce, green pea... Recipe: cut the breast into 10 x 10 cm pieces. Season with salt and spices (it turns out very tasty with the Grill seasoning). Beat off a piece on both sides. Preheat a skillet without oil and place the beaten pieces to fry for 4-5 minutes on each side. The pan should be non-stick.


Breakfast: Buckwheat with kefir, egg, tea with honey.

Snack: Banana.

Lunch: Homemade chicken sausages, buckwheat noodles, sugar-free compote.

Snack: Casserole with cauliflower and broccoli.

Dinner: Steamed pollock, boiled beets with garlic and sour cream.


Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole, cheese, tea without sugar.

Snack: Walnut (10 pcs.).

Lunch: Homemade steamed meatballs, vegetable stew, crispbread.

Snack: A glass of kefir.

Dinner: Lazy stuffed cabbage, a fresh vegetable salad.


Fasting day. Can be made with kefir, apples, cottage cheese or buckwheat. See options in the section: Fasting days.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and honey, banana, tea without sugar.

Snack: Apple.

Lunch: Pink salmon steak (in a dry frying pan), Brown rice, fruit drink without sugar.

Snack: Omelet.

Dinner: Chicken boiled breast, salad of radish, cucumber and eggs.


Breakfast: Barley porridge with honey, tea without sugar.

Snack: Salad with fresh cabbage and apples.

Lunch: Buckwheat soup with chicken, sugar-free compote.

Snack: Cottage cheese with sour cream.

Dinner: Pumpkin stew with beef.


Breakfast: Cheese loaf sandwich, corn porridge, tea without sugar.

Snack: Zucchini fritters.

Lunch: Stewed cabbage with turkey, baked potatoes.

Snack: Aspic.

Dinner: Curd casserole with sour cream.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Diet food for weight loss menu for 10 days inexpensive

Day 1

Breakfast: about 200 g of pearl barley cooked in water (oil and other fatty additives are prohibited).

Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: 300 g light vegetable plain soup and 2 small whole grain loaves.

Dinner: salad, the ingredients of which are proposed to be made white cabbage, carrots, apples, onion; one boiled chicken egg.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge cooked in water.

Snack: boiled egg.

Lunch: vegetable soup made from non-starchy products (up to 300 g); you can also eat 1-2 rye or whole grain bread.

Dinner: as on Monday, you need to eat the above-described fruit and vegetable salad, only instead of an egg you should drink a glass of kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg(you can cook it in a pan, but without adding oil).

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: vegetable soup and a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: the already familiar salad for dinner and up to 200 g of buckwheat boiled in water.

Day 4

Breakfast: 150 g of a mixture of mashed carrots and apples, with the addition of 1 tsp. vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 300 g vegetable soup; a slice of grain bread, which is allowed to supply low-fat cheese or a layer of cottage cheese, tomato slices and herbs.

Dinner: 130-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the pulp of one grapefruit.

Day 5

Breakfast: boiled egg; mashed apple (about 150 g), which is recommended to be eaten with the addition of a small proportion of olive oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 300 g of soup, which can be made today with noodles for chicken broth; cabbage and apple salad.

Dinner: 150 g of boiled or baked skinless chicken fillet and a slice of rye flour bread.

Day 6

Breakfast: Oatmeal or sugar-free muesli with a few apple slices (all worth to be seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil).

Snack: glass fruit juice sugarless.

Lunch: about 150 g of mushrooms, stewed in water; 300 g tomato-based soup, 1-2 slices of grain bread (preferably pre-dried).

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat with non-starchy vegetables stewed in water.

Day 7

Breakfast: Unsweetened muesli or oatmeal (you can add a little apples or other non-starchy fruits / berries to them).

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 250 g lean fish, which you can cook today creamy sauce; a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: a couple of medium-sized potatoes in uniforms plus baked herring (up to 150 g).

Day 8

Breakfast: 200 g of mashed apples with olive oil.

Snack: a glass of apple juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

Lunch: up to 300 g of low-fat tomato soup with 30-40 g of grain bread, which is allowed to grease with low-fat cottage cheese in a small amount, decorate with slices of fresh tomato and herbs.

Dinner: a mixture made from 200 g of boiled beets (grated or finely chopped), 50 g walnuts(finely chopped); 1-2 slices of rye bread.

