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» What does yawning mean

Why does a person yawn and what does it mean when you yawn?

According to the Dutch psychologist Wolter Seuntjens, who spent eighteen years studying the data of various sciences, yawning has mainly erotic meaning. Consciously or not, it represents an invitation to sex. The sensations that accompany yawning are often even described as "mini-orgasms."

In support of his thesis, the scientist mentions that yawning in macaques is a sign of sexual alpha dominance, and therefore superiority (this, it turns out, is the reason for the annoyance of your bosses when you yawn in meetings). So don't yawn in the office. Your colleagues will have every reason to look at you with suspicion.

Seuntjents believes that there is still no satisfactory explanation for yawning. He says the traditional explanation for hypoxia - that yawning is a way for the body to get more oxygen - has yet to be proven. In fact, the phenomenon of yawning is still a mystery. “In fact, we really have no idea what causes yawning and what purpose yawning serves, what mechanisms are responsible for it, and even what basic anatomical components are involved. In an era when the human genome has already been deciphered and space travel is becoming commonplace, this verdict may sound like an insult,” he writes.

The psychologist also claims that when taking certain antidepressants, yawning can cause spontaneous orgasms. He adds: "When discussing pathology, I found that yawning and spontaneous ejaculation were mentioned at the same time." He presented the results of his research in On Yawning or the Hidden sexuality of the Human Yawn, published by the University of Amsterdam in 2004.

Why do you want to yawn?

We yawn when we are tired or when our stomach is screaming. However, there is also yawning, which expresses aggression or boredom.

If we exclude savory yawning, when your eyes just stick together, then the interlocutor's repeated yawning does not necessarily mean that he needs rest.

Inappropriate yawning may be a subconscious reaction to repressed aggression. He yawns not because he is bored, but because his counterpart (i.e. you) bothers or annoys him. Therefore, if your interlocutor continuously yawns, try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He should apologize for not getting enough sleep if your conversation puts him to sleep or your arguments get on his nerves.

Why do you often yawn while covering your mouth with your hand

Is the reason why people who yawn cover their mouths with their hands is just a matter of politeness, elegance, or hygiene? The real reason is different: there was a time when it was believed that the soul could slip out with the exhalation if the mouth was opened too wide. Therefore, it was necessary to cover the mouth, which was opening from fatigue, with the hand - in order to prevent the premature departure of the soul. This same hand simultaneously served as an obstacle that prevented evil spirits from seizing the opportunity and penetrating into the body.

What does yawn mean?

Your counterpart is yawning with his mouth closed.

This yawning is most often a reflex. Quite often it betrays the active skepticism of the yawner. Your interlocutor doubts integrity in general and yours in particular.

Your interlocutor yawns, mouth wide open.

Yawning without covering your mouth is a sign of contempt or bad upbringing. It is better to know in advance how to relate to this, especially when it comes to work. “It's just a brilliant idea,” someone says, stifling a yawn. Even a compliment is not able to hide the disdain shown in the gesture; absolutely nothing changes if the conversation takes place on the phone.

Why do people often yawn?

Frequent yawning is a sign of boredom combined with active rejection.

If the interlocutor yawns several times, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, it means that everything you said is not at all interesting to your counterpart. Drop the curtain! This is a rejection signal.

Your interlocutor continuously yawns, covering his mouth with his fingertips and tapping his lips with them.

It is very likely that the fingers called the mouth to order, suggesting that it be silent instead of engaging in unnecessary debate.

Your interlocutor yawns, covering his mouth with a half-closed fist.

The gesture being performed is a symbol of clear rejection! A closed hand is always a sign of aggression.

Adapted from: Messinger J. C. Ces gestes qui vous trahissent - Paris: France, 2013

Many people think that yawning only occurs when you are tired and not getting enough sleep. Although in fact this symptom may indicate certain health problems, so you should not ignore it. If you sleep 7-8 hours a day and continue to yawn every day, we advise you to pay attention to the symptom and figure out what is causing it.

Why do you often yawn: the main reasons

All people yawn, and not only people. This is what most vertebrates do. Doctors believe that it is good for health. But is it? When you start to yawn, blood circulation improves in the neck, face and head. When you do this, you take a deep breath, which increases blood circulation in the brain. Together, these processes help to eliminate too hot blood from the brain by introducing colder blood from the lungs and extremities.

Some scientists believe that changes in indoor temperature can cause yawning. Also, pharynx can be provoked by boredom, lack of vivid emotions. Thus, the doctors were divided into 2 camps. Representatives of one camp believe that the pharynx has a physiological cause, representatives of the second - a psychological one.

Why do people often yawn? There is nothing wrong with yawning when you haven't had enough sleep or are tired. But if you continue to do this constantly and for a long time, do not ignore this symptom. After all, it is quite possible that you have health problems.

What can cause frequent yawning:

You didn't get enough sleep . Are you getting enough sleep? Perhaps you sleep too little and your body does not have time to recover. Try to sleep 7-8 hours a day, go to bed as early as possible.

Fatigue. If you are tired at work or school, in training, your body needs more time to recover. You need to rest, the only way you will get rid of yawning.

Temperature fluctuations in the room, elevated air temperature.

Stress. Try to be as nervous as possible, take sedatives if necessary.

You may be interested in our publication How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t feel like sleeping at all: ways

The body needs oxygen. Weakness, yawning and feeling unwell can signal a lack of oxygen in the blood. Every day, take a walk for 30-40 minutes in the fresh air, often ventilate the room in which you work or live.

Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

Mirroring. What it is? Surely you have noticed that you start to yawn as soon as you see a yawning person, right? This is a normal reaction of the human body.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Another common reason is that your body is not getting enough nutrients. We advise you to take a vitamin complex, it would also not hurt to pass the necessary tests.

Taking medications. Certain medications can cause drowsiness, such as allergy medications, hormonal medications, antidepressants, and some pain relievers.

Vasovagal reaction - occurs due to internal bleeding in the heart or aorta. Frequent yawning and deterioration in general condition may not indicate a heart attack or a damaged aorta. Thus, excessive yawning for no reason can indicate heart problems.

Liver damage. Some doctors believe that excessive yawning may be a symptom of liver failure. If you have had liver problems, be sure to check.

Epilepsy - in some cases, yawning can be a signal of the development of this disease, but this is not common.

Stroke - in this case, the brain begins to send uncharacteristic signals, as a result, you often yawn. Stroke provokes lesions in the brain, which leads to yawning.

Multiple sclerosis. According to studies, patients suffering from multiple sclerosis often yawn. This is due to the fact that their body is prone to thermoregulatory dysfunction, which provokes yawning.

In some cases, frequent yawning for several days or even weeks may indicate problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the cardiovascular system. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

Why do eyes water?

Some people shed tears when they yawn. Why is this happening? Your eyes begin to close, which puts pressure on your tear sacs, causing them to shed tears.

Frequent yawning: when to sound the alarm?

If you begin to notice that you often yawn, try to get enough sleep and be outdoors more often, take a vitamin and mineral complex. If the situation has not improved and you continue to yawn daily for a long time, be sure to consult a specialist.

Frequent yawning is not uncommon among people. Why do we yawn, what does this symptom indicate? Why does one yawn and another gets infected with it? What does medicine say about frequent yawning?

Frequent yawning, why do we need it, reasons:

Science is not unanimous in its assessments of frequent yawning, but there are still definitions of this phenomenon.

Yawning is an unconditioned reflex.

According to scientists, frequent yawning has a positive effect on:

  1. Human circulation activation, brain activation.
  2. The mind clears up well, cools the brain, which should not be overheated. Cooling during yawning occurs through the mouth.
  3. The human body is supplied with energy and the brain as well.
  4. The activity of the sebaceous glands improves.
  5. Dry eyes disappear.
  6. Perfectly relax the muscles of the neck, neck, cheeks, temples, abdomen, shoulders, diaphragm.
  7. The mood improves.
  8. Arterial pressure is normalized.
  9. Reduces tension in joints and muscles.
  10. This helps prevent heart attacks and other heart diseases.
  11. There are many opinions that the frequent yawning of a person in order not to fall asleep.
  12. Supports the activity of the sleeping brain.

When a person yawns, he stretches, feels like walking around, moving around.

Frequent yawning, why everyone around yawns for company:

And we yawn for the company at the behest of our higher mind - the subconscious. This is his muscular expression. The subconscious of all people are interconnected. Who did not know this, information for reflection.

On a conscious level, of course, we do not want to accept this, to believe.