Day 9

Breakfast: muesli or oatmeal with fruit flavored with a little olive oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: lean meat with vegetables, baked in the oven or grilled (the total portion should not exceed 250 g).

Dinner: baked potatoes and sauerkraut (you can bake it all together, weight up to 250 g).

Day 10

Breakfast: grated apple and carrot, flavored with 1 tsp. olive oil (up to 150 g); one boiled chicken egg.

Snack: half a glass of natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: not a large number of light vegetable soup; a slice of rye bread; 200 g of rice, to which you can add a little prunes and dried apricots.

Dinner: today it is sweet - 15 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% or 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Note... Menu options are allowed to vary. The main thing is to observe general principles of this diet and not go beyond the approximate calorie content of the above-proposed diet.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Uncontrolled snacking

A typical complaint of people who are unsuccessfully trying to lose weight: "I eat little, but the kilograms do not want to go away." Unless it is associated with a medical condition, you are counting calories incorrectly and not counting snacks.

In addition, a snack, most likely, does not include the most healthy meals... When composing a menu for the day, do not forget that this is all that you can eat during the day, and no more! Attempts to "snack" in excess of the diet will not lead to the desired result.

Want to replace dishes? It's OK!

So, you have made a menu and are trying to stick to it strictly. What if the right ingredients was not there?

Or did a friend invite you to a cafe (naturally, there are no delicious pancakes, kebabs, lobio or sushi in your daily diet)?

In fact, if the calorie content of the "forbidden" product does not exceed energy value your food intake, no harm will be done to the process of losing weight.

Another thing is that the "correct" lunch is more satisfying, so you shouldn't make the "violations" systematic. The breakdown will not be long in coming.

Violations of the established diet

Even if you've managed enough long time keep yourself in check and eat right - "Uncle Zhora" will come sooner or later anyway. With all the balance of the diet, the body, deprived of the usual calories, will rebel and will certainly want to catch up.

I will say a seditious thing: if you want to eat the "forbidden fruit" - eat it! But certainly not the Cyclopean portion. Once.

And let it not be at home, but in a cafe with friends. You will have fewer temptations to accomplish feats worthy of Gargantua and Pantagruel.

"Tomorrow I'm going on a diet!" This sacramental phrase was uttered at least once in her life, probably, by every woman. True, this very "tomorrow" we may already have a completely different mood, and we will not want to torment ourselves with any diets. Perhaps we will begin to follow this same diet, but in two days we will break loose, gorge ourselves on sweet buns and spit on everything. But sometimes you still manage to reach the victorious end and see the desired result on the scales ...

Effective, inexpensive diet for weight loss is a real find. There are hundreds of recipes for various diets, but there is no universal recipe for every woman. For some, one option will be suitable and effective, for others - a completely different one. There are diets in which expensive or rare products are used, or many specific dishes are required to be prepared, which, of course, does not suit everyone.

One of the simplest, most popular and affordable diets- do not eat in the evening, usually after six in the evening. This mode has many fans. Of course, this does not mean that during the day you can eat up starchy foods and sweets. A variation of this method is to keep the interval between the last meal in the evening and the first meal the next day for at least 12 to 14 hours. Again, don't eat a heavy dinner at midnight and then go hungry until lunchtime.

Democratic, not requiring complicated preparations, but at the same time quite "tough" -. It is designed for a week and promises to save 5 kilograms during this period. The basis of the diet is one and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day. On the first day, you can add half a kilogram of boiled potatoes to this, on the second - 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, on the third - 100 grams of boiled meat, on the fourth - 100 grams of boiled fish, on the fifth - half a kilogram of fruit. On the sixth day, you will have to limit yourself to kefir (all the same one and a half liters), and on the seventh - in general mineral water without gas. By the way, you can drink as much water as you like all week.

The so-called "cinematic" or "acting" is effective, inexpensive for losing weight, and also quite original. It is also not so easy to withstand it, but the result is very impressive. So, the first 3 days - kefir in any quantities, the next 3 days - boiled chicken(no skin and no salt), then - 3 "apple" days, in which you can only eat apples and drink Apple juice... And finally, the most enjoyable 3 days - dry red wine and cheese. The "milder" version of this diet is designed for only 4 days: in the first we eat boiled rice without salt and drink freshly squeezed tomato juice or green tea. In the second - low-fat cottage cheese without sugar and kefir. The third day is dedicated to boiled chicken fillet and green tea, and the fourth day crowns the diet - with the same red wine and cheese. The first option allows you to lose 9-10 kilograms, the second - 3-5. Remember only that you still need to be careful with red wine, especially for those who suffer from cardiovascular or gastrointestinal diseases.