Life is much more complicated and interesting than we picture it to ourselves in our minds. Frequent yawning is the most pleasant, understandable demonstration of our subconscious communication.

Frequent yawning, than it is easiest to start:

Want to yawn with gusto, for real? Let the thought of reading, or even reading itself, come into your head. Just think about it and immediately start yawning.

What happens when you yawn:

  1. When you open your mouth to yawn, you take a long breath. Then a short exhalation.
  2. At the same time, the Eustachian tubes (auditory) - going from the ear to the throat - open, the air pressure in the middle ear returns to normal.
  3. Yawning is a very important symptom of human health.

Frequent yawning, as indicated by its absence or presence:

Yawning or its absence can be symptoms of such diseases as:

  • Brain damage.
  • Sea sickness.
  • The presence of tumors.
  • Encephalitis, chorea.
  • Bleeding of the stomach or intestines.
  • Even myocardial infarction.
  • Anemia has such a symptom as yawning. The lack of oxygen contributes to this and a decrease in the level of iron. This is how hypoxia (oxygen starvation) develops.
  • Yawning can be a symptom of a weakened psyche in nervous disorders. This can be observed in chronic fatigue syndrome, along with lack of sleep.
  • manifested by frequent, prolonged yawning.

Prevention of frequent yawning:

  1. Become at least 7 - 8 hours.
  2. Don't pass before bed.
  3. Well ventilate all the rooms in which you are, especially the bedroom.
  4. Turn off all electrical appliances near the bed, but it is better to put them in other rooms.
  5. Treat snoring, it usually occurs in people who are overweight, have diseases, and work abnormalities.

Yawning often accompanies boredom, drowsiness, monotony of classes.

People who yawn often do not yawn faster than people who yawn rarely.

Frequent yawning has nothing to do with physical activity.

How to increase your efficiency by frequent yawning:

When working at a computer, when the body hardly moves, there is little oxygen in the body, this affects the well-being:

  • You become lethargic, drowsiness appears.
  • All this annoys you.
  • Then comes apathy.
  • Efficiency tends to zero.

What to do?

  • Stretch your whole body up well.
  • Yawn with pleasure.
  • Exhale noisily.
  • You will be fine.

Note that when you are cheerful, there is no fatigue, stress and worries, yawning does not pull you.

As soon as problems, depression, stress appear, yawning manifests itself very strongly.

If you wake up in the morning and constantly yawn, then your sleep was not of high quality, you have not rested yet.

It has been noticed that people who come to church with their problems yawn almost to tears.

Frequent yawning helps a person to relieve all nervous tension, mental stress, fatigue, energy of illness.

Yawn to your health!

Why does a person yawn? Each of us has personal experience with yawning. But few people understand what this process is, what function it performs in the body, and whether yawning is as safe as many people think.

Yawning is a reflex act of breathing, which consists of a deep, prolonged inhalation and a rather rapid exhalation. There are many explanations for what might cause this phenomenon.

No scientist can unequivocally answer the question: why does a person yawn? There is no exact evidence in science. The most complete review of existing hypotheses: choose the best one.

Reason for yawning. Version 1: oxygen

Although a lot of research has been devoted to studying the causes of yawning, scientists still cannot agree on what its main purpose is. For a long time it was believed that yawning occurs as a result of a low oxygen content in the blood: with the help of a deep breath, the body takes a breath of oxygen. However, scientists eventually refuted this theory: it turned out that if you give a yawning person more oxygen or ventilate a stuffy room, he will not stop yawning.

Reason for yawning. Version 2: brain cooling

According to another theory, a person yawns to cool the brain. Experiments conducted by American scientists showed that subjects who had a cold compress applied to their forehead yawned less often when watching videos of yawning people than subjects with or without a warm compress (about the contagiousness of yawning - a little lower). Those participants in the experiment who were asked to breathe only through their nose also yawned less often: with such breathing, cooler blood enters the brain than with mouth breathing.

Reason for yawning. Version 3: warm up

Another purpose of yawning is to stretch and relax tired or tight muscles. First of all, these are the muscles of the pharynx and tongue, but also the muscles of the whole body: that is why a person often stretches simultaneously with yawning. Such a warm-up for the muscles, combined with a cooling of the brain, helps to invigorate the body and bring it into a state of readiness for action. Therefore, yawning often occurs when people are nervous before some important event: students yawn before exams, skydivers before a jump, and artists before a performance. For the same reason, people yawn when they want to sleep or when they are bored: yawning helps invigorate a sleepy brain and numb muscles.

Who else?

Not only people yawn, but also other mammals, birds and even fish. For example, baboons yawn to show threat, while exposing their fangs. In addition, male baboons always yawn at the sound of thunder (scientists have not yet figured out why). Male fighting fish also yawn to demonstrate threat - they yawn when they see another fish or look in the mirror and are often accompanied by an aggressive attack. Other fish can also yawn, usually when the water is too hot or there is a lack of oxygen. Emperor and Adélie penguins yawn during their courtship ritual. And snakes yawn to straighten their jaws and straighten their trachea after swallowing large prey.

Reason for yawning. Version 4: Ear Help

It is also useful to yawn while flying on an airplane. This helps to get rid of the stuffy ear sensation that occurs during takeoff or landing due to the pressure difference on either side of the eardrum. Since the pharynx is connected to the middle ear cavity through special channels, yawning helps equalize the pressure in the ears.

Reason for yawning. Version 5: mirror neurons

Yawning is highly contagious. People begin to yawn not only when they see others yawning, but also when watching videos or photos of people yawning. Moreover, often it is enough for a person to read or think about yawning in order to start yawning himself. However, not everyone has the ability to mirror yawn: studies of children with autism have shown that, unlike healthy children, they do not become infected with yawning when watching videos of other people yawning. Also, children under the age of five, who are not yet able to empathize with others, are not prone to mirror yawning. What explains the relationship between susceptibility to infection by yawning and the capacity for empathy?

The contagiousness of yawning is based on the so-called mirror neurons. These neurons, located in the cerebral cortex of humans, other primates, and some birds, have a kind of empathy: they fire when a person observes the actions that someone else is doing. Mirror neurons determine the ability to imitate (for example, when learning new languages) and to empathize: thanks to them, we not only notice the emotional state of another person, but actually experience it ourselves. Mirror yawning is one example of such imitative behavior. According to scientists, imitative yawning arose in the evolution of primates to coordinate the actions of social groups. When one of the group members yawned at the sight of danger, his state was transmitted to everyone else, and the group came into a state of readiness for action.

four legged friends

Yawning can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from person to dog. So, scientists from Sweden and the UK have shown that dogs yawn at the sight of yawning people, and the tendency to such mirror behavior depends on the age of the dog: animals under seven months old are resistant to infection by yawning. At the same time, dogs are not deceived - if a person does not yawn for real, but simply opens his mouth, depicting a yawn, the dog will not yawn in response. Scientists have also shown that dogs become more relaxed and sleepy when they see a yawning person - that is, they copy not only human behavior, but also the physiological state that underlies it.

Reason for yawning. Version 6: a sign of closeness

In 2011, Italian scientists showed that the contagiousness of yawning serves as a measure of people's emotional closeness. In experiments, mirror yawning most often occurred among close relatives and friends of the yawner. Distant acquaintances were less likely to become infected by yawning, and very rarely did mirror behavior occur in people unfamiliar with the yawning person. At the same time, gender and nationality did not affect the tendency to yawn infection.

Reason for yawning. Version 7: a symptom of the disease

Long-term frequent yawning can be a sign of various diseases - for example, violations of the body's thermoregulation, sleep problems, high blood pressure, arterial thrombosis, or damage to the brain stem, where the respiratory center is located. In addition, too frequent yawning can occur with increased anxiety or depression - while there is an increased level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the blood. Therefore, if you are overcome by constant yawning, you should consult a doctor - check your heart, blood vessels and pressure. And for starters, you can try to get a good night's sleep and stop being nervous.

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Although a lot of research has been devoted to studying the causes of yawning, scientists still cannot agree on what its main purpose is. For a long time it was believed that yawning occurs as a result of a low oxygen content in the blood: with the help of a deep breath, the body takes a breath of oxygen. However, scientists eventually refuted this theory: it turned out that if you give a yawning person more oxygen or ventilate a stuffy room, he will not stop yawning.

Reason for yawning. Version 2: brain cooling

According to another theory, a person yawns to cool the brain. Experiments conducted by American scientists showed that subjects who had a cold compress applied to their forehead yawned less often when watching videos of yawning people than subjects with or without a warm compress (about the contagiousness of yawning - a little lower). Those participants in the experiment who were asked to breathe only through their nose also yawned less often: with such breathing, cooler blood enters the brain than with mouth breathing.