Unusual, fast and quite budget diet- milk banana. It is designed for 5 days, and daily diet very simple - 3 cups of low-fat milk and six bananas. Monotonous, but no fuss with the preparation of special dishes.

If you are not intimidated by the monotony, you can also try the simple rice diet. It lasts 7 days; throughout the day, you can afford 150 grams of rice, 90 grams of boiled fish or chicken fillet, one egg and a tomato.

In general, as mentioned above, the most effective diet for weight loss is different for everyone. We wish you to find the best recipe for yourself!

There is a stereotype that losing weight is possible only with expensive and exotic products. But this is not the case. A diet that is cheap and simple is not a myth at all. There are products that are readily available to help you lose weight and keep your budget.

The subtleties of a proper diet

Important components of losing weight are proper nutrition, physical exercise and good dream... Without them, effectively losing weight simply will not work. The diet must include soups, cereals, fresh and dried fruits, raw and vegetable stew, nuts, meat and dairy products. The diet should not cause discomfort, and the person should remain in good mood... It is better to take as a basis one that is not built on hardships.

So, simple diet may include chicken, beef, fish, seafood, a variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, yeast-free bread, herbal juices and smoothies. With an active lifestyle, it is worth adding easily digestible foods to the diet - these are kefir, bananas and dark chocolate.

Simple rules of harmony

1. Follow the schedule... It is necessary to eat at the same time so that vitamins are absorbed and there is a good metabolism. It is better to have breakfast before 9 am, lunch - until 2 pm, and dinner - no later than 7 pm.

2. Eat food correctly. The feeling of satiety comes only after 20 minutes, so it is recommended to leave the table slightly hungry, and not overeat. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not rushed so that food does not enter the stomach in large chunks.

3. Do not snack on sweets, cookies or cakes. A cheap diet for weight loss does not imply such products. It is better to replace them with apples or dried fruits, in extreme cases - with a slice of dark chocolate.

Undoubtedly, hiking, biking, rollerblading, skating, skiing and sleeping for at least seven hours are also worth taking as a rule.

Inexpensive products

Balance your diet properly and lose overweight will help:

  • vegetables and fruits. It is better to choose only local and seasonal ones, as they will be cheaper. For example, these are apples, bananas, oranges, cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini. It is very beneficial to make preparations for the winter in the form of pickles and compotes;
  • berries. Ideally, it is better to use not purchased ones, but those that are in the garden. Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, plums are very useful and keep perfectly in the freezer;
  • hen. Perfectly replaces expensive turkey. It is quite dietary and is sold all over the place. With chicken, any diet is cheap and effective;
  • beef. In some regions, it is cheaper than pork, which is also much fatter;
  • a fish. Very good for your health. Hake, blue whiting, cod, mackerel, capelin and pollock are inexpensive. Only you need to cook them exclusively for steam;
  • shrimps. Better to buy in shell, as peeled are expensive;
  • walnuts. A great alternative to expensive overseas options;
  • muesli. DIY made from rolled oats and fruits are not as expensive as the finished product.

What not to save on?

Of course, a diet of cheap foods is much more tempting. But in some cases, you should not spare money.

  • Brown rice. It is more expensive, but also much more useful than usual.
  • Olive oil. It will also provide more benefits and fewer calories.
  • Cheese. V diet menus rather, this product is a delicacy and is rarely used. But if you are going to buy cheese, then only a small slice of the expensive one, since the cheap varieties are of lower quality.

Lose weight and not spend money

Perhaps all girls know that you can instantly lose weight only by fasting. The cheapest diet for fast weight loss is drinking. It involves refusing to eat and drinking one liquid throughout the day. It can be plain water, mineral water, tea, coffee, herbs or kefir. The stomach will be constantly filled with fluid, so there should be no feeling of hunger. However, not many girls withstand such a tough regime, although it is economical. In exceptional cases, to drinking diet add rice, potatoes or fruit.

Competent diet

Nutritionists recommend not to lose weight through fasting, but to adhere to balanced nutrition... This weight loss option is designed for 10 days and consists of the simplest available products... Of course, they will have to be prepared, but this is done simply and quickly.

The good thing about the 10 Day Cheap Weight Loss Diet is that you can customize it and add foods to your liking. The menu looks like this:

  • for breakfast: boiled egg, apple, juice and any milk porridge (buckwheat, millet or oatmeal);
  • for lunch: fish or chicken broth with rye bread, salad with olive oil and herbal tea;
  • for dinner: stewed vegetables, any boiled meat, salad with a high content of greens.

As a snack: fresh vegetables and fruits, juices or low-fat kefir.

Thus, you can and should eat long time, or better - all my life. The body will noticeably become tightened and slimmer, and the skin will look healthy.

Losing weight with cereals

Our grandmothers also knew that cereals are very useful and help to become slim. Their prices are low and practically do not depend on currency changes. You can take absolutely any cereal - oat, wheat, rice, millet or buckwheat. You need to cook them in water, without adding oil, salt and sugar, otherwise this cheap diet will be meaningless.

Buckwheat is very effective. It is better not to boil it, but simply pour water over it. For half a kilogram of cereal, you need to take a liter of boiling water. In a couple of hours, the porridge will be ready. This amount will be enough for a day. It should be divided into five to six servings and eaten at approximately equal intervals. The duration of the diet can be any, but not more than two weeks. The menu can sometimes be diversified with an unsweetened apple for lunch and low-fat kefir before bedtime.

Kefir is the key to harmony

Another cheap weight loss diet for a week. Based on kefir, but other foods will also be included in the diet. It is important to follow the dietary recommendations and not exceed the seven-day duration threshold, otherwise it will greatly damage the body. As a result, you can get rid of up to five extra pounds.

Every day you need to drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. On weekdays, additional foods are included in the diet.

Monday: boiled potatoes(half a kilogram).

Tuesday: boiled lean meat (one hundred grams).

Wednesday: boiled chicken breast (one hundred grams).

Thursday: boiled fish (one hundred grams).

Friday: fruit (half a kilogram).

Saturday and Sunday: only kefir.

Banana milkshake

Another quick, cheap diet involves consuming milk and bananas. It is designed for only five days, during which you can get in shape. The diet, of course, is not varied, but nutritious. No need to waste time and effort in cooking.

Every day for five days, you need to eat six medium bananas and drink three glasses of milk (low-fat or low-fat). As they say, cheap and cheerful.

Actor Mode

This diet is simple but requires a lot of willpower. It lasts strictly nine days, no more and no less. If you follow all the recommendations, then you can lose up to ten extra pounds.

The first three days: drink in any quantity.

From 4th to 6th day: eat only chicken fillet cooked without salt. It can also be unlimited.

From the 7th to the 9th day: only one unsweetened apples and juice from them.

This diet is cheap, effective, but tough. It can be replaced with a softer version that will allow you to lose up to five kilograms. You can also eat here in unlimited quantities, but only with recommended products.

First day. Boiled rice and tomato juice (or any tea).

Second day. Kefir and cottage cheese of minimum fat content.

Third day. Boiled chicken fillet (no salt) and green tea.

Fourth day. Good cheese and high quality red wine.

It is better to start this diet on Wednesday or Thursday, so that the last day falls on a day off. This is assuming you rest on Saturday and Sunday.

Fasting day

Doctors and nutritionists recommend doing a fasting day once a week. This is very helpful even if you are not trying to lose weight. Some girls drink only water on such a day, but this is the wrong approach to losing weight. It is important that the amount of carbohydrates in the diet when unloading approaches daily rate... It is about one hundred grams. Such a unloading simple diet may look like this.

For breakfast: a handful walnuts and a glass of fermented milk drink.

For lunch: boiled chicken breast (about two hundred grams), you can add a spoonful of sweet and sour jam.

For an afternoon snack: two grapefruits and three large apples.

For dinner: you can eat any fresh vegetables.

Before bed: two boiled eggs.

If you introduce a fasting day as a rule once a week, then a diet may not be needed. Eat healthy, exercise and stay lean!

A useful addition to any diet to help you stay productive and improve the effectiveness of weight loss measures is drugs that help balance cellular metabolism. For example, Mildronate 250 mg capsules is a drug that optimizes the process of cell nutrition during exercise. Its action allows you to maintain the health of the heart in conditions of oxygen starvation of cells, which arose in connection with a temporary change in metabolic processes. The use of the drug in addition to the diet allows you to maintain performance, as a result, the desired harmony will not cause significant damage to health.