Reason for yawning. Version 3: warm up

Who else?

Not only people yawn, but also other mammals, birds and even fish. For example, baboons yawn to show threat, while exposing their fangs. In addition, male baboons always yawn at the sound of thunder (scientists have not yet figured out why). Male fighting fish also yawn to demonstrate threat - they yawn when they see another fish or look in the mirror and are often accompanied by an aggressive attack. Other fish can also yawn, usually when the water is too hot or there is a lack of oxygen. Emperor and Adélie penguins yawn during their courtship ritual. And snakes yawn to straighten their jaws and straighten their trachea after swallowing large prey.

Another purpose of yawning is to stretch and relax tired or tight muscles. First of all, these are the muscles of the pharynx and tongue, but also the muscles of the whole body: that is why a person often stretches simultaneously with yawning. Such a warm-up for the muscles, combined with a cooling of the brain, helps to invigorate the body and bring it into a state of readiness for action. Therefore, yawning often occurs when people are nervous before some important event: students yawn before exams, skydivers before a jump, and artists before a performance. For the same reason, people yawn when they want to sleep or when they are bored: yawning helps invigorate a sleepy brain and numb muscles.

Reason for yawning. Version 4: Ear Help

It is also useful to yawn while flying on an airplane. This helps to get rid of the stuffy ear sensation that occurs during takeoff or landing due to the pressure difference on either side of the eardrum. Since the pharynx is connected to the middle ear cavity through special channels, yawning helps equalize the pressure in the ears.

Reason for yawning. Version 5: mirror neurons

four legged friends

Yawning can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from person to dog. So, scientists from Sweden and the UK have shown that dogs yawn at the sight of yawning people, and the tendency to such mirror behavior depends on the age of the dog: animals under seven months old are resistant to infection by yawning. At the same time, dogs are not deceived - if a person does not yawn for real, but simply opens his mouth, depicting a yawn, the dog will not yawn in response. Scientists have also shown that dogs become more relaxed and sleepy when they see a yawning person - that is, they copy not only human behavior, but also the physiological state that underlies it.

Yawning is highly contagious. People begin to yawn not only when they see others yawning, but also when watching videos or photos of people yawning. Moreover, often it is enough for a person to read or think about yawning in order to start yawning himself. However, not everyone has the ability to mirror yawn: studies of children with autism have shown that, unlike healthy children, they do not become infected with yawning when watching videos of other people yawning. Also, children under the age of five, who are not yet able to empathize with others, are not prone to mirror yawning. What explains the relationship between susceptibility to infection by yawning and the capacity for empathy?

The contagiousness of yawning is based on the so-called mirror neurons. These neurons, located in the cerebral cortex of humans, other primates, and some birds, have a kind of empathy: they fire when a person observes the actions that someone else is doing. Mirror neurons determine the ability to imitate (for example, when learning new languages) and to empathize: thanks to them, we not only notice the emotional state of another person, but actually experience it ourselves. Mirror yawning is one example of such imitative behavior. According to scientists, imitative yawning arose in the evolution of primates to coordinate the actions of social groups. When one of the group members yawned at the sight of danger, his state was transmitted to everyone else, and the group came into a state of readiness for action.

Reason for yawning. Version 6: a sign of closeness

In 2011, Italian scientists showed that the contagiousness of yawning serves as a measure of people's emotional closeness. In experiments, mirror yawning most often occurred among close relatives and friends of the yawner. Distant acquaintances were less likely to become infected by yawning, and very rarely did mirror behavior occur in people unfamiliar with the yawning person. At the same time, gender and nationality did not affect the tendency to yawn infection.

Reason for yawning. Version 7: a symptom of the disease

Long-term frequent yawning can be a sign of various diseases - for example, violations of the body's thermoregulation, sleep problems, high blood pressure, arterial thrombosis, or damage to the brain stem, where the respiratory center is located. In addition, excessive yawning can occur with increased anxiety or depression - while there is an increased level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the blood. Therefore, if you are overcome by constant yawning, you should consult a doctor - check your heart, blood vessels and pressure. And for starters, you can try to get a good night's sleep and stop being nervous.

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