Losing weight on exotic foods such as pineapple and shrimp is certainly enjoyable, but most women will love a cheap and effective diet that allows you to quickly lose those extra pounds. Inexpensive diets that our site offers to your attention will help you achieve the desired result and will not affect your budget.

Lose weight with savings

Analysis famous systems nutrition has shown that the cheapest, but effective diet is designed for a short period of time and involves the use of only one product. This is the so-called the tough mono diet considered the most economical, since it is impossible to go broke eating one rice, potatoes or kefir. But quickly lose excess weight simple enough, which is a clear advantage of the mono diet. Plus, for such a quick, inexpensive diet, you can always choose the food you love.

Drinking diet is an inexpensive but effective diet, as well as quite comfortable. All day long, you only drink water, coffee, tea, or even wine. This is a great example of economy, when you can constantly fill your stomach with liquid and very rarely eat a tiny piece of anything.

Low calorie diet is another type of lean diet. It is usually based on the most simple products... But even if you liked the more expensive menu, you still don't need to worry about family budget as the recommended portions are too small.

However, the obvious disadvantages of these diets are worth noting. Observance of a mono-diet for more than 3-5 days cannot pass without damage to health. Any low calorie diet- not expensive and lasts a little longer, but can quickly get bored.

If you have not yet become an adherent of any of the nutritional systems and are choosing light diets inexpensively for your wallet, then this article is for you. Check out two options for economy diets that are easier to tolerate because they are not based on the same food. These nutritional systems include a small amount of calories and differ in a certain variety.

Features of the bean diet

Bean diet- not expensive, but effective. This option is quite satisfying and even enjoyable if you are a fan of this useful product... The main component of the menu can be bought canned in cans or purchased dried and cooked on your own. Servings of salad are not limited, but you must hold on and not eat more than usual.

It is advisable to limit the use of salt during the entire period of the diet. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of purified still drinking water daily and a glass simple kefir or unsweetened yogurt before bed. Such a large amount of liquid is necessary so that you do not experience increased natural gas production. You can drink tea and coffee, but only without sugar. Effective diets such a plan allows you to reset up to 7 kg in one week.

Bean menu

Day 1 - Monday.

Breakfast. No more than 40 g of cheese or 200 ml of dietary kefir.

2nd breakfast. A small handful of dried fruits, berries, or fresh fruits.


Dinner. Cooked Beans Serving - 100g, Plate vegetable salad, unsweetened tea.

Day 2 - Tuesday.

Breakfast. Diet yogurt - 100 g or light kefir, coffee or tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast.


Dinner. A portion of ready-made beans - 100 g and the same amount of stewed, boiled or baked fish, unsweetened tea.

Day 3 - Wednesday.

Breakfast... A glass of diet kefir or cheese is a small piece.

2nd breakfast. A small handful of dried fruits, berries, or fresh fruit.

Dinner. A serving of cooked beans - 100 g, a plate of vegetable salad with the addition of olive or sunflower oil, unsweetened tea.

Dinner. A serving of cooked beans - 100 g, a plate of vegetable salad and tomato juice - one glass.

Day 4 - Thursday.

Breakfast. Light curd- up to 100 g, coffee or tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast. A small handful of dried fruits, berries, or fresh fruit.

Dinner. A portion of cooked beans - 100 g and the same amount of fruit salad.

Dinner. A portion of baked or boiled meat - 100 g with rice garnish - 50 g, unsweetened tea.

Day 5 - Friday.

Breakfast. Diet yogurt - 100 g or a little cottage cheese, coffee or tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast. A small handful of dried fruits, berries, or fresh fruit.

Dinner. A serving of cooked beans - 100 g, a plate of vegetable salad or sauerkraut, unsweetened tea.

Dinner. Serving beans - 100 g boiled potatoes- 150 g, a plate of vegetable salad and tomato juice - one glass.

Day 6 - Saturday.

Breakfast. No more than 40 g of cheese, coffee or tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast. Diet kefir - one glass.

Dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g, a plate of vegetable salad, unsweetened tea.

Dinner. A portion of cooked beans - 150 g, the same amount of fresh fruit.

Day 7 - Sunday.

Breakfast. Diet yogurt - 100 g or cottage cheese, coffee or tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast. A small handful of dried fruits, berries, or fresh fruit.

Dinner. A portion of cooked beans - 100 g, a plate of vegetable salad.

Dinner. A small portion of light vegetable soup, 100 g of cooked beans, freshly squeezed orange juice - one glass.

Basic rules of a cheap diet

Diet "Inexpensive" will help you without special efforts lose up to 5 kg in a week... But it is imperative follow a few basic rules:

  1. Sugar should be completely eliminated and salt should be limited as much as possible. It is allowed to use soy sauce instead of salt in unlimited quantities.
  2. Complete rejection alcoholic beverages not required. If you cannot live without beer, then every three days you are allowed to drink one glass. Fans more spirits will be able to pamper themselves with a glass of wine.
  3. Those with a sweet tooth can enjoy natural honey(only one tablespoon), a small piece of chocolate, eat one prune or two dried apricots.
  4. It is recommended to exclude sausages, wieners and any sausages from the diet. Foods such as eggs, legumes, cottage cheese and lean meats should be the source of the proteins you need for your body.
  5. Fats and proteins cannot be combined in one meal. Therefore, you should not fry the eggs on butter, but you need to use a frying pan with a special non-stick coating.
  6. Protein and carbohydrates can be combined. Only one product, which belongs to proteins, is allowed to be added to vegetables, cereals or fruits.
  7. Until you have formed comfort mode food, you can eat whenever you want. However, don't large portions and do not eat after 8 pm.
  8. The liquid necessary for losing weight should be drunk up to 2 liters daily. Choose plain, still water. Coffee and tea should be excluded, but if it is hard, then limit yourself to 1-2 cups a day. It is strictly forbidden to add cream, milk or sugar.

Low-cost diet menu

Day 1 - Monday.

Breakfast. Pearl barley porridge - 200 g, cooked in water, without adding butter and milk.

2nd breakfast.


Dinner... A portion of salad from apples, fresh cabbage, onions and carrots - 200 g and one boiled egg.

Day 2 - Tuesday

Breakfast. Rice porrige- 200 g, cooked in water, without oil and boiled egg.

2nd breakfast. One glass of dietary kefir.

Dinner. A plate of light vegetable soup - no more than 300 g and two rye bread.

Dinner... Buckwheat porridge - 200 g, cooked in water, without oil, a portion of salad from apples, fresh cabbage, onions and carrots - 200 g.

Day 3 - Wednesday.

Breakfast. Boiled egg.

2nd breakfast. One glass of dietary kefir.

Dinner. A plate of light vegetable soup - no more than 300 g and two rye bread.

Dinner. Buckwheat- up to 200 g, cooked in water, without adding oil, salad of apples, fresh cabbage, onions and carrots - 200 g

Day 4 - Thursday.

Breakfast. A serving of grated carrots with an apple - 150 g, seasoned with olive oil - one small spoon.

2nd breakfast. One glass of dietary kefir.

Dinner. A plate of light vegetable soup - no more than 300 g, a sandwich with grain bread, herbs, tomato and soft cheese.

Dinner... Light cottage cheese - up to 150 g and one grapefruit.

Day 5 - Friday.

Breakfast. A serving of grated carrots with an apple is 150 g, with one small spoonful of olive oil and one boiled egg.

2nd breakfast. One glass of dietary kefir.

Dinner. Plate chicken noodle soup- up to 300 g, salad of apples, carrots, fresh cabbage and onions - 200 g.

Dinner... Skinless chicken fillet, boiled - 150 g with one tablespoon of ketchup, a small rye loaf.

Day 6 - Saturday.


2nd breakfast. Freshly squeezed apple juice - one glass.

Dinner. A portion of tomato soup - no more than 300 g, 150 g stewed mushrooms and two rye bread.

Dinner... Buckwheat porridge, stewed with vegetables - no more than 200 g.

Day 7 - Sunday.

Breakfast. Plate oatmeal- 200 g with one small spoonful of olive oil, in pieces fresh apple and a banana.

2nd breakfast. One glass of dietary kefir.

Dinner. 250 g of fish in a creamy sauce, rye bread.

Dinner... Small portion of herring fillet weak salting- 150 g and the same amount of potatoes boiled in their skins.

Day 8 - Monday.

Breakfast. A serving of grated carrots with an apple - 150 g, seasoned with olive oil - one small spoon.

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